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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1883, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN JS PUBLISHED -BY- aoM1NmN oRGAN&PIANo ca., sTovE s 1 WAREROOM, EMINENT PERSONS. The Vaooine Disaster at Algiers. Women's Noses. EY'ERT FRIDAY MORNING, J\if, A. J A~1:E8, .AT rIIE OFEICE, PostOIHceBloclt, KlltgSt.,Ucnvmanville,Ont TE:RJY.I:S: $1.l)Opcrannuni,01· $1.00if' paid in advance. BIG 20, Wood and Coal Cooks, BOWMANVll-LE. In returning thanks to the people of Bowman· ville and West Durham for their liberal support In the past. I take this opportunity te Inform them that m addition to my former business I have added a tull ltne of stoTes in Parlor and Warming Stoves of the very best make which will be sold as low as pos111ble. Give me a call before buymg elsewhere. Payment stnctly rn advance required from Blfbscribers outside of U1e uounty. Orders to d1scontmue the paper mu~t be accompamed by the amount dne,or the paper will not be stopped Subscribers are responsible until full pa) ment is Whole Column one~ ear . . . . · . . ... $50 00 " ., Halfyea.r .......· R~TE§ -W.RUSE, Agent. ~~::r~~~~~~~,~~~t~~~ JAJ ROBBt~D the use of the great ·Prolonged, 1111ppmess and health iestornd by OF ~DVERTISING1 ,~ ... " " One Quarter . . ... . 20 00' oooc:::i Half Column one year . . . 30 00 - " ' Il.alf} ea1· . . .. . . 20 oo:" .. One quarter 12 501Quarter Column one year 20 oo," " Hal(year 12 50 1" ·· One quarter 8 001=-5 Six hnes andunde1, first msertion $0 501 _ Each subsequent mse1 t1on 0 151 _ From su;: to ten Imes, first rnsertion, , 0 751_ Each ~ubtiequent mse1t1on. . 0 251 -10 Over ten lmes,first mse1 non, per lme 0 lOi · Each subseqnent insert10n, " 0 03, _ The number of lines to be reckoned byj the space occupied, measmed by a scale ofl solid Nonpareil. -15 ~~~~~ '."'"'"~~~-~~-.:".'.'~-::~~-= ~ - -==- BOOO~s ~ ;! ~ v.i GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which positive!,- and perrnantly cures Iropo· tency (caused by excesses of a,ny k111d) Semmal Weakness, and u.11 tl1 seascs that follow us 11 sequence of Self-Abuse as loss of memory, um versal laas1tude, pu.m rn the back, dimness of ns1on, prematuie old ,ige, and many other diseases that !earl to wsu.nlty or ocnsumpt10n Send for c1r1·ulars witl1 testimonials free by ma.11. 'l'he INVIGOHA'l'OR is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for $5, IJy all di uggists, or will be sent free by mail, securely sea.led, on receipt of price, by addressing J. F. CHENEY, Druggist, 178 Snmnpc St., 'l olodo, Oluo, sole .Agents or the United Sti<tes. For so.le by STO'l"l' & JUl'tY, Bowmanville and a premature gravo. fo}a~ d~ea!~~!te ~~ei!~nd r l:t h!lG spoci!lo notion on this most important organ, ena.bllng it to throw all' torpidity and inaction, stimulatinf: the hea.lthy secretion of the Bile, and by keoplllfi' the bowels in free condition, eil'ectm.g ita regular discharge. b:;.liol:.B~ dyspept10 1 or constipa.tcd, Kidne7· Wort will surely reliovo and qu1cltly cure. I:;i the Sprwg to oleo.nae the Syotcm, evecy one should a. thorough course of it, -LIVER- Malariae ~.f~~r!~ii~:-eg~~= .... H· SOLD BV DRUCCISTS. Price $1, ,GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION AND 'fIME. GOlNG EAST xpress .......9.00 a rn Mixed ...... , 1 55 p m Local .. .. ... 7.10 p m Express. . ... 8.40 p m I GOING WES'.l' Local. . . . . 7.52 a Express ...... 9.20 a Mu;:ed ...... S.40 p Exnrees .. .... 9.05 P m on hand a full assortment of Wools, Ladies m Reticules, Ottomans, Ties, Handkerchief~. m Bro.C'.elets, Fr1ut Baskets, &c., &c. m NEW GOODS ---000 - - MR s. KEYB Stock of New Goods 1s now complete. Sheha.s 1 I · llJSS M cTAV~SH Has received her new stock of FALL · & WINTER G HOLIDAY PRESENTS AND TOYS for the children rn great variety, Children's RADUATE of Queen's College, Kmgston Jackets and Hoods made to order. A beautiful and Mf'mber of College of Physicians and assottment of surgeons, omario. c HR Is 'l' r U A. s CARDS. B Office and Residence, Enrusk1llen. 17. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Call and sec them, Dr, A. BEITH, R.ADUATEOFTHETOl:WNTOUNIVER· CANDIES IN LARGE QUANTITIES. SlTY, l'hysic1an, Surgeon,&c. Oftice King 'l'hese goods will not be offered at or below cost, but will be sold at a sroallndvance on cost. Stroot, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. L. rOT'l'ER, rM.D. G and inv1tes the Ladies of Bow. manv1lle and vicinity to call and see her Pattern GOODS., · · , B 0 N NETS, HATS, and assortment ot J. ,v. JlleJ,uughlin, !II. n., OYSTERS SERVED at ALL HOURS. ICENTIATE OF 'l'HE ROY.AL COJ,LEGE of Physicians and member of the Royal L College of Surgeons, Erlmburgh, Ot!l.