1 ~--~!!ll~B&~~~~R~&~·.:&a~~~~~~~rtii~·~wws~~u~w~w~...,.~~~:s~·: ~~ww;;.~:"";;llllll!iiiai~~ · :~1~10~1:·~~~~~~MMW\~=M~~wwa~~ilit~·~~~·~·;w~~~·m~1e~~~-~"~~~~~~~~~~~~sM+~c;iifi!~~~~~~~~~~~~~aazas~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~ CO!\!ET:s. Bae One. Ever Struck· the Earth : ~R th~anythinl:( incredible or e1-en surpnR 111g ii:+ the hypothesi~ tl1at a comet might ha~() atru;ik the earth in some re1bote past ? Is JI. not mthcr a . mv,rvel, as Mi·. Dounelly suggests, that the earth should escape collision tor a single century i K epler affirmed that comets are scattere·t through the heaV'ens with as much profusion as are fishes in the ocean. Arago estimated that t~e ?ornets bel_ onging to the solar system within the orbit ot N eptune nnmhered 17,· 500,000. Lambert regards 500 000 000 as a very modeiat.e estimate. The'oe ~ompnta· tiona, moreover, do uot includ e the lier v wanderers who may at any mome nt visit from outside uhe solar system. B L 1t how many of t hese comets come near the orbit of ~he earth? lt i~ ~ertain t hat some actually ~ntersecb the orb1t, while others ap] r oach it "ery closely . ..,In thtdormCJrcatcgory may be ment10ned Uambert's comet :Brorsen 's comet , Eneke's comet, Halley's il~met. The comet diseovered Octobor 10, 1880, by L ouis Swift, of H,ocbcst er, N. Y., was ouly distant from tile eart h 11hout onc·t cnt h of one per cent. of the distance of t he eart h from the sun. The new comet discovered June 2:), 1881, was a,t its nearest ooint d istant less than one-tltird of one per 'cent . of the distance of the sun from t he earth, In the ye(Lr 1779 I.E>xell'· comet approached the earth so closely that it w11uld have increased tl1 e length of t he side:.eal year by throe hours if 1h<: mass had been < ·q ual to the earth's. This ~ame comet d icl 1 1c t ua ly strike OLlr follow planet J'upittr, or, nt all <JVcats, bee .me so entangled among Jupiter's satellites as to lose its original orui t. No on·J of the satellites altered i ts mo vements a hair's brca nth~ but it muut he r·cmembered that we hatl t hen arnl have Hv w no glasses that would e nable us to disccm the effects of such a visitatron upon the sllrface of ,rupiter or its mo· ,4 The comet mi..,h t have covered Jupitcl' ~1th clay and grM'cl 100 feet or 100 miles thick, and have formed clouds of its se!IS five miles in thickness, wit!:out our knowing anything about it. Many of the comets belonging to the sol'br system arc so small that tl1eir contact with the earth might produce but t r ifling results. Yet even the admixture of an inconsid,\'r!'ble ~ortion of comet gas with our atmo~ere =~ht produee local disturbance of a serious character. Humboldt expressed in " Cosmos" the opinion that the vapor in the talls of comets mi11gli>d with our atmosphere in the year lSW and 1823. There is reason to believe that a part of the gaseous prolongatwn of Biela's comet came in contact with the earth between 1852 and 1872, and Mt\ Donnelley would ascribe to this ?8use the remarkable conflagrations which, m the.a]!,tu1qn of 1871, broke out with all the suddennesR of spontaneous combustion in. Y\'."isconsi~, Michigan, and Northern Illmo1 s. It IR certain that this small com»t cros.sed the orbit of the earth in 1335 only -a month before the earth arrived at the sa.me point, and that in 1839 and 1846 it came nearer and ne~rer to coll.ision, having actually been spht 111 two by its proximity to the earth. I n 1852, 1859 and 1866 this litt le comet should have returned, but it did not. It was lost. It was dissipated. That its material was hanging somewhere in frag· ments about t he ear th is proved by the fac t l!~a.t when, in .November, 1872, it waa rediscovered movrng off from the earth into space it had a decided nucleus but the tall :was gone. . The meteor showe; experienced ~Europe . m November, 1872, is uuhesi tat· m i:ly ascribed to the fall of gravel stones once belonging to the tail of the Biela ; nmeh, but which, as they fell, )>laz and c nsum~ el)lselves with the friCtio" o our atmospher e. - New York us Sun._ ----......·----~·---- The POWU; O!'