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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1883, p. 7

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Thoughts of Home-The Old Vottage. BY R. OROOR:ENDroN. Jllo&hers !'s ! ! Hot tle!!"· engagement to Alice Carr. " M r . Chipps An old ma n named Daniel Cane was found you disturbed at night and br oken of!'your read and re-read the, he turned it up· dea d on Friday morning week, in a dilapi· ro~t by a sick child suffering and crying w ith side down, ancl made a minute examination aate d log house in which h e lived a lone, . thP excruiating pain of cutting teet h 1 H so, O the cotl'a ge in the valley ! of the writing. ' 'This is not a lady's hand- near Aberfoyle. H e was sai·l t o be between gc1 a t ooce and l('et a bottle of MR S. WINSWhere thp toying zephyrs dall;y ; Where within each leafy alley, writing at all," he said a t length, "in the seve nty-five and eigh ty y ears of age, and LriW 'S SOO'l'HING SYR UP. Itwil! relieve Blackbirds sing upou the trees ;· first i:ilace had Miss A lice been writing to was uum,wriecl. It is supposed death w as tho poor little sulfer immediately- depend qpon And the nii;:htingales and thrushes, it; there is no mistake abou t it. '!'here is oot a you rn it not possible t hat she woultl h ave the result of old age. With soft cadences and gushes, mother on earth who has ever used it, who w · Warble till th·e music rushes used note paper of her o wn ? L ook at this." -~·~·-···--·- not tell you a t once t hat i t w ill regulat .· .ne From the vale across the leas. bowels, a nd give rest to t he mother. ar relief The paver was in truth of English llOt A CARD.- 'l'o all who are suffering trom t h e n.nd health to t he child, operating like magic. Canadian get up,it was i mitat icn p ar chment error s and indiscretions of 1outh, nervous Where the honeysuckle t ender It is perfec tly safe to 11se in all cases,and pleassta mped in t he corner with a n elaborately weakness , early decay, loss of munhood. &c. ant to t he taste, a nd is the pr escrim ion of one Opes its golden lips to i·ender Fragrant homage to the Sende r; ftormted cross in blue and gold. J ames h ad I will sen d a recipe t hat will cure you, FREE of t he oldest a nd best female ph ysicia· .s and OF CHARGE. This great rem edy was dis- nurses i n t he Unit.ea States. Sold everywhere Al1d t h e lily, tall and staid never known Alice use any note paper but cov:cr ed by a missiona ry in Sou th Amer ica. All her hidden sweets discloses, l&l·lY. the ordinary kind used by ladies and w ith- Send a self-addr essed envelope to th e llEV. at 25 cents a boW e. Rivalling the breath ofrosesout a monogram or d t.vice of any kirnl. As JOSllP IC T. I NMAN, Station D, N ew York Oi~y. .A.nd the violet reposes, Just within the porch's shade. Mr. Chipps pointed out, the writing though obviously imit ated from that of Alice, w aR RF.ST A ND COHFOllT T O THE !SUFFl~RlNG Fatrest of all eart.h's fair places ! C) e vidently that of a masculine hand, ·a nd " Brown' s Hon!!ehold Panucea" bas no Till my recollection traces se veral turns of expression in the composition equal for relie ving 1min, both intern al and exAll the unpretent ious graces .