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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1883, p. 6

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w.m 4&§W944QUM+··MMf95±9!5£?4 &&&!!i&1!6Wiflf'ftiSM Q4@1161AiftJ?&!fl\MilltB:..""J~J!Z2FJ!nL.~ifWi~~~~~!l!!lm~~~~~~~Wl!t~~WlDllt!lt~~TM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Two Orbs More Bright. BY'.! Y BROWNE. Ye gleamrng orb~ that deck The firmamont on high, Each diu.mond dazzling speck 'fhatstuds yon ebon skY Each orb that but ref!ecrs the r 1Y Or unseen monarch of the day Yonrlustrous hues are dead Your glory gone fot aye Nor by thy beauty led Seek I alone to stray, ] or I behold two orbs more bnght ro eyes that gloam with h vmg light DOCTOR BEN. .iln Episode m:the !iife of a l'ortunate lTnfortunate. CHAPrER :XXIV - OonINUED DR l'KfERSON The company begms to enter- first a silent l:tdy, a vE:ry v1Vac10us and sparkltng one, a t1m1d young man, a conseque11hal oltl. one Then " Men y' stalks through the dol!lr way, m full expectation or the honors of the evemng He extends his hand with a mag 111ficent air to Miss Bogrand, ch.jef matron, say11)g, "Your servant, ma.dam, Marshal of the--" "l\!Ierry s' limbs are notprepa ed for this , perhaps they were braced up only to the l"vel of the may!>ralty of Albany, and not strongly ~enou~h for the marshalship of New York. ffe sways for an mspant, hrs arms cleave the air, and "Merry" goes down Jn a heap NeHr mmd ' Wlnle "Merry' 1s p1ckmg himself up, '"e look the other way-at this sweet, bright, engagmg face "lrn;h. stands framed m the entrance Its possessor h<ls held court mas stately halls ;µid drawmg CHAPTER XXV rooms as ever you waltzed and promenaded Jn She IS nameless uow, for a t1lne Why' JILY FOLLil:IS s PARLORS Because stupid p ople and malicious people In the parlor of ~f1 Bly .I! ollrns's smte at would delight to whisper and pick at her the Alderney, on Wednesday mornmg, when she returns to the outer world At March S, were three gentlemen - .Mr present they only en'Y her, because they Folhss, Germnme Pa~$on, and John-com beheve her to be hvmg luxuriously, and en monly called Jack-Brandon JOymg a trip up the Nile or m the Holy Ihe room, a rather luxunously furnished Land Stupid people 1 one presented an aspect not exactly of con He1e comes dear Mrs Oomoor1ah l Forty fus1:1n, but certam1y nqt of mder An easel years of se1v10e m neathencountr1es, a yea1 v;Jth big, sprn,wlmg legs, but supportmg a or two of simple, gentle weariness at Hick supetb Verboeckhoven, had been set ande, ory Ha,11, possibly a little period of clear as fat as pos,,1ble, Ill a corner Hooks, v1s10n, and then an etermty of angeilc w1s drawmg tools, sketches, b1 ushes, tubes, dom m the kmgdom of <~od-th1s is an p1tcbn;i, glasses, cigar boxes, pipes and all epitome of Mrs Oomoonah's past, pre·ent the litter, useful, ornmnental and pest1£er and future Hard work and the bro1lmg ons, of a bachelo1 s !ivrng room, la:i- scatter sun of Cathay's pla1Ds have turned her horn ed about-. In the ce1 tre of the room we10 the path of health for a little while Brand four or five boxes half co1'cred with foi e1gn the good woman 1 The ma1i who would do Mteamsl11p and ra1llvay l abels and marksthat shonld be branded v;ith hot 1ronsaJter to a sort of ceremo111a l open1Dg of wluclt the fa.sh1~n of the rough old times '"nose no Bly Foll1ss had 111\ t ed his two bosom t1ons he clrngs t o wtth such tenacity, and friends should wa1k the streets with tte word Left an orphan al moot t he very day he at " Fool' upon his forehead - if it be arned hLM maJoutv, ~ud rece1vmg a for tune lawful to apply that word to any human be <1t hrs mother's death, Bly Folhss had ne\er 111g. luuad a place m the working world , and Sprightly Miss Fort has also arrived with <lomestio 1ife had as y et been unatt1activ1 her sister, who 1s v1S1tmg her Seventeen to hun The money h e would have long years has she been afli1cted Strangely ' squa.ndere1l 1n bus1Dess,' ~s he expresse 1 enough, of late she has raved httle , she has 1t (and probal1ly with q 111t e as much tmth awaked to 10..hties Queer ways she ha.s as metapbo1) or would have spent upon a yet, but on the whole slle is vastly changed wife, Mr Folhss had to nd lumself of m for the better The doctor and her sister othe1 ways , and, to his credit be it said, not have a scheme for this evemog Miss Fort IS a pound of it went to the fosteung or m to be mv1ted to play Once she was the best crease of tins world's vices and m1se11es performer m C--. Folhss s fnend, Germarue Parson, on the Miss ]ort receives the proposal doubtful other h and, had a bare competence, and ly , but her sister qmetly suggests that they with this was pursumg a thorough course of play one