f..'.tttmt~;itt,~-;.i_~·"1'!!~1i~~M~·~~-~·~~~~~~!i!ii!illli.\ii~~~GI <Coming Actors. ·Y R. CROOJrENDEN, Oh, how glad I am in lAarnini: 'l'llat the Go,_l!jpa11y's 1 ·eturning Wl10 delighted. ·c.~when visltin&- befa:ru ! Re-appear they will, 'tis certain, .Uthough wlnter's snowy cu rtitin lilb.ut tho·e weary players out and closed the door. 'rhey will com!l, the hill expresses, With new properties a nd dresses, .And a. troupe of sylvan beauties will engage, To resume theu former placos, With some fresh attractive giaces, When tho summer lifts the curtam from the stage. l " Jlrown's llouse1·ol1l Panacea" has no equal for relievmg pam, bot h internal and external. lt cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels,. Sore 'rhroat, Rheumatism, 'l'oothache, r,umbago ana any kmd of Pain or Ache. '·It Corot's idea of a portrait, .\fr. Hunt used will n}o)st surely quicken th" Dlood and Heal, to ~ay, was the ieproduction of the impres- as its acting_ power is wonderful." "Brown's Po.nacea," being aolrnowledged as s1,,n winch an artist w~ulc1 rocetve of a per Household ..A.s the curtain summer raises, the grcot P1un Ileliever, and of double rhe · o,; who should walk slowly by him senral s~1ength of another El1x1r or r,1mmcnt in the First the "fuotl1ght s" (they ·UP daisies) Will i lve eainest, as they sparkle on the green, world should be in every form!~ handy fo1· use times. That tho orchestra's debatrng, 'hhen'wanted, "as it real1y is the hcst remedy Tho American Consul-General for Persia. in .A.nd tho actoro all in 11 aif mg the world for Cramps rn the Stomach, and · To bcgm tho wondrous "Transformatioi;i Mr 8. G. W. 'Ben3amm, was bom at A1·gos, pitlns and aches of all kinds," anc1 is for sale by Scene" Greece, and lived ±or twelve y~ars m 'lur- all Druggiets at 25 cents a bottlo. 18-1-ly. key, where his father was an Amo ·ican mis· 'rbcn what marTelleus surprises wmary. As the lilac's incense rises, ~Iothe1·~: illotbcro?: ilfotlrnr~ ! ! ! .And the fcathei ed minstrels pipe theJoyous lay; When the husbaud of :Mrs. Lydrn. Maria While the sombre 01·cha1·ds dapple Are you rhsturbcd 11t night and broken off your Child onco said to her, "I wish for your With the bloom of plum and apple, by a sick child auJferiner and cryini:; with This Great "Household Medicine mko, d~ar, I \Vas noh as Cr<.aus," she an- rest .And the roses add u.gloryto the day. the excru1atin1? pain of c11tt111g teeth~ If so, swored, "You aio Orce1rns-you are King go 11t once a nrl got a hott.le of MRS. vVINSranks among·st leading Sweetest plaJ era l soon expected, of I,ydia," LOW'S SOO'l'HING SYRUP It willrelieve Ever pme and unaffected, necessario. s of Life, the poor littles111for 1mmetl1atel y-tlepend upon lioV> the members of your company combined Mr. C. E . M:ttthews, l1tte of the Almne it; there is no mistuk<> about it. 'l'herc iRnot & 'l'o delight us wiLh their pleasure, 'l'hese famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and Club, says them rn scarcely one of the forty· mother on earth who has ever U'1ed 1t, who w So exact is tcx:t a11d measure. most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the nme a · 01dents among .Alpme cl1mbe1·s smce not tell yon ut once that it w1ll re):11la' ne For the AuW10r of tile Drama 1s D1vme ! ' boVI els, >tncl give rest to tho mother.or u·hcf J ttly, ISSO, which proper ca re and cautwn Liver, Stomach, J(zdnP-vs, and bBalth to th11 cb1ld, operating like ma~ic. d It is perfeet.Jy safe to use in all ca·cs,and pleas- and BOvVUiLS, g1vmg tone, energy, and vigor might not have prennte . ant, to the· tit·t~. oni1. hi th" nresc1·iplion of one e these gre.i.t, MAIN SPRINGS OF LH'E. '.l'hey For tho establishment of n home for men or the ol<lest ""a be~t tema.ln phyR1cia s anil are confidently rcco1mneo'dcd us a 11ev<;1' fmllng of letters oud ret1rell hbrnrians and print rs nurse" in th·' Uni'·1d tltates. Sold everywhere remedy in 1tll cases where tl]e constitn t1011 from 18-l-ly. '.i.'l, c :-~ '.larned BarlJe1· J)iaoournes on a over sixty yenrs old a large plot of laud o.t 25 cents a bott:c. whatever ca1,se, has become impaired or ~veak ened. 'l'bey ai·e wonderfully efficacious in 1>11 Ua.st:rono1:mca! '.:\.