~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~~!!!l!!!!!ll!!l!le!!~~---=-~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- 0 -l 8 Mc ung r08 . p&ys the duty. C 0 r tan· n 8 La e u I fJ Floctru-1 which they have bougnt below the cost of importation, and wi11 retail them lower than regular wholesale prices. This affords housekeepers a l'are chance to secure a handsome set of curtains at a very moderate cost. ~,..,,,,,,..,,.....,..,...,,,!!:l:'~~~~~,,,..~...~""'==.,.....,,,,.,.,,,~.,,.,,,,.."""...""'.,,.,.~"""""~~...,,'!""l!l!!!'~~~~~~"""'""""""~"""~~~~~~~~~~:!l!"-~~~~~~~~!'!'!!~~""'"""~~~""'!!!!!!"""~"""~~~ -~ ~~~'="'""'"""-"""-~-~-".'.-~,..,_,., -~~--~:'."".,,,,,,.,."""!~~~~~~~"""~~~""""'""'~'"""'"'·"""""""'"'"""'""'""""""""'"""""!:! ~::::m:::::::sn""'""'""'""'~"=~"""'=""""""""'"""""'""'""'""'""' ,,...~.....,,..,,~E1LE""'"" 1 A WELJ..-ro~uo N . l\ farmer 3 httle east 1 DTJt HA.Pr,- .AN"D E,ttlY 1 Package Dyes 5 ct8. ' and uuwa.rds, bright and. du r able colors at f:tott of here ha.a n~ longer any doubt about who l & .fury 's Medica l Hall. N k s· t receu I 'J_y lien t over f rorn ..l ew ~' _1_ or .. a e for a member cf h11 fa1nily a.ad valued at A package of med1c1ne I Morr, to Follo"ll - The follo;.ing popular I medimnes &re sold at the reliablo drug s to r e nr Ca.reon·s Jditrers Burdoch Bl,.. ad Bi tters, Oil,J:Hnge's C ough Syru p, &::c. 1 Ho~B:i.ttera, Kendall's Spav1n C\1re, St Jacob'!! J . H 1GOI1'iBOTHAM, -- - LAST WEEK'S SUPPLEMENT Tfae supplement 10nt out last week t o ·Ur subs.::r1b~rs ha.s fallen hke e. bomb· eht1ll lhtc the Connervative rankPt ; they denoun.-.e it e.s a rou:iplicatlon of 11 black )tel!. ' \\ e have challen~ud several Con~ eervative.. to point f:lut a 111ngle tn1s1tate· meRt or exagcerated smounl, antl though th ey d o . uunc· it Al a bundle oi black lie., they han not yet called ~·tention to any ""particu l ~r ·tern. We beg to rnlorm our rtad.-r3 that the figures Cf>nta.ined in it &re taken frum th o report· pre·&'1ted to the Honie, and therofore, if thoy ·rt in· corrf'ct Conservatives are responatbl" for the error·, Wo would call opec1al attention to the eta tement ohewin~ the Rt·at increase m tlie pubhc debt and expon d1° ture ; to the m1n1sterial junkehDJli at horr1e and to F.Jnglaud j to the r1v1ows of t he Pacific railway contr·ct and Oador· donk Jobs, where i he "gr~ttt high pr1e1t of corrupt1on,' 1as hu present collo&gne, llf r l'ricLellau calls him, !tad full owrng ; to tke Giruu>rd j oh, where a claun for railway t1<js ti vo times reported against was al!n,,ed ot laot by Sir John Macdonald ; and t 1J: n1a11y other pointe 1c a record most dama.,mg to the Adm1nistr&.tton. Rea.d it J p&S) it around , hand 1t to your ne1~h .. $4., uost him $2 duty and 80 cent. expre·· charges. Rumol' !!11ys that h11 ejaculations when called Gin to fork over the ~2 duty ' t were tnor:e vtgoroua th a.n compnmea ary. Th e laugh is again&t him at preeect a.mong the boy1. I On Thirty Da)'l 'l'rlnl 9 B d h d H ON. v L 'J ll. LAin r; ma. e a.