of.J\fozart s sonatas, m di;o, and ~er SClentific stud)' Some day Professo1 Par eye hghts up gladly son "111 b heard of, unless characte1 and " Which one·" she exclaims, br1gntenmg diligence count for nothrng "Let us play the tlmd 111 ])' It was Folhss's delight to spend lus ,non Memory 1s a marvellous engme Here we ey on his f nends Ihe a ·rival of tlrese 1 count it a wonder that 1t should leap over boxps, with one exception, was the £1 mt of seventeen yeaIS, Ill etermty it will traverse tins generous mmdedness, fo1 their con thousands tents were mtended for Germame Parson 1'1iss Fort looks over the notes, changes although the purchaser made believe they her mmd, and deolaree for Mozart's first his "ere for his own use symphony m D In an rnstant she 1s seated I " Come, Parsy," exclaimed Folhss, "lets at the piano, whereat the doctor's eye ghat attack Brandy, you hMe a good hand for a ens hammer ' Will you play primo. dear·' asks the 'Jovially they went to wmk, bungmgto tnster light a Brownmir spectrum apparntus, a set " Yes ' of Typen plates, and a superb bmocular wit h She stnkes the open1:ig cord of the I ob1ect glasses an mch and seven e ighths m alleq1 o somewhat hes1tatmgly but the first I drnmeter, with all t~e uewest improvements cnord ~ mspire her She rmgs out the theme 10 rack motion and focussmg screw, set 111 with its gradual crescendo, g1' mg the last alumm1um, and put up m leather trmmphal notes firm!) and powerful1y She Parson danced with delight, as he released smks to the soft reply, that sj;1mn which fiom 1t wrappmgs a new transit mstru seems like the smgmg of hymns m a castle ment, called a d1plo1doscope, an mst1umen t chapel by mothers and WJVPS and daughters, mo,,t beautifully and accurately adJusted for w lule then kmghts are domg battle m th., markmg tune plam below rhen the burst of another "Just what I ha,ve been w1shmg to see, /01te passage follows sounding like a cry Bly, ever smce the Eng11sh 3ournals began from the field , then a measured stram, as to ment10n le I tell you, fellows, there are of men marchm~ slowly through tire castle wonderful capab1ltties m this ht le thing gate, victms, but burdened with theJr dead You may send your Beesleys and Jurgen and dymg, a stram of triumph and thanks sens so tho British Museum, to b e handed givmg , a c1escendo of J ub1lee , a piano of down to posterity as specimens of the un wn,1lmg from the widows and fatherless plements u~ad by then savage ancesto1s Now sounds again a trumpet call to muster, rJus and the sp ctrum are go1Dg to put mto agam the same h·1 mn before the altar m the } our vest pockets a little t'nng not large1 castle chapel , then the andante, a solemn, t han a coat butto 1, at a cost of not half a stately stram, calling to mmd mailed men crov;n, which will give the tune of day 111 and\ e1led wow en gomg forth to pay the last fallibly No breakmg of mamspungs, no rites to those who died for glo1y and honor, rnnmng slow or fast , no \\ mdmg up, no ancl, of all, the allegi o motto of final JOY bother about repairs ' and trmmph It 1s to be regretted that Pa1son has These made up a pwture of sound wluch set not yet completed that mvent1on We ~'l.iss :Forts face ablaze with enJoyment and may as well wmd our watches a few more msp1rat1on Mozart lnmsclf had more than e ' emn gs once acted more hl,e a madman than did Onr time need not be const1med rn further Miss Fort des..,ript10n of the unpack1Dg of Folliss's But, alas 1 we ha' e no record of Mozart's boxes .ttather let us follow Parson to the swmgmg hnnself up to the top of the piano, window, whet:e he is trymg the range of the after a performance, and danglmg his feet b1oocular Brandon, mea11wh1le wrencb1Dg there This 1s what Miss Fort did, and Ben off the co' er of the one excepted box whose is greatly amused He qmckly makes a mo contents were really for Folliss's own use, t1on as if to give her the benefit of !us discovers thiee new smts of clothes In an phrenological skill, but Miss Fort repels mstant he 1s at Pa1son s side ·with a pau him proudly, sa)'1Dg, 'You are not my bar of Bly's new mexpress1bles, h eld out ber, sir 1 straight and stiff with the a id of two " "Oh I \ery well, then,' replies Ben, and walkmg st10ks, h e peers out mto t h e air, suggests, qmte mJldly and forgtvmgly, and cnesthat she had better take two gallons o " What an mstrnr.:ient 1 By i ove I I can wlu,key and four ounces of qumme before see Dt McMunay p1ckmg gtapcs over at breakfast. Niagara So1ne one strikes up some fa1r quadrille Pa1son lets down the b1Docular at tlns, music uow-poss1bly the Lancers- and sets and Bly FoUiss also looks up at the scene a10 formed A good natured roar had barely reached ' Come ·~:Ieiry,' take a partner," sa,ys the its