(qe (anadian ,$tat~a~an ~ futL DI?'NER JAM B )WMAN\ ILLE Would Respectf1.1lly Inform the Public that their Stock ot IN Staple & Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, &c , & IS NOW COMPLETE Goods of the Best qualrty sold at temptmgly low prices r When we as mder part It !.{ ves U8 ward pa B t e shall st l be JO ed m heart And hope to moot aga1 But I must res rVP. for ano her letter s©me other 1ten s of 1 te est Customers treated courteous!} and warted on" 1th dispatch CLAP.KE AGRICULTURAL SO CIETY DIRECTOR~ ---- -lHos YLLLOWLKES -- Farm Produce Taken at Market Prices Goods Delnered Promptly to all parts of the To"n REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1881 JOHNS & JEWELIJ, the sane WE "elcome the St Jvl ns (Q e) Neu as an excl a.n 0 e It is a. large sheet-fo r pa~ea 1 re c l 1n ns to the page-and con tauus Vi ell wr tten ed to a.ls and a very large amount of local atJd a st ict new11 It 1s pr b·bly the best and most w de!) c roulafalld Jocl'll paper n th!i.t pro~1nce Mcclung Bros' Block ' Bo,.,.wmanvilJe. **=*=*='"=*='"=*==*-* D T~E~~~r:e:ous:m J ' *=*=*=*="'- *="'="'=** ' *=-*=*=="'==*==*=*==*-** **=*==*=*=*==*=· ==*=-* , A SUCCESSFUL YEAR I and I c 8 2o Pieces <f D undas and other SHIRTINGS bougnt at an a(hantage not n iw obtarnable as these goods ha1 e been ach ancmg smce NII? Balance of ·WINTER Goons will be sold at a sacrifice discount humbug but a genume Sacnfice Pnce t) clear C"CRTAIN .NETS and FIVE PER CENT flnST MORTGAGE La.ill G1 an1 Bonds t.-GEO.MASON. J. JEPFHH-Y~... - Crown Jewel Flour'.). I Gana~1an Pac1f1c Railway1 of se u IN l ~ I I AN excellent custom I re> a ls oa the Credit valley railway wh ch is worthy of 1m1tat on on all the l nes As soon as tie train leavP.s & station the brakesmen pass throt gh the Mrs g v ng tie name of the nc.x.t station in a clear tone of vo ce Those deet ned!for an) po nt alo·g I e I ne I ave therefore ti e y 'ot ce of tie approach of tho tram at Im deohnahon and can be ready to ·tep off the mement the Ira n !ti ope Bestde.s aa.v1ng t rr e the pla l re tluce' tl e chances of aea det ts to tl em n1 mum ~l9r&gage or Hee I or Trur.;f to fhe Trustey&-l VB,O A~E 0 Ii SMHHERS Esq ~ON JOHN HAMILTON SAMUEL THORNE Esq Offic al Memorandum of tie Pos1t10n and Pro·pects of I e Ra I~ ay of tl c Bot ds giving f 111 pa.r l READ' READ!! and be ast r shed at ti e Low --Prices ti at-- Boots&Shocs! Rubbers & Feltware, I The Biggest Day of the Yeat-lu Men,-, Sub hi BoJs Sm ts and > o, e1 coats Old f, gy1sm 1s p la3 eel < nt 1 oung Men are bound to succeed Call on the g1ve1 of go cl fits- T ur ks Tia\elhng Bags and I ahses --Ull BEING ~OLO AT~ WHe will fit y JU eve1 y far e CHIEF8 ~].. o Baggy C ~His Stock of COLLARS SHIRTS Trns G10vis and SILK are the best value m town liis Rtock rs all Aew I u AWKEB:- Fonc1er fmnco-Caqad'en, /Crua1t Ol\11:Bdl'UO JH"ii"'ll.f')rw I 'r \I It& A SI EHALTY 1'lJ. l! l emembe he p ace Smale s Boot an;! 1Shoo l!Jnponun next door to J B M&~.tl~ s ff.£ I