, MURDOCH BROTHERS (be ¢ana~ian$tat~~man -Gi:: ITF.AU R honrs are numbered He H?ve a larg stock of FIELD and Garden SEEDS Staple and Fancy GROCERIES' Glassware and Crockery, Flour, Oat and Corn Meal, :D.:1.con, Hams, Fish, Coal Oil, etc. ::= Highest Prices allowed for all kinds of Dairy and Farm Produce. 1 ONTARIO BANK Satisfactory Results rn Montreal 1 1 The twenty fifth annual ge"eral meetmg Wh1lstMontreal 1s a model cttJ m many the Ja." In tins case American JU2t1c0 of this ba nk was held at 1ts b~1nk1ng house, respects, it is not exact1y ~t quarter section ~ has been slow, but ccttain Exit Gtutean m Toronto on 'ft1esday, the 20th mst of l'arad1Se, as Capt Geo Murph~, Cmof BOWMANHIIE, FRIDAY, Ji::u: 30 Sir \V P Howland, the President, hc.vtng of Guvern1nent Pohce can l eshfy A re · THE pbt to cheat Hon DRHd Mills taken the chair, it was moved by Mr J I po·ter of a Montreal 10111nul waited upou I W Macdonell, and secondc<l by Mr O this ,enlleman a short tune ago, and put THE " GLOBE ' AND THE N P out of hrn well earned victory rn Bothwell A Howland- 'That Mr C Howland be lo huu the followmg query has m1scarned The County Judge has appomted secretary of ti e meeting ' "Chief do yo n lind the dutrns irksome and daagtroue in your stiauge calhng? A great deal is bemg saia, especrnlly hy a\\arclcd the seat to Mr Mills The ~dopted Sir W P Howland then proceeded to "Irksome, 'replied Mr Mui:pl y, "I sel Conservative JOUrnala 1 about the Glube ~ Gove1ninent 01gan cro~ed a little too read the follo\11ng dom find them but that lheJ a1c attended attitude towa1d the N at10nal Policy soon ' Wllh danger 16 VCIY true r'( here JS daRger Generally speakmg, the a dvice of an enemy I"epott. to be fnccd., of c"'urse, from w1ndJ weather · A RcMOR IS curr·nt that Sir ;\Jexal)der should be followed-m a con trarJ d1rec The directors ha\ e pleasure m present and cnmmals, 1nd the least of these Galt would 1rnt be adverse to workmg bar mg to the shareholders the twenty fifth danJers, is not those uf exposure and bad t1on, but in tins instance we tlunk there annual report, accompanied by a sti.lrte1nont weather rrhe heavy lno1st attnosphcie NEw GooDs 18 so1ne reason v. hy Refo1n1ers should momously with J\11 Blake It is even of the resul's of the buamess for the year !hat gathers "'er the water is ver) con pause and consider lhe N P is not to ·aid t hat t1.era-W1ll he lntle difficulty, if endmg 31st May, 1882 duc!Ve to rheumatism, and many of my us a "thing of beauty, and W'3 do noh Sir John ietued, in forming agovernn; ent The net profits after deduct n1ensnffer fro1n that complaint n1ore or leBs ing coat of 1na.uagen1ent I belun e that eur danger from exposu re :want to ha~e it a, "JOY fore' er ' in its of "h1ch Mr Bl ..ke and Sr Alexander interes t acm uetl on depos from ~his tin1e for,\ard is past, as St Jacobs i ts and n1ak1ng run pro piesent shape It 1s far from petfrd10n, would be the leaders Even William Mac iasion for all bad and 011, if apphed 1n tln1e 1n case of rheu1na it 18 !!lechonal and very unJnst in many dougal s name is mentioned in connect1on doubtful d.ebts i\'e:r:e $l8l 4r>9 !13 tisn1, has a wondetinl way of knocking l.f'ro1n contingenttund (after respects, but twice have the maJ011tv of with this now p101oct-lo>oito H oild a full reialuation of all that malady out -0f people It certamly assets) rAbeved me of a severo pain in iny shoul the electors 111 Canada voted for its adop -STAND!