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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1883, p. 3

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.... t1011s. Anu here, as yesterday, it smtetl him to i emam withm the whole day ; for it was the mgbt h'.l preferred to travel m Just now, and th ·re was no occasion Tlll life w as o'er. for !haste. Macrae 1 .ld learned his lesson well. Not, oh, my friend, It was now Friday, '3ept. 14. That night's 'i'hat vou can stir one quiet pulse of mine, journey would cari y him to Mont1eal ; No words can ever JOlll the broken line. Time traced "the end." Saturday he wonld gu on to Quebec. " The Breton," steamship, was to ~:ul on WednesNot that '.PY name day. Carney and Ben would be put on board Can bid your heart one instant faster beat ; No fair old folly blind youth found so sweet, on Monday 1f necessary. The intervening Such power can claim. time would pass. Nearly an hour after sunset Mrcrae The idle dream Passed, as the mornmg mist will roll away, walked down to the stat10n. Once seated in When on its fairy veil of sweepmg gray, the car, the fir~t thmg he did was to tell Ben Full sunligb.ts gleam. to go to sleep ; which Ben proceeded tlutifully to do, so wrapped and ~overed that his But m its i·e1gn, Idle although it was, and false and brief, own father, passmg through the dunlyCame many an idle hour of baseless grief, hghted coach, woultl never have known him. (lame many a pain. Nor would he have known Macrae either; Its charm has fied. for that gentleman took good care to cover But round 1t hangs the memory of its woe, his face, and to look at no manor woman, lest Jarrmg the sweet notes of the long ago, he should be observed iu turn, and possibly To neart and head. recognized. No sleepmg-car for these two; The=efore I say, the people who might know Macrae or Ben I fain had left unturned the silly page. we1e sme to be there. It was uncomI fom had loft untouched the dust of age fo1 table, s1ttmg up all night; but 1t was To gaLller giay, safer. And thick, and fast At Napanee there was a long and ominous "{Jpon the coffer of the faded flowers, We plucked and flung away m those Vlild silence. Passengers grew uneusy, and one by one went out, rctunung to yawn, and hours "Whose spall has passed. say uncomplimentary thmgs of the manage: ment, the 10ad, and the equipment. MacIn calm content, Blcst m our sobered Joys, apart we stand, rae heard them talkmg a1>out "half an I want no sc~ptre from the sl1ado" land, hour," then "an hour." HlS watch md1catOf fanm cHspent. ' ed two o'clock, at last three and four. Then came a shnekmg of whistles and blowmg of .Aud so I ""~ . Smooth be~ our path, y:iu1· SK Y lrom cloudlets steam, and they moved agam Mamfestly fr ee I Montreal would not be reached on Saturday But JeL!He's uver roll 'twixt you and me, mormng And wbat-thougl!it MaciaeE'en as to day w1ll the day brmg forth? And what, if this, and this, and that, and somethmg else ? What if Carney Dugan should have died on the way? The slmce gates of unagination and anxiety opened upon this man, and let m upon An E' 1 -;J.sodc Life of a For- him a veritable flood of self-torment And ever, m the lulls of that mighty rush, came tunate Unfortunate. the still small vowe, wh!Spermg, "Not too CHAPTER XI. late, Thomas Macrae; go back to Millmglt. IKTO DARK.:fESS. ton, and deliver this unfortunate to peace 0, IN'lO LIGHT, and safety again!" Of avail, was thrn ? No, Leaving ()arney, M a ciae returned to his not with thosa other voices, loud and fierce, own qti.trters m Barony street. Here he drownmg out the gentler one, and fanl y qmckly wrote a not e to Ephraim Hollms, shoutmg m his ear, "Don't you do it, Mac- n1an--" A not unpleasant vowe with a queer savor to the eftect that his interest m Ben was iae 1 Don' t be a coward. Send !nm over the such that he could not rest. " I have laid sea, a1 .