I,.- r w n n ~~~~~~~.,,;;~,;;;.;~:,:;~~;;.~~~~~:;;:~~:za=:=::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::?::SU---TF-:=:::s: - - -. ---~~~~.:.~~~~~~,.,.,::::.... ~~:::e::::::~:-~-~-~-~-:-~i::::=:::=::~-~ --~~-:"-~::-~~~ the annual the drug More to Fnllnw.-The popular ~!1Kendall's Spavin St.Jacob's ~ · (qe ¢ana.dia:n,$ta.teaman Bank, to b e ha Ict ou 31s t May, a · I Ha' ~=======mLD ~ ¥2EL2L-~1 I I . OS Mcclung ..Br ... .\1· lUt.1t.11ilng of Che ~~~ have just opened out One Hundred Pairs _ of :r,JAGNIFIECNT Domtnlon ·re:so · l ace o t ,j ur auns !ii}i: . .., v..~:.' "': · · which they have bought below the cost of importation, and will retail them lower than regular wholesale prices. This afford(S housekeepers a rare chance to secure a handsome set of curtains at a very moderajte cost. ! ......... 150WMANVILLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 14. ,-..--~ -...,-..._~ lution will be proposed by the Directors fur"" increase of the capital stock by the bank. _ _ _ __ _ oiedtoines are eold at tbe reliable Bl?re :foll01\'ing J)r Can~on ·a lilLteJs, Burdoch Ill'"Od B1ttere, Bitters C1.1r111, 11 Oll,Binge's Cough Syrup, &o. J . H IGGINBOTBJ.M, 011 I WE s rr1 c 0 TT JOHNS &JEWELL : ' -" TWrty DnJ'·' Trtal TH< emigrant. to the North·Weat who left here Inst week we1e n t less fortunate The politi.cal signa of tbA times point than those who went the w"'ek pr vions. A . . with little doubt ·. to a general Dominion deapateh from Breckenridge, M1nae.sote., election in thl'l very nenr future. It is dated April 10 L h, says that 500 Canadiao Tery important, therdore, that the elec· passenf.(·TS are stuck here, the railroad· · f eor 0 f 8 toral jury who are tu render th eir verdict being wa·hed away. There ·· THE GENERAL ELECTION. I I ~~~'·c!~:~l~t~ ~~ior~~!.',;.:'~~e;;1;!ra'J'3~irnfi~~~'. Also for Rht~nmahs""!· ~i~~0;,~r,~~~~cd:m1c~a'~~t1W°N~'r",!'o.:'sngegJ~:; 1'eura1Jila, Paralysu1 . L;ver a11d Kidney and many other disea~es.d1fficnlt·e·, IllustratedRuptures, pamphlet sent free . .Address Voltaic Belt Co. ~Iarshall :P..Iich. J v%t~i~ /l.1t'~n~n.P~ib~l'1:~ 0~:;!1~b~;~~.~~~~1 ~~ 1 . 1 I_ J S. MASON & SON'S - O F SPRING- 'J IRON HA RHO ·WiS I wishes return thanks to his many custumers for favors and begs to say that he bas a large numbo r of 1 to pa..~t · " M alllffiQth StQCk · now ready for use, which he offers for sale at very · Staple Would Respectfully In~orm the Publi' 0 J.' that their Stock of & Fancy G:rocer1"es, ·1 I . d. conduct of th· ··e who are to b e trie :!1:~: t~:~s t~:o~~~d~·c:· h:~:~~~ :~·~~~ Tp~:e;:::~yt f~:;cy::~:!,a :~:heou~~:h:~ al\d ;l~::do::~,:·;;n~::;~,,,~:: o:;:.~ w~oe~~ RUEBOl'TOM HOUSE, resulted in Hanlan again l>eing victor- A 'l'HORO'-BREP PURHAM BULL term would carry them on until October, OALF-2monthsold-torsale. BOWMANVILLE, famine in the town. ,<t TH~ race for the championship of the ~-·--~w.v:t:°';n·f~'ll'wooo~VV'· PORT.R ~ 'lT PAINTE· R, Bowmanv ille, """rtu -"~ ~'\rncrfomncnts. '"' D RV c 00D s0 ULA·, .. IS NO"' COMPLETE. Yf low prices for C11.11h. PrOViSiOllS, ,umbver ofAONE andTTwo . · .' 0 8I HoRISRE f Crockery, Glassware, &c. &c· IS NOW COMPLETE. Goods of the Best quality sold at temptingly low priceE'. 1883, th~ im11r·s·ion is gaining force every 1 11 . £500 a oide, and""" easily won "Y Han " · "'ELL-l'RED ~UFFOLK p I Gs Jumr that the sin· ·nd wrongs of th.ir " ' He wasp1·ese1.ltcdwitha.goldwatchaft1::r I fnrl"itle-frem5to6 monthsold. 11. reign are gathering so rapidly and ominons- tlio race 1··a· < ·"e r. He wi"ll I' JW Ticket ton MUNDY. nowmanville. Jy that th"y dare 11< t bide t h nr time. e I Th or about " the first , of May. TEACHER WANTl!;D- hIMEDIArELY . . 1 1 distant rumb ing of an a.ppr«aacl ing storm i11us by funr ]engths. The race was fur 111,Mu1rnv, naass coons - - - (o)--range of Black & Colored · can ho hea1d in the No<th.Wesl, The disallow&nce hy the D on.n1i· n Govo1nment of a line!