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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1883, p. 4

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' THE :MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. I -n - -- ·-- uowMANVILLE. The last meeting of the Council of 1882 Thb Town Elections were of took place 0ri Wedneaday of thia week. Members all prtJAent. Robt. Colville, 'Vf' are pleased t·> Esq .. Reti\' e, iu the chair. Minute~ of a lilLtrpriee ~ll round. 1 note th"-t this was hiss of a p11rtiza.n con- pMvioU8 meeting were rNtd ti.nrl 11n motion test than formerly. The contest for confirmed. II Mayor was a keen one, both' candidates · A petition was iireBented from Messrs. To the Editor oUhe Statesman. James A. Todd, '!'hoe.Lord, Wm. Gil111011r, DEAit Sm, eome of yonr readmaking a good run. Mr. McArtlrnr'K 1r · ., R , N . ,,,m1 "' 'tii an d R . }., .,, L nckh art, ers are aftlicred with that dreadful dismajority is 50, t.110 total vote being 311 asking to have aidelin11 l:>etween lots 2 & 3, ease-Catarrh. If so, I ask permission and 251. Perhaps the less said ab0ut the con. 5, opened to its proper wid th. The to say through the SrATEs~ax that I have ' roeveship the better. Why the electors Clerk was orrlered to instruct the path· been a subject of catarrh for the . -BYmaster, Mr. Rd, Smith, to h · ,ve all obchoo!e the le11st competent of the c:i.nrli· struct10n11 on said mad removed before dates il9 a matter of eurpri8e t" many. M 11 y let next. I - -- -- ( o ) - - - - ctured.. At \ times I had s dull, heavy tt'ir I e.m flJlly prepared. to attend Funerals on Mr. Porter's rtiturn by the handsome The Committee appoiuted to examine headache discharges fallinl( into the thro&t j the shortest, nof,ice, nt l he lowest possible rates. Caskets and Buri.i.l Cttses ready on short notice. majority of 93 meets with general sa.tls- the road where Mrs. and Misa Gitlbraith J<'i1'>lt-class he"'r~e on very mo< terms. nre said ·o have beun injured aome time o;l;r · Shrouds antl Cofllns const·untly on he.nd. l!'un· facti~n, for hi~ ~ervices as Chairman of ago, and for which injiuy damages are ear~, deafness, hacking- and coughing to 11ra.l. cards ~upplied at once. l!~urnit,ure 8ho11 &. the Road~ and Streets Committee could asked from the Council, reporteu that ShQw Rooms- Bo1tnNi.ll'sNew Block. clear thti throat and at tim<"s I w:i,s a.lt1Jost All furniture r;oltl by me is made by the U. C. net· well be dispellS'ed with. Mr. Buck- they lrnd inspected that portion of the sutlocati>d. I consulted somti of tho! best / Fntnitnre Co. of Bowmanvllle. I do not buy slop furnitur" nnct rcprPsent it to been ' ler made a capital run, however, nod road and examined witne~ses. The Com- physicians of the da.y, but to no effect. ------(o)---mittee failed to tind that the corporation I have tried 11very kind of patent medi· .rnade by t.h e U. C. tr, Co. of this town. Also agent fo1· t.he Ll·QUOH 'fEA for thil'I t.own would probably have been .ilected had he iq in any way liable for damages in con- cines, washes ·and sr·utfs that I could he1u and vicinity. rt is "heap and as goon as ca n be opposed a less popuhr man than Mr. nection with said accidents ; bnt in order of, bnt dirl not receive the least berltltit We have the pleasure of announcing to our patrons an :;ther large ingot in the market. A va.lnable prize given Porter. The elect<>rs have acted wisely to have the uffair amicably settled the until I tried DxxoN's CArAltRH REMEDY. with very 11ound. crease in our business, our "ales for November and Decemoer in returnini: Messrs. We·ley and Yellow- Committee sng~~sted leaving the matter On the-5th of August. fast I procured the to arbitration. The report was signed by Remedy and started its use immadi&tely, being 40% in advance of last year. As we wish to lees ag&in for tho West Ward, and it is Robt. Uolvillo, John Carveth and John and by the use of only three treatments get our stock as low as possible beforo the more creditable to these gentlen1en Renwick. I comnder myself permanently cured. Ita from the f11ct that they did not canvass On motion of · Mr. Carveth, seconded benaficial action was iwmediate 1md the the electurll, Mr. Williams must have by Mr . .Reia, the report was adopted. cure speedy. Judging from the eff.ict.:1 of 1 .KOWM:AN\"[LLE, FRIDAY, JAN Y 12. 