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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1882, p. 2

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~~U~~R= - ~O~!"!"'G-=?~G~7~H~~~D~fl~~~ -O~~,~H~!"""[""""'!""'fl~~c . ~~~H~a . .... v.... e~a'"""""""1..... a~r..... g ...... e~s~t-o"""c...... k~o~f~F ............ I..... E.....L~D~a~n"""'d ........... G~a~rd~e~n""'"'!""s~E.....E~D.....s. ;.1~s.... t""'"a"""p.... 1e .......... a.... n.... d"'="-F"'""'. .,a"""":r """" _ 1...... cy""!"""""G=R""""o~c-.E~R ......I ..... E-=-,~· M * O U Glassware and Crockery, Flour, Oat and Corn l\1eal, E ~con, I-Iams, Fi s h, Coal C\il, etc. of the West Du~' . lt11~ A gncu P:a.z~:.:'L:..ii .iiam Cmm t y ::=Highest Prices allowed for all kinds of Dairy and Farm Produce. $1 1 I ffi T ~, i Darl' . 167 mgt on Towp" lup 168 1 ll:CST [ Cr.Ass G-DAIRY $3 H 8 2 on "' === ==============c=====- ---=~=1 Two acres Turmps viewed in field ..... ..... .. $6 4 2 Half acre Carrots, do ... 4 3 Ilalf acre Man golds, do ~ uesd"y and .11 Societies' Fair, to be held at Bowmanville, 169 Wednesday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. g~ $4 3 B $3 2 2 CLASS A-HORSES. 4 5 ( 7 8 9 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 8 2 2 2 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 2 Loaves of Bread, home-made 4 Loaves of Broad, baker's . ... . Dozen Bnno, home-made.. . ... .... ~ 2 1 1 c2fi l 1 1 1 7.1 75 75 75 1 1 I 352 1 .. ...... 1 do baker's . . . . 1 V""ar1ety of Presorvod Fruits, not to exceed 6 .. 2 Assortment of Pickles, not less than 3 vane ties 1 c50 50 50 50 75 75 25 75 75 '-1 ever}' nlan wl10 buvs hrn Lwen'>O fron1 :HENRY SYL '\TESTER, Enn1skdlen. I981;f. A GOOD WIFE GUARAN'rEED 1'0 1 1 1 1 75 75 75 ~ 180 2 181 1 182 ~ 183 4 4 4 4 3 20 21 !l2 23 24 25 3 4 4 4 z 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 184 lSfi 186 187 188 50 lSU $1 c50 do Jelly, do do 1 50 Oleai· Honey, ten pounds 1 50 II011ey m comb, do 1 50 CLASS H-GRAl:r\S AND SEEDS. Two bu~hcls Fall Wheat, 1882 . . . . . . . $8 $2 do Spnng Wheat, Bald, 1882 . 3 2 do Sprmg 'Vheat, Bearded, 1882 . . . 3 2 do Large Peas, lb82 . . 2 1 do Small Peas, 1882 . . . 2 1 do Barley, r.oL two rowed, 1882 2 1 Jo Barley, two rowed, 1882 . 2 1 do Oats, do 2 1 ea1'fl 50 25 21) ol' lot 20, con. 2, Da.1hngton S:!OOO worth of standing 'fnnber on tho Farm. One nnle n.nd a qua1 ter fron1 the hrruts of the TO\'n of Bo-.." man ville S. B. BRA.DSHA VV. 207. A JOHNS &JEWELL Are Offering Excellent Value, Having This -Week Received a-- F ARM D'OR SALE.