<l then go back to )Ililmgton and of consequence and grand pretension ii'l 1t, sounded back 111 reply, "A gintleman? out, the1d ore, " he wrote, "a new route, mai ry the g irl you love ·" and shall make as diligent inqmry m that We ll, dher e's m ore gmtlemen dhan wan d1t ectlon as I have already made t ov. ard the Day came, full day , arnl t he ti .im had only I'm wan ; au' I wish yourself wn,s another, north and east. I feel that we ought not to reach ed B1ockville. Maciac bade Ben sit Tim, an' dhat makes t wo of us?" still, and boldly " ent through t he ent1re Old "Patsy" was a late-riser, and m truth give up yet. I am sorry not to see ~ ou agam . tram. Not a man or woman was there m 1t ~!e~:~. ~D the mg ht mail, for no tune should whom he knew. This gave him some relief, was uot out of bed when Macrae called Surly Tun had the v1s1to1 all to himself, A amiil.w note to his uncle, a few brief 10· but he lost its value 111 the vexat10us delays ther efore; and witho1 1t wa1tmg long, he in h h d 1 f 111 which beset that particular tram . All day grets t o f riend s w 0 a e t vitations m long alternations of p erfect confidenc~, of qmred, "ls 1 ~ ship busmess ?" his absence, and tj:J.ree or four let tern to moie "Yes-no," answered Macrae ; "not ex· distant <?Orrespondents, oocap1cd the r emain- tormenting doubt , heated and clulled him. actly; connect ed with the sailing of "The ing tune ; and at a quarter to four in the A score of new pomts, which he had entuely Hre ton, " however. 'fhe fact is, l ' m lookrng mornu g Macrae boarded the tram, leavmg overlooked, came mto view, and assumed for an old servant of ours, who IS gomg behmd hnn the tearful g1atitude of a family huge pioport10ns. He called lmnself a fool, home-Mia. Carney Dugan. She spoke cf of m om ucrs, and a vast respect o f t he rr.en one mmutc, for embarlnng m such an u n- your fat her as a n old fuend, and I t hought I and women of Millington at large. 'W hat dertakmg ; the next, for havrng a ny doub t might find her heie " ' frrnnclly devotion ! what sclf-sac1 ifice ' A of ultnnat e sncceFs, Thoughts of Bett y Not{'- "\\ ord would T im ~1ve back m r eply dozen ) 01mg men were half m spit ed to go H ar tley cr owd ed into hie mmd, a t once con- Inste~l, h<> sa untered ofl, slowly opened t he ~01 th upon t he quest ; but somc,10 ~·. on demumg and lll\ irlg him on. Once he door 3:lready mentioned, and c h sappeared. secon·l tnought , a gr eat reliance upon awoke from a day-doze m t error ; for he ~n t1me-lus ow1. tnne-he returned,and hrs Thomas Mal:rae sprang up, and the town d1< ·ame1 t hat his own fat he1 wa~ stan ding a 9ed father with him . set tled down to a belief that he alone, had over him, with a scoruful look upon his face, "W ud ye be plazcd to take a sate, sir ?" seen comm1ss10ned to brmg tlns affair t o a Bnd r eady to foll him t o t he g round. And asked the consequential p e1 eonage " and happy t ermmat ioi1-1f, mdeed, Ilen Hollins ther e sat Ben, smilmg and grectrng ln m, as r e-late your busmess, sir-ouch, bu t d he m w ere not alr eady d ead. hh!~~1 ted v10len~1~i'· with, " I say, Tom, fo1m1tLCS of age, s ir, is ha vocm' d he fr ee 8 Macrne did not travel far that mght. H e W your new~· mrcumlocL1t10n of m e JO ints, sn, to dhat made sure that Carney t ook t he tram, .i(nd News, m deed;, mor e t han he would have ix tmt dhat I wJSh meself ileaf an' d umb alf-past four a lighted at vVmdh am. A liked to tell. l hc gh ost s had begun to sometimes to d he pains au' pangs dhat 's 111 at h c~c lonely hom at tho st at 10n stood between his ' , ,1 · n1e 1" Mwearyifg ~':Y lrn.d passec~_at length, a tx ival Jlll1 j;b e wakmg of-Tlte--peo1>le of t hat[ { 1 Macrae his sympathy ,and Dom1 v1lla ~,i· but Macxae e11durc1l it and b) six anc aciac ounc tempo'ra1y 1ver>1on m phan quietly mw(~e mental uot Ei;. he l;a;i found a conveyance, had hired it t he exmtement, ~f t he arrival anJ t ransfer "Your name IS iiot McGo vein, now, I'd bet for tl~ day and was well on his way to at Montreal, lwo hours of wmtmg ensued, a keg 1' asked Doruµban. during which Macrae 'Yas t hanktul t~at P olynomia. ' " No, my name 1s Macrae." '.l.'he~rnokewascurlingar ound theclumneya t her e were such occupat10ns fo1 humanity " .iuid did you say you wa 1 frotn Guelph, when Macme arrived ,1t the widow's house as eat rng a~d dnnkmg; an d t hey were off sir ?" _..,.. She was up, and busy 10 nmltiform little once n1o;c, Ben so t horoughly t 11ed out with "No, I am from Derry, Ireland, " was hou~ehold duties But Ben was lyrng m all t his JOltmg and b nst le that lie was soon Macrae's reply. bed wide awake . he had not been told to asleep, but Macrae alive to evc1y scund an d TJu s q-nest10mng peiplexed Macrae; bu t get 'up. Macrae r~medied t his very qmckly; sight . If he at tempted to sl eep, he dreamer! .he answered honestly t he fost query, t he for he was h ungry and the widow hacl evi- ot horrHl conf!wts ; wakmg, he v. as ill a second cautiously, and t hen mst antly t ook dent ly been postpomng some of t he more t umult of t hought. Suppose ()orncy _shoultl u p t he rnte1!On himself. savory of her preparations for breakfast, out pla y lnm false. 