McCLU NG BROS. having just bought ONE HUNDRED LADIES' JACKETS and DOLMANS at less tl1an t h e cost of pr oduction will sell them for the next few weeks BELOW T HE REGULAR W HOLE SALE P R ICES to secure one of the CHEAPEST MANTLES EVER SHOWN IN TOWN GR II.ND T RUNK R AILWAY ~~'211=~~~~~~====~~~~======~="'""""'='"'=-=,.,...__===-=~~·~~~==~~~~-~~ ~ ~~====~ no v '\.NVILLE ~TATION Th is is a rare chance for every lady ?\I.I: c C L "U N'" G- JE3 B.. 0 S , Bo\vmanv1lle I.N D U IE DARLINGT~~c~::iCULTURl! L Mr OLES Al EA Renew Your Su~sc n~t1ons I --TO-- T"a acit~sa acusa = 0 === m THf STATESMAN. The Biggest Day oi the Yea1 15 Mons S<mb 10 Boys Smts and 5 0 \ ercoat:; Old fog) ism is pl 1.i d out 1'. oung Men are bound to succeed Call on the g1v 1 }d fits- r ll fit )JU e\et; t 1 e WH1s CHIEFS ~t0ck of CoL,, RS SHn~ are tl e best value m town Mann ng s ve J ~* cd ~ Q) tQ ..-t rn ,.q Q) J:T..i 00 H 13-i 'I-! rn ........ -.j...;) <D cd ~ I I I 0 ~ +;:> ~ 'H rn 0 c:3 +:> ..-t O" !:! C\3 :::l +:> cd +:> H s 0 Ill a;:! r:1 Q) "d Q.) w. p. l""I Q) <:.) q c-:5 ~ Q.) ~ 0 +:> tQ ,....; U] ~ ..., ~ w ri ~ m § ..c: C\5 = STILL &T THJ:.: }I.t;AD ZHO 40 19 8 H 13 - - $16 co I LLI.N OIS EIICRANTS onage )713m