<{ railway. independent of the Syn.Oicitte Railway. has. rouRed th e per)pl f' · d"l Kll ll t" ·'th e l'a"I" aae to more t h an 111 1on, anu n of re&o1ntions "ond.. ronillg the Gnvernrnent ~ at. Portage la Prairie iB an indic'\.tion of the rising storn1. Thc:i Gov1:1rnment know, too, that the people of ouruew weatern territory are feeliug rn"re and more every day the heartless bond,ge into which they have been BO!d for twenty yearo by the uufortn· · k d nate bargain, wiuht we not say, w1c e b · ·h b d' t N ws come· llr~a1B11,_ 1"'" tf .thS"/" 1caeec.t of genod crnp.s ron1 rL a.1n t> e pr11sp . -. · h r d pr"i ces to the th ere an d 1 f 150, d tru1n1s ~[ ~n f ... rn1er n1us t ba th e rosu 't . Th e C a.nan farmers know tha t. bad crops in Eog:land me11.u gAod prices,f( r Can~dian gr~ia, ar d , · h d µrices · ~Q(,d crops there n)ean d lll'llDlS e for 0111" fa.nn .. rs. But hfls n~t our Govern- A WINNIPEGcorrespondentwrit.: "All · 'ho st·b les are filled, SJ>d there ·· no monuy in hmses here. Only tho·e men who are wor1h from $15,000 ti $20,000 · Iiorse fl cil Il . A PP I ce are prc~eud to d eaI tu wo rth ton cehts i er pound ;ind pot'f.toes ' $2 a bush HI , 11 It is loo early in thil sea.sou ·r . t f . yet for horae sales. he wtntcr c11mn. e c· the North-West io very ee 1ere on Ontario ·nimals . I 8ohon1. Hnwm·nville.. Apply lo JAME~ MoFEETER~. s~c'y School Hoa.nl, Bowu1anv11lc. Ap<I! 12, 1882. Iil3·tf, \J.Tl:lfl'EWA8HING--Theund"rsi·ned 'f begstosuytothepeopleofBowmal]:vple _ with Third -Class Certiflca.1e - for '1\"ard We are showing a complete I ...,,,.,.. s a ! - -·. -. , · ·. T . AND- orner I l r now rea.c y , 0 r use. ...,,,,. "' '11 d OVYe ll t OCall an d exarn1ne th .· l t ~ .I'.'ar1ners,v1 C~e1mpemens. B d K' St ts ' 189 4 rown an rng ree . -= -·,-W l r· F arm p r 0 d 1u c e Custom"'I'S treated COUI'teot1sly and wa1"t ed " · "tl I Oil WI dispat Ch · 1hu.t ho is vrcpnred tooou.11 kinds of VVbitewnshing. Coloring, ca.Jcimining, eti> .. at 1he Lowest Rn.fcs and in a satif;fa.otory manner. Orders left at J. HIGGINBOTHA)J: B Prng btore, or at my Residence. Pro;;;pect 9treet, will reor.t,ve prompt altention. E . TAYLOR., Bow1nanville, April 13, 1882. t9:l-3w. c As HMER ES, for which our reputation now , d' stands so high 1& 1nten .1ng purchasers will find them imsurpassed. Taken at Market Prices. Goods Delivered Promptly to all parts of the Town. JOHNS & JEWEL~L, .. l~eathea·s f LARGE QUANTlTY OF GEEo A OORRESPONDENT of the Detroit Free Feathers wanted at once by the UPPER Fress, wtiting from Otrawa, sur,1s up the CANADA FURNITURE f.loMPANY, Rowmanville , . , . for" hich good p.riei::s will be p1:tid. 100, respective poh t 1cal leaders. Sir J .. hn is told .. rr in a word. He a.nd the Tury party Cltut·ch or tile Disciple;i. . . terms, his rule b1:31ng 1are C()[1vertible . l\!orning Service .... .. . .... . . . ... . .· ·.· ·. .. .. 10:30. E \·ening Service . .....·....·..... · . .· .·· ·. ... . 6:30. Sl>preme and his nod being law. . . Mr. SUXDA Y, APRIL 16th . . Blako fa earnest, toilinJ, c~1·scit·U'10~1 !!, Sern1ons by E. Sheppard. aud his sound co1n1non sense and h1gl1 SubjecL for eveniug- :-" 'Vithout Excuse/' Seatf:j free. E\~crro'no ·vclcoruc. mental aud moi:,1lqualiti£:Eic:ianot b _e ove1 .. estimated. _ _ _ __ A LIBER.\.L Editor having jocularly re n1arked tha.t tlle N ational Policy was respousible for the pa.st 1nild winter, there having beea ll'J eonow for eleighing, was wittrnl(ly replied to oy a Tory brother who B.f.id the number of manufacturing eiitab. lish1neuts have n1ult1plied so 1nuch that the heat from the furn01.cts and tall chin1neys bad n1tlred the snow. The logic is about as il··Ulld 1n one case as in the oth~i· ~ -- -~··-'----·---- A -~ 'V :uited. "'E 1 McClung Bros' Block, Bowmanville. No. l, COMMON SENSE TOPR, · No,~. OLD S·rYLE, 11.,vur Bow '1'v.v, .,,,. · h. For Color, 4 Texture an d L' inis 1 BLACK SILKS, BLACK SATINS, BLACK BROCADED SILK, BROCADED SA.TIN, l'ERSJAN CORDS, DE BAIZES, with Lever attached for R~stn~ n.~d LQwer(ng- 'fop. TaE ECl.lPSE HOUSE Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. ---(o)--- - --Noficeto Debtors.