THE CA~~p~~~~HE~T~TESMAN\.MISH!eci!~!.~OYJSH -BY· ITEMS O~ INTEREST. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Goon.s., . M. A. J:A.MEB, · AT TH E oFEICE, t · ~stOfHee Block, Ki11g St.,nowmanv ille,9ut $l.llOperannun1,or$I.O~ tt'p1ddtnadvanee. and ii:vites the I:a_di_es of Bowinanv1lle and v1cm1ty to call and see her Pattern It was observel that when Mr. Parm1 1l pronounced his nam~ in House of Comm oo is lately, he laid the accent on the first syllalJle -Paro ell. San Francisco claims to make more aod b etter chocolate than any other place in t he world. The ingredien ts are sugar from th£ Sandw ich Islands, cocoa from E cu ador, and vanilla raised in California. D er byshire workingmen are going to present M r. G la.dstone with a set of t hat Crown Derby w1 tre which M r: J olmet complained "co, t more than sil ver. " Each plate re: present s a Derbyshire scene.· · DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO Co,, :Health isWealth! WAREROOM, 1 PERSONAL PARAGRAP HS, About Prominent P e ople and Otborl!. A lbani says she would rather sin g in Amer. ica t ha n anyw here.else, and gives N ew York t he preferenc§ i.n Amer ica. The Empress of Austria h as t ak en to t en · eing-two hour s a day generally- to k eep herself a. light weight for t he saddle. BIG- 20 ,· BOWMANVILLE. BON.NETS, HATS, and assortment of Payment strictly in advance required from 11ubscnbcrs outside of the county. Ord~rs to · discontinue the paper muflt be accompanied by the amount dt1e.or the paper will not be stoppe~. Subscribers are responsibleuntil fUll payment .i s made. » R ATES 01" ADVERTISING: . j ~~ W hole Column one year ..... . ······· $:;<! 001 ;;;!~83 " " Half year ... ..... ... . 30 00 ~=="' "· " One quar ter ....... .. 20 OOi"' "'-' Half Cohunn one year . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . 30 OOj= " " H alf year .. . . .. .. . . .. .. 20 00!_ " " One quarter. . . .. .. . .. . 12 501 Quarter Column one year . . .. . .. .. .. 20 OOC " " Half year . . . . .. .. .. . 12 50: 5 One quarter. ... .. .. 8 Six lines andunder, first insertion . . $0 50,_ E ach subsequent i~eer.tion ··:··· 0 l~l From si..'C to ten lines, .ftrst t~1sert10n, 0 Each subsequent mser twn ...... 0 251-IO Ov er ten lines, first i nscr tion ,per line 0 10[. ,. Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03f'l'he number of lines to be reckoned by[ -thc space occupied, measured by a scale of[ 1 -15 solid Nonpar eil. -W. RUSE, Agent, Codd & Co,. Bankers Successors to Agency of Dominion Bank , BOWM.A:NVH ,LE, Tranrnct a gene1·al Bank-in g Biisiness 1 ipo1 . the sa,me T erm s ancl Piinciples adopted by the J oint S toclc B anlcs. I NTEilEST ALLOWED 0 N DE PO S J T S· withdrawal on demand, at the rate of FOUH per cent per annum. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Bills received for collection and advances made thereon at moder. ate rates. DR AF TS ISSUE D, pavable at all points iu Canada and the United Stat es; STOCKS, BON DS, DEBENT URES, &o.,&c. bougM a nd sold. MONEY L '.)A.NE D on Mortgage Secut ityprnsent rat e from 6 to 7 ~ per cent. :\111!1'1 TR I · M M ' I N G S Butche r At the m er ino sales in M eiborne, Sir STOllE 1- Sc co1ul Jboor 'V·ist o t' \\' illiam s Samu el vVilson, t he present t enant of HughStall. 