-126 ACRES 25 2-5 1 1 75 75 75 50 50 FRESH STOCK OF - - -·( o ) - - - 1 ] 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 no 50 50 50 50 1 $1 1 1 c50 1 1 l no I 50 50 I l ~F ~ ARM lN OLAmrn TO ltEN'l' - I 50 1 ] 50 50 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 1 C'orn, strnng 12 ro-~ved, do 2 2 3 3 3 3 do do 8 rowed, ~ 190 One bushel Flax Seed, do Tnnotltv Seed, 191 2 192 2 198 do do do do do 4 4 3 3 5 2 2 4 4 4 Alsike Clover, 2 194 do ·rares or Vetches, 2 10 lbs Turnip Seed, 1 196 no Carrot Seed, 1 197 do Mangold Seed, do do Claver Seed 1 1 195 do do & do do 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 50 50 50 GO 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 COFFEE-- F1esh G1ound & in Cans. Barrnls. IBISCUITS - A F ull Assortment I...! I _EiAR M FOlt SALE --Township 15, M Uange li, J\fan1toba, being west half of SUGARS-In all Grades. most always in Stock section 35 20 miles from J\iinnadostt, 21 m1le.s MEATS _ Pickled C:HIN A, CROCKERY a n d GLA88WAHE _:_-See these goods b efore vou ptn Hams , Spiced Roll; Long Clear 1 11· ~ h " c iase. n c can s ow} ou t 1 1e newBacon, Bologna ::lausage. est designs. Smoked and 1 1 I ' 220 acres, being lot 35, con 8, Clarke, one nlile from Lcskard and 2~ fron1 Tyrone. Good houso and <'Ommodious out buildings. Plowing possession after har"Yest _,_\_pp1y to lVlRS M AK"'i A~"!N SIA F L.11'1:::, Orono, JOHN DAVEY or ~'\LEX, STAPLES Leska,rd. 206 tf \Ve ask Attention to the following. NJ£W TEAS-Excellent Value. IPICKLES-Ily the Quait and in I 1 1 1 1 1 75 75 75 75 nO 50 50 1 1 l 1 26 27 5 5 3 Seedsrnan, ·ruronto, offers a prize of an Impro' ed Chill Plow, value $16, for best two bushels of TuIR JAMES RENNIE 1 75 75 75 75 1 1 1 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 I 50 1 ---(o)--- Hornse \Vante1f UfflTH 7 OR H ROOMS, AT I,EA8T, 'f 't' 1n gnod 1ocahon tn Bo\'inrnnv1lle )\ 11pl~ to V\r. "\.Y rAMBTYN, Osha\\a, or to t]le 8TATfJS M~N o!Iwe. 213 f . 28 5 3 clover seed. to become h1a property. 3 29 4 B CLASS I.-FRUITS. 198 6 Fall Apples, Dessert .... .. ...... . ....... $1 for Cooking.. .. . . . . . . · . · · · · · . . .. . ·· 1 6 Wmter Apples, Dessert ....... ,. ......... l 30 4 3 0 3 2 2 2 1H9 200 2 201 1 202 1 203 204 d-0 33 Thorough-~red Short-horn Bull, 3 years and 81 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 214 215 216 JN:imalei:i.. ·· . .··.·.·. Diploma. 217 Thorough bred Devon Eull . . . ..... 4 3 2 218 do do .1lilch Cow. 4 3 219 do do IIe1f0r, 2 yo.ars olcl ... 3 220 2 do do Herd, BuIJ and four 221 Females . . , Diploma. 222 Ayrol.nrc Bull 3 2 223 do Milch Oow 3 2 224 do 2 year old Ileifei. 2 1 tlo 1 year old IIeiter. 2 1 225 do Calf. .. .. . . . . 2 1 named . . . . . d'o Herd, Dnll and 4 Females ... . . Doplollla. 226 3 Bunches Gra11es, purple, grown in open air, Grade llfilch Cow 3 2 1 . . . do two year old Heiler 3 2 1 2~7 Gre ~test \ 7 ariety of Fruits ·. , ..... . ........ do one ycnr old Heifer 3 2 1 228 Best variety(not exceedmg 10) of Apples,named do Heifer Calf. . 