· l\~a J inarg1cr1 es tI1n1vd1t GEORGE C. HAINES, MANUF 10 rURER OF "' ? ) sati ttes rue as luet ous Carriages, Sl eighs, Cutters, Wagon~, etc., I I.ING STREET BO\\llfANYtLLE Repaired A [ THE <;HORTEST NOTiCE PUNTED \ND rr Dn'J n IF DESIRED sho1 t"s HG Respectfull) remmd the public that they haH ,tlwa3s on hand -,\ Supei 10r Stock of Stap1e irnl I anq - - Salt. - ...... Plt1ste1e. - ----~--~-- GROCERIES I LowesOFtlIRST A~D L1v1ng Prices T <:JASS QUAit'IY Al - Crown Jewel Flour'. IN F ASIIION NOTES f:::late blue appears among new colo1s New neck lingerie IB ve1y elaborate olu1n1nous I oi fs in the backs of lresses gro er and l ss LouJI: 1 t The Undersigned have n1.ade arrangements to procure Bag Sa 1t C1·ocl~eJ·11 ~ direct from Liverpool ; God er i ch Gl11sst1J11re Salt in Bulk or Barrel; Cayuga White Plaster in Bag or Bulk; Oswego Gray Plaster in Stock , Crown They oftm an Extensive and Excellent A,,,,01 tment of Goods that Cannot Be .Surpassed m Quality 01 V tluc Jewel Flour by the Barrel, al Nays ' on hand We are Sole Agents for Cayuga White Plaster and Crown FAR~·m Jewel Flour Dry, well screened Produce of e'iery dcscnpt10n taken at Highe,,t Ma1"et Puces Coal for winter 11se, always in stock. Sash, Door, Blinds, etc. FRUIT JARS IN GREAT VARIETY Wood and Lumber tak:en in exchange for Plaster or Salt. Cash {JJ!- Gne our SUPERIOR 1EAs a trial MURDOCH BROS, paid for any quantity of \Vood and Krng St , B owmannlle Lumber McCLELLAN C$z; CO., SA ~~ou:~d~~a~ng~t:~T I Ml~1~rcec~~!,~~~G~ s H Bowmanville. GRANITE De ember 2' !JSSI --(178) AND MARBLE WORKS Spring & Summer BOWMANVILLE I UNEQUALLED-BARGAINS -Jt.T- OVER 28 MON u ME NTS 1 Imanv1lle INCLUDI""G _ Scnteh and Canad an Red and Gu~y Gra1ntes Ita an and ..A._1ne1'lcan White und b ancy Mai tle Mo1 uments Slal work 01 Headst.ones in Great "a.r ety and Exceedingly cheap bily stock "'as ne'er so complete as at \ - present ------""----- and--H1v1tes GOODS, the Ladws oi HO\ I f B Q N N ETS, HATS ii and v1c1111tv to c 1t' and see her Patte1 n ' :!!'Oft. 1 RHEUfdATISra~ THOS. PAT:F~RSON <ll Te make tl budding mn th1'! E all I intend to sell a.t ver wa~ for e REDUCED Neuralgia, Scwt1ca, Lum6ago, Backache, Sareoess of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sare Throat, Sr.ell· 1 1gs arid Spra ns, Burns and Sca"'s, Ge"<m1/ Bodily Pains, Too'h Ear and lfearfache, Frc·ted Feat and Ears, a!'id all other d mo"t comp1ete stocl,s o st~p1e z~ · oods ~ Pams !I"ri Aches S TARTLINC-DISCOVERY! ever offered to the rn hab1tan t· of l owm rn v1 le, \\ luch lie 1 ~ sellmg lower than eve1 see1 w this place He do " not deem 1t neccs·aIJ tJ quotP p11c s, but rn11tc~ f!,e public to call and judge, a·smed tlrnt to examrne 1s to purchase. He shall mamt<Llll his long established superwnty rn all <lescnpt10ns of LINEN GOODS An unusually large choice of T1ble Lrnens, Damas],s Napl'1n·, Huckabuc],s (rash, Ton elhng", Do} hes, etc, \Vh1te and Gre) Slnrtmg·, Pillow Cotton, Shf elm ~s, Striped and Checked tilurtrngs, Cotton Tuck<, l\larse11les Quilts, Counterpanes and Lace Cnrtams, 400 p1P.ces choice pnnted Calicoes in all colouirngs, cheape1 than ever sho" n rn this town 1\11 1mmeme stock of Cl1iths, rweeds and Smt ng~ to order, and wa1rante<l to fit. .Jute, Umon and All Wool Carpet:; under th.; usn,tl Small "'ares and Tn·nmrng· Ill gre:-it vanet} choose from Call and select ) our own }OU P ~f ANT LES & GR I\ ! ES I Remem:::II hll:\8 c~N::i:n~Nd l:.\8~:rtn ent to I R JC ES · "" sec 1at ~h overnents I~'i::B) <;J ~'CJ' JmK~ 'f~[ ~~ l'.S~~~ CJ ~ and assortn1cnt ot STOllll -Sccontll>oo;- ' Ve·t of \HUlom · Dutcher stun --------- ch bu)' C BOUNSALL, I 01--- DRUGS ~' !J \CHEMICALS A ~D UNADUL l }IlA1ED UAT1'J,f A UHOICE ASSORTMENT OF PERF1:1\iIERY TOOTH NAIL AND HAIR BRUsWl.'S cc T :HE FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND- COLOR. \\heie add<ts~ ill (om n11111<:1t101, lJJ ft tun Magnetic Belts, S_p1ne Bands, Lung Inv1gorators, Wrist lets, Anklets, ELECTRIC BATTERIES Keeps co1 ~ t,rnth on h rnd 1 g( 'i l stui.:l pf unsurpassed in its excellence Prepared by Or. J, C. Ayer & Co., l7raetical and A nalytical Cl1cnustJ All krnas of fa1m produce taken m exchani;e Lowen, Man. ~o·n-" r ~ ~ .1.u. 1.mvq;1·r~ miwwm~·