'fhe Clerk w11s instrncted to forward to this treatment un myeelf, I am s11tisfied been selling good meat to the electors of D B. Simpson, Esq., solicitor for Mrs. that Dixon's is the only known treatment . thia ward, for he was placed at the head Galbraith, a copy of the l'ff{Jort. for catarrh winch will effect a permanent The J,iherl\l convention in 'fttronto last of the poll. Three good men have also Mr. John Carncadden, collector, re· cure. 'l'o ci.11 who are suffering from ea.. week was a fll.!C ees3 far beyond the expect- been elected in the South Ward-all new ported the taxes all paid excepting $5.15, tarrh .I must conscientiously ·say : Giv11 We are willing to sacrifice on the balance of onr Winter Goods. Our atious even of who . c all it together, b It . t M K dd t 0 which wero ou motion abated, and he and Dixon & Son's Catanh Remedy a. mem ere. IS an 1 1onor 0 r. Y his sur .. ttes wer<l released from their . trial ; it is " worth itn weight in gold." shop is no 2x4 affair. Our stock is three times more valuable and must have been an unpleasant surprise be elected by one of the largest votes ever bonds. 'l'he thanks of the Council were Sinct·rely yours, than some who find it necessary to make such frantic to. the oppoueuts of the Mowat Govern- given for a. candidate in that ward. Mr. also tendered to the collector for the 11atisRICHARD OKE. ment . As a political de1non.stration it W. R . R Cawker also received a.n ex- factory rmrnner in which he has discharged , appeals to get P\lrchasers for their trashy Norn BY THE PuBLI:>HE~. -Tht:t Pubha.'! never, we believe, Leen equalled ·in d· I l we are Pease J d t 0 hie duties. , accumulations. A by-l;i,w wa~ introduced and passed lisher of tl111 STATES)l.!N has had an inti· cee mg Y arge vote. Canada. Over u,OOJ gentlemen from all see Mr. John Osborne eleci.ed, because the through the several readings, authorizing mi,ite acquaint1 mce with Mr. Oiie for about ---(o)---p11>rts of Ontario, from the Ottawa river to farmers pay a considerably large sum in- the abolition of all toll gates Jn the town- thirty, and can with acores of others Lake Huron, h:1stenod at their own ex- to tl-,e town tre['sury, and they are justly ship-the by-law to con~e into effect on vouch for the correctness of the above pense to Toronto at the invitation of entitled to represeut.ation. Mr. 0.sborne the 13th inst.; the toll houses to be sold by public auction, and the proceeds ap- statements. \Ve have never known so I the Provincii:.l Premier to expresR their wHI, we beliiwe, r,1ake a good cou ucillor. :i ied to repairs 011 said roads. bad a case of ca tarrh as Mr. Oke's was I confidence iri Itis Government, and their 'l'ha electors o~ the North Ward have actOn motion of Mr. Stanton, seconded by and the use of Dixon's Catarrh Remedy determination to snpport it in the fOl'th- ed wisely in- returniug their C!ld repreaen- Mr. Carveth, the tht\nks of the Council has effected a perfect cure, so that no 1. We have a large trade with compara~ively low expen&e8. coming elections. Such a spontaneous tatives by ac..)lit.mation. N ot withstandiug were passed to the County Publishers for gratultions publication of the minutes of symptoms whate»or of the disease remain. expression of confidence has seldom been that some good men were defeated, the Council. We gfadly give space to Nlr. Oko's letter 2. Our customers have s.,lections from a large stock