McOlung !Jros have just opened out One Hundred Pairs of J1f AGNIFICENT lace Curtains PROVIDE ~ which they have bought below the cost of IIDJ) ortat1on, and will retail them lower than regular wholesale prices This affordi;; housekeep ers a rare chance to secure a handsome set of curtains at a very moderate cost Feathe1·s Wanted CE 11spcct L l\101 1 s :s b g s tock of fu u t urc - U ~ F Co Ba n d p lay in P o1 t Hope to n1orrow Ou \,\ is t1 c wo k1ngman s s ranee company - 1 he f ro n t d oor mat i Ql'\l vays cad ) t o scrape Tho a nnn er.:1 l ry at t h a place t urned out 'ery s 1cces@ful G od serrn ns good s 1 1no uuud ud1ences an cl ood cullec t1 u;s ~n° Sun day Capital speec hes capita.I tea a ud a goed attendance on l\foud 'Y Re vs A) ers Clarke D) ke l{:cnnc1 and other min ster s took pa(t TO THE 1 CHEAP ONE PRICE I GREAT Proceeds about $56 .SALE M FRONT. The Field for Investment-The Home of the Emigrant - Bemg a Full and Oom:p!ete:H1story of the Country Jl1 L S -Barley 111 it) 1n head n son e fi eJde in this vie n - Mrij: Key!t d id a. r u.ahing co cream trade last ~aturda) ~earn ~cet 'e pot ato bugs are hold DK hlgJl'r""'""'"-"'"'f 'al Just now 1fii prospect for a n abundant c rop o! a pules i;: soctlon is good -Short ser m ons ere preached 1n most of th >fte"'CO inty poor housQ a.t N ewn1a.rket \-Y 11 ch n:J es in tov. n l 'l.s Sabbath. a.1 l \Vere n PIOC a ted \le tl isl cl by Dec 1st - T l e cl oir of St Pa 1 i:s Church has re entl had its 11en b ersh1p I atcr allJ 1 N one UASH STORE! I - [ o] - THE PEOPLE'S STO RE. iVOUNC, CAWKER &CO., l a\mg amalgamated the (,1oce1y P10v1s10n and Butcheung Busm ess aie now in a pos1t10n t o fmmsh their numerous fnend~ and patrons with th e chowest m too soo1 Dr F el d ng s ~a l e on ~ at r d.ay was l ar gel) attended a. d R a ry k u ocke 1 off a r ticles: l \ ely a t good pr ces successor to W. Alaxanaer. n· (o)I=-=~ GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND MEATS lm~orter of Staple & rancJ NIORRI:~' Millinory, Carriage Works! BOWMAN VILLE. - - -[o1- - TJ c Lcad!no Lmes at o u Cai 11ao-e W01ks tl is season will be b b f WOOL! Ian ti as -TEEEI- CPEN AND TOP PHAETONS with sm,,le and double seats SIDE-BAR BUGGIES m all th e Latest Styles HIGHEST MARKET PRICE -AND\>111 he paid fot an) quantity --of ~ OOL at - - ELLIPTIC SPRING BUGGIES, &c, &c. PLATFORM MARKET WAGONS, v. hich cannot be beat G-ENTS' I J. B. MARTYN'S G1 ocery and Provis10n S tore THREE SPRil'{G MARKET WAGONS FARM WAG ONS, wln ch " e contend are supe1101 to an) th mg C> er offet ed FURNISHINGS I .....,.,.(o)- - M ourning Goods OF FERED OHE !l.P & ALL ORDERS P ROMP TLY ATTENDED TO ---.,,,_ --=-( u)-=- -~ ~Tins bi anch of our tra le will be prosecuted with av1go1 h1thei to unknov.n rn the establishment an1 Faune1s may still iely on havmg a good article at :\foderate Price, Win th e nr ACKS}HIH DErART}!ENT v. e undertak e t o do a gen e1al Is agam n full l last aellmg at bottom blacksnntli s tiade m a dd1tl>n to the carnage work We I ave a full or1ces Dry Goods Groceries e. nd Fancv stocl, of REPAIRS for MASSEY REAPERS JlifoWERS and RAh.E.S aRd ar e pre Goods ~ Ji cbo1 co ne w stock of pared t o do any repau s on these macl1mes OLD NO. I STORE (WEST ENO OF TYRONE) (MILLINERY MILLINERY ~) @" JOBBIN G WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEN TION S Special attentrnn g1' en to th is !me Hardware Crocker) Glass ware Co 1! 