\.RDder~ rrnE O ...tawa. F1 ee l)j Ct>S believes that tton, and \\ e are quite w1lhng that they + -shall have an opport1mty of gl\mg it a the sunple fact that Quebec g1Hs a sohd 90 000 00 CHICAGO 1'0 DENVER fau trial Mr Blake has not proposed to maJont\ of 42 to the M1mstry ·hould warn 12.:> 000 00 215 000 00 abolish the N P , but he proposed to the people of Ontario of the danger that --<~D-- TIIE l'll<SI AND ONLY THROUGH TTNE accept the prmc1plc of 1t and c.nry it ont confronts them I he Government 1s the Bala.nee of profits ca.1r1ed foiwa.id $1 :l..:>9 ll3 O:ffict!_l.l announcement reaches our office in good fa1t1L, with son1e tffi.a.)ortant in1 i5lave uf that solid vot\,;, and "e all know - - - fixrng the 2d day uf July as the opemng The D1rectold havo groat satrnfact1on m date of theChicaao Bnrlmgtonand Qmncy I pr;:ive1nents We quote RD extract on the ho\Y n1uch mote hkelJ it ts that its power of all grades Trade Qµest10n from bis address to prorn will be used to cripple the resm rces and bemg able to state that notw1thstandmg j g R THROUG~ ' IIN1' from Chrcogo, the sepous d1fficulnes the Bank ho.shad to Peoria or St Loms to Dem er The tr.m cuit:ul the intlucn~ oj dnta1io this. He said contend against they a.re euablecl from t he 011 the new !me will be eqmppod ll1 the PINK SUGAR "You kno11 well that I do not approve earnmgs to pa.ya dividend of six per cent 1 style of comfort and eleualice for which To our of needless restrictions on our liberty of THEH.~ 18 so1ue a1nusc1nent anlon~ the lor the full year, and, together mth the I tho "Burlmaton Houle ;';. uot~d BLlJE SUGAR ex.changing what wa have for what we poht1crn.ns tt the dtico1nfitn1c of the tl1u$ ~maupt rs:-oorei:~d trom conhn~ent JlC tnany teadei~ \\ho have been anx.ionsly BROWN SUGAR, want, and do not see that any snbstauha.l counts, cnrxy f.O the tespthe su1n uf$12o, awaitin )' fer the announcement of th1s apphcahon of the restrictn a principle has trious tr10-J osia.h Burr Plumb, Brununa 000, brmgmg that fund up to ~22!) oool or date and 1' ho mtend to turn t heir steps YELLOW SUGAR, beea, or can be, made m favo~ of the great gem HuntrnJ and Alfred Boultbee Ever 15 per cent on the capital to wards the setting sun · c can copfidently mterests of the mechanic, the laborer, the together 111 the palmy days when .the) WhilSt the profits would have ad1mlted say JUdgrng the presen't and future by the WHITE S UGAR fa1mer, the lumberman, the sh 1P builder, surrounded S1rJ ohn ash1a faith fu l inunons, of a higher rate than that declared, the past, that they will find 011 this hne >1.ll the or the fisherman But Jou know also that PULVERIZED SUGAR d1rectots a.re of opinion that in keep11 J at.tenhon t~ the uunutes de~a.ils, which I ha·o fnlly reoognrned the fact that we ieady to do his any and every behest, they the dn idend at a moderate figure and ac hive made the name of the C H & Q and PARIS LUMP SUGAR are obliged to raise ;) early a great sutn, are now insep&rable 1n the grea.t calamity cnwulating a reserve fund they are put hi ui:.ehold woid throu hont the t:n1on made greater by the obltgations imposed winch has ovcitakcn them But their suing the pohcv be$t ca.lculated to ensure and snsure to travalers 0 speed , safety and on us by this Government ' and that "e erLef 18 not suffi ... ient to hold thern together tho future success of the bank, and l'>ro luxury Have ynn tickets read 'VHJ. "Bu1l must contmue to p1ovide tb10 yearly sum mote tho interests of the pern1anent s·ock inot cvn Route. o mainly by impoit duties, la 1d to a large .Even now the seeds of dis~enaion have lwlders suffers to day the ex ti ome penalty of TDARLINGTON. vffice po\RclcSOL FOUND Apply at this I 201 tf JOHNS &JEWELL S. MASON & SON'S - o F SPRING- . I SU CARS! SU CARS! Mammoth Stock Staple & ~a~cy Groceries, SUGARS! Would Respectfully Inform the Pubhc that their Stock of DRY C 00D S REC EIVE D1 IS NOW COMPLETE. 