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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1883, p. 6

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MISCELLA!,Eotrs. not believe it? This shrmkmg trembl mg George, take this tea out It tastes hke the meanness of relatives aud the mcltffer ence bet of women and children He managed of officials the affair so vrell that for twenty years and creature, beggmg thu attendant to take hun thunder, literally ' The sle1ghmg this wmter has been de more he himself lived m clover bui;,the poor · Is there any way of reaohrng sucha state away from the table and lock hnn up, wh1s Last 01 all comes 'The MaJor ' Maior ltghtful but 1t 1s to be feared that 1t ia n©w of thmgs i women l nd hard Imes At last 1t WM J;ned per111g to each new comer that "Merry 1S Fisher, magnate facile princeps of the tr10 No way but to educate the public senti about over fookrng for an opportumty to kill him -he 'Ihe Ma3or is gencrnl forager for the con to force his hand, and the matter came before ,ln Episode m the Life of a For- 1ecover' Certamly P lease do not speak valescent.a ward No 1 In sprmg and au mcnt The newspapers touc it up now Nail kegs are now made of sheet iron, and a Judge, called the Master m Chancery, m to him nor look at him long it will cost tumn are 0wmg to him many dainty dishes and then I can nardly tlnnk tins 1s done the old wooden one~ are cove1d with felt the fiounshrng town of Kenuaquha1r and tunate 1Tnfortunatc. Jum un'.1magmable suffering Payson s sih er of trout and perch caught with his own merely for the sake of item huntmg On and sold as high ha~s "as argued for days, but a count and reek· flute is m the office The day he asks for hands, m summer, scores of luscious melons, the contrary, some ones sensib1ltt1es have Teacher "Well, how stupid you are, to onmg of mtromlBsions could not be dragged CHAPTER XXIII -(CONTINUED ) 1t the day he can be prevailed upon to and pocketsful of smaller fruits gathered been touched It may be only tho report~r s, be suri> Cant multiply eighty eight by out of that man by a scere of wild horses. break its silence Payson will bid farewell anywhere wrthm a radms of twenty miles or the reporter may chance to represent the twenty five ? Ill wager that Charles can Orders of payment were made and the money SYMPOSIA to a host of murderous 01eatures of the im In September and October, the dmner table feeling and opm1ons of a greater or sm!lller do it m less than no time Pupil I t1au'Sferred before the returns could be se· The cloth removed, the luxuries of many a mation , his wife will be seni ror, they 1s graced with steammg dishes of that de constituency I hke to read what they should nt be surprised They say that fools cured The Judge had no hes1tat10n 1n chmes and countries lay bare to the gaze of will play and smg Home, sweet home , he hc10us bit m tins country not half appreci write, therefore , and I can tell you tb at they multiply very rapidly no.v days saymg privately that the man was a double. the wondermg hut stlentguests will LYIOW bright and happy will chat and ated, fungus the AgarwWJ compestris and get ver) close to the truth sometimes The next great coaht10n i· hkely to be dyed blackguard, who ought to have been ' The politicians are agamst you then i "Now, ladies and gentlemen,-at least, smile as gaily as any of you Science has often of other edible vanet1es of the mush the umon of the Grand Trunk and the Ca m a Pemtent1ary for a long term But, ' The pohticians ' The) neither know nor there s one gentleman, -said Delorme, probed such cases very deeply sunply be room nad1an Pamfic, and then, Great Jupiter 1 after all, he remams one of the most honor care enough about it to be either for or ' and I den t kno1v that I mtroiluced Dr cause they present less ct1fficult1es than isuch 1s hfe wont tr~vellers and trauers squeal? l hose ed cit1zem of Kennaquhau The MaJor knovrn every body-towns against us Their man Rafferty or Shlae Ben to you did I ladies~ Well, never some othe10 , and it speaks wtth confidence people, farmers and navigators-for miles ger must have a place, and the·e mhuman big mouop hes will have to be killed or and cheek 1 mmd it now its to late to go back so fai 'Vhat is the matter to mght VI ith :Mr A poor half witted waif has died m To miles "bout He can talk of busmess offices are numerous, and 3ust the t 11ng they will kill the country which they are If we go on that way, we shall never get to Ball Payson s lelt hand neighbor' He is and She gradually eufoldmg m theu anaconda em ronto, fnendless and uncared fo matters he can advise on agricultural aI eatmg , and I confess I am very anxious to weepmg bitterly He nses, and he goes fatr· he can teach a surveyor how to set his For my part I wish th" pohtrnians would brace was not it