~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh' theph1mp and pe1t soubrettc, Shes a pet She can o~le and coquette, Blonde h~{1~~;~~ffe~~ir. and yet Only 1ecently we met, A nd, I sa:V it with 1egret, It was jet Ev'ry mg~!~,£~tr~if':;There I "orshlp hei and yet Fumeandfret And tor roses - t~1~:l~~~~·~gsbl~e~et, I'm m debt. rm my pet w 1th my hea rt ' My eyes are wet It was hardly etiquette Oh, perfidious soubrette To coquette '1V1th iegret Yom ·rlore1 to fo1get demonstrate it In Wmmpeg, on t h c st1eets, JO the cln\iJs, and about the hotels, the whole top10 of comersatrnn is mmmg Already sevecal offices havP. been opened for the pur· pose of hq.ndlrng stocks On V\< ednesday last the board of trade a.ud stock exchange opened thetr doors to the publw This as soc1at10n has been orgamzed m anticipation of a boom. They occupy t h e 1arge t WO· story build mg rn Thistle street, JUst vacated by James O'Brien & Co, wholesaleclotluern Thosewhoarebestadvised on the subject say that a mmrng boon 1s fast approach mg, wluch will eclipse, it po s1ble, that which occurred here m lands a little more than a year ago JAM ES F MEAGHER ----~~...-.,............ GARNERED WITTICISMS. F .::.seio..., ·., NOTES. The Iea<lmg bonnet is the gable roof poke Only out door costumes are made of cache mire des Indts. Black Iaco bonnet~ a,.e restored to their former popnlanty Old gold, shot and baned with blue, ap: pears 111 many sprmg fabrics Smokypmk, greens, blues, and \auous neutralized tmts are m high favor None but tall and slender women can wear large square and large ruud fabrws Spamsh laces are not so ex )ll\stvely fashionable this sprmg as they ~ere last Blue and colors, shot w1th< tmts to pro luce opalme effects, bids fair be much worp. vVh1te cashmere serg<'li dresses, worh without a touch of color ··re stylish for the house. In sptte of the uufavo, able weather both here and Ill Paris, sprmg costumes arebemg worn. Caohemire do Indes is the high novelty fabr10 !or parts of or entlr" costumes and entire vis1tes Large squares and plaids will be made up 111 comb!llat10n with plam goods, show mg the same base of color for the ground. A Pans correspondent says that m an hour's walk rn the Bois de Boulogne, at the fash10nahle honr, one sees more than a hnn· dred different new costumes. · The fob cha11;1, 'o r rathernbbon, with seal or watch key 1:1ttachecl to it by a ahde or buckle, 1s now the only md1cat10n that a gentleman wears a watch on any occ1:1s1011 under gas light At the Louvre, Bon Marche, and other leading Paris houses, on opemng days, v1s1t e man tles h ave b een s h own t hat are made of velvet gallzes, trimmed with rows of Iace, b ead s, and c h em11e. 'la1lor-made dresses urow m popular fa vor. They will be worn for lawn tenms and croqnet parties for the house, the sea side, and mountam use, and m all colors, light and dark, white, black, and tmted accordmg to the occasion, time, and plaee. oDD HAPPENI-~G __ ··~' ., .~ I NORTH-WEST NOTES PERSONALITIES. ---- to: A sound suggest10n · Never turn a deaf ear to th<> telephone. Clarmet -Boston 0oune1 '.l'he greatest talker m existence could not talk long enough to tlre a waggon .... ~~~~··---wheel. The diamond is the stone for an engagement, but gl\ e us the old cobble-stone 111 a Interesting Account of the .Keewatln free fight Co.'s Works "Misery loves company." That'R the reason a hen peeked husband advises Ins Goltl G 1 1ore-Progrcss of' tho 011ei· 1tion~- fnen.ls to marry. Tiie \Vrnnl11e~ llllne-~ lllcngo One who knows says that 111 the country Ca1ntal Jlush· they blow a horn before dmne.-, but m town tng 111 they take one. JN>r a fellow with a s ellow THAT MINING BOOM. ----·· A stove made m 182S :u York, Pa' was rece11tly sold to; $ 1 ,000 / Jo~cph Thompson of Simmons s Gap , Ga , has had mne Wl'Tes and fifty-three ehilch en. l'· of au A s11ver d ime waa f oun d m tiie yo"' b k h Pl I t egg recently ro en at t e an >rn on House, Milkaukcc. Aqueer present at a hog k1lhng>,asa handsome package of candies tc eack wo1ker and visitor. Gideon Boggs of Poi t Elizabeth was the host. The only bequest 111 the \ull of Morns E Jores of Lancaster county, Pa, gave to Mary E. Wluteside his daughter Delta, to do wttu her as she pleases A Portland, Oregon expres,,man put his overcoat ove1 l11s horse as it stood m the street, while he himself stamped on the sidewalk to keep wairn ' Without the lea&t thrnkmg about their names, Miss Rich and Mr Poore, and Mr. Night and Miss Day sat down to tea together at a house m Maryland, Mr J.imes F. Meagher, formerly of Kmg ston, but now paitner ma large mmmg con· cern m