1 Prov1s1ons, Crockery, \~ Q1assware, &c. &o. IS NOW COMPLETE. Goods of the Best quality sold at temptmgly low puces Custome1s tt eated comteously and waited on' with chspatch NOW IN DEMAND I --(o)--,-- 1 GRANULATED SUGARS y EL LO w REFINED DRESS GOODS! Vve are showmg a complete I range of Black & Colored F arm p r 0 d u c e. Taken at Market Prices. Goods Delneiecl Promptly to all pa1ts of CASHMERES, for wlnch om i eputat10n now stands so lug h & mtcndmg puichasern will find the Town JOHNS & JEWELL, McClung Bros' Block, Bowmanville. them imno 11a~sed FOi ColOJ', Texture and Finisl1. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SArINS, BLACK BROCADED SILK, BROCADED S!\.TIN, PERSIAN CORDS, DE BUZE~, All Wool Serge~ m Sum111pr Shad~~, Nun§ O\oth \ll Black & Cplored, Brocades, Checks, Stripe· i Pl.ud1 - Newest Pa·te111s & Shades · 1 I Sweeping Reductions r- -:i: JS!"-- extent 0n goods sinular to those which can been ao1vn, and thare is a discussion system that theie must be a large, and, as I believe, in the view of modern protec tionists, an ample adv tntage to the hon1 e manufacturer Our adversnriea wish te> present to Jon an issue a.a beb' een the present ta11ff and absolute free trade " That le not the true issue "Free trade is, as I have repeatedly explained, for us tmposs1ble , and the issue (I 'l1he directors have pleasure 111 r& porh11p; be manufactured !\ere and that 1t results amongst them and then frtendJ: 1tsfo which that the credit and connections of the bank, as a necemty mo1dent of our settled fiscal of them 1s the betfcr entitled to ·tep mto a.n.d more parhcul,\rly its carn1n6 power, T. DARLINGTON I Black a1 d Colored LUSTRES, Sugar at the follow10g I I DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING have been. retained u111mpa1red, ancl with Sa John's sh.oes in Carleton or Lennox, a continuance of prospe;r1ty 111 tho couptfy \Vh1ch e\ er he may ses flt to "ncate Sir tltey have every confid·nce that in ltnne John 'is playing the pa,rt of Paris wi~h his the Bank will fully retrieve the loeses Staud \'tel G1anul~teµ Sugars 9 lbs 12 lbs 1ei::n~::eo~et~:~~~!at~:~cdt\~~e t~:~l~~~k~f t~~ ~l:;:~~i~~;~:~~:1:~;~ ::~~ I complete thlLt the customern will see tliat we mean We offer a 1a1e baigam busmess 10 whether the prnsent tard! 1s peifect or have a cornpetitton t1nong the three for defective and UDJUSI "I beheve it to be in some im pGJi uant the prize 1\fr Plumb wishes the contest to turn on \"iho can write the host poem 1n feapects defectl' e and unJUBt apple, only the Slmlle IS lackmg >ll that t})e th1ee contestants are celebrated neither for then political vu tue nor their menta1 weigh t One w i.y h ~s betiu suggested to Sir John to avoid a chsoute, and that is to atuffs should bo free t hat the sugar du hes .uth the desire to settle it hy a game of ahould be so ad)listed as to relteve the "seven up " T he mo.:i.t likely thing is consumer front some patli of the eno1mous that Sir John will let them fight among extra price he 1s now liable to pay to a few refiners thatJthe exorbitant and un themselves-and then give it to some other qual duties on the lower grades of cottons fello" -101onlo World and woollens should be so changed as to