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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1883, p. 1

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..,,. TERMS :-$1.50 PElt ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUN'l'Y FIRST: 'l'HE WORLD AFTER.ARDS. M. A. JAMES, VOLUME EDITOl~ A~D P.RO!'BrETOB. NEW S:EruF,s, N m.rn1m 237. BOWMANVILJ..,E, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1883. ·- · ----:....- ----·--- -·------~------·- XXVIII. 29, I now pay oa.Bh (on the naU1 for what I want.. Let him that readeth nnder£ta.nd. JOHN ALL; I will not bo responstbie for debts contracted by my wlte, or any other person, as ___ _ 234!~. GOOD LAND FOR HALE, being lot 6, oon. 4, Darlington, H miles from Bowroanville, and sh<>rt distance from Orono, '!'vrone. Enniskill~na~d Hampton. P UBLIO NOTlOE.--NOTICE TO -- -- ·-·------·------- --------- --------·------- ·---·-· -- .. - -------- CORRESPONDENCE. SAXONY. KJRBY. ..... BE'l.'HB~WA --· ~-~ HAND· S FULL 90 --OF-· ~-~.:!'E· Orono, . ACRES , I About 80 aeree uJlder good cnltl.V!\tlon ; 10 acres h.o.rdwoed. G<lOd mno dwcl.lli:ig with oollar, three barns, st&bles, shed~. etc., all in good re· p&lr. Orchard or ftrst·cla.l!E! fruit. Never-failtng Epring in oentre ot farm. Convenient to chlll'Cb e.nd 8Chool. Apply personalty on the pi;emi&etl to;. L. l'ARBONS, Bowmanvllle 0 or to W. I ARSONS,, Ont, 229-Sro .P· NEY, ! May be Saved by your Taking Advantage of the SALE -- A..T~ Mc · !'___ _ ... ____ !"" VVANTED! ·---(0)1--- MURDOCH BROTHERS WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR 20,000 bushels of Barley. 20,000 bushels of Blue Eye Peas. ·20,000 bushels Small ~hite Peas. 20,000 bushels Arnecta Wheat. 20,000 bushels _ of Oats. 1,000 bushels of Red Clover. , 500 bushels Alsyke Clover. FOR SALE! 1,000 sacks of Land Salt. 500 barrels of Goderich Salt. 10 car loads of Bulk Salt. 500 barrels of Plaster. 60 barrels of the best brands of Canadian and 0" ls t I t I A m e I'>.can I 1 ' e e.' e e. I MURDOCH BROTHERS. . The busioeae qua.rterly meeting in conMr. Burgess, of Chatham, has sold the nection with the Bowmanville circuit was farm now occltpied by Mr. John Ma-rsha.11 For ~ale or to Rent. held in the B. C. church heril on Wednesto Mr. Whit.taker, of Peterboro', who is day. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for at present boarding with Mr. Heal. He On the same evening the t.rnsteeR of the sale or to rent 100 acres cf lo.nd. being lot takes poS$B8llion in April. We underst~.nd public school hfld a. moet'.rig and accepted No. 30, ln the 19th concession of the township the .tailor would like to make arrange- Mr. C. K. Grigg's resignation as teacher. WILLIAMSBUJWll'. of Keppel, county 01 Grey. The farm is ofexoellentclayloam, with arout ma.uts with some .of the young ladies for a. He is to leave on the first of May next. A p11.rlor social in of the PL"esbytv50 acres cleared and under cultivation. permanent boarder. Some oilier tfme we Ou Thursday evening the Bowrnanville ian church here , was given by MrR. & M:r. Has a good hont>e e.nd comfortable and ombuildlngs. The surrounding country is woll may report progress in that direction. Divisi(ln S. of T. paid out' Division a S. T. Fergnson, at thPir residence, l!':-iday Miss Annie Olemence has gone on a. friendly visit. T~ey bruught a g?.Od pro- . evening, Feb. 2nd. settled and the road excellent. lt was a complete The farm is 11bout Ii miles from Presqn Isle visit to Uobourg. BE:i;. ~~and a so;aal tm~e was enJoyed. . I success, as neurly lW'> hnt1dr\)fl poop.le Harbor on f'leorgian Boy and about 15 miles 1'1-om Owen Sound-one of the best gruin mar· Fo~lo1vmg are the office~ of .L. (; ._ L. p11rtook of th., excellent rt>past; provided. ket.e in Western Ontario. o. 640, for 1883: J A Charlton, WM; Th<J various d .. 