8upposc h rn uncle shoultl " I a m mqumng fo1· Mrs. Carney Dugan, die, and he S · ould ha ve t o go to Briartop to whom I half-expected t o find here, Mr. of m istaken pchteuess to Beu Breakfast desp!tt ched, tins gen t leman t ak e charge, .and sh_gu.ld t~ke Betty with Domphan Do you h.tppen t o know anythmg eemed lll no huny to go, wherea t the wid lu m-oh , dehc1~us thought .- what coulJ be about her ?" ow wondered. She had not had such com- do!~e wit l;}3en · " Do we know any Dooger, T im?" asked pany a' this, however, for many a year, and . ~ool cn:d Mn,crae aloud And the old "Patsy " was COhtcnt to have lnm stay as long as he ~ravelle1 s i~ t he next seat 10oked a rou nd a t "No, an' nivcr did, " replwd the surly would. 80 the mornmg hours pas~ed, t he in~! ·Bone e\ aaymgP,one. long roll ol noon sounded, an!l still he1 " ,eg par on, ~;r , " Dhe 1s fam1liai t o me hearin', Tim; auests sat m her little pallor E xcuse me, wn,s Macrae s r eady but I've a diffickley m l ocatm' 1t," cont inued the une busy wit h papers and let '. apology. " I.must rove been d i eammg" ters and note-books . the other with I n t he lat e1 hours of t he m ght, as he ap - t he old m an . An d that was t he difficulty all r ound. ULney, peb Llcs ancl 311y trifl~, makmg oc~aswnal pro~ched th ~ m tended end of his JO rushes towards t he door, as if on busm ess Macrae enteied upon ~ p rolonged battle Macrae would have r ewar ded the Domphans sud(lcnly intent, and returnmg m a rnelan- with lns consmencc.. '!he enorrruty of his handsomely 1f they could have locat ed Carcholy fashion t o Macrae's side. c1ime-a crime so far from the thoughts of ney for him; bat tl1at was past then powers Towaid evcumg, however, t her e was a law-makers, that, had ~acrae been arrested as well as his. N ot many hours earlier they sud den chauge. The horses were ordered at any stage of his p10ceedwgs thus far, it might have done him ser vice. Macrae could only conclude that he was u p . BEln was lnou <tht out . t be widow was would have been no easy matter to 11ame it pr:ssecl t o r ece1v: a partmg doitceur, and -pyess~d sorely upo~ h11n. Agam and deso t ed by Carney- a wrong conclus10n/ tni~ str,mge party left Polynomia. agam his gocd angel came with sweet sug- but t enable in the lack of any ground for a " Drive to P atton Junction," was Macrae's gest wns _and promise of futuie peace. But truer an<l better one. Y et he made inqmries buef 01 cle1 · and 1t was executed as well a nd the evil had t he nme pomts now, at the sh1pp111g-offices, at a score 01 more of as qmc kly ~s good horst flesh is able, It was agam&t the one pomt. From the s1Cken- enugrants' stopping places, of everyone who da1k., ver y dark, when they drove up to the mg, d<Jpressrng, ternfymg rnfluence of his was likely t o know absolutelynothmg abou , station. No trnms were expected, and but agitat10n, Macr ae rose to strength agam. the I, s t woman ; but not a question did he one ligh t was hung out as yet. Mncrae dis- An{)n he was plunged mto a rag111g sea of put to those who could have informed him -the police, Being somethmg of a lawyer, missed !us fa1mer-coachrn;,,11, a1.< I looked sclf-accusat10n. cantwusly a bout. At Becancour he looked at Ins time-table, he had l11s reason fo1 that. He knew that and exclaimed, " Only forty miles more 1 your true )?Oh cemen is a sceptic, and would " T hat P ar son 1mght happen to be here," curse 1t, n,n hour and three quarters to covei be lilrnly to follow up a fine young man like he said: t rnnsclf. But Germame was sit- that ! Why don't they put on steam and Thomas Macrae inqmrmg for such a creatting at t nac very moment, in Bly Folhss's fiy?" The station-lights were out as they me as Carney Dugan; and particularly 1f he snugget y m Tor onto, discussrng the same came lazily up to Lyster platform. At happened to be the policeman on that Mothot's M.lls passsengers came aboard, beat, and to know JllSt whe1e Camey was. Thomas Macn1e. Till W cdncsday Macrae kept up the chase Connected with the Patton Junct10n sta- three or four 1ough men ; and Macrae found tlon-ovei the railway-rooms, 111 fact-are hnnsclf scanumg thea· faces as if to discover -until the very hour when "The Breton" to be found quite sufferable accommoc1at1ons Y 1 ever committed crunes, wn,s m nud-stream ; so Macrae took boat, 7hether they ha1 for a few t ravellers, iu the shape of clean and whether the recollection was gallmg to and presented