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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1882, p. 2

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Have a large s tock of FIELD and Garden SEEDS Staple GROCERIES Glassware and Crockery, Flour, Oat and Corn Meal, E, ~tcon, Hams, Fi s h, Coal 011, etc. ~;High. est P r ices allowed for all kinds of Dairy and Farm Produce THAT ATTAOK ON THE RONTO WORLD Befo10 leavit.1g on our trip to ?i.fanttoba we 111C\<l0 arrangements wtth an exportenced 3otm ah·t for 11 supply of editorial mullet for the SrtTF~MAIS during our absence b@hevmg that nothing would be written that ,, e could not endorse T J our a~tun 11hmont and rtigret, ho\'ie,er \'ie learn ed before reo.ch1ng hoine that a v1mou~ atta ck had beon mode m tho ed1tor1al col111m18 of tbo STATB8MAN of the lst inst , on t.he an artwle it Toronto World Wu bag to ··Y to our cro'i\ n and to the s 1 np1re readero and to tho onterprlsmg publishers c nifort and satu1fa~t1011 nnd doca of the World, that wo do not endorao the hurt any or:.e In tluis counech n onr aenttments expressod in ihti article In Conscrratrrc contornporar1es Io, e vf tiag!'! qne11ton, and wo excoedrngly regret that reminds us of the btory f 1.he st i1lwa1 t the Sr.<TESMH should have boe 1 tho miner in the Black Countr, in Eugland med1u1n through wluch dUch nn unJtUlt who used to lot his wife beat h i m \'hen o.nd unco.lled for at ack ~amod pubhc1ty WHY PAY 100c. WHEN 80 WILL DO 7 --- ~~~-- Are Offering Excellent Value, Havi ng This - Week Received a-- FRESH STOCK OF = l!'"~nER..~~ CASH. STRICTLY CASH I Qua1 t and m ONE PRICE I ONE PRICE! ---- ·1?~{'!;---GE R M iN - SUGARS-In all Giadee and most always rn S tock Harns lla con Pickled CHIN A CROCKEin and Gr lSSWARE - See ti f so goods hetm o } ou pm Spiced Roll Lon,; Clem I 1 u b <mso nscans ow 3outhc ne~f est dcs1gns Bologna 8ausa0 e ---(o)--- ~ LARCE IMPORTATIONS 1'1 11'\( THE TORY LEADERS IN ONTARIO In one of 1ts; numerous \Uacks Ontario Government the Toronto M< il lately m·de the followmg 1to·ement ' If the Consor\:ahve party cannot match the n1e1nbere of the Government "1th better men we sliall ha.vo to confess our party 111 a poor way f >r n1ater1al Oon1ment1ng on this m one of it· 1881108, the Guelph He1ald, a Ktrong Ouneervat1vo Journal, said - · Jt ts "ell to look tho stern facts m the face 'l'he Opposltton as &t present oonohtuted ls nQt strong Tt would bo dttllcult to for~1 · cabmet out of tho Opposttton ranh Mr M eredtlh 10 uot all that ean be doslred for a Premier Mr Morris Ill he~lth unfi>a him for holdtug a. reeponslble poo!tion Mr Merrick !s a. 111·n with" hobby, and Mr Lauder hke the tly In the apothocsry a omtment IB not ple...,.nt to the noatrlls even of his own Pfirly \\ e must have ne" materrnl \\ e nrge npon tho coming convention the 1m port.nee of Ihm fact If neccsrary old party he· must be broken It 1s only by preBenting matern\l fot a Cabin~t snpcrtor to that of the Mo1'at Adm1mstralion that the Con.servattves can h01 e for success H, EN<xLISII1 a11tl \MEI If \N Di" Goods - - - <f.r.----- ttar We are determined to keep go ods of the Best Quality, believing that trashy goods are dear at any Price -- - --fo) - THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS ru c giarlu,tlh fl llmg up "1th ui""" ext c11Rn e stock of new ,md styhsh mate1 als excellent toxtmes exqutRJte de "ns and novclt1cR Quaity Right. - GIVE US A CALL Prices Right. N(ver fxni~1tea in Canaaa rrevious to this Season ! JOHNS & JEWELL. a· A spectalty rn boyi Kmckei boc\et Sta k ll\5' rlotible knee, iust 11ght EXTENSION OF BUSINESS. BO MARTYN I on 01 8 bout tho lla\lng bou,sht out Me".B1s W ~ ] nil ltnes of F1csh ()ho1co ~()- 9TH JJ1 ess OF SEPTE ----w.---- BER! OarG~ ~~ Joli's f'utclier ~usiness, and Cheap GROOJ<RTES i ull lines of PW)\ JSlONS, LARGE CONSIONrv'l!ENTS GomlH Uolorecl Uashme1 es Han HOUR FEED et c --{ > W l ull lmcR of (RO Ch ERY et c ~ ( )- It is refreshing to read a candid and honest statement of fact like the foregom~ on a party question 1n a Oonsorvatne paper It give· ono hope that all Tory are not gtvcn O"\er to utter fahehood, or studied mlsrepre·entat1nn worse than falsehood, hke him of the Io ronto Ma1l The Wmmpeg Sun an m <leJ)endent organ 1s still more outspoken and con1prehe.nsl"\' e tn its remarks It ··~ B We are now told that the local Conesrvn.tivey i n Ontv.r10 are to be reu1 fore<>d by men d efeated In the federal el·c !tons By whom 1 Plumb 1s a decent fel low, but "n a~ ful bore llrn rndustry would inake hun u~eful tf ha could curb his l quactty .Huntrng 10 a pohhc 11 fr.c 1 of the poor est stufl'. lty to ln ake n. rcepoctablo f 1tln ro lace is a s1nctire old gentlen1an who ltH@s to take thrng· e·8Y and nmse the B ;hy He won I l never d) for an adm1111strntu: o h ead Meredllh 1s an able in ln is neither able nor popular l\1urns ls a mummy lJcll cannot manage his p<:>rsonal nffatrs \\tth l\bthty , and would be v.urse than u!!eless tu a CabUJet ollico l\ferr1cs. anul 'I'HE MANTLE will be m,maged by 1 IGLASS\VAHE :Z:4: Go1<lR p1m 1ptlj rldn c1cd to t1ll pm ts ot the To-w n new system and pnct;; greatly MILLINERY umle1 the supen 1s10n of MISS ,\lHD, o1 J\{ontH al ND! fm one 111onth offern for sale tho h11lance of bts Tr 1 NHY ot l\fontrea1 tend cuttmg and h t t 111" --srrouK OF- CASf-1 PRICES 1 A .F'EW QUO'rATIOI\!S 9c I Bl 1ck an I C lute I GREATLY REDUCED PRICES for CASH Be sure and give him a call STAND :- West Store in Neads' Block. 4c hnubry desire for r ffice ftllt by the Onturl} Torte" and fittu gly expru s d 111 the for rnul~ 'Mo\vat 1nu~t go He must go but how to got 11d d 111m 1s the rnlJ Th1s JS the pr hlen1 'i'i htch poq loxea ]\fr R W lifer edtth a1 d hia 1ieutet ants and wluch they now openly confe1.:>s themselves Ullllblc to sf)ht-i So lOc JG< IDJUr1ou11 1tatome 11 ts of the llf nl ab ut thu all e ~ed eftect ot lhe C1ooks L1censeAct, -\hes> call~l 1ncroaobments of tho tights of mun1c1pahtles the danger of tli e Nation al Pohcy 1f the llfowat governmeut be not turned <lit and ·II the rest of lhe wu dy nonsense with which it 111 trytnb to fill its reader!' still the peop]e of Ontano \\ oulcl not be wise to listen to 1ls ad\ice wheu it urges thetn lo change thti Prol1nc1al Gov eron1ent Tho n1embers of the present Governmrnt of Ontario arc men of exper Ienco and ab1htJ They h"' e had " long term of office and a1a thoroughly acq laint od wt lb prov111c1al affair· The) have governed tbo provrnco "1ocly and well They de\ oted to tLs 111 erests In leg !slatrn g for 1(s b enefit th<y would nut need to consult a 1n1n1~ter at Otta.'i'i11 nho whateveI Ins personal focltn,..,s to¥ rd li1s nativo pro'\!lllce n1a.v be Is 1 t at tberty to consult her advantage e\eu If he de aired 1t but 18 couetantly forced to git o way to ht· Quebec colleagues, whu He ft 11 <>f envy a.ud Jea1ousy of Ontario, auc.l 1 e er 1n1ss nn opportunity to seek her butt The.} ~n en bO a8~ of 1t as l\Ir Moussean dtd the ot her d·y in an oluctton speech and chnm it aa a n1er1t with their support ern, that they thwart OntArw To give o vor the Gol'crnn1cnt of Ontar10 at tie pr;\f!ont tirno ton. I t c:f 1uex1 ertenced no hodus 1 the nr m1neea of n state5man suE Ject io such 11 :fL1enct>s ~a these wou]d Io an act of au1c dal folly d "Inch we do no L beheve the people of Ontarrn Wiii be gm! ty All Ontar10 Wlll eel o Lhe sentiments of the Ilon Alex Mackenzie when IU lus epe{lch at the V1ctona .Park demon1:1trat1on ]aet week Ju~ said A 1ncetln0 of the faithful 1s to be held 1n Toronto 111 t fu"' da~s for the purpose of le'\Hnng '\ays and means for defeattn 6 the 1no8t JUst, honest and capable a.dm1n1stration that this C)llll try l1as ever had I am nur;taken Ill the feclmg or the people of On tan , and "'en 111 the feeltn!! of in aay respectable Con serva.lnes if they \\lll ro.ubmit lo the corn bmed pres·ure >f Sir J ol n A Macdonald nnd l\.1r 11ouaseau and 1f "o do ~ s a peo ple subrntt to be dragooned in such a way then we arc not worthy the freedom and const1lutional liberties " o possess I hope to 11ave an 01 portu111ty luring the local el~d ious uonuu..., on to say son1eth11 g in tnore counties than one, ll.nd I hope OJ that hme I shall nursing enough to restore mo to my usual stre1 gth and to enable mo to take that pa t ! which C\Cry pa.tr1ot 1s rnllcd upon tu take Ill n "'trugole so pregnant "1th the ltUerhes of thrn c un try I esteem 1\f1 1\.1 >\\at as n. llliHJ but it ts not so 1nuch fur the sake of hun and bus c >lle igues as for the intert>sts f the country that I feel called npuu to exercise my utmost strength in prevent1ng th 1s cal aw1tv to tl e vvhole Dom1n1011 H 1vrng jll'tcha~ed A. DICKSON'S Cheap, One Prwe Cash Store, 1 ho only house to buy first class Good., at low pllces to BEAVER BLOGK, KING STREET, BOWMA~~VILLE. IuNG Su:EE1 AGRICULTURAL AND EAsr N 01 th Side PR -HiJhc't puce paid for an' quantlly GI..JASGOW HOUSE! THOMAS PATERSON .... j I

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