·pi-0. and rentals in Pari$, amounting to tlurtyailments inciclental to ll'emales of all ages ; a,nd " I !~ave often '> Ot·c\c eel 1h,;t s:i little four thousand dolla.rs, haTe been bequeathas a GENERAL }'AMILY l'lfEDIOINE a1e ed by the l ato Wilham Galignani. 1mstll'passed. · iH kuo»n in t h is c ·tlll t1_y o f the use o f B· :.i:ls ·" fu<JLl," satd Ri:llll.J' Poujul, the learn· A cne-hum~red-thousand-dollar "cottage" etl ba.. lier. on a t wo-hundred-thousand-dollar lo~ in 1 wtll onR,il (Free) the rcmpc for a simple "A itl lmve you ea~e 11 snails," inqui\ed Newport, Rhode !~ land, 1s being bmlt Jjy Vcw~tnbk l~lllm will rornovo 'ritn, l'reckles, Searching and Healing l'ro11e1·tlcs are w1: MlBa 0. L.' '\'Volfe, of New York. Love.in a Pi;;, vies and Ulntr'lu·~. leaving the slcm soft, J<n<n>11 tl11·ou.ghout t11e World. clear and bea111 iful; · lso instruction· for p10"Oh ye~, many trnies. Jn the old city of cottage of this descdpt1on must be ~about duc1ogalux11ri11ntgrowth of hair on a bald head For th e cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, or Rmoothe faof'. Address, incl osing 3c. stamp, Rodez, m the south of l{ 'rauce, VI here I the right sort of thing, Old Woitnds, Sores and Ulcers. learned my t\¥..,~. my employer, who wn.s a. Edison \Vhitney was the first white child Ken. l'c1ulclt' ~" Co., 12 Bttrclay St., N. Y. consum11tivo, Was in the ha.bit cf catmg m t he Yellowstone Valley; he 1s now gomg itia infallible remedy. If eifeotually rubbed oll tlw neck and chest. as salt m to rneat, it Cures sno1ls as a meuiorno, for consumption. It to a graded school with vne hundred and SORE ·nnivAT,Dinhtheria,B10·1 chit is, Coughs is a common thing there for physicians to th 11 ty o her ch1ldrcn, although hi s fat l1er ERRO'RJ~ Colds, and evon ASTHMA . FoJt· 0-landuhtr prescribe rnw snails M a remedy for throat mu,od i11to tl111t conntry, when the valley GENTLF.M A'l"wh<' ·<:ffrr Pol foi·..-<"ar!'\frr'lro Swelli n~(S, Abscesses P1!t·s F1sll.ltts a.n<l lung trnubles. lt is behevud that the h,1d been popui>1ted ouly one year by f1011 Nervous D~JUILl'l'Y, PREMA'l'ER~; DERheumatism, snail medicine has a softe11iug effect, a.n 1 i t t1eromon, m 1877. CAY. and 'l.11 tl1 e effects of vouthful ind1scrct1on is freel y sold a t the druggists' shops. There Dr. Charles w. New11, of Boston, will for the sake of suffering humanity, senp And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it bas free to all whc,neeil if the reC\ipe snd ihrectwns never been kown to tall. are various preparations of It. My employ~uthor cf .Kalani of Oahu, which had a large fo1 making the simolc remcdybywbichhe was Tho Pills nnd Omtruent are Manufactured er, however, used to eat the snails raw. He eale at the Simdwicb Islands, has been cured, Sufferers wJShing to profit hy the ad- only at 533, OXFORD 8TREET. LON DON, and experience can do so by addressing in vertisei"s would walk out mto the g;arden a nd pick a maue Knight Commander of the Royal Orare sold by all Vendors of Mcthcincs throughout .TORN B . OGDEN, the C1vllized W'orlcl ; with directions for use m ana1l from a grapevme and pick out the der of Kap1 olaui. and has received the je" el pcrlectconficlcncc. ~2 Cedar St, New York. 187-ly. in n'ost every language. meat with a 101,g p in. 'l'h1s Le would do of t he order from Kiag Kalakaua, one of tho ir.il'"Purcbasers should look at the Label on the doz"il t t'mes a day." should . d 1uy . half u 1 J1 · no lougei be b considered · d OllV fi r·, w · f Celery ono1s o f t ile k' rnd aver receive an Po8ts u.nd .Boxes. If the address ;s not 533 1 1 "Are snails eaten raw as food?" c t 1ose UXLtnes t1rnt can e enJ oye only Amerwan. Oxford Street, London. they are spurious. The 'l'rade Marks of my said Med1omcs are "Not ofren. thouf!h some people prefer by the wealthy. It~ cultur' has of lat e ~ · · snow scaree'l'he Baroness Nathaniel de Rvthacluld has them that wo.y. Sometimes ladie:; will take yearn b een so smiplifi e t1 tllat 1 The advcrtia<wh a v·nii: been per manently cured r~isterer! ·11 OttH wH., a.nil " IRn at Waehington. raw snails and pick out the meat by a dex ly more diflicul t t han that of any other gar- made the splendid Abbey of Cernay into