An English Farm. Bad Medicine. ed him to prescrib~ for her nevertheless; so charge he is now resigning to his sons. (o) - - - - - The two great industries of Mr. T_homp- he took her hand and said impressively: ' "Well, I should-prescrib~ -~,should preson's hill farm seems to be tile ra1smg of shoep and keeping cows tor milk. A lamb scribe that-yon-get-marned. "Oh, goodness!' said the iuteresting infair has been held late! y, at which he sold 300 lamb~ between four and five months valid "who would marry me, I wonder?" ··I would," snapped the doctor, with all old, averaging in price thirty ·shillings, or D.K. E. C. WEw1··s ?:'\EHV~; Al'D BRAT:-< T.KEAJJ: about seven dollars. Such are sold to farm· the voracity of a six-foot pickerel. MEN'!\ a. gua.rntee.d :--1 .t·t;111 c uf H YSL tH 1u. · D1zz111"You," exclaimed the maiden. ess. Convulsion. WL tti, ~ ... rvvus ~cund.Kid., J lcu.ders who are not breedi;rs, to be fattened for "Yes.,, · ache, Nervous P .rodll'1>llvu euuse<l by the H-e market. Sheep fairs are frequent in Sussex. of alcohol or tobacco,WaKefulnees, Mental Dewill commence on NOVEMBER 1st the sale of his larae and well, "\Veil doctor, if that is the fearful al- pression, Softening of the Brian, resulting I hear of one recent lamb fair to which were in 0 ' ternat.ive; you ca11 go away and let me die in Insanity and leading to misery. decay and brought 17,000 lambs. assorted stock for cash. This is no hmribug. I am determined death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness' Loss The girls take me to the granery to show pen.oe." of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses ar.d. ine where ai·e stored 1600 fleeces-a fact to give up business. The goods will be sold at wholesale Snermatorrhrea caused by o\·er-cxertion of which indicates that their father is not ol!J- A CAUD.- To all who are suffering from the the brain self-a'buse or over-indulgence, One prices. The stock comprises in part: liged to force his produce into the market. i·1·ors and indiscretions of youth, nervous box will cure recent cases. Each box contains ·On both farms he worl·s about fourt"een bul- weakness, earl~ecay, los.s of manhood. &c one mouth's treatment. On" dollar a box, or DRESS GOODS, PUINTS, \VELVETEENS, FRINGES, 1 ' h D I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE six boxes for five dollars; &ent by mail prepaid WINCEY, SHIRTINGS, locks and forty horses. On the Sout owns OF CHARGE. 'J'his great remedy was dis- on i·eceipt of prfoe. We guarantee six boxes ·working horses are shod-two shoes on each I covered by a missionary in Sout.h ·America, to cure any case. With each order received by GRAY l!'LANNELS, BU'l'TONS, 'l'nI::liMINGS, ,foot, of course, ThE;Jy are thrown down on Send a s~!I-addr~ss~d . ~nveloJ\~· to Urn ~~v. us roi: six boxes, accompanied with five dollars WHI'l'E FLANNELS, l LINENS, TOWELS, 1 .their backs and possession is taken of their JosEPH 'I. INllfAN, /:Jtatwn D, ew York City we will send the purchaser our written guaran- This Great Household Medicine l<'AKCY FLANNELS, tee to refund the money if the treatment does F .A.~C'Y WOOL GOODS feet. There are blacksmiths' and wheelnot effect a cure. Guarantee issued only by DUNHAMS, DUCKS. ranks amongst the leading GR.A.Y & WHITl~ COTTONS, 'wrights' shops on the place, to save the ex- Ull:S'l' AND CO~U'OUT TO THE [Slf~FEJUNG STOTT&; JURY, sole agents fol' Bowmanville, CLOUDS. Ont. ; JOHN 0. WEST & CO., Sole Propriepense and trouble of running to and iro. "Brown's llouseholtl J·anncea" has no necessaries of Life: GR.A. Y & WHITE BLANKET:::., tors, Toronto, Ont. FANCY LAC]§ this farm are kept fifty cows in beautiequal for i·elieving pain, both internal and exn O 'l'heso famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and ternal. lt cures pain in the Side, Dack or Dow· MEKS' UNDERSIIIHTS and BREAKF.A.S1' SHAWLS, ·:f ul order, not only fed, but groomed. They els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toot.hache, most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the DRAWERS, ~ never come out of the stable except when Lnmbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. "It CJ,OTHS, TWEEDS, LADIES' UNDERi:lHIRTS, Liver, .Stomaclz, Ki'dnevs, - t 0 th d will most surely quicken t.h" Blood and Heal, Having the utmost confidence in its superiord rp, w h en they are t umed 111 e yar or as its aoting power is wonderfnl." "Brown's ity over all others, and after thousands of tests DRESS SHIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHAWLS, 1 into rough pasture. Mr. 