Fpr Coughs a'l·l CoM·. uae AUen'a Lung Miss 'VATSON w1111 home for the' holi· Farmers d·m't fat! to read A Dtcksons J<:1· ctrtcitJ mo' AS Z88 000 nu le~ per hour "1iirk~t elseJJ lnw:cs :'I) lllf.l ou1c-1 Cnuw:h 1 <~olds. Whoop Balssm. See ad'V, In anothel'oolumn d 11ys, !In d h a.a returned t o B ran tfor d · a d verit·emeu t " b ou t pn bl ic 11 ~ lll!f ('011l{h. u1monltJ o! Breatlung, Asthma, Don't :von forll,'et 11-th·t on feehnit an ach· \VHEN po~tnge stamps are stmt ns for wh"r.a Co11·11mpt1on a111l. ll'"'"'""rl. J,unJ.:>< Sold 111 Ing pain m the hollow ot l 011r bA.ck to go to odcl c ·hi\u!!e, send c uly.i:i·a, 2's or l's. .N tl\\ o""' !<J, B.. tht-eda and En held 0111·. liir1C1' bottloo "t 25c· hv J Hiirnrnboth1.tm & Son. your Druirll'l·ts end get nr. 'Mu C'Rl'<'J\'8 IU1l· - IN Til~ 'l h e Ui·t luc1fer mat<h W·· m.ide in J8W. 11ey Clure. It w11l remove tl1e trouble in a Cew A 11 frrnnda <.!f the ~U:ATDSllAN attl ie· rE··poud<J!llS u. ·tl V\ld t ..o lattl for this 1 ,t." ounce ot'prevent1on '· "otth a pour1d or doses. J. Hlg11mboth11m Dlll'illt J,ala·'>, Tnrtle Mounlnln ~o WMANVII,J'.E, FHIDAY, J A.K 1 Y ] 2 q ue~t d to su11d us items of news at any ~ext \¥eek etm·. and u few do·ea of Dr. V»n Burch's Kid Clna:llleHt' 10 the n11ome of a wrdel.r a.nd favor a111l Mou Ne Ith ~r Coflllfry, ===;::::========:===== = --::: t1ntff. I O. O. F. - Officers of ..l<'lorence Ni.tht til Cum taken on the first"' 11~><!1011 of p11\u in Q , ho reg1Qn of the kidnevs, will efff'ctnall; ward ably known hl\re reetn1e1 winch'" not recom mended to do lltterly nnpo·Alhlfl thtnits. bot JH r 'V Wilham& ahoem&ker of .Acton in gale Ll)dg~ for the current terrn -G C tr llright's Dise11se and Stone 111 th" Kidneys then nothing is bMter fol' kePpinll' tho hair in 1 1 0 f J f T· h d ' Ha.mtis NG· J K Orr VG· 'l' 0 Jew"ll aml Bh!.drler. All Drugg1atR kee11 it. J. lli1r i;rood Cl)nrl1tlon arnl restornw 1t when lost. If 'l'rlbnl,a.ry to tl1e Umted Sta.tea Land Ot!ice st rit, ormer yo yrone, .Ls eeu own R..cy . 'n Gilbert p 8 .' M Maver Treas'. Krnboth"m thssclllpiscapableofbe1n1>r tnn<>rlup to exert CRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. on a. v1s1t. W J' DD G ~I - ' ' Hankruvt stock of "omen's. gent's aurl chll· its proner funcllone fifty c1mts per bottle. Big Furmture Sale tomorrow. W.i ate pleased to see that Mr. Richard unmn· i a, dron's,Laced Boote, are liemg sold 1tt Scott's 1o:r.illO:>i .u. UA'" and IFllLL prHt!Olll&r!I The new council will be sworn 111 on ' T C '-I t tt d I· TB.Ill CAMP -Albert EncampmHnt of- Shae Sture for cash 'VoHlRH'· 'I rm· J11JeJ1.d.-A friend m n~e1l 1s mailed f'la~a> to ·nv ~a11Jes~ hi ,, 111da.L1, . .. Ill ave () a en to lJS . ' . u· GD L1 I r KIDNf:Y Dl1>·a:;m.- Paln, Iriitatiou, HetenMonday. d11ties agam. l:icers tor current term arr "letc le ' tlen, Incontlttellce, IJ0pos1ts Gra.vel, &c., cured a friend In deed '!hi~ noneca.o deny, especialH.F. MbNALLY. ly when assistance ·e rendered when one 1s Mrs. Col. Willia.ms, of Port Hopti, died 'Mr Thomn.s Brn<he m111e host of the \ JC K1:, ()N M .G~e_; HJPh; LK~l1dwdr1e,TS W ; b;. Rr1clrnpa1ha.' $1. General Tra.Telhng AgellS, eorely affi1cted with d1seasfl, more particular last week. 'r H " h' d f rr. :-.crtut0 : 0 11 y I rt:a., ; Goltl YdLS tllscornred m Caltoru1a ID 1818 '. '· tNtern . onae, as r~c<ivere rom \V l\'l<-Kowi~u. J. W. Don't K111Ter with klllneY disease wh'1n you by tl1oseoompl,.int· lln d we ..knesa<>e ao common Sf, l"llUl, JllnD<'ftPOll~ 11'1: llfnllllObn B, H., There are 762 ch1lrhen m Port Hope Ins receut illness. 233 2m, 28 E. Fi ont St,, Toronto, On\ . . ca1l bin ·t your nr11l(l(tst·s a 11o~itlve cure. to our female p<>pnlation. .Every woman should , ~ between the ag11 of 7 and 13 Wh th6 ,., t ti NEW INDUSTRY -In~ond1uic muruc1pal nr, Yitu Ono· al' H Kltln~y <:ure 18 ihe only know that Eleotr1c B1ttore are woman·~ true 11 00 ' oJt..u ll:RS - . h eu rn~ <.! " a rn c11.n d l<l ar ..s f ur 1884 s h ou Id go l arge1y in t o sc1tJn L11 I c re1110dl 11l "Kell t f or 1h edt distressI nic Mau wants but little here below and R Jl1 k a fl ag wi, 11 aug over th e 81 d ew>1 lk · the ratSJO)! of ll1't!SB and tnrkeys. For cor.1plmnt· ever mtrodllced .All druggists friend, and will poe1t1Yely restor11 her to health. he geto about tbat mnch. evPn when all other remedies tm:. A. s!n;>;ler 8 uen M:urdo~h ~tore fnll na,rt1c11lars of r11.1slll!! aud 01sposal .ip keep it. J , Hi11;11:mbo~h<t.rn r ~ }'. J. CJ)1eney &. Co, proprietor Hall'· Ci.tart h trial al we.ya 1iroves onr assertion. 'rhey are 45,000 Christmas cards passed through CHtiRCH OF THE DlSOIPLl!:S.