u. Of thatdf'e9rl d1SPHSf\ rf'\n-.;pmnt,ion, byn Sitnple 'llere ' now nor ·a.so anx.1.nu'"' to rnn :,o kn1 iwn to bis fel l ow~ ,.ble· 'I terous use of theu hairpms (yon know there den Veget" ' I~ e n w h Y modern chateau ·, the Dowager Baroness D e ren1edy. is t h0 IHC11..l'IS of C \l l ~:>.. J1o ali who dcsiJ·e aJ.e many things women do with hairpins), evny farmer and in cry other person, who Rothschili has given the chatea.u of Bou· sufferers i t , he w ill senrl a C" PY of t he prescr1pt10n user!, and disl'lose of the deiicious morsel at one has the laud, and wishes celery, should not log110 a magnificence equal to that of (freo OJ cl11J.t gc. wi tL thn d irections for pre par· " People who eat raw snails do not h ""e 1t· Tl10°e who use cel ery onlY Ill · i·t s her v illa a t Cannes ,· a t t he t ime of his deat'.1 ing "nct usinl!1l1e ·1w1e , . w l.ioh they will find 1t swallow.. che,.. them. My employer ate them every raw state, or dressotl as a salad, know only the Baron .J&mes Edwa.rcl was erecting tho RUTA Q:'nJ·tllo fm· CouglH4, Cold!iii, UJtOl811Hltptiou, BruncJlitis. ~c a part oi the excellence of th6 veget ble masion of Clll1utily in t h e shaclo;v of the Asfl11uac1. Parties wishiJ,.- the Prescription, will please d~y for t lm!e years beforn he died." , . a ' home of the Cloudes, which his widow has adiJreRs. Rev. E A WILSON, 19! Penn St., "You do not tlnnk the eatrng of th.e snails 8WllET UELERY 1s a most favorite di~h a.t killed him?" our table. Celery IS witshecl and cut up m fiu rnhed ; the Baron Alphonse has a royal Williamsburgb, N. Y. · f · h 1 F cha.teau at Ferrieres ; and the Baroneos pieces o an me ot· ess. 01· this, stalks " By uo means ; it prolonged Jus ltfe." "E.ow iv·e snails cooked a.a foc ·1 ?" that are not thoroughly blanched, and which Ad 0 lphe holds her autumn court m tho 4 NOTED BUT UNTITLED WO.ll:l.A.N'. "They a re either boil eel or fried. It is would be rejected by ttio~e who eat it raw, little villa of Progny, on the Lake of Geneva [From the lloston Globe.] · · f l... They a.1·e all well-to·do people, usual to starve "ua1ls a long time before use- may b e used . Th a t wh c 1 1 1~ imper ect"J' ing them as foo( , Sometune' they are kept blaMhcd is atronge1 tha.n that which is for months. T h ere was a snecimen of an white throughout, but any unpl eruiant flavor Absurdttles of Men's Dress. Bick !Ioadncl1e aml relieve all the troubles lncl· Egyptian sna·l that remained.four years dor- is driven off in the cooking, The celery iii cl\ .t ton. b1lions At n.to of the system, such as D1zm:mt m the British :Musaum. By starva- covered w ith water, aml allowed to stew "Knee ·breeches are coming into use in z· .. cs:s, Nau8cn, D1ows1nt.'AS D1strcse after ea.ting , ·-... tion all the wat ery portions of the animal gently until thoroughly soft. If there is too Boston," said a fashionable mank street r~m 111 the Sale, &.c. Wlnlc~ th.ea· most remark· able 1mccc i:ss 11us b een shown in cming disappear, and the p10duct ss a surprisingly much water for the sauce, pour off the ex- tailor. "~·or every-clay wear?" hard flesh. The old Romans used snails for cess, a na a generous lump of butter, a od food, and fattened them up by feedmg them fl.our, itirred first in a lHtle cold water, "No, not yet ; but that will come soon up on oool<ed n eat and flour. The methods enoui:i;il to make a sauce about as thick as enough. I mean for evening parties. I am of cooki ng snails Tary with the genius of cream, add salt, 1f needed, and 1·epper if making a pair of knee-breeches for a young Bcac1aehe,yct Cnrte1"sLittle Liver P1lh arc equally bhe cook, There is no end to the val'iety of desired. T hose who try t:11s, will be q uite man to wear evenings when he goes m full valnable m Constipation, cnrmg and prcveutmg thtsannoymg complaint, while they also con cct sauces that m.w be eaten wit h them, They sure to l'C'peat it. dress. Several of our. 'toniest' young men all disordc···s of the stomach, atilllJllJllc the liver are_ wearing them at dinner& and at parties. are ca.lied l'.