~e TRIMMINGS Butcher Stan. STORE :-Second Door West of 'VllUnms 'Ville. : MORRIS' BLOCK Kmg-st., BowmanUR. ,J, C. llll'l'CRELL, M EMBEH OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Onta110, Coroner, etc. Office and ltcsidence, Enmskillen. 7,, D. BIJRl~E GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. 1'RADE :.;OLICITOR, &o., MORRIS )ARRISTER, up stairs, Kmg i:ltreet. Bowman1lle. Solicitor for the Ontano Bank. ~BLOCK, SIMPSON, C. HARNDEN, L. D.S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK1:30N'S STORE. PJ'lvMe llloneys loaned at the lowest rates, John Kdth GalbrnUh, B A.RRil:lTEH, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. Office-Reed's Block, ovur UOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. T. Battmgs etore, King' Street, Bowroa.nv1ll~. Plate Work executed m the latest and most Money to lend improved style of the Dental Art. 'l'EE'rH EX'rRAC'l'ED WITHOUT PAIN LUSCJOHUE &: LEITH, ARRISTERS,A'l"l'ORNEYS, SOLICITORS, by the i8e of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without iI1Jury to the patient. Conveyancers, NotarieM, &c. Oltlce .-McClnng's Bmlclings, Kmg Street, Bowmanv11le. Particular attention paid to the regulation of I\, ROSSELL LOSOO::l!B;E. A. H. LEITH. CHI'LDREN'S 'l'l!;li:'l'H. Jlloney to Loau.-Priva.te and other funds at _..,ALL WOJU( WARRANTED.~ lowest rates of mterest B Semirial Weak· ness. Superma.torrhea. Impotency, & a.11 diseases tha.tfollow · as a sequence of , Self-A burn ; as :Before Taking loss of Memory,A~er Taking. Universal Lass!t.urle, Pain in the Back Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. li'lr'Full particulars in our pamphleL, which we desire to send free by mai to every one.rhe Specific Medicine IS ~old by all druggists at $1 per package, oi· six paoka11;es for ,5, or will be sent f1 ee by mail on the ieceipt of the money by addressmg THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ont., Canada i MARK.The UreatEnrr· TRADE !~~~,~:;nci;;:r·~o~ S'l'. JOUN H, HIJT<JUESON, HUR.RAH FOR. B ARRISTER, & · ATTORNEY, &c. NO'l'ARY PUBLIC. MONEY ~·o LOAN Ol·FWJll-OVEl< :::llA'IESMAN 0Fl'IClll. WJllGHT di WRIGHT, an~'1)Corney&'a"t·Law, WOMEN'S RIGHTS I hereby take this method of thankmg the public for their very liberal patronage smoe busmes~ rn Tyrone. I have puddled my-own canoe l!om childhood up, and still iind by economy, promptness fair dealmg, strict attention to business. buymg at bead· quarters on Jlrst·class terms, 1uviug 1iom;; to 10 per cent. discount to cash customers. by savmg of rent antl other expenses, I can fully compete w1tban~ store either m town or country, and some goods seven to ten p<1r cent lower. I have lately purchased 11 vaned and lar15e stock o! D1y Goods. mcludmg a .,ary choice selection ~n Scotch and Canadian Tweeds 'l'he La.dies' Department 1s also well up, l have made it a specialty lo buy ouly first class goods. No sham or shoddy kept. Yours tl'uly, ELIZAH!<:'l'H MARY DONEY. P S - In tlu" <;ouucul1rm J !tu ;:;, Duuey w1shee to say that h o still sells Ll1CI celebrated Light Runm11g Royal, wilil self-settm g needle, 11npi ov.ed b< .llom wmder. Also tho Raymond White and Canadian Sewtnf' Machmes. Do ·nrnlon and other le11drn1? 01ga11s. HEIN1Z· MAN and DOMINION PIANOS The wotld renowned WAIJl'H.AM WATCH. Lumber, Shrngles, and everythmg that farmers have, tal}en m exchange ...'.!)'~':l· Sept. 29th, 18 ._8 _ 2 _ . - -- - - l have commence ONE. The FIBST inwedient in DR. WILSON S PULMONARY ClillRRY BALSAM is an extra.ct of wild cherry bark, whichHoothesthe 11r1ta.ted surfaces m the lungs and air 12-~es, acts-as a-touic_to the st omach, a healthy appetite, ha.a a soothmg, sedatiTe influence ou the heart and blood vessels, preventmg palpitation. (Jn favorable terms. arr1ste1'8 Solic1to1s;in Chancery, &.c.. Newcastle, Ont. B Money to luau at lowest 1a.te oi interest and' H9 tf, ltOBER'.l' AJUIOIJIC, EGISTR.AH, WEST DURHAM :i:ssUER of L10enses, .Barrister and R ne7 at Law ami ::3olicitor m Chancery. M.oney .~ttor· TWO. 'rhe SECOND loosens and displaces the tough, r.trmgy phlegm whrch causes so much pmn and distress, and which 1s tho causo of the convulsive coughing. loaned on ltcu.l }Jst&te. Office on Klltg imeet, Bowmanville. JI, T. l'HU.Lll-S ICENl:l.IW AUUTIONEER for the County Durh~m, of Sales promptly attended. LAtldr eo:;- liamuLun l:', 0, 59. J~. THREE. 