3 2 1 npwnrds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thorough-bred ShorL-Lom Bull, 2 }Oars old do do Bull, 1 year old .. do do Bull Calf . do do Milch Cow do d~ Heifer, 3 yea1 s old do do Heifer, 2 years old do do Heifer, l year olrl do do Heifer Calf do do Herd, Dull and 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 do for Cookrng. . . .. . .. · . . . .. . · · .. .. 6 Northern Spy Apples . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. 6 Kmg Tomin n's Co. Apples. . .. . . . . . . . ... G Spit?. en berg Apples. . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . 20~ 6 Yellow Bellflower Apples . . ,. . . . . · . . . . . . . 206 6 Ribston Pi ppm Apples......... . .. ,. . . 2 207 6 Golden Russett App1es. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 209 210 211 212 213 1 1 1 1 c75 7ii 75 75 75 c50 50 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 75 75 75 75 _ 75 75 75 75 75 75 We are determined to keep goods of the Best Qu~lity, believing that trashy goods are dear at any Price. ---(o)----- ff1,!~ 50 1 50 I 501 50 3,000 Bbhi.Apple!>ii 'Vantetl. Quaity Right. GIVE US A CALL. PriC8S Right. 75 75 50 50 50 50 1 I l 7;, 75 50 $1 1 c75 50 50 50 50 50 25 I\.I OKDAY SEP'I' . 41 n with a fnll statr of experienced teachers l lasses prepa.1 cd for tcache1s anti eolle~P PX: a1n1nav1ons All pupils should present thcn1sch cs on tho 1 first day. VY. VY. l'.A.MBLY N, lVI A., I 213 Pr1no1pal. JOHNS & JE-WELL. T HIS SOIIOOL WILT, RE-OPEN 3 2 2 3 2 3 B 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 l 1 1 1 H Rhode IsJaud (}reen1ng Apples ............ G St. Lawrence Apples,....... · . .. . .. .. .. G Janetrng Apples.... . .. .. . ........ .. ..... 12 Snow Apples . . . . . . . . .. . 1 quart Orab Apples.. 12 Table Pears, otlwr than those named 111 list 12 Flemish .Beauty Pears. . . 12 Winter Nelhs Pears 12 Bartlett do 12 Sheldon do 12 Duchess d' An~oulomo Apples J 2 W mter Apples Va11ety of Apples . .. , . . . Any other "11ety of Apples 12 Plums. .. .... . .. .. .. .. .. . Oollect10n of Pluma 3 Bunches Grapes, ·wh1te, grown in open atr, named . . .. ... · · , . , . 1 3 Bunches Grapes, black, grown in open aJr, J 1 1 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 75 75 75 75 1 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 iiO iJO . ... . ... . .... . . o75 $2$1 50 m c75 75 50 EXT EN SI 0N 0F BUSINESS. (o)--- 71i 50 50 I 50 75 75 50 GO 50 75 75 75 50 50 50 Farn1 f'or Sate 1n Darling·ton. ·7 'IElt of lot 10, and the south quartet of loL 11, concoss1on 4, Dm:hngton, lJ 1ng on e1Lhe1 side of the l\funvera Roud nud -within S~ n11les of Bowmanv1llc. The land rn a loamy sOll On the ea1:1t iOa.cres arc a frn1nc dwelling good barn, straw anrl rlriv1ng house v;ith stono stables and cclla1 s underneath, 'V ell watered , "veil fenced, 111 excellent. state of cultivation On the ;, ost oO ac1es arc 11, frame barn. 'l'he land i9 very suitable for pasturagu 'l here IS a. capita.I young orchard, Just in bearing, of ahnn1 JOO cholco fru1ttrecs Tlw1e t.real8oanoutn1ne acr es of I woods School and Chui ch vHLh1n !1 of a mile, 'I l'h1s farn1 "111 be sold in one 01 t.