make thern fa1re1 to the masses, who now "'Ve expressed our views l ast session 111 the eho rtcst hme , J\'Ir BRnt1ng 'v1shes to four inohons, which declare that a.rhcles of such prune necessity as fuel u.nd bread Jiff for it, and Mi Boultbee is c1edttod mado m past years Jn accnrdance uith your resolution passed at the general me.tmg held Rn the 30th clay of November, 1881, applloahon wa1:1 made to Paihan1ent a.t ita la.st session to reduce the cap1to.l stock of the bank, and ofter a carefnl mvesiigat wn by the baokmg committee an Act passed ifxmg the cap1t·l at $1,500,000, and the shar es at ~100 each Eespectfully submitted, ):J:oivLAND, P<cs1dent OENb;ltA.L s 1.lTEi\fENT, SlsT i\tlY 1882 --(o)-- m Drmss GooDs at 121 cents Bo)s and Youths E'U.f,L RA.NOE IN Special Rednct10ns m Pm~ IS, great 'ia11ety to choo,e from Ba1garns m R eady-made and 01de1ed CLOTHING Smts a specialty (o)--- LACE CURTAINS, w :r TEAS! T DARLINGTON'S Ne" Teas aie sold at the following puces -20c pe1 lb, 30c per lb, l'.\CLUDING THE Daplex, Stupe Fein Pattern, etc L!Lmb1cqums, Cm tam Lace, etc Punts , beavy range Jn new patterns , good fa<t colorn --(0)-- GENTS' FURNISHINGS. m gieat 'auety and v e1 y cheap We give the utmost attentrnn to the TAIIOlUN U and offer extra mducements m thIS department Tbe public may be on the look out for Rare Ba1-g--ams We take G10cP-1 s Due Bills same as C11sh, Liab1lities pay on the cheapest goods taxes about twtce as great in proportion as those which 1'HE RESULT Su ce the Bon M1 Mills and other and !hat Liberals, h"' · been counted m, despite the duties on such an article as iron, wInch is in universal use, should be reduced, so the many schemes designed to defeat aa to enable the honie manufacturer, to them , th e Onl:mo Oppos1t10n m the whom 1t is a. rn.'v material, to produce cheaper goods for the benefit of b!S home the rwh pay on the finest goods consumer and the encouragP.ment of Ins foreign trad e "I believe that by changes of the chat :acter I ha.ve indicated monopoly and ex tra' ~\gant pr1ceK would be checked, a g reater measure of fair p l 1y and J ust1ce to ail classes would be secured, and lhe 4<0c pt:1 lb and )Oc pei lb NEW:J<;t:;T STY.J:i:{!]S , D:Al1LINGTON '8 for s13lect and cheap - - ( o)- - ELLISON cl: CO. GROCERIES. CORSETS. rnnw T. DARLINGTON. ALT, THE LE LINES Do" n1anv1Jle June / 188') FARMERS J ATTENTION I/ Havmg pm1,:ha~ed the i\fachrnt Shop lately occupied by I am now prepared to McClung and added a Moulding Shop and some new Machmeiy, mal~e all kmd s of Castmgs and do all J,md s of Mill and .Maclnne wo1k Specrnl attent10n given to the repamng of Reapers, l\fowe1s and '.l'hrashmg ~Maclunes All kmps of Geaung Cou11~ lmgs 1Lml CJ hnde1 Teeth kept on hand, also P lo w ,Pomts and oti1er i epaua for all Jnnds of plows burden of 'axahon would be better adiust ed to the capamty of the Jleople who are to pay --~ "Depend upon it, a. day \V11Ico1ne wl1en CROMP ION S MAKE, CORALINE, FLEXIBLE! PE~FEC'f, Sl\QQN BUS~, &c. - - ( o )-- M1 Wm hy sharp and b1·tcr experience "e shall learn the truth and many \\bo cvP.n now applaud will the n condemn these parhcnlar incidents of the tar1fi'. New Brunswick "But I believe that out brief experience j No \: i' Scoha. Reform 39 13 8 Con 53 49 13 2 124 Ind (a U5il 11 :.:! 7~3 65 2 000 00 0 2 1 7 4 7 1 0 $i ]:JS 167 05 tOOI! LAD IES' H0SE, --:usr-- Havrng a staff of expenenc~d workmen ernplO) ed, hope to. give sat1sfactrnn to tl10se tliat may favo1 me with then '"1>1k has already convmced many former sup porte1s of th e need of amendn1cnt and P E Island Something New at G610 lG 109 900 fa 21 U08 00 159 812 08 BA~BRIG !