of HP,W goods. offered to any public man, either in Can- Council for 1883 1vill compare favorably Mr. Renwick was deputed to ascertain in the hope that it may be of bimefit to acl'1 or elsewhere; and it is one of which with former ones, and we hope to sP.e what amount of barbed wire fence has aome victim of catarrh. Masers. A. Il. 3. Our salesmen are careful and competent, but not m1duly pushing~ l\Ir. Mowatl has ,:,rery right to he proud. them all work for the general w~lfare of been erected in this curr,ontion by W. Dixon & Son will send a treatise on Catarh 1 t Th C ·1 "II Mcintosh and i·eporL. Tl1e Conservative convention held in Tor- f th 4. Our dressmaking department tnables our customerr> to have first . o e w o e own. e new, ounc1 w1 Mr. 'l'hos, Sheppatd woe, on motion, rh free on receipt of stamps. Their adonto fast September ~-as generally regard- be sworn in at 10 a. m. next Mrmday. granted $30 in recognition of his faithful dress is 305 & 307 King 8treet West, class work done at moderate prices. ed tit the time :4".~ a very succes.~fnl politiDARLINOTON.· services as toll gate keeper for the past Toronto, Ont. citl gathering ; b ut .-s compared with the It · t b tt d th t tl f 25 years. - - - ( o ) - - --18 o e rogre e a rn contest or · .Application l'l'M m~de by Mi-. F . Wal. Liberal convention of last week it was a II · S'The most br1llte.nt 11t. &des possible, on counci ora in this township was madtl a. don for aesistance for Tho11. Harvtt.f, who all fabrics are by the Diamond ·Dyes. We ha~·e faith in the good 1mnse and judgement. of our customers to· Ve.11' small affair Indeed, See the W eekly politice.l one for the first time in many i11 in deetitute circumstances. Unequalled tor b.tilliancy and durability-. 10 ct41, (flobe of tl1ia wee1.: for foll report of the ytars. We believe, however, that the The following accounts were paaaed : people are alway-eon the lookout repudiate any statements by irresponsible partie~ who natura.lly · p:roc., · fi d JI James Webb, ehovel'ling !mo ;v 9 days, $9; · tor chances to increatMI their 1Tic&1 11eue poi was con ne pretty we to ,John Harns, do., 75c.; J. Cuttle, balance ear11ings. and in t1mu become feel jealous at our gr.>wing reputation as a first cla&"l horno;e, an attempt. wealthy; those who do not Im· What is foe le11~on of this Libero! con- the candidate himself, for we have heard on printing account 1882, $35 ; John and 11rove their opportunities remains in POTerty. to throw obstacles in the way in order to retain their own trade and vention 'I ·n inay be said that it foreslmd- 11ome of the leading Couservative11 in the W1llie.m Mason, work on gravel road. We oft'er a great chance to make money, We township condemn in the 11tr~ngest terms $5.90; ·w m. Henderson, timber for wont many men, women, doys, aud irlrla to m1ure.ours. ,We request a call from intendmg purchasers and hopeows the success oi the Liberals and their work for us right In their own loc&lltles. Any Mr. Williama' conduct in ghini the con- bridge ancl rtlpa.iring same, $4; D. Oom· oue can do the work · properly from t.he tll"llt they will carefully inspect ~l;r stock a~d satisfy tlrnmselveit. leaderR in the forthcoming elections in atock, cedar and plank, 32.80; R. Van· start, The business 'WJIJ p&y more thaa ton times ordlna.ry wages. Expenalva onttlt !'uni· Ontario; th11t it was simply fl. , proof of teat a political oomplexiou. But his little nats, work on Mam·ers road, $5 ; Win. iehed free. No one who engages tail· to mah Remembor the. Place-WEast Shop in Neads' New Block. the .esteem of Che Liberal party .for the scheme fell through, therefore we waive McLean, do., $l; M. A. J ame1, adver- money rapidly. You can devoto your whole time· to the work, or only your spar" momenta. further criticism. We are pleased to 11~ tising, $1.50; Wm. Batten, 2 days work l\fowat Government and cofinden.ce