·ot er :t. rn.1r able 1p oech on Tue·day night ··n the Pacific Railway question. It was a m01!.t thor ough ·nd effective reply to Sir Charlea _ ~- -+--~-- 'Ve WJll se nd Ur. Dy e's Celebrat ed Yoltiuo Belts and other J<~lectr1c . _\pp hances "ln t nal for thirty da.rs to young men and older uerson~ who are afflicted with NervousDel nhty Lost Vitality, etc., gna1 a ntP-e1ag ::.p t! etly rel1et and complet e rei:itoration of"\1gora.nd 1na nbood. Also for H.h eumahsm. Neu1alµ-1<1.. Paralysis. Live.._ and K1dne.v d1tflc uli.1ea, Ruptures, o.nd m a ny other d1sefl R eR. Illustrated pamphlet se:H.t freA. Ad.dl"ess Voll aic B~ It Co ~uu.sha.ll 1t!1ch. ~' f~ S. MASON & SON'S :M:ainllloth Stock OF SPRI NG - Carriage Works/! 1 IS' 1 JOHN8 &JEWELL '-would Respectfully Inform the Public that their Stock of BOWMAN VILLE. - - -[o]- - 'I'he L eadrng Line~ at our C11,rriage Work s tin~ season will be: '1'upper 1 meet ing bu. argnm enta at every pomt, anti e:tpo·mg the ··>phi·try and PORTRAJT PAINTER, falla ciH m which hi1 ·p·e<·h aboullded. RUEBO'l'TOJ\'I HOUSE, llow>rANV H, Llil. Hou Ed ward Blake ·poke with g reat 'l'HORO'.BRED DUlUIAJ\'I BULL Jluency aed force, &nd ha· ·eldom been CAL.F-2m onthsol+1--for~ale. :l\f MUNDY , more efftwh~e. He wa.a warmly applauded. Bo""'manv1lle. DRY coons I OPEN AND TOP PHAETONS with singl P tu.d double seats Staple & Fancy Groceries, : Provisions, · ( Crockery, Glassware, &c. &c. I IS NOW COMPLETE. - - (o ) - ' SIDE-BAR BUGGIES in all th~ Lat est Styl?s. ' IS NOW COMPLETE. G<1ods of the Best quality sold at temptingly l(iw priceP, fl A THE late·t repo1 ts from Ot tawa rolatmg t o the ri·noral elect10no 10 that if tho s1S8ion doe· not close by the first we·k in May, whwh ·· liarclly poss1blo, the olcclloRI will not t~ke p!ac· m Jun· as at first proposed, but ·bout tho ond of September, The d.1te ruent10ned :s the 23rd. THE rnmor is a.g.ain rev11ed th~-\ 81r John will bo named as Lord Lorne'· ·uc· c ·~ur ae. Govern0r-O-cnera.l ef Cana<la.t and tlns ia another rea~on fH!l!il ~ ned for the DRESS GOODS!! are showing a complete j range of Bla ck & Colored ELLIPTIC SPRING BUGGIES, &c., &c. PLATFORM MARKET WAGONS, which cannot he heat. I Customers treated courteously and waited on with dispatch. ! Far~ Produce Taken at Mar:;..:et Prices. Goods Delivered Promptly to all parts of the Town oot1. FARMERS PLAS;ERED . Fat lures 111 tlle ha.y Rnd root crops, 91'l well ... many other" h·ve led the farmer lo find out, if pomble, somo