'fhompson white- Household Panacea." being acknowledged as sf the most complicated and severest cases we and BOWELS, givmg tone, energy, and vigor BL.A.CK CASHMERES, washes the slaited l'OOf of the cow sheds to the greot Pain Reli11ver. and of double the conld find, we feel justified in off.el'ing to forfe· o these great MAIN SPRIN'GS 01<' LLl!'E. They recommended as a never failing CORSETS, MANTLES and .keep the cows cool. He says that it makes strength· of another Elixi'r or Linim11nt in the it one thousand d<Jllars for any eitse of coughs, are confidently COLLAR~, in all cases where the constitution, from MAN'l'LE CTOl'II, .a wonderful difference as to the .heat absorb- world should be in every family hnndy for use colds, sore throat, int!nenza, hoarse_ness. con- remedy whatever, bas become impaired or weakTIES, CUFFS, ETC when wanted, "as it really is the hest remedy sumption in its early stages. whoopmg cough, ened. 'l'he3· arc wonderfully efficacious in all ULS'l'ERS and .ed. It was in early Angus~ that I isited in the world for Cramps i n the Stomach, and and all diseases of tho throat and lungs. except ULS'l'ER CLOTH. 'fhe Stock is too large to fully enumerate. Mr. Thompson. They were then feed:ng pains and. aches ~e all kinds," and is for sale by Asthma, for which. we only cbim relief, thcit ailments incirlcntal to Females of all ages; and a GENERAL l!'AMILY l\IEDICINJ<], are the cows with green vetches, among winch all Druggists at 2::> cents a bottle. 18±-ly. we can't c.ure with West's Cough Syrup, when as unsurpassed. taken according to direction. Sample bottle ·enough oats had been sown to hold _up the~e J . - - - - - - - ·26 and 50 cents; farge bottles one dollar. Gen· .climbing leguminous plants. B~sides t~i$ ·Jiotllcrs! lllothers ! ! 1Uotlie1·s I ! ! uine wrappers only in blue. Sold by all dr~g Give me a call if you want cheap goods as the whole must be sold. greenish fodder, each cow receive~ daily you disturbed atnigbtand broken nffyour gists, or send by expres on receipt of pnce abo·1t a busllel of brewer's grains, or malted rest by a sick child suffering and crying with .TOHN' s. WES'l' & Co.. 81 & 83 King St. East, Its Searehin:i: and. Healing Propcl'tles m·e known thr·oughout tl·e 'Vorl<l. '-arley, sent to this region from London, the excruiatin!l' pain of cutting teeth i lf Ro, Toronto. Ont. So1<l by STOTT & JURY. W. McM. thanks his many friend s and patrons for the very liberal "" go at once anil l?(lt a bottle of MRS. WINS· For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, .abo·i: fo.r.ty miles by rail, and brought by LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve support he has i·eceived for the long time of over forty-five years of waggon several more. The. cows average the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon Old Wounds, Sores and two and a half gallons daily, which i> carted it; there is no mistake about it. '!'here is not 9 We will pay the above reward for any case mother on earth who haa ever uAed it, who wnJ of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, SickIIeadache it is infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on business in this town. several miles, and sold at about twenty.two . not tell you at. once 1 .hat it will regula1·\.. 