seems, v1c10us, and did not give these henchmen each a bee1 corner or a begm I couldn t go to tea this evenmg mto l;,he hall we hear him say to the remon drink Still she led a miserable life, theoclohte he can meunt a locomotive and groggery mstead, and let them scatter death 'I he great Pohsh nobleman Count <Jasko 30 I propo~e we begm stratmg attendant, I can t eat , I mu~t He and died a miserable death She had no Delorme now opens the package from the leave tlus house All those men know my mstruct the engmeer And not with crazy m that fashion, ratl;ierthau be keepers of the wiskt 1s at p1esent 111 Canada talk, not with nonsense msane For the amount or hquor to be seld means to do ~he N 9rrh West thoroui:<hly inends to claim her body and the author pnnter a It contains at least a hundred thoughts, and I thmk ofso many awlul hor 1ties have given it ove1 to the medical Let me whisper this to you The MaJOr copies of the followmg uble thm1rn -thmgs that I never dreamed has rn !us day done some mighty works, and consumed will aggreeate about th~ and then proceed by the way of Japa,n to schools fvr dissect10n Fort hwnh a howl 1s of or heard of before,-that I know the gen built bridges which are now renowned, he same and 1t is a mmor question \\ hether it Ea·tern. Siberia and make his way thr mgh raised about Marys awful fate What rs HALF PAST SK\ EN HIS ROOM Hemen despise me I am a~hamed to look has laid out railroads which are now pay be sold m one thousand places or two thou that little known country to St Petersbuig awful about it? In the Old Country all a,n,1 thencP home He hopes to accomphsh them m the face Perhaps you can 11nagme mg seven per cent 'dividends, and nobody sand unclalllied bodies m hospitals and poor ' Do you find, doctor that public sent1> the round trip m a year what this man suffers NOT HIS BIRTHDAY houses are handed over to the d1~sectmg· knows how much per cent m add1t10nal ment is beconuug enhgl).tened i Delorme whose seat 1s next looks upon stock' and othe1 httle dev10es for evadmg Those druggists mistakes vre bad, but 1s ' Measurably yes, The revealed horrors there not somethmg which hes behmd rooms and have been so for many ) ears It Mr Balls departure as a relief He came the Jaw and makmg fortunes was the first thmg which stopper'! bodJ · Part'lf of the past however, have still their holds the supper table loaded with remams of Why what \Vhy is he not m lus place? you ask upon many mmds Probably the maJority these? Why should doctors be so ready to suatchrng and ' burkm11: ' latt mght s 'party Now he has room to Because he 1s better off 111 Hickory Hall Is prescribe morphme, chloral and otl er such would the stupid gawks be at? Don t they of even mtelltgent people would be quite as spread his multitud1"'ous dishes over a he content? Meas11rably, yes Generally drngs and allow then patients to take such kn[)W that for purposes of sCJence andmedi APRIOOT8 SALMON greater range of table B iddle roars with yes At times he burns to go out agam m mucn astomshed at the mtenor of H10kory thmgs as mere m\ttters of course? That cal mstruct10n dead bodies a1 e mdis ens Hall as this lady who has 3ust left hf r daugh PRESERVES PINE APPLE laughter at the mass of pickled oysters, Jack boots and plunge mto the woods and there is a tremendous amount of such ably necessary 9 Students must have 7 canned salmon, raisms and cakes But that SW!!.mps directmg a thousand men where ter here What do you tlunk she asked me thmgs used is notorious But wh) should them, and llnythmg an be got ii a sufficient With the tears rollmg down her cheeks she SARDINl!JS OYSTERS placid countenance shows no ·ign of rcsrnt and how to set tyes and lay rails but he doctors lend their countenance to such a price is paid Better that poor for ment Delo1me s silvery votce only re shakes his head, says ' JS o, that s all ovei asked if she could rely upon our lettmg her form of d1 ss1pation and danger? lorn forsaken ones should have their bodies BoN: BoNs CAKES know at once, if her daughter died unde1 sponds, Yon !may laugh Biddle all ou for me and goes to assortwg his find It 1s fresh m the memory of not a few, so disposed of than tnat graves sho 1ld be treatment like, but I wtshJ>on to understand that I of shells and mmerals MoTTOll:S MERINGUES how a young gentleman belon~mg to Ham nfied and crnnes conun itted If the people That is down nght absurdity ' cant eat this corn bread Ive always been Not a whit more abs urd than a thous tlton was drowned a short time ago by fall and offimals of Toronto and other plaues are accustomed to liigh living, ani need some ORANGES PICKLES and other questions which are asked hero mg mto a bole m the i~e 111 J:iam11ton bay ue>er guilty of a g1eatei sm than what was thmg delicate Many years has DeLJrme Crymg CHAPTER XXIv She was astomshed when I