· Tha t adorned that peaceful cot, of the not e were forced and nnnatural. " 1'11 \ernal. l t cures pain in t h o Side, Back or Bow. e ls, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, W ith its little garden boundedtell you what" said Mr. Chipps, " we have L 11mbago and any kind of or Ache. ··It That by forest belt's surrounded foul pla.y to deal with h ere, and must n~atch w JU m nst surely quicken the. Blood and Heal, W eird and old, by u.ges fonnded : No110, ah I none can be for got! them with their own weapons. I must aoe ae its acting- power is wonderful." " Br own's Housohold P anacea." befog v.cknowledged as Miss A lice a ncl have a foll explanation. the greot P ain nelievel'. a nd of double t h e In that forest's deep r ecesses. "Impossible," said James, ' ·I have b esieged strength of another E lixir or Liniment in t he Where the solemn gloom oppresses the house for the last fortnight wit hout world should be in eYery fami ly hRndy for use· With some a wful thoughts th at blesses, This.Great Household Medicine W~ cn a boy I used to roam ; when wa nted , "a.s it really is the best r emedy g etting a chanc(' to see her until t o-day, and in t he world for Cramps in the Stomach , and And sometimes m y younger sister t hen sh e was evide~tl:'( under t he evil in- p o ins and ach es of a ll kinds," a nd is for sale by Strayed therein, and when we missed her l& H y. H ow I sm1ght, and found, and kissed her ! fiuence of tha t rituallstic old hag." " If I all Druggists a t 25 c nts a bottle. Prou d to bring the truant home. - -- - - - -·ul)dertake the business, all the hags in Tor- , - - - - - - - These famous Pills purify the BLOOD and onto shall not pr ev ent my succeeding," said , Ah! fond pleasures fled for ever! most powerfully, yet soothingly, a ct on the his friend. " T he only thing I regret is t he Ii · O ! I would 'that I 11ad never Felt their rapture, or could sever . _'-}'tomach, K£dne1,1s, m evitable ~oss of my w hiskers." "The loss l w ill >nail (F ree) t he recipe for II. aimple From m y heart their clinging ties ! s, of your whiskers-y'?u.mak~ me fear the loss Vecetnble ~t\lm will remov0 'Ea ·>-, F·ecldt1 and BOWELS, givm~ Lone energy. a nd vigor F or the memories I borrow, of your usually bnllmnt mtellect ; wha t Pim ple~ a nd U ~ote1les, l P.!L'vi~t:J:Lo skin soft, o these grea t MAIN SPRI~GS OF LIIPE. They But induco to greater sorrow, "I have a plan by cleM e.od bea,n tifol; also 1 Mtr~1ctions for proare con fidently recommended a s a never falllng can y ou b e driving at !" For l feel t hat on each morrow . h I · E b" · dnc\nga'luxnrla nt growth ofha1ron a bald head remedy in all cases where the constitution from Father still their shadow :flies. can get into a unt use ia 8 ~on.- or 8 moot h c face. Addrees, inclosing S11. stamp, w hJC whatever cause, has become im pair ed or weakfidence, see the youn g lady, m ak e all r ight B'&n. T enclelf .& (Jo., 12 Ba.relay St., N. Y. · ened. 'l'hey ar e wonderfully efficacious in all O~ten when I soughL my pillow . a ilment s incidental to Females of all ages ; and between you,and diBpose of all obj!lcti.on s by I have listened to .the trill lowas a GENERAL FAMILY . MEDICI NE are As she sang upon the willowa man-iage made in haste but not to be r eunsurpassed. ' Of Llw nightingale's soft song ; at leisure. It will involve two pented And a t mom 11woke delighted things, to steal a snit of clerical clothes from GEN'l'LF.MANwlin suffer Pi! for ye.A.rRfrom With no evil to be righted, · my cousin, parsoa FranK, and as before For my h eart had not boen fr!ghted Nervou, DEBILI'l'Y, P HEMATERE DEBy th ghaslJy spectre W rong. said, the sacrifice oLmy whiskers. Once C.AY, and.all the effects of youthful i ndiscretion Sea1·e hlug :n1d Healing P.