,. TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER .. 3Z. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLb M .·<\.JAMES, VOJXME EDl'l'OltA'ND PROPltIET6R. ======-=======================================~==============================-===========================:===========================:==-====================---:=================·:.--==. 240. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH ;2, 1883. XXVJII. NUMBER " ---- - - -.- --·-· - ··--. - . McOLUNB BROS. OUR SPRING IMPORTATIONS I IN THE CARPE1' AND .ARRIVING. A se>.cial in i.:onnectltm with the Chris ... Messr3. John Leel!I and .Tc.1hn ~'iott, INFORMATION WANTED. young men belnna;ing to this villager have tfa.'l cht:<rl)h, was held a.b 1\-~r. Alfred Trull'& recently met with a ~t.-auize nrlveutare. last Fdid;i,y night ; tbe· [Y0litical mee ting M11. }\;Dl'fOR,-Permit me to ask you1· Thif; 1vinter they have large flo<Jlrs of s~Pp lllssened: the attendi.uc& antiil'ipati;d. : An .c ol'respondent htire for information in in tlleir ranches in Nevada, uear Tecoma. iutereHth~ feature of it; was· ihis : Each rllference to the great change in the Can- On the 23rd January they were enjoy1~1g gentlen1a1~ ~elected a 'li.t>w which was ada :Methodist Choir-, having been 11 themselvtls 10 Lees' tent, when five maa-k- pinned to mis coat, e1tch looy dlld the samo; member of late he will no doubt 'be able ed me-n ca.me suddenly npon them and ait 1t then beal!lme the duty eti eael1 g<>nt to t0 flxplain. Enniskilien C. M. choir has once covered them with their revolvel":f" institute- a eearch for the ewllfil' of a bow been noted for the choice selectionR their and ordered them to raise their arm.."t.. corrt:sponding; to his; havi11).{ found her Ileader, Mir. J.ame& Stanton, h11s made, They oo·n}d do nothing but allow them t ~· it devolved ll{JOD him to escorn ber to the although he has uot the t]t]e of Professor. take everything they had- the1ir provis- table and set~ the bill. A\nother of the AU their pieces have been rendered in ions, their clothes and their bJankets, .sam" kind is·to l:ndieldnextl{lridaytJight, ciood style, especiaHy f>ince-Miss Dean has their horsel!I and wagon, their money a1Jd ,,at the rllsideno.@' of Mr. J oho .Pd.rker. prea,i dod at the organ. ln speaking of a valuable gold watch-in short every3'iwill1.ll I.ER. this to a friend who al wayR appreciates thtng ; they left n1ithing but the cloth1>s \· good music, we imited him to go and that were on their backs and their tent. 1; JJ(!)RT HOPE. hear om· 111 1onst&r choir, whklh has in When the rnbbel's had got ell they scamOu Thursda)Y night of last "J.<eek; a fear1 many instances this winter nnmbered 40 pered oft'. The boys, deprived of their ful tragedy woo . euacted on lvt :!!S, 3rd members. To o ur great s1n·priso there h0rses, couJd not follow them close up, · ®'lncession of Hope. A 111nn named John 1 I were not enough to handle som1:1 of our but of course they started after th..m, and .lih1llen, aged be!lween 85 and !\If} yeat;s Isimplest metres ; the organ meemed cold Lees was fortunate enough to find his was livini.t with his wife Bridge1;,. who i~ \ and indifferent, and at one · time we team and wagon a few miles from home- wwe G5 to 70 years of age. '.'!rliey were thuught fruzen, ancl my friend says, Is left es not able to keep up with 1 ,he band. beth pensioners on the townsh4p mods, this your fancy cl1oir ! No·; the road's lie hurried to the neighboring town to aod.·did not live very aj;(reeably 1l0get.lier. are bad, but you will nr,t be disappointed, inform th'e police and found the sheriff Aoout 11 o'clock on the night in CJ.'