-- · I Block a1! d Colored LUST~ES 1 ~See our New Worsted Fancy Suitings in all colorf·- bP,autiful._ · N o , 3, 0.LD ;:;'r~ ... .11:, m~nt the power to fix the price of grain ? All Wool Sergea in Snmmer Shade·, Nnn's Cloth m Black & Colered, Brocades Checks 1 Stripe·, Pl~ids ' · --Newe~t Pa.tterl;lB & Sha.de1. --(o)-- 3 Bow Top, turned down. Ha\"e we ~ot been t11ld tin1e and agaiui even bv the pions Sir <r Saint. Leonard, that the N. P. bas 1ncreaPed the price of groiu 1 H ·ve nc·t the Government and the whr>le T .. rv prl-'SS tc ,ld us when Ene )and'" crop f 1iled last Yt>1Ar and our prices in cnn1v·qnenca we·,t up, t hat it wa.s the N. P. whlch gave increased pricl"s 1 But 1honlcl Enl!land's prospt-icts be realized. down "1111 como prices, and the hypncr·sy of the N. P. pr.·le11·ions will be exposed clearly to the few wt.o have still a lingering belief' in its mag:io. The Governn1Pnt knows these da.ngP-rs are J,1oming up 8Dd 8MUming evpn now formidabl e proportions, and a Y"" hence they fear to face them : and. hence the prob·hility; ;,,1most the certainty, ~fan early appeal tn the country. We propnl!le issuing supplements to the fiT.lTEMAY, for the purpoee of @etting betort-' the pnblic the deeds of th" wen nuw it· power. and thus enahling the electors of Weot Durh·m an<! others to form a juclgmet't and take action on polling da.y fo· the countt'J 'e good, 'Vith the preGen~ iesne of the STATESMAN "'" send the first supplement, and wa ask for it a Citr< ful and nn~ prejudiced perue:i.1, Every elector in West Durham wi11 receive a copy. & that accounts 22nd w1ll be placed in the hands of l\1r. J. K. Gttlhraltb . In the mPa.nhme "eltlemel'.lt may be ma.do at YouNG,CA WK.KR & Co's. grocerv 1:1ror6. ALLTN & CA WKF.R. Bowmanville, April 6, 1882. J92:td. INDEBTED TO THE P ERSONS lure firm of ALLIN CAWKER arehereby notified all unsettled by Apr-ti ROBERT MCCR ,. " goods. WOur Scotch Suitings are the Nobbiest in the tmdc. CARRIAGE TRIMMER, t. A, WOur SHIRTS, Trns, SCARFS, and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS are the, Newest and Most Stylish Goods in Town. @"'We call particular attention to our Stylish Fitting Suits. t 'or Salt' or Rent. now occ11pi~d by t he Vl'idow of the ~ate j Robert Low , Hitnate o.t !he head of High Street. I in the Town o! Bowmanville, oont'1.inlnir a.bout I2i ac1eR ot first-olass l11nd, on which th~ro is a large substantial brfrk house, with sta.blo. burn, nrclle.rd, ~c., &e. Possession on or before the rrH A.T VALUABLE PltOPERTY CLA!IKE COUNCIL. R egu la< me .. ting A~r:J 4. Present R.' Col .,,·11", " .. R.t-e1·e ·, J . R Reid, 2 .. d Deputy, and J .. hn Rerrnick ;.11·1 Thou.a. Siai.tun, cuoucil101s. Miuule;; rfl1jtplic11former meeting read a.ntl n.dopted . 'f h1· · ion «f J. Jacobs in reference to ·Hl«-line l ·n 71h con. deferred till next u.eetin.· . On mot on of Mr. Reid, secon1ed by ~Ir. S~anl·% th " appl ication of Th · s. Mu'liJ.1;an to change rotid b@,\t~ No. 36~ and 45 ·a'1 ~ uratitod ·, aleo that road beat. 86 exr.eucl 10 th e rear of the 5·h """c"ssiun betwee1J lots N<·, 12 ai!d 13, in pl.ice of tlti~ cen1ro of Mid conues.ion, ahd that roa.. heat Nu. 45 tX'eud t ·· the front of 1he 4t /. lsr or turthor Aprll ue,.t. ]'or particularB ·P.Plf. to ~I::lnER, Executor. Bownu1.nvi1lc. Feb. 2 D. 1882. 18'. Begs to notify t'he puhlio ff Bowmanville find surrounding country that he0 ia now FULL RANGE IN n1ak.in'1; BUG UY TOPS a specu~l~y j he mt\ke$. them tn ord r in aU s 1 yles at a d1~count of at lCa.~ t ~O per. cent cht'<i}t'ler th1tn cau b~ had by purchasing fr m cu.rriage makttrs, who h·V· ;o employ TrimmerR '" h gh WR!(·S Auy style cf TOPS made to order ond ke<J."L co1Jn!t<1.ntly on haltd. A-lcCl-tEA·s TOPS a.re far sui edor to the ordir~ary patent JN"LUDI~G THE rcady·rriade 01 Jes 1ha 1 are r~e<ldled thl'<in~h th1-1 co:nJtry. He u a.1·r11nrs his to give ... k' BUGGY o·op·· B ·11 h satisfaction. 1\'IoOREA hria been Uta 1ng .1 ti 111 owma.11'V1 t! 11nd t e Duplex, Stripe, Fern Patter11, etc. nehz:hbodn g T ,wns f,,r rho J.