11e Indegestian, Constipation or Constivenes we the neck and chest. as salt into meat. it cures All persons having accounts will please call and settle, as I am decents the gallon. Mangel·wurzel is the bowels, and give rest to the mother. er" rnlief cannot cure with West's Vegetable LivAr Pills SORE 'flIH.O.A.T,Diohtheria.Droncllitis. Cough principal root crop raised on the farm and Rnrt health to the child. opera.tin~ like magic. when the directionsare·striotly complied with. Colds. and even ASTHMA. For Glandular termined to wind up my business as speedily as pOf;sible. is fed to the cows in winter. A cow aet8 It is perfectly safe to use in all cases,and pleas- They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to Swellings. Abscesses Piles J<'istulas "' ant to the taste, and is the prescrip~ion of one give sstisfactiou. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes daily one bushel of sliced mangel, one bushel of the oldest A .nd best female physicia~s and containing 25 Pills. 25 centf', For sale by all Rheumati'sm, -- -- ---~ ·----- - - - -of the grains, and as much oat straw as ~he nurses in the Unit.ed States. Sold eve rywhere Druggists. Bewure of counterfeite and imitaAnd every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has wants, and not unfrequentlv they gtve at 25 cents a bottle. l8·H1. tions. The genuine manufactmed only JuuN never been kown to tail. C. WE'rT & Co.. "The Pill Makers," 81 & 83 twenty.four quarts a day. They keep Dur'l'he Pills and Ointment are Manufactured King St. E!, 'l'oronto, Ont. Free trial pack- onlyat533, OXFORD S'l'REET, LONDON, and hams which they consider the best milkers. age sent by mail prepllid on receipt of a 3 cent are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout respectfully announces that his purchases of The ~angel-wurzel does not make rich milk, stamp. For Sale by STOTT & Jl;RY. the Civilized World; with directions for using but it comes .up to the legal standard, so I will rnail (Free) the recipe for 11. simple in most every language. '7":Zetn1Jlc Hahn wiJI r e move Ta,n, 1=-r~cklc~, that they are not fined. R. YOUNG, V. S., has removed to JtiirPurchasers should look at the Label on the Plm1>le.· and Ulol.c hes, leaving the skin soft t110 residence directly opoosite the Drill Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 In August. I am just in wheat harvest. el ear and beautiful: also in structions for pro- Shed. formerly occupied by P . C. Himes. His Oxford Street, London, they .are spurious. Mr. 'l'hompson says that twenty-eight bush- ducingii'lnxnriantgrowtb of hair on a bald hettd office wilf be in Mr. John McMurtry's Grocery The Trade Marks of my said Medicines arc el~ of w h13at , to the acre is here considered c>r mnooth<' fact', Addre""· inclo~ing ~"· Rtamp, Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 r~~~ °-t~tawa. and also at Washington. p.m., Sundays excep~d. 228-tf, a moderate crop, and not unfr(quently forty· l~en. 'Vcmlclf di Co., 12 Barclay St., N. Y. for the present season are now ready for inspection, and will bushels are grown. He says that l:Uchard be found well assorted in all the leading lines. Redford, close to the sea, on rich tertiary Having resolved to reduce his very large stock within reasonable land, the wa~~ngs of these hil~, Gl·;N'rLW.MANwi.nsufl'EwPd forvPa.l'~from Any SEWING MACHINE until yon see Lhe Nervo~1s DEBTLITY, PREMATERE DE· i·aised fifty·nme bushels to the acre over lns bounds, he will sell large lines of goods, in various departments, at less CAY. a.nd all the effects of youthful indiscretion N E "W'G R 0 Y .A. L .A., whole seventy-five acres, _ and for several will for the sake of. suffering humanity, senP b · tlian wholesale prices. years in succession. Mr. Thompson can free-10 all who need it. the recipesnd directions J11 st ont, combining a.11 the est qualities of the Parties wishing to expend their money to the best advantage, will not understand how forming pays in Amer- for making the simnlc r emedy by which he was Old Jloval.