Wrnmpeg, \Httes as follows under date of March 13 V>'e left Wm111peg at 8 .30 p m, and after eight hours ude through a pteturesque country we ai;nved rn the bright little town of Rat Portage After dorng the place m the vam hope of secu11ng a team to drav. us to th(}_lllllles, but which was, we founG, an unposs1ble tlnng to do on account of the great demand for l.01ses to carry explorrng parties, we ret11ed to dream over the tramp of ten miles that lay before us the next day Nme o'clo~k m the mbrnmg fonnd us on the way forHay lslaud,wheretheKeewatmCo 's works are located. The scenery of the Lake of the Woods is simply gr~d. Thecountless islands t\)at cover the Jake are coyered with maJestic trees and shubbery, whwh creak 1 II a ti and groan m the s~ ent stl ness un er leir 101:1d of ice and suow, designed by old Jack .Frost in all unagmabl<:> shapes, an cl which glisten and spa1kle 111 the bright sun like so mauy J ~lWels The cnsp mmmng air, the pme, white snow makrng a velvety carpet, with ttre pale blue hea' ens cloudlers, the sun slunmg brightly like a httge globe of fire filled out the scene, while the occaston· al boom of a blast 111 the snrroundmg mmes was all that disturbed the death hke silence, m1:1kmg the panorama the grnudest by far of allythiilg we had ev~I seen Four hours of m·y walkmg brought us to the Keewa tm camp With sharpeu~Ll appetites we did JUstioe to a real mmer's dmner, after which i::i11permtendent , Anoiew Hamilton had us m hand. El'TERING THE SHAFT Th" first place vmted was the m1:1m or No 1 shaft, which is sunk to a depth of 65 feet, 1over wh1.J1 1s erected a ~omfortal:le bmldrng, 24x30 feet. It Ib kept warm by a which makes the place habitable huge Qtove ~ in the most mclement weather, 'Ve were lowered to the bottom of tre shaft m the skip The sensat10n experienced m the de scent was anythrng but a pleasant one. If the rope was to break 01 anythmg to go w1ong v.1th the machtn!oJry there would be nothrncr left but mangled corpses and pools of gore"', the good a-itd had deeds of one'shfe f'iash acrc<sthe bram man mstant, but be· f01e the b~la:nce was struck we \'\ere landed safely at ihe b0ttom. IVlr. Hamilton showtd us the, em winch is o.bout two feet wide, cl h d and giadually mcxeasmg .<!WI t as it e· scends. Free gold can be plamly seen bv the naked eye and flour golrl 18 well drnscmmated thrnugh the rock The ledge o1 foot wall, as it is ca led Ill mwmg pailauce, is at au angle of 1:1bout 70 o and is as <mooth as If it were polished. the ha11g· lll" v.all or roof and the aide walks me free fr~m gaps, showmg the careful manner Ill \\ h1ch the work been has executed Owrng to the sm'.lothness of the walls t1ns shatt will not ha' e to he tnnbcrcd, which is a great sM1ng to the company, as one of tbe most pi eminent hills upon the wrong side of the ledger 18 that of tnnbermg Mr Hamilton mfoimed us that srnkrng would be con tuned until a deptli of one hundiecl foet a· 1eached '.l'hen they would begm to driJt and stope What is meant by dnftmg 18 tiavslhn~, follo,v1ng the vein 1n either direct10ns, upon a level, and stopmg is quan.)ln" the pure vem matter The quartz is ot tb~t quality I,no'\\ n as sunferous and aiaentifeious with a lar~e pe1centage of irifn pvntes It is claimef~ f<T be free mill- ti~;h:n~z=~~:a~~:~~~~!n~~n~~:o~~ ~~!~~: ance with a belief that "the crnss shall wear the cro\'\n ,, , It has been remarked that every mmer knows his lode, bqt the history of the F1se and fall of the toy pistol has proven that every mmor doesn't know his load. "The best tlung I ever read "' exclaimed a book reviewer, as he perused his uncle's will aud follnd that the sensible lamented had left b1m a snug bequest Fogg had a tooth which. trnubled him exceedmgly, but he wouldn't have it out, not because he was afraid to, as some of his de. tractors affirmed, but because he wished to retam it as a keeps ache. A busy do~tor sent m a certificate of death the other day, and acc1deotallydingnhe~ his name m the space for "Cause of eat . The registrar says he wishes the profession would be as accurate generally "Hello, what brought you out here?" said one Boston ma.Jl to a fresh arrival from the east m Kansas City the other day. "'Well I heard that amateur theatricals were al most unknown here, and Ive come to stay." The 'l'ornbstonc Epitaph, of Arizona, tells of a dear httle boy, who, when told upon his first day at school that the first letter rn the alphabet was caller{ "A," said to the school ma'am. "'How m h-1 do you know i ' Mrs. W. K Vanderbilt, at her masked ball, represented a v enet1an prmcess m a dress that cost $10,000, and was decorated with scenes ot Vemc~, gondolas, etc That rn, it represented 10,000 ~one dollars; a rather neat idea, too. A lecturer, chscoursu!ll!' on the subiect of "Health," rnqmre.