'l'he THIBD mgredicnt heals. It is the vi tu,\ µ1 operty of the peculiarly soothing and he,11 mg gums o{ the white p,ne und fit of southern clunes, at the s1>me tnnc gratefuI and beneficia.l to the stomach 1111I tJlllSON. tended to proniplr and at reasonable rates. W Addreo~-.l!:nmsk1hen P . 0. .~--- 4-lJC'llONEEii., CONVEYANL ICENSED CElt and Corurnssloner m B. R. Sales at· GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO ..tJ... ever:v man who buvs his L10en~e from HENitY SYLV ES'l'ER. Enmskillen. 198tf, RO]!, JOSEPH E. GREEN is prepared t o 111ive instructions on the V10lm andCornet. Persona wi>hmg to Jorn the v1olm class apply at once for te1 ms and part10ulars MR.R.B.ANDREW, atthe "BIG 20." {227) A - -- - - - FOUR. The FOURTH mgred1ent is a pleasmg and .oothing lubucant that supplies the place of tho mucous seciet10n which, while the organs are healthy, coats the mucous membrane, keeping it soft and natural. It at first supplies the place of the decreased secretions and ass1stsm restormg them so as to perform theh proper and most unportant dnties All these working togethe~ ~ benefic1ally 1 make DR. WILSON'S PuLMONAR\' CHERRY l3.AJ,SAM the best cm·e knowJJ for throat and lung diseases. ~· P Pianos ·t'uned & Repaired. THEIR ARTIES WISHING PIANOS P Tuned or i epaired can have them attendod to by leavmg word at the DOMINION ORGAN Co's 0.l'"<'ICE, Bowmanville. A first-clas now oemg m their mploy NUG HOME FOR SALE.--A Brick Cotta.geoontamtng six rooms, cellar. pantry etc., quarle1 acre li<nd, stable, wood-shed, haid and soft water, and other convemences. For further mformal1on apply to S'!'A'lESMANoftlce, Bowmanville. 198-tf. S Fo1· Sale. OUSE AND LOT No. 3, at present occuprnd by St. John Hutcheson, Esq,, adjoining Lot No. 2 , and other lots in the town of Bowmauv1lle. Address R. 'l'. RA YNl1'S. Cote St· .Antome. P Q, 223-tf, H MARRIAC E LICEN SES 18SUED 13Y A. J. LOCKHART, ORONO, ONT. Ontv 1 wo Dollars. MARRIAGE l ICE NS ES ISSUED BY W.R. CLIMIE. OFFICE- 'l'own Hall Rmldmgs, Bowman ville ON receipt of 81.00 we will send CITY AND COUNTRY oue yeu to any address Ill the Umtecl States or Canarlas, and m add1t10n will give each subscr1ber20 Choice Books, cnch bonkcontrunrng a coMPLltTE story or first cluss no> el by a celebrated American or European author, handsomelv illustrated uni! bound In pnmphlet form, anri sernl them free oI postage These books oound m cloth, and liotigbt separately at the book store would cost at least $1 00 each Below we give the names of the gifted authors and titles of the books we g1vo away to every subscnber Lo C11 Y AND COUNTRY: A GOLDEN DAWN By Author of .. Dora Thorne .. ENOCH ARDEN A.ND OTHER POEMS Dy Allred '.rennyson. BLUE EYl!S & GOLDEN HAIR By Annie Thomas. DUDLEY CARLEON. By Miss M E Bracldon. A GILDED SIN By Author of "Dora Thorne" BISTER ROSE. By W1lk1e Collins. DISTINGUISHED PEOPLE. ANNE By Mrs. Henry Wood. V AJ,ERIE's FATE By Mrs Alexander. THE HISTORY AND MYSTERY OF COMMON THINGS. EssrcA; or, THE MYSTE.liY OF THE Hi:ADLANDB. By Etta W. Pierce. THE LAUREL BUSH. By Miss Mulock THE L \DY OF THE LAKE B;r, Sir Walter Scott. AMOS BARTON. By George Eliot. GRIMM'S FAIRY STORll!S FOR THEYOUNG. CAPTAIN ALECK'S LEGACY. By M T. Caldor. DAVID HUNT By Miss Ann s Stejlb ens. BEN!lY ARKELL. By Mrs Henry Wood. REAPING THE WHIRI WlND By Mary Cecil Hay. RETRlllUT!ON; OR, THE MYsrERY OF THE MILL. By Margaret Blount. Sold in 25 and 40 Cent Bottles- the 40 Cent size contammg double the 25 Cent size. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers m ~ledicme. J.W. BRAYLEY, MON TREAT. FINE ~oots&Shoas. MY STOCK COMPRISES : LADIES' KID BOOTS .AND SHOES. LADIES' CALF, KID BUT'l'ON &LACED. LADIES' FRENCH KID. BU'ITON & LA.OED. LADIES' KID SHOES, BUTTON & TIE. LADIES' GOAT & PEBBLE, RU'rTON & TIE Al80 Mens' and Children's.of the above goods. MEN'S LoNG Boors, COARSE AND FINE. MENS LACE l300TS,UOARSE AND FINE, MEN'S FINE SJIOES AND GAITERS. ME);"S AND LADIES' SLIPPERS, ~o-B·>! 11..