-Yo lot e and on terms to suit the -purchaser For further pa1 11cnlars apply to JOHN PIPE, on the p1en11ses, or by letter to Bow1nanv1llc, P 0. 212 2111 OOAURES, BEING SOUTH QUAR- J.B. MARTYN Baving bought out Me:;srn. W Full lines of Fresh, Choice --(o)- 75 75 75 75 50 50 Dare~ &Joli's Butc~er Business, and Cheap GROCERIES 75 75 50 1 1 i5 281.50 2 1 50 :: WHY PAY 100c. WHEN 80 WILL DO ? · $1 1 --~~--- and engaged the services of both of them, begs to infoi m THUR PATRONS that they will be made welcome and will be well sm ved "t his place of h1rniness. -(o)~ Full lines of FRESH and W Full Imes of PHO\ lSIONS, FLOUR, FEED, etc. --(o)-- @" Full lines of CROCKERY, GLA::lSWARE, etc. -(o)~ 57 58 59 60 U-SHEEP. Thorongh·bred Lernester or Lrnaoln aged Ram 1 do rlo Sne·r!mg Ram. 4 do do R am J,amb .. . .. 3 do do pat< aged Ewes that CLASS CLASS J.-YEGETABLES. A i·'i11e 200 Acre Fa1·m to c75 c50 GoodR promp t ly delivered to Iilent. CURED MEATS. all parts of the Tow n 3 3 2 2 75 75 75 2 1 50 50 50 have raised lamhs this season .. 3 2 61 Thorough-bred Le1cester, pair Shaathngs 3 2 62 do do pair Ewe Lamb< ... 3 2 63 Pen, 1 Ram, 2 Ewe·, 2 Shearlmgs & 2 Lambo Diploum 64 Thorougb-bretl Cot<wold Aged Ram .... 4 3 65 do do Shearhng Ram . 4 8 66 -Oo do Ram LRmb . , .··· 3 ~ 67 do <lo pair aged Ewes that have ra11.jed limbs this senf!on. 3 2 68 Thorough-bred Cotswold, pair Shearhngs 3 2 6\1 1 235 1 50 5'.l 50 2u 25 25 23 CASH, CASH, GASH, CASH STRrGTLY I ----- J~ gI II ml f rJlHE UNDEBRIGNED OFFERS TO _J_ lU: NT that FINE F ARl\i being lot 18 in the !st concese1on of · CARTWRIGHT, cont111n1nJ.i 200 acres 160 of which are cleared r~nd illlde1 < ul11vat1on 'l'he farn1 is well watered and suitable fo1 uusmrr bot h gorain and stock 1h&.re arc good and c onvP.n1ent h111ld1np,s on the prem1ees D ?> ollu1g, SiHlileH, Shecls &c ,&c The location lS pleasant and hea.lthfu1 an1l < nnven1 ent to ChtncheR, Schools, 1\l1lh11u1U(,oofll\ ( !s ahont l 3n11lesfo1ruBo-...-.,.munv1llc and the Hq,me distance from !'ortPc11y andJ\fun"hcstc1 i\ ;;:tat1on of thA Untar10 & Quebec Ra1h,,ay is tox.pccted \, 1th1n three n tle s of the fann. Fox pa1t1oular~ appl~ <-o t he proprietor on th{' pre m1,,,cs. JOIIN J "\V ...'1180N. Cartwnght, Jul ~ 2!, 1882. BOI<.LAND! ' the balance of his for one month offers for sale 1 23G 237 2 2 1 1 l 1 50 50 50 50 f\O 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 2fi ' , ' 2!'i 70 71 72 73 74 75 do pair Ewe Lambs .. Pen, 1 R·m, 2 Ewes, 2 Sbearlmgs & 2 Lambs Do" ns, Aged Ram ... ... <lo Shenrling Ram do Ram Lamb. . ... . . do pair aged Ewes, having raised Jambs this season. do 3 2 Diploma. 3 2 3 2 2 1 l 24n 2[i0 50 50 no no 25 25 25 25 ONE PRICE! ONE PRICE I ---~.n~ ~~~- --EliTOCJ<: OF--- :;;&~ 50 !10 (j() do 76t do pair Shearlmgs pair Ewe Lambs. 