- Sunday' ply to the u~evu. A " g008tl elect··r " IS Cura, oti'er $100 I cwiud for ""Y case or Catarth pleasant to the taste. and only cost fifty cents tb.e Toronto Post-office . .lan 14th, sUbJect for uven111g·- 1 ' The tho lnt~at term. "'Electorlll ;.:andt1r" I$ that can't bo cured with Halls l,;11.t1<1i:)l Cure. Ne"' Lines are now pemg op0ned for a bottle. Sold by J. HlJlglnbotha.m & Son. suggt1ated. The llro!t horse riulroa.d was built m 1826 7. Mayor Boswell, Toronto, 1s a son of Elemenls of Acceptable Otledtence. The ftrMt olman~ was prmt,ed by Geor11e ' Tho11.sandK lmv., used J>r, Vnn llurl'n'· Judge Bu1well, Cobourg. P J:RSoN.lL.- U nc l e D 10k O s borne h al SuooTIRTS.-A pig.ion ahootrng wat~h Kidney cure nnd w1llU1J{iy htWfl testified to Yon Purbach 111 lGM. H.1<..IWE!tN Win,n1peg haa carried a by.Jaw to bor- gone 011 a pleaaur1:1 trip to Mar1pou.. He took place at Mr. Jam ea \Vorden'e, uea.r tile 1mmedmte 1uhct it gives e.f~er a. few doses A 'exrd Cleri;1mnn.-EYen the 11a.tlence of row $1,000,000 Four voted nay w.tll attend the 'veddmg uf a niece ltefore New Haven (Ro1rervtllt-) last Thurftda.y. ID Kldnev tronlJle, ancl how a few boUles Ill· ,Jpb would beoome exhausted were he a preach· Dowm1\nvill!J Cobonr~ Duud.a", Gult, Ouelp11, ~ way· e1Yoots" permanent cure No one can 1ro11, .NewcA.trt.le Oumo, Osha"' o.. Port '£here are several hundred lund1 of rel- l 11s retllrn. 'Xwenty t·TO buds wer·· l>1t loose and four aft'otd to be without it J, Higginbotham. er 1md endeaTorlng to intereat bia audience IIa.m1 Hope, Toronto. \Vlllthy tto ""'l complete Mr. Robert McCrea, carriage trimmer, prize shots ..nd 11everal 11111&leura ,mana~- C'o1111ne1·ed at lftKC.-D McCriounon, of L ..n while they were keeping up an hacessant cough )rstrl or ·nbecrihMs at tht 86 pmll!" "111 b<J die ig1on-all trym~ to beai one poor den!. tr1 b11ted si101 t tr. ha11 located permano11tly m Peterboro. ed to wound one ptJ.(Sun. They were a ca·ter. was atllcted with mflamrnar.ory rhuum In:!. making it 1m possible for him to be heiird. Mr. W. H Huston, M. A., Principal at1~111 rrom youtlr ; all remettieH r11iled. until he Al'l'angemeuts h,\\ e hec11 1 Pt<le tor tr1 .,,t Burdocl. llloocl BlLt.ers, which wa· one Yet, how Terr "a~) can all tllia be avouied by cf Pickering Colleii:e, wae married reotlntly. He hr.s been apendm11 a few days with gay lot of sporh. 1111 friends h!!ra Send p:iatal card, with name and ad· yeat 1tgo, 01uce wh1cli tim· he has had no ~imply nelng Dr. King's New Dl·covery for Asai.stai:.t-Receiver-General Fraser of atfack uf the oomphuut Consnmption Con1<ha and Colds. 'l'rla.I Bottlee When papers are not rMelVt'ld s11bscr1bdred pl.. mly written, to H. 1!'. McNALLY, .._ 11111e Is a 28() fret, nr 1, 770 }&rd~ m lcnRih. given awa.v at ,J 1hg11;mbotham & Eon'!I 1Jru11: Torotlto, has received es.ooo in 11ew cop·ro SUll:3CUIBER8 era shonld drop us a postal card 11tati11g Genera.I Travell111g Agent, Sr. P\ul, Mm· e1.11 JoJ,Jf.. !'I ,\.NU Bl t.S.- Fl1ee, roaohee, ant· ,,Stot e. who wish I<> n·e th<:> hnes f11 q < 1' n·1r the fact Aft··r this week \'re hope to iHllltJ neapohs & Mamtob~ R. R., 28 E. Frout bed ouns, rats, mtctt, gophers, chipmunks, Mr A F. Day and family Oshawa were iu tnne for Friday's mails. Tuns, Br~Oll~~t. A~cnt C0nt1ttl Ot\ice :I Skeet, Torouto, 011t , for full particulars clcarntl out by ··Hough on Hate." 10c. il1ttkl<'n·~ \ r11l1·n !lahe.-TltA hast Sa-Iv& nearly poisoned by co.i.l g1u ou Sund!ly JJ:MEHSON, Man, Ja.n. 17, 1882 ·n the world rnr C:utl\, Ilr111ses ~oreo, Ulcers. One Door \Ve·t Mnr.lnch ·110$ . (up Mrtlr~). Yoo muRt 1111, anrl always remember and seot1 ·Dal map of N orthDakotaCounty. .A.bout a year a1>u l W'\8 taken with a sen e1 e JllJGH C R.\.Khl:. week the Ten Cent Counter every Raturday See ad1·ert1bement. cold which Bettled o_ my chest and br()ught on Salt Rheum, Fever Sore·. 'l'etter, Chnppcd 2'J::l 2w M ·nu..re1 Uul .no Dept. Mr John Dryden, 111 P. P , 1a spokeu nightat McClung Bri~s. Thia Ten Cent of the lun~s. l bled very fieely and Hands, Ch1lbh>ios, Corn·. llTl<l a ll Skin J£rup- ~--·JllD'"-Jf'ifl'l'JA!.lt,..~·;i,.\~~ UNION Watchmght 8ernce was hdu 1u bleeding wa· ve1y low. I teanid it wonl<l ultimately of a forth-oom1n11: member of the Mowat Co1mteris pepul,\rity mcrea.sing the 13 C church m t.t11s town Sunday turn mto con"ur11pt1t1n Consulted a. uumbei t10nR and Posit1.v11l ~ <'Ure 1 Piles. It is gn.r1111Corpe all who" J,h wlutll '!'Pe t h ul jJ(lud. teed to gh-e p~rrect il.ltl~rl\ctlon. or money Cabmet 'l'o set off hpa or , 111 rr; 1 MB V l\foOLKNJIOAN, of the tirm of rnght week, by the Methodtsta, Primitive of physlcums and UBocl a n11mbet of so called coui:;h 1emed1es and lung pad.