Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1883, p. 8

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--TA I-L 0 R I N G (~~~~~~~In~IT~~in~:w. manville Cemetery in 1882. ni, Jan. 3-Heury Thowlls, 100 y, 6 11,(6. ol.d S.Mason&Son's. . . ;;.;___ _ ( u) " " - Tho.uas Hall, 77 y. ·1ld ag1o1. " 7-Jime Galhraith, 32 y, dunghter late John G.tlbr&ith, Clarh, typhoid pneumonia. " 11-SamutJl ,John Edger, 6 m, s. Henry Edl{er, convnl.ion11. "17- .Johu 'l'honiaii HwkB, 20 y, l m, s. Cha11. Hicks, typhoid ftiv!'r. "19_:Newby M1i1r, 22 y, 6 rn, s. Jolin Muir, consumpti.. n. "24-Alher.t E . Thickson, 18 y, s. W. · Thickson, kilh·<l lw train. " 27- William l\IcColl11m, 38 y, s of Maihew McCollum, consump· tion of the bowels. . " 28-Mrs. Lynden. 55 y, fever. ' ' 29-Anthony Dr.vy, 49 y, s. W. D~vy, comm rnption. "30-Colnmbus 1'.uper, 27 y, 1, Maria Super, consumption. Feb. 2- Ri h1n·d Sqnires, 46 y, 2 m, 11. of Rich. ~quirei, congestion lnngs. " !}- Ed "·ard Silver, 71 y, paralysis. " 18-Phehi. Ann Oowli>, 67 y, widow late F. Y. c,,wlt:!, bronchitis. "19- 0 .. tharine Kin11m~n, 82 y, congestion of Inn""· " 20 - Wil!i.. m R"bert Cox, 4 m, e. of Cht.1. Cox, acrofulR. "20-Ihlen McKay, 82 y, widow DunMcKay, old age. "23- Berth" Emma Lillian. Gr0\·&11, 4, y, 9 m, . d. John Grovea, hram disease. Any person desirous of having a " 28-Rich. A. Lovekin, 77 y, Clarke, asthma. " 29-·Geo. l::lenry Hockridge, f> y~ 3, m, s. Rich. Hockridge, d ropsy. " 29-Walter Edgar Burk, 27 y, 3 m, s. H. W, Burk, consumption. Dec. 4-John Helson, 77 y, 11atlve of England, old age. ' " 8--. Goerge William Fogg, 4 y, 8 m, s. D . B. Fo~g, diphtheria croup. 11 10-Chl\e, ltogere, 6 y, s. .Fuidenck Rogers, Darlington. "10-William Henry Brimacombe, 23 y, Toronto. " 18-Dorothy Ernily H11mbly, 75 y, w, Johu Hatnl·ly, bronchiti~. "22- -McDonald, 5 y, d. Mrs. McDou:ild, diphtheria. " 29~S1tr11h Ann Muir, 27 y, d. Wm. Muir, Toronto, coneu1uption, I I PERFECT fITTING SUIT of CLOTHES should have them made by ·, ·"Durability i· better tha.n show," Dura hi. !it y ol health lo worth more than t,ho we><lth of a Yanderbilt Kidney-Wort Is man's colaborur m rnait1talnidg health, With liver, bowel amt kidneyB, men and women will iilwl\yR be in µ;ood health. IC the bowel are toroid, it the piles t.orment, I.! 1hl' back ls fnll of puin, get a p ..ckPl{e nf K1dnoy-\Vor~ and be · cured wl~heut nrore sutr~rl111r. - - - ---·-- - - oot, tire i~ RwAepiuo: hyl BAULCH-·THE CUTTER. Every Suit in any Styl~ Guaranteed. ond g1rle make great pay, Header. if you wa.nL business at which you cal) rnako great pl\y all tile tirno, write for partioulai·s t.o H ·. H ..t.LLl!T'r & Co., Portland, Maine. to c;innque:ro-t.illle. $66 a week in your own town. $5outt1t free. No ri~k. Ever:r thin!! new Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. Many are 'Ile.king fnrtunOH, Ladies m11.1rn as muoh as men, and boys R EsT l(O a. 11d ilure before you 1lie ·omething mighty an<i l!llbllme leave behind THE GREAT BOOM -XN~ BE ~ IN TIME! ~ Now ,when the rush of Xmas is neady over, .................. ................. .. .... ·· ···· .................... .... permit te snbscriberB for