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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1883, p. 1

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, TERMS :-$1.50 PER. ANNUlll. NEW SERIES, NUMIIER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERARDS. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FJ;tIDAY, MARCH M.A. JAMES, EDITOR.AND PROPRIETOR. 242. 16, 1883. PASTORAL . VISIT OF THE BISHOP OF PETERBORO'. Vor, UME XXVIII. N Ul\l.llER 34. I NEWCASTLE FISHERY. CORRESPONDENCE. TYRpNE. Ml!CLUN"t BROS. McCLuNc BRos. PREPARATIONS l'OR THK INrRRN.lTlONAL EXHIBIT!ON IN LONDON. ' As Spring advances Seasonable Goods continue t I arrive, and when our Friends are ready to make their Purchases they will find us Fully Equipped in the following DEPARTBll:ENT& Millinery, Tweeds and Cloths, Gents' Furnishings, Fancy Goo~s, Hats and Caps, Dress Goods, Carpets. Staples, ATHOROUCHLY ASSORTED STOCK OF HOUSE-FURNISHINC GOODS. M~CLUNC .· · BROS. MURDOCH BROTHERS WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR· 20,000 bushels -20,000 bushels 20,000 bushels 20,000 bushels 20,0QO bushels 1,000 bushels 500 bushels of Barley. of. Black Eye Peas. Srriall White Peas. Arnecta Wheat~ of Oats. o.f Red Clover. Alsyke Clover. FOR SALE! 1,000 sacks of Land Salt. 500 barrels of Goderich Salt. 10 car loads of Bulk Salt. 500 barrels of Plaster. 60 barrels of the best brands of Canadian and American Oils, etc., etc. c~~~~!!-!T0WEH;;~~.r·awTIAM ! T~EcuPsEHOUSE tt---A.11 klttds of Fancy \Vork done to ord(,t·, Mr. It. SYJJVES'l'ER·s MA· CHINE SHOP and FOUNDUY we are pre· pared to do all work in this department in a · ~'or Sale or to Rent. satisfactory ma.nner. 'Ve shall continue to manufacture Mr. Sylvester's celebrated HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale or to rent 100 acres or la.nd, being lot No. 30, in the 19th concession of tho township of Keppel, county or Gre;ir. The farm is o!excellentclayloam, with a])out 50 acres cleared and under cultivation. Has a i;cood hou~e and comfortable stable and and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre· sent i·eputation. ·Outbuildings. '.fhe snrrounding country is well settled and the road excellent. 'l'he ta.rm is a.bout 5 miles from ' Presqu Isle Harbor on neorgio.n Bay and about 15 miles trom uwen Sound- one of the best grain marlong and te.varable !mown-will be carried on, kets in Western Ontario. Kemble village with churches, school house, and with the assietance of our Machinery we blacksmith shop, carriage shop and poet office hope to le.rg:ely increase the business in this is but two mfleij rlistaut. Easy terms will be given to a. purchaser and department and give our cnstomers increased to an ingoing tenant the most liberal terms inducements ·to pnrchase from us. A.n unwill be given, '.l.'o a l'eliable person from this usnally large stock of vicinity the rent for the first year will be made merely nominal as far as cash payments, work CARRIAGES WILL BE READY and improvements being allowed for balance. Immediate posseSl!ion will be given. For full for the spring trade. Our particnlars apply to HENRY l!lLLIOTT, Jn.. Hampton, or to D. DURKE SIMPSON, Sollcl tor, Bowmanville, 121, 0 R 0 N 0, 0 N T. /Having bought T DOMINION PLOWS, OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS, hall had a large experience in andOarr iaqe Worlr, 17, 2, Bowmanville, on Gravel Road, havini: thereon ho.vlnit worked in the largest establishments in all neceeaary bUildings, goo<i orchard, good hardwood bush, well watered. Terois easy. the Dominion, which will add largely to the Apply to CHAS. AXFORD, Bowmanvllle. ln~1·est ot the new 11rm. 239·3m*IM'Giveour HARD METAL PLOW POI~TS a. trial. ONEY TO LEND.-Loans ca.n be obtained thro11gh the subscriber upon l!'arm Pro]!erty at an unusually low rate or intereet. Fixed charges fCJr Solioitor's fees. F, Bowijlanville, March 8, 1883, CUBITT. Bowmanvllle. 239·tf, 2.11, 103 . OOD FARM FOR SALE.