. Sympathy. Orr ! . ~here is something hcaut1fnl in sympathy- in manly sympathy, wifely sym· pathy, moti:terly sympathy; yea, nei~hborly sympathy. Why wa~ it that our city was aroused with · excitement when a little child was -lticlna eel trom one of our street s? Why were whole columns of ne~spapers filled with the story of a, little ehdd? It was becauae we are all one in sympathy, und every parent saic l : ··How. if it had been. my L i:l:zie? how if it had been my Ma~Y! · how if it had been my ~aude? how if it had been my child ? ho w 1f tbere had been one unoccup1ed pillow in our trundle-bed to-uight? how if my little , one- bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh - were to-night carried captive into some den of vagabonds, never to come back to me ? how if it had been my sorrow looking out of the window, watching and waitingthat sorrow worse than deatti ?" '.Phen when they found h er why did we declare the news all t hrough the housoholds, and everybody that knew how to pray said "Thank God l' Because we are all. one, hound hy our gre it g11lden chain of sympat hy. Oh I yes, but I have to t ell you this morning that if y~u will aggregate all neighborly, manly, wifely, motherly sympathy, it will be found only a poor starving thing cemp.9,r ed with the sympathy of our great Shiloh, who has held in His lap the sorrows of the ages, and who is reiidy t o nurse on H is h oly breast ~he woes of all who come t o H im. Oh ! what a Uod, what a Saviour we have ! But in lal'ger vision see the natiou' · so e kind of trouble ever since the world was <lerailed and h ;,'led down the embankments. The d emo1. of sin came to this world, but other demons have have gone t h rough other worlds. The demon of confla<rrn.tion, t he demon of volcanic disturb1 iLce, the demon of destr uct ion. - DR. TALMAGE, in Frank L alie's SUNDAY MAGAZINE for J anua1·1J. Chrlstm&&S Presents> ·w e have not a single word to say against C hrist ma.s presents. In many respect s they Stln:e very good ends. They creat e kimlly foelrngs, i-eep up the home affection, and are a pled ge of neighbour: y kiudnesa and good will. At t he same time, there is just the dange~· that they might be overdone, and th ~reby, like wedding gifts, become a burden and a nuisance. Everybody k nows - many to t heir gi:eat loss a nd annoya.ncethat marriage gifts are becoming a burden too heavy t" be borne- a good-natured, and yet , altogether vexatious kind of black· mailing, if not of t he actual st and a nd de· liver order. " I t is expect ed, " and t hat makes many an one go r eluctant ly to th e j eweller's or china shop and in vest , wit h a feeling far different lrom that of joyous 1pontaniiit y in t his, that and t he other thing which may be thought appropriate for the occasion. As it has been and is with these wedding memorials, so it is ,)oming to be with Christmas boxes. The nuisance got to be in E ngland so general and so a bominable, that not so· many years ago it was greatly, if not altogether stopped, a.nd tha. b y noiversal consent. Tradesmen were regul~ly plundered by the exactions of the "box.:'.~end. Not a servant girl or man but had to oe propitiat ed for the mastel"s custom. ' 'Boxing day" became a season of terror and spoil, the present originally in. tended as an expreesion of good will and adiual kindness of feeling was demanded as a matter ot right, and the man or wnm.an tbM could stand out agaillltt t <lll 1-p ,; ja{ion ,--AM 'iil"F!!!m'rn;a.1 ?MwmpiM· m> Cbeap lusurnnce.-Insure in the Confeder I n the museum of the King of Roumania Is Gfadstone going to the H ouse of Lords? ! he Bea.utiful But Ignorant Creaturee thE:r e has been discovered t he remaius of ation Life Association. . It is cheaper than the We most earnestly hope and pray that Who Graced the Establishment of a tbe Cid and his wifo X imena, in a ' mall box Cianadian Mutual Aid, A. 0. u. W . or auy pass he will not be so ill advised. Let him never Wealthy R ellident of Jaffa.. elaborately ca rved ~eceptacle, w hich at the around yeur ~1at insti~ution. as the following pa,~t with the name he has made famous \eg~est of King Alfonso, are to be 'sent t o examples will prov·e : Thos. McClung bas t hrnughout the whole earth. What a eonW r iting of llfe in the Orient in Fran Spam. been insured since 1872 for $2,000 :i,nd the last t rast t:>etween VV"'"illia1n Pit t and L ord Chat· Lea~'s S undrz71 iJlagazine, E dw in D e Leon ~~=~-=~==-======== five