Ii:EEP 1 Vit~1 And thus 1q 01 Forces v; the encroachments of disease bv ea1 ng a Belt, Spine Band, Lung Nerve 01 othe1 of the vat nus Magnetic Appliances m"luded 111 this s stern of tre at 11ent Only those who h we worn thEm know th' 1mmcdrnte comfort thLJ lfford, or can appreciate their th01ough a HI pe1manent b nefit and 1estorrng power They aie a moist valuable adjunct to any othe1 fo1rn of mcd1cal t1e,1t ment, and their use does not rnte1 fere " ith auv lm s me~" othe1 occupatton Se·it post ft ee on rece1 1 1t of pncc Pnce L1sto, Heferenc eo, &c, free on app l1< at1on 0 7-,,110,'!J. J. MastJri, 74 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto ... Cr:>own Jewel Flour. The Undersig·n.ed have made ar rangements to procure Bag Salt direct from Live1~ool; Goderich Salt in Bulk or Barrel, Cayuga White Plaster in Bag or Bulk , Oswego Gray Plaster 1n Stock , Crown Jewel Flourby tl1e Barrel, al vvrays on hand We ar~ ld01e Agents for Cayuga White Plaster and Crown Jewel Flour Dry well screened Coa] for winter use, 1 aways in stock. Sash, Doeir Blinds, etc Wood and Lumbe1 1iaken in exchange for Plaster or Salt Cash paid for any quantity of Wood and Lumber. THE DOG FAT CURE An A lcE('ed New ::;a::::: C? === ,......... ~ (';> ~ ~ ::=-- § ;. <:..:> r-0> ~~ t?:.l m 1-d ~ ~ !-'· TH 3 0 ~ = = a=i ~ 0 ONLY INHRNAL CURt fOA CATARRH 13" ~ A ~ r, ~ Li t-3 ~ ffQ ~ ~ t.:j I m TH>. MARKET .s> $IOOT:.s100/'~~7~f $100 McCLELLAN & CO., OARD. ~~ t> ~ mI H December 22 1881 - - (178) Bowmanville Marluce s+ wds urn 1valled Don I I IMPERIAL HARVESTER! .., <1 Li cj t?:-1 In slmnllcltJ i s s CD ~ ~ 0 I t buy Ill} Lhm \\ tl out -r;, LI seerng the WA ZER!I ~ VJ 0 ~ @~ 0 0 °'1 if). "'"""""' It is th e cheapest machine ever offered to the :farmer It Ii..as no equal and every far1nci: '\Vants one For part1culal"s send to OLOBE WORKS, London, Ontario. ~~REE1'i!AI~'S WORM Fu"i-VD E RS, Res1 Jenee near Orono lJec 1., 1881 I 1 Keeps constandv on land a ~ood I R t ocl,_ of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ceock:ery and Glac;s-vvare, Canned Goods, ·rooa ccos, Soaps, &c, ~11An kmds of farm produce taken m exchang"