maga.. .... .....m . ..e ... . ...;i'·:.emind . ...... ... .... .. ...... ...... . .... ...... ...... zines and papers that I am prepare<l to receive ...... ...... ...... , ····· .................................... ······ ..... . orde!'s for any book, magazine, or pa.pttr publish· · · · · ¥ · ·· · · ···· ··· · ······················ ' · · · ···· · ··· · ······ · ·· · ~ · "25-LouiNa Ann Sonoh, 16 y, 'i m, d . J r.11, Son ch, typhoid fHer. "27.....:'fhoma11 Bellman, 79 y, g~ner11l debility. March 11-Infant ~°" uf DtLvid Darch, V days. " 13·- D..i.aJd lllcDon11ld, 37 y, con11·- ~'i"n !1111Jill. c () I ~ 1' a ~.· " " 14-- tfaiah !5111t.re111, l)l y, widow .J11.u1~e lhr · r~m. ······ ...... ······ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ······ .................. · ····· ed, and at mtes as low as the lowest club mtes. of magazine ...................······ ......... ... ·: ···· .............................. and papers throughout the Do............. ······ ........... ............ ............. ............ ..... . A,s there a\e srecial offers made by publishers ?.1.'~~~:~..~~.Y.~~~.~~..~~~~: .. -~~~.~~~~(!.o:~~ ..~... ~~r.~x ~:~i~'.:E~::::~£i.%i~:f;:;;~: ~~~~..1;1:~~ ..~ -~~·~r.Y.. ~;'.'. :.~.~·? ~. :~~~~~.. :r.?.~~. ~~.~f~~~~~~~'. !: THOS. Y-ELLOWLEES. -WORTH OF-- BOOTS & SHOES At Cost For CASH Only. - - - -(o}--- - - - - inflninmation Juul(~. " l7-J~e11 ~- Co<>p~r, 84 y,.: n~ Jive . <;! co11'm6, old aice. . .- ·· ~ ;.. " 18- Thou1aa Loni:, 2 y, 8 m ,l 11. Thoe.· Long, CJ11rkP; scarlet fever. "Z2- Willi3w Spear, 61 y, fell from buildi11g. - . " 30-Frauci& I1. GilbHrt, 2 m, s. D. Gilbt-rt, Jr. , inflKmmJ1tfon. "30- Cdn~ Dard1, 3_w'ke, d. Jaa. A. D~c·h, whooping cou~h. June 12-Beeie H e,.J, 10 m, d. Samuel Heal, ihoopiuiz cough. 23 - Murth1i Ci.r~M·, .45 y, w. Wm. Carson, consumprinn. " 25- -?l.hry Poll111d, 6!) y, I) ni, w, late ~- Polle.rd, cancer. 30-Florence Eleanor Hockridge, " 1 y, 3 m, coni:e11tior1 lung11. " 80-Anni49 Howe, 73 y, w, )r.t.e Sanmel Rowe, inflam'tion lnn~s. April 4-Ethel Maggie Mary Key~, l_y, · 8 m, Ii. Wm. Keys, diphtheria. " ii-Franklin H . 8haw,26y,a.TbOI!, Shaw, consumJ,ttiou . " 7-'l'hom&A D"yk"" 82 y, old al(e. " 23-- Willi"m BrimHoom be, 26 y, con· 111mption. , · " 26- S11mt11l Kerr, 22 y, e . W. KP.rr, COlUUmption. " 29-Mary HRmhly. 85 y, w, Ed. H1u11hly, old age. May 2- E\Jz;i. Humboldt, one w'k, d. Ed. R11111boldt. " - 7- Ale.x. Coh·ille, i6 y, Cl1r.rke, liY· · er complaint. " 12-Robert Do~l111, ' BO y, "Clarke, ECLIP. SE HOUSE* -(o)-- Wl have sold over one hundred OVERCOATS this season. W Any amount of Winter Goods in stock. Also a Large Stock of ~ Furnishings of the newest style of goo<ls in the trade, QTAll Wool Socks for 15 cents 0 . rJl f-3 2 . . a pair. Wool shirts for 75 cent.~. WIVES can fit you on a suit of cloths when other houses after repeattid trials say they ea.nnot. w · II IV.ES · . ' iaaa. July 2-Philip Harold Oakley, 2 rn, I!. Josepli Oakley, decline. " 6-Thomas G . H umphr~y, about 49 y, rmnstroke . " !)-John ~lummer,' 59 y, liver ~ ~, = - : :~~~~f:i:1~i:~::.:~~~~~?~~ ~·: GIJtlr.~ABlll'~ F suicide by hangm1;. · 0 j .. 13 ~~~'.;::f~rubnt, 1 .=;;;.;;--·==== --= ; .