years it only cost him $2.55 per annum on ham? What a shri 1 ·elling up from even says : One evuJJing we in1ssed m the en joy- M £)) (;? fl'J.Jl '~J · 1L~ ,fj} IU. till each ~l.OCO to insure. John McClung insured Henry Br ougham t o the Lord of that name ment of t he hospitalities of a r i<,;h Grcek who lfj·Jll;~\tt ~ <! iJID ~-- ~·Jlf°"' ~ at the same limo for the sa me amount and it It is like committing suicide for a gre t com- resided in t he t own. It had chanced th&t Wishes to info nu the patrons of her late hus- only cost him $1, 74 JlCr annum. on cack $1 000 to moner t o hide h imself uuder some Brum· in my official capacity I had hoen able in band. nnd the public generally. that she still insure, be beine a little younger, W c ~ertify magem lordly title. Egypt to a ccord p:o~ecti?n to the la rge the above to he coroect, 'rhos. McClung, John J hC £ colony C?f Greeks res1drng m Egypt during McClung. Thos. Bingham. agent. 206tf. 'r osep ook o Boston, says t hat a man tne Crimean war, when an ed1 ·,.,t for· the1 ' v w1 lO 1auiz h s th ree t tmes unto hi ms·elf an d expulsion from the Ottoman doin1·u · ons 1 1a\l 1 · l y, says t o h is ' own sweet self, been issued from Constantino1 coiisc10us 1le by the ·ub- in the old stanil,1mder the supervisionson of her · ' '"h · .up a11 lime p0rte, an d sanctionerl by' the Ch1·1·st;·1 ~ 1 WM. HUM_PRHBY, who bas Jiad over .five · n a L a h um b · ug l am.1" mav give years experlencc urider his father's i n~ti·uctions, h ope o f ge tt mg . · H e is · a l to· power s o, = n·g ht a t 1ast. f E urope po tential tl1e1·e. and ~h,o ts c:i.pable of t.U l·ning- out all work in get i1er t oo ttioroug hly b ase an d d. is1 i onest to Not repccsenting a European power, I "~satisfac to ry. a tnunner as herewfor, A contrnuntwn of the libe1·al patronage exmak'I anyth ing of hut a moral ruin. .8t1t took the i:esponsibility of retaining and pr o..... .. _..___ teude<l to my 1.ate husband is respectfully why rhree times? Why not twice ? \Vhy tecting t hese people in Egypt , and wa.s rank- sol!ctted, anrl saLl8faction guar anteed. D1·s. B. w. Rl.cha,rd:!'OD and w. B. not seven ? ~o saying. Only this is clear, ·ed am ong t he Phil-Hellenes thr oughout the Ca r p ent er, t hat every t1me a mau glor ies in his own wh.ole ea~t t herefor, besides being made u . Fifteen years ago Dr. H.iehardson was baseness, t here is less hope of his ever gath- kmght or the or der of San 83.uvenr by Kiu" or no eharg-e. using alc0hol as a beverage himself, and ering his fe"!t either in this wod<l or the Otho. As t h e· Greek~ are scat tered every': J ,e;n ·c you1· or,lc1·· «al'ly fnr l 'ALL WOR K . wol'icl to come. J h w 1ere t roughont the east, and keep up a prescr ibing it for h is patient s as a medicine. Since then, owing to a morn thorough inves· A P hiladeli;hia photogrnpher of actresses con~tm1t intercommunication and strict bonds . N . B . -Ev('rything usually kept in a tigation of t he su bject, ho has written say s t hat Mme. Janauschek insists' on as- of sympat hy, this stoocl mo in good stead. frrsi-class Harne >~ Shop always in stock \red me on at lowest Jiv.iug. prices. largely against its use as ·t )Jeverage, though sumiug lier owcn p oses, will not allow him Among other benefits, it pl'OCL he has not attam el:l t o a point of intelligence t o touch her, and lets t he drape1'Y take care t his eveniug the view of cne or the loveliest ANNI E H U MPHREY M.odjeska hr01wht four large women I have ever beheld in any part of sufficiently high to eualilc him to see that it of itself. the wo ld-tbe d~inghter of our entertainer is always injurious, whetber prescribed hy a t runks, two maids, lier do£ and her husphysician or t .ken at th e pleasure of t he hand. T wo of her truuks contained at J al.fa. A lthoagh the Gr eeks a re most individual. The hest thing that he has cost umes. one cosmetics and toilet arrauge- fanatical Cl11·istians, ye t in mn,ny custunls W <itten on the temperance question, is his men ts, an <l the other her j ewelry. 