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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1882, p. 2

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'<.7~7Jt-3:E FtE ,/ II is propost::d to endow a chair in the Victoria Unn e11uty to ths.Jate Dr Ryer- I H aircutling, Snaving, &c, i~ JOHNS&J Would Respectfully Inform the Public that their Stock of done in Fi.rst Class Style - -loi-- oon D. I K . RINE ia now a raving man1ao, a.nd 1s n1ana.cled in a p~dd e d tt;oro tu Wayno County Aaylnrn. Cor, liRAVELEY ef Ccbourg, I· spoken of by the Mnnst<n1a.l organs EU! likely to 1Je caUed to one of tho senotor1al Va.can· S. MASON & SON'S lY.[alllnioth Stock - O F SPRING- W. E. PETHICK 1 · tho best in the world for 1 emo-vina; ~icnol's'if;ht~l~rr Soap Staple & ~a~cy Groceries, o o ' ' DRY IS :W eru '.7tllurrtumnttt!£f. - c1es. _ Ma. G1W RG1' A Cux, Pres1de11t of the Midland n.ulway Co., ha· been appointed llfanagrni: Dnector of the Dousoltdated Railway coons trnw COMPLETE. -(o) - - WCalJ n,nd see 'l'KBT!MONIALS. Prov1s1ons Crockery, Glassware, &c. &c. IS NOW COMPLETE. DlSSS COOtlS. We aro showing a complete/ range of Black & Colored Goods of the Best quality sold at temptingly low vrice8. Customers treated courteously and waited or_ with dispatch. \Farm Pro d.uce Taken at M arket P rices. Goods Delivered Promptly to all parts of t '.h' To·.;·n. Jes that th eie ar~ no 1nore for thllt purµoee, so that that h !..~ e Sec ired guu1ta CASHMERES, for winch our reputatrnn now stands so high,& intending pm chase1 s will find them unsv.11passecl the1r fort n ntrn SHERMAN, the celebrated Ia,ryor} c<Jl cu late~ Under pr@teotton men hke Gould. a11cl ,\Tanderbilt pay a tax equal Fm· Color, Texture and /linish, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SATINS, BLACK BROCADED SILK, BROCADED SATIN, l'ERSIAN OORDS, DE BAIZES, Blaok at>d Colored LUSTRES, All Wool Serge· m Suwmer Shades, Nun's Cloth m Black & Col<>red, Brocades, Ohacks, Stripe·, Pl.ids --:Newest Patter!\· & Shade· to about 2 p·er cent of their lllCQme 'fbe verage bus1uess man pays 20, and the lab·ung man payo 80. IE tho N. P - 1s really a good tl111tg for tho people of Canada, why do so many of those hvfnK on thiil ,border engage in ·mugglmg 1 It is strange that people t5pend their dnys 1n preaciung Prtitechon, and their rnghts m ptachsmg Free Trade. --~-- Clothir1g and Gents' F urnish ings. ---(o) ~See , our New Worsted goods Tm. Poi·t-Hopo N·ws ~!lice has received aa (Jtto silont gas engme, whtoh will be used for running the preases 111 that office. Uaa 11 a good thing ni newspaper o:ffi.cea, - - (o ) Addre.. and we have no doubt oi its bemg used to great advantoge by the entorprl8lng editor of the New·. PEOPLE FULL RANGE IN ·nd th~ a hard experience. Nearly_ every emigrant train has been delayed by severe 1t0rma while paas1ng though l\I1une;:,uta and Dakota Terrible blizzards have 1orevailed m the West d·mng lhe laat fo1 tntghb who started early for Manitoba North-West thts spt mg have had -----~- LACE CURTAINS, IXCLL"DIN<l THE ROBERT McCREA, 0 AR. RI A GE TR. l MM E R., ""-'='=",,,,.,,...