.ll01:ltiun they will soon be berti. But if' lie was not, organizing a company to purs11e a band of the· house they lived in was discoVl<Jred to you may be sure I was. They came, but robbers who had a.ttacked the train the be ·on fire, and a couple of neighOOlls who were dumb as to choice music. Now, previous night. It is su ppo~ed that the sa.1v the contfa~rrition got ·ther!l j!tlst .as that my friend may not think me trying band had broken up and half of them the roof foll in. After some tim~ tbey to deceive him, will your regular corree- took Lees' on their way and emptied them discovered the body of the i,ld maniiu the pLindent at Ennisktllen please e:xplain 11.nd out. The friends of Lees and Scott will burning pile. They shovelled ~n»w on let me 1.Jreathe a little more fr.,iety in my be glad to know that they got off without thlll place au.d subduod th!l fire. On exfriends presenco 1 Qom. any personal injury ; the · loss of their ~1.miuing the remaias it w,.s found t hat.his Enuiskillen, Feb, 27, 1883. property was bad enough, but it would throat ·had been cut. "!'he old woman not have cost these desperadoes e thou~ht was· not near, bL1t was found afte11Wurdl!I to shoot them down, and when the.!' have in!\ neighbour's house a quarter onra mile · TAUNTON. escaped we will congratulate them, and She says ,the old JUau cut !l<is own '.l'he social under the auspices of tht1 trul!lt that the ruflians will yet bti brought away. throat and set tire to the house. 1 B. C. church on '.l. h11rsd9y, the 21st inst., to justice. Coroner l\bxwell h.eld an inqaeflt in f 1was p. decided 1mccess. The enterainment :Since writing the above, news has beon the B. 0. church, .:i'ilon, on Friday,., when of the evening was a lecture by Rev. Dr. received that the gang has been captured, Kelley, ex-priest, who gave a1~ 10tercst- two of them fa.tally wounded and the rest the j'Lrry returned l:I v.erdict in suhstance as follows :-" That the deceased ctllme to ing discourse nn "Crossing the Lines," taken prisouers, and there is a hnpe that hi,;i death at the hanrls of his wife, Bridget, which was much apprec1::.t.ed by the audi- some of the stolen prnperty will be rewho had sPt fire to the house to hide hei· ence. Refreshmems were provided by covered. ' crime. " The o~d , woman w1:1s committed the ladies of the church in their usual We ha1·e to record two deaths in onr tmd~r the coroner's warra'n t to Cobcurg tint! ~tyle, which brought the social to a. village this week. Mrs. Rolfe, aged 63, goal to stand her tl'iaJ .. close. The proceeds of the evening neHed the devoted wife of Mr. R. painter, and Oil<:i of the most distressing accidents $20, which will ·be applied to the church a beloved mt>mber cf th9 lVIcNanghton occurred in Port Hope on l!'rida;}' ni~ht fund. family. She was much respected and that we have ever \}cien called upon to A large ~leigh loa.d of young folks from · will be inuch missed, by the sorrowing chronicle. AbGlJJt 9:30 o'clock, Mrs. her:i and Solma made a deecent on Mr. friends she leaves behind. Willfam Ray, Baldwin street, was &itting Wm. S1aiuton, Os'*'a, on the evening Thomas Barrie, aged 83, was one of the· by the stove sewing: Her son, a boy of the lllth inst., with basket11, &c., com- oldest inhabitants of Newcastle. He came - ·- - - · - - - - - - - -- - -·- ·- plete1y surprising tha~ gentleman ; but to Canada h · lf a century a.go,' and hewed twelv" ur fourteen year11 of age, who hacl taken the lamp do,wa stairs to do an erra:r1d, out for himself a home in the woods. Fur was handing it to his mother, when the many years he lms owned the far1i1 on the bottom <trncl,: the t>1ble by which sho was height11 east of Port Newca~tle. No man sitfing, breaktn.~ the lamp-a large onehas borne a better character, everybody at. cbe howel. 'Fhe· oil nm over her and . bemg well vleased with their visit. had a good word to say uf him. His imt11ed.i!itely took ti-re; She rushed iuto 1 , Onr respected citizen, Mr. Geu. Arm- death was sudden, though he had beeu t!-.1.l beit·ro<lm-wh~re .l\Ir. l<.ay w1>s aslt>e~', / strong; is d...+~ ~h.iug ~11inegs iir the ailing for some weeks ; he w11lked across the flames fro 1)t her pel'son reaching to blacksmith line,' 1md <!.