001 =7 "1 - W i.shes to i n form the patrons uf her la te husba nd, a nd t he public generally. t hat sh e still Carries a · nthe Harn ass ~usiness, in the old stan d.Wldf\r the supervisionson,of her WM. HUMPHREY, who ha s h a d over five years experisnce under his father's instruction s, an d wh o is .c apable of tur ning out all work in as satisfactor y a n1anner as heretofor , A continuation o · t he liberal patronage extended t o· my late hu,s ba nd is r espectfully solicited, and satisfaction g uara nteed. L ~- -·--- ·w GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOW M.A.NVILLE S'r .A.'l'ION AND '!'lME. GOING E..!.S'r GOIN G WEST xpress ... .... 9.~0 a m \ Loca_l· ..... ... .7 .~2 a Mixed ....... . . l.o5 p m Express .. .... ~.~o a Local . ... .. .. .. 7.10 p m Mixed .... ... . 3.4.Q P Express . .. . ... 8.40 pm Exnr ess ...... 9.0o P _,__ ---· - - - - -· - · S ,\FE COL l ARS GUAR ANTEED or n o char ge. I.eave y ou1· 01·1 lcr s c :n·Jy £01· l 'A.l.L ' VOU ll ___ _ _ N. B.-Ever vthi ng u sually k ep t in a m m first- class Har ness S h op a l ways in s t ock m a t lowes t livi ng pri·ces. m ANNIE HUMP HREY L. POTTER , nu . D. RADU ATE of Queen's College, K ingston·; and M11mber of Oo!lege of P hysicians and G Surgeons, Ontario. . «Office and Residence, E nniek1llen. D r . A. U£ 1TJI, 17. ~-------.----- DUATE OF THE TORONTO UNIV~R Sl 'l 'Y, Physician, Surgeon, &c. O!fice K mg G RA Stroet , MOltitIS' BLOCK, Bow1nanv1llo. J, ' v. lllcJ.augh lln , !II. n., ICENTI ATE OF 'l'HE ROYAL cor,1.EGE of Ph ysicians and member of the Royal College of Surireons, Edinbm·A"h. Office : MOiffiIS' BLOCK K ing-et.,BowmanvUle. L c. HAR NDEN, L. D.S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK:50N'S STORE. DJlt, ,J, C. JIUTC JllELL, lV I ,f EMBER OF COLLE. G . E OF PHYSICIANS Plate Wor k executed in the latest and most .l and Surgeons, Ontat:10, Co1·oner, etc. " imp1·oved style of the Denta l .A.rt. Office and ltestdence, Enmsktllen. · 14. ;r EETH E X'l'R.A.CTED WI'l.'HOU'l' P .A.IN IJ, iUllUilJ SUll.l'SON, by the u se of Nit1·ous Oxide Gas, without injury to the patient. >.ARRIS'l'ER, SOLICI'.1'0R~ &c., MORRIS ) BLOCK, up stairs, K mg. Strnet, BoTman- Particular attention paid to the regulation of lle. · Solicitor for the Ontar10 Bank . C.HILDREN ' 5 TEE 'l'fl . I'd vale Honeys loaned at the lowest rat'.:::_ ,JohJl C~alb1·1itt11, .A.RR I !:l 'l' E R . SOLICITOR , NOTARY P UBLI C, &,o, Office- lteed's Block, o_ver GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Keith _.-ALL WORK W.ARRA N'l.'ED.~ B T. Battings store, Monev t.o lend King Street, .Bowm,anv1lle. Banking House OF y s, SOL~crroRS, Conveyancers, Not aries. &c. Ollice :-;-M cB ARRISTERS,.A.'l~l'ORNJi: Cltmg's Buildings, King Street, l3owmanvdle. n. nu,BSELL LOSCOJ\IDE. A. LOSt;O~I IlE ·"' J,IWI'U , n. L F.l'.l' H. Jlllou cy to J.oan.- Private and other funds at est:rate~ of in terest. - - - -- --- . .. ST. J OH::ll JI. H.U'l'CllESON, ARRIST ER, & ATT ORNEY. _N'o ·J'A.RY PURLIC. MONEY TO LOA::O · OinilcE-OvEH STATESMAN OFFrCE. &a, --. -.,vn1Gll'~ & l1f.lll4~RT, ·---~ arrister s an'tll Attorneys-at-Law, Solfcitors;in Chancery, &c., Ont. BMoney to loan at lowest rate oi intc1 ·est and Now~astlc, on favorable terms. 