} "What use can a man make of his time while wa1tmg for a doc tor?" Before he c~uld begw his answer t<> Ins own rnquiry, someone m the audience cned out ".he can make lns will." Apropos of the Vanderbilt ball First Dude-" So Brown is gomg as Bacchus f" Second Dude-" Yaas, and he's the boy to carry out the character · li'lrst Dude"But when it gets to be four o'olock m the~ornulg-w:ho's-gonrgfo car1youtBrown ?" An mventwu has Just been patentPcl m Germany foi the prcventwn of safo burg lary. It ·ooks as 1f a movement was on foot to paralyze one of the most succcs~ful f d mdustnes 111 this countn Um ree tra e burglars will yrobably petrnon the next congress for p10tect10n ..._,._ ,.._. A Drunken Jackass. Aurora has a little Jacl,ass that en JOYS a drunken spree, and will <lrmk hqUO!i until his ears can no longei wag While under the mflueiice of wme or whiskey, he will perform many amusmg tncks Several weeks ogo a numbe1 or Bodie1tes visited Aurora After d11nkmg 1:111 they could conveniently carry, tbe Bodie1tes turned their attention to the dJnctkh Hhc wns cscortded md to a sa1oon an e c ampagne or ert The Jack took his "mcdicmc' like an old tnne1 After. the second quart had disap.. pea.red, the animal b<;lc!lmc fusky and wanted more He tried to climb up on the bar, and ~vhen mtumdated he drnpl1:1ycd 11 bad temper oy k1cl<mg a county official JO tne abdomen and bitmg a lawyer's leg. Not until he had ~ I drank a pmt of whisky did the mternperate ng ~O>Ell1El\rs. Jack quiet down. In the mornrng he was founq stretched out near a deserted bmldThe surface 11nprovements have gope on mg A cocl.ta1l revived him, and he was apaee \\11th the shaft ; suff\J)1ent timber is ready. for another "run with the boys ' already on the ground fo1 the thirty stamp Bodie (Cal ) F'1 ee Press. mill A new house, 50x24 feet is nearly completed Another butldmg, 2-i ~9 feet Getting Even. and two stones 111 height, 1s occupied by On a Lake Shore tram com mg mto Detroit the supeuntendent and foreman; it is comfortable and well apporntc~, bemg divided the other daj"was a newly ma1ned couple, mtc an office, o.n assay office and slePpmg the bride appearmg to be about25 years 0ld, par tments A barn, store room, black- ~n cl the groom bemg a !1apper httle chap a smith shup, ore house and the bu1ldmg at year or two younger. A lady who came pie·ent occup1~d by the men, mal,e quite a aboard at Wyandotte took a seat iust ahead, httl~ 'illage m themsehes, and next fall and attex a few mmutes she heard the pair "ill find a fuily equipped and well appomt cnt1cmng her bonnet and cloak and general ed null capable of '"orl.111g the unrnense style. 'V1thout showmg tbe least resent output VI hwh will follow the large output ment m ier countenance she tnrned around con~equent ' upon the mcrcasea force of 111 her seat and said "Madam, will you ha' e your son close the mmers. _ Our attention bemg 1:1ttracted by the wmdow belund you ?" The "son.." closed bis mouth mstead, and flung on th~'ipamla-nd about two miles distant, "e VI ere t old that it was the blastmg the "mada " didn't giggle agam for six teen miles at .... .-. ··:___ _ THE WINNIPEG MINE, I \VhilA semmg m the river at Sh1ppmg port, Ky, a fisherman brought up a rnbber overcoat contauung a pocket. book, m which were a $5(j greenback and a $ZO gold piece. · "Just for fun," a scoundrel at K10hmoud, Va ' gave a boy a pmt oi whiskey to drmk. lhe boy died, and his murderer has been sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment. .An eight-day clock that had been given to the wife of Douglas Ottmger of Ene, Pa., as a weddmg piesent b} her husband, sto1 ped at the very moment she died, and cannot be started agam Ch I Cl 11 f C p ares ewe o ataw1ssa, a , upon cleamng up the old granery on the premises lately occupied by hrn deceased father, found $700 mold gold and silver com 111 a ban el 01 screenmgs A Cahforma paper says "In passmg over the glassy surface of l'ruckee River, whrnh ls now frozen to the bottom, whole schools of trout are seen firmly fixed Just where the cold wave struck them. The preYmhng colors this sprrng lead one In a certam part of T exas, many miles to suppose that the color art,sts who design from the coast, he the remams Of a ship, high ed them probably paid a v1s1t to the kitchen and dry m the prame grass She is of Spamsh and watched the cooks as they prepared bmld, and suppo-ed to have been driven m erushed strawberries and