FO! TII:8 FARMER AR'I'Ili"lClAL COLD Salt. - -- - Plaster. Flour~. Crown Jewel 1WANZER. I ESS ~ LrnH'IEST 1 1 The Undersigned have made arrangements to procure Bag Salt direct from Liverpool , G oder1c h tands unrn alled Salt 1n Bulk or Barre l , Cayuga t huy any othe w thout fi st White Plaster 1n Bag or Bulk , Osseomg the wego Gray Plaster in Stock , Crown Jewel Flour by the Barrel, al vvays " It s tl e a d ost on ha11d We are Sole Agents for ng macbmc m the market Its eanng J arts a e all of HARD Cayuga White Plaster a n d Crown ENED SIEEL made a ljustable tlrns Jewel Flour Dry, well screened seem ng DunABILITI' It is I as veiy Coal for winter use, a l ways in LARGE SNCEundertl c arm DOUBLE Sash, Door, Bl1 n d s, etc S'IEELFmm LARGE DI ING WHEEL stock AurOMAI WINDER SELF THREAD Wood and Lumber taken in exru d a most complete and u seful s t of attacl ments and change for Plaster or Salt, Cash l will do eve y range of 'ork f om paid for any qt1ant1ty of Wood and the fi ie t mushn to leather him Lumber NOISE NICKLE PL>.TEI) I~ ING SHUTILE McCLELLAN & CO, 1881 Bowmanville n:EEP UP TIIE Vit~1 A d ti Forces ~ epel tl encroachments of d sease by eai ng a ly Belt, Spine Band, Lung or Throat Invigorator, Nerve I nv1gor ator, Soles, other of the var 0u Magnetic Applrnnce' mcluded 11 this s; stem of t1,,at u e nt Only those who have \\ orn tl em I now the 1mme hate comfo1 t they afford or can apprec ate then tho1 ough and permanent be1 efit a1 d H'St<mng power fh<"y are a most valuable adj 11 ct to any other form of medical t1 eat ment and their use dot's not mte fe1 e ' 1th any bus or other occupation Set p 'ls fee 0111ece11t ofp ice &c, free on apphcallon P ice L1 t Re fe1eHes Ua Spring & Sum1ner -OF- FRENCH & AMERICAN M1LLINERY G O ODS"J md mutes t ne Ladies of Bow man 1lle an d 11c1mty t ca1l and see her Pattern HATS, y McMURTRY, Keeps const ntly on hand a good stock of Prepared by Dr J C Ayer & Co J?raetical and Annlyt cal s Lowe Maoo All kmds of fa m p o l cc taken rn excl ange BO LD :DY ALL Mr.f'JlmTS I.YOOYW!Il'iEE