8he they, as well as all oLher . u at iYe Christ iitna I have i·cceived the Largest Stock "text· book" for schools, etc., the first part was photographed in fifty different a ct it udes. in t he east, follow many of the Moslem - -<>F - of which deals with alcohol from a chemical 'iVheu Lot ta was shown a proof she eirclaimed, usa.ges--among others, t he absolute seclusi~n of women from the sight ol strangers, s tand-point. The second part deals with "Is my foot as big t hat?" the camera i ts relations t o the human system; and while havmg, as it always does, r epresented t he either at home or ou t he streets. W hile t he first part is unexcept1onalile. the second member larger· t han life because it was Olll walk ing out t hev wear impen etrn.ble veilsis far from correct, because the doct or's pre- of focus. L otta's feet was properly etchell at home tl10y are je:ilously restricted to Kn;G STREET, BowMANVILT.E. d own in the negative t o the required size. t heir own apartments, into which no man ia ever ofl'ered in the Town of Bowmanville, and mfacs are not conectly t aken. lu a lecture delive red in Tremont Temple, Clara Louise Kellogg has a favorite black e ver admitted, save the owners of their own am bound to sell L hem a t tho lowest Boston, on Suncby last (Dec. 10th, 1882) by brocaded dress in · which she likes to be household. E ven the happy brideflr oom ie price possible. The goods are of Dr. Carpenter, he d welt largely on the physio- photographed, and thinks it mor13 becoming not allowed to see t he face of his bride until tho latest styles. A logical effects of alcohol, and condemned it to her t han anything else. William Castle after formal betrothal. His female relati vo11 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS lnrgestock unqualifiedly, as a beverage, though he said and Emma Abbott have been photographecl inspect and repor t h er charms, on which he transacted . Dr« ft H rnsned anrl collections of uothiug about it as a medicine, from which a.s Pau l and Virginia, and also in an embrace muet form hi11 judgment. I t was therefore g DHESS AND MANTLE VELVETS made t ltr<> u .~ h nl; nnincbes of the Ban k of it is to be inferred that he admits the nee- as Rorneo and Jnliet in t he balcony seene. by a ~pecial and ex tra.ordinary favor by on hFnd. BEAVER HATS Re-shaped and :a.!ontreal, in C·mada, Uni ted States and it ted to look on the cessity for its use as such. In dealing with Their faces necessatily came very close tO'· w~ich I was perm_ of this lovely Gr eek maid en, Cleaned and made as good as 111;w. .Also- ! Enghrnd . its effects on the blood, he says, " l'he red get ber, and Miss Abbott jocosely inquired veiled face _ j Sh .. , t. Dr.t·i, C1>t<1 mercial and Farmer s' corpuscles of the blood are the medium by of the artist if ho could phot ograph a kiss. whese b eauties the eye of uo unmarried man STHAW and FEL'l' HA'l'S. P lease call and inspect my Stock before I p1 i p.c1 ·s d1oc"unt ed at bank ra tes . Longer which oxygen is con,'eyed from the lungs to J dfereo,~ pose~ his g· . m and keg in "Rip Van bad ever viewed before, save her future husthe various parts of the Byst em, where it is Wmkle · to smt himself, and hkes a "moved" band, who t hat day had :firat been grii.nt ed purchasing elsewhere, aud see for yourselve8. penods than three month~ at best r at es needed, and the carbonic-acid returned to picture, claiming that i t is more ar t istic. t he pr i vileu;e. ' ' ues extremes se touck nl." obtui 1mbltl. Advau~e0 m~de on SaleNotes and spec· the lungs. The introduction of alcohol into 'l'herefore he will not use t he head rest, h o- For here ill Jaffa w as pract iced the mart i· the blood, as a foreign clement, changes the ca:use he df!CS not ~sh to k eep perfectly monial brokerage which preva.ils in France ~~~ Doors " Went of Martyn's Grocery Store· I ial att ention given t o (;Ollect ion of same. healthy aspect of the r ed. corpusclA s. When still. Rossi was so ne1·vous when sittin.., - t he queen of modern civiliza.t10n. Mrs. fli~ij;:~ ~ ~~~~ -- ; -;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:~~ l seen under the rnicr os0ope they seem ir- that he would not even allow his servant~ Prime had been passing the evening in t hi11 Chri1tian harem, while we men creat ure· regular and run toget11~ r m the circulation. be present. This t endency of th e co11mscles to aggregate 'l'he mora,le of a certain section of t l·e were solemnly smokmg and stuffin~ our· FOUR PER OEN T PAID on D E P OS· undci· the influence of alcohol, interferes with English speak ins;: eommunity,and that in its aelve1 with eastern sweetmeats in t he m en'e 11'8 of $4 and upwa rds, withdrawal c "l the rapidity of oxygenation, and consequent- own estirnd ion t he most r efined, is certainly apartment helow, an<l were get t ing sleepy demand with inter est to date. ly with the whole respimtory process. The low, and ia as evidently getting always t rom the sm 1~y at mosphere. repletion,, and action of the heart is r educed from thio lower. To make a worr..an famous with the conver1:1.