149-tf. RtnmR 'l' AUl.UO.IJlt, EGISTHAR, WES'l' .DURHAM ISSUER of Marrlage Licou~es, Barrister and ,uturR Saving's DepeJrtment. ney at· 1,0.w and Solicitor in Chat1cery. Money loaned on R eal E$tate. Office on King street, Bowmanville. - - -- -- --'----- -- - - !J, T. l'RllJl.Ul-S L ICENSlW AUCTIONEEH for the County of Durhem, Sales promptly attended. Addross-llamvton P . O. 59. Jt, UUHJlll§ON. AUC'l'IONEEll, CONVEYANL ICENSED CER ;md Oomm,ssioner in B. H . Sales attended to promply a ;1d at rea sonable rates. l!?H'Adrlress- Ii:nnii;killen P~ 0 . A everY man w ho buys his HENRY SYLVES'l'EU, .l!Jnniskillen. GOOD WlFE GUARANTEED TO Liccn~c from 198tf. R. Y OUNG, V . S., h as remo ved to the r esidence directly opposite tho Drill D Shed fon nerlyoocupied by P. C. Himes. His office wilI be in Mr. John McMurtry's Grocery S tore. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. a nd from 1 to 5 p .m ., Sundays excepted. 228-tf. Pianos 'Jl.'u n etl & R epai1·ed. P ARTIESJ VISHING THEIR P I ANOS ·runed:or repaired can have them atten ded to by leaving word at tho DOMINIOK ORGAN Co's . O r><'lC:E, Bowmanville. A first,-clas man now being in their m.ploy. M A R R IAGE l I0ENS ES JSSUED BY A. J. L 0 CK I-IA RT, ORONO, O~T. Onty 7 w o D ollars. MAR Rl"AC E LIGE NS ES ISSUED BY W.R. CLIMIE. OFFICE- Town Hall Buildings, Bowmanville . So· .Ho? G e n ts.em.en <>.f' .Fash i0n, not so Cast. I h ave written these few lines .A.nd all I have to sayThat you can find me still at home, I am not g one away . So a ll my kind old c riends may come, And a)l L he y oung ones, too, .And 'g et then· garments nicely made I n fasbions t ha t new: 'Vh ere old and young, d & ar friends, may meet ~welcome grAetinir. bv R. P)J].A.TE ------- __ __________ ,. . O"BDE~ D D ~~::ft8~~~11~:l~f;~~~ R · the use· of the great gprolonged, h appmoss and health r est ored by GERMAN INVIGORATOR, wh ich positi vely and permantly cures Impotency (caused by excesses of 1iny kind) Seminal W eakness, and all diseases t hat follow as a sequence of Self-Abuse. as loss of memory, uni·vcrsal lassitude, pain in tho back, dimness of JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, vision, premature o~d age, and many other ACIDiiY OF diseases tha t lead to insanity 01· ocnsurnption ERYSIPELAS, .a ndaprem1Lturc gra ve . SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, Send for circular s with. testimonials free by RN, DRYNESS ma il. 'l'he I NVIGOHA.'l'Olt is sold at $1 per l-IEARTBU box . or six boxes for $5, by all druggists, or OFTHE SKIN, will be sent free by mail, securely sealed, on HEADi\CHE, i·eceipt of p1 ·ice, by addressing J . F . CHENEY, And eve ry species of diseases a r ising from Dr uggist , 178 Summit St., 'l'oledo, Ohio, sole disordered LIVER, K IDN EYS, STOM.'~CH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. .Agents or the United States. F or ~ale by!STOTT & J URY, Eowman ville. .T. JlIILBURN & CO., Propiietors, Toronto. A s·ticcessful thief on New E ugland railroads mauages to sit n ear a traveller whose trun k he knows t o be valuable, Then he t ries to turn over the back of t h e seat, pret en ds t o find some d ifficult y wi th t he lock, A GENERAL BAN K ING BUSINESS and asks the Yictim for a loo.n of his check tran sacted. Drafts issu ed and collect ions fo s lip down upon' t he catch, and so throw it oul/ of pl o.ce. W hile thus using the artimad e throug h all B r a n ch es of the Bank of cle h<l exchanges it for another, which · be Montreal, in Canada , United S tates and ha nd~ back withou t the t.rj.clUiciag dc~t England , ed. At t he end of t f1e jOU rney he loses no S h ort Dat e, Commercial and Farmers' time in 'presenting t ile st olen check, audpapers discou nted at bank rates. Longer qetting away with t 1J e baggage to \vhicb it periocJs th&n three mou thA at beet tates is attached . obtainable. I t must be a great satisf<l.ct ion to every Adv1 rnces made on Sal eNotes and spec- i'ight thiukiuq person t o hav<.! evrn t he l)l'os· ial attention given to collection of same . pcct of seeing wife. beaters geJ;t in µ: t heir Line in tho way of a good Hogg ing. 