--That G very desirable farm ot acres. being lot oon. Darlington-one half mile west of 1'\1.1: R. :OARC H Machin~, A gr kultural M McCLmtG &OARGH. ( F-rom our Special Corrtspondent.) Knol"ing that the prepara.tiona were well advanced for shipping the specimens of our Canadian fish from the Fishery here, your correapo11dent paid a visit to Iit the other day and will i;rive you a short account of what he saw, that may induce many who are within reach to see it for 0 themselves before the 25th of this month, when all will he ahipped to England. · You are aware that there is to be an J nternational Fiahen68Exhibition in Lon· don this summer. It ia very desirable that Canada stand well in tt1ie depart· ment, and no expense nor labbr bas· been 11pared to make it a suocess. From the time the exhibition was ~reed upon, Mr. Wilmot has been indefatigable in his ex· ertione lo proc11r1> the beat specimens of the fish that inhal)it our waters, and judging from wh11t we saw there he has gathered toiiether a very good coHection in a very short time. There are over 200 different specimens, nicely arranged in 150 cases. The cases are snbsta.ntial, yet ·ery nea.t·and a.ttrac· tive ; they are all litied with blue and covered with glaSB ; inside the specimens arranged in an artistic manner and titted tu ptoduce a very good effect. Some of the farger specimens occupy each one case, while. the smaller specimilns are put in pAirs, aomeiimes· even 11s many as half a dozen in one case. Of our favorite table liah there some of the nicest speciwena we have llver seeo-we really felt hun~ry when looking at them, and wished that insteatl of being stuffed t.hey had been cooked and ready for the table-salt water a.nd fresh water salmon, aalmon trout a.nd speckled trout, white fish and herring1t, and I do not know how many other differ· ent kinds, all i;tot out of .our own waters with two or three exceptions. We were struck with a specimen of the Carp, a new kind of fi1th imported from Germany last summer, that in a few months had grown so large that 1t might have been dressed for the table. If t.his fish can stand our winters it will be an invalllable addition to our already large supply uf this kind of food. We were told that there is a fine collection of Brit.ish Columbia fish on the way, designed for the same exhibition, but feare are entertained that it will not arri·e in time. It includes one salmon from Fraser River weighing 70 pounds, and another weighing 75 poundi;, and many others. tho' uot ~o large, yet weigh· iog 30 or 40 ponnde each. Nova Seotia al110 will add lar:(ely t" the exhibition, especially in salt-watt!r a.nd deep sea fish. BP.sides these there will be seut home in a refril(tirator especially manufactured for -... . the pnrpol!e, a varied ccllec~ion, including many of the larger species up to the whale, in a frozen sbte. In short everything is bfling dcme that will e!lhance the Cana· dian exhibit and shew to England and the world that while we have a fertile country we ·have also valuable waters that are the source of untold wealth. After we had inspected this department of the Fishery, we visited the apartments where th.i tish culture ia carried on on a large scale. The superintendent of this department, Mr. Charles Wilmot, has mastered the intricacies of pisciculture, and is so obliging and attentive to his visitors and imtructive as his father used to be, indeed the old proverb is verified here, " As the old cock crows, the young one learns." \Ve saw the ova in 1~11 its stages-some being 11ewly hatched and others that will not be hatched for a month yet. The ova requires daily attendance ; five pair of hands were busy Nhile we were there removing the bad eggs ; it was won· derful how their quick eyes discovered them, and their nimble fingers separate with pliars the bad from the good ; they will not have to go over them after this, no damage can come over them now till they are hatched. It cannot be q11e11tioned that a very large proportion of the ova. come to perfection in this establishment, whatever may become of the small fry after being put into our waters, there can be no doubt of the complete success ·of the hatchery. We were shown