~ but all to no refunded. Price 25 cent& per box. For sale hy A frl\gr1.nt ill eat h f f'! t11 h<l'r 1 11 cl gn ! Also bear m nind that McCJung B1·00. Aikens, Culver & Hl\milton, Wmnipeg, Methodists and Bible Chru1t1ans .Rev. J. avail until I Sll.W a. notice of Jl1 Wilson's Pu!· J. H1gg10botho.m & Son \~bo r urnlu""" ' l ~A l<l't< " ' . have just no1v marked down prices rn wr.s the gnest of Mr. Fau·hairn last week. Ktlnoer conducted the metitlng and ad- moni>ry Churt)' I3alaarn 1n a paper. Although !or lorn hope I pui urm~~<l a bottle. and tu un every aep1utment Aho hrn br)ther Arth11r of Wood,tock dresses were g1v.,n by Iwvs. J Dyke,Jl. e. Tl~J.;·~ Set'd· are Ibo Uf'·t lei Ille \Yo rid! eorpriRe fonnd IL dotng m" good J (HlrSeYered The By-law for the esta.bhshm~nt of a BINDING.-Brmg you; books and maga- J. Nott ar.1d E R Young The elm oh m its use and nm no" completely 01nud, Please The Flora.I G·nde "111 tell hnw to get "tid publish tl11s thaL otht'I8 JU"Y be""" Hd grow thom. Vick's "!!'lo\\ er ah<\ Vt>!letahle J'rea Library 10 Toronto wus carried by a z mel\ to the SU.T.ESMANoffice to be bound. was Wt'll filled. Youro truly, J l<J NEWCOMHE garden, 175 p,.g..s, 6 Color<>d Plates, ;oo "En· maionty vf 2,505 Thi\ person who left a testament to he Followm,!!' are the officers of Jtlrusaltim 1rravmg8 1<'01 50 cell ts m pa.ner CO\ er·, $1.00 The first stMmboat plied the Hudson m 1807. in elegant cloth, In Germ.\n or En'l'll·h. A httle colony of P.irt Ilopors mtimd bonnd aome timo ago will pleaee call for It. Lodge, A F & A M fur the curr1mt ~bllotl·~uor18u11111t10 11( urc.- 1 lns iH 1Kyo11d setthngm one of tlw We~tern States ntix.t 'Vho told 8 lady from Caitwri"ht that year ·-'rV M, John Lyle, 8 W, R R q esL1on the llHJHt sttcucssful CunHh M.od1cme w ha\ e .,,·.,r ttold, a. lt:\V doeeB w variably cure BIRTH:; Sprmg, probably Dccvt~ th1Jy did not keep carpets at the Srnr Loacombe, J W, Tho·. B Spry; Trea!. lh wo1st c.ises or Cough, 0 ioup, and Drnn 'T'AMBT YN- 1n O·ha.wa 011 f'hnstma· Da.r, Oscar Wilde hu.s goui; home, takmg House however she bouaht a. very hand RS Manumg' Sec. vV Wnght, Jc ' S cl ti·. while its "onrl.ertul sncces m th(· cure tho wifo of W, 'V 'l'" mblrn, E,q, l\I. A, of a $3,000 a.t the result of his labonr11 amoni some ail wool carpet ther~ at one dollar Deacon, Jos. p,.tt1aon ' J 1), J r>hn Percy. or Cuirnun1ptwn is without ,, p ·rallel i'l. the son h1 tm y of m edtcw e i:'\ ince .t s tlrst d1sco1' ery the Amenca.n areapa.p1tes per yard Cha.plam, Joa .leff ry; Inner Guard, W i has been sold on a gllruutec. a test which 110 Soucn- In Guelph,nn the i rh lllRt.tho wile of 'r Scott ; Outer Guard, 'liV vVoght, Sr. ; ht1r rnedwlne can otund. If yot1 h1>ve a cou11;h Mr J 1<~ Sough, of the Ontllrt0 Dank or The free and mdependant elector has Every farmer m the 0011ntry "hould Stewi1rds, R J Sh~w, N Yonug; DC, e earnestly aRk yon to try 1L. Price 10 cents. a dan1thter 50 ccnto and $1 00, If yom Lung& i.re soie,Uhoat cease<! t0 smoke Cl!lllli at the expense of take advantage Gf our offer of the Rural ·r Bmghlim BmsnrnIn l'vfanve1 ~ Rr 1~ti111·A :\lills, on the or Back. ],amc, usc t:llnlolc's Potoa.s Plaster, J. 30th ult., the the Mum01pal Candidates. Oanadtan free for one new subscriber to wire of Mr Thos. Rnsbln, <·faaon. Tl d 11 l'RERHNTR.- The follow10g naos Hig1tm hotharu & !:Jou. WhlllCoale and llet111! GARI AT- Jn Daih,,gtnn 011 the llril met, the 'The'maJorty ot the members m East the SrArESMAN for 1883 iree o ar and calendars hav"' been rec..1ved for1883 allents. wife of Mr. Jo~eph GarfA.t, ora son. <\ firk111 of butter welp:hs 56 pou11ds. "Whitby Council are 1'or1es-someth1hg !J&pers for $2. Green'K Almanac, presented by Stott & HunLBVnT~Tn J~nfi"M on the 6th rnst, the t;;o Jt g<>e·.-Ov.er I wenty ft vo thournnd bot w1fo or Mr li:rlger Hurlburt. ot a. aon. The that has not happened for years 'i'he Gaidener'~ MontlrJy for January i1 Jury; Grip's Comic Almanac, by the tie" of l:ltudock Fi100'1 Bittrtr" "ore sold du1111g child has smce d1ert. Mr. D. Hampton, formerly of Peter- a. capital number. Every per&on who Publishers, Brayley's Fanuly Almanac, th13 past tt.1 ee months without one single ~tHn boro, and reo1mtly of \Vm.upe~, lfJ the works a plot of grvund should take it. by the Pubheher'3, Citizens lasurance Co's plamt of d1ssat1"la<.:t1011, but. on contri11y, test· MARRIED mo11111ls are pouring rn of it' efficacy 111 Tan new teacher of Millbrook School. .Address C. H. Marot, 814 Cheatnnt St , Caleudar, by the Company; It.ck faland ous hng11rrng d1seiiscs or tho bloood and liver. BOND-SIANL)( JC- At the re~adence of the \tide,s parentij, Whitby, nn lot in·t, by Rf!