\.Nil, that a maJOr1ty of the mlel11gent electms a1e in fa, 01 of sue:h m oditicntions 10 the d1rect1011 I hav e po11 tcd ont as tna.y be made with a due ie~nd to the leg1Lirnn.te interests of all concernc 1 71 I otal Seats 4 COMl'OSiTION OF '.!HE LAST HOUSE RP.form 88 G5 21 Th10 cleaily sets f, 1th Mr Blakes news Nova Scotia on the N P , but the Glove has not advo N 0?i Brunswick 16 P E I.land 6 cated these views on !he tariff, but has all llfanitoba 4 along taken qmte a different pos!t100 n Bri t Columbia 6 ha. advocated a return to the tariff of the 206 Macken zie Qgvernment, wluch IVI1 Blake Ontario Quebec 2G J3 6 Con 62 50 15 12 1 0 0 4 JEWELER T'ECE illliU tlfil&lffiID'~ ·· MJ£RINOS, CASHMERES, \\ Hl1E, C!\.RDIN ;\.L, SRY CRF.!l'.M, STRIPE and FANCY R. H. SYLVESTER, BOWMAN VILLE AGRICULTURAL AND MACHINE WORKS, KING STREET EAS1, No1th Side ----(o)~-- P.S -llighest puce paid for any quant ity of Scra1> lion. " 4 6 IKID GLOVES, -:r:isrBLo\CK and COLORS, SILK 1 !\.FFETA; J,l :il T;~ THREAD AND Lo\CE GLOVES IN GREAT VARIETY. ---(o}-- - J '397 Dl - - - $ 0 418 OGO 81 60 146 C HOLLAND GcnprQ.l M.e.n a8'e 1 admits is 1mpractwab1e und er our present obhgations, and which \' e ho1d is nnprac t1cable under an) Government similarly LOCAL ELECTION NOTES M1 Blttke s offi01al ma1ority ts 118 Orono polled 166 votes m t)le Joe 11 elec bon, and 167 last week In the last local election ::-<ewcastlc poll eel 190 'otes , last week only 158 N umbe1 of votes polled m town Blake, 256 Buntmg 308 Buntmg s maJOrlt),52 s1tuat·d But the Globe ha· fought with a fixed determma·wn through,rnt the recent camprngn tn the d1rechon indicated, 1gnor1ng l\ir. Blake's pos1t1on and even n o w, when the people have arta1n voted aga1uist its d ctat on tt continues rts con Moved by Sir W P Howland, seconded by Mr Donald Mackay-" 1 hat the report notv read be adopted - Adopted Mo' ed by Alderm·n Hallam, aud sec THA'r tention Thi~ is aI.l unwise course to pursue and 1s .eure to do the Reform cau::.e 11 rel'arable miur;i Indeed , it has already done much harm , for had the Glove rn confornuty to the drift of public opm10n supported Mr 13lake's vie· s 0n the tariff our defeat in the iecent c1 nte"t would have been Il}UCh less decis1\f> if not 111 deed, a roal vrntori The Globe' pulhn at a tangent with the Leader of tho Oppo s1t10n made it appear t hat he was makrni; false pretences, and "as "p]n.ying a trick expired without 'vote being tendored the Tho total number of votes polled m lhe ballot shall be closed by the S"rutmeers on the manufacturers w!ule he VY!lS act last Prov1nc1al :FJlechon was 2 1 786 in th1:1 -Adopted rng m good faith "1th them The Clobes Dom1n1vn ele tlon l u~t week, 2,876-a The oerutrneers reported as follo" s action, the1eforEi, ser \ ed to intcnenfJ and cuffe1ence of only 90 votes \Vo the nndore1gned scrutinee1s appoi nt l!erpetuate the oppos1t10n of the manufac ect at the a.unual meet1n~ of tho Onta.rto turers, whose support a nd influence had IN A NEW ROLE Bank, held here this day, do declare the no ltttle to do in return1ng Str John 1\1 tc lollowmg gentlemen unammoush elected donald and h1s party to po\\er fhenJ as cl1rectora of the bank for tho co1n1ng year, viz -The Hon Sn VV11l1arn P GEO II01j_?e~ 11~};~r again, hundreds of prf)fessed__g~~m ers onded by Mr James Graham- ' 1 That the now occupied b' the vddo" of the ate thanks of the ahart-holders be hereby gi ven I Hobert Lo\v s1tt11tte at lh e bead of lhgh Street to the Prcaident and Directors for thElr 1n the lo \\n of llowman' 1lle conta1n1nJ? about l '>i acres or first class lsnd on which there is a c ffi c1ent 111anagement of the atfa1r~ of the large substapt1a.l brui house \vtlh stable ba.1n, bank dur1ni the past year "-Adopted m chard &c &o Pol5Scss1on on or before tht:' Btadlt!y s School H ouseD1v1e1on re ma.ins M ove d b y M r !