01! and Lampo Sohool Books Stat onery etc JAMES MORRIS. I W. LOCKHART. I THO S. SYMONS JM: .A._Y :fl:: I I. - - -(o)-- - CLOSING JULY 15TH. - -(o)- - in ex HatS, Caps & Straw Goods. THOS. CREEPER. - --(o)-- - Neic Englis!t Felt;, New A rneJ ican F elts New Canadian F elt· and Bmd ngo § :PER QENT T) rone !\fay 18 1882 REDUCTION BUTciiRwSHOP. -ON ALL- Goods Swiss PRICES TOW PurchaS@$ ii I om $I 00 t o $ 100 00 wlnch in the t rade GENIS F URNISHINGS - 1he fil est an d best assort ed stock of Whit e French T'\J.~ l\J;\\\e1,1gned "\\ ould respect Cambrics and Oxford Shirts Coll~x s Cuffs r es Umierclothmg ID (Wool Menno and ~ulJy mform the citizens of Bow Cotton ) Braces Hosery Umbrellas Oil Cloth Coats etc etc Call and mspect goods aud pnces befor e pmchasmg else vl ere man'(1Jle that thev ha-.; e opened a N B -H ieh~ t C"5h Price p:rnli fo r all krn ds of Raw Furs Altogether the Finest Assortment ever o ffered BUTCHER STALL ) OU BLAKE VIOTORlOUS. -=-to)-- m M AUKJJ: I B u1L1)" whe.i e a choice asooi hnem of ail kmds of Meats "ill be k e1 t fo1 sale at lowest puces and delive1ed "\\ ith promptness to all parts ot the town N B -Highest cash pn ce paid for Hi~e!J. Tallow and Sheep Skm £ Pm t tes havmg fat st ock to sell will find 1tto t he1rmtel))stto consult us DAR CH & JOLL, ~ he A GREAT BOOM IN BOOTS and SHOES -AT ~ Remember t he Reduct10ns of BUTCHERS, Illtl tr 1882'Sw --(o)- - - ORIENTAL CAMHRICS PRINTS MUSLINS WHITE GOODS DUCKS COTTON <I.DE KENTUCKY TWILLR OXFOR D SHIRTINf, S o,: a fl oe ment of SPFl.:I:N"G- d> SUnl.C1\ILER. I nm nov; pie-pare 1 to sJ o Bemcr unable t o s!).hsfact on ly dispose of In s stocl, h ere and not bem g successful m seeming a StJ1tahle I lace of busmess m Bian<lon he 'I\ ilB iemam fo1 a time and gl\ e the pu blic the benefit oflo'I\ 111 ces He las j ust recened a \O f\ large and choice Spung Stoot of B )Ot9' Shoes Trunks and Valises f1orn t i e most ieliabk manufactm:ers m t 11& Domm10n which has been pmchase<;l ve1y low fo; CASH and will be sold at a 'ery sliJht ad' ance on cost to1 nAs:\I ONLY «" Ladze~ Misses and Cl?12ldren's Fine Goods a Speczabj _J¥1li D IC N K O WG SOI NGO ON A NT 's ETC, J. HB11 yar s " _s rR~_ EET IlO\\MANVl~LE W. Brittain &Oo. havm o- bouo-ht out I YLE BROS GROCERY BUSINESS, (Bounsall s Block)\eg t o call Fau nc1s attention t o t h" fact We sI1aU now be able to <upply al \\Ith cheap and ch oice qnahty of - !l Po hey Sustained. - -(o)- - BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, Groceries & TY R 0 NE, Tm s1 \ms IN 0 1 Provisions. Vie shall also he able to take all k m ds of Far m P 1oduce n amely Butte 1 Eggs Poik Lard Po.ultn etc etc ~~odet; :;, ~~;Pluc~~ t .~~~~t1 ;:0~-;,:1 ~ 15 ~:~~: LJ:!(l Bro,> w1H (l()nmn ue thc1 office he1e and bnJ every descri ption of /Or Casi P urchases fl Gram s Seeds etc etc To p O\e theo,bo\~ O'\'(~C~ ~ ··, v tes a ll h . r Do n ot fail t o give us a call before d1sposmcr of y om p10duce ' Ve old e ·t9,111~ a:oa pu b! c generally to (all f h f B E t L "'1 B ]] h fi ~ammo s o d Compare Goods and Prices with "\\ Ill ] ay part cas UT u ttei gg' e C ye lOS Wl pay cas OT ··~t":~~:: :~.~::.~~rk lBfa,o P aiasols H os 1c13 Mantles etc no" gomg on at DlGll:OO;N S rnb ly ts l no"n both far and near and has establlehed O\vn r eputa twn and at present s f lly p l o t h e 1 aot AN y Qu ANT ITY cR AIN I JOHN HELLYAR PH OSPH AT l N E L..VLE BROS, W. BRITTAIN & CO., Grocers, (189) Bounsall s N ew Block Kmg St Gram Merchants W. WADGE, EN NISK!ILLEN, Agent foi t he 1< lemy Ha1 vest e1, Meadow Lark Combmcd Reaper Smgle Mo" er s the Unequall ed H oosier Dnll and Seeder P oi te1 ~ Hat d to Beat P lo\\ s and oth ei: Eai m I mplements -:::::=--(") - - )