zemth, when a knock sounded up'ln the doctoi:.: door, followed by the appearance of Carney Tue deepest of bMses replies, "Ex- cuse Dugan arm ed "'1th the appliances of her me, doctor \Vhen I was marshal I was the occupation best dancer on Manhattan Island Ch, "I wants t o clane up, M1sther Fnlly,' pshah 1 yon ought to h ! seen 1 1e she smd dance 1 But my teeth are out of ord er "No, su ee You can't touch a smgle straw here t lus day, Don t you see all uow ' 'fhe dauce goes 01~, howeve1, without these neVI machrnes and tlungs i If "Merry, and a lively, thoughve1y 01derly, you v.ere t o touch one of them, n,nd 1t exe1c1se they make of it uhould go off, 1t <vou d blow you to Russia Whist ~nd euch1e comes m for a shn,re of Look out 1 Don't knock that misoroscope the fl.y1D g hours , and h"ely tongues discuss o\ ei ' the events of H1eko1y Hall, ani ot the world "Is dhat a mo~keryscoop i An whats 1t at Ja1ge The doctor mmglcs freely -w1tb fm ? 'asked Carney hrs patients, not solely for soCJal purposes, For a reply, Bly set the m strument, and but for medical as well In pomt of fact placecl a trny specuneu upon the plate lhe these socrn.l gatheungs m the parlors aro not old woman looked through the tubes as she ummportant test occas10ns was duected, held up her hands m hortor On the present occas1cn, not a few of the and exclaimed· p atients hol 1 their own tb.c entire evenmg " Pether an' Paul ' 1s dhei e sech bugs as without one lapse Generally their comer dhem m dhe housP. · An' dh1s a n ew house sat10n is qmte i at1on 11 Our Ben rn uncom too 1 I'd be gom' to M1sthe1 Blossom, dh1s monly fluent and clear You could turn l11m huur, w1d it Am I to clane up, ~'.hsther off th&t1ack easily eno ·gh, as Miss Fort did F ull ?" for a momeut, .J:sut hold bun to some ration " Not a stroke, Mrs Dugan " 0 0 al subiect, m a rational way, and Ben can talk as well as most men "Whe10 did you sav yom r ome was, Mr Hallowell "'asks one of the ladies Ben is unmediately Me rr ory off the track ha.a not perfected her work m bun yet So h(, replies, "Well, no;v, it was m a mill, J m pos1t1ve Betty and Iom and I lived there "In a mill? ' asks the doctor " Wasn t tt Millville ' ' ' .No, 1t sounds like that too ' Ben was struggl1Dg now with momory Le~ the fight go on He pses, and paces the room a tum or two Returning he takes the doctor by ho th arms gazes mto lus face eaxnestly, n,nd cnes tremblmgly, "Do you know \\here Mill mgton is~' "No, but I will find out for you, Ben" This sat1sfie3 the poo1 f llow, and he be comes perfectly calu1 again Off the nack 1 Yes , the bewildered eye the ftuslung cheek, the expandmg nostul, the opemugand clo,t'i!g hand, were e1 1dence of that Bl\t memory had given a fierce pull, an<l Ben was on the track agam, 1f not wholly, then at least to the e~tent of one whee! Fo· the perfect10n of the work, Nn,tu1e and Science are now workmg hand m hand The deluding when one sought to m 1 oke the oth r's. aid with all manner of mouthmgs, \\ ith childish w1tc11Craft, swmg mg of censers, c0mi_tJng of beads, tnangula tion of stars, and the mixu1g of blood of newts and new born babes, the tm1e$ ai,,o, when Nature, gaod\ true, fanhful N~ture, hune, aloof frvm such Scumce, falsely so called-arc past Science 1s content now to be the pup 1 of Nature, and does not seek to be an old wo man ndmg upon a broomstrnk s"' eepmg cobwebs out of the sk} And how muon bet ter for Sc1enc·' 1 How much better for Na tm e ' How much better for man 1 I I I I Tbc Bloocl Corpuscles "Jack '1 "I'd shmt mcse1 r n,v I was you, M:1stlrer "Is 81 comrng O\ e1 himself' Fully an if Id dbe dn>y to me 0"'11 SP.If, ('h~ messen,,e1 grinned as he answered, A yellil 01 more ago as the fo11nan of one The genorallv acceptedi J idea of tke 1 too, I'd have tune maj hap, to see M1sther ' Im s atcard 81 s go1 i t't1mber, up lake, of the iron works of this 01ty was crqss1ng origm of th hlood corpuscles 1s tha~., they Macrae' said Carney, v;1th an mquis1tive, t'ilay Im'll be gone a w1k the yard one day he especl n, little skip of are formed w the anm1al eco11pmy Some searchmg look atFu1!1ss lh1s was someLlw1g of t 'lehef to Bly, at a boy, seemmgly not over 11 years old mvest1gators h :i,ve clauned that they or1gm · Bly ('u,ught the word, and the expres$10n cill events, £01 tne le tter had a thieatemng seated on n, big fi) \~heel and chewmg the ate m the spleen, and others m the lne1, end of b·tte1 refiact10n upon Oarney s face But there was nothmg it~pect l1l }?art The basis for t hese conclusions has been "Vho ate you i ' ' I'll meet you at 1he stat10n, then, 1espons1 vt) 111 hrs own, nor even a word of that t he 1ed corpuscles were fit st mdentJfied 'Im Jae!,' ad\lce to Ca1ney as to the speudmg of he1 to moirow mormng,' he said