\.! exa.n d er W III s, seoon d Mor ne'(t For .Apnl further parttculars appl) to true to the Reform cause 1-¥ e feel proud ed by llfr R S Caoselo-" That the D ! lSHEl of 1t thank.e of the shareholders be given to the Bo"m tn\1lle l eb 2 188'1 Enmsk1llen ga\ e 23 ma1onty for Mr general manager, the managtia and other Bla.ke -a. larger Reforn1 niaJ{lflty than it ofiwers of the bank, for the faithful per o~er gave before Continue in well doing formancc of their duties duru.g the year Dari ngton gave Blake f>85 , Buntmg -Adopted n c ltl('l('lltnh G1oee1R, t~ene1a.J Moved by Mr F hnoldt, seconded by Jo lltrd11 Zi6 Blakes maJcn ty 30U A.I \he ~ lq1 c~kct11·~~ri'! Hn1J. 'it "J1i.;1q If previous c]ecbon the ltofo1m tnaJority was Mr C S Gzowsk1, Jr - "That Mesars Ill I.} f OJICI 1 JI James Grahaut W J Macdonell and J 265 requesbd to act as K Macdonald be Cla1ke ;a'e Blake 485 and Bunltng406 l'.>TaJOllty I< r make 79 The Conservatn es ecrnhMeers, and that the balloting do ni_:\V counted on a maJortty for Bunting in conunence, and that it close at 5 o clod , but tf at any time five nunutea shall h ;:n e Clarke v ~LU ABLE PROPERTY Beautiful Gold Watches, m new des11-,rns Handsome Brncelets a n d Rmgs, m new designs Elegant Sets of Gold and Silver Jewele1y m n~w d es1g nsJnst Received C'JffRock C1ystal E)c Glassesthe best m the wo1ld A laige as soi trnent of those Celebiated Glasse, 3ust rccen ed All kmds of defective eye,1ght. helped by usmg them :Mayn11-1 tpe Jllwelet bps a th st class Optornetei f01 p1ope1 ly testmg the eyesight b) the use of which pei ,ons of all ages can be prnpeil:y smted \\1th glasoes Call & mspcct WAs usual, all kmds of Repaumg m tlie Watch and J ewele1 y !me attcniled to with p1 ornptness ~Satisfact10n guaranteed ECLIPSE " HOUSE I "' - - - W E NOW OCCUPY THAT NEW S10RE,--- 0NE DOOR WEST OF MR BUCKLERS J EWELRY b'TORE (::~ FURNISHING GOODS, ETC.) "° a, Bnihhug Lots for s .. liing Sh-eet. .MO);EY \.D'\7 :\.:NCED \.T 5% INTEREST We aie castrng om ·hadows all aiound by sellrng the nobb1est good~ m th e t'atle W We ttgam Sa) that make t he NonBU:ST FH'IING SlHTS and sell the cheapest goods W Om 8 HIRTR, '.1 IES, HOSIERY. all Shades, Makes & Puces UNDERSHll\fS and DRAWER S and all kmd s of MENS WEAR a1e the finest ~ All kmd, of DE NBlS, SHIRTINGS, TicKSash Ribbon rn Watc1cd, Plaid and and no1L1est 111 the trade I:-!G, TADLE LINENS, COTTON Goons etc ' etc' kept Ill stock Om stoc]r,; Shaded of '!\\EEDS and West of England WoRSTil:D me excellent quality --(o}-QT By callmg the public may find that we sell the bes t goods m Uu1 market at the \ e1y lo" est pllces ~Full rani;e 111 Ste!l-111 l;oprn~ and Facto1y Cottons We have Stearn Looms ove1 a yard wide for I 10 cents per :yaid Also Factor) Ie on Cotton f1 om 7 cents upwa1 <ls 1 '7U.H.IVEB. \HLoL SELL THE FOILOWING --(o}-- Pillow Cmta1rs, Shectmg, Table Lmen, Damasks, N apkms, -Tow~lmg --(o)-Comrrnttco \V ngha1n WM. McMURTRY; .A.'l:'-- (==D--R--Y G--0--0--D~~) GREAT REDUC11 IONS Fancy 'Vool GoodsUlster~, votod for t he N P Ill 1878 These men Honlnnd, Colonel C - s- zowsl<1,-.Ion___ a re by no ineans Conservatives, nor do they Scruhnee1s theso men w lll not 1nduce them to rct irn J T M \ ODON.HD, to their party A g,.eat many young men 1 10 H()LL..lND, ESQ ' -mechanics and 11l.borers -who \Oted for __ _____.