himself to t he officer of the bedsand a plam breakfast or supper. Mac- them. But they roared and laughed, chat- deck. Thi ough and through the steerage he rea had bespol, 6n a room, and hustlecl Ken tering m a broken tongue, to that degree went, lookmg mto the remotest corners and into 1t befmc the station-master and mn- that Macrae laughed with them; and hav- most likely places. And why shoulu he keeper had tune to notice any of Ben's rng couclutled, with the absurd, distorted look here at all? He knew the woman had pecuharit1es ; and out of that roum Ben was log1c of such a man at such a time, that not money enongh to pay her passage. But not seen until, a t a quarter before five next these men had at least been robbers and he was pursumg absurdities now, and for the mormng, Macrae b10ught him huruedly mmderers, he was cheered for the moment , moment, 111 his confusion, had lost his clear forth, with barely time to board the ea,st- and thought w1th111 himself, "Oh! I shall judgment, and was mmghng fictions and facts together. forget too, and be happy and JOVial." wa1 d trn.rn. On the way, at last! and whither? whith"Cilauchere !" cried the guard, and l\1ac· er, thou son of aflhct10n? Verily, 1f those rae counted mne a Sl:Ore of times "Only CHAPTER XII. who named thee had been prophets, they nme miles more ?' he asked of the now DR. lJUSHWICK, would 1 1ot have called thee Ben-yamm, awa kened traveller m front of him. There were, doubtless, many desperate which 10 l!'eltx, t he Happy One, Son of good "'\Yake u p, Ben," he shouted. "We arc men in Quebec on W ednesday afternoon, fortune ; but iather Ben-om, Son of my almost there." 'I am sure 1 am very glad, " said Ben. "l Sept, 19, 18- ; b ut certamly not one more sorrow. ldernd than a dark young man, And whither a1·t thou tending, also dark- thought we should be there some t'me or utterly 1Jew1 eycd , t empted, overcome, and desperate other- ha, ha ! I was never kicked by a who stood watchrng the steamer 'Breton, " a~ she swung loose ::md took the water on goose yet." one? Th(· traveller looked r ound at Ben, and her outward course toward t he Atlantic and It was bi oud daylight when t hey reached Toronto, and Macrae was ready with expech- then, more searchmgly t han Macrae the cas tern w orld. He had intended t-0 ents. In one mrnute after ahghtmg from h kcd, at Ins compamon, finally p utting h is fr ei!(ht t h..t ve1y ship with all his cares and tbe tram he was seated in a pubhc carnage :f) nger 10 his forehead , and noddmg t own,1d perplexities, with mstiuct 1ons to invisible agents m the air- those nnderw11ters who with Ben, ancl holdmg colloquy with the Ben. " Da q'rev:.1:; ?" asked the t raveller, in that land 01 smk cargoes Ill a fa~.luon wholly undriver. " Tak e me t o some very quite house, will avd ul patois, neithe1 French nOI English nor ex pcctccl by worldl y shipper s and consignees-to deliver t hese unywhere out of you? N ot the Rossm, or the Queen's or any Hottentot. " Oui," replied M acrae in more accura t e sight and reach foi ever And here they wer e, of t hose large houses-some place near all t lnnst back uµon him- not a care, not a Frern.:h, " te11iblem ent." by." T he tra·rnller mst antly arose, an l stood perplexity, nnssing. And at better could a man with such a ' 'What am I to do nex t" " said Macra e to rovm 11tJ:.\l1mission do than to tlnvc a r e· at the door for the r emamder of tbe 3ourhimself. s:eect~ble len_gth of time, and finally d eliver ney. The ·good angel whispered; antl the evil An arrn al at a railway t ermmus on Sunhis passenger$ at the " Pnnce of Cumberland" hotel, Just one square awa,y? Nut the day morning has its peculiarities. The men ones roared to him as from some deep pit, kmd of house for Thowas Macrae to stay ar e w orkmg, but e vidently under protest. CaJolmg, mockmg, ent1cmg, taunting hnn, at, but to-day 1t smted him admirably. Trunks are handled more gently on Sunday until he was almost mad. Mech11nically he went out upon th"l river There would be no Bly .Folliss or Germame morning than any other ; conductors, officeParson hete to spy him out ancl ask ques- men, are more polite; t avellers lees hurried, agam, towards Pomt Levi. He crossed, No More. 'l'o meet no more, I hoped that seal was set upon the past. l hopad -.flat you and I had looked our last, 'ffi DrJOTOR BEN. in~ disposed to elbow you out of the way, to poke umbrellas in to you at hap-hazard, to squeeze past you. It was a quiet entry, therefore, that Macrae made into Pomt Levi ; and still more qwetly they stepped upon the wharf on the Quebec side. 