raspberries, chopper[ carrots and beets, or mashed pumpkms land by a tidal wave. The oldest son C>f farmer Saunders of and squashes. Richardson county, Nebrasl,a, cut out the tongue of his younger b1 other because he threatened to tell their father of some Morsels ror Sunday Contemplation. offence that the elder brother had com Happme1:1s consists m the const1tnt10n of m1tted. the habits Although the Tennessee, Pe111tent1ary at All that is human must retrograde if it do Chattanooga has been occupied fo1 more not advance. than half a century, and many prisoners Some men, hke p1~tmes, a1e fitter for a have been sent to it m:der ltfe sentences, no person is now imprisoned there who was corner than a full hght Everywhere m hfe the true quest10n is there m 1870 The firnt mght on which Samuel t:ic0tt of not what" e gam, but what we do, Notbmg 1s more simple than greatness, Wartburg, Tann , went mto a bed to sleep he died He we1ghed350 pounds, and, by a phy· mdeed, to be 1111nple ts to be great vVhat is twwe read 1s corr.monly better s1c1an '· advice, used to sleep by kneelmg' upon the floor, with his head restmg upon a remembered than what 1s transcribed chair Know.ledge without JUstice ought to be A man 111 h Warren a caIIe d cunnmg rather t h an w1s clom. k d county, .tly, clnnbed l tree to s a e own an opossum t 1at vVe always like those who admire us, we his dogi had treEd. The limb proved rotten, do not always ltkc those whom we admne. and Smith came down so rapidly that the What the snpenor man seeks is m him. dogs <ltd not dIScover theu error until they self, what the small man seeb 18 in othe1s had nearly killed him. Only what we have wrouoht 111to our A man hvrng near Lo.ke Lomse, 1n Mam character durmg hfo c~u w:e t1:1ke away with toba, picked up - an armfu1 ol sticks, and, -uscarry1111g them home, threw them under the Humiltty is 11 virtue all prcaoh, non.!ll stove Ina.few moments two of the sticks practice, and yet e> erybody rs conten'tto began crawlmg away, haHng de' eloped mto he ·r 1 good sized mocassm snakes. If to do we1e easy as to know what were [ Seven mches from the outside of a log m good to do, chapels had been churches, and u, Peor..sylvama null, the ·an pu,ssed throu 0 ah poor men's cottages prmces' palaces. a wamut which wa~ imbedded m the solid Fnie natures are like fine poems a glance wood l'he shell aud Kernel of the nut were at the first two lmt>s suffices f~r a guess I sound The g10V1 th of the tree shows that mto the beauty that waits you if you read the nut is at least fifty years old. on lennyson ism Jail m Balt11n01e, charged A mans cllaracter 1s hke !us shadow, with aodanlt and battery, Charley Ro~s whwh sometunes follows ar.d sometimes sto e old J tmk 111 Peter.burg Va ::tnrl "e t precede> him, and which is occas10nally to prison' John Qmncy Aoams was ohot m longer occas1onally shorter than he 1s I a barroom at Dea<lwood; Ben]amm F Bllt I !er stole an overcoat in East t;lt. Lou1· , A '\\ealthy doctor who can help a poor George Washington Fiemont ,colore.d) has man, and will 'lOt without a fee, has less JUSt been adnntted to the bar of Punce sense of humamty than poor rnffa.n '\\ho Wiluam county, Va , Martha Washmgton kills a nch man to supp y his necess1t1es and her uaughter !ifoiy were arrested m Bow Canad·~~~d Its Name. tlav:mnah for obtammg a rnwmg machme on false pretenc:es The or1g111 of the word Canada 1s curious enough. The Spaniards v1s1ted that coun - - - - - ~ - - -- try previous to the l<'rench, and made par The Value of Alligators. t1al searches for gold 1:1nd silver, and find ~1x thousand baby alltgators are sold rn mg none, they often said among themselves Florida every year, and the amount of ivory, "A can nada (there 1s nothmg there) The number of skms, and quantity of otlobtamed Indians, who watched closely, learned the trom the older members of the Saunan sentence and its meaiung After the dep~rt family a.re sufficient to entitle them to a ure of the Spamards the French arnved, and high place among the produce of the the Indians, )\ho w.mted none of their com- State. pany, and supposed they also were Span The hunters sell young "gators" aG $25 tards come on tlrn s1:1mc eriand were anx per 100, and the dealer from 25 cents to $1 10us to mform them that their labor was lost each. Live alhgators two years old repre by tarry mg m that country, and frequently sent to the captor 50 cento each, and to the repeated t,, them the Spamsh sentence "A dealer from $2 to $5, as the season of travel can nada " The Frenc\i, who knew as ht 1s at it height or far advr..nccd. A ten foot tle of Spamsh as the Indians, supposed alligator is wo1th $10, and one fourteen feet this mce~santl;i; recurnng sound was the long $25 to tho hunter, "h1le the dealer namP of the country and gave it the name charges twice or three times that price The of Canada, which it has borne ever smce. eggs are worth to the hunter 50 cents per dozen, and to the uealer 2~ cents each.