__. _ ____ · -- -(}en 1l 1l:Ian , Ontario Bank the first tune at this elechou ident1fied NUMBERLESS Remnant s of Dtess Goods The newly elected Board met directly Print8 &c to be sold at a sacrifice at the :star tiiemse Ivcs w lth the Conservatives and the House after the meeetrng, whon Sir W P How N P patty, and as flrst impretjsions are At ltast four cf tne n1embers from On Janel was re olected PreSldent, and Colonel wish to be counted out of the Reform ranks, but the condu t of the Globe towards 0 ::~:.~,"0~~~1:M~~1~~:1i~::t~~f~n·ld JAMES GRAHA.!'iI, } V\r J l\'fAUDONF.LL, CH EA p B00KS! -.A.T- ~r - - VEL VETS m Black and Colors, Lace, Emb10 denes l!nllmgs FrmgeJifantle Ornarnents, &c &c - a great Dress Goods, \a11ety l\fantlea, Doln1ans, --(o)-F11nged and Hone:ycornb c Variety Hall I - - (o)- - ClouUs, Hoods, Sqnaree, I QUI LT S. - --(o)--- FIVE CENTS EACH. --(o)-J'ilr" Life of GI dstooe, BaconsfJeld, N el son, '\Vel11ngton, L11 th:er 1 Carlyle, '\\1 eelay, Peter tho Greal, Burns, Sv1.;tt B nntan, Columbus, Napoleon, posted on receipt of p1 ice, 01 50 cents pt'!r <lo~en ~:r·· Also, Uncle Toms Cab10~~0c , ScoltrnhChiefs -~Oc Ror) O J\forn-20c John Plongh I >nan s Ialk- 12c Sanki No 4-35c ( ) -- 0 -;a1·FIN E LINE OF BA.SKETS 1'(.'I( --(o)- ;f:k~ .. Good StJ:les 111 Ladies Satchels, Wagons , Childien ·Carnages allll Wheel barrows-Just the articles for little folks Breakfast Shawls, Good Vmety "l:(~avy Laces- a Large Stock, Em bro1der1el:l, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloth!!, IS ice Ola1strtH\~ Goods, !!ilk llandkerch1efs, Silk Scarfs and Ladies lies m Great Variety Muslins, W1nclo'\ Curtauu;, Full Stock Cloths & Tweeds, not cus1ly removed, it is quite safo to t auo Nir Blake, J\fr Casey, Mr llfolock G zowsk1, \we President co\lnt these against us for the future It and Mi \Yells, are the gra.<luates of the will take years of faithful and pcrs1Btent Umversity of Toronto --~--~---------- effort and work to overcome the lDJUlY "Jim ' Somerville, of the Dund11811'<e that has been done to the Reform p~rty bJ Ban ne<, fo1 Nor th Brant, :;nd James Innes, the (,lob e' act10n durmgthe recent contest of the G1 clph Mercury for South Wellrng Observei , repo1t of tho Conference pro ton a1e two newspapor n en returned in ceedrngs We regret that it is necessary to speak so Ontarw-bolh ;R..lorm Boirnwr vdle D1st11cl -Considernble ac plamly sgamst what is conSldered to be Our readers n1ay iind it interesting to ttvtty has be"n manifested 111 conuec the leadmg organ of our party m Canada, compare the Globes forecast published a twa with our church estates on tlus but we speak our mrnd and the nund of couple of days before tl e pollmg with district durmg the year The followmg n1any prominent Refonners actual i:esult BIBLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH saoa sroaa r TAILORING. TYRONE ~'I hi~ depai trnent is now corn Blankets, Flanllelo, 'Mens Vndernl11rts & Drawers TERMS -Cash D on t fo1get to call It \\~JI pay you W Mc:MURTRY-WERT END HOUSE I p:.i.trons for their support dur1ni.: the lo.st four teen , c111 s infot ms them he oas bought an e.ntire \\ H Hicks wlulc thank1n$' his fr1ends and :51!0.11~ plete ,1nd contams the choice,t pat terns 111 'l'he prophetic announce sums have been paid 1n red11mn~ Lhe meat was