(a machine which bas given univers· Sufferers wishi ng to profit hy tllc ad- al satisfaction), with new 1mdol'iginalimproveica, whm:\l the of wheat is only cured, <!Onsuit their own interest by making an early call. vcrtiscr's experience Citll do so bv n.d drcssing in men ts _ found iu no other machinc;i. Among the twelve or fifteen bushels. vV e have not, pcrfectconlidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, many J111p~ove!llents,_1t ha~ n B1gll and Long SUITS got up on short notice and warranted to fit. however, the expenses which I find in a 187-ly, ~2 Cedar St., New York.. Arm, m alqn<! it ~!)()OU~ilJt ~daptcd to! Dressinaltfog and 1l'atlorlng. It rn a ve~y hght!unnewspaper estimate which I see for an ad~ n!ng. almost noiseless, Self-'I;hreadmg, ad.1ust· joiniiig county b this English one, ~omc Qf 1 able in all its parts. the simplest A.nd most which, turned iuto dollars anQ. cents, run complete Bob'l>in Winder made, New S~lf· '1.'hreading Shuttle, all mad~ of .first quality ~P\11;\V t!rn~ (a shilling being pu~ at twentymaterials. Jn a word placmii: it he11.d and Sick Ileadnchc and relieve all the troubles lneliour centu) : Ront1 :per licre, over seven dol· shoulders superior to all Canadian and ei;iual dcnt to 11 bilion~ state of the system, such as Diz· lars; tithes, two dollars ; rates or taxe'I, to the b est American. zl1 1css, Nau s~.a. Drowain\1ss, Distr~ss after eating, ovei: one dollar. Other items are ploughing, JOHN S, DONEY, 'l'yrone. Spacial and Sele rait1 in the Side, &c. Whtie their most rcmarli· able success hns been shown iu curing A.gen «lf.I '<!f ·t.l pressing, drilling, four harrowings, spring I also sell the RAYMOND and WIIITE MArollinrr, hoeing, weeding, and rooking, or CIIINES the DOMINION ORGANS a.nd P!ANOS, employing a. boy to drive aw_ay the rooks. the Woi·ld Renowned w A LTITAl\! w A'J.'CH. This last is put down at only eight ce11ts p er We cn.11 special attention to our General Cheap Cash 5tor~ which is stocked with only l'I~ndnche, yct Cnrt.e1"s~itUe Li_vcr Pills are eqn~lly .acre. · first-class goods. we cto a ~g_b.usiness, and sell valuable in Conotipal.ion, cnrmg and preventing begs to inform th e public that he has,. leased a store in the Farmifig has recently beeii fo l), vet-y de as cheap an<l in large lotq chenper than many annoying complaint, whilo th ey also correct others can o.fford to. as we make no bad tlcbts. tbis presaed'~<mdit1on in many parts of England. all disord ers of the stomach, stimulate the l iver Block, where he 11as opened ont with a splendid assortment of Send me a card or letter and I will N. ll,aud ngnlutc the bowels. Jcrnn if they only cured Mr. Thoib£S011 attributes this circumstance call on you. rt1.T to increased wages, rise in expense of meJODL.. S. DONEY, chanical work, unfavorable weather for Tyl"Olle, which he offers for sale at low prices for Cash. several years, and foreign competition. But he does not'a11pear to desire the re-establishAche t hey would llOttlt11ostpricelees to those who WFarm Proditce taken in exchange, for which the hiahest market ment of the corn la ws or dutie~ on foreign suft'erfrom this distressing complaint; but !ol'tU· price will be paid. @"'A special line of TEAS of exc~llent flavor. grain. On the contra;·y, he thinks my own 11nLely their goodness does not end here, a nd those who once try- them will find these little pills valncountry would be infinitely benefited by t~e ~Also a choice lot of SUGARS. ~COFFEE in Cans. ~Canned able irt so many ways that they will not be willing introduction of free trade. During the late to do without ihcrn. But after all sick hca<l Goods in great variety. ~A Call is respectfully solicited. wet and bad sea.sous Mr. Thompson's home farm has not sulfored a~ so many others have, as it lies high. Of the Southdown sheep I have b 3fore Js t he ]Jnne of so many lives that here is where we s poken. .Merino sheep like ours in America make our great lloa,t. Our pills cure it while :.1 a,\\ Y not kept here, the carcass being to them others clo not . \.)