-cut1e1me11t of !l:'<.o.!!ll, not t;;o tast. I have written these few lines And all I bave to sayThat you can find me still at home, I am not g-oue away. So all my kmd oli riends may come, And all the ' oung ones, too, And get their garments nicely In fash1011s that are ne w; Where old and young, deiirfriends, may meet ~ welcomll .:rreetina bv R Pli::A.1'F. Caledonian Mills. Forme tly known as the" Soper Mills") gristmg and manufacturmg Oat Me al and Pot .Barley, and we are now piepared to rec<>ive orde1 s from all our old cudtomers and others for work, and we gurantee to give them who intrust us w 1th the same en tire satisfaol10n Oats a nd other grams ta.ken in exoha.nge for Flour Oat Meal, &c. H . &; J. TOWNS, Bow~27. manv1lle. HIS MILL HAS BEEN THORUGHLY reno\ a led 1rnd put rn order,under T our own s pcmal s11per v1s1on for the purpose of All the above goods sold On receipt of $1 25 we will send CITY AND CoUN· TRY, one year-the above twenty books and the followmg ten books. A.LL POST P.a.ID · JEAN lNGEIOW's Pomrs --(0)-Tmi: CITIES OF TRI! NEW Wonr,n. RESTER By Beatrice M Butt. FANCY WORK AND HOUSE ADORNMENT. BELL BRA:< DON By p Hamilton Myers. T!JE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH By Chas Dickens. ·rm~ LosT BANK NOTE By Mrs. Henry Wood. MISSING By Mary Cecil Hay. THE YELi OW MASK By Wilkie Colllns. A BHlDll: FROM THE SEA. By the Anthor of " Dore. Tbo1ne" Th e above arc the most astounding offers of the century. 'l'he already very e:rtended circulation of CITYAND COCNTRY and the g1eat demancl for 1eceive pi·ompt attention. these works enable us to make this unparalleled ofi'er. CITY AND Cou'N ritY is a 24-page Illustrated. STOR]j; One door west STATESMAN office Literary and Agticultnr11l monthly wluch is des trned to have an enormous cnculation and t1cmendous mfiuence, and 1s alrendy '1. reoogmzecl leader AHy one sendmg m the monev who can HONESTLY MY they are not perfectly satisfied with tb1s bnrgam can have th cir money promptly~e funded We guarantee entire sat1sfact1on. Mtln Madame Blanc, of the great Monaco gameY by Post-Office order or rcgbtercll letter m ..y be b1rng estabhsbment, kept two hundted and vnt at our nsk. Addiess fo ur teen gardeners, and never d1em1ssed the CITY AND COUNTRY CO., old and ihe sick. They have been reduced 217, 219, & 221 N. Htgb Street, to fifty since she closed her account. <!rentiou this paper } tCOLUIIIB1J8, O For $1.25 City and Country and Thirty Books. CHEAP FOR CASH. 0RDERED WORK REPAIRING IlAVJD DAVIS. The nose 1s the most p romin1r.ri"eature Of This Continent and Europe as well as (Reprmted from the "The London 'rimes," Nov. 9th, 1882.) in the face and 1s a more faithful i dication Other Countries. To THE EDITOR, Srn,-AsMr. C. H. Hop of the character than is generally upposed. Mr. Stanley spends the winter in Nice be· wood's questions m the House of Commons In diess, 1t gives the key-note to the whole fore proceeclmg on his African business. on Thursday, has agam revived public m· structure by its size or shape "Every 'l'he President's sister, Mrs. McE101y, teres~ m this tragw occurrence, nay I ven- woman 1s, or ought to be, a cathedral," say11 will receive with bun on New Year's day ture to briefly recall the facts th10ugh your col· a poet ot yesterday, and M. Blanc also comThe next Govem1or of Texas, Mr. Ireland, umns? S1r :- The followmg particulars were pates dress to a kind of a.rchitccture, started out m life as a hostler, at P1ght dol- fnrmshed by Dr. Desiardm, of Algters, to throughout whieh a primary iclea should be lars a month. La Science Libi e, after a most careful mves- consistently ~arried, and no rranglmg of L ord Rowton, Disraeli's private secretary, tigat1on mto the crrcumsta ces, and a per- styles allowed. When a woman possesses a R oman nose ha.s been vlSltmg Prince Leopold and his sonal mechoal examrnat1on of the rnfeeted youths :-On Dec. 30th, 1880, the you11g she must be extremely careful as to her wife at Claremont. w ldicrs of the garrison of Algiers, wno had style of headgear and hair-dressmg. Neither The wife of Sir William Harcourt, a mem not alreo,dy betn vaccm t ed, we1 e conducted of the' e belong to the fn volous or coquettebe1 of the Queen's J>n vy C:ouncil, 1s the to the Dey Hospital to he vaccmated mac- 1sh or der. Neither must be madcquately daughter of t lie h1sto11an Motley. cordance with the miht,1ry regulations. The small If the wearer of the Rou1a11 nose 'rhe Queen of Sp.un hangs h er first com army surgeons operated The vaccine mat. fall mto tu is error, that useful organ will mnmon and her bridal wreathe on either t er was -extracted horn a couple of children look larger than e\ er. Onr artstocracy under ho months old, .tppa1ently iu excel- are given to large noses. The air of palaces side of the crucifix ov~r her prie-dieu. M18s Emma Faithful says that a wo- len health, and to whom the lymph app ear- seems to be favorable to the development man's ab1iity to earn 1s equivalent to a ed to, be equally genume and normal. 