-opertles ure will tor the sake ot sufferin1t h umanity. senp known thl'onghout the World, more, do you loYe this girl, and tell me t r ue, free to all 0 ! and 1'~ w lloved the dawning who need it. the recipe end directions honest Ingun, do you want ·to marry her?" for making the simple remedy by wbichhe was ~ 'or t he cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Bre11sts, Of each hlCPPY Sabba th 'morning I When we heard the sexton's warning " 'Of course I do" said J ames1 "and I neve1· cured, Sufferers w isbin1< to profit hy the .adOld W ounds, Sores and From the ~idden {lhurch's spire ; doubted our marriage being an accomplish - vertiser's experience can do so by odrlressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, And again his lat er ringinl', . it is infallible remedy. Ifeft'ectually r ubbed on ed fact till these last two miserable weeks. Still a sweeter pleMure krmg1ng 187-ly. {2 Cedar St., New Y ork. the neck a nCl ch est, as salt into m ea t, it Cures When I saw Alice this morning we both For at that time I was singing SORE ' rHROA'l',Diphtbe ria.,Br onchitis,Cough s Treble in the village choir, seemed under some magnetic influei1ce that Colds, and even ASTRMA. F or Glandular S wellings, Abscesses Piles Fistulas prevented our speaking our real thoughts." Q They were d ays of purest pl ure··Just so, I can see what inftuence has been Health a11d Hope a boundl&i! eaaure; R heumatism, f ·t The adver tiserh av·ng bcen permanently cured · Now, alas I how changed the m asure at work; t h at note 'is a .orgery,you wr i .e a of that dread disease. Oonsumpt\on, by a simple F rom the happy treble pa 'And every kind of SKIN DISE ASE, it has hne on one sid6 of it recommending me a s a r emedy. is 1mxious to make known to his fellow· till my bosom holds the t oken, never been kown t o tail. friend who can . be trusted. Leave all to su1l.'erers the 01eans of cure. 'l'o all who clesire But.its feelini(sung or spoken, Th e Pills a nd Ointm ent a re Manufact ured me, and expect me here with Miss Alice in it, he will send a eopy of the prescription used. Into s orrow's oass is broken011ly a t 533, OXF ORD S'l'RE ET, LONDON, and 'd cl (rree ot charge. wit.h the directions for preparBrokcn almost, .too, my h ear t. are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout . a. week's tinie, e;et the licen1 se r ea Y an Ing and usine;tbe same,, wtilch they will tlnd ·a t h e Civilized World; w ith directions for use in have a paTson well on .hand.' James k new sure Cure for Cougl1s, Colds, Consumpllo11, For the cottage in the valley, in most every lang uage. · that his friend WWI a man of a good deal of A·ihm1t, Bl'miehitls, !1:c. Where the toying zephyrs 'dally ; a-Purchasers should look at the Label on t he gacity and in-sight into character, and P a r ties wishing the Prescription, will please Where 1 within each leafy alley, A NOTED' BUT UNTITLED WOlllANo . Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 194 Smgs the blackbird in,the tree; that he was also one of considerable strength ~rirr:~s~~~h.EN ~Y.W ILSON· Penn St,, Oxford, St reet, London, the;r_are spurious. [From the Bolltlin Globe.} And the nightingales and thrushes The l'rade Maims ot my said Medicines are of chara cter, not easily foiled in anyt hing - -- - -- - - - - -- In soft cadences and gushes register ed in Otta,w·1. a nd also at Wash~ Warble,- but the dlstance hushes e once seriously undertook. But as to the Evermore their son'1' for me ! tactis to b e adopted by Mr. Chipps, he could get no furt her explanation. - -- -..·~·49'..~..- -- - l Codd & Co,. Bankers Successors to A!';ency of Dominion Ba·lk, B O WMANVILL E, , Trartoact a gene·r al B ankiiig Bu s-iness 1mo11o the same 1'erms and Principles adopted by the J o·i nt Stock Banks. INTERES'l' ALLOWED 0 N DEP 0 SJ 'l' S· withdrawal on demand, at th e rate of FOU& per cent per annum. NO'l 'ES DISCOUNTED Bills receind foJJ collection and advances made thereon a t ;moderate rates. DRAFTS ISSUED, payable at all points in Canada ancl t he United Stat es: STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, &c.,&.c. bou ght and sold . MONEY L OANED on Mortgage Sec11ritypresent rate fr om 6 t o 7~ per cont. 0 0 ~ . -I N O TICE. Deposits heretofor e made with the Dotnlnion Bank, can be withdrawn at any ti me upon de· mand and wi thout char ge,at t he premises lately occupied by the Bank , now the Banking Ilouse of Codd & Co INTEREST a t the rate of '11 HR l1;E Jlor cent will be allowed so long as the money lies with l:ic Dominion Bank . p I Mp LES ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life· Liver, of ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Holloway's Ointment. Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying U nlocks ~ 11 the;ed avenues of thCI Ulcers. :>ff gradually withou< weakening the system,. ..11 the i 111pmi ti~ s and fou l humors of the secretions ; at t he same time Co:i:r~.i:it~ Acidity of t he Stomach, ,Cllnng Bw.;. ousness, Dyspepsia, Hea daehes, Diz:- T CONSUMPTIVES. Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, DiDl· n ess of Vision, J aundice, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility; all these and many ot~er simi· 1ar Complai nts yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ziness, Heartburn. Constipatio~ Sample Bott les l Oc ; Regular size $L F or sale hy all dealers. T. MDBmtN dl (;ff., l'roprtCCl\r rs, T Cll'OBiG 1 l Alice and h er mother had removed with W H ') U NITES WITH THE aunt Eusebia to the r esidence of the latter A Toront.o Novelt1tte. a.t t he Rue St. Nincompoop,Montrea.1. The :ar FLORE.NCR FAIRFAX, A Nl!:W TORoiNTo house was a gloomy one, not made more ' '· c n eerful by heavy gothic furni t ure, a nd WRITER. piotures chiefly in unvarying monochrome, of YNOPSIS OF PRE VlOUS CHAPTERS. various g hastly scenes 1n the history of t he A. l'JlRAGE COS'r about $6 a ycn1· pe1· $1,1100 ' -:li saints a nd martyrs, these uncomfortable Me· .,... !!!altors .~ J·a mes F\eld of the reporters' st aff of t h e per sonages being represented as fiay ed, im· The above Is u. good likeness of Yrs. L:rdia. lit Pink· Toronto Univ~rse, attending service one paled, burned and beheaded with monoton· In addUion to th e s um of $2,000.00, w hich this ham, of Lynn, Mass., who abovellJ! ot her human bei ngs Sund. 'l.y eve ·ng a t Dr. " Wild a chu.rch, sits .ous ·iteration of t ortllre. Each day began Or der bequeths tot.he Widow a nd Children of b ·d y un dy who attracts l·1s atten· , e v'!r y de!',eased br!Jthei· (in J1'00d standin g), it rnny be truth f ully called the "Dea.r Friend of Woman," esi e a 0 O .· t with mati ns at St. Nincompoop s, a gothic relieves t he suff'e rmg, cares for the sic k and as some of her correspondents Jove t o call h el'. She 1 ermon. tion more than t 1 ommg ou · as cha pel, dark w it h gh~stly stained glass, and buries the dead. is 2eaJouuly d ovoted to h er work, which is the outcome it is raining . he 0 · rably · . her h is u mbrella, top hea vy a h11ge open roof · dmi ~ ·E very member from the first is re quired t o of a M e-study, and 1s obliged to keep elx la.dy d · · h t h 1 which is accepte on co · t 1on t a . e a so ca lcula t ed to retain t he acculnulated snow pass a good medical exa mination by our ap- ra.M:istants, t o h elp her a.nswerthe l arge cor respondence d a ily p ours iu upon h o:r, boo.ring its special 1har ·t, a11d he walks me with he r, without, and gi Ye t he ut most latitude to pointed examiner s. Ut.'don ot $<1Ufl'.cr ing, or joy at rel e~c t'1:0m it. Hct" when h e get s ~. very pressing citation to the cold d raugh ts wit hin. After matins a W hen for a few a Y J:l. ar you can pro:V.egetMle Compound is a. ltlcdicine tor good and not oall again. ~\After a M hoi-t. ac int ance long mor.nin.,. a t-by th!)e·:1r~a c <1dll; "ea.-t<>...