- -----·------·----- I I I I t What the world of Emment Folk and ~nd Mamtoba. Matters. D Others are oing. Regma has fourteen barnsters Tl e srn of Cad Fonnes, 1s a member of Last week $51) per foot was offered for pro the dramatic com pan} now suppoitrng Edpetty on Bron.cl street, Regma wm Booth. T wo b n d !!;es h ave b een fi ms · h e d m th e Madame K1lssou sent sixty tickets to l'.-I 1 1 orris prmc1pa lty to cross coo ies bar la.st matmee 111 Boston to the stud· Rcgma has been made a i:ort of entiy, ents of the New England Conservatory of and a custom house is to be ereetecl a· music. once Mr \V A Bai Jett Burdett Coutts, the The Portage has been made a port of husband of Lady Bu1<lett-Coutts, has aban· entry, which will be a great advantage to cloned h1.i connection with the ConRe1vative tne busrness men of the place. party, and 1s seelung a const1Lency m the The Morns River bridge, m course of con Liberal mterest s t ruction, IS h em!! rap1di y puslled f 01 ward The wife of the late Professor Henry Dra. Tlrn b n d ge · ,s b u1lt of p1)es, w1 tli H owe t russ p~r was a daughter of M r. Gourt1 and t span .Palmer. So fully did she enter mto The freight receipts at Emerson are m· her hushand's pursmts that 1t 1s thought she creasmg week by week. No gram of any ac· may he able to complete his unfinished count came m la.st week The pnces re I work. mam unchanged. The first court clrawrng room neld in A plentiful supp~y of water was found at London a few aays smce. was one of the the police barracks at Regma. The well is smallest wluch has e"er been held. Queen 100 feet deep, and has over 75 feet of Vic~oua came mto the throne room at a water and lS constantly nsmg. quarter past B, and the wholeceremoi1y was The prospec·us of the new paner at Por over at 4 '" '.Ih B b II Ith Th taige La Prnme, the Manitoba Liberal has e 0111 oas are a very wea Y e been issneil. It 1 s expected to begm 'illa 1:1t C1:1unes of the Count de Bard1, one publication about the begmnmg of next of the Parma branch of the f,ll.milv, is so exmonth. pensive that the late Empress of Russia did Busmess has been quite brisk at Portage i.ot feel Justified m rentrng 1t at the price La Prante durmg tho v.eek, merchants gen· asked. erallydomgagood busmess. Gram quotations :M'ath1Ide Blmd says that Mr Lewes was are Wheat, 70 to 75c , oats, 38 to 400 , more than a husbund to (,-eorge Elliot; barley, 35 to 37c he was ltke a mother, watchmg over her health, cheermg h"r despondency Sa;i;s the Commercial . " A great want I with hts own huoyaucy and creatmg the felt 111 vV111111peg at the present time is or spiritual atmo iphei e rn 'wh;ch her gemus apartments of three oi four rooms where ripened. small genteel families can live at a moderate The young heu to the throne of Great rental ' Bntam, Prmce Albe1 t V 1cto1, will take a The f orce of circumstances Iias sent t h e couple of teuns at the Umve sity of Bonn, 1 old p1once1 Journalist, C. S. Douglo.s, of tho m additton to }us slay at Oxfo1d and at; E merson l ntunationa l to t h e waI l.. The Cambridge They seern to be ed.ucatm" ,., s h en£f h as seize d a 11 the stoclt except t he kmgs now to be wo1 thy of the name of power press, at the smtofMayor Nash. The kmgs people look upon the procedure with con The young Count Tassilo .l!'estotws 18 the s1derable eusp1mon. hearl of the great ~Jungarian house, and lord There was not much giam m'.11keted at of the richest estate 1n the Austrian Empire. West Lynne last week, whwh 1s a usual oc He 18 )\ell known m l!Jnghsh society, ha,vmg currenc.i on the approach of any hohda} s marnl;)d the divorced Prmcess of Monaco, kept by tho Men1 .omtes Prices remamed the Duke of Hamilton's s1ste1, and havmg about th~ eame as tlie p1ev10us week except fi,i;;ured oo t he turt there. eggs, winch c1cclmecl from Ii to lCc per Mlle. R!lngabe, danghter of the Hellenm 1lozen for large lots. Mm1ster at the Germrn court, attracted Busmess has greatly improved at Brandon great attenttun, durmg the reeent fest1v1ties no doubt on account of the large number of there, by the perfect U·rec1an grace of her unm1grants who a1e commg 10. Busmess form mid cairrnge. Many people remen expect a large sprmg and summer member her brother, who, when attached t<> trade, as tlus mty appears to