~t10n u<ler difficulties, dilut ed , A NEW DISCOVERY . same en.use. This action is controlled by t hose re~thetic idlers, nothing seemq so and ~traiued t hrough se~era.l langual{e& the vasso motor nerves, regulatiug the calibre effectual as for her to have quarrelled wi.tl1 when a messenger mysteriously beckoned .t rFor several years we have furnl·hcd the Mr . .Prime and myselt mto t he sacred preDe.!rymen of ·A mer!c"' with o,n oxcellont o.rtiBANK, BUILDING SOCIE'l'Y AND of the blood vessels. The function of the ~er husband and taken up with· any p ro rnllclai color!orbutter; so m eritorious t hat It met 't:CMSO motor system is the transmission to ment debauchee who may choose t o fix hio ..:rnots of the ladi es' bower, where we found Ins urance Co. Stocks; also Bonds and Dewith grea.t success everywhere r eceiving the )in1. Prime surrounded by a bevy of damsels highest Md only prizes at both Interno.tlonnl every part of t he body the amount of blood lascivious eyes upon her. The amount:of ?en t ures bought at ! % : commission either Dairy Fairs. . which its condition may require. The re· wr etchedly idiotic talk which has for some o.f all.age.; and si~es, from the full-fedpropor· m Montreal or T or onto, WBut by patient and sclentl1!c chem!Clll reilionsof the matron down t o thll s :ender-w11.i1tsult of many observations discloses that the years ·p:Lst been ind ulgerl m over those search we have improved in sever.a.I points, nnd n ow o:lfer thianew color as t M beat ifi. the wortil. introduction of alcoholic pohon deranges the '.'professional beauties" vvhom certain prom- ecl gB.l!elle-eyed girls of 12 or 13 years of age just ripening into wo.nanhood. Then first It Wiii Not Color the Buttermilk. It system. ment personages have hy their attentions I knew where t he prophet had drawn his It relaxes the capillary Yessels which. re:cdered notorious is simply past estimate. Will Not Turn Rancid. It I~ ca~l tal R!1d invested funds- $27,600.000. ' become filled with blood, especially in the In some r,eepeets it has been 'm ore unwhole- visions of the . fut ure state, and w here on . Strongellt, Br111;hteet and '.lhe City of London F ire Insurance Co. of earth its houris migbt be seen. For t hose nervous system and in the skin. The effect some, and mor e demoralizing t han all t he En~land . Capital £ 1,000,000. sterlini?, Londo_n, Cheapest Color Made, of this is warmth and exhilaration which is , ado ma,de over the defiant Frenchwoman 'l!'omen we~e of rare and w itching lovelineS1, ))~posited with Government at Ottawa $100,000. t rAnd, wh ile prepared l n oll, Is so compound Fire Insurance of every Description effected, appealed to as e vidence of the benefioial ef- who put for th no pretensions t o either ye\ a l'ovelmess of earth earthly-save those ed t hat it is im)>088lble t or it to become r..1.cci:!, who were Lowest possible rat es on all classes of risks. very young, around wlton yet lm· fem;s d liquor. But thi s determination robs mat ron hood or modesty, limt who was willWBEWARB o! all linltatlono, a ud or nil other oll colon, for t hey am liable to become th.i parts within, and the temporary exhil- .in17 t o bti taken fo ,. what she r eally was, and cered the urace and purity of ch ildhood. rancid and spoil the butter. aration ia followed by a corresponding de- to be during the day what she acted during 'r he soft , bright light of intelligeuce cultil:;irlt you cannot get the "Improved" wri te u~ the evening. Are we coming ·oack t o the vated by educa tion and t hought, refi~ed by pression." to knowwhereandhow to get itwithout~~-'<t r:i. knowledge. poetry, and m u!ic and feminine expense. (JC) A. LARGE AMOUNT OF PRIVA.1.'E FUNDS Experiments with pure alcohol demon- t