11omin:itiona weM well reKemble village with churches, eohool house, ENFIELD. blacksmith shop, carriage shop and post office ,Troseph By_ er6, D M; G1Jo. Lewis, Chr·p. ; presented and all seemed so perfactly at ia liut two llliles distant. One farmer here had four litters of pig Thos. Rawleou, .sec'y : John Varcoe, home with ench other thi.·t it. speaks' exEasy terms will be given to n purchaser and to an ingoing tenant the most liberal terms and a calf dropped all in the same night. Trtlas. ;, James Wilson, ht C M.; LP M ceedingly well for the good feeling e:d~tinft will be given. 'ro a l'eliable pei·aon from this Be,.t this who ca.u. J as . Brngham. Increase last year, 10 ; between the meu1 b~rs qf the several vicinity the rent for the first year will be matle The law snit which w1is to come off last eight of whom are recently from CouuLy churches hero. A w est eujoyable e ven mg mertoly nominal as ff\r a~ ca~J1 payments, work anrl improvements being allowed for balance. week was postpnned until the 29th of Tyrone, Ireland. L odge .meets ~ll :first was spent, tho guests g"in;J in henrti ly for Immediate possession will he given. For full M~rch nf'.xt. onday of each mont.h m Sons Hall, a good time. Proceeds of social $37.ap. JJ.Ortioulars apply to HltNRY l!;LLIOT'l'. JR., Miss Mason was visiting her friends in S.11.MBO. The remaming doht on th.a church is nO\V Rampton, or to D. l3URKJ~ SI.M.PSON. Solici H1.1mptnn and vicinity the week before tor, Bowmanville. 121. but little more than half a. hundred, so LESKARD. last. that a couple more 1;ood social~ would Mr. Be11j1unin Powell and Mies M. A. · Rev.. R. Mallet is conducting revival clear it off. - 'Who next 'I Hubbard were united in the holy bonds servieee here in the B. C. church. He 1 ::z:sz We will pay theabovo reward for an; case ·= of Liver C>implaint, Dyspepsia, Siok Hoa.daohe of wedhck on Wednesday of l.Ju1t week. has not met with much succeBB yet. Indegestlan, Con-stlpatlon or Constlvenes we Rumor s1tith that the " nur11e " is to be Counti~s. Our worthy hotel kf;)epor1 Mr. A. :Beer, cannot cure with West's Vegetable Llv"r Pills when the directions are strictly complied with. ll4i,tried before l·>D g. took a dive down st.airs one evening last They_ are purely Vegetable, and never te.11 to Our"' News" attended the metli· week and snstaine<i serious injuries to one Col. Wilhams, M. P . , hM diarRed his ¢ve estisfa.ction. Sug1LrC-Oat.ed. Large Boxes cal pnty at Enniskillen. of his legs. Be is hobbling around with seat in the Houss o-f Commons to Ono containing 25 Pille, 2.5 oentt.<, For _ sa.le by e.11 ' We haveaMiohiganer-Mr. Geo. ReatDruggiste. Bewl\1'6 of counter!eite and Imitathe of a couple of sticl..e. We hope immediat111ly in the l'enr of Sir John tions, The genuine manura.ctmed only JOHN toire-vh1iting in this vicinity. he will soon be well a~ai n. C:WETT & ljo.. '"l'he Pill Mukere." gi & 83 Macdonald. Our talented music teacher, Miss Bray, King St. ~t. Tol'O\lto. Ont. Free trial packMr. John McKnight has puroha.sed Mr. Rev. Mr. Alexander has declined the ~ sent bf'ft\ail prepe.irl Oil reool ))t of Q S cent haa a la.rge in this vicinity this winThos. Cowan'e shingle mill and private oa.11 of the Port. Hope Baptist elmrch. et.l!tnJ>. For Sale by STOTT&. JUB.Y. ter. residence. Mr. Cowan is abont to remove Vle would n.d~ise some of our frlen,-ls to Orono, having purchased Mr. McOnl.A tElephone is abou~ being pla1 w d in ou the 8t.h line to keep better hours, 11.8 9 lough's plough foundry. the Cobonrg jail. a.m. is rather too uttel'ly too tuo. Midla.r.d railway re;)('ipte eo far exo~ed Four young men, who have been navvieOur teacher, Mr. Manmng, rui... gone to ing on t.hfl Ontario and Q11ehc R. R , those of the correspond1~ pudod of 1882 th-" Norwal, Joo~ing many friends behind. ' came .home oc. ISn.tnrda.y last. Th-ey hi·d by~.720 . Mr. Ruse is in 7>nr widst.. a perilous but reached horn,; a,.fo A 1·eunion wae held in l3cthn1iy receut- --...