to the mes bs them m fcetal hie m these 01 gans, usu· "What a10 }OU domg here?' time He w11s completely silenced senger ally at the period of three m onths One "Rest1Dg ' Carney waited deceutl v for a moment, 'Night, zn,' wastlie"'holeof the mans of the most ca10fol phys1olog1sts of the day " "\>Vh11t do you want ' and t lr<>n l eft tn<' room muttermg as ~he reply a lecturer of some prommence, recently "A JOb went' Whats your name " sta,ted that he thought tlrey were formEd Those were t.he IDqmnes n,nd answe s, bet\\een the v1ll1 ar d the receptacle for the "He wasn't here, dhen, <lhe ltar 1" ' Bogle, z1r-J1m ' And as a matter of fact Folhss had not lbe man departed leav1Dg the three Th" boy was pale faced and rngged, but m cbyle, and that 1t >\as beyond the powers of thought of Macrae for many days, nor .had bac11el0t s suspended between the senous and his steel blue eyes t11e foreman saw game the humau mmd to grasp the facoo he a; yet seen the carc' dropped by hrs old tbo ludncouij l! olliss, however was m And, t oo, tt c idea or a "a1£ like him settmg In preset vmg the expt ~ssetl inwo of sound fuend m the latter box Day after day let clmcd to be quite gr'.'.ve, and out of con out to battle the world touched a tender grapes for saciamental and medicrnal use, I ters had been taket\ theuce , but th e card, a sideratron for then £11end, the others podt c1101d m the he11rt o.t the man who hail uot1ced that the unfermeuted JUWe was like tlnn, flat, hardly tangible ohrng, lay snugly poned rnnumerable Jokes whch they had boys of his own, and he set Jack at work the blood m the hmnan system, translucent, m the yn,rd at the bottom of the bo;x prepa1ed to pelt him w ithal an1 l that afte1 1t had been fermented the No one thought the boy would stay a fluid was opaque until a fter Jt was clanfied, For a t une Carneys speech and ~ts man "Fellows,' said Bly, ' the n,11 is thick with 1 ners diverted Folhss from ]us 1mm< d1ate mystery What Is to come of all these VI eek and so uo one caied to v. here he when rt agam became trnnslucent,the opaque sunoundmgs and his two fnends canglit I tluugsJ I cant pnt this Macrne matter to came nom or wbo he was Rt1t he stuck matter havmg been piec1p1hotecl as sed1. him dreaming gethc1 there's the postman 1 Par.y will He was hard \\Orkmg aind faithful, and as ment the weeks went by he gamed friends One ' What's up, Bly·' was Branuon's first you please open the box for me?' ' A bottle of wme which had been per sally 'Ha.s the dear:old lady been propos Ge,.rna1De oi;ienen the box and lit ought day he walked up to the foreman n,nd sa11i nutted to ferment, stoou for th10e years ' I want to learn the t1ade ' mg?" Bly foui leLteis and a car .-t The care! at and the opaque substance still contmued t~ "You? Ha 1 ha 1 ha 1 Way, Jack, yon float, rendenng the liquid mudd)' " H'm I Proposmg? I should thmk so tracted !us attent10n first Kc turncll The are not big enongn. to hanale a cold chisel liere sa queer thmg, that uld crea ture p ro it O\ er u.nd o'er ani his face wore such .an bottle was ag1tatet1 ror a couple of mmutes, " I can whip any prentwe boy m this poses to go and spend the day with Mr exp1ess1on th:i,t both his f111mds wete and st away, and m a day or two all the shop 1 was the earnest deelaratwn Mac1a.e said Bly at..rmed sohd matter had settled to the ho tom "Just hear hun 1 Why, any of the lot ' Well, what is to prevent' Tell her to "No bad news I hope Bly said Jack £his experience 1s common to all \\ho could turn you wrong side out 1 When you make vone from grape Jmce It 1s an ac· pnt ou a clean pinafore, Bly, and not to eat Brnndon ' get big e1w11gh to whip the smallest one you to? much, and be a good girl ' ,, "N-no, not bad news, but, see here, I'm cepted idea with some, that thrn floatmg Stop your chaff, Brandy, cne<l Bly, gettmg tho oughlv shaken up "\Ve were come to me fo1 a Job ' substance m unclanfied wme rn of chemrnal At noon that day Jack walked up to the on1g1u, and they ha\ e denommated them "Yon don t ],now a p1cmc from a funeral t ..lkmg of ID) steneo, and here comes anotf sometimes ' er one the tallest one of the lot I can t biggest apprentice boy m the shop and said ' scales 'Come out doos ' - " l wish 1 coul.;i get this out 0£ my head," make It out Look at t h,>t card I' The qnest1011 su gested it self, ,,hy chd ' "\Vhat do you want·' :Wded Bly "Parsy, you remembe1 meet 'lb,ey looked as they we1 e b1dde11 Btau thev not stttlo before 1g1tn,t1011 , mstead ot " I m go1Dg to h ck you ' mg ~acrae at P&tton Junct1011, don't I don volunte~rmg to remark, ' Your' fnend 11nmediately aftet? I was finally led to con' \Vhat for ? ' you 9 l a rathCJ careless, I should tlunk. ' clude that they weie In11t cells ,,hwh had 'Because