~sr. t" el~"' years n.nd holds a reput· t1on for b~1ng a gru d hon .. at " 'O'lc rn :1u . Sta the oifi'eient styles ll1u~tr11t~d ty 1~~ 11ccomp:i11y1ug cuts. Lambrequins, Curtain Lace, etc. ·· HU"PHREY" H ·fll8· shop, or at MoCREA'S TOPR t' b· seen ·t MR. " I. U 1.. ·., Prints ,· heavy ra_ nge in his ruom·, Post Ofilco Block. new patterns; ~ood All kinds of Carriage Trimming done W"h neatne·s an·· dl1p»,~ ·h. Address LA cE cu RT AINS ' '82 .. .. ......... -:. ..-:..'. ....,8- 2 · ' ......... ...BPRING=: -............ UT.H.IVE S~ ---(o) . w·· Bllildin,,. ~ l,ots f'or Sale 011 liing !Oih·eet, MO:<EY .<DVANCED AT 5% lN'rERE~T. THESE LOTS AHE BEAU'rlFULLY situated nppooitt' the rcsidenco of Mrs. Holland, :\lrs. Rmd ttntl l\lrs. Hibbert,de.nd coin· 1nuud a vel'y fino "·ic·v qf the Bttke an Ha.1·bor. Th<)" are witluu ab<nlt fifteen minutes walk of 1 Lhe 'fO\\ll Hull. and presellt the best site in Cn\:n fa~t colors. ROBERT Mc( RE ".' '1 CAR. R.I AGE 1 (193 .) lv.[. lv.[A. Y E I <.. H a t s c a p s & Straw G 00 d S ' I ' ----. (o)1---_ __(o) " . "' - - (o) - - ~~ill · t lU ' _ ~ !"\ I· © c..l ~~ ~ ·====-..===========;:"'====-=======,,,,,===...,..,. GO TO I I RIMMER, BOWMANVll LE. w. E. PETH I OK'S BARBER SHO p i H, .. · -- --- ? 1':o. 10 aud 11. 'VVrigh1s11n F os er was appoinr"d p1thrn:ts rer of ber1t No 4.8, in pia.ctA of \V1 1]iam · G-a111sl 1 y; and 'fho niasf\f. tfnt, l\flS llPi u111t· e<l pathn1a.ster of h~at .No. 25. V :1 moti~·n , M r. R 'I r. "°HUI t PU, Q, :\.e W · l'! k' Se, COU rt e d ,_ f.J'Y ~. the Re~\ e wtts 1-n1pow1 red t" t-igu lln or 1 @1s C<>iicessiun ~""t Wt'<·n for privutc rcsidcucea w!Lh gord··n gt"ound·. '['l;< y wi ll bo sold IO appl'ove<l purc11 ...... upon 1bP1·ul terms and moiie~ for bulldiul( purpo9es ·\ill be advanced at suCh rntPs as will enable dn1ost all thotie who def; ire to secnte a hou "o of ·heir own to do so o.t but littJc mor.ea.nnnal cnst than is now pa.id fot· ren t or n. house or Equal W:t SS. Loans wiH be made repu.yttble by Len equ 11. l aunual instalments , wlth interest upon llUp.ilrt bal.Lnces, at ft_ , e percent , or if preferred "'·' '" ver iT1 cent unp"ld b<l·nces, ;t bern« pr ovided theupon n1ortgag:e in th"' lrltl.ercase. that ohould the death of t.t~e l>!HTOWPl take place dur111J!lhBte;1110Itlw11w1tg111!::'ett.tli1:1chai·g e a !1d I N · E\"E"T STYLES. · " .., ' a1rcu t! 1ng s av1ng & c "'7'17,. JB:EFl.'E ~ · · Cruiadia" and Am·~ica11 Caps. STRAW CIOODS.-Those heautif1tl Fancy Mixtures, Fancy Band \Vhite Cantnu Straws, Plain a.nd Fancy B~nds, Chtldren's Stra~ Ha.rTest Hats, and 0 tra"' Staok llarve·t H ,,..1s. iv ,. ALL NEW UOODS. PRICES LO'""· 0 E: [' k Felt N A ' D l 1 ew ng U! ' s. ew merican -" e ts. New Canadian Pelt%,. V. dB" a· ~n@ods 1, 11 s~,=~ I I I co R sE T s ALL THE LEADING LINES: - -.- ( o ) - - - - --(u)- - - IB done in l·'irat Class Rty le. 1 · W E PE TH I CK , Bra~.e!, Hosery, U1nb1ellas, OH Cloth Coats, e tc., t:tc. I Cotton), C 11 d · t d d · b f h · ·~· · · -- - (u ) ·- C ·n:n GE~TS; FURN1SBI~GS.-1rbe finPst and hpst assorted Bt o c)t of "' bite French brcs and Oxf rd SJ rf C J] C f1i ·r· n d 1 · n n s, 0 ll.'8, u s. 1es, vu ere othing ~n (\Yoo I Merino and ' "' Al.togetner l D ' A ssortment ever o_·ffered 211, the trade. t he .rznest {! ' "- is · agent for inspec goo s o.n prices e ore. p nrc a~ing else '«hre.. N. l:L-Highest Ca.sh frice vaid for all ki11 cls ( f Raw Furs.. a. an p EOPL E .,,,. h o g o E-al'ly to the North Job, \'he11 co1upleted, "6·1t o ft ~1e v1 "ll i4('Tt- c1ca rd1:wd8hal lbeg1\ Pll l··h ui w1do\..,'1 ~r he11s . without fnrtherpa.rment . 'l'hisplan \>\'fllPnable \\"'t--'st have ur~told hardships ti) endnre ,f LeGka.rrl, on thtt 8th cn11cei-f>ton, " r~o.se ·who b~uld, 19 msl:c ~t once t!O~·c pro· 'pa ~ """' -£ April 51h say;:i; Cathcart was $i!rant~d permission to nccn ··)s ion rnr 1he1r r1-tm1hes F-}lou.ct d, q.t}l 1l\ ert.nlcle Th. "'1'nn1 ·n "' u·w" , . . l · t hem . The payn)f!nt. of one inst.drn ent . \\OU d' H The train wh ieh 1t>ft here 011 l\-1nnduy f"1 ,. p,,1. t .\ o roos 11 10 un 1he fr<-nt of ut 7' .