1'hose of that sal ient feature., and, were there to clowe1, if we look at marriage f1om a v10sa1C vaccrnateclfrom one of the children present- oeno m&~a lbcin1P-s, the highlirnd type of nose eel no special inciden t, buL the fifty-eight would soon reach a very te1 n6e size indeed, pomt of new. solchers vaccinatecl from th~ Spamsh mfant, I al ways look on the brtght side of things, The fmnitme of Kmg Kalakaua's palace developed m a few weeks t he ch<Ltactei·s of and when I hear of a man of gentle birth was made m Boston. The llb1ary 1s m g1een, an ml· ction which could not be nustaken- marcymg a barmaid., or of a modern Col!_etua the music room m old·gold, and the throne· all weie attacked with syphilts. The marks and a beggar malcl, I always bfltlfink me room in cnmson. on the aim were disqu1etmg, and the ulcera· of tho prnbable mo~hficat10n of the lordly The granddaughter of Count 8obiesk1 was t10ns were so th1eatenmg tlmt the soldiers noses of the next geuer:1t10n. W ith a fatdy rnarned to a meeltauie 111 Sw1tzeiland. were, som e ten weeks after the operation, Greek nos~ a \'\oman may " ear almost any. 'l'he mother of Prmce C:harles U:dward Stu- sent to hospital. In a m onth, all excopt thmg She will bo su10 to have taste to art, the .Pretender, wa.s a Sobieski. six were cl1sm1ssed, Dnd theywete soon com- dnrne what is sm t ablc· au1\ bt1commg, allll The Clunese M1111ster at "\Vashmgton pelled to returu ; syphilis had affected their grace enough to put 1t 011 straight-an acdresees in the richest Bllks and satrns, and constitntmn Some had ulcers fer four or comphshment more than nnaht be never appea1s twrce, it is saul, m the same five months; others had affections of the thought. But, ala~! Greek noses are not snit, h is wardrobe bemg worth the mcre- hp~, tongne or palate. Some ~howed dis- exactly Jn t he fasluon . 011 t nat10nal taste dible sum of a hundred and fifty thousand coloration of the skm, some had violent has pl!oved degenerate, and our tickle fancy headache, affect10ns of the teeth and gums, has turned to the nez r drouBse, which has <lollars. The Superintendent of the Yellowstone and of the 3omts, presented themselves to even foun<l 1ts way mto i;he poets. "T1pNational J>a1k, Mr. Conger, ieports that my ob~ervat1on, in add1t10n to t he usual tilted like a flower,' says our laurea.te of the vandahsn;i of tou11sts is nimmg the symptoms ot this dangerous and disgusting such a nose. 1£ the co1<ita~1ve nose appear cones of the great geysers, and thell' care- malady. I also noticed decay of the harr, in full development on a woman's face, she lessness as to ores JS devast,atrng the forests eyebrows, and lash~s. Ne"d 1t surprrne us will probably be strong-mioded am utterly that soldiers thu" treated hy state medical c~relcss of chiffons, i f not of her own looks. i11 the reservation. iegu lat10ns fail to prove that they aie each Of the Jewish nose the same observatioll "I am qmte content to seek my aucestors equal to a dozen of their vigC\rous Arab are true as with regard to the Roman nose ; m the ga1dcn of Eden," says Dean l3ergon, foes, the "redoubtable Bou-Ame ma?" Then that 1s, when the nose is large. Occasionally of England, in cntic1smg the labor of the follow the names and regunentalnnmbersof - though not very frequently-thi~ nose i1 New Testament revrners : "let others, if the unfortunate soldiers, who through no beautifully formed, and not too large for they choose, look for the!Ts m the garden fault of their own, have been obliged to leave our modern notions of femmine loveliness. called zoolo~ical." the service without appeal or oompensat10n . It may then be treated as I have mggested The stilettoes aud medals given to Gari- Further details have been published m the 'rn rema1kmg on the Greek variety, bald i by t he South American governments Journal cl'Hygiene, of Paris, for August The turn-uf nose may be adorable, or it in whose se1 vice he fought, besides pipes 25th, 1881, and 30th March last, and may be a tna ! Much depe11da on its com. and canes of !us own handiwork m the old several other Pans journals; also m La plexion; much on the precise degreee of G . nbalcll ' ouse ot C11fton St.i.t· n Island, France Merwdionale, of N1ae, for July 8 th, upward curve. This curve should be aimi· have been i'IVen to t!