~~""'=~~ Im I , BOWMAN Vil LE. Duplex, Stnpe, Fern Pattern, Lambrequins, Cmtain Lace, etc Prints 1 he~vy range in new pattern~ , good fast oqlora. --\0)-- ~- --=---= -- - (o)"- - - - · DRY GOODS& CLOTHING ' ]1aV8 IS NOW COMPLETE, o u R sT q~1~ oF d SpRJ'.'8 .{:!I:'. Hats, Caps & Str a w Goods. T · lVew English Felts. Aew American Jielts. New Canudi(l1i Felts Gmuuilian anrl Amencati Cups. '--(?) ' NEWEHT STYLES - - -(ol- G0 1D i :1:. sETs -- · , ,d 1 STRAW GOODS -Those 'beautiful Foney Mixtures Fanov DalHl and Brndmge. We 110 p rOVl e White Canton Straws, Plam and Faucy Dando. Children'; Straw Gooa·, Sw m ,.., .(} Ha1ve~t Hats, and Straw Stack Harvest Hal· a first-class ~tock .iOl~ our Customers, ALL NEW GOODS. PRICES LOW I an~. we i:nt~ud '.o O, m ak e th~ P RICES so "'Af:,o~etherT the F£nest.1ssor tment ever cffertd m the crade. 'LO w that 1t \.l"l 11 l be easy to decide who GE:NiS FU:ll.NTSHINGS -rhe finest and be·! ··sorted sto1 k of W"1 to :Fr ench 1 v ~ ~;.unbr1cs and Oxford Sh1rtB, Collar~, Cuffs, 'fies, Uudeiulothlng tu <'Vooi, l\1eri no and. sells the cheapest ·Dry Goods an d Clot h- Cottou), Braces, Hosery, Urnln el!as, 01] Cloth Coa ts, otc ' eto / 1 J t t·a 8u.01° r - .L.. ' 1 ,, ALL THE LEADING LINE13 CROMPTOlfS :/r!AJiE, CORALINE, FLEX IBLE, PERFECT, SP~ON - BUSK, &o ing B owmanv1lle. . Call and inspect goods and prices l!iefore purchasing e l!H:H'i h." re. N. B -Ht~hest Cash Prtce paid for all kinds of Ra'V Furn LAD I ES' HOSE, BAL BRIG ANS, MJ.;RINQS OASHMEEES, WHlrE, CARDINAL, 13KY, CREAi}I, STRIPE and FANCY. N. B .-'\Ve give the u tmost a ttention to th e Tailoring and Clothing Depa~·tn1ents. W e offer j All :Wool 1rweed Suits to Order from $12.50 up. Boys and Youths R eady Made Suits a specialty. We take Grocer s' Du e Bills same as Cash. I llisoti ~ CJo43 /fiii JDJ 3m - A T- ----(cJ - - KID G-L. OVES, I BLAOK and SILK TAFFETA, LlSLE '.j.'HREAD I Being ui:able to satrnfact?ril} dispose o:[' his "L ock h"l <', vnd" being successtul m secmrng a smtable place of busmess rn Bw,· ,don, he will remam for a tm1e an d give the p1.1bhc the benefit of low ni,ces I 1 CQJ,~:.- FR a ~,'I r! ~ 11 ~ ;. · of He has just ieceived a very large and choice Sp11n , c'c , f '3)ots Shoes, _Ti unks and Valises, ft om tb:e most iehable m~r~~1 faceu~er;, 1~ th~ Domtuion, iyhich has been pmchased ve1y low fo1 UASH a11d wi ll be sold a t a 'ery shght advance on cost fo£ fJA SR ONLY Si ' IN GREA~N~A~~i~:.LOVES 1 --(o)-- ~ Ladz"es'' and Children'; Fz"ne Goods - 1 !4T~PHBN COTTON, E SQ , EitPI~GHAM FAR1't'i SER EN ADED BY 'IHl!: BA!iDS AND A IJO:MPAN¥ OF CI'.IlZENS DN HIS RETURN FROM ()Lt) F.NGLAND. all Shad es, ]\fakes & Pdces. Sash Ribbon in Watered, PJaid and Shii,ded --(o)-~Full As many Q f our readirnt-.lmow Stephen Cotton, Ei:ig, the ~e1ual ptoprietor of " Erp1nghc1n1 Dairy Farm" in this: t own, 1p~ut n1ost of the winter Ill England v1~1t acqt1a1ntances. \Ve from him that Ins vunt range rn Steam Looms and Factory Cottons. We have Steam Looms over a yard wide for 10 oents per yard .Also Factory Cotton f10m 'l cents upward~ - - ( o ) -- y~.