-~thrgot in l!'rauca, and 1ne1y Cm:)ll;RY Soul', o:& PaREJl OF CELERY.French cool>'.' \1as his favorite method· of C1it celery small, nnd stew until 1t h very In New Y0rk a number of young men movserTing ~8earJJ§ / My ol~l fneud Fere, Pte.si· soft. It is then to be rubbed through a ing m the best circles have resoh·ed t o wear Messro. E<Uto"s :dent of the Socmte Culmaire, could wnte sieve, or a colander, t o separate the fibres. knee· breeches with full dress." The 11.b ove is .. good lilten'"'8 of Mrs. Lydia. E. l'lnk· "One result of Oscar Wilde's example ami ham, of Lynn, Mnss., who above all otho1· humo.u beings you a book on the cooking of snails." TlllS celery pulp 1s added to a good stockAche they would h e almost priceless to those who prcachmg, I suppose 7'· ventured t i.e mq m r. ma~ bo truthfully call ed the "Dea.r Frjcnd of Womn.n/' " Are s~ails ~1dely used as ~ood ?" ,. pla·n sou p made from meat, with only salt suffer from this d1sLrosemg compla111t; but fmtnas &t>me or her correspondents l ove to cn.11 her. She "Ccrtanly, ih many couutnes of Europe, 1 as i· seaaomng, slightly thickened, and mg newspaper man. nutel:v their gooctuess does not end here, and those "Oh, no ; Wilde didn't stat·t it. Haven't ls i;eal<hlsly devoted to hor work, which is the ouLcome especially m Fi·auce. Some are used Ill seasoned with pepper, etc. Thid is the who once try them will find these little pills valuof a life study, nnd is obliged to keep sl~ lady able iu so manywo.ys that they will not be willing Germa11y; but, of course, the Germans do usual celery soup as met with at resturants. you hear,l of Gotch? Don't you know that assistants, to help her nnswertbe l arge corrcs:)ondence to do without them. But after all sicl< head not know h ow to cook them, as the Ger- It is better if rr.ade with milk. We are m,t (~otch says that men are comlortably and whlch daily pours 1n upon h er, en.ch bearing its special mans cannot cook auythmg. Perhaps they aware of any definite proportion ; the celery con \'Cn1cntly dressed, but tha.t beauty 1s burden of su!Iorlng, or joy at release from it. Her Vegetable Compound is a medicine for- good 11nd not serve them with_ sa.nerk:aut . . In R on;ian J pnlp is thinned with milk; flour sti1red up co,1spH:uoualy absent in th1Jir attire~" It appears, observes the Boston Herald, evil purposes. I have personally investigated it "'2d C1thohc commumt1c~ wheie snails are plen- with butter is added to slightly thicken it. ty they are i1sed during Lent as fish. But and salt and pepper are userl as seasomng that t his nval of Oscar had put his ideas am satisfied of the tl'llth of this. Is the bane of so many lives that here'" where we On account of its proven rnorits. it is reeommendcd make onr gtea· bo11st. Our pills cmo it wlu!e they tlo uc·t taste like fiall- They are, in A small lump ot sugar will grea.tly unpro~~ regarding men's dte~s into print. Trousen in the count1 y. othet·s do not. are not economical, inasmuch they get andprescr1bedbythebcstphysw1a.ns fact, rather instpid and tasteless, a nd it. :';erve very hot. One aaya : "It works like a charm and saves much Carter's Little Liver Pilla arc very small and. baggy at the km e long before they are worn pa.in, It will eu10 entn ely tho worstfo1m of !ulllng fun1rnh metely the groumlwork or excuse ,..__..«' ..... · · - - - -very easy to take. One or two J>1lle mnlrnn dvsc. ottt, and tl1cy are always gettmg dirty at of the uterus, Lcucorrhoon., in:ogula.r and pa.i.nful tor tlJI' artistic cook to coJtstruct a pa.latabl~ Bo:r:i:owmt:; Tcouble. They m r. 'trictly vegetn.b1e an do not gr1po o r purge, but by thcll' gentle action plea'e ull who the ankles. They are uot specially adapteu M.eustrua.tion, all Ovarian Troubles, Inila.m.mQtion and mea.l.' use them. In vrnls at 25 cent·: five foi $1. Sold Ulceration, Floodings, a ll Displacements and the con~ " When did you last eat snails?" bo:;.~u:;n~ ~~!