-t,' ~ · "e~'t;t;~ ~.m-f1tmi1y in even.t->0( yom 0 -r · -~ ·ce a r·e en aaged t o e m i"ecl 1<at , 'tis folly to leave them' unprotec'eil , · · nd evJJ ;>'trp<>lle& I have personally investigated It and .iames an "" "' ·· t he most par t in e mbroidering vestments neglect is unpardonable. ' am satisfied of the trnth of this. On a.ooonut of its proven merits. ft is r ecommended or altar linen for t he U$e of St. Nincompoop. 'r erms of ad mission ,forms and full par ticular s Miss Carr h ad at one time been a n inmate of may be had on application to the Officera or lllll!Jlroscribed by th e besi_@l_slclans In the countr y. CHA1'TER V. One says : " It works like a charm and saves much , Anglican sist erhood and !··ad never lost her Membero of Bowmi~nvillc Lodae No. 99. pain. It will cur e ontirely tho worst torm ot taJling , IN SHADOW. I t · t e for the convent life. Alice's only ot 1J:!._e uterus, Leucorrhc:ea, irregular and painful M iss Carr t ook possession of her s~ter·iri·+~ ~ se o~ .the outer world was in the ocl{CJ~ruation, all Ovarian Troubles, InJla.mmation and law's establi~hment; she t old Alice and her I· casion s1ta. of Mr. Blanil wh? called now Ulcera.1ion, Floodingg, o.ll Displn.<!oments and "Jhe con 4 th t oowon er fr llyfrankl y but riot un- and t h en al t·ch1te t\\l'.&~ aequenb spinal weakne.'8, and Is especially ad:tptecl to 0 the Ch·nge of Life." dler t hat t hey w ould hen ceforth be depeu- ecclesiast ical gossip to his a nt. t lengt h It p ermeates every portion of the system, o.nd gives d: t ~~her for a home. As to thi'. fact poor even tbis re3ource was cut off. Mr. B land new lite_ antl vigol'. It i·emoves faintness, :tlatulency. Mrs. Carr w as nervom ly sen·iti ve, she had t o go on & .to~r of sewr al .week s as. a d estro:ys all crnving f or stimu.lanta, a nd r elieves weak· i d d above all t · i ngs offend ing member of a m1· swnar v depu tation to a disn ess or the st;()mnch. It cures Bloating, Headaches, a~!~ eE usebia.. . Th11t lady's Jh ief obj?ct ta nt part of ~he diocese. . _ Nervous Prostro..t.ion, Ccncra.l Debility, Sleeplessness, One mommg wh en A lice and her a unt t get r id of Alice's e ntaQ!;lement with Depres!lon an d Incligcstiou. That feeling or bearing do wn, causing pain, we ight a.nd lJackache, i8 always =~ur:a.list whom she regarclirl IJ-8 l!.'V officio were a t matins their attention wa:s excited perm.aDently cured by i ts u!:)e. It will at all times, an d J the·sL · she did not towever show j by a cler gyman w ho occupied the 1 an a ' "are ~ · ' · & t th h 1 b undl!lr n.ll circumstance~, net jn harmony with the law " ard ' ' of the gi~ s feehn"s and p ew 111 ,,.on t o , em, t e ea orate tha.t g onr ns the f.omale f4ystom. · :i1~k~·~f IL:r. Field withl.n affectati~n of g race of w~ose genuflections muc~ ed ified It cM;rs only $1. per bottle or six for $5., and ie sold by f P k kindliness endea v'rmg t o work by Miss Eusebia. F or several mormn.,,s t he druggi!)ts. AnY'ac!vic e r cqulredo..s to s pecial cases, a.nd a~f1:ne.ans on Alic~'s pri~ so as t o make her stranger appea~ed a t chu rch, a t length one tho of m any who h a ve been restored to perfect ONE OF THE BEST " r ealize t ha t t he r ui n of ier m other 's fortune day as t hey ~assed t~o churcl: pocch t ohellJtlt by the use of t he Vegetable Compound, can be :Ei:,J[:J:> · obtain ed by 11:trs. I'., ·w ith sta.m p for reply, h ad as a matter of 0 0 -cse changed h er own get h_er, the ~trnuge lmes,t ad~1 essed some a t her hom e in Lynn, Mass. osition with regard t? her engagement. t1w 1.a l queet10n t.o Miss B.useb1a, she repl~ed INVESTIGATORS IN I For Kidney Complaint of either sex t his compoundla b nce t h idea of b r,ikrng off the engage· g~ac10usly a nd as t hey passed her house m » It is a specific in t he cnre of lill diseases u nsurpassed as