\', The post oftico at Maidstone Croes wa.11 Pl11ladelph1a, Pa Calendar, by the C R. I. & P R. R ; the A barrel of Jlour "elghs 100 pounds. H. l\Ioore. Mr. Samual .T Hond, ot West Whit robbed on Sunday night of $50 worth of BIG Lo.1-n.- A team 01Vned by Mr. W. Western Assurance ~'a Calendar (very Thoue1u1ds bear witness to the uosltive cnra by, tOMIBR l~m1Jy Etta St1rnhck fot"llllT ot Dar N~AlL T1L-'!11ND-U1'!J, Ont, Dec, 14 1881. postage stamp11,$Z ca.sh ~d otherarticlH. B. Allin, Newcastle, drew 144 bushels, hani.1ow11) by W R. Ohmie; and the t1ve vowerg of the Gl:tEA'l' GEl::\1.AN IN· hngton. VIGO RA 'l'Oft.tlto only remetty thut has proYed P1!:ARCE-1'Avrnft -On th., !!.>th ult hy th· In sending telegrams ohr land wir111 15 lbs. of wheat in one lo&d from hu Bell Prmtmg Presa Co's celtindar by the 1tsctr CARRY 'l'HJ<~ NEWS .. sPitUll'lC for !(Cnerul dtlb1hty, BIHlllllBI Rev. A. Hi~hards, 11ot tho P"r·on"ge, Manlll,., weakness, unvot~ncy, etc , and >111 d111ea11e11 Mr. Henry addresse11 are not counted in thhe number farm to the hr.rhor the other day. Who Comp&ny. , I tr .. v., lin·n ,\1h1o!( for )tHrs Peari10 to Ml.ss I~abella Blaolt Ta11ho1t arise ftom self abnso or OYor t&xod brain, of word1; they are counted in cable me.t- c11n beat th1a load 1 Tm: Id1gh School re-opened this week nnally ~udlog In co11sumt>tlon. 11181\1uty and a lor, all of Ml\nll1H, · mth H1hou·111>~" and LJj ·J' J'-la, STO~l!;M,ur-Y ANSTONE- On Ute 2'7th nlt.· at eagea. R.&.:&lli 'l'Bl!A-'I' . - We hope to see a large with th11 lari;<e att .. ndanoe of ab<>ui sevtinty premature grave. Sold by all drugg1sta or will au<I w"'" ·,auc" 1 to a u.~ ' .. 1. .. 1 the 7eeidenee of thfl hride'· parents by R.,,v, J , be sent tre., on 1e11.,1pt of ~l 00 per bo:i.:. or lli:r Dr. McBr1ell of 0dhawa haa purehaaod num her of our e1t1z11us "' "Ebene.z11r next p11p1la. The .Pu blio School 1111 very mu~h "boxes e·on. L.st fall l " ·~h d <·nly (or 35.00. Addreea }<' , J. mn;N1<,;Y. To G. Yelland, lfr Thom11.s Stoneman, or M1tci'l· Bedford farm,cnmpri11up; 200 acres situat- Tueed11<y ni11ht. In addition to the aup· overcrowded, 1md nut" 1tbetandmg the ledo Ohio, sole agents for the United l:!tatea. ell, to M1s11 Jl:mlly Vnustono. or Lambeth. En!;lhty-111: pnun1ls I '"I! 111<'111<.:se;;i (Qr circular &ud testimonial· or genuinll DKYRTT-ENULISn- Atthe Mn.ftl'le, Port Periy ~ to trv Z ·f'~'(A hy- Mr Tl'<1t11~s ed ne&r Rt.glan. 'rho price p:.id "'" per, the programme will b1i worth the full enforc;,mem of the regulation paeat:d \ly on Chr1stmllH dar, by tho Rl'\V H C'roo1ar Mr ~· $13,0UO a.dmiuiou price. See post~r11. Eof ta<' fium of C. Tlwm·o11 & George Dentt t.Q Min Annlt> h:1111IW.. both <>I 1the Board of Educatwn tha~ ibe pup1l1 An acre ti0nW.lns ~ 8!0 ~quarti ) arde. C&rtwrlirht, On , drlll!'.l!IKts, of th111 pl·ic.i~ . Marahal Porier Esq., our popular Nearly a hundred new a11baer1ptk>1111 of the parent11 who hve in the South Ward GRull<IR Kli:LCT, ol Dunchurdh, Per1y Sonnd CHAXBt:JUl-lJBOWll"-At the BaptlRt Parson, ~d, many d11a.nk~ tn him, ( Depllty·Reen, and Mr1. Porter have have be-.n receiYed daring the put week, ahould ~ttelld the 11ohool .m that Ward, surt"rll<l from d)8pep&1a fur abo11t seYeu years, Dolhl Nov. 2'lnd·. by Rel'.·T. Tadloon, Mr iwu r1uw >\tl enttrdy new wou1Gll gone to reetde m Toronto for a few and 1till th11y come. Reader, c111u't you there are 1ttll far more pupils than can be and waw cu.red by .!Surdouch Blood Hitters. aJle Nor1nan Chamber~. of \Vol.Ai.nv;ham to Mi He eald a half ll dooren othcn. of his acq11111lnt· Jennie R. Brown, formerly ot Bowma11l'lile.ee 1111.d we·gh 124 pounas, thromgh months. &·\a new 1mbaoriber lot the S'.rA1E8l<IAN properly accomtnodated m the Unnn a.nee h11vc derh-ed great bondlt from the M8d the usu ..,f ·hrs uew _componn.t RAtNK11 - Ln11..g_ On the 3rd.inst.. atthep'\r 1clne, wblch ho now rucommendd to all aulf'er and ge~ the Rural Oa11adia11 free School LBUONS AN1!__flRANGEs.-T. Darhngtou 8<>nt<ll'll' l'ort Perry, hy"'ilitt~.,v;: ;.;...-F;r;Qo , i11g from s1mila.r QOmplamta. MR>' fJAltOUNK FOltnE~, here- iR a 1<1telk'leper in Bellev·lle who um:tNtr'BUIDll'IKL- The bompiel, open Sa.muel Haines and MISS Melinda fotti.,, -.li..u J us recm r'l!ld 5-;t)OOT: emon...