~ecun~ a hr>nrn for he borr.uw~r'B fttl Htl :r.111 pase j c; H 8 until it is \\'hllted fo:· n:ie. On ofdealh1111d thm1makethebu1l£1ingof u1 s house I Bra.n<ioo wns frozen in .ahout three rnileF; ·. ' f R · k d db M the safest and most pl'of:l·ab!e inve>tment that \ 1not1ou o 111 r. enw1c , secon e Y r. min he 121 ec ur~d. For pa.rt,ioulars apply to from the 'town' of GarfieH. Oap, K·rw~n Reid, that with rcforence to the api;!ic;·· l92:tf .J A . oonD. left the trai n "n Tuesday morning, and ti on· of parties de 3iruus of build ing a barh. - - -- - ----- -·- -- --- - - --- - - J ier 011 1h 6 Tre,il!lurt·r for a111ou11t of r uHd CROl\ilPTON'S :l\fAl\E, COR FL"'"'IBL'" ~A LI'"E .L'I ' , ~A ·A1 ' PERFECT, SPOON · BJJSK, ~ ......__ -· \II We have spared no e.uort to provide\ . ! succe~stul m s:ctmng a_ suitable pl~ce o! busine;s in Brai,don, h e will TUESDAY APRIL 25 1882 ·I a flrst~class Stock for our Customers, 11·emam for a time and give the public t he benefit of l ow prices. escape from the ice even if tho~ l·ad -~o ;1~~-~~:.~!;, \~~If·~:;.~~· .~t;1~:~~u ~;Yi~~. one o'clock in t~e ·ft~rnoon, ~t il'.~J.,LET'f'~ KI D G L 0 v ES, Iand we in tend to make the PRICES so Shoes, He has just. received. a vc1:y lal'ge and cho~ce Spring Stock o f B )Ots,' take to a pest house on wheels 'lhe !aches $3.50. INDIGBNTS :- Lomsa Lee, " idow in tl.o · · · Trunks and Vahse s, from tbe most reliable manu fact urers in the in the earff ·,.\tended upon the oiPk man .., Prout, $3 each; wido w Eglison, D . John- VILLAGE of 0 RON 0, -:i::isrLOW that 1 t \Vlll be easy to dee1de who Dominion. ' ;hich ha.s been purcha_.sed ve1-y low forVASH and will be sold! best they could, But thov had t o melt son, wid .. Merrill, WilkruaQIJ, Camerro,, , BLACK and COLORS, at a very shght <idvance o n cost tor IJASH ONLY. of in certain SILK TAFFETA, se11"' ;:; the che-apost , ""' DI'Y U"_'o ods and Cloth.,.., L d C ' L-'r.,.1' ~· enow, BB th ... re VlRS no water, and little S4 e~c?di M;JJ, B~o.?k '1al·ik, w1d"d11cw SDtephl. by -"d h " "th 1· ~IJS ow1 ,1ys, t'n <- ~c1; ao . ect· willbeprod tlce.datth~Sale, ~ auzcs lY.L'lSSeS att f'P'C(.Cf.rens "··te Goois s.-J. . t.t =«' ;iould he dQne to pr0vi e im wi coo mg er, $G Co uucil ad jouri;ed t.o May 31st. <h· followi ng Properlu'": LISLE THREAD in O' B 0wma11vil1e. »= . r .,, ' a 'f ecia :Y· ...,.,- -\<>)---.. Bt afler a tramp of ten miles succeodedln le"diog edwirefenveonthegravelroad, orother - - :XN- I roada of the towu~hir,, proYided 0 getting!\ ri~ tn rlri ,·e into town. Many ' t he Council allow them the d1fforenc· BALBl1IGA.NS t heli·tlecbildrenwerecrying forhread cherewouldbebetweenabo,rdfenceauJ - - - O F- · MJ;:RINQs'.c.1.SHMERES, when ho left, and one _ poor young man · a. hn1 bi;:i:d wire feuce ; be .it resol.ved ~heir , ., was in a hi"h f<·,·er. L·st night, the relief request be ~ranted, praviaed satd differ. WHITE, CARDIN AL, . go t 'l"llaln ·v th res mt·1 Camed,f flO r f[ I SI<..Y,CRFJAM, triun es nn cl a '11 "l""ncedµI!utexceed "' : d lOc·s.perro<l. d ' Thu Ree;re gr~ut~. ~ r ers i"r paymcn· o STRIPE and F'A.NOY of the blcckade, and about 2(10 veo1.Ie ho !mllowiug accounts =-Herb. M@ffatt, In the '!'ownshlp of Claike, in tho County of · fo<>ted it to tho relie f and we,·e hauled repairing cul,·ert, 55 c;s.; J. Jacur.s, cedar ))tu·b~!": tne:e will be eold, on l back in c·boosos lo the ci·y. being glad to r·nd pl enli, $15; C. Kelly, iep,irs on a AUCTION. SALE I VAlU rn lE FA RM D ROD [Rlv, --A _ T - - _ _ - -- - I ,.....0 ~ L L\\. 'm'T D"'S DRY GQQDS&CLO-THING !iiii~ ~- --'";;:~.\LW ' ·, . ~ " - I _ _ _ _ - ()UR STOCK o~ ... im----- s ' I IS NO\V COMPL;ETE. ~ ! _) ---.-B · bl t t' £ t . () 0 J - - "I d' f' ] · em~ ll1;1a e o. sa IS ac ·?rl y 1Sp0$0 o. us stock here, and not being HOTli;L, I w fc"Cj_ l'v"l vfrt.ue Powers ufSale contained Mortgageuwhich J' ' Jl/T.' ' ' _, drinks as there wes erily one lemon on 11 1 0 board ·nd ·few oranges. Tho remaind·r ~~::~ ~: any d"scos· or 8 . ht' 5 n· ' ':~ ~~ 16 1 "Ho f th Pa .I., rettiriied to tO\\o"H this afterat l'!g :~c.'a · . ' v' 0 e Th(·y .