a.bun dn.ut testimonials sho w. t olli<il b e ma il familia r to the girl's vi ted lum to enter and partake of b reakfast. of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatic Por" l\lrR. Pinkhn.m'HLiver Pills," says one writer, " tion of the Urinary OrgaJI!l, Irritation ot ~f:d cit '70uld no1 b e d ifficult t o suggest "I !flay not break t~e rule of mine o~·der the best ·i n the v1nr ld for t he cure of Constipation, the Neck of theilladder( Burnlng Urine ' fo r estr'\ll ~m ent . I n all this she w h1ch allowet h but s1x parched peas smce Biliou sness and Torpidity of the liver, Her Blood Gleet,~orb ea inallitsstagesJ?.fueous reasf onlsl ' 0 de -"Y Mrs. Carr's fretfulness matins for t he refection of t he body," he Purillcrw;;·Jrs wonders in i ts sp<cial line and bids fair Disch s, Congestion of tfie A.idneys was u Y sec n <" ' ·d L d M " E b" ' Bri<,Jk ust Deposit, Diabetes In11amma! t o equal t h e Com pound in its tJopularity. d b the act t;l t Jam es Field , r epulsed sa1 as ie presse ?n iss use ia s accept· t!J>n ?f the Kidneys and Bl!tdder, Dropsy A.Jl must ·rcspcct hct' os an Angel of Mercy whoso sole ~ Y h C' ( asw of his calling b y herself, a.nee a t ract of .wh~ch h e r rofessed himself cf )(1~loeys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urme ambition Is to do good to others. 0 n eacd t h ost int erest in t he family t he author, " L\J ed . lreval m u sings, or r efl ecPam m the Region of the Bltidder PiiN 1eeme o avi t· If fl 11 · · !'hi)Adelphia, Pa , (3) Mrs. A. M. D. IN TIIE BACK, Urinary Calculus' Ren11l since t heir n:Jfortu ne, and one morning 1? ns ?~ se . ag~ a t 10n 1 by a P.e n1t e Ca!culus, Renal Colic, Retentlon of . · ·an a nonym ous Jetter enclos· Palmer , was its t it le. 1he a cq ua rnt· ce Al Urme, Frequent Urination, Gravel in all · tlrns b egan was easi ·1y un · proved , a_wl M r. . we receiver p in James' handwriti,.g its forms, Inability to retain the Water d " a :°~i8 engagement as a n im'. Chipps, for t hat gent lemaa had iJJ'li'umed a n particularl_y i_ 11 persons advanced in life. IT IS A KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR t hat a ud mf 7tctiou w hich he would b e glad ult ra.ecclesiastical disguise, with collar less restores the Urine to its natural color r u ~n -~~ Of course Alice k new per · coat, sta rche.l hands , anrl smooth s ha ve removes the acid and burning and the ~~ n ~hat thiR attempt t o deceive her whiskerless face, s~obtained t he complete effect of the excessive use of intoxicating drink. ec Y w~ery coarse imposture. It confide1J<:e of Ji,Ullt E usebia. Ile eve n got was a .cur to h er that t h e forgery, for lter pe~nuss.ton · t o t a '.. e Al. · ·. a P rice $1 , or Six Bottlea for $6. did u ot ice t o ".1s1t . Those who cannot obtain n bottle of this h h t once k iew it to be was due t o m aid of one of t he cathol ic . 111d medlctne ftom their druggist may send us one ollo.r and we will eend It to th·m. r. Mr. Bl~l's power ~I im itating stitutious . of M ont r eal. Ooce alono . wit h ·' Send for Ci~, Sol\! by aJi Drui!glets. ~ ·npl e's writmg. But all t hese t hings A hce he d1sclos< Jd t~e uature of 111s ,m ss10'1 , J OHNSTON & I ot ~,, 011 Ahce's miud with a sort of and pleaded lu s fn cnd's ca use so warmly ; AK!IE!!CBtTllG, O nt. · llETllOIT, Ulch, ::~Jtive force. Her r elation to hi m t hat she ag!·eed to ~ccom p any. him e , Agents tw tho U: B. a nd Cal\l!