~~\}. -lllJrt. Carter's Little Lh-cr Pills are very small and of more imporbnce than the wool. The cel' rery easy to take. One or two pills 1nakeu dose. JOHNSTON'S · elarated Southdown mutton does not owe 'l'bcy are ·trictly vep;etable atHl do not gripe or GUARANTEE :- After fair tri<:l l, with no ·its flavor to wild t hyme, as the sheep arc purr:e, but by th eir gentle act.ion please al who 1 relief or cure effected, your money will fattened on cultivated plants; but when use them. Jn vials at 25 cents : five for $1. Sold by druggist a everywhere, or sent by mail. be refunded, PRtCE, $1.00. rabbits are killed their kidneys are often - ·FOB- --· . Sold by =-~====;;:J q uite thymy. This hill form of Mr. 'fhompCARTER MEDICINE co.~ S'Jl'OTT & ,JIJRV, UOWMA~f\'DLLI?.. son's, which is not enclosed, feee'.s about New York City. 900 sheep, in three flocks, each flock And for Purifying the Blood. a shepherd and a dog, At night the sheep It has been in use for 20years, and has are folded, the fold being made of wattles proved to be the best preparation in the market for SJ.a.K HEAD.A.CHE, P .AIN IN or hurdl"s of wood, which can b e moved THE SlDE OR BACK.__ LIVER CO Ill· from' spot to spot, "a fresh bedroom every PL AINT, PI111PLRS ()~ 'l'HE FACE, night," says Mr. Thompson, and thus DYSI'EPSIA, PIL;CS, and a ll Diseases -· --~ · one spot after another is m anured. As to thr . c &l'iso from a Disordered Liver or an irupure blood. Thousands of our best food, the plan 01· the South Downs is to try 11cople take it and give it to their chll· to ha ve some green food starte d by lambiogFormerly known as the" Soper Mills.") · (1·cn. Physicians prescribe it daily. time, which begins about March 10, The 'Those who use it once recommend it to Guaranteed Cnre for Gouorrhoea and Glceto otluws. ewes are brought into the yard, and kept Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects HIS MILL HAS REEN THOR· It is made from Yellow Dock, Honduuntil t·,ey have foaled, but are ofte n . sent from its use. :Qoes not mterfer e with business UGHLY renovated and put iuorder,under ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stillingial our own special supervision, for tlle purpose of out almost immediatdy:on to rye grass, or or diet. Price $2 per box, or t hree boxes for $5. Dandelion, Sassafras, Wmtergreen, ana gristing and manufacturing Oat Me nl and Pot other well-known valuable Roots and young rye. All this is the care of the shep· Written g uaran tees issued by every duly Harley, and we are now p1·epared to reo<"ive Herbs. lt is strictly vegete,ble. and canherd, who has a very anxious time of it, authori~ed agent to refund the money If three orders from all oul' old cuotomcrs a nd others not hurt the most delicate constitution. for work, a nd we gurantee to !(ive them who It is one of the best medicines ill use for r ising in the night to see if all is rie;ht. boxes fail to cure. · Sent p~stage prepaid on intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Regulatil·.; the Bowels. Many lambs are Jost, hut the shepherd en· Oats and other grains taken in exchange for <leavors to make this up by parting twins. recelpt of price. oJ~ A~ii!::1f~l l~~~~1P~ci.J~:eo~~J~~it~! Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J. TOWNS, Bow· for five dollars. He takes t~ ski11. efl' the d ead lamb and DR. FELIX LE BRUN & CO.· 81 & 83 King man ville. 227. 'I.hose who cannot obtain a. hottla of thin ~ puts it upon a living one, which induces the St. East Toronto, Sole Proprietors. Sold by m edic ine' t'rom their druggi11t rnny send us 0 110 dollar, and we will send it t() thema fond parent to take to it. Upon rye e;rass all druggists in Canada._ ti'; W, JO!!NS'l'ON & 00,, iila11ufacture:a, _ ,, sheep pasture at larg~, but arc fold ed on t~e - --'-- - ---------- -· - - - -Is a compound of the virtue;; of sarsa[l(ll'il· Amheratbur&r, Ont. D~trcit, Mieh. rye. especially at m g h t: In June the lnll la , stillingia, mandrake, ~· ellow fl ock , w ith Ja .l?k i:SOJWWWMP* v· a, ..,,.