proposed that 'Ihe practice ofleavmg such holes unguarded committed Ill connection with LEMONADE BISCUITS been accustomed to the corn bread of Hick 1s very cr1m111al and is henceforth to be Mary, they ate pietty rnnocent -,!! short, A MERE PEEP AT DR PETERSON s Pl'IILOS she should come hete nnce :1 week, or once ory Hall but memory makes light of that a month at her own convemence, and see made legally so, and pumshed by fine and we hold strongly that all unclaimed LOBSTER CHERRIES OPHY and carries Delorme back to a remoter for herself whether her daughter was 1mpr1sonment If a fatal accident takes bodies of eveiy class and name ought to be period when as boy and man he had actually CRACKERS CANDY While we are at Hickory Hall, we µiay ahve nlace from such neglected holes, the pa1ty handed over to the medical schools for the tasted the fare of more than one 101 dly table as well make a day of it, and, haHng look "To change the subiect a little, dootfr responsible 1s to be g111lty of manslaughter furthera11ce of science and for the protection rn Europe and had held his own with FRUIT the sanctities of the grave RAISINS ed. mat the patients m the dmmg room, we Are such 111stitut10ns as yours growmg i11 All ri1 ht Neglect m such cases 1 s s11nply a titled men and dames, with diplomatists and will go uext to the doctor's office, which public favor? quest10n of money and rndividual gam ought 0HOCOLAT1': Fms rulers has att1act10ns of another kmd 'Slowly, but surely It takes t~me to ueve1 to be preferred to mens hves 01 Ollve 011 in "&he Holy I.and We are at tne foot of the table now, and Chiefest of all these is Dr Peterson him brmg about such wide sweepmg changes m health here 1s a character :\'lr Hommeau 1s of self In the prime of hfe m good health, - pubhc opm10n But the time is connng The followmg 1s a extra t from an inter It ts an olcl saymg that many don t know NORrII wnm, MARC!I 2 French descent, to 3udge by his name The as a doctor of all men, ought to be,-of a when the people will cease to be under the estmg article contributed to the Zeitschrz/t how n any others live It is usually said pa·1ents have given lnm the sobriqUet ot cheerful disposit10n and gentlemanly man cont1ol of bugaboos Your quest10n leads ef the German Palestme Explorat10n Soci Man afraid to speak To Judge by this ners kmdly m speech and act Dr Peter me to express an op1111ou here '\\ htch I beg that Ontario 1s very prosperous at present ety by the Rev F A Klem and Toropto specially so In the midst "f HICI\.ORY HALL h.e m ght be an OJibway or a S1orrx He 1s son secures our respect and good "111 at you to oon,ider As matters stand to day 'Ihe finest plantations of olives are m the Havmg given one of these ent1cmg bills as grim and silent as the trq,ditional red once Of the patients he obtams e\en bet hundreds hesitate and delay to send the af all that prosperity there aie only too many Nablus list11ct but nearly e\ery ullage ha.s greath pmched for food and fire It is to be of fare to each of !us guests the host ad nar, at all event· ter mterest < n his excellent capital for ex fl10ted to the only i lace where they can be feared a g1eat many more than the maJonty its l trge1 or smaller grove There 1s n<> dresses the company as follows 'Ladies One remark however Hommeau makes cept m rare mstances they love the doctor mtelhgently treated and cured, that is, if hav any buap1cion of And they are no~ dQubt thut the ohve tiee 1s one of the most and- Dr Ben I have put down the 1 efresh on all occas10ns The lllJ unction or request warmly cure be poRsible And this for more reasons all drunkards or spendthrifts Veiy much valuable products of the country, and that Jllents m the order I like them best If any Come to bre!l;kfast could be made a still greater souree of Come to dmner Dr Peterson is uot at all given to boast than one First, because of their fea s for the reverse Is it always to be the case it one.prefers a d1ffernnt arrangement I hope :rake your bath revenue than it is at present It ievuires C t np, 'Go to bed rng The atmosphere of his office rs not the unfortunate then fears that he will be you will make J ourselves perfectly at Come out and take a walk, all are an heavy with promises He feels that he is abused and maltreated, secondly bncause that the rich have always a tendency to !!et but little attent10n, and hves and yields richer and the poor poorer? The distubut10.n )lome' swered m the one phrase-' I don t want stat10nod at Hickory Hall to do a certam a nd1culous public sentunent still ms1sts of wea th m short seems uot very much as fr ut men when neglected It only i equires An hour is now spent m the most delight to Put him m the bath and he will work He is m no hurr:,; to pioclaun that upon bran Im'( the restored patient as 1f he 1t ought to be for some hM e far too