§ nsual he has pnr- the floor a short time before he died. The He ~v.ri:mg from the I.Jed, chased the premises wnen. hi3 shop ie Messenger came softly for him and whis- the ceiling. situated and .tnorunghly refitted tl1em pered with bated bre.1th, " The 1\faster · threw a quilt over l!r.et·, and told llev to lie He will be better able than ever to ac- calleth thee," and he left without a pang dowu. Instead ofdomg so, she rushed commodate his customers, whom he will . or a atrn)!gle-his wa~ a translation. out of doors:iad ~umped from the verandah into the snow, wli>eni another quilt wai:t be pleased. to a~e: Gh·e him 1.1 call. Happy Christian who falls asleep in Jesus. Messrs. Boi¥man & Henry have pur- Mr. B. leaves a widow, with whom he has thrown over her and the fire extin~uished. chased the store aml buildiniss lately oc- li ve1d 56 years, and sons and daughters ,.Jl But the poor wumrrn was so badly bumetl cupied by Mr. Willard, where ·tiHlY have married and in comfortable homes of their that she died at tivc o'clock a. m. ·orl. Saturday. She Jeav~s a husband and two laid in .a choiM assortment of new goods. OW!l. chi.ldren to moul"n her untimely end, who 'l.'hey quote prices cheaper th·m ever. have the SJl\~pathy Of all their frieads. I Call and see fur yourselves. ENFIELD. - ~ · ---+ -- - Our village is bouacl to keep up to the The ~ad and WQrthless Business brisk. Auction sale four sue, times, and to funher the grow·,h . of the town the people are clamouring for tele- cessive nights selling nine cakes of soap are nefe1· imiu1te<l or cotinte·1j&itea . This is espt!Cia.lly true of a tamily mediciu<:, phnue comruu1Jicatio11 with the front, and for lOc. Dirt cheap. Mi&s Maggie Powell has started a dress- nnd it is positive proof that the remedv 'are conti;mplating laying down a mile of sidewalk and erecting one or two street maker's shop. She is ill just now, though. inii,tcited is of the highest value. As soon The navvies from the 0. & Q. R. H.. as it had heen tested and proved by the lamps and other public "·orks, plod through the snow to this village for whole world that Hop Bitters was the Feb. 26, 1883. JuNrus. warm drinks and stimulants . purest, best and mast valuahlo family .. Mrs. W. Martyn, the oldest resident of medicine on earth; manyinutntions sprung SOLINA. this village, ie in very delicate health. up and bei.'.an to stesl the notices in which · Mr. Yellowlees, of Bowmanville,, ad- the press and people of the cotmtry had. A large numbi;r of members from Mt. Carswtll and Mapie Grove Divisions paid dressed the electors in the School House expressed the merits of H. K, and in every way trying to induce sufferiug invaa friendly visit to Solina Division on here ~n Saturday. He speaks well. Daniel McCullough, whose death was lids to nee their stnff iostt-ad, expecting Wednesday evening, Feb. 21st. The referred to last week, W'l.S the son uf John to make money ou the credit and good following programme was rendered : McCullough; Esq., south-west of here. name of H. B. Many others started nosReading- RB Watson, Mt. Carswell. Our missionary meeting was held on trums put up in similar style to H. B ., Recitation-Joseph Osborne, Solina. the evening of the 22nd inst. It being a with variously devised names in which the do Miss B. Hogarth, Solina. nice night a large crowd (for this place) word " Hop " or " Hops" were used .a do T Kirkpatrick, Maple Grove. attended. Rev. S. T. Bartlett gave an way to induce people to believe they were Music-Miss I,. Oke, Mt. Carswell. excellent address which was appreciated the same as Hop Bitters. All such preReading-E G Pascoe, Solina. by the audience. The vote was tak~tl teuded remedies or curtis, no matter whut do S Penfound, Mt. Carswell. on Union the same night.-Majority in their style or name is, and especially those Music!-Miss and Mr. Vannest, Solina. with the word " Hop" or " Hops " in J{ecitation- W R Courtice, Mt. Ca1·swell. favor of it. Seven! parties from this neighborhood their name or in any way connected with Music-D Pickel, Mt. Carswell attended the Presbyterian tea at Colum- them or their ·name, are imitations or Read~u11,-J ames Rundle, Maple Grove. bus recently. Some speaking of the tea counterfeits. Bewace of them. 