in it. Full Information and all that i~I needed eent I that Mr, Dyer haa given such general G. R., $2 .50 ; G. 1\1'. Long, plaak, $1.60 i free. AddreH STINSON &. Co.. Portland, Malae. '!'his, 'l\'e think, is not ·&nfficient. ·' Chas. Cuttle, dehveriug ballot boxes, The extraurdi1rnry 1mccess of the convent- eatisfaction te> the electors that they re- $3 .25; Morris _s ~anton remitted $1 dog ion was no doubt strong proof of the un- turnecl him 11t the head of the polls. He lax collected in e t"o .Allowa.11.ce...to_rnemdiminished e<iilfi<lence ol the Liberals of received a ~ajority vote in . fiv~e ~f the hers, officials, etc. : R Colville, $42; J. seven divisions. The Sr.ATES~tAN also Carveth, $45. 50; Thoe. Stanton, $66; Ontario in Mt" l.\fownt and his colleague1>, ., J. Renwick, $58 ; J . R. Heid, :!l56.40; f r. v{. Wiudatt on his re- 'I' hos. Gl'iien wood, j imitor, $28.55; W. and their deten:::iilrntion to ma.ntain them congratu l atos-1\: in the positio11 which they so worthily fill; turn by a. large vote to the Conncil. · Fol· J_.. Broad, salary, etc. , $193 50; R. B. Thornton, bal. sal 'ry, $40 ; J. Carscadbut it was proof of something more. It lowing are the complete returns : r-o,. Reeve. For Councillor>. den, collector, $110; Dr. Tucker, t1:1Jaswas nndeniabll:l proof, which Sir John A. ~ ~ nrer , a ..lary, etc., $140. Ma,cdonald wouid do well to take to he11rt, Provjdence ..~.°G~: .v!tf~~:.~l~~:.~~L~'.:· ~ 1~}'_~M~.' Moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr., ot tl>e determination of the people of this 'J'yrone ........ 62 .... 36 ...... 511 . .... 11 ... ... 46 .. .. Renwick, 'l'bat this Council, now closing 27 .... 79 ...... 4L ... 67 ...... 35.. .. its operations for tho ye111', deaire11 to re· Maple Grove .. province to stand up for its rights, terri- Hampton ...... 75 .. · 39 ······ 7l ..... tlo ...... Sl .. · cord it8 high apprecfation oft.he services Enniskillen . . ..38 ·· ,.4.5 .. . ... 46 ..... 37 . .. ... 47 .. ·· torial and legislative, which the Dominion l\ft. O&rswell..78 .... 3'..l ...... 6'L ... 4o ...... 4L.. of Robert Colville, Esq., who now retire& Government been invading, and of J3radley's ...... 81. ... 20 ...... su .. ... r..; .. .... 26 .. ·· from this Board. His usefulness and HT 3'.l9 280 efficiency in the public intereats require .¥pich Mr. Mow~t and hill colleagueiJ are 'f t61 ...... .... ~7 305 The new CouMtt-will })t) Qworn in next more than orqinary reco~nition ; his long \lie. champions ~::i(l defenders. The conMonday at 10 a, m. aad active eervicPs at the Council Boa.rd yention was a g.reat domenstration in deCW.RKE. in promoting the i;eneral intere~b of the f'ence of provincial rights-and enthusiratepayen entitle him to the hearty We present herewith the completo re- thanks of the other members ,,f the Counastic enrlorsation of the policy of Mr. Mowat in lua v!gorous defence of those from Clarke Township from which cil and of all the inhabitants of the town· righk This will be the issue at the it will be ecen that there was sectional ship . It is a subject of regret that the votillg and that the electors in the south services of Mr. Colville are for the present n.eit elcctionR in this province, a.nd we to be loet to the municipality. Csrried. ern and eastern parts of the township .All the membc,rs spoke in nry oomplihave no doubt the result of them will be for t he retention of the tolls. Mr. meqtary terms of Mr. Colville's ability vote<l a still more con 7incing proof of the deterStanton was evidently the popular candi· and faithfulness, and of the agreeable mination of Ontario to maintain her rights date for he was strongly supported in all nll\nner in which the business of the than the meetin1:p of last week in Toronto. Council haa been transact.Id. Mr. Colville responded, thanking his On this point the whole Liberal party in the divisions. The plumpers given in are u. u.nit, and we believe that Ward No. 2 elected Mr. Fligf.