agen t wlnch WlJl JUCrC&l6 the ,)' 1eld of the~G V'1.ll0ll8 product:J of the llfnl. Many yea t s of pra'ctica] l'Xperie11ce 11a'l'e clearly de1n~n· otrater\ the qreat utility of gypsum or land plaster , and m .1 few week· the farwrHH'I, hke so many " duaty rutller~, ·· .may b s~en cl'lating th1t1 tuse.fnl fer t1hzer OT"er their dover, turn1pa and 0tlier crops, wit h the certarn hope tl1,1t ro:.ping day lt'ould br1og it~ reward for their toil and ·1pond1turo. Bu t of courae the (-rovern» ment in power ia tho faru1er B friend.- It ha· 'b·en ·t uoymg ou t how to make him nch and ~ a ppy, nnd for th1· purpose ha· p ut C!l a t ax of 10 cent· por ]()Q lbs,, or 25 o:(·nte nn a btH'!t"l o! :350 }b:ii Jn 1878 Ulld@r l\fJ 1.: k0ll Zlt' lU.!e , a barre} of 1JlBst9f eost from 8{> to 9U cent&, t9·doy $1.10. The C8'f1:11rs 1\'hu Alt nt the r~ce ipts of cneton1 at <)~tawa. denlnnd 25 cen ts tribute an ettch Darrel the farme'r uee11 for the im· pro'Ven1ent of lns crop1. And all th e tune Dr. Orton o.nd his comrn1ttee and the Govern1nent winch he support a are 1ukn y. the farn1era to tttke upou 1htm the :rdke of the N. P., and to believe thot itii burden JS hght. --( )-- . I ; l l FULL RANGE IN ~ LACE CURTAINS, INCLUDING TUE Duplex, Sti i pe, Fern Pai tern, Lamb1 eq uim, Curtain Lace, etc. Prints , heavy range m new patte1ns , good fa~t colors. - - - ro)-- Ccniad ittl!. a,1J .A ,net tc{.0 ~ Cap q ~T R.4 \V GU()DS. M-Those beautifnl Fancy ivlixt urcs J8'.u1c v Bat>d and B1ud111gs \\ 111te Canton St1a ws, Pla tu antl l~,i:lncv B a r.ds, Ohildrl'n's~ Str <Ln: (;. tc1ods, ~ WJHS Hat' est Hats, and Stia.w Stack Har \ est Hats. ·- - - ( o)· - - - Hats, Caps & Straiw- Goods. NEWE::>T S1'YL1<;8, - «')- - ALL NEW GOODS. PRICES LOW . FARMERS SALTED! CORSETS .: ALL 'l'H ~~ LtJ ADlI\ c: LINE~ I .~o. OROMPTi ·N '!:l JHAKE. CORALINE, F LEXIULE, P ERFECT, SPOO.N B U SK, (o)- - ROBERT CARR-I AGE rule 1.:· f l1ackenzie, ealt conkl b9 obtained for 95 cont· to $1.00 per b~rrel, To-day, ur,tier the ble1s1nge of the N. :P , fa r merp; bave the privil~ge of paymg $1 20, or $1.lo per bl Jf tt J3rae A.mount 11 purchased, an mcreaee ot 20 or 25 cent· The duly On· 1-Mrcl of 250101. 30cent·. Olco1Jroe th~ ·alt men of Goderich must be ptnf·ded and made m1lhona1re15, and the f,.,· n:u'r mu~t pay the bill Come alring, farn1er·_, slip yonr neck· gently under yoke. - - - - (n ) - - i· KID GLOVES, -X:t'IW- nn n1ng do11e \\ r lh lieatnri::s a nd n1spatch ROBERT McCREA, CARRIAGE TRIMMER, <1P3 I BOWMANVll LE ------- ·---- BLACK aud COLOHS, SILK TAFFETA, LlSLE THREAD AND LACE GLOVES Tl'\ GREAT VARIETY. - - -(o)--- '" .Specialty. ..,&11 N . B,- 'We give tl;ie utn1ost attention to the - ..a.T- - -(o) - - [1railoring and Clothing Departn1ents. We offer I GREAT RED UC ·::"I Pillow Curt air.;;, Sheeting, Table I All Wool T'· i'veed Suits to Order from $12.50 up . I , TIQNt; Linen, Damask-, Napkins. I B dY th R d lVI d S "t , 1 1Dre·· Go6ds, Mantle Cloths, - Towelling.