be the ob1ect11'e the Greek Legation 1:1t \Vashmgtou, was pomt of three quarters of the new nome1s rather famou~ fnr his blonde good looJ,s :::>everal tram loads of settlers' effects have Wendell Pntlhps's library 1s fu1111sheil arrived clurrng the week. The pr<>Jeet of umtmg Emerson and West with a nch neutrnl·tmted 1ug on the floor, a. Lynne rnto one tol'in occupies the attention capacious old sofa with faded plush cushions, of the Bmerson people, but s© fa[.,lias but two well worn a1m·chaus of caive l mahog· few advocates on t11e other side of n'ie 11ver, any, an elaborately carved table laden where the people evidently th111k it will be with books and manuscnpts, busts of Elizasoon enou11h to consHler the subjec t when beth Fry and Theodore Parket on the ~the railroad 1~ 111 runmng order Tnere is no mantel, and opposite them one of John iloubt, however, but that lll union there Bro~'n The J_,orcl Chancellor of England once auwoulcl b~ strength, provid111g everythrng dibly muttered, "Nonsense 1 nonsense 1" to else were equal. one ot Mr BenJamm's arguments The latter geutleman. bnndle::l up hts papers and A Terrible Future marched 011t of comt 111 a dudgeon Owmg A famous English sht1stic1an has recent. to the mterrupt1on of busmess this caused, ly been drawmg a dismal picture of the the Lord Chan< el101 felt obliged to send a future of the human race He says popu Imndsome apology, but Mr BenJamm delat1on 1s mcrcasrng so rapidly that con e lmed to receive l t sumption will soon overtake production, l\II Tame w11tes on the stimulus of coffee~ and that gre1:1j; suffenng will ieault Iu and smokes Cigarettes w h1le Vi a1 trn g fo1 an former tunes wars, :pestilences, and fa id ea. Tourguen&ff uses neither tobacco nor mmes put a check to the mcrease populatwn, wme Thomas Hardy never smokes, and. and perm1ttrng the ra1smg of l ufficrnnt food drinks wm~ only when on a tramp about to supply those who survived these calam the country. :Matthew Arnold does not ities. Twelve m1lhons of the people of smoke but takes a little light wino at tlm Grrnt Br1tam are absol,1tely dependent on ne1 LomR Blanc toek neither wme uor food grown m other par ts of the world , nlcohol Edward Freeman does not smoke, there would be starvat1011 m Germany were but takes wme and beer as he does beef and it not for the large errngrat1011 l<'~ance mutton. 1:1 one has cliscoverelil the secret of 111mtrng Amoug the 01own Jewels of France, which het populat10n, but it is at tho expense of 1:11e to be sold at public vendue by tbe auc the morals of 1 rge sections of the com t10neer "ho disposed of Sara Bernl1ardt's mumty 'lhe troubles m Russia are due, iewels, the Regent diamond, the Chllnera m great part, to the talung up of all arable ruby, said to be the la1gest engraved rnby land m that country, for the populat1011 Imo\\ n, the sword of state stuoded with ha" mcieased p1od1gioualy dnrrng the last costly brilliants, the Maza.rm diamonds, centur:y Bit rn no country 1s there such a gi vcn to Lollis XV by the Cai elm al, and mult1pbcat10n of humau beings a~ rn tne the watch given to Loms XlV- by the D ey Umted State· If we rncrease m th& future of Alg1e1 s, will be resen eel as national proas wc have m the past, we sha.11 haYe a perty hund1ed m1ll·ons ol people early m the The death is announced of Leopold Meyer, twentieth Centu1 y, two hund1ed millions by 1925, ancl eight hundred millions by 1975 tho p1amst, \'\ho v1s1ted th1scountry thuty The country will then be mote densely fl ve years ago He had a eex tam degree of populated than 1s Ohma, and the standard execut10n and elegance of touch ; but that of comfort will be lowered as tne pnce of was all He was, however, well patromzed land goes up, wl11le the workrng classes will by some ar1stocratw old ladies m Vienna, be snbJect to the most d1stresamg privations and Vi as invited to play 111 court before the In Inma to day the mcrease of mhab1t'.tnts Emperor Ferdmand, whose brilliant mtelh· is so rapid that the government is app:.lled gence was not exactly an ornament to the hne of Hapsbu1gs. After Meyer, who v.as and does not know what to do It 1s try mg to mcrease the amount of arable land by rather a stoutish man, ha1 played, the Emperor spoke to him, and said " My dearg1eat ur1gatmg works, yet the populatrnn rncieases at the rate of one mtlhon per Mr. Meyer, I have heard Liszt (Meyer bows low) 1 have heard Thalberg (Meyer bows annum, and the mult1phcat10a of human berngs is more rnptd ban the add1'10ns to lowe1 still), but not one of them-perspired hke vou." Tableau 1 food proll uct10n Mouse's M1sehle!. · A workman employed at