'fouch do W Courtice, Mt, Qarswell. pronounced it the best they ever partook none of them. Use nothing bu~ genuine Music-Jas. Rundle do do of. Hop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster-of 8 0 We advise young ladies when they go i(reen Hops on the white la.be!. Trust into an hotel to keep their hands off the nothing else. Dni~giste and dealers are Recitation-IV Brvoks, l\It. Carswell. bell, unless they want "somethini;: warm." warned agninst dealing iu imitations or Music- D Pickel, do do Mr. Bert Groat has been ill, but is count erfeits. Speech-John Short, do do slowly recovering. A $20.00 BIBLICAL .REWARD. \VANDEILER. · Feb. 24, 1883. -1 -i·'or Sale ou· to .Uent. Maple Grove. i'he pnblishers of B11tledge's M onthly \Music- D Pickel, Mt. Ci1rswe!L offer twelve valuable rewards in their -CARPET & COVERLET WEAVER. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for[ · Reading-Joseph 03borne, Solina. PROVIDENCE. Monthly for March, among which is tho A.ll ldmls of Fune)' '1'tH·k tlonc tt· ortler. sa,le pr to rent 100 acres of laud, heing lot - IN 'l'HEMusic-Miss Brooks, l\1t. Carswell. M~. Danial Allin has bought a thoro'- following: No. 30, in the 19th concession of the township r · . Reci~ation--T Kirkpatrick Maple Grove: Keppel, county ot Grey. Devils I.nJHJ, ·rm·Uc !Uounlnln . IM · ,.,,. . , · ' bred Dm·ham cow and calf from Mr. We will give $20, 00 in gold to the per· 0 N T · of'l'hc nn<l ])louse River t;ounlry u~1c-: m.rss Goode, do _ do ·0 R 0 N 0 , farm is ofexcellentclayl?am, with about Heron, of Whitby. This neighborhood · son telling us which is · the longest verse - --- · 50 a.cres cleared and undercult1va.tton. ' ltec1tation-Joseph Osborne, Solrna. Haaagoodhou~oandcomforta.blesta.blca.nd B re>. WI P ower, ?f 1 -M ap1e G r~ve, has long been noted as having some of t he in the Bible by March 10th, 1883. Should '.l'he surrounding country is wen ·1 I so~l outbuildings. settled and the road excellent. \ J acted as chairman d urmg the evenmg. best flocks of sheep in this section of Can- two or mot·e correct answers be received, The money '!'he farm is abo.ut 5 miles from Presgu Isle T1·ibuta.ry to the United States Land Office at The ladies of Solina Division treated the ada, and we would like to see it equally the re ward will be divided. HMbor on 'fieorgia.n Bay and about lo miles h ·1 11 f foremost in cattle. As l\ir. Allin is one CRAND FORKS DAKOTA w oecompanytoexce entrereshments. of our largest farmers we think the day is will be forwarded to the win~er March fromUwenSou-nd- oneofthcbest grain mar15th, 1883. Persons trying for the rekets in Wes.tern On~ar!o. ' · Rev. G. \V. Stevenson, 1\'I.E. , aod Rev. l{embl.e village with churches, school house, s1:t:TIONA.J, JllA.P and J>'IJT,L particula,rs J \V \Vilkin.:1011 CM preached at El- not far distant when he will rank with ward must send 20 cents ia silver (no blacksm1th shop, carriage shop and post office · · ' · ·· ' . postage stamps takel1) with their answer, is but two mile~ distant. · mailed l'JtEE to any add1·ess by , dad on Sunday last to large con11;regat1ons. the first stock breeders in the county. Mr. R. Allin is drawing bricks with the for which tl1ey will receive the April FI. F. McNALLY. Mr. vValter Vice Sell. has been qltite Easy. ter~\S will be given to a. pu~·cha.ser and to an mgomg tenant the most liberal terms 'II · h · fl · ' f 'h intention of building a house on what is Monthly, in whic]1 the name and address will be given. To a reliable person from this General Travelling Agent, _1 wit m ammat1on o t e lungs. of the wioner of the reward and the corMr. Edgar E:ford, who has been attend- known as the " Perkins l!'arm." vicinity the .rent fot· the first year will be made St. Paml, lllinncui·olls.& !111\nltobn If. K., Mr. R. Bragg haR been suffering from rect answer will be published; and .in merely nomma.1 as fa~ as cash payruent5, work in" the Cvmmercial Colleg" Belleville and impl'ovements bemg allowed for balance. 