·- ~ . pasture is good enough to turn them out the iodide of potash amt iron, all po\'rnrful upon the Downs.-Pl:lJ<JBE EAitLK GurnoN~, 1g, l.Jloo<.l-clcausing, aml life-snsl Jlooll-maki 1 tai11ing olmnen ts. It is the purest, safest, in Harper's .t,.llagazine /01· April. a nd must effect.nal Hlterati\'Cl rnntlicine ........... ~~ .......... . .. f'P" k110\\'11 or a,·ailable to tbe pnli lic. 'l'he sciThe Effect ol Oil 'Upon W a v es. ~ e / . CK ,%/-?.e~ uces of medicine antl che mistr y have neYcr In reply to an objection of .Admiral Bourlll'<Jd ncetl so Yalnable a remelly, nor one so .~eois that the effect of 01.l :ipou w_aves l~oten t to eura all diseases r~" 1tlting from ,should be fully tested before 1t 1s subm1tted i111pure hlood . It c ures Scrofula a nll MY STOCK COMPRISES : 'i ll scrofnlous <'liseases, li::rysipelas, p:1 to theoretical analysis, M, G. Vander MensRose, 01· St, Anthony's Jqre, Pimples CD LADIES' KID IlOOTS AND SHOES, 1brucrnhc replies that J:ie has s ho'.vn from inCD and Face-grubs, Pustules, Blotches, ls a Po·itivc Cure ·cont:'stible facts that tho wind produces LA.DIES' CALF . KID BUTTON & L.A.C.l'!D. "t:l Boils 'l'nmoi·s, Tetter, Humors, upon the superficial laye7 of the ~ea a h~ri rn Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Ri11g-wo1·111, For nll t hose Pnfnfal Clo::nplnlnb Weakncsges LADIES' FltENCII KTD, BUTTON & LACED. Bt> corumou to OV.J' b est femule lJOlJnlutlon. .zontal motion of translation, which, bcmg (j Ulcers, So1·es, Rh e umatism, :He rcurial LADIES' KID SHOES, BUTTON & T.lE. sufticiently prolonged , can communicate to 0 Disease, Neuralgia, U'c1ua:e \\iealt- A 1\l c11ici110 for Woman. lnvc11te1l by a Womnn, ~ the deeper layers, and c:an pwpi.gate. to a. ll esscs autl I negu la1·i ties, ,J allndice, LA.DIES' GOAT & PEBllLE. RU'fTON & TIE Prepared by n Wonian. rn Affectio n s of the J...ive1-, Dyspepsia, ,great distance very d ecided i:n dnl~t1011s. c+ 'iho Greflt:.-i.L IUe:!ier.1 Dlsco,·Pr7 t:te )):o,.n of Jlh1tory. Also Mens' and Children's of the above goodE11 ~ Emaciation, and Gen crnl Debili ty. He has confiuell himself to a discussion of ~It revives t!t~ droopi ng spirits, invigot:atcs and l=l MEN'S LONG BooTs, CoARSJ.oJ AND FIJ\"E, two cases · in the first where the calm sea By its searching an<l cleansing qualities c-t" ,._ :iri::io.! li:za;,J t'bc orgn:nJe fmtctions, give.8 elasticity o.nd i t puri~es out tile fo ul con uptiuus wh ich h ,is coverecl with a thin layer of oil, and is MEN'S L ,lCE: BOOTS,UOARSE.AND FINE. firm:icss to t·ho step, restores tile natura.l lustro to the "<l eontaminato the blood antl <'<tusu d·H"> rngcthen submitted to the action of the wind; and phnt.s on the pale chcok of womn.n. the fresh MEN'S FINE SHoEs AND G.11nrns. rne nt a ntl tkcay . It stimulate~ aud enli\·ens eye, 0 ·in the second, whern the waves break. In the \'ital functions, p romutes enc1·gy and r oo:es o! lito's sprlng a.nd ea.rJy auntmer time. l::l l'l'his Engrnrlng reprc~enh the Lua5~ iu a nctmhy sLat.e~ ·MEN' S AND LADlES' i_S.L1PPJ~HS. the first case the formation of great waves ~ Phy3icians Use It and Prescr ibe It ·Freely."@!). ::itren gth, restores arHl presel'l'cs hea lt h, iuHl r::r' I t romoves f~ntncas, flu.tulency, d estroys all craving .is r endered impossible by the r,>resence of infuses ne w life and Yigor lhronghont t.he All the above goods sold THE REMEDY FOR CURING ~ the layer of oil. In the second, a s1i;nple calwho le 8\'Stern. No ::;uJforcl' from any dis- for st1mnla.nt, and rolleves weaI;:ness of the stomach. 