much g1aft1IJg aud a little d1ggmg up and clear ful so01al mtercourse Do you ask whether splash all da) long if ) ; u ha. e a mmd to such a wo1k can be done with mechamcal had been servmg out a sentence You see mg out, and this done H y elds a plentiful and many not anythrng hke enough this intercourse consisted solely m an exh1 bi leave him there Ask hun to come out prec1s10n crop Ill re~urn for the small amount of pams the old idea, the crim10al ide , the prison t10n of the gastrononnc q uahties of the host and dtess, and he will teply, ' I don t want Who 1e iT1m Elliott i 8ome newspapers bestowed upon 1t 1he fellaheen say that ls he, then, a me1e empirzc 9 Are all these idea, st11l lmgers 111 mens mmds Hundre~s and his ~nests 9 No there was an umuter tr> patients the·e hvmg men and women, com of valuabl lives are lost, and th<> maniltc speak of bun a~ H he wer.e rather a d1stm the vrne ;s a'.!11tt-a dehcate town lady who rupted fire of conversat10n qmte M rat1011al Once seate<l at the table, after a long fight m1tted t.) his care, only so many alembics 01 wards are twice as full as they need be, gmshed pe1 s01 a~e whom every cne knew reqmres a g eat deal of care and attent10n 1f J-OU please, as you would hear many with the attendant -who pulls pushes crucibles i uto wluch he 1s ·o pack or pom simply because friends cf the unfortun:j.te We plead the most profound ignorance lhe fig ou the contrarj, 1s a fellalia-a. dtawmg room leads coaxes, cajoles commands, entreats c ude materials mumblmg over them a pr postpone and delay action until the v1ct1m He is dead however 1" seems i:ihot m a strong country woman who can flourish Half past eight was the hm1t of time set by turns but always gently and patiently gonof witch V1ords 111nd watchmg the pas i . at his worst tavei l brawl He was a pugilist too A without suc:h tender care, but the r hve tree for Delorme s party Punctually the mat hequently laughrng at the absurdity of the sage of and seconds, rn expectancy is a bold declawije who m spite of n"glect Well doctor 1f I ever d scover as1gn of pro es<or of the manly art cf self defence rons bundled up their charges, and thankful whole perfonn~nce -flommeau is offen l of some marvelloustransmutat10n ofmsamty msamty m myself I shall certamly turn .Really now 1 One of those beetle browed and hard.hip, rem ins a strong and u·efnl ~ood mghts wen exchanged '1he party bread tea coffee, butter, preserves and to soundness? If he were, 1t would be well my footsteI?S 111 the direct10n of Htckory th10k necked broken nosed, pig eyed rnf .Ai:ab wife The olives upen toward the was over and Delorme, tired out, and with cakes, but pt1shes each artwle away with to keep clear of Dr Peterson As he is not Hall fians, whom some unfortunate new.paper end of the summer , the trees are then beat the sweet consc10usness of havmg executed the contmnal protest, I don t want any it i· a good thmg to fall mto Dr Peterson s Not qmte so soon as that my fuend men are tiymg to elevat9 mto heroes And en with long stwks, care bemg taken not a hospitable duty we:it to bed under the to destroy the young leaves and shoots Come drmk this tea says the attend hands,-that is to say if you happen to be There are signs of msamtJ mall of us My he 1s dead, like Uncle Toby s heutenant1 table, as gentlemen sometunes do m the ant m need of him, from which after all, may good old ~nend Dr Bushw10k of Spungfield You don t say ? If he is he has beer> m '[he f11ut is collected and spread out on the sane world 'I don t want to God preserve yo11 ! ~1men as honest a practitioner as eve1 1ived, held luck It 1s the best thmg that coul:l have roofs or somewhtre and then }lat mto heaps P lease accept next an mvitat1on to tea for a little while m 01der that it may shght ·You must While we are vlSltmg !um, a carnage the view you 1ust pronounced and I 'verily betalleu either bun or any of his kidney with some of the convalescent patients The ly ferment, after wlncn 1t is taken to the "I sha n t stops at the office door There I" a sound belie~ e he would have hke\l. to send all 1 M1 John Morley the d1st10g 11s 1ed ecli oil press where 1t 1s crushed unde a heavy da,y sb_ii,ll be Tue&rlay, the day after Del ' Well don t then Don teat a thmg ' of weepmg m the doctors private receptwn, Sprrngfield here from the ma} or doV1n I tor of the Pall 1l!lall Ga~ette, .Macmillan s mill stone, and packed m htfle straw orme s party You shall not meet a g1eat sa)S the attendant with a lau5h room a tremulous female voice quavers up said to lmn once Doctor you are p nsitively Magmne, and until recently of the Fo1 l baskets is finally pressed crowd of uukemp~ creatures, a riotmg .Forth with the unhappy man falls to, and and down the gamut of question entreaty, msane on the subject ot msamty mghtly has just been returned for Newcastle [ I e oil (zayi) 1 uns m to a httte -t>emented growling, dangerous company On the con eats ravenously caut10n wncl plam mformat10n A htt e At this po nt a d1gmfied sweet f~ce d trary, please to nnagme first a dmmg room This man has no rnchnat1on to v10lence ca.vcs droppmgis JnsbfialJ!e on this occas11on lady uf fifty 1 e<itS enters ard makes an an on Cyne, the cable tells us, by a much small cistern from which it is drawn in leathern er mai011ty than his p1edecessor of the snme bottles or large earthenware iars for cany about the size of your own, secondly a but the scowl of everlastmg protest upon We can hear every word nounoement co Dr Peterson politics, Mr Dilke In 1580 Dill,e s ma rng away Th-e fellah use3 1t 1 oth fo1 hght family of eleven persons for it is the 1amily his face almost sends Mr Payson 111to fits doctor, aays the tremblmg Tins 1s our even mg, e iemarks, turn JOnty was 5 133 Mo1 ley s was 2 256 This and n uushment If he has nothrng better, idea, not the hotel or prison idea, which And this protest is Homrneau s symptom vowe please don t pumsh my daughtei mg to us of etiquette In 6tl}er '\\ 01ds ra lrng off was occasioned by the lush vote he rs content to eat some bre1d uaked m l?revails at Hickory Hall He carries it mto everythmg and defeat severely we a1e to have a social gathermg m the which JS ' ery strong m Newcastle bemg ml It 'Ihe men do not come m at sound of the d1sgu:st~ h m Every mght uf his life he 18 also used a grea" deal m town Pumsh her madame 1 responds the parlors Will you give us) our company g1vm fol' the To1y, because Mr Morley cookery but as a means of light it has been bell with absolutely nnlitary prec1S1on protests even agamst gomg to bed , and doctor ' What shall I pumsh her for i 'Vith pleasure we answer, and these though the Pall Mall Gazette has been stro11g superseded by petro eum Mt1ch inferior Some are quite dilatory , but as there are once there vows not to go to sleep Hut Shall I put her under the shower bath and formal words fof once tnrn out to lave ly pro Irish m its tone, stated that he olive 0 l is used for makmg soap and m reasons f0r this7 as you shall iiresently see the ' ·\\ eet i estorer' steals over bun , and let the water dnp, drip, dnp, upon her some hter~ J, honest meanrng would give a genei:;al support to Mr Glad s.:>meyeais a g1eat deal of 01l 1s exported to we make 110 cucumatance of that as Hommeau feels himself gomg and ail a p9or he:i.d rrnt1l she curses man and God 'Ve find the piano open card tables set, l!rance and Italy TheJift, or 1duse of the Ihe first to answer the bell-for that mat last p1 otest for that cycle, be rolls over, a d falls dewn dead? No, madame, we are tete a tetes and cha1rs arranged m groups, stone$ Govetnment ter, he has been pacrng the hall for ten mm ones out ' 0 Gosh 1 -and slumbers Secret Suc1et1es for revolut10n and mu olives is uoed !01 fuel, havmg great pro not brutes at H1cko1y Hall Or shall I put flowers from the doctors greenhou es taste utes eagerly awa1tmg the summons-is det are sptmgmg up e\ erywhere Even 111 , i1erties of heat Slowly, and with an aspect of such rnex her 111 a dark dungeon, under ground, and fully arranged m 'ases Biddle, one of the great trio He scurries Spam th re is a stirrmg among the dry bones feed her with food wh10h the very iats (Tu l1E CONTINUED ) up to h10 place at the hfad of the table the pressible suffermg that it br111gs the tears will snatch ont of her hand ? Madame, we and the Back hand con.piracy rt 1s s:ud Cold Parlors ........... ......... seat of honor, his by right of nany years to your eyes to look at him, little :Schmidt are not scoundrels here Or shall 1 whip musters its membe1s by the thousand Ih1s l>OJOUrn at Hickory Hall Do not thmk of enters the dmmg room He has been hang this girl· 0 God what pity that mnocence 1 s always the result with st pp1ess1on and P1012ress protests agamst cold parlors LIGHTNING 't'RAINS saymg 'Biddle may you h ~e to be the head lll? back, standmg at the door for five mm and beauty should come to such a pass! tyraany Give the waters room and they are where guests are obllged to sit freezmg of this family twenty years longer I For uteo Some one uithor an attendant or a Shail I prick and prod her sweet young not ouly haimless b1tt beautiful Dam t iem while the heat frnm the furnace 1s turned you will drive the good humor out of Bid fellow patient, goes out to hun and mvites fi<>sh with goads? l\1aoamt>, we a 1 e not What Riding :Sixty Miles an Hour Means, up mto a narrow channel and try to stop upstans There are few furnaces winch him m dle s face with such a v11sh He will leave them altogether aud 1mmechately or by will heat a house thoroughly all over at the and How it Feels No replies Schmidt 'I cannot I can devils the table and his untouched food, and cry and by when the