a house bmld· mg at 15 Avenue de Veisa1lles, m Pans, was disagreeably surprised last week to find th11t a sum of 2,000 ±lanes m b'.l.nk notes that he had hidden in the cellar for safety had dISappeaied The pocket book which had contarned the notes was there, l) mg open, but there were no signs of the notes On seaichmg well, however, small !rag· ments of p; per were seemg lymg about, and 1t was thought that mtc~ might be the tlue1 es. Followmg the d1rect10n of the fragments he llad the floonng taken up of a room above, used as an office, and rn winch a fire had been hghted, and ther e near the stove was found a mo11se s nest lined with the precious J>aper, mbbled mto small pieces These weie collected and talten to the Bank of France, where the notes will be reconstttuted if possible And, if the numbers tan be ascertamed, other notes will be given by the bank 111 ex change for those lacm ated A Health, ----··-1 ~ and thither we went. The shaft of tlns company 1s doy>'n nbout se' enty feet, but it is only a proiectmg shah ;;;o Mr. Fred Bro" n, tho supermternlnnt, mformed us. It 1s too 5mall for practical purposes, Mean while they arc erectmg a null to work the ore a lr eady taken out, and are makrng the other necc'ssary improvements m the way of bmldrng, etc They will begm to smk their wo1 kmg shaft at once Ou our way to town we paid a visit to the Pme Portage property, 01 · vVhale," llS 1t IS called H ete two thmgs ue boommg-bu1ldmgs are bemg erected, ll.ncl the enterpnsmg t1mbermen are mak111g he necessary pirn<s for the new null which \as been purchased from Messrs Fraser .iid Chalmers of Chicago Mr Doby, of '.i.yronto, one of the ownels, mfo1mecl us tlat they expected to be rnshmg rn about t1'o weeks He also stateQ. that his firm h 1d paid $33 000 for the propei:ty, $12,000 ~~wn and the balance on the 1st of June nere are other compames 111 active ~rat10n, notably m Argyle. Thi~ com - pa\iy has erected a ten stamp mill and 'f'Ill be crushmg m about ten days. Bemg tired out'" e will not Vls1t any ot the other I~~hties vVe were well sat1sfiod with ~hi1t had seen, aud were convmced. beyond a d.ouht that there IS gold m p1:1y.111g q,uinht1es m the Lake of the vVoods, and A Grammatical Point. Amos paralyz~I 111s teacher at the gram· max Echool tfae b~he1 day, and gave him a pomter that had never beiore penetra,ed his repository of educat1onal,k111ck·knacks. Says the teaoher "Amos, wh1tt paFt ~f speech is book i" Amos-" Book is a qommon noun, third person, srngular number. masculme gender, nom-" Teacher-" Y.lasculme ender, you young idiot, what do you mean?\ Amos-"! mean that th1~ book I'm speakm~ of is of the masculme g~\1der " Teacher-" What boo!, is \;hat i ' Amos-" It's a hymn book \n -------~.....-.,.---- ... "How to spend Sunday efternoon, ' 1s the title of an article m a New York paper. Lots of men believe that the way to spend 1t is to walk around the ba k way 1t the saloon front door isn't open Ont m the world men show us two sides m thelf clmrnctcr ; by tho fireside only one. The man -who was pounced on by au ounce asserts his belief that thll ammal weighed a ton. Men often Judge the person but not the ·111'"" " hqu"ed " t.mo ~d """" to 1 ~uoo, whrnh" nut J""~ hut malw·. "A It would seem .as if among other curious _____.. ~ ~-·---chamcterist1cs of the present day smc1de A Battle in the G1·ass. has to occupy a promment p1ace The slightest hitch m life's arrangements seems A fight hetween a rnttlesnake and a sufficient to mduce both men and women, black snake was recentl y witnessed near boys and girls to go anywhere, anywhere Fut t \Vorth, The black snake forced the out of the world. It is the pace that this fight mg, ghdrng around m SV11!t circles age 1s gomg at that kills as well as the new )\ hile the rattJe3na <e lay c01IH1. '£he cir· philosophy that tells people that they are cles ~rew smaller, and the rattlesnake ap no better than the cattle, and that when peared confused as the black snake drew they are dead they are done fox. It is a closer. His rattles ceased to gn e out their poor mean, datestable creed, and it is very nsual sh1:1rp sound, and his head dropped as nat~rally and Yery logically 1 esult 1f vertigo was seizmg him. The black snaike iag in the production of very mean, very seized, by ,, hghtnmg movement, the rattler worthless, and very immoral supporte1<1 by the throat, and, wmdrng about him, the 'Water can 11se no higher than its source, two rolled ove1 and over together. In a and neither can oprn1011 or pnnmple. If a few moment the rattlesnake ceasP.d to man thmks he will die like a dog, ten bre1:1the An exammatlon