I want a chance to learn the e,caped bemg ru ptur. d wlule the Jill Ce was "Yes, and I remember gomg up to S1 The card was one o' Thomas Macrae s K11aber'~,011 a fools errand, partily on his havrng Ins name eng1aved upon 1t No": bade" bemg e~pressed [ be two wen1 ont t!)d ID mght of twenty l\.CCount no mau ca.n always keep lus wits m foll l accept miq 11ahfiedly the statement m ' And you remember that old woman at play And, 1f you tnfle w1th edge tools von witnesses little Jack "'en a v10to,v At 1 the Genms that grnms and fruits are belllra SJ s, last autumn ?" need not be surprised 1f yon r ece1ve a sudtlen o .Jock he touched his hat to the 'foreman apted for m:i.n s food, anol this vi~w has "Yes , same name as our Hausmutter, remmc1e1 of their sharpness In a fit of ab and ~aid "Ive licked your biggest 'pr~Ltice and be 11 susta111ed by the expenence of those what about her?" stract1ou wb1 e mstrnctma Iom Branrugan who have confined themselves to those 10110" "You re very b11ght this mornmg, Parny the preced1Dg week, Macr"'e had scubble l want to go to "ork 1 ' 'Ieu mmutes late1 he had become a machm enough for their systems to become accus': -blight e)lough to be on the bench on that card He had w11tten" Hallowell' tomerl to such foed Punty 1s the first esCome, if you are m a quest10nmg and no~ m one place, "E P ' m another, "H1cko1 y 1st's appreutwe, and 1f you go m the e to sential to a prolonged hfe, and any cond t n 1 10 an assortrng humor, h elp Ill} out of this," ville lll a third Abstractedly he had day you w1 l find him with greasy hands, said Folhss ' put it rnto his card case agam Foolishly oily face and a head full of bus1Dess ideas as de from this high standard 1s pathological It is geuerally conceded that t he cells m "State your case" he had eropped it 1mo Bly Foll1ss s letter Jack carries the keys to the drawers v; here the f1 uits and grams are s1m1la1, so far as ~he steam gauges safety valves and other "I charged Mrs Dugan one da,y with be box food value 1s concerned, and that the fresh mg the same person we saw at 81 K1mber's, To Bly Folhss 1t was like t h e mometary ttunmmgs are kept, and he knows the use and she demed 1t" shak1Dg of a lantern on a da1k 1111Yht He of every tool, the workmgs of every piece fnut c lls are filled with water, while those of grnrns a10 n ot This is demonstrated "Not a finable offence,' said Parson "The thou;:! t he saw mto one of the ~1ystencs of mn,clnnery, and there is a constant call m mukrng oaten po1ndge If the "ater lS prisoner was drncharged ' wlach surrounded him, but could he eX'press to1 Jack here and Jack there Before he warmed and a very httle meal added m " J:lold on," replied Bly "Not quite so his thoughts with any defimteness ~ All he IS twenty he will be a finished machmist twenty mmutes, 01 half au bout t he w~ter fast More times than I can recollect, I could do as yet Wild to assume that 'Ihorµas and before he 1s 25 he will bp foieman of has la1gely disappeared, and the ma a pre used to W"' der what Tom Macrae was do - Macrae was employmg a fict1t10us nam.e some great shop He IS quiet, earnest, 1e sell,ts a r.-spectable appearance for appea~mg What he does 1s mg at Patton Just at that tune, 1£ you re and that Cn,1 ney Dugan was m possession oi spectful ancl observmg a hung1y stomach member, young Hollins was lost Do you a lette1 mtendBd tor him-a letter sent well done What he is toltl he never for l'he s tan Jard est ablish ed ru the order of gets remember what Debby told us about the to him under that name Well, what Aml here are hundreds of boys who com nature by wl11ch sound fr U1tS and grams can Irishwoman s agitat10n over that gold and then? be d1st1.Pgmsbed from t'.looe winch a1e de onyx ornament which Debby wo1 e at h er Parson and Brandon were soon rn possess plam that t11e10 1s no cliance for them even cayed is fam1har to all, and I suppose all when backed by money n,nd mfl.uence "!'hey throat ? Now, here 1s th s Mother Superior ion of all tire tacts, so far as .Folhss coul I v11ll concede that the sou1Jd ones n,re alive as of ours-' give them 'Iogether, the three went over wait a11d wart and whme and compla1u ,.nd diatmgmshed from the decayed ones A knock at the door liroke Folliss s sen and over them, with the unammous conclus leave 1t to waifs like little Jack to call up Dunng my cog1tat10ns, and experiments teuce Ju two "Come rn " he cried, and ion that Macrae had some object m the as the ga11.e m their soul· an1l walk boldly the mv1tat10n was responded to by a frowsy, sumption of a false n ame, and that M,.s 1Dto a gren,t mauu'actunng works and say whwh extended over lllr\ IJY months I wa~ lei:l to the conclus1on that the Vlt 1i flmds "I'm .here- I want a JOb '" coarsely clad man, who SUI veyed the com Dugan was p11vy to 1t A11.d fm 0her th; imported to the hve cells a soecial Vital enpany generally, anq finally a.