backwater has gathered same time, and this is particularly the caee : Oh no doctor I beg your parnon But not eat I haf no money I could not pay Its ve1y easy to talk about havmg rid suflicientl~ you will see fun Go at 1t, gen where they are ' 1egulated a term that out .My God 1 is 1tnot enough I would 1t would break my heart if the poor cluld for my supper den sixty miles an lwur, 'says an old mil tlemen Sit on the safety valve and let on generally means not kept with the full bke to die to rught ' "We change the current of Schmidt s was to suffe1 unnecessarily Fm two }ears roader but JUSt let one of these fellows the steam You will see and feel the force draught on, while if this latter is done, 'Vhy · Because he rn at Hickory Hall? thoughts We walk him down the hall and we have kept her at home, for very fea1 of there lS equal danger that the fire will burn No , but because the outside world is closed at the farther end say to him, as a busmess sendmg her to an asylum, and because we mount the cab of a spnngless 1'ocomot1ve of natural laws m due time out, and the whole house get cold Of to him At H10kor~ he has his pass k<>y friend might say m Broad :Street, at the know that such dreadful thmgs happen 111 and be charged with the duty of dnvmg the engrne at that rate of speed for n111ety ur a If tht> English Government has made a course furnaces would perform properly if he goes out and comes m at his own "ill hour when the busmess hive pours out its these mst1tut10ns If he chooses to go to the town or to roam bees "You kno" it, do you? And how pray? hundred miles, I ha\ e a 1 idea that ti ey demand on France and the Umted States they were regularly attended to but how would be w1Jlmg to admit that they had for the extrad1t10n of Byrne and Sheridan many servants are there who ar~ constant across country m the woods andfields he 1s 'Come, Schmidt, come o~er and take sup From the n.ewspapers 1 Alas madame 1 never before excee led twenty five miles an awkward comphcatwns may an"e and m season to go down to the oellar and look at perfect hbe1ty so to do His days pass per with me this evemng An image of perhaps you and they have cause I have hour awkward quest10ns may be asked Are afte the heatmg arrangements? Iudeed happily and comf01tably But send him a Montague Street, or Grnce Court perhaps nothmg to say on that pornt But let me · How can the difference m speed be dis these men no· polit10al offenders and are m mid \Vmter fir~s are the most trouble' hundred nulea away, and you have tians springs up rn Schmidt s mmd \nd he walks tell you, you have lost two prPctous years I earned from the mtcr-ior of the oars how not the other alleged crimes the result ot some part of housekeepmg Wh n one formed !um m a day to an object of pity more lightly-now with alacrity, however will not haiass you but it rs my duty to be some considers the ashes to be taken out and the Never mmd the reasons and causes of this -to the supper table say that to day your daughter might have ~an a passenger tell that the tram 1s makmg theu political opmions' It may 01 Blxty miles an hour ? of tliem preach physical 10rce e~en he ,oal to be put m it is enough to make the such 1s the fact Hwkor) Hall is home for been at home with you gladdemng your Look out 1 here comes an avalanche the hearts But there, never mmd that f Leave The d1flerence of motion of everythmg heve m assass111at10n, but VI hat then Can heart of the supervisor of !ires grow famt, !Jiddle hghtmug express, or a tornado ' "What rn 'I here is seeinmgly morn difference between they be called mere ordmaiy murderers on but on the other hand a cold room is His silvery hair, with curlmg ends his yom daughter here m perfect confidence this rush' Oh 1 only Ben Doctor Ben a forty mile an hour and a sJXty mile an that account? ccarcely At least it is m beyo11 d ~om par son, cheerless ' big eyes, hrn nervous manner, his mtelhgent Come with me to the ward But bad as it is with anthiacit.ES., coal 1t is speech despite the pecul ant) of mtonat10n Until he has passed the door you would sup .A half hour afterwards that same voice rs hour rate of speed than there ul between a the last degree unlikely that either France which makes ' n ger l p resis of "genera.I pose that tVI o persons are com mg But it is heard b1dd10g the doctor good mght The twenty and a forty mile gait The cmders or the Umted States will so regard them, far worse with bitummous or wooCI If you yaresis, have led many a >isitor to ask, only Ben holdmg an ammated conversation tremblmg and sorrow of it are gone it has rattling against the wmdows sound like and if England s demand is met with a leave these for an hour they are dead ashes when you return '.Irue, it does not "Who rs he? In truth, that often useless with himself He comes m with fiymg col become fit m , and