'l'he question, where to quarter himself, was eaf!lly :,ettled by Macrae. No more of these balf-smellmg "Prince Cumberland" mns would he endure. He would play his game moie boldly now. In twenty min,utes, therefore, the register of the " St. Louis" showed the names of Thomas Macrae and-at Macrae's d10tat10n-of Adolphus Jones; tins last bemg written by Ben lumself in a queer, cramped hand, u t terly unlike the signa,tnrc of BenJamm Hoilins m the Millington letter-book. At half-past seven Macrne was at the post-office, not to ask for letters-for, even 1f he had expected any, Sunday mornrng was a poortnne to look tor them-but to find Carney Dugan. Till eight o'clock he waited, but no su~n of his accomplice was vouchsafed. The same experiment at the evenmg hour came to the same result ; and agam on Monday morning. The1 e was misclnef 111 1t - trouble, d1si~ster. Macrae bethought himself of Dompban, of whom Carney had spoken. To Tro1s Pistoles street he went, thercforf.l, m the sL1bu1b St. Roch; and, sure enough, there was the establishment of Patrick Domphan, a prosperous l'o ok spreadmg out upon a comparatively new stone bmldiug of that mongrel appearance which at once perplexes you. It might be only a drmking-place ; it might be an mn in full character ; at all events, the dnnking accomrnodat10ns stood out very p1ommently. Maciae entered, and, to obtam the good-will ot a soured young Ganymede, gave an order and paid for 1t. "l am lookrnir, ' he then said m confidential directness, "for Mr. Patrwk ' Dom· phan. He must be an older man than you1· self, 1 ' "An' why shouldn't he be?" ansVlers Ganymede. " A man's fa1ther is gmerally older nor his own so11, isn't he?" "Oh, this 1s the younger Mr. Doniphan, then ? Might I see your father?" Surly young Doniphan opened a door m tile rear of the apartment, and called out m loud tone·, " .Fa1ther, dhere's a gintle- les~ 1 ca" and went into the railway station. The Narrow Escape From Death of a Pe·es· The followmg occuned at Lowell Snbd eb1·i· of the last mcommg tram had been trlan and a Pullman Oar Load of bath school on Sunday : Teacher-" On swep ~ into a little heap m the street. A Travellers. what were given the commandments to wlnto paper attracted his attention, and When the regular tram which left Rat ' ' Little boy- " On two ma.rble-top MacrM picked it up, On the reverse he Portage yesterday mornmg was neariog the Moses tables." read words which he had assisted to put to- bridge over the Winnipeg River the driver .., ge + ... , 5:! gethm'. It was a bill offermg a round re- noticed a man walking on the structure ward for " mformat10n concerning a young The traia approached the bridge by a curve' man, out of his mmd, but not v10lent, who so that the man could not see his dange1'. left his home at M1llingto11, Ont.," on such a The bridge 1s too na.rrow to permit of a perday. Macrae was aghast. IS A SURE CURE son standmg on one side till a tram should W1th the paper sttll m hia hand he stood pass, 1111d 1t was impossible for him to reach for all diseases of the Kidneys and gazrng purposelessly about, finally: starmg the other side before the train would overhard at a great band of blue and yellow take him. To jump from the bridge was It has speci11o action on this most llllportan.l green and black, which came before Ins eyes. certain death. The only comse open was organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity a.nd piece by piece, shaping itself m large block to clutch the outei board, and, su·pended iDAction, stimulating tho healthy secretion of the lfile, and by keepmg the bowel!! 1n free letters. PoRrLAND, DoSTON, SPRINGFIELD, between life and death, await the result. condition, effecting its discharge. NEW YORK, and a multitude of other names This the m·n did, and the tram, whwh .13 I!youaresuffer:lngfrom of cities in the States stood staring at Mao could not be stopped, came thundering on. · ma.ll>ria, have the Cllills, rea from the walls, and each one seemed to The conductor, recollcctmg that the steps are bilious, dyspeptie:, orconstipa.ted, Kidney· Wort will surely relieve nnd quickly cure. be ~trugglmg to speak to !um. of the .Pullman c ' r weie very low and would In the Spring to cielWBo the System, every "By, JOVe ! an idea!" he exclaimed, and probably strike the man's head, rushed to o::ie should take a. thorough course ot 1t, the clespairmg, now eager man flew away to the