in si mpli ci t y d1ual>U1ty it n1 d ex~ ls a ll others I ou t uf order IS can n o t gee an l G UARAJ.VJ:EE D in see th@ McMURTR Y ~ Keeps constautly on hand a f, od stock nt Th e on y genmno Ra s Catn.rrh Cure :ls ma.n ufactm ed lJy F J CHENEY & CO 'lo edo. 0 sa""Bewaro of Imitat ons. Dott ed for t h e Ontar o trad9 by H. W HOBSON, Welland, O nt Vita,1 Forces Belt, Spine Bcind, Lung or Thro at Inv1gorator, Nerve I nv1gorator, Soles, or oth e 1 ol the rnnn us Magn etic A pphances rncl udecl rn this s' stem of tn at u e nt Only tho>:c who h ave worn the m know the 1mme hate comfort they afford, or can appreciate their thorough l l d permanent benefit and iestorrng powe1 TheJ are a most va luable adjunct to any other form of m edical h e 1t ment and theu use does not rnterfeie wllh any bu srne~s or other occupat10n Se ii! pos free on rece1pCof pu ce Puce L1 t , HP-feiem es, &c, fre e on appl1ca110n ~ , IT! "' 'ti I 0 0 ~ C/.) m ::a )> OJ 0 c 0 rn c = l'T'I tij ::a -t · =- ~ en J: I "' --= """' t:J :c :::::::; (") ~ Tl1os ··T. MtJso11, 74 Bellev ue Avenue, Toro11to Cf""'i --- " 12<:> CC> 0 'ti Stilt. - Pl11st~ 1· <I s ~ Grown Jewel Flour·. The Undersigned have made ar rangemen ts to procureBag Salt d1rect from L ive1'tJool, G o derich Salt In Bulk or Barrel, Cayuga \...'-:Whit e Plaster In Bag or Bulk, Oswego Gray Plaster In Stock , Crown Jew el Flourby t:t1e Barrel, al vvays on han d We ar~ ~01e Agents for Cayug a White Plaster and Crown Jewel Flour Dry well s creen ed Coal fo r wint er use, l aways in stock Sash, Door Bl111ds etc ~ Wood and Lurnbe:i -caken In exchange for Plaster ur Salt Cash paid for any quantity of \Vood and Lumber McCLELLAN & CO, Bowmanv ille THE BEST REMEDY FOP. Diseases o f thtThroat and Lnn~~. t i ou t t st WANZER. \ I IS P ccs ,,.n l Tc ms iepa c 1 or ta ken ID~ Di n n El en Languagea BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERB IN MEDICINE P ractical a nd A.nalyt cal Chemts A VOGELER & CO, BaU m ore M d. U 6 1-owell Mass 4' 091.lf lit AL~ llllVm~w Resd ence nea O on o Dec 15 1881 liUl\TIYllil I!! ly