~ked, without d eny 1t as vigorously as she pleased, siie was Detroit li1ree Pre,ss dowment, which was agam augmented by auy waste of worrls1denttcal V11tlr the woman "horn they had the oxygen derived f1om tie a n t~kcn >nto "Misser Fujluss · seen at S1 K1mber's Of courde she was 1 The Travels of an Irish Bog the lungs Bly acknowledged his identity , and afte1 They could al l see it clt>arly enough The convwtion was strengthencJ m '\"e· A conespondeut of the Daily E:JJp1ess some fumbling his visitor produced a letter now wl11ch Bly proceeded to read, the stranger "Then I mu~t find he1 ,"said Bly, " at g1 ves the followrng account 01 a physical terence to the character of the 1 1(al fimds st:1lldmg cn,p 10 hand, motionless once I want to kuow " hat all tlns p11enomcnon of a s1Dgnla1, though not u1i by the recogmt10n of t he fact that aii precedented lnnd at Castlcrea, Cuunty Ros orgamc substances when submitted to The letter was as follows means " M For L But Carney was not to be found Agam commou He says - H wwg heard many chemical laws are d1soruamzed, the vital and agam Bly rang for her but some of the reports about this mov1Dg bog, I resolved to pr111c1ple d1ss1pated, while tbe material of Deer other servants always answered the bell v1s1t the s ene of devascao10n Never have which they \\e1e composed 1s given back to He sent to her room even, late at m ght, 1t I witnessed as strnnge a pheuomenon Ab< u t t he world of m orgamc matter, conversely, Sir Decem the 2 nme was still tenantless In the mormng came tmdway oetween ('a·tlerea and Bcllnagare, evidence of this 1s also found m the fact t hat no 01 game 1t vmg cell has ever been pr(o. "\Ve hen good del harnd or wold. write mforruatiou that Carney had 11ot been seen a drntance of six mlles there w a gently dnced by any chemist _..,. afore Deb 1s SJCk, verry She ma,ks o t about the buildmg smcethe eally part of the slopmg vale abound1Dg ,n rich meadow and pastm e lands The 10ad [l,t this powt 1s Food cells arc, m alr'in11ta.nces, ong1Dated as she mus see yu rite off \Vat she wan~ prccedmg cl ·Y 1 Bly was torced to take his depa1 ture for some1' 1at l11ghe1 than the ad1actnt fields rn the vegetablP. world, nnd under the fa·vs fu1 to see yon fur 1s mo~r as she 'Hll Ef theys hen anltnm atween he1 an you, r S1 K unber s, thernfore without the hglrt he Aloug this valley t he bog has forced tts t hat go' ei u vegetable growth Durmg tbis wauts to see you, too An et they had half ex.pected to obtam from her not .vay On ieachmg t he read 1t was held m process tney recUI ve a g1 ven fund ot hfe ben a nthm, by gmger ( thJS sentence was only Ill regard to Macrae, but also co:ncern check for a considerable time, buL eventual lheEe cells are adapted to receive an en· I~ 1t burst across, and rusht:d with amazrng hanccd vital endowment, and spec\a) mnermg matters at Krn1be1 ·~ crossed out ) "Uood by, fellows, he said ratber dis rnp1d1ty, covermg rn ivs course upwards or vat10n from ~the vital fluids of what-ever She says 1f j ou kant kum send up tliat other (here 81 hail mai:ie awful attempts to mally "1'h1s will be a fine lark 1f the Du 120 acre~ of fine pasture lai1ds One farm ·mm 11 eats them This could only have spell a long word, and given it up, but gan and that frowzy head tum out to he h rn·e stmds qm te suuonnded with the occurred under the skill of a d1 vmu archi· medium·, and we get ' The .Alderney filled mud, the occupants havmg to flee for then tect All vegetable substances are adapted evidently he meant "gentleman ' ) with spmt rapplll);,S, or some other crazy ltves, leaH1ig behmd a cart, on \\ bieh they to sustun some portwn of Gods extensive , He ll do I d1srern l:>er his naun were busily heaprng some of then fu1111tme fam1l;> ot ammated uature nonsense " .And m his Yure's till nex Two clays elapsed, and the night bet" e m All comn:tm1catHm bet\\ een Cu,stlerea aud wisdom he has made ample p10'1s1on for a S KIMBER Bellnagare 1s cut off, huge masses of bog, claas or tissue compnsed m their bodies · On Fnday evenmg Bl~ rnturncd, ancl h s coated with h ' ather, remalllrnl! on the ro td wluch are, Ill turu, specially adapted to re' P S Ef amthm atween yon an Deb Kim friends were awa1tmg Jum accordmg to fo1 1 e111 ly a qua1ter of a mile, fully 10 fet:t c-en e the propet impress fr m their vital agreement A hot supper had been sent up her, by gmger (he1 e S1 changecl hrn mmd, Bern_ u11x10ns to view the source fiu1ds, winch are always de ived fiom their to Bly's rooms by the chef, that despatched, deep apparently, and literally scrat ched out this CJgats were lighted, and lily Foihss