'l'he sent iment is a goori and healthy one that a we. · man cannot by a ny p ossibil1ty commi t sue\. a.n offense as would j ustify a man in strik· FOUR PER CENT PAID on DEPOS- ing her. Ifor physical weakne~s, were t here lTS of $4 ~ n cl upwards, withd rawal on nothing el se, oug ht to be p-o~ec ti on. Such demand wit h h te rest t ) d ate. beinif the casa wh at shall be haid of th os.e worth:ess scmnps who every n ow and t ben beat a ' rn<>St the lives out of t he miserable drudges that cull them husbands. By B ANK, BUILDJNG SOCIETY AND all means let there be a flogging la w for such, aud let the b3 b id vigorously on In s_urance Co . Stocks, als o 13011ds and DeUenernlly the wr etched fellows <ire con siderbentures boug!lt at ;}%, com missi on either ate enough a bout their own ski11s. Let t h em in Montreal or T oronto . h ave it , hot and heavy. T he V esuvius Railroad Company publishes th e following circular : ' 'Those wh o don 't wish t o start from Naples at the indicated AGE NTS FOil NORTHEitN OJ<' RNGL.A.ND, hours cau require a speciQ.I dep<irtu rc, but capitsLl an cl i nvested funds- $27,GOO.O O O . 'l.'he. City of London l!'irc Insnranoe Co. of h to pay a t ! t h ree scats of carr iag e." Lonclon, England. Capital £1,000,000, ster ling, All despat ch is used in su cb cas es, for " carDeposited with Go1 ·erm nent at Ottawa $100,000. riages belonging t o the W ire Railway Coml! ' ire lnsurance of ev.ery Description effected, Lowest possible rates on all classes of risks. pany are only allowed to st op on th eir way for momcntaneous 1 epose of the horses." And then w e come to the pleasant announce· ment: '. ' N o drinking money is due tc. A LARGE AMOUN'l' OF PRIV.A.TE FUNDS coachm en·. " "At the inferior sta tion on for inves tmen t at ti, 7 and 8% , a ccording to se Mount Vesuvius passengers will r eceive a cur ity olfered. cen tre-tick et and con form I y t o its o rder's number t hey w ill take place in the tr ain. The train is composP.d of ten passen gers. GRAY'S SPECIFIC .nrnDICI '.NE. T hose who willingly loose their turn can T RADE Mll HK.,Tlle Gr l),ntEng· T RA DE profit of th e next train always w hen t here is an empty seat, but can not pret end a special w1 (::iiling cure for Seminal Weaktrain." Comfort is at tended to·. " Chairs n ess, Supermafrom the superior st ation t o the crater can torrhea, Impobe haved for Li re five a nd Lire t hree to cirtency, &all dis· culate round t he crater." eases thatfollow as a sequence of , Self-Al1t1Ee; as An B i storica.l Marc h Sncw·Storm. Before Takm g 1os s of Memory.After Taking. T he 31st day of March, 1829, i~ rememUniversalLassit.ude, Pain in the Back Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and m any ot h er bered by many old p eople a s the day when a Diseases that lead to Insanity or Col).sumptlon most terrific snow-storm p rerniled t hroughand a P rema ture Gravo. out .N ew E ngland,' the stor m b een especiall y ~Full par ticulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to over y:one.