~~; ~f t~o;;~~·e ~~~~~~su:~~ either fo1 cold or wet. On a v; et day it rn sequent by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. spins.I weakness, and ls especially adapted to "A year ~ip;o last Ohustmas 9 friend of bothered about whti.t is to take place next the part from the knee downw·trd that the Oh!Lllge of Life," CARTER MEDICINE CO., mme invited me and my wife to dinner, year, or five years hence, and are contin11al- catches the ram ancl uecess1tates the changIt permeates every portion of the system, and gives with the promise that we shoul d h1we some l y conjurmg up ide~s of the most formidable ing ot the w hole garment. Indeed, it is the newlifoo.nd vigor. It removes faintness, fla.tulency, - -- -- New -- York Ci~y. _. .real French esca1 got My mouth watered char acter, as sure, or almost sure, to befall way in which they ignore the kne.e-ioint destroys all cmv!ng for stunula.nts, and r el1oves weakwitn o,nticipa.tion. Escargot is to a Fre11ch- them. In fact, the i maginary ills of l ife are which renders trousers so pract·cally objcc· ness of the stomn.r.h. It cures Bloating, Heada.ches, man what pumpkin pie and turkey are to far more difficult to endure than the actual tionable. It 1s at this joint they drng, and Nervous P1ostru.tion, General Debility, Sleeplessness, the Y<mkee. But when I came to eat my ones. If this ~hould be, an·J that, and the not only. spoil thei1 owu shape, but inflict a Depression and Indigestion. That feeliog of bearing down, ctt.using pain, woight ond ba..cknche, is a.lwa.ys old familiar dish I found l ha.cl lost my ot her thing, w hat would they possi bly do? sense of tightness over the whole body by permanently cured by its use. It will at a ll times, and tase for it a n d relished it no more. I su p· If their chiidren should <lie, or turn means of the braces. nnder all circumstances, act in harmony with the lnw Why are buttons placed on the back of a that;;overns theJema.1.e system. pose that while I have become acclimated out u nkmd when they themsP.lves 3<I'<'l to pie ancl beans I have become so far de- old and paralyzed, and unable to work, coat ? Mr. Gotch remarks that t he t ailors It>io'fts only $1. per bottle or BL'< for$~.· and Is sold by nationalized as to forget escargot." what would become of them? Well, what , ay that they are there to "mark the waist." druggists. Any advice l'equired as to special cases, u.nd "Upon what do enails feeu ?" good does all tlus foreboding do? Good l 1t But why should the waist be marked? As the name!'! of many who ho..ve been r estored to perfect health by the use of the Vegetablo Compound, c"'2 be "-Cpon the leaves and vegetables ihaiuly. does a great deal of harm. It weakens the a matt er of fact, the only reason for the ex- obtained by 11ddress!ng Mrs. P., with stamp for r eply, They are very fond of grnpe leaves, and grumbler h imself. It d1f!uses gloom over istence of these t~o buttons is that they are at her home In Lynn, Mass. flourish in the vme districts The Burgundy all around. It pesters his poor wife. It a sun,ival from the time when they were of For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compound.to suails arc famous. The snails are encourag- crushes his unJortunate children, and 1t use, when men but' oned back the long flap " unsurpaased as abundant tcstimonlals show. ..,Mrs. Pin.kham's !.tver P2lls," says one writer, "a.ro eti beca..:se, wlule they 1:at some leaves, makes neighbors in general wish heart ily he of t heir coa ts to walk more freely, or found thl!y keep the vmes clea, t rom iiarasites. had or1ly some of the genuine article of mis· them useful in sustaiui11g the oword-belt. the best in t he world for the cure of Const1pai.ion, There i3 one Epeciea tlrnt .s d2struct1ve, but fortune to make him look alive and actually Another rudimeutary organ may be found BlllousneSB and Torpidity of the liver. Her Bloort Purifier works wonders In its special l!ne and !Jlda ial:t m< ·st sn'1.i!s ar c harmlcs~. 