of the dead body chances to one he will hve hke one, of the rattlesnake revealed a fracture m the M Grevy s little grandaughte1 resembles sprne as complete 1:1s if done by a blow "1th him She is named for her father, her au.nt a club. The iattlesnake measured five feet her two mate1nal great uncles, and he1 and three rnches. grandfather-Damelle J nhe Al bertme Paule Louise Madame Dreyfus, nee Gonzalez, of censoriousness. Peru, gave largely toward the rnagmficent He who blames others the moot is usual tro~sseau of t he little one, who will one day ly the most to be blamed A quick eye to be enormonsly nch with th1ee mhented for detfCt the faults of another, has usually a tunes· bhnd side to his own, A sharp tongue M Fourmant has concluded a series of moved by an unquret spmt w~nteth not grc1:1t oxpenments upon tr10hwre m meat. "ords and compla1umgs To rebuke, reprove, He frnds that to pack the cl1sa.sed flesh rn exhort, with all long suffermg, and pa s1:1lt for fifteJ'll wonths does not kill the tience, anu prnyer, is one tlung To re parasites , mice fed upon the meat died of prove shP..rply, and VI 1th a censorious spmt, is anothel "Thou hypocrite, fast cast tr1chinos1s. , The fashion for mmute mvest1g~t10n 1s the beam out of thme own eye, then thou not subs1dmg ; a paper on the salivary ~h1:1lt see clearlv to cast the mote out of tny glands of m~ects was recently read be brother's eye ·" fore the Odontological Society ol Great Br1tarn. , Germany p10ducecl m 1881, ,~,914, 009 At the last levee in London there were but tons ot pig iron, 560,222 tons of castmgs, twenty-five c1v1hans among some 400 gen· 1,421, 792 tons of wrnught iron and steel, a.ncl 89i,425 tons of cast steel tlemen )\ho attended it. Oo111ti11ent _ ...... ----··'"'·-·.....---- A daily action of the bowels is essential! to good health under all c1rcumstances ; the want of it engenders the most pamful and fatal diseases Nature prompts this act10n with great regularity, most generally after breakfast. liurry or excitement, will dis pel that promptmg, and the result is that nature is baffled Her regular routme ism t erfered with, and harm 1~ done. ThIS is a tlnng wh10h most persons do not hesitate to postpone, and m the case of nclmg to town, a delay of one or two hours is mvolved. This never can occur with impumty, Ill 1:1ny srngle mstance, to any person ltvmg. This very little thrng-postpomng natures daily bowel act1ons-fa1hng to have them with regularity-is the cause of all cases of piles, and anal fistulas, t:i say nothmg of v'lnous other forms of disease; fe\ er, dyspeps11:1, heaaache, and the whole family of neu1algias. A man had better lose a dmner, better sacrifice the earnrngs of a day, than repress the call of nature; !or 1t will mcv1t[l,bly lead to const1pat10n, the attend ant and a11gravator of almost every disease. To o.rrange this thmg safely, breakfast A .E'rea.k of the Telephone. should be had at such an early time as A smgular fact was noted m Ghicago re will allow a full half hours leisure bet)\ een cently At a ce1 tam hour all who bad occa the close of the meal and the time of Ieavmg s1on to use the telephone found 1t v1bratmg for busmess - Halt's Jom nal of Health to musical tonPs. Private and puhhc tele._ ..._ phones, and even the police and fire al!l1 m To dread no eye and to suspect no tongue mstruments, axe alike affected 'I he s )Urce 1s the great prerogative of mnocence of music was a my8tery until recently, The Czar l,eeps his crown on a ehelf m when it "as le,wnecl thst the telegraph wire from the stock yards, which pass<1s near the pantry. Thus he lays up somethmg for mo t of the telephone wires, was connected a re1gny day. with the harmomc syster>1, that tunes were A Cmc111natt1 -woman knocked her husband bemg played ove1 1t, and that the tele- senseless with a copy of the Bible. The phone wires took up the sounds by mduc old vers10n is good and stron,i; yet, t10n. .Y!r ::lpurgeon prestded the other day m person VI 1th great cheermess over an " old A two-year old girl fell fiat while playmg English fair" rn .l::fagh street, Clapham, for with her little b1other, and she thought tho benefit of some new Sunday School that a sharp &tick punctured her nee], So roows-a rather remarkable episode m the did her parents; but after the \\Ound hi.d h1sto1y of non conformity. Among the fair refused to heal, and a phys1c1an had ex· stall-keepers were representatives of Sir tracted 11 bullet, the b?y confessed that he Walter's "Briclgeworth," and Longfellow's had shot her with a toy pistol. "Edith Christeson. 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