1::$ That f ee1ing of bearing down, cmis:ing pain, wejght culation s hows tliat t he layer of 01! exerts ease wiiich arises fl'o111 iw!ntl'ily o f the 0.. blood need despair wh o 'IYii gi,·e A \"En's and ba.cka.Ch e, is always permanently cm·e d hy it~ u :st:. a great resistance at the base of the bteaker, For the cure of Kidney Clomol,.tnts of either oex ~ SAnSAl'AHILLA a fai r t rial. . and thus compels i~ to ex.t end itself an~ to thle Compound I@ unsurpassed. COLDS, ASTHMA, CROUP, - (0)(JQ It is folly 10 experime nt with the nnr!rnr· subside very mp1dly without producmg LYDIA E. PINKRAM'S BLOOD PURIFIER 0 All Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and 011s low-pricell mixtures, of cheap lllatcnals , . severe wave shocks.- Oompies Rmdus. 'Will ern.dicate every vestige <>f ,hum o1·s fron t the 0 and >Yithont uH·llicinal Yirtnes, offer ed as ~~~(~~~~!gi;~cftlf£. ab~i;;1~C:t~~~g \~e system, of Pulmonary Organs. 0.. 11 1 b loo<l-puriliers, wltilc \!isease becowes lll orc Thill gs stiU continue rather ominous with 11} BY I'l'S FAl'.l.'Hl<'lJL USE firm ly seated. A \ "ElfS S.rn~APAHILLA 1s a Both th e Compound and iiiood Purifier are prepared ~ the Czar. '?17e would seriously reco1nmen:l CONS1j!UPTION HAS BllliN CURED medicine of such concentrated c urat.n·e 4't233a.nd235Wtstern .A.venue, Lynn, Mass. rdceol 0 the young mal} to go out of ~he Czar .busivower, t hat it is by far the best, c h eapest, either, $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent bymnil in the form and Pysicians have fail· ness and to,t~e to some qmet handicraft When other Remedies a nd most reliable lilood-purifie r known . of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box ~ ed to effect a cure. Physicians kno11· its <.:Olll]lO'Sition , and prc- tor either. Mrs. P!nkllam f reely !tnswers all let\t'l'S of occu'pation at which he might earn a living Recommended by PHYSIClAN'S, MINISTER'.!'. AND s cril.Jc it. It bas been w idel..Y nsed for forty fnquil'Y. Enclose 3ct. stamp. Send for pamphlet . . and feel safe. . NURSES. ln fttct by everybody w ho hws years , a nd bas won t h e miqnalilied eoutigiven it a good trial . It nevei·fails to No family Rltould be wlti;;;;;°t LYDIA E. PINXH.lll'S " Everything is as regular as clock work receive prompt attention. de net> of millions whom it ha~ beuelitetl. LIVE'R. PILLS. Thev ~are constipn.tion biliousness, bi·ino r elief. about my house," said Brown, who was e.nd torpidity of ehe liver. 25 cents per box. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., STORE: One door west STA'IES:IUN office showing the spl~ndors of his n~;v :e~idence As an JiXPEC'l'Oll.t.N'I' it ;has no Equal, It is e-Sold by allDl"uggiets.~ ~ harmless to the Most Delicate child. It conto some of his friend.a. " Yes, said Fo~g, ains no OPIUM in a ny Ji'onn, Pl"actlcal all(l Analytic:\! Chemist~. " it is tick tick, all the tiim1, I suppose.',Lowell, Mass. .l!Z"Directions accompany bottle. _Boston Trcmscrtpt. « by all Druggists. lSOLJJ In: ALL lJIWGGISTS EYEltYWnEt:E. "' In a hollow of the Downs lies Mr. Thomp- A young phys!cian who had long worshipped son'8".10use. Here he has in care over 900 at a distance was one day sud<lenly called acres. He also rents a fa1·m in the l owland, attend her. He found her suffering from no holiling altogether 1300 ac1 c < . This great particularly {laugerous malady, but she want· Health isW-ealth! GIVING UP BUSINESS I W. McMURTRY $1000 FORFEIT I Holloway's Ointment, Ulce1 CARME~TS TO ORDER & GOOD FITS GUARANTEED. $500 REWARD ! PIMPLES. --THOMAS ------ PA1~ERSON D (==D--R-Y G--0--0--D-s::) ERRORS OF 'YOUTH. A Jl.:>ON'T :BUY! I CURE, St CK GROCERJIE&. ~ nawHsroar. NEW coo~s. J AS_ ELLIOTr:r Obse~ve11 HEAD ACHE Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed, &c. CALL AND SEEllTHE CREAT BARGAINS T Rt: HAD IN FOR CASH A r tb.e 0ar llo ~ D r y G-o©o ds ! T~ II SAR'SAPARI llA tlVER CCMPtAINf, ~?SHPSIA. DR. f ELIX LE BRUN'S BATTING'S CLOSING SALE. Caledonian Mills. c~c ____:: ________ -: C ·'"U El.. El. T ---- ~;~~' !;oats &Shoos. ~ .if"~C) ,¢ FINE 0 z Q ~ LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. ~ CONSUMPTION, COUGHS - ----- c r-j ~ CHEAP FOR CASH. ~ 0RDERED WORK g. ~· r-<' REPAIRING DAVID DAVIS. 1 r