Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1882, p. 3

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all goods are sold at actual cost without reserve L eading lines are Cloths, Tweeds, Clothing, Dress Goods Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Mantles, Hats, Caps & Furs A BIG RUSH EVERY DAY. TERMS·m·GA~H. Ai4K2 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY C~RTWRIGHT TOW1~ UOUNCIL YOUNC, CA KER& CO., an11ounce to the general publ c that there will always be found at their Sto e TOWN HALL BUILDINGS full stocks of Choice Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Fish and Cured Meats, Flour, Meal, etc , etc. SALES MEN WANT ED, to beg n wo k at once on - - -(o)- - - SALES FOR l1' ALL OF 1882 FOR T H E - PREStI ME!T B RANCH. W We shall cany on the BUTCHER Bi.;sINESS as extensively as heiet0fo e A va1 ed display of all krnds of FRESH MEATS Wlll be kept for sale at om st o e and om wago w 11 go ti eu rounds as usual N B-All pe1sons n lebted to tl e late ti m of Alhn & Cawker a re requested to call and ( ay thei accounts at once Bowmam Jle F ebr iary 17 1882 186 DISCOUNT I REDUCTION I SAGRIFICEI l as r emoved hie Bou.nsa.1 :! B ook- PADS THROlff R TDE NER'VE FUlt(JES AND TilE CJft(JIJ:LA.TI N OPERAT~ q w. ..p 0 ....... 0 ~ z 0 ~· ..t:I ..... <D .... .... .... ~.w1 1sALE ~I ~ 1~ A 02'I~ I '"d <D ..... <D tll p:j (J.) ClJ s b.O 0 H ro ::::! 0 <D q ~ !>i ....... ....... E-1 _, Pot H r-.. ,......, ,..., IJ) z c9 <D ...... .... 0 P-i ..... C,) 0 ~ Ul 00. b.O q CD Ci3 w. ..p 1=l q H Ci3 ~ ,...., --4 ....... ~ ~ ~ ~ >-, p_, 0 p.. .._, ::::! 0:2 ..t:I ..... 0 .._, .... ::::! 0 ..... I ;M ARCH 15. ~~~ ALL GOODS T O BE 611 'J.,/,. ilrn Ii ~ ~I 0 I~ I FROM NOW TILL 0 0 w. ........ MARRIED 0 <G z ~ ~ P=I <D .._, ro .._, A ..-< ..... tll ~ µ:: 0 <D ~ fro m S Mason & Sons Don t buy any othe1 without first "'m"""""""'""'"""",.,.,.===....,,.=,..,.,.""'=~=".,,.;,======-=..,,,"'""'--"'-""""'="""'""" seemg the stands an yall~d ~ ~ ~ ..... $:! 0 ~ 0 IS ~ 00 1 e ..... s ~ ca I ~I~ Ii ~I~ I~ r.::: 0 >-, ~ Cleaned Out! -(o)- m ~ !rqj ~~YJ Remember those Bar gams can be had only WANZER. 0 0 0 0 0 00 20 In 13 50 SPECIAL SALE! o n5 I t s the :J:.mHTESl and most NoISE 1 I F.Rll rnn:µ ng ;:i acl ne in the marn:et 1 Its weanng pa1 t.s aie all ofl:fiRn I ~ ENED STEEL made adjustable thus I secmrng DURABILITY WILL SELL TUE FOLLO\HN G It is NIOKLE PLATED I as very LARG E SPACE UI der the arm DOUBLE SrEET F1mn LARGE Dmv ING WHEEL AUTOMATIC WINDEU SELI THREAD -EA.'l!:'ING SrrnTTLE and a most complete and useful set of attachments and w 11 do eve y ange of work from Dress Goeds the finest mus! n to leathe1 ~ un I Clo hs Call on the Age!lt or send him Mantles Dolma · U ster C o hs your 11,dd1ess by Post Card when U ste rs Fancy Wool Goods N ce Ohr s mas Goods he w 11 take pleasme n showmg Clouds Hoods Squares S l k Handke ch efo and prov ng all and mole than is Breakfast Shawls S k S a fa and claimed abo;e Lad es T es n Gre~t Varte v Good V · e Y Hea K nds St}les Pnces and Terms \ Lacee- a Largo Stock Musi ns Wmdow Cu tans to smt all Old Machmes repa.ned 01 taken F II Stock Cloths & Tweeds Embru der es Ill part pay for new Ba ket Flannels Tr mm ngs 'Ihe subscriber IS also agent foi W COJs-Pl 0 1eo Mens UnderRh rts & Draw·ro tl e H ntzman P ano the Karn 0 gan an I seve al fi st clas" [n TERMS -Casi Don t fo get t "' 11 It w 11 l ay you su rance Cos Money to L an W McMURTRY-WEST END HOUSE R B THOR i.'llTOl~ , ~M U RTRY (:: D--R--Y G -0--0--D--B-:) GREAT REDUCTIONS Orono miv Res1 !ence nea1 Post Office Orono Dec 15 1881 DRY = TH£ BEST FIELD G~O ODS! - -o - - Fall and Winter Goods IN B 'S! !!=EXCELLENT V ALUE · LO Something New at T'.IB:EJ I YE LLOW LEES & GO, Real tstate &Gomm1ss1on Agents. 1 ' I Hav mg a ti o ough knowledge of I I the real state and g-eneral busmess Wmmpeg and the North West ;:o;:e t:: sa ill] fil Yr fil ;!\ ffi ID '~ :a:si;~::1etso ~:~d1:: s~l 1 les rous ofbecommg holders of Real TliRMS EASY JEW EL E R /Estate l EMPLOYM ENT AGENCY. St atio o l or t 1 ot1ce A ply to Or to Hel1 procured at YELLOWLFES & Co W nn peg Man IHOS YELLO \ ILEES Bowmanv11le a 1d other

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