(lci. d changed i t was more t han a fort· and then to the railway station w he11c<;,. ~i;er since the/ had met, and though Alice th ey were soon on th~ way towards Toront o. d~Red t he anonymous le tter, y et it made James was. r eady wi t h ii cP.11se and par soa afnp\easant ,mpression on h er t houghts. u~xt i:iormag, an d . a~ter the wed~mg~drov r t his mood it was that h er a unt hazar ded h is brnle t~ t he 011g mal cottage ~n E sther ___p step of . permitting an inter view with Avenue. wh1c~ ~e had furmshed m accordv weeks be· r . F ield, the chance of a perman ent mis- ance wit h Ah ce s plan of. a fe1 nderstanding fr m which, she calcula ted, ~o~e. They were soon af~erwa1·ds vould be enhanced b y allow ing t he young J~lned by Mrs. Carr; ~h.e abscondrn ~ b ank ..people to meet w it h all ost ensible freedom. director at Wh ose r eligiou s prof<>ss10n s so ghe was not cleceived. A lice was c'old and ma ny pe?ple had laug hed since .h is escapade, I d istant. J am es sa.w h is faint effort t o offer ~au derived from those religious pr ofess·,ympathy r epul sed, both fel t t ha t a barrier 10ns grace enough t o repen t thoug h_ at.t he \ad int e,.posecl itsP-lf be t ween them, and el eventh hour, and t o mak e fu ll restitt1tlou. .ach was t oo proud to mak e any effort to T hus Mrs . .Caer unexpected ly recover ed a 1l 1reak t hrough it . Jame3 felt deepl y hurt h er propeny! sh e came to pa;s t he res~ of t what he r egarded 2s wa nt of firmue8s on her d.ays . wi~h h er. d au g ~1ter; James F ield ~ice's part, She seemed to him to have a nd his wife li ved m then· humble home rn . "le over to t he e nemy, nor was h e m uch we~t '.foronto. t h r oug h a . t erm of ye:ir s '.- prised on reaching h is lodging t hat even- w hich if une ventful lln d quie t w ere not on ~-'· to find :i not e from A lice enclosing t hat account less happy. d~ engagem Pnt r ing, a nd expressing a wish ( TIT1'l EN D . ) ~hat for bot h t h eir sakes .the e ngagement .;.... . _......._._ _ _ thoul d be c3'11celled. Alice w"s abou t to T wo years ago the Por ta ge had but remove with h er a unt Eusebia to Monti·ea.l populat ion ot 500 ; its population to-J a y n d w ith t he best w ishes and prayers for is close on 5,000. Its ,,sse$smen b two years Field's tru e spiritual interests desired :igo w as $10,000 ; to-day i t is $7,500,00@. \at no attempt mi ght be mad e t o r evive Erom 1880 to 1881 $319,000 were exe eud" d 1e :memory of ~cene~ in her Toronto experi- i n the erection of lmildings, and from De· .pe which conld henceforth onl y be pro-, 1881, t o t h e prese nt mont h t he 1ative of p aiulul t hollghts. a m ount expend ec l for t he same p ur p oss 'ames sat io the room holding the letter a mounts to uear:ly $1,000,000. To-d ay ~is hand, whoo bh r e ve'..'ie w as broken by one can _wal k for mile,; on g raded at1·ee ts a.nd ., entran c e of a·"-:it e· ary friend, Mr. R. broad s1dewa.lks, and t he stt·eets are laid r. C hipps a wl'iter\if consiclcrablepower , uu t with s h r cgular tt y r.h at they make t he \th. whom Jam ~connection with t he town prese11t the a ppearance of a well-Jaidniverse had broug ht liim into friendly re- pa1 :k iu ·he ~·mtre .oI a r ich, p·ct.u1 ·esque \ion~. " What funeral J?.rocessiou is iu soh~ly e8t abh shed ci1 .y. StJve ral saw-m ill·, r egr ess n ow, " he enquired, noticing J a mes' a biscuit factory, a p ap er mill, agd cu lt "ral iok of gloom y abst m ct ion "it is evident and ot her works, a large g 1·aiu elevator afHl ·om your expressi ve countenanee that you m any other t l1ingg bt:spesk t he t 1u t h tha t )cup y t he position of chief mourner." Porta ge la ' l?ra rie . is s wift!y pushinp; for-. Read t ha t," , sairl J a mes handing him ward as one of the p laces of importauce on .h o11's letter. ' 'You know all about my bhe Am11dcan oonti11ent.