{ and de- associates for this expression of respect. feat~d Mr. Thompson. Mr. Fligg receivwith them a. fo.rge pai"t of the Conscrvath-e --'· ~ ···~------·-·· ----ed 217 of his 285 votes in No. J. 11nd 2 ptirty sympa.tLi?:es. We do not belien: tha.t Sir John A. .j)facdon:iJd's policy of divisions and was beaten by Mr. Thompson by lli8 Totes in the other five divis~oila.tion of OD.brio is acceptable to any ENNISKILLEN. io1111. The electors in the south and east o( his follow en in this province, saving The services in connection with the elect1id their candidates and the electors in ta a few extrcne partisans, who would vote 'Xmaa tea at the M . E . church here were for anything th~t Sir John might 'b e pleas- the north and west voted the tolls off, so very largely attended. The people were that each won a victory : treated to a very eloquent sermon and a ed to sanction. We · fully expect that a.t masterly and metaphysicsl lecture by t, ~~Yl~~~lue .. ~'.fl:Jf~". F.~!rk ... 1:1'.°~~s.o.~". .. c~~FllJ.D: the next election the Mowa~ Government, 2. tlrown's S. Il.... 37 ...... IH.. . .. 9 .. ... ... ~ .. Bishop Carmen. . aa the championa of the rights of Ontario, 3, Lockhart'!!.. ..... 17. . .. .. 21. .... 26 ........ 9 . . The New Year's Tea at the Presb:t tt1rian A: Kendail ......... 124 ...... H .... . 31 ........ 9 .. church was a very enioyable a.ftim. The will be supported lJy at least a respectable G. Orono .......... . 82 ...... 21. .... 103 . . .... .. 25 .. minority of the Conservatives, as well as ti. Leskard~ ........ 23 ..... . 3 . .. .. 3.1 ... ... .. 2L speeches were all goad and to the point. 7. Moffatt'a .. .. .... 35 ...... 9 ..... 33 ... . .... 13 .. The crowd was great. Proceeds over $90. by the whole ntrength of the Liberal party. Mr. A. Dea11 is the new trustee in this Totals .. ............ HG '!t6 87 section. Polling Divisions. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals. The Metht>dist choir have spent very ou," ...:ESTHETIC· STORE. A11:aiust '.l'olle...... 1 38 28 37 116 57 63-3!3. happy evenings and Leen well entertained l<'or Tolls .......... 111 51 15 88 l:l 0 0-314. We have ob8erved with pleasure a. grel,1.t at .Messrs. Jno. St;i.ncon's, Jno. Martin's rush·ines.s at McCJnng Bros. d~ri~g AfLer the Conncil adjourned on Wed- anc'l C. W. Smith's. Two of our most promising young men, the holidays. So ttistefolly,_ too, has "~ieir nesday th~ other members tendered the :Mr. Wilber Hutchison and Mr. Wm. rooms bc<'n that '·ne feels like bemg m a 1 parlor .rather than in a stor e. Reader, retiring Reeva, Robt. Colville, Esq., a Mills, have left a.midst the regrets of all j.o&t step in '1· he!l in town and see how complimeutary supper at the Coultel' for Manitoba. They both have acceptad ~ean1ifuily t~ie sl~ow·7°,on1a· are displaye~. House, where about 25 persons participat- lncrative positions in the office of Mr. The happy .hit t his sea· 0 1! has beeu their ed. After partaking of an excellent oyster Maxwell-Mr. Hutchison aa bookkeeptll" and Mr. Mills in the ware-room. rhey Saturday mght l.Oc 2oc counters. The . store h as boen 80 crowded many t imes snpper capital speeches were made by have the best wishes of all here for t heir that persons ha.