imes when harlots were t he great leaders WELLS, BICHARDS01' k CO., Rurllnglnn, , .! , I for mvestment at 6, 7 and 81., according t o se strates that it kills living cells in plants and of socieb y, and when the dict ion of Charles accomplishments, was wanting in t hose ourity offered. animals of all kin.is, and t he doct or is wrong t he Second (that virtue amortg hoth men full, dark brilliant orbs, which shyly lifted in concluding t hat the inj ury results from a and ~omen, but especially amor1g women , up from under the long fringed lashes, shot deficiency of biood in the centre of the sys· was si mply a haggling over th e price) was a i-ay of light into your own, t hen were hent t em. H ak en into-the syste n pur e it in- 'taken as gospel? If so, it is j ust as well that down again. Yet th er e was much t o g,t e t faces an d w ilstantaneously k ills th e individual hy it should be k nown and t hat t hose who are t raot t he sen ses in tne s we paralyzing the nerves which cont rol r espira· a tall believers indecencyanci. womanly honor lowly fea tures 'of the younger damsels the tion: and if diluted it is not the less a pois- should make their voices heard and their in- bride:expectant being a very parago~ of - - -(o)- -· on, but it is distributed so as to pass into fiuence felt in opposition t o the a,ne-like l oveliness. th c system wit hout causing such clire oonse- immorality which glories in license and calls W e are bound over t o perfec t secrecy as quences, but does its work quite as efficient- it "natural." t.o our visit, but found t he ladies much nicer ly by killing the cells in the blood, as to lo?k ~t t han t o talk to, being as ignorant "No wars !" cries the fantastic t alker of - -(o)- described by the docter where he says and 1ll-mformed as d nl<lren, but full of they " aggregate under the influence of martial blag~. " No wars.' Wby, heaven our10eity ,. anc~ excessively loq'1acious. They The · undersigned have made arrangements help us ! What wo uld t he workl come to were habited m eastern costume of t he i·ichalcohQ ]." to procm;e BAG SALT direct from Liverpool, He is also wrong in concluding that " the in that case? No manly virtues! .N o generosi· est stuffs, exposing t he bosom, and s ubstit uhuman hody is an automaton, t he mechan· t y ! No lieroic onclurance ! No patriotism !" ing baggy tr .user s of rllk (shi nl'l{ans ) for GODERICH SALT in Bulk or Barrel, Cayuga Oh, go along with your pedantic ism of which the brain has power to set in p~tticoats and skirts, while in their braided mot ion. " The nervous energy that cont rols idiocy. '.l'he worl d has well-nigh gone sick hair s hone j ewels an d golden coins. They WHITE PLASTER in Bag or Bulk, Oswego stupid m aunderin g ! What seemed to enjoy as a rare frolic t he p resence the body is derived from the ganglionic of your is beautifu l in a number of bulletPLASTER in stock, CROWN J EWEL GRAY system, of which the Val!BO motor ner ves are of two bearded men among them, and no a part, while the cerebral function, instead headed peasants, who never wronged each doubt talk11d it over, as a, belle woulct her FLOUR by the -Barrel, always on hand. W_ e of propelling the vital machine, is set in mo· to the extent of a straw, going foll belt at first hall. each others' throats and heads, and in the are sole agents for Cayuga White Plaster and tion by t he oxygen taken in the system unHere, as b,·low, ·pipes, perfumed nar· der the guidance of the involuntary or process of turning this fair earth in to a gileha, and sweetmeats were the order of Crown J ewel Flour. Dry, well screened COAL slaug hter pen ? There is neither grace nor gangliouic nervous system. the evenin~, and fair damsels puffed energlory in the whole aftair. There never was for winter use, always in stock. SASH , What is required to make the temperance 1ellically and blew clouds of Lat a.kia smoke work a ·success is a better knowledge of a war in w hich one party was not in t he tbrougb their nos trils wi th equal grace and DOORS, BLINDS, &c. Wood and Lumber physiological facts- many of which these wrong. V ery few in which both were not, gravity. It was ver y late when we left, and more or less. Give us a r est, and don't let taken in exchange for Plaster or Salt. Cash two