·====================== ;; -------------- --. 1 ="?' _ -~ -~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ II.elf/ r r ~ ( ~ I GS&Ll ··I · · , 11 ..t..i . _ -- ~ II 5 '.l w'ks, d. J no. ~mers, :: :; Do not fail t o call on him, as you may never again have the opportu nit y of securing such good bargains. STAND-West Store in Neads" New Block, Bowmanvillc. (CLOTHIDRESSICDODS,) ·.Aritt: ·we have Heaps of Goods Yet. OPENELl OUT TO-DAY Cart Loads of Felt Goods Defying Frost. Lan'ies' Lined Goods. Gents' Sewed Goods-they are daisfe't:;_ -We Fear No Rival. Our sales last week double ~; " 22- -.John Bellamy, w' ks, s. J aR. and why ? Because we are selling goods at an .l B ellam y. " 25 -Elizabet h .Jackman, G7 y, w. Wm . J, dysentery. " 24 -Ha·ry \VeGt.cott, 16 y, s. Isaac Below Cost, and the people know· it and know wha . Oct, 2-Marian Isabel Burk, 6 m, d. E. we say to be true, and not .the bombast of som . G. Burk, <lyset1tery. ·Which. having bought late Ill the season " 7-l!"'anny Todgham, G:> y, w. \11/ru , advertising crank. ·Call and see our immense sto·~ Todgharn, plurisy. 8 - N eil Stnith, 73 y, even if yo11 do not want ·to purchase. Remembr for Prompt Cash, we are now selling at "" 8-Sally F razer, 7!1 y, 4 m , w. Z e· bina Frazer, old age. this is a Genuine Clearing -Sale. Ratcliffe, 64 y, r upture. half the usual price of these goods. Call "" 12-William 14- Eupberuia. Smith, w. late Hugh , Sm'i th, inflamm11otio11 lungs. " 25:--Amy Meredith Fletcher, 16 m, iI? CALL EARLY TO AVOID THE RUSH. and .judge for yourselves. d. John D . Fletcher, croup. Eliza.beth Mason, 6H y, Darl mg, , . I " . 26- ton, heart fanrnm. ~ " 23-Janc Bnmacombe, 33 y, w. \V, Brim11combe, cong11 rn p ! i on, A 11g. 13-Elizabeth M. Brown, 20 y, d. John Brown, consumption . " 13- Minnie P, 2H y, <l. William Porter, consumption , . " ll- Elizahetl1 P ollard, US y, w. Jno. Pollard. ca ncer . ' ' 21- Chas . Oolemr.rn , 40 y , 7 m, s. P eter Coleman, poison. " 23 - Agnes H icks, 74 y, general debility. " 23-Murthel Leunis Arnold, 13 m, s. Samnel. Arn old , . Oshawa, In· ftamma.tion luogs. Sept. I -Infant son J . H . Garvey, still horn. " I S-Winfred Mand S cott, 3 m, <1. Wm. Scott., dysen t;ery. " 13- \Vil!i<iru J 1m1ee William s, 7 d , s. W . S. Williams. " 18-Cha~. H erbert Galbraith, 6 m, s. Arth. Gal\1 rith, choler a in- " ""J!~'.d~~~,~~ de~r~~ey, 2 tr m, s. Our Store with their "Wives and Childern ~lecuring ' McC!'ae, lh·er complaint. 19 0 ~~ :~.~~ti;~~~~1ti~~;'.~7!~~~: Cl~~ ~l1roughouti the Country are Crt1wding t<> Tradesman and E co JJ. om i cal Westcot t, consum ption · I neur~lgia . COUCH,JOHNSTON&CRYDERIAN1 PROWER'S BLOCK, Howniarn1Jle, Jaa. 3, ~. diaea~e. " 2G-Elizabeth Ann P et hick, 22 y, 5 m, w. J ii.s. Pethick, consumption. " 31- 1\fary Ann Keat, 73 y, w. late John Keat, general d ebility. Nov. 1-Elizabeth Ro~ers, 36 y, w. of Fred. Rogera, Darlington, con- :a <>-VV ~ A. :NT-V:J: :r.... :r... E;. aumption. " 21--.fohn Quick, 20 y, 3 m, s. Louis Quick, consumption. " 23-John William Gordon, S w'ke, 11. Joh11 S. Gordou, c'mg. lunge. I JOHN SMALE' Boot and Shoe House. I ·"

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