rear of the platform and uncoupled the il- SOLD BY DRIJCOISTS. Price $1. his hotel. It was vergmg upon five o'clock, car, which, by the prompt applic ·t10n of the and at half-past seven a tum would leave brakes, was stopped m time The man pullfor thd South. That fertile biam revived, ed himself np and reached the other end of and mused itself mto activity agam with a ihe bridge. new purpose, quicklycompassmg all immediAt this instant a freight tram was observate reqmrcments. ed backing around the cm ve, and there T~ reward-bill warned Macrae that dis- stood the P1illman car m tbe 1111d ·le of the cove mic>ht not be so very far behind. He budge, filled with t he terrified pa.~sengers, mus have Ins wits about him now. J\'[01e for the front pa1t of thA tram had gone off. yet, )le would stoop, mu~t stoop, to arts, The engme of the frieght train wa.a atwluch hit herto he had despised. For he tach<id to the rear end, so that 1t was im· A NEW DISCOVERYu was gorng st1aight into the jaws of possible for the cngmeer to see the P<illman tvFor several years we have furnlBbed the d.inger. DD.irymen of Ame1lca m th a n excellent a.rti· car. 'l'o leave the Pullman oar was certam Macrae had travelled extens1v.,ly, and death, as the passeugers had no means of !tcln.l oolorfo.r butter; so m er1tor ious that it m et 1W1th great success everywhe1 e receiving the knew full well that o 1 the route he now )'Scape, and notw1thstandmg the shouts of bii;:hest a.nd only prizes at both Internatlon!l.I mapped out fo1 hunself and Beu, he must the tram officials, t he freight t rain came thunDa;u-y Fninl. Q:FBut by pat!<mt and so!entl1lo chemical remeet at Richmond Junction a tide of Cana- der mg on. It was a forlorn hope, but it ' el.\rch we lmpl'OVC'd 1n several points, and dirn travel settmg Portland :ind Boston- was the only one, and qmck as a llash Con~ow 011'.er this new color o.a the best fa the 1"or1a. wards. He must of necessity travel w th ductor 'l'rodclen of the passcn~er train s1gIt WMI Not Color the Butter~ that title fo1 a few houi s at lea,st. nallec1 the engmeer, w ho had gone off with Will Not Turn Rancid. ft Is the When Ben and he, thm efore, left the "St the front p11r t of the tram, to back up. Stroll~~· Brightest and Louis" that evenmg, Ben was no longer He saw the danger, but true to his calling, wbat the iewarcl-bill declared he was, " of reversed his engme and sped back over the Oheapaot Color l'lllacte, sandy hair and complex10n." Ben thought bncl ge on !us nussion of mercy. He reachtvAnd, wh11~ pr nr M ad In oil, lsso compotm<l ed tbn.t It is tmpossiDlc fnr 1t to Leco 110 1 a nc1d tb.1s immensely funny. He laughed, and ed the car, the couplmg was made, the le· 17131iZWAIU! of nil 11ui·nt1ons and o t all volunteered the remark that he was " qmte vcr thrown backward, and not an instant othor oil color::. f or t h e.y MO liul>le to become a ram bow now ," a11d even Ma01 ac l;i,ughed too soon the Pullman car and its p1ec10us 1 :incid and s poil t he t;ut t cr. c;g-Hyo11cannot rrf'tt he'1·~·H ovf'd' \\ 1tcu with him, as the sense oi fear and hopeless- loa.<l were drawn from the threshold of death. to 1.nowwher co.i<llMW t O crot 1 '1"lthontt!s:t ta ness was exchanged for the exhilai:at10n of Silently and with awed faces the passengers l ~t!X'.lem;.., (.!C) new ad venture. , 1'f"'!'LLS, R lC'llAP , )"\G:"f & ('O 1·1n 11 ·-;ton, "H iode tc> the city, one ieallzmg how Macrae took tick ets for Rtehmoncl, then close had been their call The caboose at- 1;,;tb.~~~.;'..;\d:.\)).~ - - -~ for Newport, then for Whit e River Junct10n. tached to t l·e freight train also filled Glad enough he was, at m1dmght of Thurs- with passengers, but when they saw their day, to hear the last of the echoes aroused dange1 many of them Jtimped from the car by the multitude of engines at tlns latte1 into the snow drift s. Wishes to inform the patrons of her late hus· place d) rng away beJnnd him; glad enough band, and the public generally, that ~he still ............. ~·--- to feel that he was clear of the mam stream Valuable l\!anuscripts of Canalhan trnvel, that h e was breathing Many ancient manuscripts of untold value air of p ure r ep ubhcm consis tency unmixed wit h any boid er oxygen H e would hardly ai e believed to be stored aw11y m t he mounsrer h e m the old stand,under the superyisionson,of her have cared now 1f Bea's hair had tu111ed ied ter ies of G1eece. A loss t hat will ne1 unde rst ood to its fo ll extent has Jt1st been ·wM. HUMPHREY, who has had