as follows ~ prmc1pal Bowmanv11le chmch, $120 00 1 Opposdw' Hampton church, $300 00 Enfield church 62 I S134 00 , Brooklin church, MO 00 at 20 OshawR $600 00 has been paid on the 12 church and $110 00 on the parsonage Jntcnds to sell at the Iov; est possible prices a.nd ML1ll solicits ~share o1 the1r patronage Small "Pt'Olits and quick icturns Q.t the sign of the Big Boo I; 1 yronc new stock of BOO'IS and ,yh1ch he Scotch and Canadian TVVEEDS, WORSTEDS TROWSERINGS, VEST PATTERNS, and 1s under the supei \ 1s1011 of a GLASGOW HOUSE i ---(o) T. YELLOWLEES. THOMAS PATERSON rnspectfully =nounces that !us purcha·es of 13 5 The Bowman ville church has been 1mprov od and the tn1pro\On1ents paid for, Be thesda. church, CJn the same circuit, has been uupro\ Fd at a cost of $429 00 and all met Siloam church, on the Columbus c1rctut, has beon improved and paid for On the Osha" a church o1s5 00 has been Y expended for th e same purpose ... 'J oto.l va.1ue of chnrch ptoperty for the disttict 1 b , th 0~ ""-' 19'*8 46 , e 1 11g a n lnt:rease lS year of $822 97 Present debt $6 024 71 PHOSPHATINE. .SS BL,\.Oh._ c;;: 1 LT 112 lady wno 1s a Judge of s1lks sai s the bm:..t value is to be had nt the Star House Yo11ng Alen su!'ferlllg from early indisc1cUone la.ck brain and neric force Macks :l\:lagnche Nicdicine <>dvert1sed 1n another colun1n Fnp phes tlus want and tl us c ncs "hen all other p1cparai1om:1 f1ul If ) ou '-" L"nt a iel able recomn1endahon \,/J f teas alvi. f!JH g§t 1t from a \\ on1an Nlrs Keys of the Ladies Fancy Goods Store llM been a.p pointed agenL he1e for a London (England) Tea Company and she l1as f1>Ce1ved a consignment of choice new season teas of di.tferent bran as Call a.nd get pr1ccs 198 ~ -A I I I u 1u;1y coucc·n 1 Phospba.t1ne or :Nf!l ve Foorl a Phosph atmo Elcn1cn t bn'led uponSc1entiflc Ji a.cts F01mul µt\;!d by P1ofessor Austin l\1 D of Booton 1\fa,ss cures Pulmona,1y Consumntlon ~1c k Headache Ncr\ ous Att.acks Vert.Jg o and Neurnlg1a and i.11 wast ing d1.-;ea.ses of the h un1n.n >iysten1 Phosphat1ne1snotaMedicine butaNut11n1cnt because 1t contntns no \'egctablo or l\.f1nei1:1.l p 01 ~on Opui.teb Narcot10s and no Stnnula.nt~ buL simply the Phoflphat10 and GttsLuo Elem r.nts foun41n our daily food A rsingle bllttle sufficlcnt to con\ lnce A1 1 Druggists sell it First Class Cutter All Garments" auanted to Fit ALSO ; ULL ASS Ull LMF. NT OF W.tll1E SHJftTSi COLLAitS, CUFFS, II \NDI<ERCJITEI'S, TIES, HA'rS, CAPS, and UNDJmWEAR (:!=D--R--Y _0--0--0--~--s~) for the piesent season aie no"\\ ieatly f01 m~pection and \\lll be found "ell assoi ted m all the leadmg Imes 1 Havmg 1esolved to 1cdnce ]us ve1y la1ge stock w1thm ieasonable bounds, he '"]] sell la1ge Imes of JOOLh m "auous depa1 tments at less than whole.ale pnces Parties "ishmg to expend then money to the best advantage, will consult then own mte1 est by ma], mg an eatly call , SUITS got up on shoit n otice and wauanted to ht of Cowper a sks "ho hath not ov. ncd '\\Ith raptu1e smitten frame Ibe power the grace the magic of a name " And 1t it ls the na1ne of a pen be su1e it is one E~torbrook e I j I Infants or adults than Dr Fowler s Extra.ct or I he re 1s no more wholesome or dcl1c1ous fruit 011 earth lhe.n the '\\rild !:3trawbcrry and there ~l 00 per bottle L0""'7::c:>E.N ~ CJC> 18 no n1ore effectual re1ncdy for Chole1a. D) son tery Cramps nnd other su01n1cr co mpln1uts of S t 8 , ti D \Vild Strtnvberry ole Aqen 1 - - · - - - - ·- ~- ., ' I tout Sf rt:ef I .bl Torouro or te onttnion S. MASON & 501'4.