-&nif"orGlove<'\ FfolHery, Flanl\el sh1rta, Buckskin llfr. W1f.i of Mr. R. G F'orbe8 formerly of HowmanTtlle, and d&1t}(h1er of llr anges, which he-i s sellmg at 250 per doz. sometime ago, ca.me mtn posaee111on of to clnba m tills central dis~rict, be~an n}itts, Drawers &o. 1~re as neccR:i ..ry as one's '£hoe. Little. of Reach. $4,000 from hll fll.ther's estate. He bad a. Wednesd&y m the rmk m 1h1s to"n. T!rll" Meals. '<taye1'" 1s tho m .. n to snit you tn Also a moe lot o'f cranberries. WooD-JluRDEN-On the 20th Dooembcr, by !2".l9 Port Hope, P~terboro ,Lindsay, thes!l hr s. A young man named 'V1lbam Coleman picnic, went through $2,100 in ei1:ht Oobourg. JU:VLINI~ 011 HAN. - Nervous weukne8S the Hov Dr M~cNab. at the residence of the Whitby, Oshawa,Ne1Vcastleand Bowman· brides ft1ther, l::lowm >\n vii le, Albern J """'" DyspepHla I mpotence, ::;e:xu...1 Deb1ht.r, cured Woo·I, el<lest a brakesman on the Grand Trunk, was weeks, and l llfS aa.lted t Ile bl n ance. ville clubs were on hand with two rml.s by· son of He ... J Woo<l. of Swelt We(ls' Hl'altti l{en ewnr $1. to Annw Lii.ui a. drltlst daui;:hter or S11.rn borg, kilh1d at the low brick bridge, west of the SPJlCI.U oF.RMON .-Rev. James L~ttle, each. The ice was m splendid cond1tw11 There a.re l l7,000 Souday -scho<Jl sobolncl Bu,.den Esq. ex Warden of the Un1te(l Whitby et..Lt1011 on Tnesday week. M. A., pastor of St Paul's Church, 'l'he first draw brou~ht the competitors a.rs m New York State. Counties of Northumberland 11.nd Durham. A large nnmber of deer have been shot preached 11 very excellent and appropriate t1·gether with the followmg resnlt : Ans,ter lbU fluesUnu,-VVhy do so many Port Hope 39, v. Cobourg 30 by sports of th111 neighborhood the past sermon last Sabbath morntng from Rev· DIED. oeople Wt! see tu ound us, seew to prefer to suJfer anc. be made m1seracle by lnd1gestlou, Lmdsay 38, v. Bn '.u11nv11le 34 lklason. Mr W11l1aw Reynolde, of Darl- 21.5-Behold, I make all thmgs nel". \\'HITE -In Woodstock. on the 5th Inst.. Mr. Consti11at1on, lJ1zzmess. Loss of Appetite, Com Rlc}u1rd White (brother ot \V11liam sad Dar>1~l ington, having Ahot ~6 very fine onea. Dr. l\fefAughl!n haa 1tlll on hand a Whitby 49, v. Onh 1v.i 19. rng up or tho F'ood Yellow Skm, when tor 1:ic, \\'h1te, or this place). ajj'ed ii.'i yci.ro. He wa>.1 we will sell them Sh1loh'3 Yna.llzer, l(Ul\ranteod bnrled with Masonlo honora. "Fee Rimple, and a.simple fee, Pet6rboro' 59, v. Newcastle J3. numb11r of volumes of the Ontarie Agri· ~o cure thern. J H1ggrn botlll.arn &. Son, \\ holeST1£VEN8-In Da.rllnl(ion, on tho 11th in~t. cultural Commiuion. Pereons in We11t The trophy was W· n by Port Hope club a~le And all the fees entail, and Hotu.11 ap;en~. Elijah SteTens, aged 7& Jear1.~ 01onth·, ~dsya Durham who haYe not receired a copy can by two points. A grand chnner is bemg Are notlung when compar11d to tbee, MEN'UL Dr.:PREBRION, headll.che and nervous get ene by calling er 11endiog a request; served by the 11td10e of tho home club as deb1httes, are :::lpeed1ly remedies by tha.G excelThou be·t of feea-Femal11." blood purif)lug tou\o, Burdooh Blood BOWMANV[LLE MARK"ETS. we go to preea. Elon. E. Blake has been lent The edito:r of the Milton Ntwa hu had by wail. Bitter&. 'l'he ed1to~ of the Michell l:teeorder We have opened out to-day one case present durmg the day and will preaen~ states ~hat he wa· cul'ed or b1!1ousnellll. ll ver an rnspection of the prepetual motiQn du.ngerment. and sick headache, bJ the uee Oorr·cted up to 1 o'clock 11.m. e"er11 Th.'IUl'adrtu. maohme inY1111ted by Mr, B. J. Fora\~r, Heather Mixed Cloth Dress Goods, whteh the trophy donatMd by him t.> the winnrng or this med1c1ne BY J.&D. McDOUGALL. of Glenw1lliams, l\nd is hi~hly delighted having bought lat.a in the season for club to-mght. Full particulars next week. llavmg an unusually la.rue lot o! Mmk goods Flour, pHr 100 lb.. . 82 50 .. to. $'2 75 with 1t. prompt cash, we are sellmg them off at ST. PAUL'S S. S -'I'l!e children's ent-er- on hand, I h'l.vt· reduoed. them m prices and now otrer them to the public at prices which Fall Wheat, per husn.... 0 90 .. to 0 92 At no place Ill the eountry can you pur- about half prioe. Call and see for your- tainment m oonneot·on with St. Paul's must mnlc<> thern go Frtend, if you are 10 n~ SprmgWheat, per bush. O 90 ·· to .. 0 1>2 chase Staple and· F ..ncy Dry Goods, selves. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. church Sunday School w11s-hke all their try Ma) e1a omponum· 2:19 Millinery, Dress Goods, Overcoate, ClothN:11xT LIST. -Any peraon who had pa.id young folk '11 gatherings-quite successful. A fur co1>.t or a 158alskin Jl'cket makes the Rye, per bushel. .... ,, · · 0 50 .· tQ. · 0 56 rrA~ It"'i"rlBC tofreteut· Cobo \.u·· 1· · ·cMt'-r ·tac.t-' moat oop:ifortable gift 1mag1nable. Those at Oats, P"r bushel . . · · . · · 0 35 ·· tu. . 0 37 ing &c., cher.per than you can at McClnng their aub11cript1on io the STATESMAN Mr. 'I'. Yellowleea, presided. The M. THE R E: MEOY FOR CUB.ING Mayer's wlll fit )our persons as well aa Pt11ts,Blue···· , ···.·.·. 0 70 ·· to .. 0 75 Bros. I before J.