--One evening reoontly 11. very resi,ectable and l'otmd, a i' d de]_)art<:id again for th· ly attended by"· la,.ge nnmher fiom Port . s11,µrise party of 30 or 40 persons came rogiou$ "f eternal snow on Monday. Hope, Lmds·y aud Petarbow. The fro111 Bowwanville, Hu.mptun and ~olina Mr.· ;;i Smith <lied on the evening Bethany T"boggarmiog Club w1Jrn the to Mr. Wm. L. Mason's, and spent a very 9f the ~rd inst. of cous1 1mption. '!'he r eagr eeable evening. The prng1·an..1me ~vu· mains were interred in Bowms.nville genial h ·ists . Over a hund red dollarn wcru r .-r,lized sis1ed of church mu!ic, waltziog and other cemetery ·on Tuesday. This is the third amueemeuta. Mr. A W. Mason, cit Belle of the $1.ltne family who has di'>d of this from contrib11tion < fr,; m Millhn11.>lr frieuds ville, boing present gaye some of his very disease inside of fifte .. n months, all in the at a haz 1ar held ti t R «t P ortage fol' th9 benefit of Rev . Mr. H alstead':; chnrcb. interesting acts, which greatly amused Uenel'Rl TraveUing Agent prime of life. Mrs. Hughes, their mother, t.he company. Au oyster supper was a i9 very low just uow. The Northumberland, Dmhani a.nd ST. ELMO. St. 1'1t11l, MlnnenpoJJs d: l'IJnn1to"1l ll. u., plHasant feature of tho evening. 'rhe Peterboro Grangers have decid e d t o 2:l3-2u1, 28 E, Front St., 'l'oronto, Ont company, 1>1ho were musicians, petition the Goverm11e11t to compel me~i llAMPTON. cal practit.ioners to r ed no" t l, ei r t ·.nff of ·-~ sang "Laugh a nd gruw fat," which if Union is the genernl topic of convers1\& ome of our neighbors would practise fees. Had they not better ~fa; r equest m<we it would he l>etter for thea1, and all tioo, ev'ln the school children are debatinl! the political execntive to !ix the price of the.momentotls gueetion. exiited. wheat, b arley, butter, P.ggs and poultOur Public School i.a in a. ftourishiuiz ry?- Port Rope N e1~:i. Missionary services will be held here ou Suudi>y 18th and Wednesday 21st in11t. tate under t he jndicious management of The Warden has given directio113 for Sunday serv1co at 10:30 a. m., and Wed- onr present teacher-Mr, A. J. Reynolds. matting the floorn&of the Rcg·11try office \Ve believe that ere long it will be bronght neaday at 7 p. m. Rt1v. S. T. Bartlett wil in Dnrbam, in accordanoe wi1h a recent wANDERER. to compare fu.vot'!l.bly with other schools resoluting preach. of the tJountiea Cuune11. in the township. The children are greatly A resolution n.ovecl by Mr. E . A. attr>icted by their teacher's energetic and Powers, of Hope, for th., eatablishrnent manly bearing, gh>ing thorn an earnest ORUNO. of 1111 Industtial Home for indigents was esire to be noble men and women. r rhe funeral sermon of the late Samuel ur weigh scales are now ready and discnssed 1;nJ tablf:d. Barrett was preached last Sunday even- awl.\it patronage. The Countihs Council has awarded the ing by the Rev. B. Grea.trix. Mr. Frank Ruse, who has for a. oonsider· contract for the wood required this yea>-Mr. A. J. Lockhart has gone to Mani- able time boen engaged in tbe profession 125 cords at five dollar11 per f.l\)rd. tob11o. of music and has been favorably known in The Lindsay curling club c:a.t·ried off Mes11re.G. H. Linton and L. Cowan have this township, having decided to remove the !(rand prrne at ]\>Iontreal, and are bought Mr. McCullough's foundry, and to Mariposa, was entertnined at an oyster will soon take po~sess1on. Mr. MoO. is snpper at the residence of Mr. Marshall now virtually che.mpiom1 of America Y ~t, intending to bid 0ur village good bye 'ere Cryderman, on Friday evening The Port Hope can whip Lindsay every thne. Port Hope curlers might have done betlong. choir of the C. M. church were preeent. 'fwo young strangers, with fra.wes built After all had partaken of the excellent ter a.t Montrnal, if the}' had not quarrel. specially to make money in a. healthy, repast prepared by the h0.titess, the guests led among themselves. But, 'rah for . honest w8y, have established a "shootmg were assembled in o. spacious room and Lindsay!