251 252 7n 75 25 50 50 ~~ 25 25 LARGE IMPORTATIONS of FRENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN and AMERTCAN Dry Goods. ~~ Ilia 1·m Co1· !!iale. 'fLJll being south wm~t quarter of lot 4, con. i, Darlington. lm,mg thernon a log d"olling and hn1nc ban1 and stable. '\Yell \'iatered. In f good-locallty About 2.., ac1 e s c1ea1ed . balanc13 ul "\H)Ods. \ \'Ill be sold ou icnsonable t1:n:n 1 >'.l. ~11..pply fo1 parti culars to JOHN HOAR, sen, lot 5 con 2 orBowmamlll·P o. zusw·. ""';.0 ACRES, MORE OH LESS, B OT &SHOE - A ' l ,- Ur.Ass 76 D-SWINE. 2 2 254 1 255 256 75 50 - : .: . . . - - - 0?--'- --- t I JI 50 50 77 78 Boar, 79 Sow, 1 257 1 2ii9 1 260 do do do 208 50 50 50 50 ~~ 25 25 THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS are gradually . filling up with an extensiYe stock of new and exr1u1~1te B-rrnJ; Dw~llling to Reni.- GREATLY RE.DUCED PRICES 80 Boor, 2 1 25 stylish ma.t011als, excellent textutf·r;, . . 1 2 2 261 1 262 1 84 Boar, 85 Sow, 86 Boar, do do do do 2 2 1 l 2 2 1 I 2 1 1 50 2:) I t~' c50 c25 0 !' u~ 0 I C 50 25 50 25 50 ~5 A S[}ecialty in bo",' Knickerbocker Stoclnngs, double knees, .i·ust iiirht. ;:; .J ...... 50 2 v 50 25 ----=---'-.J 'a t a N sver [ xn I I e rn designs and noveJties . ' 0 p ' ana a ruY 10 to IS " ' eason I 1esldoncc of the late THos. DEYhTJH l't5r.l ·· corner 'Velltngton and L1t>e1ty Stn:~ts, Bow manv1lle, 1s offered to rent on reasonable te1 lnH Tho house has been repa.rcd and .'enovated and ..,, 111 be roady to occupl by Aug. luth. For tt l'IlllS a pph to Hrr.CTOR BEIIH. n n LOSCOMBE Owner Barrister. BO\\I11anv1lle July 27, 1882 209 tf, THAT LARGE BRlCK DWELLING, known as "BeaconsfiPlJ, fonnerly the for CASH. Be sure and give him a call. ( STAND :--West Store in Neads' Block. 50 2fi 50 50 25 87 Sow, 88 Boar, Buffolk 89 Sow, do 90 Boar, do 91 Sow, do do do 92 Boar, Poland Chm a . . ............ . 93 Sow, do 94 Boar, do {15 Sow, do c50 25 ---Watch for our--- .t' a1· 1.11 f'o1· Sa le. of Lot 9, Con. 5 East "\\"h1tby..,_ contauung SEVKNrV ~CRl£S, n1ore or less >:1011, a loan1 "1th clay bottom , well watered by nc\ er fail 1ng strea.n1 , good orchard, frame dv>olling, good la1g-e Ua.1n, d11\rng house and stable, n 9,Uant1ty of ceda1 on the p1ern1ses. 'llns farm hes beside the Nonquon Gra.vel Road, \'Y1thln 5 1 1 50 S3 $2 (75 50 50 50 50 ~~ c50 25 1JrU!~J~®W B EING 1'H E NORTH-EAST PART FAR~iERS! ATTENTIONI 2 1 1 272 Collection of G-rconhouse Plants 1 27:1 do 1 274 do 275 do 276 do do 277 c2.J 25 25 96 97 278 279 280 do do 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 fiO 25 9 TH 0F s EPT E M BER ' on or a.bout the ----=---~ Having purcha;,ed the Machilll· Shop lately occupied by 111 50 98 99 100 ;;o 50 50 50 50 25 25 281 101 102 103 104 25 283 25 284 251285 25 286 2 5 287 2· 5 282 do do do do do du ~g LARGE CONSIGNMENTS DomeRtICS \\ oolen Goocls, Tweeds, Napps, Presidents, namels Hair Cloth