lhe News ma Nutshell. Nlva .i !!nutes Select Roa.ding Snmmnr;} of Forel:;::n, Domestic a nd Wnt itemn-tunc1sc Ptthv, nnd. Poiat~d GEORGE C. HAINES. t scenung cQn t rn1 l t \ t o osc parts of the phantaqmagoria v;h1cl we I I I I 111, s El! I l £l E l 11 7 VLHHT]AuTlRER OJi ICarriages,Sleighs,Cutters. Wagon~ , etc Has now on 1 and a m 11 l c1 u \ elucles (and i , manutactui 10 " a g1e11t i many mo1e) of tha ne'"'SL pattern, and be,t fln1'h which lam j C'ffe1 mg lo1 sa]A at tl " lowest price, consiste·it I due Hga1d t J woil mansmp and l[UahtKINt STHEJU BO\\M\NV!LLE II I II ~ !I j ~ 1I I J ch11ce torememher 1eucct Boots&Shoes ~~t!:~i~~~:. Carria~es Democi at \V agou HI IT L ( - - G o F'- - I lhe follow ng 1~ a. list of tl e prt c1pa l ' el h:leti n in tf:tct 11 ONTINU E~ WITH ORAN D RTJCC ESS A1 W. T. S-C-0-T-T-'S All Kinds EIEPHANT BOOl AND SHOE STOim Po,,essmg supe1101 facilities !or manufact.uung cau 1agc, I mtend !o ;;ell \ el) cheap for ca.~h 01 app1oved c1ed1t and by so domg I hope to gieatly mcrmt>e rny numbc1 of sales \Y ould sell t.h e " o id pa1 ts only or the geaungs of buggies n oned of Vehicles Repaired DE~JJ, f Al THE SHORTER ! NOIH'E PAINTED AND IRIMJ\iED 1F D A la1 go asso1 tmeut of ail kmds of Mens Womens Misses Felt and Leather Goods still to be sold at WHOLESALE PRICES ~ GENDINE 1'LL SOLID LEATHER Goons NO SHODDY N01ITINU l!UT Goon Goons THAT "n L WEAR of'e1ed at Scotts 01eat Clearm<Y Sale b @'"All kinds of Mens Wome11s Mb,es ttnd Children s wea 1 ]\fade to Orde b) Pm best v. orkmen m to" n 01 county WR paumg neatly and promptly done 1'1th despatch and the nrily MURDOCH BROS. R 0 C E RI E S I OJ Ji rn,,1 place tlrn celebrated cement- Ho 1dfaststickemqmek is used m to 1111 Resptctfully 1emmd ,he p1.bl1c that the' haH\ 1]\\,1)~ on h,wa TRD Nl'-S VALISES and SATCHELS also on hand to be , 0 ld at - ,, Super 101 ;:,tock of St ph "ntl F rnn Bottom Prices 0 ~=::----=~ -w-..,.,..,..,._=T=_8= 0--.,.,..,. ..,.,..,.._.T,_.,....T__ i G ' UNEQUALLED BARCAINS - l l '.l'- ' r \:;S l/UAI Ir ~ND Al - - The las~ow Honse! P.ATF~RSON Lowest L1v1ng Prices T TllOS. Ct"tlt~keD~11 ~ Ha s on han<l one of the la1gest and most comp1ete stocks of St~p1e ;t Goods JS GltlS s The) ,,,_,ti111!1!, eve1 offered to the inhabitants of Bowmanv11le, which he selling lower tnan ever seen rn this place an Extenon e and Excellent Assm tment of Goods He dor:: not deem necessaiJ to quote pnct R, but uivlte~ tlie public to cad and 1udge, assured that to examme 1s to purchase. He shall mamtam l11s long established superiority Ill all P roduce of e\ety <leso1p t10n taken at H1 0 ho"t Marl et Puces <lescllpt10ns of LINEN GOODS An unusually l~rge choicP of T'lblc Lmens Damaski. Napkins, Huckabucks Crash, Towclhngs, Doy hes 'etc, White FRUIT JARS IN GREAT VARIETY and Gt ey Slnrtrngs, P11lcm Cot ton