- severe in this locality. On the day p reced'l'he Specific Medicine is ~old by all druggists i ng the weather was so warm that' people sat a t $1 per . package, or six packages f.or $51 or at open windows. There was a su dden will bb sent free by mail on the receipt 01 the change in t l,ie temperature d uring t henight , money by addr essing an d t he next day t he mos t int ense cold pre'l'HE GRAY ME·D ICINE CO., 'I'oronto, On t . , Canada vailed , accompauied by t he hea viest fall of snow t hat h ad been k nown for y ears. Dr. T hompssn , a well-k nown · ph ysician of Charlestown at t hat time, in order to get from t h e foot of Green st r eet to H igh st reet , n very sh ort clis to,ncc, was obliged to e;o on l~orse back , the hor se with great dilliculty and danger stumbling throu~h the (~ rifts . A dressmaker who a house on Charlesto wn N eck, star t ed early in t he a ft ernoon to walk t hrough Main street t o her home on . Bow street, lost h er way in t he drifts near Guild's t anneries and would have per ish ed from cold and exhaustion if a man coming along most opportunely had not extracted her trotn her p erilous p osi t ion . A Ch:i,rlcst own boy of 12 y ears had started ou t the WILL CURE OR RELIEV E, day before t o drive a cow to S tow, wrts overH IUOUSf\JE:SS, DIZZINESS, taken by the storm and obliged t o stay three clays at a tavern in Su<lbur y u ntil t he roads DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, could be broken out ~o t hat he coul d retu rn INDIG ES TION, FLU TTERING home. - Boston J ow-nal. KIN<t STREET, I:lOWMA.N VILLir.. BURK&JONES, BANKING. enclen Manor, Lord B eaconsfield's seat, obtu,ined n o less than 650 gui neas for one splendid ram b elonging t o his E rcildoune estate. Mason Perry had a . trifling o.ltercat ion with his brother -in-law three month s ago, in Kansas City, and ever since has been t hrown into rnnvu lsions on sight of h;s d iso.greP .able relati ve, wh om h e fairly belieYes to be ~ necromancer. Oper ations b ave commenced by wh ich, at -a cost of $ 1,250,000, New st reet station, Bir mingham, Eng.., ·will be conver ted into t he largest ra,il way depot in t he world. It will cover a total a rea uf 45, 000 1q uare yar ds, or over eleven a cres, a.nd will h a1re t hree plat for ms, each over 1,000 long. The Lon d.<m Labor N ews says that t he deman d for wo1 ·k peoplti keeps incr easing, although the un~ettled weather has impeded building and railroad work. This statement explains to some exten t the fal ·ing off in im· migration aud military recruiting. The lat· t er is an excellent guage of the state of t hu labor· market. A prize was t o be vot ed t o the pret tiest girl o,t a rncial enterta inment at J ericho, i nd. T here w ere t wo popu1'1 r competit ors, and t he ballots were . eq ua lly distributed between t hem. 'l'he mauagera rletermined t o give a pri>.e to each , thu s t hem equal s in good looks. B ut when it came to sluggmg, in a fight b rought on by a sneering remo.rk, one proved her superiori ty by soundly whippip.g tte other. A ccording to La .lA bertad of .IY'exico. Don N icholas Zuniga y M iranda of that city ho.s invented an apparatus tha t i t is claimed will give notice, several days in adva nce, of the coming of a n eart hquake. lts i ndica t ions Senor Zuniga affi l'ms, . are so a ccurate t hat i t will mark not only t he day, bu t e ven the exact hour