eminent physicians haTC brought to the je&lousy of our unfortunate friends we light -by those who are talking and writing us hear of t hese licensed wholesale butcherR had left below was vehemently kindled paid for any quantity of Wood or Lumber. dubbed · heroes by those who on the subject . If the use of alcohol as a being when they learned our happy fort une. say t ha t it is only noble t o bee:oo<l, and who medicine had been controverted as has its use as a beverage, the world would have profess to recognize their perfect model and been converted to total ahstineu~e t'l'! ent y their divine lawgiver iu Him who,e name by Mabone wears no vest and no 1mspender·. years ago. A nd the question is a pertinent way of eminence was and iB the PRI!<OB OF This m ak es him a frequent r eadjust er. one : H ow long are we t o wait for t emper - PEAOE. What sort of Christianit y is thi~ ance agitators and doctors to take up this wlHch glorifies such legalized slaughter, and point ; and thus save the thousands that makes t hat a school of virtue and manhood are annually swept into their graves by it~ which invol ves a vir tual repeal of t he Ten medicinal use ? How long ? Ob., Lord, Commandments and m1Lkea rightandreas«m· ablenesa de pend upon the figh ting qualit ies how long? of human machiues, and t he cold blooded -.___..........__. oa.loulations which send thousands t o their bloody graves w ith as little compunction as Roui Turkey. · - --(o) a nook would in breaking an e,gg shell, or a The secret in having a good Mast tur-key butcher in cuttmg a calf's throat? Having purchassd the MACHINE SHOP lately occupied by is to stuff it palatably, to baste it often and The political horizon in Europe and eh ecook it long enough. A small turkey seven M1 '. W. McClung and added a Moulding Shop and some new Machinery, w here gets mor e and more overcast. It 01 eigllt pounds should b e r oasted or baked I am now prepared t o make all kinds of Castino-s and do all kinds of three hours at least. A very' large turkey would appear as if almost ever y one of the Mill and Machine .work. ·_Special attention give~ to the repairing of should be cooked an hour longer. Aft er the Great P owers were getting ready its fight· turkey is dressed season well, sprinkle pep- ing gear for a life and death t ussl e. Rus~ia l_teapers, Mow~rs and Threshing Machines. All k inps of Gearing, Coup~ masses troops all alon g t he front iers, and per and salt on the inside, stuff it and t ie it hngs and Cyhnder Teeth k ept on hand also Plow P oints and otherwell in shape ; either l ard the top or lay Austria arni P russia ar e cleterm ined not to slices of bacon over it ; w et the skin and be behind ·hand ,-all professedly for t he repairn for all Kinds of plows. ' sprinkle it well with pepper, salt and flour. mo2t peaceful and patriot ic reasons. They . Haying . a staff of EXPERIENCED WORKMEN employed, hope t<> are all troubled wit h s muggler s 1 Of course, It is well to allow a turkey to r emain some t ime stuffed before cooking. Pour a little and am bound to put them down ! So the give sat1sfact10n t o those t hat may favor me with t heir work. boiling water int o the bottom of t he drip· work goes on till some little ~park sets t he ping-pan. Jus t before t aking it out of the whole mass of combustibles on fire, and t hen ..,,.. oven put on more melted butter and sprinkle the conflagration will be a grand one. Of course; there ma y he t housands and tens of over more flour ; this will make t he skin mor e crisp and brown. W hile the turkey is thousands of men killed, hut what of that ? BOWMANVILLE AGRICU LTURAL AND MACHINE WORKS cooking boil the gi blets w ell; chop t hem fine l'he glory will b e great. 'l'he survivors may get medals. And who k nows but some of KING STREET E A ST, North Side. and mash the live.r , When the turkey is done put it on a bot platter. P ut the bak - t he maimed may have pensions. All whic \J. FOB P. S.