~.~~~~~~d~~~'.Y~,~~~~~~~~~ fri ends and patrons with th~ chmcest 1 ' w SPECIAL SALE --00--- - --- GRO C E Rl~E S , Cnrtau:s, Sheeting, Ta11~ Linen, Damaeks, Napkins, -Towelling.- -(o) - - PROV ISIONS AND IUE ATS - A.T--- GREAT REDUCTI ONS Dress Ge0ds1 Ma.ntles, DoltnansUleters, }i"ancy Wool GoodsCfouds, HoodE!, Square.e:J i · LVIautle Oloths, Ulster Clo lJ:,:. Nice Chr1stru as Ge-oJ§"_,, AUCTION SALE - O F -- VELVE'l'S, in Black. -and Colors, I Lace, Em bro:der ies,l<'ulhngs, h'rmge, Mantle Ornaments, &c &c, -a great variety :Ere~kfaat Shawls, S1 Jk ! i an dkerchh;; f!:l J S1lk Sc~r fs ., n . . Good 'Tn.nety Heavy Shawls : Lad1ei;;' T1ea 1 11 Grf'l-'. t y nriety La.-;ea- a L~rge Stock, r )'Iusl1ns , 1\T1ndo\V C'":ll l:>l tl.E11 Embro1der1e.s, VAlUA~l~ FARM PROP[Rl~, In th0 T ownslup of Cla.rke, i i 1tr1n1mlllgt&, S oall 'Vare, W1nceys--Pla1n and Chec k I I F·1ll Stl c1 1.. Cloths & 11"el'. d \. . Blankets, Flannefa., ~[ens' Ua Lle rshirts ,;t J1 l\WP.r.e. Durh am, thei e 1v1IJ be 1>1old1 on tlie Cow.nt:v of Don t fo1get to call - (o) - -- TUESDAY,APRIL 25, 1882, at one ocluc:k in fhsH,fternooa , ar J{A_LI,,ETT'S HO I EL, in tl..e It w1iJ 1,ay yon W. McMURTRY- WEST ENii .B OUSE. VILLAGE of ORONO, by , Irtue of Powcre @f Salo contain eel in certain 11ortga!ijofJ 'vhlch will be prodnt.ed at the Sale, thi:i following Prope1 tie5 TAILORING. depar t.ment. is now com· plete and contams the cho1cegt pat.· terns in Scotch and Canadian ~rhrn I · · Brittai TV\! EEDS, WORSTEDS, TROWSERINGS, VEST PATTERNS, and is under the su pen-is ion havmg bough.tout LYLE BR OS' GROCEUY BU'31NESS (Bounsall's Block) beg to call Farmei s' attent10n to this fact \~re shall now be able to supply all with 1'._heap and choice quality nf Groceries & Provisions. We shall also be able to take all kinds of F ar m Produce, rMn· ely _ Buttm , Eggs, P01k, Laid, Poultry, etc., etc. , Lyle Bros will continue thei1 office he1 e and buy eve1y desc. 1pfaon of Grams, Seods, etc., etc. --Do not fail to give us a call befors dispo' mg of you r produe» We will pay pa"t cash for Butte1, ~ggs , etc Lyle Bros w ,]] pay c ,.Jh fo 1 First Class Cutter. All Ga1ments WaHauted to fit. QUANTITY LYLE BROS. , Bowmanville, March 9, 1882, CRAi~J~ 0 () ., Vt/. BRITTAIN & Grocei:-s, (189J Grain M:e,rchants. Bounsall's New Block Kmg s~. -~.....;--~~~~~~~~-~-~~---~~,___..~---~~~~~....--~~~-'~~~~~~i.....~--~~~~~~~~'~--"~~~~~~.;...~~~..;;...,._~~~~~~~--~_:..~~.....~-~--'~=-""'.....-..: --< ~~ ~-_____...___

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