related nom wluch it io~ued, I ~tarted up t he fiel d arterial current, as well i..s an aaded fund of whole postscript ) towards the bog I fo und 1t co1 nme11{)ed hfo from the au they breathe hi· adventures "Mysterj upon mystery 1" said Bly, We must let him tell h s stoi y m these aoout half a mile 1r m tbe road, havmg 1h1s affo1ds an mtimation as to how God tnrmng to his companions " Listen to pl),ges as well, leavmg 1 to some sub·e<]uent formed a Jar ge subsnlence of amazmg exten c IS ever operatmg to bmld np the vanous tms 1' chapter to reveal why Carney could uot be from which a strcu.m of mud was still st1 u~tures m om own as \\ell as the bodies nres1stibly fo1c10g its wn,y ThA g1gnntrc ·>f the lower ammals A cell once orgamzed Bly ren,d t he letter aloud to them, and iound whf)n wanted mass s of bog horny along, 111 n,ppar ent and endowed with life neve1 loses its oro-amc asked, "What does it mean? (TO BE OONTINt:TED sportive mnmciy, baffle desuript10n I e' structure until the vital pnnc1ple is"' d1s"That's for you to say, by gmge1 ," re tercd a cabm on the ou tslm ts of th e bog, s1pated, when its material substance is re sponded Brandon 'I'he Use and A.buse of Ba.thing which I "as SUL prized to find clean and com le~ated back to the -world of morgamc matBly laughed a little, but at heart he was Dr D udley A Sargent t akmg fo1 Ins tortable, despite its gloomy surroundmgs annoyed Turning to the messenger, he ·UbJect, 'Bathmg its Uses and .Abusoa, ' lhe old man told roe that tlus bog has been ter Previous to this death 1t may have askedfound a place m the t1sijues of an ox and general rules tor batlung as follows gives showmii signs ot movin., for many years " Bow swk 1s Debby Kimber?' A warm bath, with liberal use of cast1lo back, He attr1lmtes the cause to dtfective agam rn 111an or dog, and lastly m some'other " Am't sick ' soap 1s the best for cl<3anl111eds, and mght chamage, the wn,ter havmg sca1cely any of the carmvorn or scavenge1 class " But the letter says sh e lo ' The mfluence of an abundance of oxygen "Wait,' said Brandon, 'tins letter 1s dated the best tune Twice a week is often enough outlet He stated tlmt it started very snd Too frequent "'arm -baths d"b1htate t ht1 sys denly, reach1Dg the road, nearly half a mile for the blood cells is immense, and when we Dec 29' to eat food that 1s adapted for our Takmg up the subJect at this pomt, tern A cool sponge or wet cloth should be distaut, m less than ten mmutes He soi come m sufficiently limited quantity for the Bly asked, "Was Debby sJCk last Deccm taken daily for its tome effect and n,lways rowfnlly pomted oot to me his fine httle use m a warm room If strong and vigorons, fields, on wmch h e appears to have bestowed cells to receive their proper quota of added ber ?" t he best t ime is the mornmg , rf not strong muc h caie, the most of them now covered hte from the vital fluids and air, then we "fos , h 'awful " the cold bath had better be omitted and the with fully 26 ft of bog lt ha· now forced ~ball ha\ e learned to live. "Where did you ge t tlua letter ? ' When we come to understand the true tepid substituted After exeicrne, if greatly its way mto the nvei Suck, which nows "81 K nnber " fatigued, take no bath, but rub down vig through this town, and immense quantities ;iharacter of food we wJllnot spo1lnr1DJU'e the ' When?" orously with a dry towel If thoroughly are pass1Dg to>1 ards Ballmasloe Some care cells by cook1Dg. Anythmg that delf.~es " lsi;erdeh " warmed up but not t ired, take a tepid and supei ns10n will be req 11red at the VIJ.t the \ital standard whJCh the cells Itceive " Wllat do ) ou want of me?' sponge bath stand1Dg Ne,er take a tub ions bndges along the Suclt, to pi event their m the order of growth 1s highly detrimental " Dunno, Zilf " bath, excApt when bathmg for cleanliness be~ng filled up Ram still contmues to fall to our mterests, and the fact that no food "Is there any trouble up there t" A warm shower batb. followed by a cool ' ery hea, 1ly, and more serious 1esu1ts are will keep long atter bemg cooked ts evidence ' Dunno z1r that 1t has a detenoratrng mfiuence - Isaiah sprmklmg 1s prefcrnble to a cold bath after apprehended ' " Do th y really expect me to come ?" R1tcler MD, in Toronto 'I'ruth exercise Vigorous exercise renders Turki~h "Dunno zn n,nd h t baths unnecessary , these should be CYNICAL REMARKS ' Well," ·aid Bly, "wnatdo y ou know?' reserved f01 medical cases Skm d1so1de1s "Dunno, zrr," A Tragit> Story 1D Twenty·el11:ht Words. About Love, Lite and Friendship Bly was perplexed The JOUmey to Little are frequently caused by excessive bathwg Man's and the use of too much soap Although Seeks B 'ar at this 'time of the year would be a a1s A mau s ideal of mt1macy