- Highest price r.:iaid for any quantity Scrap Iron. ing pan on t he fire, dredge in a little fiour, is first r ate, and for this, is it not worth and when cooked stir in a. lit tle hoilingwa.ter while t hat so many should be mangled out or st ock . Strain it, skim off every particle of all shape, a nd sent all unshrived a mid of fat a.nd add t he giblets ; season with agony and blasphemy, t o their final account and t heir long home 't When 'llJill people be salt and pep per. wise- so wise t hat k ings and raler s of Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lum6ago, ~-~-- ~~ ..... --~-every class and name will drop t his hideous Backache, Soreness of the Chest, The "Three Pigeons," where the road game of war for some more r casouahle and Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellfrom Thames t o Abingdon crosses t hat from effective way of settling n ational disputes ? ings and Sprains, Burns and L ondon to Oxford, is thought .b y a utiq uari· Not for some t ime, in a ll likelihood. Yet, ans to be t he epot where Goldsmith laid t he in spite of all appearances to t he contrary , "\Scalds, General Bodily scene of S he StoopB t o Oot1quer. and all the fantastic pomp and circumstance _,.. Pains, · The first V ictoria colol!.lst to receive a of wnr, we 'cannot help repeat ing with Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted baronet cy i s :M.r. William J ohn Clarke, of all possible emphasis : It's comin' yet, Feet and Ears, and all other begs to inform t he p ublic t hat he has leased a store in the Melbourne,· who is wealthy, p,nd gave away For a' that! Pains and Aches. forty thousand dollars during t 1 .e Indian Block, where he has opened out with a splendid assortment of When man to man the warld ower No Preparation on earth equa.l· ST. J'AcoH llr· fa.mine, and fifty thousand toward building Shall brothers bo and a' tr.a t Ill a · afe, attre, simple and cheap Extern-1 the Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne. --~ ~ --~~~ Remedy, A t rial entails but the oomparatinl7 trifling outlay of 60 Ccnbl, and nery one ou11"·rin1 Thurlow Weed, who at fint could. not The German Goernment has reject ed the with pain can have cheap and polilite proof of 19 which he offers for sale at low prices for Cash. remember a- night what he had h&d for L ay torpedo. The Torpedo Commission ha.a claiw e. Dlreodon1 tn EleTeD Iangueg11. , ~~arm Pr~duce t aken in e.xch~ge, for ":hich t h e highest market breakfast, t rained his m emor y by repeat ing decided tyat the n~ts emploed by t he Engto his wife every evening aJl that had lish navy render Lay and W hitehead t or. BOLD BY ALL DBUGGIBTB .lND :OBlLEU price will be paid. WA special lme of TEAS of excellent flavor IN KEDIOill'E. . happened to him dnring the day. H us- pedoes harmless, but prove a.n obstruction to Qr.Also a. c~oice lot of ~UGAR~. ~C~FFEE in Cans. Ql"Ca.nned1 bands anxieua to impron their memories, the Berda.n torpedoes, whioh a re now beiug A. VOGELER & 00., Goods m grea.t variety. Qr A Uall is respectfully solicited.' .B4Uimor.. M4., U, l ·..C. ta.kt notice. muufacturcd in Constantmoplo was marked for all kinds of ha.rah words and most censo1·ions insinuations. In Canada, thiugs are ten.l ing strongly in the same direction. The Chr:stmas dress that used to be given to tb e servant irirl, because she was a nice, hand~. pleasant inmate of the house, is now often !Joked upon as a regular perqi1isite to withhold which is a positive injustice. The same thing with many other r cbtionships, and so the < wil goes on till al l who don't get 0hristmas dre:;s feel aggrieved, and are ready to quarrel with th eir frien ds as if they had been deliberat ely insulted. Where is this to end ? One gives a Christ. mas ,b ·ox to a wea l t hy f rieu <l , actua11y ·ex· pectmg something bet t er · than ·he 'Th h gives Ch · in ret urn . e same · t 1nng wit n etm"s <J:i.1·d ~. & J . fo there no way t o s top the abnse without getting quit of t he cust om? -~ +--c> ....,,. · ~a.I) MISCELLANEOUS. A CHIUSTIAN HAl':.EM. r-lH E" y C arries.on tn eHarn5ss B u s iness, SAFE C O LL ARS nU ARAtHEED --- Notice -to L adies.- B an . ing k. H---- - ouse (Mm!nery Goods) BURK&JON E S; BANKING. .mr M rs. ·n 0Illl011y, . Savings' Department. I ' I BROKERAG 'E. I AtE~~RYo~~N~E9Gi't~D INVESTMENTS; I I ,,.........., Salt I Plaster I CRQ WN JEW-EL FLOUR I M'CLBLLAN &CO., BOWMANVILLE. ___ ____ FARMERS I ATTENTION I .. C~MiaiEMEDY. RHEUMATISM, R. SYLVESTER, G~OCERJ:ES. NIW STOll. N!W coons.,.. Obs~er· J AS_ EL·LIOTT ........... ..... Groceries,.Crockery, Glassware, Flour, F eed, &o..