Fnrs M1lline1y Heavy \\' ool Underwea1, ----; ' ' ' b Id Canachan YattlB and Blankets, to c so prices a t 'eiy ]orn n ' 25 E of 25 25 Dr css <_}oours, Black and Colored Uaslu:ieres, Flannels, I 1::~JJo:~:::~:~ble Farms ;~ I Sale. Mr. Wm. McClung and added 11 Mo1tlding Shop and some n ew Machmery, miles Oshawa, half factorl, a nule of Geneva, I am now prepared to make all kinds of Ca.stings and do all kinrls of \vheroof there ure a and cheese bll:Luksm1th and ;rngon shops,'"" mill and tanne1y. Farn· ie su1tnble for grain or pasturage. Mill and ~iaclirne wo1k. Special attention given ' to the iepairing of 11 or further partwularsnpply toJorrN Y,COLE, Hampton. EDW :\.RD COLE, Columbus or J\f. A, Reapern, Mowers and Thiashing Machines. All kinps of Gear mg, Coap200 lings and Cylinder Teeth kept on hand, also Pio" Poin t" and other ·· repai1~ for all kinds of plows. Having a staff of experienc'ld workmen employed, hope to 25 25 50 50 105 106 107 108 109 110 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 111 112 113 114 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 288 289 290 291 292 293 291 295 do do do do 50 Tho lst-Snuatcd o;ithm 11 llllleS of Prrnoe give satisfact1011 to tl1osc that may favor me with their wmk. Arthurs Landmg on tho North shore of J,ake 8.Jpcr10r, and c01uvoscd of 4-EO acres of goodla11d astollows 20 acres of Hay. 20 aeres of 01ts 4 acres of Potutocs, and 50 acres partJ· clearerl and balunco YICII \'iOOdcd and wate1ed, anrJ there is tntuated thereon a good House, Stable no 50 50 75 50 25 2f.i 25 R. H. SYLVESTER, AGlUCULTURAL AND MACRJNE KING S1REJ,;l' EAST, North Side WORKS, do u do do 50 50 50 DEPARTMENrr J..V.l ~ THE -nr;ANTLE 2v" .'Jfi · will be managed by a new system and pnces great1y cu t ( 25 115 116 117 50 llO 50 50 50 50 50 50 $1 c75 50 25 25 2n MILLINERY under tlie supmvision of l\lISS 25 j5 AillD, of Montreal. H'tuatea "ithm H miles of Prince Art hms lland1ng and 2!r m . ..les of o. Canuaa 1-'·· c ftc Ha1h. """ Htahon nompoqed of 320 acres j of l<1rnl ul \\ hH h HO ar re~ IH 1 lea.1 ed .'tnd under OWll Ioov. bdla>ce well v.ooded and crnek rnnnmg th 1 ou~hcent1eofsa1ncandtheJ_c1Hahma House .iud Barn upon it Fo1 tu1thcrpll.rt1culu1J npply to DAN'L F. BURK. Prince Arthurs Landing. or to AHl'l!UR Bl: RK, 207 Bown1an" ille. -------~· - -~ lhe 2nd BO WNIANVILLE P.S.-Highest price paid for any quantity of Seiap Iron. - ---- 75 ,\1u·tit!>n Sale of' f,:nu!s. - ' WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING 118 119 120 50 ~5 121 122 50 50 50 TAILORING undel" f' 123 124 125 126 127 iiO ilO JV{R. l-INERY, Of Jhontrea . fr R. LV !TORELL Wl tend cutting and fitting of Gents Smts, etc ----~--- l 1\.f "'f 'Jl SUper1n· Auct1onartheHuEBor103i:HousE1nthc'fown or llo\UiAN\lLL1', on T HE J£Xl£0UTOB.S 01" WILLIAM R U NDLE deceased. will offer for sale bJ I SATURDAY, 9TH SEPTH, 1882, (!:=D:-R--Y~G--O--O--I?