-News. Mr. J. R. !Stratton, of the lif..tchmiMr, gallery " for the benefit of our village ; Mr. James McLean called to the chair. any little m·chin, he.ving a few cents in Thanking the friends for this favor con· was nominated as the l~form Candidate his pocket, will receive a hearty welcome ferred on him he fully explained the ob· for West Pet.erboro' at the receut parly the1·e. Many of the ignorant think it not j <ct of the meeting, and oalled on Mr~. convention, but daelined the honor_ conducive to the welfare of the little flock J. L . Br0wn who read a very neat a.d dress Such an appreciation of Mr. 8traUon,s to run to the shooting gallery with every and presented Mr. Ruse with a. very valu- aer.,1ces as a JOUnialist prove the esteem cent they can scrape np, and heartily able gold watch chain on behalf of the iu which he is deservedly held by tha wi!ih they would shoot for gam~ i anoth- choir and cong.regation. Mr. Ruse made Reformers of the riding.-New~, er qmu·ter, where the danger of Bpo-il-ing is a suitable .reply, .A vote of thanks was Cobourg has lost one of its fairest not so great. tendered Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman for daughters in the person of Miss Ella BtJQtThe law suit of Kirkland vs. Armstrong their geuerons l101Jpitality. Mr. Ruse was ty, ila.ughter of Dr. J. Beatcy, who wa.s came off last week at the Division Court, a. comistent member of the church and an married o.t the rostdence of Mr. J o: bn in Newcastle, with everal excitement; efficient member of tho choir, having been Daintry, hy the Rev. R. S. Nelles, prin,.each h11d a bill ai:<ainat the other, and their instructor for two years. irrank will cipal of VtcGOria University, to Mr. G. wanted it al lowed. Armstrong we.a also be missed by nll. K. Shoenberger, of Cincinnati, Ohfo. Coz. charged with fuunderh1g K!s horse. Both Mr. G. K. Shoenberger is a millionaire_ ,_ out ahead, and both came out beThe Quarterly Board of the Methodist and one of the principal bondholders bf hind, but both did not come liome drunk. church, Darlington Circuit, adopted the the Uobourg, Pet..rboro' and Marm<.u-a In faat week's STATESMAN a Newcastle Basie of Union, 17 voting for it Rnd 6 !Wilway and Min mg Oo., and a geutlelli'lln correspondent reported many drunk on again Rt it. The following resolutions were of high standing in the above city. .H is the day of the races; "Sammler" also in· t\lso adopted. &sol~" That whilst palaitial residence, Sc:u-let Oaks, is the sinuated th"'t many from Orono had been we adopt the Basis in view of the unifica- most magnificent in the city, having oost drinking that day; these two stories hang tion of Methodiam, we are of opinion that over a million dollars. .....,._ well together, but we respectfully ask the as soon as possible it shall ho so amended public to credit NewcMtle with n pa.rt of that the President of the Annual Confer· If Nearly Dead after taking some highthe formidable diaappea.rance of liquor, as ence can preside at o.11 its l!lel!8ions ," ly puffed np stuff, wbh long testimonials, a few from Orono may have taken boHles &1ofoed-" That we conceive lay dele· turn to Hop Bitters, and have no fea.r of with them. gation in the ,A.nn ua.l Conference to be any Kidney or Urinary Troubles, Bright'a PROBLEM:.-Mr. A. hired a lame horse unn<icoesary, as most of its duties are Disease, Dia.betas or Liver Complaint. from Afr. B., and is charged $10 for the such in which laymen cannot participate." These diseases cannot resist the curative use of it and $20 for laming it, in conseRev. H.J . Nott preached at the Meth· power of !lop Bitters; besides it is the quence of which A. thinks B. he.s n con- odist Qua.rterly Mooting fast Sunday. The best family medicine on earth. science which would not forbid him to sermon was eloquent and appropriate, and Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers =d otl!.ers · steal 5 eheep ; B then freely lent hia horse the sacramental service was one of inter- whose occupation gives but little or:e~!!;Je, should use Carter's L11t.le Liver l'illB fc;'r Wf"pld to D. fo~ its heal_tby "exe~cise" and est and profit. Liver and billlousnese. One Is a dose. · charged him $2 for it. Granting that D. ----·- -- ........ . . . . would be 71>% milderinjudgmentthanA., .. Druggists and phyeicans recommend McOlung Bros. say tbey have the l:Arg~:l!Jld how many mwe sheep would he deem the a.nd prescribe Lydia E. Pinkhll.lll's Veg- olleapest stook ot Lace CurtatruJ oo thl!l~ide ot Montreal. .Spring is approachb)g, ml owner capable of stealing 1 etable Oomponnd for all female 11ompl- householders wlU do well to malte a u e o Feb. 6, 1~3. SAMXLKl!.. aints. t:hts. west pa.rt 85, 6, Clarke, all in e. high state of cultivation. .A.bout 60 601"tl8 ready for spring crop. Well tenood and well watered, 8t1perior large stone dwelling, exoelle.ut out-buildings in first-class repair. Capital Oreb.a.rd. About~ miles from Orono 1S.ALEM and 7 miles from Bowme.nville or Newcastle. t:lchool houae close by. 'I'hls property will be We held our annuid juvenile missionary sold Oil very liberal terms. Full J)ttrtlculara made known on application to tb.o proprietors. meeting Jan. 31st. Finances satisfactory. Messrs. .A.LEX. BEITH RJld JAMES BEI'l'H, .rnng gave a V6ry interestin~ on the premises, or . ORONO P. 0., or DR. Re.v. E. R. Y· lecture on North·wesit Missionary life. BEI'l'H, Bowmo.nYille. 232-tf. R , . ACRES, otmore or letls, 120 lot con. being Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Perkins the j siI~cereAt ~ympaty of their . friends. ~nd ne1gl1born Ill the loss of their prom1sw.g son-Herman _, who died la11t week of spinal-roetiin"itis " · . A very krge number of the frtend11 of the MessNJ. Prnkel accornp1Wied them to . . the station to see thew off WE>ek. On the 30th u It. a little sou of Mr. Eli Osborne while at play with beaas aooid ll .- t h' Th d , enta y got one rn o ie ear. e octor s afd wa.s brought into requisition in order to remove It. 1'-"rs. E. Worden i's d·ngero · uslv i"ll. · :i. Uur blithe and gay young people have had several more of those " p&irties " since the time of my last scribbling. It wot1 Id be impossible for us to discriminate in deference to the amount of pleasure enjoyed on any particular occa.s10n. Suffice it to say they w<,re in cvory ouso ktodly received and tr~ut.ed in a hospitable and princely manner, for which the hosts and hoswse<ll have the sincere thanks of your humble servant on behalf of all who at.tended. Prof. Ruse, t.eacher of music, has sue· ce<!d&d in ol' a class in this neigh· b91·hooil. We aro informed that his system of· tMching is excl"llent. Master Uly·ses Thornton has been ne· cessit.ated to return home from Belle\·ille, where he has been Mtending school, on accotmt of sickness. May he soon return. SeoUT. The social in the B. C. church hllt'l'l I.wt Friday night wa.a well "ttendecl in spite of unfavorable weather. Mmic hy the choir and a lecttITE> by Dr. Kelly Oil "Over the Line," or an 1ioconnt of his cn11verafc>u fr<>m Romanism lo Prot1iat.antism, wet·e the priucipal f.,atures of the prograiume. 'l'he lecture was w .. U l'<lceive.l . l:'rocceds t43.50. The supper was one ,o f re11l oo.:~ cellenoe-a. gr&at credit to our ladi~s. ENNISKILLEN. Tho interested churche~ here are going into the union mov()mont in a. guod a,)irh. thti vote in church here wa11 four to one in favor of the present b : 1&is of uninn. The vote a.t t.hs H . C. churoh, Haydon, was alw s trongly iri fa.~n r of union. The M. E. church h orn hM u~t rec1)rded tl:teir vote yet. Mrs. 'B. Sylvestn gave the Miithod'! choir a happy e vtiniog <ind gooJ cDtert11iRment Monday Mr. Wilkinson Tord1ff l.Ja;i rornoved from our village to Caesarea, wh(H'< J be has rented and beoome l~ud:ord uf the L el.rnd Bouse. TYRONE. -·--·---------------- T $500 REWARD ! These United 320 ACRES FREE .................. __ _.~---- -

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