wh en t he d ist ur biooce i s to occur, and show wh at t he d egree of i nten sity of ,subterranean commotion w ill be. . A ·r eport from the records of t he courts of F rance upon t h e relat ion bet ween education and crime descri bes results directly opposed to those obtained in t ho Unit ed :Sta.t ea courts. O f 25,000 p ersons wholl y illiterate, five were cr iminals; of the same number able to read a nd write, six were t ransgr essors, an d of au equal n umber of p erson s of >nperior instruction, fi fteen were under the bau. Relapses into crime were foun d mu1:h mor e num erous a mong educated people. Dn . E. c. W Es1 "s NERVE AND BnAIN TREAE a guarnteed speciilc of Hysteria, Di:a;lness. Convulsion, l!' its, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Ner vous P rostra tion caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefu lness, Mental Depression , Softenim: of the Bria u, resulting i n Insani r.y and leading to misery. decay a nd death. P r emature Old .Age. Barrenness' Loss of nower in either sex, In volnlltary Losses and S oerma torr hma, ca used by over-exertion o! th e brain, self-abuse or o .ver-i ndulgenee, One box w ill cure recent cases. E ach box con t ains one m onth's treatmen t. Ont dollar ab.ox . or six boxes for .five dollars ; sent by mail p~·epaid ou receipt of price. ·w " guarantee six boxes to c11re uny case. With each order received by us r or six boxes, accompanied w ith five dollars wc will send the purchRser our written guarantee to refund the 1 noney if tho t.reatmen t does not effect a c11 re. Guarantc" issued only by STOTT & J C lt Y, sole agents for Bowma nv!lle, Ont.; J OJ:iN C. W E S'l' & CO., Sole P r oprietors, . 'l'oronto, Ont. One of t he greatest actors of China, Loo Chin aoom, who has been p layi ng in San F rancisco, talk s of a Chinese t he:i,tre in New York. A L ondon paper says M r. L owell is not only an ambassador, but o. distingu ished man of letters, a nd on e of t he most cou rteous of hosts; resembling Hosea Bie;low only in shrewdness. T he granddaughter of R ober t Toomb~. who refused a hundred t housan d d ollars rather t han gil'e µp her lov er, is in. t he condition of t he person who eats her ca lte and has it too, as her grandfather has n ow restored her t o favor. When a young American lady i u. Italy wore a black gown which s he had herself ornamented wi th pa inted daisies, the I talians cr ie(J, o.s s he passEd them i n the streeii, " L ook ! she wear~ mar~uel'ite$ f.or the Queen!" A constant re1der of E nglish and German books and n ewspap.·rs is the Grown P rincess of Germany, who k eeps herself up in all t hat is going on i n society and p olitics of bot h count rieR, a nd s eems to be a perfect woman in her place. Archbishop Kenri ck , of St . L ouis, is beloved by all reli!!ious denomin ations of that cit y . He k eeps· aloof from controversies an d all purel y wcrldly a ffairs . H e is tall, · erect aud benign ailt·lookiog, and ma,kes >every one his friend at once. T he manuscri pts of Dicken s's Our ~JJfutual .ll riend , the first book of Byrant's transla t ion of the Iliad, and Poe's Mui·der in the R ue Moi·gue are in t h e library of G . W . Childs, of Philadelp hia , as well as a let ter writ t en by .l<'ranklin P ierce t o James T . Fields Qn t he morning after Hawthorne's death. T he auth or of " K athleen Mavourneen," l and N icholas N . Crouch, who is now ol c