-I 0ys an OU S ea y a e Ul S a SpCC.lad,y. ,· Mantle·, Dolm an·, I TJiote, C1ot!.s, - (o)- I We take Grocers' Due Bills same as Cash. Cl·ters, l'anoy Wool GoodsI N10e Chns!n ·· Good,, , 1 - - - - -- - -- - Cotton from We have spared no effort to provide - - - o:o- - a first-clas.s Stock for our Cu2to1ners, - -(o ) - and we intend to n1ake the PRICES so ~Full range in Steam Loom· L" OW t11a 1. · ·1b t d d 1 and Fa -tory Cottons We have I t 1t vV l l e easy 0 eel e vv _10 ' c . . . 11 h h t D ry G OOQ~ '-· ancl C' WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING Steam Looms over a yard wide for Se S t e C eapeS lOt h - ( -10 cents per yard . Also l!'actory ing Bov:1n1anville. ::: D--Il--Y 7 cents 11pwarda . · all Shade,, Makes & Prices. Sa,ah Ribbon iri Watered, Pl&id 1tnd Shaded. I IS :NOW COMPL ETE rsuggeehon. ha.a been frequently formeu and all cl····· of eiti· zena ~}J4nld clevoteJ one day of the year, Abo11t this eeason, to tree-planting, Tlua ui d·lne 1n several of the \Veste1n Statel!l 1 tke day being kno'\ n ae Arbor day. 1rhe lde& 115 _.AIJ e ~ c1~lleut one a.nd 1'B 'varmly co1nnlend it for general adorit1on, Sha.dt:: and ernarnental trees along the road Ende, or hn111~ the street<;: in towns and vJllageB are a. ~g 1 eat attractH'~n, and during the warn-1 enrum.er r.iea.awu th~y often prove tt1:1 ho & genun1e comfort as wfi;jll Lst there !"~ ,m Arbor day - Ile eww, - - - - +-- ---- ~ Wrn· t he retnrn to study and tchoo] duties C()lnes the warn1 ene rv11.ting air of !1pr1 ng ti n1e. B~ys a nd 'girls look out uf t:he svhnol window~ "ith a. wa1tful snail) of thtiJJ' eyes, chaffing to be 1twong the u1etubers ol the ammnl kmgdvm gamoollwg about n1 clvso 8y1npathy with -the llt!:IW active vegetable k1ngdo1n. Teachers, v;orn b7 hard work, mu1t gel beyond their own lethargy far enoµgh to hare etiraulus to gparo to thutr pupils wh~ are expected to ol arcome the obstaoles thrown n1 tbtqr mad~ tha t Tn~; \' EL VETS, in Black and Colors, Lace Embro'deries,F1illir1gs, ~"riuge, Mantle 0 1naments, &c. &c.- a .:mat ---O F - - I ..l'/JAi IL.,,,, 1 df!Ar~R. / fJ;/;"51 'fill? fti fflli 9>} AV. 11 lill_,i 'fill· I i!J~ J Cl~:::k::to~::.:~~'.ares, 8 '~,u~~:::~~:::~· Goud Ynrrnt y . Hea>y Sliawl·. J..itdiea' Ti. 8 ni :b"'ull Stock Clnths & Tw uc ~ I La.es- a L orge Stock, :B~ u1 bro1der1es, ) l I , .. I I !~~eUT~~~~'P ~Ac~!~"· , '. ~,~~.~~!