\n. 5th, and whoee name did not children were out in full force and a lar,l(e your poQket. 229. " Bl'\ckeyee . · . . . · 0 80 ·. to .. 0 83 Every pereon who has to do with tele~ appear la1t week among our hst of friends number of pr.rents and friends. A very A scar nobly got, ur a nobl~ scar, 111 a " 8mall.......... · 0 70 to ... 0 Onr excellent programme was rendered. 'J'he good lnery of honor. raph8 or telephones should send 10 cents will please notify us of the fact UOT..uD:--;, A· .;;THMA, CROUP, Barley, No. 1. ........ 0 00 .· to . . C GO for a sample copy of the Electrician. next hat will be published February 2nd. children had been trarn"'d m smgmg by No. 2. \) 55 .. to 0 55 All D1·eas ~s ·Jt th <> 'l'lu .. t, L 1 111gs and Prof Doyle, orga.mst of the church, and ON THIRTY nAt'S' TKIAJ.. Address, W1lhams di Co., lfll Ndesah St. After that da.te tl 25 will oe charged such great sa.tiefaohon Wdll given tha.t at No. 3 ExQ.-a . . 0 00 ..· to .· 0 50 Tmc VoLTAlC B< Ckl.. Marshall, Mlob., will New York. P11 b101wr~· Ot ; "1s. ·raLEPHON10-'1'he Bell Telephone Co. the close of the program a. vote of thanks send DR. DYlll'i!ICJ~LEIUtArI>D ltI.ECTNO·YOLTAIC No 3 · 0 00 ... to . 0 48 Tiu.Nxs-Mr. Thos. Bingham, the have made extensive oonne.otious through- was tendered to the Professor. The fol DELI'S AND ELK<JTRIC .APPLlA!WES on trial fQ<I ll¥ ITS F \l1HlflH.. l S~ " thirty de.} e to men (young or old I who arc afDY JOHN MoMU1$TRY. Clt·N!!l!Jl!J>Tll)~ II \l'I HU~ ( 111u:o Bosa Insuarance Agent, will accept our out the Province. See their advt. Mr. lowmg eiandmg of the school was given flicted with Norvoll!l neb!llty, LostVl~llty and dearest thanks for a handsome lot of Bmgha.rn has moved the Central to one by Mr. R. B. Watson, secretary: Scholard Manhood, and kmdrod troubles. gua.re.nteelnir D ><· 1'"'..... 6 50 · · @ · · 7 OU When othor e< Hom· drnq "nrl Pyij>< vms lt!\ve fa1lre33eclH ogs,v vv "" · · · l to fltf<·c t " cure. calendars sent us, mclndmg, The Queen, door west of Murdouoh Bros' up stairs, ou the roll, Jan. 1, 1882, J 37 ; enrolled 5peedy and complete 1estoratrnn ot health and rn1111ly vlll'or. Address as above. N. B.N o risk Butter, per th. beet table ·· O 18 .· @ ·· 0 20 noconnnen11.,11 by ].>irhrw1ANr:<. l'vlnnsT1mTAND Imperial, London & Lancashire, Hea.rt- wliere he hH very comfortable rooms durmg the year, 47 ; removed from ~own, is mmmed. as thirty days trial is allowed. Lard,~tb .. .· ····.···· 013 .· @ ·· 014 Nv.lll!KS ln H · t bJ cvcrvnody v,rho ha~ ford, Accident. Soveri~n, etc. and will be pleased to uu11et his many ld ; withdrawn, 1 ; died, 2 ; total now on Eggs, 1J",loz: . . . ·····..···· O 20 .. @ ·· 0 22 ¢veil it n rJootl trtal Ji nrvei·fmls to CONSU!ltl'TION CURB:O An old phys1oan I'll· Port Hope Nev;s : A correspondent pa.trona. br mg rd·e J' roll, 171. Durmg the year $66 61 has tired trom practice, havmg had placed. In his Potatoea,nelV, per bushel .. 0 35 . . ® .. O 40 _ ; Ae an £X ..llCTOJlt pn· It h><B no l<:qual, H ;;is responsible for-lfille stawment that $'700 hands py an East Indir missionary tbe rormult ? HAVE you S'len the charmmg "Treas- been contributed by the school for M1s11on ot h&rmleM to the M.o ~t UAllcttte child. fl cana simple vegetable remedy for \he speedy were reoeived acro811 "the bar at the local ury of Song" and its companion volume purposes. At the close of the entertain· to..,~ 71>0 OPIUM vn a1111 Fo1"1n, and pcrmanen~ cure tor Consumption. Brontaverns on Christmas day. As those :fig- of instrumental pieces 1 The best oollect- ment each scholar was the recipient of a clut1s. Catarrh Asthma and all throat a.ndlun11: r.UD1rechon " t- N ' H lflfJtWY i;ach bottle. alfeot10ns, also a positive and r ..dleal cure for A monthly magaune, tlae oldeet, largest and ureu represent 14,000 "drinks," it makes 10n11 of mu@io jnet pnblished, and yonr bag of candies. ~For sale t ~ ' ll JJruagJ9ts. aabihty ancl all nervou1 compla·ntll, nervous beat periodical devoc.ed entirely to poultry e'er a rather remarkable ehowmg for a sober musical outfit is n<,t comdlete without after having te&tl'.d its wonder!ul curatl. v e pubhshed. 8J>lendJdly illustra.ted. $Ul5 per town of 5,000 inhabitants. pow ere in thousands of cases has felt it his year. Also the American. Pttttltf'll Yard. the A. DillltSOli'S LIST. them. Sold only by sub11cr1pt10n . Call duty to make it known to his eutfenng fellowe. only weekly paper de' oted entirely tt> poultry Mr . Uria.l Cann of Mariposa, nea.r Little at office of W. R.Chmie and see specimen .Actuated by this motl~ e and a desire to reliev in existence. 