poor. havi ng former ly been a music teacher of W . ·w. C,ir cora.n, was lat e ly. presented with $50 by the philant hrop ist, If everyon e t o whom his song ha.a given p leasur e g ave a fift h p art as m uch, he would be iu com fort· able cir cumstances. I t is t oo bad, but it docs appear most li kely that the assaul t upon Lady .1:1'Jor ence Di xie was enacted in dream -lan d, and t hat t hat lady had tbe most of t he wol'lc to do, if not the whole. )Va s she actually dreaming? or somet hing else, or worse ? It wo uld be difficult t o say. T he only thing pr etty clear is that she was not assaulted by. hu,man ru ffia,n s, unless t hose may be so calleJ who doubt a lady's a ccount of h er own Y~ rongs. . Liszt, the composer , has been s apposed to 9ntertain t he same enmity for the Jews that 'Vas evinced by vYagn er ; but in a let ter just pt1blished in a Hungarian newspaper he d e· n ies that such is t he case, and says that Meyel°);>eer , Heine, an d oth er J ews wer e long his war m p ersonal friends. He also sp~ks of various services t h at he ren (l ered t o merit Jr iolls J ewish art ists and of a id t hat he gave t o n umerous J ewisl3 oenevoleut in· stitut ioas in different countr ic3 during· his Jong p ubhc career. . $1000 FORFEIT ! Having the utmost con fidence in its superiority over a ll ot hecs. and after thousands of te·ts sr t bo most complicated and severest cases we could find. w e feel justifi ed in offering to forfeit one th ousauct d0llars fo r any cRse of coughs, colds, sor e throat, infl ue nza, ·hoarseness, consum pt ion in it.s early sta ges. w honping cough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. except Asthm!>., for which we only claim r..Jief, th at w e can't cure with ' Vest's Cough Syrup, when taken ancording to direct ion . Sample bottle 26 and 50 cen ts; large bottles one dollar . Genuine wrappers on !Yin blue. Sold by all druggists, or senil by expr es on r eceipt of price J OIIN 8 . WEST &, Co., 81 & 83 King 8t.. East, Tor onto, Ont, Sold by STOT'!' &; J1JRY. N 0T1 .C E. Bank, ca n be w ithdraw n at any time upon de· mand and without charge,at t he premises Jateli· occupied by the Ra nk, now the Banking H ouse of Codd & Co INTE REST at the r ate of THREE per cent will b e a llowed so long as the money lies with ile Dominion Bank. r·, posits heretofore made with t he D.:;minior. $500 R EWARD ! \Ve will pay the above r ew;u d for any case of Li ver Complain t, Dyspcpslo., Sick Headache I ndegestian, Const.ipati on or Constivenes we cannot CUl'e with W es L's V egetable J, iv"t' Pil ls w hen the directions am st rictly com plied with. 'l' hey are purely Vegetable, atid neYer fail t o give sstisfact.ion. SngarCoated. Large Boxes conLainiag 25 Pills, 25 cenl$, F or sale by all Druggists. of eoctnter feits and imi taC. Wg't"l' & Co .. " The Pill Mn.kers," 81 & 83 K ing Sr.. E'1st. Toron to. Ont. )!'rec trial packai:rn sen Lby mail prepairl on recei pt of a 3 cen t stump. F or Sale by S'l '01"l' & J UH.Y. t i onR. UNDERTAKI NC I ·- ] 8 ' " ! " (- The genuini~ man n fa ct.111 P.rl only JOHN LEVI ~ MORR~S. att~ nd F un erals on the sh ortest notice, at tho lowest possible ra tes. Cttskets anrl Burirtl Cases re!t.dy on sh ort notice. First-class hearse on ver·y moderate tcr rn s. Shrouds and CoJD ns constantl y on h and. F un· eral cards supplied at once. Fn rniture Shop & Show ltooms-aounsall'sNew Block. All furniture