there is even a sound as of pebbles When the car strikes a sharp cuive pomt blank refusal what then' quest10n 1s very trequently asked at Hickory ors Ten mmutes ago he was scrupulously a gentle, npphng laugh at some sally of you will be thrown half off your feet The Agreatgreat grandmother seventy one~ ears take long to rekmdle them, but a fire must !fall by persons trom the outside world , arrayed Now he has ha.stily made an ad the doctors as she enters the caJ.)iage dust unless you are r1dmg on a stone bal old a great grandmother\ six a grand be pretty well grown before it gn es out a lasted road, is frightful, and htdes nearly mother thirty eight a father twenty one d1ffus1ve warmth To make an anthracite and the auswer, ·Smith of New York, 1s dit10nal toilet for tea by lettmg loose era agarn lf anyone has ever ridden and a daughter of six m nths all met recent fire 1s quite an art and the reason so many explicit enough When the world rids it vat, waistcoat and cuffs flafling up his red The doctor returns to us with a smilmg everythmg self of some of its wise saws and learns the hair, until he has the appeaianoe of a very face One more cure he says ' to the sixty miles m suety mmutcs, he went be m ly at the house of the grandmother, Mrs R people fail 1s because they don ts tart with any doubt of the fact He will svoner place E .Arnold on Valencia Street Sau .Fran enough of kindlmg wood foohshne.s of sa,ymg "Once )nsane always busy bandit c1ed1t of Hickory Hall 1 ·Good evenmg, Ben ' says some one 1t at se\ enty five miles an hour, a speed that cioco Almost as remarkable a family-the msane, and of holdmg the unfortunate Ill 'Acme! Oh, good evenmg to be sure, ha ha' great grandmother Mrs Hendley mother of abhorrence, theso precaut10ns v11ll uc la.Jd ' Decidedly One gf the banes of this his actually been reached The Ex·Khedive s New Palace Whats the matter with 'lfOU ? Is it not a fact that express trams are the late Nathamel Adam~ bemg n111ety five aside hospital life 1s the ignorance and preiudice "Vhat s the news, Ben? quite frequently run at the rate of a mile a years older than her descen<lant of the fifth It is reported that Caen vVooct Towers, Next to Biddle is seated "Johnny ' of the people Thmk of that wo nan keep Up mto the an goes a spoonful of fried n g her daughter under leek and key two mmute for a short distance? gener ~twn-live under one roof m ..J3oston Highgate, in England has been purchased "Johnny JS a peculiar young fellow -a Well yes, 1f by short distances you do Highlands m behalf of Ismail Pasha the ex Khect1ve of good lmsmess man rn the e> en years, a den potMoes, down comes the spooa with a cbt whole )ears because she had heard th&t 1zen of Hickory Hall m the odd ones .As ter O\ er goes the butter dish mto Delorm s patients were whir ped and pounded and not mean over a mile or two If an express Brown nustakes his man ' Come, said Egypt for £90 000 Caen 'W ood '.Iowers 1s is late an l 18 bemg crowded ahead rapidly Brown he grows older perhaps he will stav out lap and Ben whisks lus coat collar around ~howered and mercy knows'\\ hat ' you must give somethrng for ou a moderr. house of Elizabethan design, and longer, until some day Hickory Hall will his ears excla1mmg to his female torment Why even Stodkms came down 1s surrounded by about twelve acres of ad 'llut doctor you do not drn) tr at there and should strike a down grade, a speed of fair sixty nnles an houris not 1rn prc:ibable Let handsomely I cl1dn t expect anythmg from mirably laid out g1ounds Mr Edward say Farewell to thee, Johnny fornver, ress ' Now don t you do that agam, I tel 1s so ne foundatton for these feelrngs and he will settle down mto a steady1 undis you I No J do not deny it and I hate the the person wl;io imagmes, however, that l11m He has a very bad name you know B10oke the forme1 proprietor, expended Delorme looks up m miured fashion, very mention of such facts quite a" b1tteily such a iate ot mot10n is a ve1 y common but chauty covereth a mult1tuc e of sm" laige smns upon the embellishment of the turbed life Perhaps so, perhaps not Alas' that smence cannot speak morn pos1t1vely of sayrng, 'Well Ben, I should say as much as an;} one else lhe physician VI ho ad affrur tune a,ny ot the fast express tiams Cone now what shall I pnt you down for? house aud all it8 appomtments are en a don t you do that agam Ibis 1s about m1ts such elements mto his tr atmeut of the on this road between mile posts \l,nd he will '1ases of his class I gL1ess I don t scale of magmficence The staircase wm Well, replied Fogg, Pethaps you thmk that Biddle and the two hundredth time you ve spoiled my msane ought to be stripped of his diploma be easily oonvmccd to the contraiy care to hMe my Sl!