over Jlve again. It pe1s1ste11tlyremarned black. Macrae had t 1ck,ets now fo1 Sprrngfield, snst a med m the destn1Ct1on of the nionas- years expBrience undo~ his father's mstruotlon11, t er y of Nat oped1, wh wh took fite t hi ousrh and who is capable of turning out all work in a city winch he hu.d never seen So m uch ~ as satisfactory a manner as heretofor, f one of. the monks, .and, m .A. contmnation of the liberal patronage exthe bet ter. Arn\·c:i there, a11d turned out m th c care lessness O the early mornrng into th!lt great breezy thc n,bsenc~ of a11y appliance lot ex:tn11{111sh tended to my late husband is respectfully mg the fla mes, wa~ speedily bu1 ned to the I solictted, and sat1sfact10n guaranteed. place called, 11docal p<trlance, "the d eepo," he felt. for the first tune since leavmg Que- ground. Several thousand Byzantmemanuscu pts wer e cons i ed m t his fi ro. To pre-r R bec, t bi,t he had r eached a s topping placeor no charge. · a stop pmg·place, not meiely rn trn,vel, bn t vent such Irlbparable lo·ses m tho~ futnre, the Gr eek Government has se? t two At heman f,ea ve your orders e >ll'lY fo1· l<'ALT, ·woRI m p ttrpose W hat t o do next, however, was N . B .-Evervthmg usually kept in a the qu0st 10n F1 om t he w111dow m " 'l' be prnfcssor s, F mdikhs .nd Kalogeras, .who arc Massos(l1t," h e looked out m to t he air foi· ai1 ex per.ts m deciphi,:rrng oltl mMrnsctipts, t o first-cln,ss Harness Shop a lways m stock exa mme the libraries and archives of the at lowest hvw g prices. answer, for a suggest ion. monasten es, and t o sencl such mannscnpts T 1·arns wer< gorng and coming, c1owds of as t hey find of value to t he n,1t1011al library ANN I E HUMPHREY people hunymg ln ther and thither. Macr::i,e m Athens, T hese gent lemen repor t that - - -- -·-- - -- - - - - - - - -was as ingenious as m ost men, hut tlns they have already <l ccovcrerl a great st )re of mornmg ue could ~ce n o farth<'l t '1au he parchment trcasurt s m t he m onastery of had at J\1tilillgtou . To take Ben upon one D usiko, among them some of ancient theck I h · d ot t hese t tains-any cue- ticket lmn to some a uthorship. It is ~alll that they hayefound ave receive the Largest Stook ont of-t 11e-wav place, and let l1im go, w ,s an nnquAst1011nble t raged \' by Msch ylusarnl --C>F-lus po T 1nipotent thought; and tm1e anti one by Sophocles. time a~m he rei ected it Fagged as he was, he r' J S not so dull as t o be blind to the PJush trun · every t hing :ind forms many fact, tl111t th" "Y:u1Lccs" wore a 10qmi:mg entll·e l'OstmneH and wraps peoplt "11at Hen would become au obj ect of inte1est in 01 B10okfi-;ld , or any ever offered m the Town of Bowman ville, and other t own at which he might be fandcd. am bourtd tt> sell Lhom at t he lowest The case wbul cl get into tllc pa~c,rs; and it pnce possible. The goods of " as a uei tamty that, soone1 or 1ater, Ben tho latest styles. A would be broug ht back to M1llmgton. l'vfaclar ge stock rnc felt hun~df fa1lmg Many years of honof e ;t hvrng we1e tel!mg upon the n ovice m lfd'J" DRESS AND MAN'l'LE VELVE'r B dishonesty, 1 on h1>ud. B E A V E !t H.A.'J'S He-shaped and J<'eehn.( secnre from hn.zai,lous ob se va j Cleaned and ruade as good as n!iw, .A.lsot1on, Macrae took Ben ou t tor a w.llk 1 S'l'RAv,r and FEL T HA'rs. studyiHg how he should make 1t the last one. ~ Please call and inspect my Stock before He looked at the nver , and a f,tll f10m the purchasmg elsewhere, and see for yourselves. rn,1lway hriclge occu rred to lnm-kot n ~ pm >ml by the t olwc also. And lns ov. n 'i heal t sluank from v10len<:e still. Help' e"i man 1- too virt nous yet to become a murFour Doors \Vest of Martyn's Grocery Store· derer- too ~11cl, cEl, too much JJ1"o'vod, to de t ne good w,11cn still beckoned h im back't o pe ce' ' They stoocl at last u pen a street corne) , OF Macrae lost for a moment m abstraction, Ben by l1<s side lookmg vacantly <lown u pon t he ground. At the very moment two othe1 abstracted cr eatm es came m thun way, K ING STREET, BowMANVILLE. ancl solved Macra e's case for h im m a t wmklmg I t was eccen t ric Dl·. Bushwick, an d the doctm's eccentric m sc, that brough t matt ers t o this issue. he doc tor was seated A GENER AL B ANKING BUSIN ESB FOR m his gig, lost to evcrythmg on th!S earth, transacted. Drnfts issued and collections except a mental speculation, m wlnch he made through all Branches of the Bank of was completely enveloped and befogged. Montreal, m Canada , United S tates and T he