·; e ~une u.way unserved.. Measr~. J. Carvet~, the Reeve elect, .J. future success. Call u.nd yon will he astonished at the Renw1c.k, J. R. Reid, T. Stanton, John Mr. T. G. Virtue has returned to Moor· bal'gains offered on these counters. I and Peter Stalker, Dr. Tucker, \V. L. head, Minnesota.. I Broad, ff. J enninga, J'. Carscadden, J. Mr. Henry McLaughlin is attending \Vith the n!'w Yel\1', Ayer'a .American Alam- I Davy and ot hers, including a few remarks Commercial College at Chatham. anac makcA it.s customa1i.r appearance. It Is a. f th d't f th S Tl M.r. James McLaughlin, sr., an old welcome visitor in everyffamily. Its pages nre rom El e t or o e TATES~rAN. 1e replete with crisp rnf!dical a~vice, refreshing speech of the evening was made by Mr. resident of this neighborhood died very ~ We have one of the best stocks of hm:11or, 11.nd much mrornrnt1on not. usually Colvill<l who BIJoke for about half au hour suddenly last S11turday. He and his ·--Crockery a,nd Glassware ever brought found rn PUcJ1 a work. lts astronomical cal' ,, culatioue hove a high reputation for accuracy Oil the Progress of tho Age. ] he speech brother-in-law, Mr. J ohnatou, were driv- t o Bowmanville which will be sold at special close rates during the holiday season. FANCY CHINA and they are adapted, in the various editions w·s one of the best we have ever heard inB into Williamsburg, and goin~ rather of the Alma1rnc. to all parts of the glohe. f 1 d id h d SETTS, FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, GLASS SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TEA SETTS, &c. suddenly into a pitch-hole Mr. 11cLa·Jgh\Vhile u 1nrgc portion of its pages devoted r om a ayman, an wou ave one to an elaborute u.dYertlsemeut of the medical credit to the Prime Minister of England. lin instantly expired. He had been preperationR of this house., it. ig a noticeable 'fhe speakers all sooke of .Mr. Colville's troubled for a few years with some affecA full supply of FLOUR, ME.AL, FEED and PROVISION8 always in stock. feat.ure that ninny prescr1pt1ons a1·e freely h. . . given ror t.he benefit of the sick. Irrespective wort as a mtiztln and hts valuable aud tion of the heart. His funeral on Tuesof .Ayer's medicines, '!'hes~ preperations are faithful eerv1ces in the p ublic affairs of day at the P resbyterian cemetery was umversolfy'Uscd and a.pprec10.tcd for their val· the to wnship All J. oined in ainmng "'For well attended. uable and re)ia.b]e quallt!eA. The almanac ; · ,,. .,. describes the aprihcatiou of these medicines to Hes a Jolly Uood Fell<>w, followed by R ev. Mr. Wmdle, of Cartwrigllt, preachVictoria Buildings, Bowmanville, Dec. 15, 1882. t.he diseases thby they are intended to cnre. \ the'National Anthem when t he party dis- ed the funeral sermon of Jas. McLat1ghIt ciin be obtitmed tree of charge of any drugd b t lO ' lin, in Enniskillen, on the lOLh inst. perse a OU P .m. gist or dealer· in medicine. · CLARKE COUNCIL. UNDERTAKING I LEVf MORRIS. catarrhB~::~.:~~~,.~:,r,::· THE~"-y,_ u 0usE I A th v· ~:::;;.~~,t:::;:.~~·::::~·~.;·=~~ ~fer~ ~~~: !~1~tc:;;~:.r~1:11~i~1~in:J1n e:~:. MR. OKE'S _ J'ESTIMONY} -- -- ~-· A C 0MpE IT0RS DEFIED I STOCK TAKING. no er _ ictory OUR ADVANTAGES WIS E T. GEO. MASON·. .. LOOK HER · MURDOCH BR, OTHERS In presenting their Holiday Announce .. CORRESPONDENCE. ment wish to extend their cordial thanks to the many customers who have bestowed upon them their much valued patronage. In the coming year no efforts will be spared to make their bu.siness worthy of a continuance of this patronage. :<;: .. We heartily invite the heads of house- ·~~~~~·~~~~ I holds to favor us with an inspection uf 011r present large stock which we feel certai'!l they will find EQUAL in QUALITY, VARIETY and LO~WNESS of Pl~ICE to that of any other house in this district. To ·meet the wants of the Holiday Trade we have purchased extensively of THE VERY BEST GO<?DS in the M" a rket-comprising Choice New Season Teas-Green, Black and Japan. Fresh Coffees, Cocoas and Chocolates. Sugars and Syrups. New V aJentia Raisins. New Currants. London Layers, Dehesa and Black Basket Raisins. Sultana Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Grapes, Nuts, Jams, Jellies, Marmalades, Cocoanut, Essences, Vinegars, Fruits, Syrups, Pickles, Sauces and Mustards. Hams, Bacon, Preserved Meats and Vegetables. CrQCk er Y all d . Glassware _f MURDOCH BROTHERS. ·

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