with a woman geneial rules fo1 bathmg could be given, Courts ma! affair and yet Bly coul<l not believe 1e that ho shall b e allowed to talk aoout ACJ oss Lawver thn,t the KLrnbers would send TOt hnn with e' ery man must he gmded by bis own phy lumself and she shall hsteu 'l!ack s1cal cond1t1oa >tnd 111 " occupat10n '- Boston Weeps, out good r ea,son A man who keeps tellmg a woman he is Advei t·ser Engrne Jury "Ah, that miserable young A lgie Burn her !11end 1s either rn love -with he1 , or 1s Roars, Sleeps son 1 he thought " ls it posoible th,t afru 1d he will be Man Judge A. Deserved Rebuke. Debby has been worsh1ppme; hrs image Snore3 , Chargess Cymcism m you1h Is a cl eplorable anachsilently, aftet the fashion of women fo1 Notlnng rs trner tha,n tbA maxim that Eugme Hea~y t wo ' ears and more, and has she succumb&:! great events turn upon small lunges Look rnmsm-but 1t is an mcv1table consequence Rushed, La1 ges , at last i Is she seekwg knowledge of the well to the s mall thwgs of hfo, gentle of age and experience Man Jury To any general rnle of expected conduct whereabot1ts of Blankdom, that she may 1 eade1, for upon tlJem may depend tbe great Squushcd Hollers make a p.lgrunage tl11the1, and bow down er ou~s Tlie~e wholesome ieilec110ns ate which one frarnes )le soon mn,kes except10ni, Wwo" "5,000 before the subJeCt o( her a lorat10n m per mspu ed by an mctd"nt of a mmder trial it' ot most m e11- a11d all" omen Snorts, $ 1 son ? If tha, 1s the case, contmued Oreville last week \Vhenthe Jury ret1reJ Some women who are calleu well pre Bly m !us thoughts, " I will put a stop to f 1 r consultation the prisoner had co11 sor ved look rather as if they had b een well 1t, and it is '\ orth a Journ ey to Litt le Bear veyed i;o him the fact that he had only $10 pickled 'l:he story that Prmce Gortchako:ff's illness Lake ' left to 'put up,' The difference between the gentleman cu Bly wa~ very wide of the real facts of thci ·'Ten dollais 1" exclaimed one of t he cnmstantial and the gentleman duect 1s was due to attempts to poison lnm 1s n, queer one I ho t ime has been whon the old d1 case, as he very soon learned And, 1t be twel ve 111dignan tly ' Wha,t does th· fellow gr eat, though not ahvays per ce1 vecl plomat mig ht hM e attracted the malignant had kno'1 n JUSt wlrat Debby Kunber had t>.tke us foi' W e a 1e "ill mg enough to do t he The difference bet~ ecn regret an cl te atte11t10n of rivals or plotters, but his day was a1dent1y desired to say to him on whai; she fau t lnng, heaven kn'lwS, but ten dollars W hj he should be poisoned may be a m01 se is that regret 1s sorrow for oppol:' over believed to be her death bed, Bly would have ! call that rnbbmg 1t m 1 · been quite as ready to go Ill D ecember as m "If he hatl only made 1t a dollar apiece ' tunity neglected-but remor~e is soirow for matter of conJecture, though he had State secrets m his m em01y, and perhaps 1t was oppo1tmnty1111pro· eel Y.larch snorted another One of the t" o thmgs a man must ha' e to fearnd that 1e 1mght p:vrt w ith them m the 'l tell you what 1t 1s, entlernen ' sard 'Ihe unpulse to do good was strong m tins ga1rul1ty of old age younl'( man True, he h ,d n ever had op the foreman sol emnly, if this sort of thmg go w ith comt01t through the world- eith er It need s " rne and patient effort tc make portumty to do anyth1Dg great m thatdn ec keeps on they ll be hav1Dg Chmesc Jurymen an ab1dmg faith lll 1:'10Hdence or a strong home the most attiact1ve place of all- and tia>n, but th~re might be the opportumty, next, so tho la" yers will get 1t all The1 e's sense of humor - Life and he em braced it Turn1Dg to the messen httlc enough money m our profession now it should n ever b e Jess than that Th ose" Its about time we made a i example of James vY Riley "ntes pretty ID a recent womanly arts which by the skilful touch ge1, therefore, he askedpoem, ' The touche3 of her ha1lds are like l end beauty aod grace to the plamcst Ho N can l get from the termmus to some one S poseu we hang thls man 9 · Aud by JO\ e, they did - San;, 'Fi C11nC1 8co the fall of veh et snowilakes " When James thrngs, and from be1Dg homely make them I\ 1mber's ~" was, say, six 01 ~eveu yca1 $ of age a-nd had to b~ homelike are all n eeded to this end Post "Dunno, 'less 01 carries 'ee" b eeu uaughty, he exp1 es·ed hunself differ Many a husband too prone to stray m1gbt "How'?" The Brandon Sun 1s now prmted by steam ently and more briefly, simply remarkmg, be kept by his own £reside by no more art "Iu's woggou VI' oggon's c~omm' a'ter me "Jupiter 1 how the old ,;dy c~n spank. ' power on a Millar & Richard Who.rfdale, or subtler skill t han this· 'n you, t morrer. ' terr. ·

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