-:e .:S at10nal ti1usenm at 1882, and two Alge1 me journa's, Le Pcti6 lar to those at the corne1s of the lips, and Rome. Colon and l'Akhbar, of Aug. 1st, 1881. Ao- when it is, what a piquant harmony is the There 1s a rumour that Nilsson is to mar- cordmg to the Journal d'Hygiene, of 30th, result ! Oh, lncky girl with such a nose, 1y again, a Senor Angel de M iranda, whose March last, an eminent deputy, the Baron what a queen of hearts you may be ! Add mother was govemcs3 to Mercedes, and. Larrey, havmg heard the part10ulars of t his but the mstmct of coriuetry to the owner of made a march1oneos He 1~ a naturalized vaccme disaster, desired to rnterpellate the this nose, an<l you 1iave a creature as dan· Frenchman, Possibly the l nm or arises from Chamber of Deputies, but General Farre, ge1ous as Helen to the pee.ce of man. It the fact tlut the lady 1s a fa~ onte of Q11cen thf' then Munster of War, begged him to must be a shaky, fleshy flabby thing; a curt wait the result of certa111 mveatigat10111s then decmon and a spice of dainty self assertion Isabella, Thcrean used to boast that he h,td a libra- pending, which admrt·ed the existence of must chaiacter1ze 1t It "as such an ideal ry of mne huncl1e<l '\o umes, seven hundred the pamful disaster, Since yhen, the editor, nose that inspired the following sentimellt1: ot which he wrote hmi,elf Ji1s Week on the D1 de Pietra Santa, s,iys, that while the "We contess a lurkmg pench ant, a sort of Oonco1·d and .\I e·~ nnac River~ not sollmg, facts ha' e never been officially denied, the sneaking a1fect10n which we can not resist, the publlshers returne,l to hu:n seven hun- Government have preserved a profound s1l- for tho celestial nolile in a womau. It doCIJ dred and six copies of the eLlttiun of a thou- encc concP.rmng the affair. It lb to be ob· not command our ad.mirat10n and respect se1ved tha~ when the question w sptevious. hke tho Greek, to which we could bowdown sand, wh1c11 he laid aw.1y m;b1s garret. ly put m the House or C:umrnons by l\llr. as t o a goddess, but 1t makes s d work with A golcl snuff-box, bearrn1< Count Von Hopwood, iu June last, Mr. Dawson said, our affect10ns, The snub, too, is not so unMoltke's coat of auns, with the motto that a r eply to his inqmrles had been re- bearable as in a man. It is a great marrer " Firat weigh, then venture," on the hd, ce1-.-ed from the French Government by the of beauty, undoubtedly, but merely regard· with a p01 trait of the Empe1 or and two of English Embassy in Pal'ls, but t he m1orrna- ed as an index of weakness, it claims our his predecessots, ancl tl1e German e ·gle, t10n was " rncomplete " It appears, there- kmdly conside1 at10n. A w iman, more· while oak and lamel leaves and emblen.at1c fore, that a certain amount of informat ion over, has generclly tact sufficient to conceal g1 oups ornament the i est of the box, was is already m possession of the Local Govern- (often to their entire aun1h1lation) those given to him by the officers of the German ment Board, and having reg.1rd to the pam- unprepossessing characteristics of the snub army at his late 3t1b1lee, he hav'ng lutherto ful anxiety existing in the pnbli" rrund on and the celestial which in a weak ma.n used only 'a w ooden one, like a pea.aaut's. this subi ect of vaccinat10n (which tile become more and more strongly mai ked. Lancet said, over four years ago, nothmg A celest ial nose in a woman ls fre;f ;~~~au 'I'ootllpioks. but t he appomtment of a Royal..Comrn1ss1on m dex of wit.'"- A·ud thls;-be1t re -red, 'l'he greatest chemist of modern times re- would allay), ought not 111 the mtt>rests of \las wutten long before the apothe~1s of ma.rks tliao t-he civilizauon of .a.. couutr y Ol' tbe-pnhhc health and b ic safety, ce ..tile turned.up nose. .r._ · family is m dicated by 1ts consumption of 1011 ger withheld. -And wliat style of ru:chitecture are we to soap. Perhaps as much may be S·!d of the I am, yourl\I faithfully, cnn -truct our dress upon· ask the owners t oothpick, for 1t i s ceitam that America WILLIAM TEBB. of such noses. Anythrng coqueU1sh and uses more tooth_picks than do the effete Devonshire Club, St. James', airy, frivolous and quaint. Severe ~im· monacdnes a.nn despotism; of the old Nov 7th, 1882 plimty consorts with the snub A ht~le world. A birbauau does not use t ooth· -m solence of ornament suits 1t; floating rihpicks, eit her because his teeth :ire sou id, SANITARY. bans; a rn"1 pant,,a1grette; a head "sunning which is tho tare cxcept10n, or because he I LIP SALVE.