'lhoy are repro- feel that h e had been only too well off at<d at the end of the sleeve. There is always a to equal the Compound In its popu!u.r\.ty, Besides, that dreary cuff marked generally by a double row of «uce<l towards the enJ vf 8prmg. Natlll'· dill not know it. All must respect her .,, "'2 .Angel of Mercy whose sole and i8 the best prepar&tion ah~t· luve d ~ibod abont l.fiOO species, mournful desolation that is being always stitches, which p2rforms no useful service, ambition Is to do good to others. bnt th<: best "fJt· \ foo(l ia found in Frauce. prophesied never comes in the way antici- unless it is t o remmd us that our forefathers ever invented t'or RESTORPhlladelphla, Pa.. 00 Mrs. A. M. D. The I have uever heard cf .AJr,e11can snails be- pated. T l'Onbles may come, but not the had facmg to their sleeves, and tl)at the ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS little buttons whic!i still appear at the end State JD~ nse<l as food They u.re generally not trou bles the unfortunate has been always Assayer ' la.1ge cnouvh." ha.rpmg about. And m the me!l.Iltune he were of real use when the sleeves were tight YOUTHFUL COLOR AND " How large have you seen snails grow?" has turned what might have been life's at the wrist. .Another inevitable feature of and t he coat is t he collar. In old times thIB colLIFE. " Oh, as big as my ~tick of pomaturn here, swed ness mto gu.11 and made all conn~cted Ohemisb lar was of some service ; it was large and but that is a rare size." with him le~s able to bear the real troubles It supplies tlie natural of Me,s3, " At IVhat price a.re food snails sold?" and discharge the p r esent duties, than t bey turned up well in inclement weather ; in food und color to the 11alr [!lld "In New York at 50 cents a hundred-- might have been and ought. Get along order to allow of its buttoning p1operly glands without staining t!10 leading 83.Y the price of oysters It depends upon with yon, you woe-k1egone prophet of evil around the neck, a nick was necessary. t, t hough we ha rdly ever think of t 1.rnHu skin. It will increase and where you buy them. In France they are and suicide. Man alive ! have the courage Physithicken tho growth of the sold as low as 10 cents or 15 cents a of your convictions and actually cut your inp; up an ordinary coat-collar, ~nd find it cians of litt le use 1£ we do, we still preserve both Jiu.it, llrevont its blanching h11i1d re1l They are gathered by poc1· people throat and be done with it. If you are endome ancl !'ailing off, and thus like nuts." really such a feeble goocl for-r.othing as you it and the U1cks as surnval~. rhe stove and "Arn t h ey regularly imported here ?" would try to make folk believe you a r e, go pipe hat, too, 1s only the carcass on whioh AV:ERT BALDNESS. ·'Oh, yes ; there a.re some biought that a t it and finish up. '£ be thing gets mono- our anee~tors were wont to display ribbens reoomand knots and other gauds. In itself it 1s way, but most of them are brought hy the tonous. l'eople get tired tryrng to comfort meuil it It onres Itching, Erupofficern and cr~ws of Fl'ench steamers, wbo such foolish 1lle8srs. Grone and Gowla, and both ugly and uncomfortable. 'l'hen we tions ancl Dandruff'. As n take pleasure in SUf>plying escargot to thejr good ·n~turcd as they are they begin heart- wear absurcl nockties that do not tie and HAIR DRESSING it is very friend s in this country. Eve1 y time a 1ly to wish that these fellows were under the pins that do not pin. clesirablo, giving tl1e ltair a French steamer arrives somebody gets a clods, or, a t any rate, a hundred miies ft om silken softnees wlllch all Gladstone may feel better, and the ~hong mce meal of escari:1ot." certain eves and ears. admire. It keeps the bead old men may, like another Samson desire to "Ate they sold in cans?" - - - - - --clean, sweet and healthy. "Yes ; they are put up like sardines. The late Louis Blanc, the French a11itator arise and shake himself as a t other times. There is the pate escm·got, which is a so1t h a.sbequeathed the sum of 20,000 francs t o But he is in his seventy fifth. He has goue of paste ; and there is sirop escargot, which Parisian children who have been deserted by t hroug h the work of ten m diuary men, and is a liquid, and 1s delicious wh.,n se1ved their pareot s-abandonnes moralement. The what more n eed be said ? T he fin.11 bow with Bordela.ise sauce. As I sai<l before, money is to be laid ot1t at inteiest, and the when another notable Iv aves the stage crmnot the merit of escargof; as food depends very most deserving of each year arc to receive be far oi'. much upon the sauce with w11ich it is savings bank booKs with 100 francs to then· Mis~ Burke, sister of Mr. Thomas Bu1·ke, served; I think t h e nicest way to cook credit. The direction of the Assi3tance who \V