233·2m, 28 E. Front St., To1·onto, Ont o . " · · Immediate possession will be given. For foll has returned home, havmg finished che a fellon nearly eight months ; ic is im· which sevt1ral more valuable re~ards will proving slowly. Mrs. R. Bragg is sick, be published. course. AXON. particulars apply to HENRY ELLIOTT, JR., -BYHampton, 01' to D. BURK!l: SIM.PSON. Solici too, Address, RuT~DOl!: PUDLit:>HING 00:11tor. B0w01a.nvi)le. 121. J The measles have made their appe11rance PANV, Easton, Penna. THE AGONY OF .A COUGH. Let any person with a fresh cough imagine in our midst. « I am fully preparetl to attend Funerals on ACRES 1 b · J A Grcnt Dlscovcry.- 'fha.t Is daily bringing Mr. E. Dowson still suffers from the it gaining on him day after day and year the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. more. or es~, erng Caskets and Buria.lCascsready on short notice. west pa.rt of lot 3o, con. 6, Clarke, after year. Let him couple with it the dread effects of a fall he r<iceived over a yt!ar joy; to the homes of thousands by saving many First-class hearse on very moderate terms. all in a high state of cultivation. About (i() of consumption , the .long years or weakness, of their dear one from an early grave. trnly ALP!IONSO. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun· a.c1,es ready tor spring crop. Well fenced and tl1e mouths of acute suffering, the iigonles of and a half ago. is Dr. King's New Discovery !01· Consu.mption, era] cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & I well watered. Superior large stone dwelling, dee.th. He will then not hesitate to obtain the Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Feve~ best cough remedies at the first appearance of Show Rooms-Bounsa.ll'sNew Block. excellent out-buildings in first-class repair. All furniture sold by me is made by the U. C !·Gli.pita.l Orchard. About· 2z miles from Orono this evidence of disease. Mr. H. G. Mann of Another Jcdltlfr lumrd trom.-Headache is Kingsly, P .Q. says. 'I have been for several one of those distressing complaints tlla.t de- J.,oss of Vclce, Tickling in the 'fhroa.t 11.nd Furn.iture Co of Bowman ville. I do not buy t·a.nd 7 miles from Bowmanv1lle or Newcastle. slop mraiture and represent it to have been. !::lchool house close by. 'l'his property will be .yea.rs alarmed by an affection of the lungs. pends upon nervous irritation, bad circula,tion, Lungs. a positive cure Guaranteed. l'ri!l.l botma.de by the U. c. F. Co. of this town. :sold on very liberal terms. l!'nll particulars After e. time I obtained and used several bot- or a disorpe.ted sta.te of the stoma.ch, liver, tle. free at .r. Higginbotham & Son's, Drug Also agent for the LI-QUOR TEA for this tOWill ma.de known on application to the proprietors. tt>l o! Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Ba.lsam. bowels. etc, The edltor 'llud proprietor of the Before the first was finished l raised a num- Oanadimi Presbyteri@i, wa cured after yea.rs Store. Large size ~l. an(j vicinity It is cheap and ns good as can be- I Messrs. ALEX. BEITH and J .A.MES BEITH, We are largely Increasing our faacy stock. . got in theimarket. A va.lnable prize given I on the premises, or ORONO P.O., or DR. bcr of hara gluey globules and my troubles of suffenng with headaclie, and now testifies 1to the virtue of Burdock Blcod Bitters, ~ Lwith every pound. .BEFl'FI, B.owmanville. 232·tf, Ellison&. Co, left me entirely,' l CORRESPONDENCE. l NE WC.4.BTLE. · ORCYNO. I I , This Stock, when Complete, will be the most Extensive, most Varied and most Elegant ever brought into the Co-q.nty THE CHEAPEST CARPETS YOU· EVER SAW. McCLUNC BROS. M UR D0 CH BR 0 THE Rs f~::~f~:~~~;~;g~r,;~~~~~:~l . WILL.. PAY HIGHEST FOR· ---- PRICES - 20,000 :2 0,000 :20,000 20,000 20,000 1,000 bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels buphe~s 500 of Barley. of Blue Eye .·Peas. Small White Peas. Arnecta Wheat_ of Oats. of Red Clover. Alsyke Clover. l I -. · · -· FOR SALE!. 1,000 sacks of Land Salt. 500 barrels of Goderich Salt. 10 car loads of Bulk . S~lt. in 500 barrels ·of Plaster. 60 barrels of the best brands of Canadian and ;;~:~~~Mts~s~1~ ~~~1'a~ ~~~~: · American Oils, etc., et.c. -- _ ,..·· _W F. AL"'D ON '-- I - I 32 ·oACRES f -·RE -E 1 ~;~~~~~Jc~~~i:tP~~~~~~'. I NORTH DAKOTA ' · UNDERTAKING! LEVI MORRIS. 1 20 ' I I