hoIS" was Jogging along as one who did England. his own drivmg, covering little or much Short Date, Commercial and Farme~e' Neuralgia, Sciutica, Lumbago, gro11nd Jnst as Ile chose, going to the house papers discounted at bank rates. Longer of this patient or that as he thought best Baokachs, Soreness of the Chest, periods than three monthR at best rates (for tlus notable ammal really did a deal of Gout, Quinsy_, Sore Throat, Swellobtainable Dr. Bushwick's t hmlung) tn.kmg a wide ings and Sprains, Burns and sweep around street-corners, or hugging the Advances made on SaleN otes and spen· Scalds, General Bodily gutter-stones if he was so mmded. ial attention given to collection of same. Pains, That horses, as well as human beings, are subject to sp1ntual influwce requires no Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted proof. The good and evil they have donem Feet and Ears, and all other this world are testimony enough. This FOUR PER OEN'r PAID onDEPOSPains and Aches. particular horse, ta.kmg it mto his head to lTS of $4 and upwards, withdrawal a'l No Pr·puat1011 on earth ·quals ST J.<co11s OIL turn that particular comer at that partwua S«fe, aure, aimple and cheap External demand with mterest to date. la1 moment, is an instance in point. Why a· l\omedy A trial ent1uls but the comparatlvoly sl:ould it not hn,ve followed the ruts, and t11fiing ouil&y of 60 Cente, aod eTery one eujlermi; swept the doctor's gig gracefully through vltb pain can )lave cheap and po11tive pw·f ot 118< the centre of the mad? Instead he clung so claims Dire.,,.one in Eleven Languaget. persistently to the very edge, that the outer SOL];) BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEA.LUii -BANK, BUILDING SOCIETY AND wheel took Ben Hollms square in the back, IN MEDIOINE, Insurance Co. Stocks, also Bouds and Deand sent him flymg. The shock awakened bentures bought at :f% . commission either A. VOGELER & CO., all four of these abstracted ones tho1oughly. Balti,,nore, Md·· U.S· ...&. in Montreal or Toronto . The doctor alighted from tho gig, and msistCheap Iusur1mce.-Insure in the Confeder ed upon caTrymg Ben forthwith to his office, Macrae to follow. at1on Lire Association. It is cheaper than the Oanad11m Mutual Aid. .A, O. U. W. or any pass (TO l!E CONTINUED ) .A.GEN'l'S FOR 1-'0RTHERN OF ENGLAND, around y0ur hat mstitution, as the following capital and m vested funds-$27,600,090. The City of London Fire Insurance Co. ot examples will prove : Thos McC!ung bas London, England. Capital :£1,000,000, sterling. been msured since 1872 for $2,000 and the last Deposited with Government at Ottawa $100,000. The Italian Maiden. five years 1t only cost huu $2.55 per annum on ]j'ire Insurance of every Description effected, Lowest possible rates on all classes of risks. A letter from Italy says . " The Italian each $1,000 to msure. Jehu McClung insured girl from the cradle 1s cultured m expres- at the s~me time for the same a mount and it s10n, in words, by act10n and by looks. Her only cost him $1,74 per annum on eack $1,000 to entue featu1es, gestures and motions are insure, he beine a little younger W e certify highly expiess1ve of what language frequent- the above to be coroect, Thos. McClung, John A LARGE AMOUN'r Oil' PRI V .A.TE FUNDS for investment at 6, 7 and 8% , acoordmg to se ly fails to convey Her words are soft and McClung. Thos. Bingham, agent . 200tf. curity offet ed. suggest ive; her - vac1ous hp-service, her sweetness of intonation ancl her grace of pose never desert her, Perfectly unaffected, she is not l!'rench, and completely graceful. she is not Ameucan. Hovermg between Juno and Venus, she is proud, palp1tat1Dg, pass1011ate and pretty. Next to Bpam, this is t he coun t ry of emotional hands, shoulders and, perhaps, feet !" .-LIVER- Malar .- I ---·· C arries on t~e Harness ~usiness, $ 'fE CO l l AR S CUARANTEED N otice to Ladies. ( MilliTI ery Goods) I I Mrs. Don nelly, B anking House BURK & J ONES, BANKING. RHEUMATISM, Savings' Department. BROKERAGE. INSURANCE. INVESTMENTS. RJ: C ALL A ND SEE THE GREAT BARGAINS T FOR CASH AT HAD IN D r y Goods! There is somethfng very barbarous in the amusements of those people who are held up to u~ ::i,s t he last resu~ts of 01vihzatio11. A day's sport m the forest of Ka,riunemtz by Prmce Rudolf of Austria ancf five friends resulted in 1817 head of game, which 1s nothing but inc11sor11mnate slaughter aml "butchery. T. BATTING'S CLOSING SALE.

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