a. couple of trays that h:.d peen filled with ova at the same time with the otltere, but no at· tention had been paid to them ; no pickIS STILL AHEAD ! ing, no w&Bhing, only the water allowed --(o)-to pour over them continuously as over the good ones, they were just left to nature a.s the spawn in the creeks, and while there were a few ova tha.t were good, the great --(o)1body of them was had and perfectly worth· Suit after Suit of Fancy Smtina8 · less a~d hurtful to the good. The moat , 0 I skeptical cannot deny to the fishery the which only IVES has the good credit of hatching a very large percenfuge taste to keep in stock are sold of th? eggs. . . . This season they over nme mil· every day at the Eclipse lions pf eggs, that will be ready to be put House into· our lakes and rivers and ponds in · the early part of spring, and we m.a y ex- - (o)-·pect that with such additions from year A Beautiful Assortment of to yee.r the supply of marketable fish will be greatly increMed, and this valu· SPRING TIES, able production of our waters will give COLLARS GLOVES employment to a. large number of fisher' ' men, and will supply our tables with an HOSIERY, SHIRTS, almost unlimited supply of whoiesome and SHIRTINGS PRINTS highly prized food. ' ' · .Alonir with the specimen·s of our fish UND ER ~ CLOTHING and that will be Aent to London, there has FANCY GOODS also been prepared a. Jae 11imile of the · S k buildin~, on a small sea.le of course, but · · t" Of E very D ecnp ion in toe . .suffici~tly large to shew all the interior --(o)-and the proceas of hatching, with pipes to and see .I Ve!l-the mo"'t convey the. water. n is designed to have . " some ova there that they may be hatched Stylish and the Best Cutter of during the exhibition. This buildiug is Clothes in Town. th~ handiwork.of. Mes~ra.Simmons&Poole, ·one of our best citizens would say to tbe . The action of Carter's Little ·Liver Pill!l is builder., and it IS pe.mted and ornament· public that he has tried Hall's Catarrh Cure pleasant, mild and natural. 1'he1 gently stim· "t'TT r · v ed by l\fr. Rolfe, and is a credit to all and it ie all that is claimed for it. Pl'ioo 7S ulate tho liver. and regule.te t~ bowels, but VV · · . · concerned. cents per bottle. · do not pur~e. '.l'hey. are sure to please. 0 I I SPRINC TRADE HAS COMMENCED wean Bishop Jamot paid a \'isit to his people !\: grand social and entertainment will here on Sunday last, and besides closing be held in tho Methodist church, Tyroue, the mission which had been opened on on Good Ji·riday, March 23rtl. 'l'ea served Friday by the Uev. Father Beaudoin, and from 5 to 7, after which un exceUent pro. perfora1ing many other pastoral duties, gramme will be rendered by first-.cfas11 he adminiatered Confirmation to thirty· talent· from Bownmnv1lle, Hampton, Enone persona of both sexe1, among whom niskillen and Ty1·one. Tickets 25c.; chil. were several e.dults. The intereating dren i5c ceremony took place dt~r morning ser· EMTBB. SUNDAY.- On Sunday, Max-ch vice, and wae witne811ed by large numbers 25th, rtpecial sermons will be preached : of other denomination in addition to the At 10 by the R ev. H . .T. Nott, editor ()f regular congregat.ion. ImmAdiately after· Observer, and nt 6 hy Rev. IS. T. Bartlett. wards the following addresa from the pen Collection on behalf of Trust Fund. of Mr. Wm. Ellison, ,\Yae !?,resented : 1.'o the Rig1'tRev.JohnFra11cisJamot,.D.lJ., . CAR1'IVR1G HT. Bishop of Peterborough. . A spei:ial meeting of the Directors of May it please your Lordship, we, the the Cartwright branch .Agricultural So. Catholics of Bowwauville and surround· cietv was held here to·day. There were ing district, .beg \o approach you with present the ·President, Vice· President, siucere sentiments of revt!rence and de· Secretary and 'freasurer, aud th1:1 follow· votion, and aa loyal and devoted members icg Directors, viz., Messrs. Spinks, Mar· of the Catholic church, it is ol\r pleasing low, Taylor, Wright, Dtivitt, Whitfield duty to offer your Lordehip a. cordial and . and McKee. lt was resolved that ·we hearty welcome on your tirat visit to this hold llUr Spring Show on the laet Friday part of the diocese. And we take oocas· in April, a!ld that wc offer prizes th11reat sion therefrom to ref1tr with special grati· similar to those offered year, with the fieation to yo11r able a.dmioiatrative ab1l- 11ddition of a tirst and second prize for a ititiee, and to your St!lf·sacrificing', zeal· Self Binding Reaper, the tirst prize to .be ou· and distinguished career in the wis- $3 and the de.cond $2. 