· 011, etc .~~~~~~~~l~~=~~~:.~.~~.~'.~~~.:x=roRT~.\~E~YA~~~~~~~~~~~~~&~J=[~-W.~E==li i oll IU Are Offering Excellent Value, Having This - - Week Received a-- FRESH STOCK OF CENERAl CROCERIES. -----()-- We ask Attention to the followmg NEW 'LEAS-Excellent value IPICKLE8- B.} the Qua1 t and ID COFFEE-l ic l Ground & m Cans Barrels IBISCUIT 8 - A l ull A,sortment SUGARS-In all Grades most always m Stock an I Pickled ICHIN A CrtocJ,ER\ aml Gr AS~\\ ~SE these goods befoic you pur }fall ,, Spreed Roll L ng Clem J-8ee h " h c ase "e cans 011 .} cu the new Bacon Bologna Sau,age I est design C' ~--,(o)--- Pr1nhng Presses We are determined to keep goods of the Best Quality, believing that trashy goods are dear at any Price -~-(o)- ~ Quaity Right GrIVE US A CALL (o) Tl e Executors of the E2t t· of the Prices Right. ~ ;f JOHNS & JEWELL. LATE CHRISTOPHER BAIN EXTENSION OF BUSINESS I (o)--~ Full Imes of Fresh Choice -()- and Cheap GROCERIES @'" Full lmes of PRO\ lSIONS l< LOUR FEED etc --() ~ j Full lmes of CROCKERY, -(o)- l GLASSWARE elc ~ Goods I 1 on l tlv ddrw~(f to sale the b:i.lance of lns & SHOES -AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES " for CASH Be sure and give him a call STAND -West Store in Neads' Block FARfilERS I ATTENTION I Havrng puichai,ed the Machrnt Shop latelv occupied by \' m McClung and added a ~foul l ng ~hor and some new MachmeI), I am n JW prepared to make all kmds of C ishngs and do all kmd~ of :Mill and Maclnne Vi 01k Special atto:nt10n given to the repamng of RC"apers Mowers and 1 hrashmg Machmes All kmJ s of l eaung ( oup lmgs and C}hnder Teeth kept on hand al·o Plow Pomts and other rcpans fat all kmds of J lows Ha vmg a staff of expenenc d workmen employed hope lo 0 n c sat1sfact10n to those that may favor me with their work 0 LOOK! Something New at R. H. SYLVESTER, BO\\ MANI ILLE AGRICULTlillAL AND MACHINE " ORKS Knw STREEI E:1.s1 Noith Side PS -Jhghest puce paid for any quantity of Scrap Iron --= ID1 &!YIRJfilill ID'~ JEWELER WM. McMURTRY -.L!.. "l:'- GREAT RED'UC'l IONS 1 D ess Goods llfantle· D !mans Ulstcro Fancy Wool GoodsOlondo Hoods Squares Bieakfast SJ a" ls Goo l v a 10ty Hea Laces o Ln.rgc Stoel Em bro1denes Tr1mmrngs Small Ware \\ t&ceye-Plam nnd lERMS Mantle Clo Lhs eod· -Cash wiL~s,"R)G.iii-l!oso!l ~ cos BUT'~ER ·COLOR respectfully an:nm nces that J 1s purcha es of 1· MiR>.ROVED (:: D--R--Y G--j?--0--D--S~) advantage win