· , will h11ve to retnain here for ti>e kidneys, Jn er. or nrlnar. ?rguns, as ~o up nrnin, Hitt~"~. will cer~s.inlv a.nd lv.~hngly c::w=e , ·on1e d·y·, u .. t.1 the rood iij cleared lo the and ltlStheool) tblngthat 1'ill. .., .... · New Yotk Post (,flioe. .,.,. 1 c i C<>Rl'!ESI'ONDE NTS will please observe tl1at we d o not want advertisements as ittmsolne,vs. d t h ;.;~::6~:~,:.:!~0 e:~~i:0:;'.~:~";;~~:~~: :.~~::::r~::::~~; 1:~-k7;~:;:;;.~·;~~;:~: ~!~k~i~!~[:f~J~:f1~:Vi1~¥.f.~1g;q~~ 1h11l be p11:'ased to give then1 Hpecial rc1t~s, bnt \Ve do not ad \'ertis~ gratis for a ny one, not e<or1 onr nen,e>t friends. Our pape· our farm. anil Adve1tisr>rnent:1 n.re the eropeon whieh w_, rlepenrl for suhsh: tence A· w.JI might we expect ~ f ·rtner tn give U. tile Use Of all ·ere ur t~·" of his fo·m ,.. Oora~verli·in~rates will trinutingDept.,NewYorkPo·tOilic~,iu h d f I fl t I writin~ CUllcernmg St. Jacobs Oil, say.: fouud t:fiicaciuus iu and stitlness uf the ~ud affo 1ds a rc,idy "OU P'"mts Holl, cuts h!lfI·3, SC![elte f J.1.ints and mu&chsi 1ci1ef for rheumati1 T. L. J"mes, now su;t~· V" H W "'eit" E q 'IJ;irdtiv:.ii.'011 ~~ili-ig ~Rd Asst Gen oral Dis· &lrodst<Jtb:E!'~iifl?cgln~i<- >htp of Clarke, Count·· of Durluun, descri bed aB follows· N·mclv !.- of Lot St. bettq.:.k.povYnasf~llowe ": Oomrrwnc· fngetthe8outh·pnst ungleh. ol ·ai{/ NorLl! . of South i ot sald L<lt. a.nd w ere a post haa be~r1 µl anted,thenoer11nni .. g}for11'JSdo~rees, West ·l rod' 8 linko, !&South degree·. \Vefl t 23 tHJd chains and 'hence 5S l11iks,No··lh Lbenoe U degrees, East 133 rods ana 13 links, thence East .,11,~f~o~i['f,~~fi:'s~~\ih~;,·;,~~~~gr,k~"~o~~~'. bei~gtheNortp <oftheSQtJth :PARCEL T, MW LACE GL!)'[ES IN GREA.T Y .A.RIE'.t1('. - ---(o)--- ~~ ~ ~ ~ jo(:c 0 ffi {QJ ~ if'J; (~ 0 · 'WI Al·~ll!li;crns rr. more or le·· of sai<! !,ol ~t; l~ t4e i!th Conpe~slon ·11 Shades, '1akes & Prices. Sas!; Ribbon in PJa.id a.n9 ~9 '~atered, Shaded, N. B,-We d give the utmo.st the are manufactured. WBoots and Shoes mrtdo to order as usua l.. Cl h" D t attention t W to a' Ta-llor1ng an ot ing epar men s. e O.uer I Do nut fail to call on him. STAND--Ne d s ' Block- nex"t. door to Lee' ~ All Wool 'rweed Suits to Order from $12.50 up, & _ E dsall' s hardware store, Bowmanville. h R d lVI d S · · · 1 ================ -----Boys and Yout s ea y . a e u1ts a spec1a ty. . PE CIAL. SALE i --W t k G ' D B 11 C h e a e racers ue 1 s same as as _' ': - - - o:o· .M. 1 · 1 ~" f ~ 8 OJI ., '-., 0 ' ~ ...lfJlM.' . . A large lot of Dongoha Boots on band- the best wearing boots t bat: a 0 , " I 1' ~ i~ ~.'a'~1~Ut8t~=rf~J:Dg~li~1µ,i)f the u. s., DIPHTHERIA. COUCll!· fn~~~G:~~! i~:r~:;~~~~;,~f~~Ji£;~::~i~~~~ 10~ eent~ per y~rd: 4~§9 dF~ctory buil4ing:s,s.Jso{J,CQttsf;'p,Sma}I'Bp.rnand8hed, 0 f , 7 t y ---(o)--balf, East50xods. theucoN01·thJ6degrees,\\-est ~Full range in Steam Looms JOO rods, thence.South 74.dt·grees, rods, and ll.,actory . Cottona. thence South 16 degrees. East H:l \Vest rods, 80 thence We have East 12 rod ; to q1j) place of beg1unina". St . 0 anl Looms over a ll'ard wide for 0 TERMS- On-tenth of the puvpll'I-!'· JllQP·Y 10 be paid down ~n t4e day" of sole:" for 'balapcp For lurt!ier narticultt}'S a.p:ply to JONEa ~~~ff~~.1li~~~\~Nfirn: Toron to. or to THOS. BINGHAM, l'.sQ ., JlowmanvU1e, Toronto, March Bow~v = E11 · 1ss2. Y 1 _ _ __u1e, April 1, -·~:.: ~_,.,. 1 [ W.M McMUR TiR · s I i '-i I l I l i' I ( i TO THE· r:- ·( 1' · ~, ,...... ~· ' otton TOJil terms will b(l made ~nown at tile sq.JI). Celj 8 qpwar ~- .( a ) .._ .....,_,,. -~-~ jree., as for a mer(·ha.nt. to expect ns to give Tfae latest and n1ost succeasful treatment l iim an inch or two ~f space in tho SrATEs- for this dreaded dbeasc hae la1"1y c ·mo 10 mari /rte for adverlisin!' purposes. MR. Bnce:.&RD, a Quebec farmer, and . one .,1f the thrue cldPst rnen1bers of the Rouse of Gowm6ns, maa-0- th~ following droll bnt effective pr0position a.21 to who ""Y" the duty, when addressing the House tbe othe.