as murdered in Dubl iu, has recoversnail~ 1s to take them out of the shells, Publiqne, to which the legacy has beeu m - ed heJ· mental anu physical health, but will boil them in the sauce, ancl ret urn them trusted, is also authorized by Louis Blanc neTer visit Dubim again. to the shells, so that they will be hot when tQ give these ch1lllren his name if 1t thi nk A Plnladelphia temperance society is very se!'Vecl. This is a favorite mode oi serv· proper will cha»ge the beard to a BRffWN or much d iscouraged because one of its meming them." A man nt a San Frauc1sco masquerade bers has chscovered that even height-earn BLACK at discretion. Being in one "Do you kn9w 11Jny good snail story?" discovered that the waiter was taking ad· cannot get along without their bumpers. preparation it is easily applied, and '·Yes, sir r l ' -can te:l you ,i, marvellous vantage of the general inebrietytofil! emp· snail sto1 y, and as trne as it is rnatvellous. tie<..l bottles with the rnmuants of ch::un- · The· English Postmaster·General is toproduces a permanent color that will There was a member of the Paris commune pagne, and selling them to the fuddled tally blind, and J'lfr. George Rrnbardson., I not wash oft'. named Jules A lli:ce, who had a theory of dnnkers. He gave the fellow a whipping, who has JUSt been appointed Receiver a nrl PREPARED BY eetablishing a snail telegraph. The snail and, on being next day arnngnedon a charge Accountant.General to the Post Office, is haa, as you know, a very acute sense of of asea~lt, was discha.rged by the magis· totally deaf. But in the Admiralty there . touch, especially with its tentacles. There tHtG w1tla a oomm1 mdat1on. is an official who is both El.eaf and dumb. . So~ by all Dealers In Medicine. which have eyes at the apex. Alhxe had a theory tha. there were sympathetic snitils ; that when the delicate tentacular organism of on-o snail was touched ~he corresponding er,, an of another snail would reilpond by , hrink1ng in the same way. Upon thie theory he constructed the ideal of a sympathetic enail telegraph. He usecl to talk ab·:mt his sympathetic suails and write about them, Ot course, everybody lane-hed at him, a~ I bave observed people always do at anybody who haii ideas above the common le\"el. But A llixe d id not mind being laughed a t . l'hilosop·1ers -never do. They r:i.ther suspect they are getting commonplace when th~ horde does not laugh. Alln:e workc:1 i.way with his traineel ena1la and lectures the fast I heard of him. I never he'l.rd that he made any suecessful experiments, but ho was an enthnsiast on the subject, and would talk abaut it as l,mg ;i,s he could get a,nybody to listen to hnn." ,., Are snails eaten by the poor or rich?'. "By both, like oysters. You know what a. difference there ism the cookmg of oys· t~rs. You can buy one Jor a penny at a sticet stand, or you can get Dc~lmonico to surround it with the cJrlJellishmeuts of the culmary tl.I t By but i·ich and poor suails ll are . genera~ eaten .is lnxuries, as a sort of entiee. :llony hke them done up with garlic, onions, anct pepper. Sometimes ihey ,ire served with butter sauce. When you get to wine mi;i:ce, then the ~scargot gets to be an expensive luxury. Y ou w1ll llud that t h ey have snails on the bill of fare at Dalmonico's, -and 'u.11 the F1ench rest.aurants. The French grocers seil them whan they can get them. The late M. G::i.m· b ett a was veFy 1fond of sn~ils, which, as prepared a.t th,e·Ma1son Doree of Paris, were a famous luxury." At Delrnonico's the reporter was inform· 1·d that sna1 lg arfl among the luxuucs supp lied bY, that establishment; that they are p11t upon ihe bill of fare whenever they are ·Vatlable; · that they generally may be eeen billed at abont 60 cents a portion as an en ree ehortly u.fter .the anival of a French steamer, a11 d that there are many regular patrons who look out for t he appea1ance of escargot on the bill of fare es they would !or trogs' legs, < r game iu r;ea.son, or an i' other lnxury. , --~·....,.