}S cmered up no hypo dow8 aie pamted with scenes from 1enny son some of the rooms are hung with "Johnny give weight to the ' once msane pants cnte ~bout me Day daJ old bo i and an attendant gmlty of the barhanties - - - - -ButBens httle crms has pas·ed H e sta 1 ped Cordovan leathe1 from the Nether alway msane them y T,here are except1011s which have been thrust rnto the history of Distinguished Vlsit:irs from Japan '.Ihe old gne~ance of takmg an oath as lands and some of the doors are of ebony. to all rules And the stxangest feat 11 e oi su1 ve;> s the slight rum he has ct eated and 1.asanity shou1d be hung by the heels mdrnpensable to L'IVmg eVJdence m a Court 1nla1d with ivo1y In the g1ounds there are all is that when at Hickory Hall, these two blushes with r egret offeung profuse a polo I here 1 wnuld you express the case n any His Excellency M Sugt Envoy Extra f Law when the person obJects 01 the gies and saymg ' All right Delorme come str nger words· But a--re not vnsane gentlemen snd ordinary appomted by the Emperor of Ja other side M ers that he does not b "hcve m a mimature farm and a dairy It is said llut look at the frank faced gentlemanly over to-VI hats the name of this place ladieA I have ceaserl long ago to be at all tian to attend the cornnatwn of Kmg Ka God and consequently cant swear 01 give that the gentleman who negotiated the sale and I'll fit you out nere:hbor ol Johnny s .A fortmght ago it r c now actua,ted by my feelmgs on tins matter lakaua of Hu.wau ha' mo: perrormccl that reliable e\ idence, is to be remO\ ed as it m the fast mstance purchased at £40 000, quned two keepers to prevent l\'[r Dock Seated neXit to Ben 1s the rnventcr of the Ih sis the first time T have uttered such duty reached ~ew York re cently bj' the ought to be Simple affirmat10n 1s to be and resold the property on the followmg from spli·ung his head open agamst the chevaloscope He 1s givmg the patrnnts the sulphuuc language m many years Ea,1 Jy steamshipZealandia Hissmteconsists ofM .llowed but to be fo lowed with all the da1 to the agent of Ismail Pasha for £90 walls He ate buttons and pms suwepti eighty first part of a lecture on the' Pnserv 1 ~my practwe my 111d1gnat1on was aroused lsh1bash1 Secretary d Legation Miehmon penalties of perJUIY rn the event ot its 000 tiously Clothmg and beddmg we10 ob ation of llealth His topic for to lll!;ht is and I determmed to do ~hat I could for the S Nagasaln Secretary of his Im penal Ja berng pro' ed that tne witness spoke falsely noxious to h11n To day he goes where he 1 eaas a PreRervatne Ile illiis rates his msane It has been terribly up h.ill work I panese Ma3esty s household Prof K Sugt Many who a 1e neither Agnostws nor It must be dehghtlul to be a British mm pleases he reads the newspapers , he plays discoveries Gentlemen please observe can. tell you ' of the Umversity of Tokio and S Kakmchi Atheists obJect altogether to the whole ister of the crown at the present tim" Not anybody patient or vmtor, a game of b1l I place m this cup of tea one teaspoonful of 'You lack public sympathy 1 attache Alter lnakmg a sholt tour system of JUdtc al oaths and specially to one of them is ever sure but hf;! may get his · hards Wlth a discount In a few weeks you salt, -su1tmg the act10n to the word, Do you not see fo1 yourselves that the of obseivahon through cities of the the wretched piece of tomtoolery of 'k1ssmg nbs tickled with a smgeon s \iisseutmg will find !um at his busmess agam,-wntmg next a lump of butter then a httle mus public is still sleepmg i A certam amount Atlantic sea board they -gurpose re the book It 1s to be hoped that all such kmfe, 01 have his head made a target for great piles of letters,direetmg the movements tard a tablespoonful of sugar, cream accord of the old barbauty is laid aside -yes But turnmg to New York to embark~9i Japan by will soon have their d1f!iculhes removed by wh1stlmg bullets It is all vety well to of an officefull of ch 1ks mg to taste, and lastly the skm of this baked the pubhc must still hav its dens for the steamer m April next They are a fine, m rbemg allowed to make a simple affirmation have guards doubled or trebled Stlll all Tlus tmud li ttle man next to Dock 1s poor potato Ah I you have to eat fr'Vld pota mcarcerat10n of the pauper msane, and tell1gent set of men mos· affable and that does not contribute to sound sleep Pa~ sou- Jso of the Domm11;m Re is con toes, the rest of you don t you ~ Well, I many a patient far above the pauper class eourteous and all but Oile speak Bniihsh Long ago there was a man appomted as and a good d1gest1on It 1s the old story,valcsccnt, ho rs gomg to get well, You do don't eat such truck as that -Here 1 finds himself thrust 111 there, also, through ftuently trustee on an estate for the benetit of a num ' Happy low lay down, ' DOCTOR BEN. eo 0 I 0 ____ ~ ---- I .... -..._..

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