Sheetrngs Striped and Checked ~hutrngs Cotton 'l nd 0 l\I<t1sedles ci1:1lts Counter pane s and Lace Cnrtams, 400 pieces choice p1mted Calicoes Ill all colommgs, cheape1 than eve1 shown rn this to wn An unmen~e stock of Clr;ths:, T \eeds and Su1Lnas madr to 01 de1 , and w11ranted to fit. "' Jute, Umo1 and All""\Vool Carpet,. under the mma I price ffa. re Small Wareo ::ind T11mn11ngs rn gteat Yanety Lh s :; ou u n.y do by call n,.,. at 11 e SAVE 25 PER CENT B 0 YIM AN V 11..2::_ E: GRANITE AND MARBLE WOFl\S Spring & Summer The Secret- of-Health- -- 13 TO·--- GOODS,, the Feet Comfortable. f o do tluo p1opetly JO to the Boot and Shoe estahl1slnu ent of c r~u coeii"or BOUNSALL, Granite & Marble W" k· to l\Ir 1\1 trele en) ___ , jPUF{EA?ROGS MICAL S r UNAl)lfJJRAJE:I !torn hrn 'eiy la1ge and vaned assortment oi Wmte1 B nts made of the Best Material by Cornp<>l m1t W 01 km en rna\e1 io wcll l,nown m A fin e assm trnent of Amen can Boots and Shoe' fo1 Ladies wear 1ty ha' mg been m the bu,mcss for newest and rno't fasln onable st} les such as ha' e ,.,1 \ en such nmve1sal twent} one y eais With good stock satisfaction to the ladie, m times past anrl good wo1 k manslap he feelssu1e Mens frost proof Felt Boo·s at a great 1eduction fwm last yea1 s prices that he can g1 ve satisfaction to all -the wai mest goods m the ma1ket Also a large assortment of se1v1ce Rubber Goods m great vauet) at, lo\\ est, prices ~REPAIRING itrongl} an<11 able boots of all lw d" REMEMBER Tho Best rn the Cheapest J\h Saunders stock has neatly done carefully is of the latest >t} le, of th e best mate1 ml-none been selected ~-A share bette1 rn the rna1ket ronage solicited Ordered 1 k a Specialty --Good I: its gna1 an teed (1 >6) H BUNNER 'l 1uni s and v ahsc" m gr eat \ anety at lowest, figm es You >nll sa\e money by callmg at Mr Srn·1dern store when anythrng PORT PERRY is 1 equued m the Boo t and Shoe lme l this' icm "< A ( liOl V t .A-.:~OK1 [}'NI U-1' PFRFUMERY TOOTH NAIL AND HHR BRUSB'i:S JUST RECETVED MARBLE WORKS! -. M lNUF ACTU llER \::'.>t]) DEALEI I:1 SJB[A.~, I MAGNETISM & HEALTH! " T:Ec::E --- o--Ple rne Observe 1h.1t T J. Nlason has ::M_A_GNETIGON~~ ---o--- MONUMENTS, T0MB ST 0NES, I <.Elv.JZOVED ) FROM lZo CHURCH SIWl<:ET. TO 74 Bellevue Avenue TO.Ft.ON"TC>, where fl(ldres:s all Commuu1~at10 I Magnetic Belts, Spine Bands, Lung Inv1gorators, Wr1stlets, Anklets, Soles, etc., etc., Al:\lJ 1HK BE~! o--- 1s in fllture - ELECTRIC BATTERIES! WHOLES AIE Hat. on Free \ND RRr\Tl Keeps constantly on hand .1 good stock nf GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &.c; &c. All kinds of farm produce taken m exchange
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
Questions or comments? Please contact the Library by calling 905-623-7322 ext. 2712 or by emailing info@clarington-library.on.ca.