'l'he judgt·s were then appointeci, when tbe meetiiw ~dsionary field. We avail ourselves of this opportunity jourued until the last Friday in Aprll, ~t to acq\l1unt your lordship with the Rreat 10 o'clock a. m. diBB.dvantagee under which we labor in March 8, 1883. this part of the mission, owing to the - -- · -- scant and deplorable lack of spiritual acKIRBY. commodatiou we receive under existit~g Me.ssre. J, Amey and D. LockwO(.d's arrangemen~. Mae~ once a. mouth is not tickets of lel\ve in their pres11nt premisea enough to satisfy the ardent cravings of mature soon. They txpect to bask fo the Uatholic heart. ' The spiritual foun· the sunlight on other eoil in a few weeks. tatn from which we fain would drink of Mr. J. Lockwood also bids us adieu in the salutary waters being closed against order to exert hit\ muscular strength to us thirty-nine Sundays iu the y~ar must the care of boviiles on a western dairy inevitably produce relil(ions coldnees and cfarw . . Good luck, boys. indifference, and increase the number of . Mr. J. Higginbotham, al.\fariposafarm·s tray 11heep from the fold. 'Ve therefore er, paid us a vidit week in quest of hope that your lordship, having due re· heavy horses. He purchased a pair frou1 gard to our increasing numbers and special . Mr . .Andy,Vright, payirig therefor the sum wants, will take stt>ps to provide us with of $400. It apparently pays to breed a resident priest, or make such other pro· draught horses. · vision as will ena.81e us to have mass once Mr. Bryant Gree11wood has leased 1\1:r.. every two weeks, and thereby remedy the yvm. Lock.wood's farm, being of the opingrievance under which we have suffered ion that his present borders are too \imit· ao long. ed to engage all his spare moment11. He On thi11 occasion we deem it a pleasure is 'determmed (to nae his own 1vords) t'l and a duty to refer with loving gratitude make a epoon or spoil a horn. Idlenes 9 to the untiring efforts of our beloved pa.a· ii! truly the '!lother of mischie( tor, Hev. Father Brown. Although so 011r teacher, Mr. Chapplt>, is winnin~ fully occupied at Port Hope with the golden opinioris among hiis pupilA, Our duties of the pai·ent mission, he has ever last t rncher, Mr. Shaw, raised the school shewn uniform kindness and earnest so- from the la.nguishiuA condition which. it licitude in all matters concerning our best hicherto attnm~d, w au equal with l·llY interes,£1, which we can De1'er forget as in the fownship, which we llrtl glad to long as we have hearta to admire true notice Harry is fully capable of m..intainbeuevolence or genuine worth. ing. , We hope to see it rank as a No. ·:1 In conclusion we would speak of the school in the lllspector's report at the happy results of the presen~ occasion, clos.. < if the present year. We shall see. which we attnbute to your 1~isdom and Scou 1·, forethotight,"1:1.nd whict. we regard. as a. proof tha.t yo11r wise rule will be produc· ORUNU. i ve of every blessing to the people of the Orono appears now to oo in the midRt of diocese over which you so worthily pre· its fe,tiye season . Socials a.ud purties folside: A Canada low in. quick succeas100, Sincerely hoping that yourLotdship may Methodist soch~l WiS held at the residence enjoy l} long and happy life, a.nd that a of Mr. Isaac 'Vinters, wherti ovsters and bright future may await you, we are, on an interesting programme were the priuci· behalf of the con~re11;ation,your Lordship's pal leature& of the evening. A social was humble and faithful servants, also held at Mr. Jno. Parker's (connected (WM. ELLISON, with tl1e Christian church), ·where, n