-Takc of white wax one ounce; over with curls; a flounce tur eel back and JS a ba1·baria11 whwh 1s the rule A man sweet 01! one ounce spermacet1 one fortb; a hat twisted north and sout", east who u ses a toothpic\ is 01vil;zed. llut drachm , 1'nelt altogethe;, ~ddmg a' little and west, Such as these wo:1Jd be mconthere are degTees of c·1v zn.t10n and refine- alkenat root to color, and while cooling, e.dd 1gruous with the Greek, an 111sult t o the ment, and m order to ti la scientific basis ' 011 of rose to perfume. r homan, an miury to the Jew1~h, and. a Hai for tho proper clnssific ·LJOn of toothpick , R b ti t f th b t t 0 contrad1t10n to the cog1 tattve. With the 0 usuw P"Oplc one mwnt either use the l emteh m fer t ia t onet J e thes f~alys " t1ptilted," they make a happy harmony. o · wa1 m e ee is o s1 w ier" e u1 sun- _ Wliiteluill Remf,W mateual of the tootupick as a foundation . light may fall upon the extremit ies. This or the manner 111 which the toothpwk lS uan be easily attended to when envaged 111 handled. reading, sewmg or conversat10n. SIXTY FEET UNDER SEA.. There are toothpicks of wood or qmll~, . ivory or metal The wooden toothptcks DRINK IN CASES OF FEVER.- Therc 1s n o A Pearl Diver's Experienoe . may be sub 1ivideLl iuto thos', of har<l and more refreshing drmk m cases of fe ver "I was ouce a diver-not a wrecker, but soft wood, of which the former are prefera- t han ve1y weak green tea, w ith lemon a pearl diver-and ha1cl busmess i t was," ble. Then, agam, a chv1S1ou may be based JUlCe a(lded m stead of m ilk. It m ay b e t ak . receutly observed the capta111 of a Spanish upon the pomt of the toothpick. J>robably en either cold or hot, but the latter is pr<i· brig to a repur ler of the Cahforni,1 'l'ima. the best wooden toothpicks come from Jap- ferable. "We worked off the Mexican and Panama an ; they a1·e short, and can be u sed with TIIE l'EETH. - All mmeral as well as coasts, prmc1pally on the Pacific side. Someoat bemu noticed. The quill tootlipwks are vegetable acids act promptly on the teeth. times we worked alone, but generally on either simple or ornamental. Ivory and In forty-eight hours acet10, c1t1ic, and malic shares, and sometimes for pay \>Ve went golden toothpicks a1e a permanent article, :i,c1d~ will corrode the enamel so that ycm to the grounds m small sail mg vessels, then while nearly all others are u sed once and may scrape a great portion of it away with we took to small boats and covered as much then should be thrown away. Good tooth- the finger nail. ground as possible. E twh m n had a baskHow PEOPLE GET Sx;;K -Eating too et, a weight, a kmfe. For sharks ? Yes ; p icks aie more or le.s elastic, and n early all of them are so cheap that everybod v can af- mucu and too fast; swallowmg imperfectly but it 1s a poor defence, for 1t is almost im· ftj·d to nse them 1ud1c10usly. A toothpick 111 asticated foo<l ; usp1 g too much fluid at possible to swmg the i11 m with any force pei se is st11ctly111d iffe1eut- t hat is to say, meals; drmkmg poisonous "hiskey and. under water. The best wP1pon is a short 1t has no moral or resthetw value, the latte1 other intoxicaLing dunks; repeatedly usmg spear. W4cn you reach tl1e ground VOll bf;lmg be~towed by hun or h er wlto URes it. pmson as medicmes; keepmg late h ours at strip, pnt yot1r feet 1r. a big ~1uker, take t he I n t h is respect the toothpick r escmhles 1111 uight, ancl sleepmg late 111 the mornmg; basket t hat bas a i ope fo1 ho1 stmg, ch op act-it clenves its d1gmty m vulgau ty fro111 "eu.rmg clothmg too tight; wcanng thm over, and soon find yonrsdf at the bottom. the p er scn behmd it. And ther e hes the 8 ,10es; neglectm ! to wash the body suf- Then y our h 1srness 1s t o J, nock o lf afi"many essence of the matter. tieiently to keep the poi es open, exchangmg oysters as you ca.!.1 an.l lay t hem t he Imagme a lady m faultless a ' t ire, hand- the wann clothes worn rn ,i warm room dur- before you lose y our wmd. It is a some and admirable, w1thatoot hpwk in h e1 inv the ,lay for costumes and exposure inc1 ten1b1e stram, but 1 could t.tand it in those mouth. The spectacle is not pleasmg. 01 dent to cvenu g pat tws ; compressmg the dvys for six nunutes , and I have known 1magme a dmnc1· pa1 ty, the last course of stomach to gratify a vam and fo"hsh pass10n some m en who could stay clown ten; but it whwh consists ol tootl:tp1cks lianded at'Otmd for dress , keepmg up constant excitement ; is sum d eath rn the long run. If the ground by the waiters and tben applte::d by the frett mg the mmd with borrowed t10ubles ; 1s well stocked you can get twenty or more whole company, The sight is pcl'fectly un- swallowing quack nostrums for eve::ry imagm- shells, but it is all luck. When tbe basket pleasant, ary 111; takmg meals at irregular mtervals, is full it is hauled up, and after you come etc. up for your wmd