~: Ii Dtnhntn, there will t}<J Miu bv v11 L ue nf Pn\\ ei e of Saie cuutaine l 1n eerta.in I .Mortgages\\ hie h ' ' 111 be produced at the. ~ ale , tht::; follo~1ng Piope rt 11 I'! thu t pa1t nf L ot N o 31 n1 the~ thCon c es810 tJ ofthelown~ i ~~{~tt~f.o~~;~:iTAIL_ B -I.N ·c.iFRONT. ::U _(o) PARC F.JL r, Fu d.er j\{or tga~e from John H 11Jen, i' so1d, on Heill~ FUl'ingl::L~ ·"t'!'· Tr1mtn1ngs, S1 . ci.U 'Vau-~ , Rla n keta, :F la nnels, aiT 1 ,;HoneJ cornb 8 TO THE Check.! i I I 'I BUSINESS CHANGE I follow i,i X a:rnely,beu1g t he Nur t h ~ of ~of L ot 31, bett t'r known as rollows Gfunrru-mc-1 1ng a t the South east angle of said ~ u r l h 1. of South !- of sa.1d Lot, and whe1e a post has b~en 1tla.nted,th&ncer11 nn1ng N0 1 thlode01r~es,VfBst 4! rods and ~ hnks, thence Nort h 75 deg1 ee~. 1 \V:e2t 23 chains and 58 hnke\ thence South 14 "hip of Cli:.1ke, CouutJ ot Durh;t1J1, ilescnbed as · I p Jete B,U(l con taJn:1 th e South '"'"""'TL l t ~~ 18 ( epat inent t e C 101Cest pat- 1'.". now cornb · l · 80 rods t o the place ofbeg!n111ng I T I degrees, East 1$3 rods and 10 inks, tf1en ce East PARCEL l'l , t erns in S0otc11 and Uanadian \NE E D s' of a Yo UN C CA KER & c0 11 1 TF-IE PEOPLE'S STORE . 11· ( Buunsall's Block) beg L o call :E'armen' attent1011 (o tlns fact. \re shall · , I now be at~le t~ supply al&l with and choic.e , 111 ~Ji· :> c·t G V/h:,;"~!'~£~!!:<~OT! H U '1"'" 0 1:p rocer1es BRITTAIN l~ C()., Grocers, I l I WORSTEDS, 'l 'IWWSERl N GS. l1avmg amalgamated the G1occry, Provision and llutuheiing Busineo;o, aie n ow in a position to furni ,h their n11mero1rn fa ien ds an d patrons with tht' choicest ! All Ga1ment, Warranted tc· F it '1'2:z Btown & Pattersan Trlsnufactun ng Oomp·!'Y· of Whitby, has failed , with hab11itie1 amounting-it is &&id-to $'240,000 Tho Ontanu Bank hold· a iudgment for $54,000, .md a goud ma ny other friend· are aorry for the circumr.ta.uce. \Vhatev1r the ca11se may be the N, P . will never be bla1uerl f, r it-by Sir Leonard 'hlley or iho 1'Jait. ALSU F U L L A 8,UR1'MENT OF IGROCERIES, PROVIS IO NS !!< I Buttel We shall also be able to take all kind, of Fa.t m p, od11ce, n a2"ely ,Eggs, Pork, Lard, Poultry <>tc. etc. , L,'jle ~ roB ,,111 continue their office he 1e and bny evc·ry deoci. 1 ition of Grams, SGcds, etc., etc. rov1s10 l1S. l I WHITE t> HJRTS, COLLARl:i, Ou:l<'~i:;, H ANDKERCHLEF:,;, TIES, HATS, CAPS, and U~DER\'.EAR ,, #:. :.:"~.~""Th.:ri ::-"~~,~:-;~~~~s W Lm· . est P1ices. ~- AlJ kmcb of Fa1 m Pi oduce taken in exchange for Groceries or D1 y G(lnd s Yuu 1 pat1onage will be than k folly ieceive<l. Cash for Poik, Cattle, Sheep, Hides, Sheepskim and Tallow. 1 not fail t o gwe us a call ~efoJ<· d1spc> smg of you 1 will pi.v pa1 t cash fu.r Butte>, Eggs , etc -:Do l A N Y Q U ANT I TY C R A I N. I w. 1 LYLE BROS, ,, Grain Merchnuts. Bowman ville, Mai ch 9, 1882 (189) l \ I ,, I B ounsa1 1'~ New Block King St. ' ' I I