31 5Q per rear. Both papet"!I ror human sutrermg. I w1U sond free of cttrrgc, to if2 00 A earn!'le copy o both n111o1led on receipt Blankets reduced. Br1tam, bought a four-year old bull on C()ptei.. all who desire it tins receipt 111 Germ au, Frau ot nrne cents 11\ posti.~t1 etamps. Addrcas H. the 14th l·'ebrua1:v last when he tl'lrned The Fobrllluy number of the 1. Yorth Mantle cloth 75 & 95c. ce or l<~nghsh, with full d1recLtons for prepar- H S'l'OJ>DARD, HAnTFORD, C'I'. \Vool plaids redncecl. , rng aml uamg. 8end by rna.11 by adc!reesmg the scales at 1.335 lbs. Mr. Cann fed Amea1crn R~view is to contsin an article wit~ stamp, 11.1mmg thi8 papei. \V, A. NOYES, Heavy Wmcey, 5~ & 7c. him to the 14th of Ma.y and eold him at on "The. Experiment of Ou1versal Suffra119 Po\.\ets Jllock. P.ochester. N.): 1,777 lbs, a ~am of 440 lbs, in mnety ge," by Prof. Alexander Wmcbell; 11 11.fantles reduced to 2.50. I - - --We "111 pay thenbove re-..ard for an)' ll!"nec Dressgoods l~, lo, & 2dc. Jwportnnt to Trllvcllen, days or quite 5 lbs a day. Can any of d1sousa10n of "The Rev1s100 of Creeds." Liver Complatnt, Dyspepsia.. 8rnk Headache Woolen Hosiery reduced. Spemal indu~ements are ofl'eted you by the of our cattle feeders beat thaU-Limdsav by clergymen representmg six evangal1Jpdeges. 1an, Constipation or Const1venes we BURLINGTON Jtoun:. It will pay YOU to read cannot cure .l<'urs less than half price. with W est'e Vegetnble Lt' er Pills Post. ca.l denommattons; a p11per entitled "The their advert1s~mcnt to be found else'l'ihere In French Cashmeree Chean. when the are strictly complied with. t111s lssue. J . Sunpson, n~cnt , 28 l:'ront St. E;., '!'hey ate d1rect1ons LOOK .HERE !- Onr $1.50 offer is Decay of Protestantism," by Bishop Mc- Gents shh ts and Drawers. 51 & 5ic. purely Vegetallle, and neYer fail to DR. J<; c. W1.<; ,'J'SNimVE AlrnDn .H NTilE AE'l oronto. 206:6m. give sst1sfactio11. Sugai co..tcd. Li>tge BOXtlS Mll:N r, "gnarnt flf'r\ spec1ttc ot lirAt ena. D1zz111withdrawn, but we still offer the Rural Qua1d etc. 1 only Astrauan Mantle left for 27,50c. contaming 2.5 Pills. 2b cent~. 1"or en.lA by all es~. ('t"nVUll'\lOn, r~ lts .Nm VOl iB N \. ur1 1lg 1 t. H ead~ Canadiat~ (regular price $1 00) to any old A leadmg Conservative m town boas tHave you seen Smale" large stock of ·rrunks Druggista. Beware ot connterfo1t~ 1rnd 11mt1· ac1iu, Nervou..'i .Prnl':)t l tt.l ion c iu~e p Uy the nae Ermme Sette at 2,50 reduced from 5.00. tlons. The 11:enuln11 ma ouf1<etu1ed only JOHN of al«ohol nr tobooco IV" k efn)n <>o> lltlental Desubscriber who renews hts own a11bscrip· ed the other day m a public place that Every person 111 need of Dry Goods, should and Valises. '!'hey are sel)mg at ~ost SIIILOB'S CA'l'ARRH Rl<cMEtJY,a marvel- C WETT &. Co. "1.'he Pill M·kers" 81 & 83 r ea"k>n. Softenrn~ ci' 'hi.} H11an 1 r~sult1ng1a tinn to the S:rATESilIAN and obtains for us "if four Bowm11onv11le Oonserva.t1vea were ·nsit our cotabhshment this month. We are lCMlll cure for Catarrh 1J1ph.thena, ( 'anker Kmg St. E~et, Toronto. Ont. Free trrnl pack nsa.nlly and lc,i,dlnll' t·· rrt s··1 \ decai and grrJat barKa1ns. A D1ckr1ons ollaeap a new aubscnber for 1883. '11h1s 1s the lncked out of the pnty, the party could 0Jfer101t mouth, ancl heads.eke \Vlth e ..ch bottle there ' age sent by mall prepaid on recet}Jt o! a 3 cent de,. th. Prematur e Old Age Ban en uess' LOBR one price casl· &tore, Bowmanv1lle. best offer ever made-three dollar papers 6lasily be re-organized and carry the rid- Farmers don't fail to read A. D1cksons adv., rs an 1Dgemous n"snl InJector for the more sue- stamp or power 111 eitl>-er ~" "· Im O l UllllLt) Losses and cesstul tre11tment ot these complamts without - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lSPtltmatorrhreR.. c a.n°ecl by O\ n exertion ot for $2.00. The Rural Canadrnn is a. live rng." He mentioned three, nami>ly abont public market elsewheie, extra charge J Higginbotham & Son, Whole the bram ~lf-a.hn Hl <1r 01 e1 1111111/genM One agr1cultnral paper. Send.fox a free sam pie Messrs F. Cubitt, J. M11ae und Dr. salt> and Heta1l agents. box vnU mu e r ecent cases. J~e. ch box c ontau1e - - - - ...- --- -one mont11 s treatment. Ont> d0llar a box, or copy. 232-tf . Many ladies wdo had scat cely enjoyed the Jump up Mike imd put on tnem ooots Have Boylfl. He would not name the fourth. Having the utmostconncleaoe m its superior six boxes for filve dnlhu s , sent by mall prepaid luxury of feelhn" well for years have been so you got a Pa.tr of Smale's felt Boots for me 1 ity over u.11 others, and alter thousands of tests on receipt or pnoo We gnarnntee six boxea BIG FuRNITURE SALE.