down you go agam, the Adam Seveu Feet High. A rlark house is always unheaithy, alw:;,ys smk bemg hauled up by a small cord for the Dr. vV1ld, of Toronto, announces that an ill aued house. Want of h ght stops purpose. It was on one of t hese t hat 1 ran Adam was seven feet Jngh. His reason for growth and promotes scrofula, rickets, etc , afoul of the animal that gave me a la2tiug this co11clus1ou is that the first man was per . among the clnlrlren. P.:ople lose thell' fright. You will smile when I say it was feet and seven 1s a perfect number. "Tnree health m dark houses, and 1f t hey get 111 only a star-fish, but that it really was. I is the Tnn1ty number and stands for the they cannot get well agam m it. Dr. went down sixty feet with arnsh, and, landCreator ; foui: stands for the world ; t!us Edwards, of Paris, -ays the action of ilght ing on t l' e ec~ge of a big branch of coral, mcludes the Creator and t he created. < ends to develoµ the different parts of the swung off mto a kmd of basm. The basket Seven means completion. There aie body m JUSt that proport10n which characte1- wen t ahead of me, and as I swung off to seven virtues that make a perfect 1zes the species, and that m warm climat es r each the bottom somet hmg seemed to spring man-virtue, knowledge, temper:i.nce, pat- the exposure of the whole surface of the up all around me, and I was m the arm~ ience, godlmess, brotherly kmdness and body to the action of t h e light w ill be ve1 y ot some kmd of a monster that eo1lerl about charity. favorable to the 1egula1 conform~t10n of the my body, arms, and legs, I tne<l to scream, body, Humboldt confirms this m the ac - forgettm g that I was m the wat er, and lost The Lomlon Econornist says : " Though count of the voyai1;e to the equinoctial r e- my wrnd. It was inst as if the plant had E11ghs:,men may regret keenly the conq ues l{iuns. lie says, "both jJlen and women sprouted under me and then thrnwn its of Madagascar by France, 1t 1s not then· duty (whose bodies are constantly mured to tho 'mes anri t endrils abm1t me. There were or their busmess to prevent it m t he only effect of light) ate very muscul<lf' and pos- thousands of them, cothng and writhing, possible way- by m1s1stwg, at any i1sk, that sess fleshy and nunded for ms. and I thought I had landed m a nest of sea , the couq uest shall not be <LttPmpttd. Let snakes. I gave t he signal as soon as I could, the F'1en h get a bit of the t1op1cal world if and made a break upward, part of the creatthey can." Possibly in tins fnendly speech It is. always "put up or shut up " withthe ure clmgmg tO me, while the 1 est, I could the E conom'l8t is mtluenced by the iact that umbrella see, was droppmg to pieces. 'lhey hauled the at empt of ~'ranee to sub3ugate .MadaThe foundatlon for a larg~ p '>per mill is in me mto the boa t when I reached t he surgascar would be likely to involve hei m trou- ing earned on It i. well known that the 1,t~e. an l pulled the main part of t he ani· ble and expense at least as scr10us as that water power -sf Rat J>or tage 1s the la1gestbe- mal f1om mo. It '\\as oval, about threEt_feet wluch Hvlland has fouJ1d 111 Acheen. In a t tie :North-west. ' across, and the ii ve arms seemed to ride roadless, rugged country, made for ambush8aid the fath er of the bank cashier "My mto thousands of othe1·s. I pt obably ln~ded es,and where European troops would be sub- boy caught stealmg I My boy detect ed rn on top of that one, wl nch at that tn~- was Ject to the utmost peril from exposure to in- <l1shonebty < He, the hght of my hfe, on the large~t I had ~ver seen. I afterward tense h eat and,noisoit:\e swamps, loss woul<l whose ed·icahon I have spent so much care. saw the body of one that was washed ashore make a heavy account agamst gam. The Re has di -gruced h ts family. We are all on the Isthmus that mnst have had a spread metropolis of the Ifovas, the clnef tube, is rninecl ! and that my son should have done ot t hJrty-fi 1 ·e feet. Their power of grasping 200 miles from the t ap1tal, aud l is known to this l Why, as old as I am, 1'11 bet I'd work- is considerable. But touch them a certam have been Jeft roadlcas wi' h an eye io t he edit so they'd ne::veI have found me out! way and they throw off their arms in a present eo11tmgency. European travellers l'oo bad! Too bad I" And, overcome by regular shower, and are soon reduced to &n a.nd uch llatives go by pala11 qum, eruotion, the aged man wept. oval body. I 0 " , , i ----- - cy I

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