~-·------- McOlung Bros ~B <(,an~dfan$tate~mmn ~~~-~~~ have Just opened out One Hundred Pairs of MAGNIFICENT NOIE8 .BY IH.I!. \\ \. Y Lace Curtains CORRESPONDENCE ~ GOU:RTIOE which they have bought below the cost of importation, and will retail them lower than regular wh0lesale prices This affords h ousekeepers a rare chance to secure a handsome set of curtains at a very moderate cost. MONTREAL LOCAL & OTHERWISE ~ TO THE ~FRONT. ~ .......... - - Telegraph poles on K1 g St s l ould be pu ut ed -Coal w a.dva.nc ng and b ds far to be } gh next w ntcr -"\.\hat can be lo e ~YOUNG, CAWKER & CO., r..... ~ IG havmg amalgamated the Grncery P1ovlSlon and Butchering B ismess are no\\ m a position to furmsh their numerous THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Rociiliins;h the choicest :a; ~~ :"' ~ I PROVISION'S ~ of all kmds They do Tl eu motto \1111 be- La1ge Vanety of Best Goods at tl e Lowest Pnces WAll k nds of Farm P1oduce taken m exchange for Groccnes oi Dry Goods Your patronage will be thankfully received Cash fo1 Po1k Cattle Sheep Hides Sheepskm~ and Tallow n~~~ral~~w~!S r,.... ~:M:.:M:~ Y:S::It Hats, Caps~<o~traw Goods. New Engli~li Felts New Arnoican Felto New Canadian Felt· Oanad a a i A ncr ca i Caps S'IR <\_ W GOODS - Those beaut f 1! Fancy Mixtures Fancy Iland and Bmdmgs \\ h ta Canton Straws, Plum and Fancy Bands CJ 1ldren s Straw Goods Sw1sa Harvest Hats and Straw Stack Harvest Hats ALL NEW GOODS PRICES LOW Altogether the Finest A ss01 tment ever offe1 ed tn the trade t=tj 1--.-1 W. Brittain& Oo. -cq U :s:: r"J ~ L~_J 1 z ~ I'\. .......... \J ~ GENTS FURNISHINGS -The finest and besl assorted stook of White :French Oar bric· and Oxford Shirts Collars Cuffs r cs Uoderclothmg m (Wool llfcrmo and Cotton) Braces Hosery Umbrellas 01! Clot! Coats etc etc Call and inspect ~oods and prices before purchasing elsewl ere N B -Hiohest Cash Price pad for all kinds of Raw Furs ~ o~ G;;~~1~~;~a1&thp ;~~~~i~~~S. --V havmg bought out LYLE BROS GIWCEUY BUSINESS (Bounsalls Block) beg to call Fa1meis attention to this fact We shall ~ ~ o~ A'N'Y :QnA;NrTtrv ~c~RilhNW: $3 25 122 1 27 0 75 We shall also be able to take all kmds < f Farm Produce namely Butte1 Eggs Pork Lard Poult1y etc etc I yle Brns will contmue their office here md buy eve1y description of Grams Seeds etc etc 1--j ;:::; I"' tjiil ~ U '--f ';!:!, ~ tl"'!!oii.. LYLE BROS, W. BR ITT A IN & CO., Grnoorn, Eounsall s New Block Kmg St G'run Mmoh,nt' to to to 0 i7 0 80 0 90 0 "5 0 So O 00 Variety Hall I 0 ~ ~ z~!HIGHEST-MARKET PRIOE 1 .._ wdl _oL'LOOK! IDlillYlfil!i!ffiID'~ SlnDS d " - (o)lorn s of MUSIC Z 0 ~ rn raj V~ ·- Tie Home a ti every 0 Ever, Lady sho 1ld o vi o e z 0 CD Han<lsome Bracelets and Rm is m new designs Elegant Se s of Gold and Silver J ew ele1y m new des1gnsJnst Recen eel Rock C1ystal Eye Classesow pre[ a.red t o sho w a fine ass o:rt I a n e t of the best m tlie world A lai ge as SP:Ja:J:NG- ~ SU:l\ll:nll:ER. soi tment of those Celebiated Glaa·es I 111ILLINE R 1: JUSt r ce1ved All kmds of defective j I'AN CY GOODS & BERLIN WOOLS eyes glhts helped by usmg tl em IMap ard the Jffirnle I as a first class Optomete1 fo1 1101 e1ly t cstmg the ey es1 ht by tl o use of w h1ch persons of all ages can be propeily st rted \11th glasoes Call & mspect cl eap k nd ~A 0 usual all km ls of Repaumg m the W a.ch and J owelc1) !me MRS A S ANDERSOM, KING STREET BOWll'fA NVlLLE attended to 'nth piotnptness 1$£fSat1sfaction guaianteed J."~:ry~~~.!!,~'S ~~,~~:~~ I I LLI NERYI N E W ~:r";:~:"~t "'"""' SomethingNew at e 0 ! t.:1 J. Hcllyar's v D NO sacs sroaa t I Ip- TYRONE m· IPHOSPHATINE 0 ~ m c-t 0 · CD ~ ·