-~f3~) -.A..'r- 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 128 129 130 131 132 c50 PRICES 1 -----.------ GREAT REDUC'l. IONS 1 Dress Goods, 1\-Iantles, Dohnaus, 50 50 Mantle Clotlos, Ulster ' cloths, Nicri Clu tstmas Goods.i 50 50 ilO iiO 50 50 75 75 7'i 75 50 50 A FEW QUOTATIONS· IleaVJ Sh1r:hng Hea\ y Hti->n1n Loom ...... 6§(, Ulsters, Fancy Wool GooclsClouds, Hoods, SlLUares, All Woul Blaek and Colored Cash1neres "\Tel vetet·ns Breakfast Sha1'la, Good Variety IIcavy Slmwla. 38u, 18c 15u. 65c Laces- a Laigo Stock, Erubro1der1~s, Silk llandkorclnefo, Silk Scarfs and Ladies' rr1es i n Grrftt Variety 50 138 Mowing Machine .. .. .. 139 Reaping Machme 140 'rbreshmg l\fachme .. 141 Double Cultivator ...... . 142 Drill Cultivator 143 Horse Rako ..... 144 Grain Drill or Seeder 145 Grain Crusher 146 Tron Harrow 147 Wooden Harrow ...... 148 Donble Mould Board Dnll 14U Double Furrow Pioli' 150 Sod Plow .. 151 Stubble Plow .. 152 Gong Plow ....... . l 53 Root Sheer . . 154 i:ltraw Cutter ...... 155 Churn 156 Fannmg Mill . l'Iusltns, "ru1dow Cutt,.,1ns, Full Stock U!utha l.t T " e"'d ,, BlLlnkcts, Fla11nel8, lHens~ T~ndernl. 1hto & Diploma. Diplorna. 7u 70 75 50 50 50 HeavJ Flannels . . . \VnlC<:)S 33c, 40c 4c, rlurnnuugs, SmaU Wa1c, D1p1orna . $3 $2 $1 75 50 30 50 50 Gente' Shirts ...·. Genis' L1nen Oulla1i3,, .. . . ----~---- Wmcey·- Plam and Check.' Dra"er$ Dress Goods. . .. lOc, J 1>c, 20c 2 1 1 do do do do Cu\ 01 let, " oullen or d'.) oll cotton du 5 fl.ketns ML'Itno l:.,.arn, home spun .. do do cross-Uand Yarn, hon1e spun do do 8touk1ugYarn,any llth~r kind, ~ ' ll 10 75 7;=, 75 :>o 50 l'iO NC:JTJ:CE~ to he1Ldqu1Lt ters, be mg determined to sell for cash and gne the best possible \alue. 7,1 GO 75 75 75 7G 75 GLASGOW HOUSE! T HOM AS PATERSON - - - ( o ) - - - -- 75 7o fiO -----,.----25 25 ~f) J?HOSPHATINE. 75 157 Democrat Wagon. 2 158 Farm W&gon 2 159 Single Carriage, ooen 2 160 do covered 0 " 161 Phaeton, open 2 162 do covered .. 2 163 Donble Sleigh or Cutter ..... 2 164 Smgle do do 2 165 Pump.... . 1 166 Root Seed Drill, aclaptcd for sowing bone dust e.nd otber artificial manure w1lb the seed - aowing two or more rows .... .. .... . .,., .. Deploum. 50 50 50 ~glA I · DICKSON'S Cheap, One Price Cash Store, (=D--R--Y G--o--o~-I)--~~~) for the pre~ent season mo now ready for inspection arnl will be found well assorted in all the leading lines . H11ving resohed to ieduce his very large stock witl1in 1 casonable bounds, he w ill scll la1go lines of goodR, m various clepar tmenti, at less than wholesale prices Parties wishing to expend then rnoucy t o the best advarnage, wiU consult their own mterest b y making an early call. SUITS got up on short notice and warranted to Jit. 25 50 25 I The only house to huy c75 c50 75 75 75 50 50 50 BEAVER BLOCK ,K ING STREtT, I 'l5 liO

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