ut· JOHN M U RPHY, snow withstanding thti fact that hi<>h 0 JAs. KELLY, drifts ,had to be breasted, and a mn.m· JoHN McMANus, moth party was given thti eawe evening, , ,J.u. PowERs, a large party assembled and left a hand· Signed~ J. H. GARVEY, some smn for the benefit of the churnb ; PATRICK MARA, only one left the social to ioin the merry GEo. Du:iFY, clancers, b1it as he is not a dancer we w ill excuse him. AND. O'LAUGHLIN, Very recently the draught players of GAR.B:ETT FARRELL, LJAMES McCARTHY. Orono became much alarmed at ihe anTo which his Lordship appropriately re- nou'lcement that there was iu their midst plied, promising an early compliance with a player from the vicinity--0f Tot onto who, th~ wishes of the congregation. The without difficulty, could " skunk our coin· Bishop's earnest, wise and practical ex- mon players and l'lhip the best ones." hortations were heard with the deepest lu· He happened just to come into contact terest and respect by a.II present. He also with one of our worst players, who upsix spoke warm words of thanka and encour- held the honor of Orono by winnin" 0 agement to the choir, which, alfhough in ba.ttlel!, and losing none, If Toronto had an infant state, has pro~ressed wonderful· thou~ht best to continue the battle with ly, thanks to the valuable assistance of Orono's players he might have found some Mrs. Burnham, aud ihe admirable parse· of the beat that could skunk him. Early iD the morning of election clay verence of its members. Mr. John Payne, against whom wore 'l'hc~e nre solblF:acl!i.-The best blood puri· strong suspicions that he would commit tier and system l'egula.tor ever placed within the crime of voting according to hia own the reach of suffering humanity, truly Electric oon~cience, received a friendly cali from Bitters. Inactivity of the liver Biliousness, one of our farmers, who wished him· to Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any thresh peas that day, and who would pa.y disease of the urinary organs, or who ever re-- him well for it. The unsuspecting John quires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, jumped into the rig a.nd drove oft', "rhile wllllalways find Electric Bitters the best and the boss remained to cast hi~ vote. A only certain cure known. They act surely Reformer, hearing of this, went in pur· and quickly, every botele guaranteed to give smt of Mr. Payne and brought him back. entire satisfaction or money rotunded. Sold 'rhe emplovet, upon meetinir him, owing at 50c. a bottle by J. Higginbotham & Sons. to the cold weather, became som~:what red in' the face. We honestly think that n11cJ11:lt<·'s Arnlc11 Solve.-The best Salve a person who could commit such nn act In the world for Cuts. Brmses, Sores, Ulcers, ought to resign membership with the Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup· church and cease his denunciations of the tlons, and Positively cures Piles: It is gnra.n. leBBer evils-danciog and intempera.nceteed to gh·e perfect satisfaction, or money and adopt on a. more .extensive scale the SA~IMLER. refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by principle of bribery. · BA.-B..l.-BA.-If any farmer who reads J. Higgin ~otham & Son. the STATESMAN can beat the following we want to hear frorn him. On Tuesdav E. PETHIOK SPEAKS. morning there was a senaation at " Cedar Dale Farm," Clarke,-Mr. Albert TambFor a clean shave look in. lyn's best ewe lamb dropped three, For a prime cigar look in. the united weight of which was 32~ lbs. This is the ewe, too, that was ruled out For a fancy pipe look in. of the show ring last fall at the West For a stylish clip look in. Darham and Clarke fairs, because she was For choice brands of tobacco to quie'li too fat to breed. At the Provincial and Industrial Exhibitions, however, she wag your nervee after the election excitement pronounced .t o be the second best ewe <>f looJ.. in. her class in Canada, If she r1;pea.ts this operation many times ahe will be the best Look in anyway. of her class~urely. · I w. H ES

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