____ The Use:, oj· Celery, a~e four of these ::rac~::entacles, two of I ! PEltSONAL MATTERS. _ lllterestmg Items Abont Eminent Peo, ple. . . l'~u m?at ele!la~t house. helongmg_to ~he JUBt1oes 111 Wash1~1ton is that of Ju1.t10c MatLhews, on N ,Hreet and QQnneoticut Avenue. One of the few ladies who ever mad~ the ascrent of Mont Blanc, the late Miss Met» Brevoort, was the aunt of Rev. vV. A. Ooohdge, editor of the Alpin~ Journal. A. CARD.-'l'o all who are suffering from the errors and in c llscret1ons of youth, nervo11s weakness, earll" decay, loss of manhood, &c' I will send a rtioipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. Tlns grea t remedy was dis· covered by a m1·s10nat·y m 8outh America. Send a self-addressed envelope to tbe REV. JOSEPH 'l'. IN~·AN, Station D, New Yorlc City Codd & Co,. Bankers Successors to Agency of Dominion Bank, BOWMANVH,L"Jl~, Trar1sact a general Banking Business wpcm the same Terms and Pl'inciples adopted by the Joint Stock Banl"1. INTERESI' ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS· withdrawal on d emand, tit the rato of FOUR per cent per annum. NO'rES DISCOUNTED. Bills received for collection and advances made tnercon 11t moder· ate rates. DRAFTS ISSUED. pa\ able at all points in Canada and tho United States. STOCKS, BON us, Dl!:BENTuHES, &;c.. &o. bought and sold. MONEY L'.)ANED on Mortgage Secur1typre8ent rate from 6 to 7f, per cent. RES'l' A.ND COilll101t'f TO THU ,Slil'f'IJJtING N 0 TICE. J)c·pos1 ts heretofore made ·~ith the Uvminion Bank, c1t11 bC' w1thdrnwn at any ti~1e upon de· mu.nd and without cha1·gc,11tth" p1'eH11sre lately occ1~p1ed by the Hank, now the l:l·mk1n·( House of Codd & Co IN'l'Er!T<,S'l' ar. the rate of 'l'HHEE nor cent will be ·Lllowed so long as the mone'r lies with ile Dominion Bank. ' the 0 Holloway's Ointment, Unlocks .d I the clogged avenues of tlto Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying :if! ;;1adu1ily \\ILhout wcakemng the system. all the 1mput.t1e, a nd fou l l1un1ot s of the secretion, ; ri.L tl'e s.11ne l11ne Correct~ Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bill· OF YOUTH. A iai Complaints yield to the happy in fiu~ of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ou£ness, Dyspepsia, :Head.aches, Diz· ziness, Heartburn, Cm:stipation,. Dr,y:aess of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim· nes<J of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum. Ery;;belas, Scrofula, :Fluttering of ~he Heart, Nervousnes::i and General Debility; all these and many other sinu· Sample Bottles lOc ; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T. lllILBirnN ~ «;o·· P1·0,,rleiors. Torontei. To CoNsu1vrPTIVES. HALL'S 0 ~AT-A !ill[ ~ !1fil ~wa mm~.nm Is Recommended lly Pliysfoian!: URE 1 CURES Cutarrh of the Nasal Cavity-Chronic a1d l.llce'1'ilv4s Catarrh of the Ear, Eye ilr Throat. t Is take1 INTERNALLY. and acts L>IRECTLY 11J>t11 the Blood and Mucous Surfa~et of th· System. It Is tne best Blood PSll'lf1.,. In t he WORLD, and Is worth f.U. that is ch~rged for It, f1tt THAI alo ne. 'llfll:J . . .,ii"E-.. . t K ONLY INTERNAL CURf FOR CATAHRH $IOO lot H1 canol $1 QQ catarrb II w!U ;ot alto $ I 00 WoOlfor "* SSi"' IN THE MARKET .a;r:s w:u aawa ~"ii'., .. Ont Ma.rob llS, lS6a My little dn.ughter was tronb1.:rt with 0"*8.rrll for two yeo,rs, e.nd was very muoh boDatltt..d b:r tile use ol" Hall's Catarrh Cura" She ls now u,bou~ cured. W. T. HOUSE, WELLAND, WELLAND, Ont. Me.rch 20, 188'J. I have used" Ho.J.J.'a 011tanb Oure," aud judg. !rom tbe good results 1 derived from one bottla, believe lt will cure the most stubborll c" &e of Catiirrh It its use be a<>ntinuod tor · r, u.1ion11ble length oi ime. -~ - - I 1uq ACHE W. lL UlllLl,Elll!S. lfl82. F..T. CmtnlllY &"Oo.. Toledo, 0. GBY·t' -Ha.ve sold Hall's Cat..rrb. Cure tor th& hat yoo.r, and it gives entire sa.tisfa<>tion, Yours truly, WBLLAND, On~. M&roh 20, II. W. lIODiON, Druggist. Hall's Catarrh Cura Ia sold by e.ll Wholesiile anil :Retail Druggi.ltl - - _ ______ and D."'alere in Pal.ant Medloinea l.n the United States a.nd 011.Qada. PHIOE: 75 Cents a Bottle. $8,00 a Do1. The ouly genuine Hall's Cata.rrh Cure lam· ufactnred by .b'. J. CHENEY & 00,, Tole®- ~ l!il"Bewe.re of Imitatlo111. Bottlj!d for the Onta.rlo trade by H. w. HOBSON, Welland, qllt. For 8 tle by Stott & Jury. I R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. H.