-The b1~gest Perhaps he was too modest to do so 1 reoo1·ated by usih!l' Lydia Irnkham's "Vegeta.ble Mother no Oh pshaw. sf tho moat comphcatod and scve)iest cases we to cure a.ny ease. With each 01 r!.eA rece1vod by BIRTHDAY J'ARTY - A 111.rcre number of Compound that they have tuamphed oyer the sale of furniture and household effects that could ftnd , we feeljustlfted Ill offerrn11: to forte us t'Or six bmrns, addon panw]! "1thfl~e tlullaJ's · o tlls flesh is said to be hen to, and ltfe has Ileen \. llo·uehold NeeeKsltJ-She wouln not keep Jt one thousand d1,lJars for any case of coughs, we send the purcha.,e1 nm "ntten guaranhab taken place in .Bol'I man ¥ille for a long the friends of C11arles Osborne, Esq , crowded with the added charm of a fresher qousa wl1hout it, so s01d Mrs. McArthur, of colds, sore throat lnflueu~. hoarseness eou tee will refund the (\}Oney 1f th e tJ eatment does time will come off to-morrow, Saturdlly, Lake Shore, met at his residence last ber.ut). HopeyllJe. regartlmg lfal!yard's Pcc~otai Bal snm.ptlon in Its early stages. whooplr111: cough, n nt to etfect R <'tu "'· (r\ ,).},t ant ee HHhtefl onl:v by med1ome 1s pleasant to take, and ant all dlseaseB of the throat and lungs, e:i.:cept on the Market Square. There will b9 Saturday to take part m celebrating his OHN C. WJJ>'lT /\: CO. :loJ.l p , oor1eto1s, 81 Without doubt, iv~~on seeing our some. 1.'h1s cures coughs, brauolntis asthma, weak Asthma, for which we only claim rehef, that J & s:i Krnii: St. Ea8t , 'toronto, On t "old by all sold without reserve, 12 bed steads, 11 47th birthday. A very ple asant social uew a11d elegant ass~ntment of 'l'oilet articles, spredily lungs, and all Pectoral complamts. we can't cure with '\\-'est's Cough Syrup, When Druggiets m Canada. mattresses, 11 tables, 7 washstands, cha.1rs, afternoon was e1.3oyed 11nd so was the Hair, Cloth aucl Tooth Hrnshea, &c., &c , must Tllebc~t l'o!l(·y.- Hegardmg msm·anc pol. taken accordmg to direction. Sample bottle convmced that we have the la1gest and imes agamst accidents, it is a good policy to 26 a.nd 5() cents; large bottles ono dollar. Gen lookmg-glas~es, c~rpets, cro:>kery, glass· gra.n d ovst er supp<lr t h at f o11owed . '.I'lle be cho.cest stock of these goods ever o.lfe1ed m hkve A week made Ill h orue by the In at hand n bottle of that invaluable med ume wrappers only rn blue. Sold by all drug ware, stoves, cu1\ b oards, lounges, and young folk present participated m ~a mes th1· country. and not excelled by any city store. loine for clust11ona Best bus1Dess now before mternal uae-Ilagyard's Yellow 011- gists, or 11end by ex pres on receipt of pr ice JOHN s. WESr & Co .. 81&;83 Kmg St. l<::Uet, the publw Cap1 t11l not needed We sundry other art1cl-e:puch as an found in and other amusement!. Mrs. O s borne J. H1gg111botham & s _ on _._ _ _ _ worth mare than gold m rel!evrng pain and will start you. men. women, boye for lameness, sprains, brulses bnins Toronto, Ont. every large household. Oountry people and daughters deserve great pra ise for the Did you see t he Member for the South Ward sutrerung, girl~ wanted '" ervwhHe to wo1k for us. 1md stiff joints, aud all wounds. should attend and participate in the bar- excellent supper 'erved to their guest s. with a. vahse on lus back and felt boots on his Now 1s ~he time. You can work in spam time R. YOUNG, V. S , has removed to Both '!'own and Ceuntry.-All people hvmg 1 or d ive your whole tm1e to the busmes No ~a.ms that must be given where so much All umte m wiehm" Mr. Osborne maily feet He got tllem !10111 Smale, the great Boot both 10 town 1~11d country should not fall to the residence directly opposite the Dri11 othA " &; Shoe Mau rbusrness ,v1ll µuy 3011 nea1i v as "ell No rnspect our new stock of goods smtable for Shed, formerly oooupied by P . C. Htme11. His one can rail to nmke eno1 mous p,.y, by enl{ag has to be sold. Sale at 11 o'clock m the happy returns of the occasion ( \<Ye hope Fo1 Croup Asthma. Bronch1t1s and deep Chustmas presents, which we have purchaaed ofili;e will be in Mr. John McMurtry's Groc~ry rnsi: at once- Costly outfit "nc1 12i ms fiee Mon· forenoon. S Chesterfield, auctioneer. he will include the Editor of the S r A.T£fl· seated Lun~s troubles· use Allan'd Lung Bal- expressly for the season . Call and Hee them. Store. Hours from 9 t· 12 a.m. and from 1 to ·5 flY made fMt, erunlv. · ·id douo1ably. Adclre~ :;;Jee posters MAN 111 his list of friends next time.) J. H1i:g1.nbotham ,',;,Son p.m., Sundays exoopted. 2'28 tr, sam . See adv. m another· column. Tmm ~Ct, AnKa&ta, l-I&ioe, 320 ACRES FREE N RT ff DA K 0 TA Co "" Local and Otherwise. b I· I I I I BELL TELEPHONE CO. MESSAGES OR CONVERSATIONS Greatly Reduced Rates I 0 s n CONSUMPrION, COUGHS, " " PCULTRY WORLD. I $500 REWARD ! r $1000 FORFEIT ! I $72 D