- night : "If the <lnty WM paid by the pr.:>duoor1 and n ot by the co11sun1er, u was alleged h) th~ member for Rouville 'Mr. Gauh), why 11ot i ucr.ea.~ th~ tariff tn \\. about 100 per cc11t. · aPd th.Pon instead of t he rev.eRue of soaie twenty mi1lious expected }Jy the Finance l\.1inis tt:ir, we might have a rev~Rttt! of 70 or 80 millions, a11d Id ll bl" jn & fe~ years w& WOU B.\',& OHt' Jlll IC debt paid off by ft!lreiguer& 7' ' ------·--'4 O!VEitSlTYof opinion exists as to jn.et what may be termed good wiiting. The beautiful. h~nd-wr~t111~ of t e. oar ing ttebool !l'I1ss l:! pleasuJg to ]tet· fnendJJ ~ nd fla rterin.g to htl'tielf: The bol~, 1na.j'="~t~c sweep uf th·,; pr<.f~s.s1oual flourisher ehca aduii.ra tuJu frutn ~11. )3.ut, in the cours ~ · · · h b d" 11. I our knowledge, a"d having iulerv.ewed 1 he nHu1 wh.o says p is lif~ \VaA saved by the uew treatin~nt lVl!i fepl ~outi.dt,nit it 1a ottr duty to give t he fac1s to our reader~. that tlll~y ma_ y_ i_n_v~sdgate fo~ themselvea. 1'he clrc1.HnatnnCt'B are as follows: An1eila Charder, of West Fo.rnhn.m P.Q., recently had diphtheria; ho become so bad off alter a. reltt11SiJ t}i~t all hopes of his rec0very '?tas aband oued by his ph,ys1~_ans and fr·onds, a.nd c1s a la.st r esurt a hror.hsr .,.f the patient said tha t he had a bnttle ofKenda!.'sSvavin Cure a uri wi~hed to t.y it. Ile ;tpplii:Jd i t. to t he ueck. and th~,. reduc.-d a Ii tie. anrl the paJ.jt!:PI aftt:~ som.e Uifih.:ulty succet'dtd ia gargl ~ ng te; ~ ~n_ t}}e thr· iat. He suon noticed some 11n p10\t;;u·~11f' , 4ud by 9on tir1uing it'i use Ei. cornpli:te cu re wa1;; ttf.._.ctt:d and now ho says he knew it savocl llig life rfhe<tb0\'6 rema1kable experi@1lC0 Jed UB to iny.-·sti ~att: farthcr,and we f, und that Kewl· Ji' s 8pa>i}( Cp ve ha6 the rn· st re!:11_ rkabJc t!f"'ct o·t fn nuan -#Fah oj a11y reniedy of wl.ioh v ,o };.J\1 r- f3 ver heart!, and Wt:l Pillow Curtair:s, Sheeting, Te.bl~ Linen, Damasks, Napkins, F H a N ; / . ' YOVNG, C;.wKE.R G - ROCERS ' · AND- & C o 'v, \ .,..... D R -- "'ILL SELL THE FOLL0\\1ING y G I :;;... . > -- o o D. -------------------~-,____ _ _ - - -· - __,__,_ - - ·- -- - - - - - . -· -· __8~ ) l lI BUTCHERS, ' 1 PRUVISJONMERCHAN'lS _....a,or- ~ _,~. f, I ,·'_i·~~-( TowH HALL BUILDINGS- GREAT REDUCTIONS Mantle Cloths, Mantles, Dolmane, U!st·r·, Fancy Wool GoodsClouds, Hoods, S<jU!l;r··, llr~~kfaot Shi>wls, lJlster C!uths, OOth, 1882. 193;td. - - Towelling.--(o)--. " '1 - ~ice C iltieUtiaa C4oods~ _ J~ilk Handkerchief~~ Silk Scarfs awl ) ' WHO IS U'llil0QU,\1'1U.:IJ WITH TH£ OEOGR~PM\I' ClF TH 115 eQUN· T'IVWl l.L SE E fA -MAN av ~XA:.>1·· '!G T~lSM~PTH~T'T"'f<" VELVETS, in Black and Colors, Lace, Embro:dcries, J<'rillings, ~'ringe, Mantle Ornaments, &c. &c.-a great variety. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. "· . Good Va1iety Heavy Laces- a L!_lrge Stuck, Embroidedll", T:..'i m(Dfngs, S1na1l \Vare, Winceya- - Plain and Check. 1 TERMS :-Ca.sh . --------~ · - -(o)-- Marseilles, Fringed and Honeycomh QUILTS. ·- --(o)- - -- YOUNC, CAWKER &CO., having amalgamated 1 l1e Groc ~ ry, Provision and Butchering Business, are now in a position to furnish their numerous friends and patrons with the choicest · Maslinfl, Window· Cur t o.ins, Full Stock Cloths & Twe<el <, Blanliets, Flannebl ~ -::----- '~ Mens' Unden1hirta l\j DrawArs.. ·.:. I f r J I , I I l Don't forget t o call. __.,,,,.,_, W. .McMURTRY-WEST opinion tha.· have tee(1 ll1B 50UJHllv c;flfH'i3J:ited 110 l' emedy-had tJ"e~bcen d is~ut tn 1h · C>Vered which puEsc:.1:1sea snch re1na.rka.ble qua.ltties fur the disease of J.pan .ag \\ell O.. <i beaar.. E :very on e sho uld c,u ~ th1a paste in to a s orap .. bo1~k i-~- f11n eo and I TAILORING. I ~;?;rThis com~ clopartrnent .G ROCERJ!E S , PltOV!SIONS BUSINESS CHANGE! ' having bought out L.YLE BROS' GR8DERY BUSINESS. (Bounsall's Block) beg to call Farll!qrr;' attention to this fact. shar( ; now be able to suppl;y_all with ch eap and choice quality of ____ It will pay you . END HOUSE. b no;v r plctc a11d contains the ch oice;t pat1 AND MEATS of all kinds. They do not make a