· . ALICE CARR'S ENGAGEMENT. · . FAMILY PROTECTION I $2,000 to Every ~AN . CHAPTER VI. MONTRIJ:AL. CARTf~:s11~~ HALL'S Is Reeommeuc1e1l by Phrsfola!!!e Ancient Order of UnitedWor~men P ai n ir~ t he Side, &c. While t lieir m ost r c!Alark! able success hus been shown in curing zit1 css, Nauae11, Drowsiness, Distress afte1 · ea.tiDg Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl· dent to a bil ious state of the system, such as DiZ· CURE CUE',.ES L__§1S.H~~,.,, ~,"'if£ Ache they would be almost pricelc·e t.o those who suffer from this dJstresslng complaint ; but for t11nately their goodness does not end here, and those who once t ry t hem will tlnd these littl e pills vain · able in so many ways tbnt t hey will n ot be willing to do without them. ~ut after nll sick Catarrh of the Nasal Cavity- Chronic Ule9'tr Catarrh of the Ear, Eye or Th!O J!t. It ta~ INTERNALLY, ana acts DIRECTL .WIN tht Blood and Mucous Surfa~~tlil li.Ystem. It Is the best Bl ood · l n tha WO RLD, and Is wqrth that ls charged for It. THAT alono. , THE dt O NLYINTERNAL C UR EFO RCATARBH1 Q valuable n1 Const1patlon, curing and preveutin"' t his annoying complaint, while they nlso correct all disorders of the stoma ch, atimulnte t he li ver A'D ', .. $I 00 SS- IN THE JUARKET . WoOl!'01 $100 fo r auy case o f Catarrh It will 1ot 01n $ (ool 1 W ELLAND, Ont Maroh . . l!ll'A. My little daughter was troub1ed with O~ ~ tor two years and was very muoh b11J111Atted · the 11se o.f" Hall's Catarrh Olll'e:" She la no1' &bout cured. W. !l'. JlOUSE. r- iv:e y Is the bane of so many lives tbnt here is where we make o ur great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pllle are very small and very easy to take. One or two pms ro nkc t\ dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but b y their gentle action please all who Ilse the m . J n vials a~ 25 cents; live for $1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by m ail. ACHE · W E LLAND, Ont, Maroh 00, l ee9. used" H&ll's Cr>ta.rrb Ollre,n and jude-1 ing from th e good results 1 derived trom ·onlf· bott le, believe it will cure tlMI moa1 atubborr:al case of Ca tarrh if its use be oontlnued far a 1 reasonable length of time. w. lL BELLl!IMIL Ha.rob llO, 1982, WELLAND, On~, F . J . CIJENJ!IY & Co.. Toledo, 0 . sold Hall's Cato.rrb Onre for t ho lasu yea.r, w:id it gives entire aatiafaotlon. , Your s truly, JI. W. lIOBSON, Druggist. ·Hall's Catarrh Cure, Is 1old by all WholesaJo o.n d R etail Dr11J!giatl. ILlld DelLler e in Patent Medlo1Iie11 :lD the United States and 011.ll&da. P RICJll : uB:E. CARTER ME D I CINE CO., New Yor. k C ity. --::::::::==::::::- 75 Cents a Bottle. $8.00 a Dot. The only gennine Hall's Co.ta.rrh Cm e ft rn6lo u1aotured by li'. J, CHE NEY .t ClO,, 'l'oledo,, Cl. JSl"Beware of Imitatio1111. Bottled for the Ontmo trade by H. W. HOBSON, Welland, St ot t & J ury . 08' .. llif f £° :he R . w. co. ( ·, a nd i s the b est p rer>ar atlon ever invented for RESTORI N G GRAY HAilt TO ITS YOUTHFUJ. COLOR AND LIFE. The StatEl It suppll"ll tlto .nat ural food aud color to tile J1air glands without staining tho s kin . It will increase and t hicke n t h e growtlt of the h :tir, 11re ven t its blanching a nd falling o:IJ', a n<l t h u s A V E ltT BALDNESS. I t cure~ Itch ing, E rup.. t ions a nd Dand»utf. As a HA.Ht DUE S SING it is v ery clcslrablc, givin g tho b air a sillrnu softness which a ll :>.<hnirc. It k eeps t h e head clean, sweet a nd b oaltby. Assayer I and Chemist of Mass. and leading Physicians endorse anl\. recommend it as a great triumph in medicine. I rr. ~)U.Cl\.l~~J:~~MS DYt WHISKERS w iIJ cltltnge t!10 b eitrd to Blt01'VN or 1t BLACH: at d iscre tion . Beiur; in o no pre1·aration it i~ easily a11plied , a n d J>rod n ccs a pcrmllJlent eolor that will nnt. w a s b o ff. l'U E PARED .BY ~. P. HALL f?i, G O., N ASHUA , N. H · Sold by all Dealers in Medlci~e.

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