specialty of tt few arti!)les. Their rrt<:Jtto will be-Large Variety uf Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. WAll kinds of Farm P10duce taken in exchange fur Groceries or Dry Good8. Your patronage will be th ankfully retci vc1\. .of practical use) :th e plnin, round, rapid _ ASl'HNIJ!lfrNG !.41JtJUEto.S. h~·d is f1 . un~ the -0rtly_ one of servi~e. To It fa: the du1y of every pers<·n who h_as teach a prac i:al hand is not very d1fficalt, used BooC'HEE.8 flERM~li' S11~cr to l·t its ~°iid inure ia not DtlC!EU!B.ry. j wnndcrful ~ualities be known to tha~r in c:urin~ Consnmpti ..:n, e:eyere 1 friends d b . , · f th ! Coughs, Croup, 4,a t hwa, Pneumonia, and C-OMPLAI~'l ui n1a e Y ao tn~ 0 . 8 1 in fact !!ll throa.t and lung di'"-'3ilaes. No cooutry post1naetere th&t there Ia an In- per.ion cAn use it without immediat.tl re .. equahty i-u i,he salaries received. c1mpared lief Thr~e d ~sefi will relieve any c:~se, witk the revenue· of the several offices. and we eons1de_r it the duty of 21! ~ ru gp:is t s _ . d t ho '"' '" to recommend 1t to tile poor dymg conAt1 all aie suppose 0 . P" µ. Jl:.ie snme sumoiive, ~t least to try one bottle, as t ercentag" 11pon reoe1ph, ~O per cent., 100 ~ doz·n bottles were sold last year, they do uot tJ<lMratand why inequalities eud' uo on& t;:::lS? wP.,e:~" it failed rV:as re·hould e-.:i:iet. As a ruie country postmas- ported. So ch IL med1cme as _ t ho ,_,n1qr..;'1 · ~ &il tel pai~ !o· ill0 time i' SYRUP c~uuot be too ,,.,dely k no wn . Ask I tera are lli eq,ua.. Y .. ~ ... · vonr Druggist a.bout it. Sa111ple Bottlt:is I op·nt and the ur ..1 eeo performed by tbe.11\.j ~ 0 try ~ol.4 ~t IO 00 ,.ts. R.egnlar ·iY.e 75, terns iH ~cotd1 anJ Canadian I i TW~EDS, I 1 WORSTEDS, TROWS ERIN GS, VEST PATTERNS, a,~d IS 11nder tjie_ supervision We I -I 0 W " 1 C;i.~h fol· Pm·~? Cattle, Sheep, Hides, Sheepskin, and Tallow. 1 f G~d t'iu-m foi:s:'le, 0 ~I J A "."""""""'ME "=s ii':ic' l . EA N, IY A.GEl\"T E"O It Groceries & Provisions .. We shall also be able to take all kinds of Farm Produce ni>mely ·Butter, Eggs, Pork, Lard, Poultry, etc., etc. ' ' · J I of a First Class Cutt(r. All Garments Warra.nted to Fit. :~.'.'~ ~i'~~fN~~~Fo.;.we¥.~n~~ the t·mlses or to 19" ·6w" BEING 100 ACRES, lfEilfofLot22, CQn. NORTH ~":.<i;/ni~~1~0 ~~ <l. Durlillgton, Reapers. Mowers,1'lH"e~hing ~l~p~in~s.')l~"iW r will 11ay part cash ft~ Buttel' EO'gs etc - Lyle Bros will pay <'ash f.or l. F }.fills and Por tableSte<:..ni .bUP: ~!le~ · .A ll ma.chu1es ' ' '=' ' · · ~ ALSO FULL ASSORTMENT OF 1 WHI'J'E SHrnr:s, COLLARS, CU~'FS, 0 1 D fl l n t ' . · HANDK!lRCHIEFS, well at, tht; dciOl\ a :roung orcha1d o l al 1 out 100 }\ rrmcrs ·will find i t to their intere s ~ to consult TIES, HATS, CAPS, choice trees; a.ll clo>arcd and wellff'nc~d. V\'1 1 1 m" betot e pu1cln1;:img tl8el't'herft, I will he in b ' · - 1· I - · -1 · a' and UNDERWEAR. · be ~Uld o. r. a b<1r1o:"ain on te1 ms to suit the pur- Bo\vtnanvi1Jc cvm y Sli-turday. chaser, It not sold before >;eptm.lwr ne xt it . · .·· . Grain Merchants . Gl'OCorN - Will be put up by auction. Fror l u r th e:i« p~· · A ~ l b u~~~ ~ .;s ~11·om:pt l t aua care r nll y nttontletl r v $!\,. twul· · ·wriio ·lo · Wll!l B\,JRGESS · ' to,\ ' · ·'- ~td, l"AN , E owmanv1 'IIe, ·u h 9, 1882 (189) » 11' N I I m:11~. ' · . llYckho;.11, On!: 188. _ lluu' TON, ...iarc ·· . ...,o\tnS<t s l ew Block King St Pt~3'."~;.~.~: ~.~1'ti:br~:. ':ifi~i',', gh)7,;,::~.":io':i T;~~ i~~;;;;l;~;.:;,t;~~:};·:;?.t. !~[.~A~1; ~A.:S~;~E:O~doi·o;·l·l·l·:·&" s":u.·l,L"K·Y('H"1AcY!nR· 1A°K,1ES ~ 1 r JOUN ELFORD, Solina P. o . , .. L y le Bros will continU<) thefr oflioe_ l;_ ;;re and buy e v er" de8ei·i ption of 1 lLllB J h H !' ~j f t f' G S d t0 · Osen ai ManU ac Uflnu 1.iO, _:ams, e; _s, e ·~ \\.o.. , . . . . r 0 ' D9, ~ot m11 to give us a, call before disposmg o! your produce . We LYi f BROS A " N yQ u ANT ITY c ·RA IIN.: W BRITTAIN & CO _ 0 s. MASON & SPN. .
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
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