sold by me is made by the U . C ]j ~ ur n i t.nre Co. of Rowmanvi l le. I do not b uy slop furni tur e and reprfisent it to ha ve been marle by the U. C. W . Co. n f th is town. Also agent for L lte LI-QUO!t T E A. for t his town an<l vicillily. I t is cheap aml as gOO'l as can be got in the market. A valuable p t·ize gi" (\ri with ~v.cry pouud. · I am full y prepared t o HALL'S ~~t~ Is lt ecommended b;r Physician!: CURES Cntarrh of t he N a~al CaY lty-Chronlc and Ulcenol"'Catarrh of the Ear, E_y~ or 1·n roat. It It takH IN TER NALLY, a ncf acts l lRECTLY up~ the Blood and Mucou11 ~un'ato; .G/f tu SY.stem . It Is the be!t r.1lood P<i!!'· In the WORLD, ~nd I s lllorth ~U that Is charged for It, flit THAT alone. OMLYINHRNAL CURE FOR CATARRH S5i" I N THI!: MARKET .l2l:J $ I 00' .£;~~ · w;!th O~ll IT :i:.t.!Yo -ya1\,r~ , nn _ d was very 111u"OIX })9nefitted. bf the uae of " H rul's CU.tO.rrh Curo"" She Is now 1'.l.iouti cure,\ , · W. T. ROUSE. Jl4y little ---. WoOi!er SIOO for ~ny c~cecl dn.ugbtcr WOL8 W E L L AND, troubl~d Ont., .YM"Qb.ll3, 11!&1. ----..... (t g ~· QQ I have used" llall'a Cntatrb Cure," ttn1I jud!J' ing from the good re·nlts l derived from one boTitlo, bclio\"Oit w ill ou1 ·e the moat st.ubborn ol 01t.l·1Lrrh if i ts use bo oontinued tor-.; r<.:n;sonable length of time: · W. H. HELLEMS. ])', J. Crni;NEIY & Co. , 'l'olodo, 0. Gents.-Have sol rl Ifo!l's Ca.t,·i.rrb Cure for tho la9t yea r, llolld it gives entire satisiaotion. W z r.LAND, Ont., March 20, 18&.l. WlllLI.A ~D. Ont~ Maroh 20, 1 81'2. Tllf Qtieen at h er recen~ wore,._ black moire a.ntjque 'thess, trimmed with ostrich feat hers and jet, a white tulle veil an d cor on et of diamond~, diamond neck · lace, ear-rings and brooches, not to ment ion the -ril}J;on a n:! st ar of tile Order of t he Garter, t he orcln.s of Victoria ana A lbert, the Cross of Iudia, L onise of l 'rnssia, St. Catherine of li.nssia, and Spanish a11cl Por tu · gnese orders, aud the Sax'l-CoLurg a nd Gotha fa mily oi-ders. '.!.'he efleut must have been singular. · - -- - .,,-<·~ ~....·- -- J ohn Brigh t at Gl~sgcn>r. BROKE RAGE. ~r.~-:~ORTH AMER···'·· IC ~"~'::~ -:.s -" ~"' . '1ro~at and Fc~~d D~~;;seS ·O - ~~::::::;; I N SURA N CE ·t .D~WI LS ON's PULMONARY CHERRY BALSAM 'Would hav.e P r e v e nte d . . > Sold Everywhere at 25 Cents a Bottle. ~" Two BottJes in One, toe. J · W. BRAYLEY, MONTRE AL. I NVE STMEN T S . H shltcmcdy ,in 9 ~tl;~t~t ~~~:;.~ee ~rr6.~r~~·b~~~ien~1{,f ~~~g1ba:~~nl:~~ ~~!~~~t~i~~:~~!J~~~·~~~~ft~1t1Y~~Iii T be Hon. John Bright was lately installed as Lord Rector of Glasgow University. On the occasion h e delivered an elor1ucnt an d H. W. HOBOO!i!, Drugu!at. appropriate address, in t he course of wh ic11 he touched 1.111 some of the li1'e questions of tbc day, and vnce and again became abu.w.1t IB aold by ..u Wholesale and Retail DrugsJ.itlt political i n his observations. . Bright, like u.nd in Patent Medicines in a scnsiblvnan, r ejoices in sayil1a that the t.he United Stn.tas and Oanl.\(la. Eorn1er t imes were not better t har;-thcse. On PRICE ; tlle con trary, in every respect the p eople of 75 Cents a· $8.00 a Do.& the Unit ed Kingdom are far more comfortThe only· genuine Hall's Catarrh Cure Sa ~ able 'now than tbey w er e fifty years ago or lrlactnred by F. J. CHENEY & 00., '.roledCll Q less. They l1ave far better wages, far cheaper and more w holesomo food, better SSl'" of Imitatlon1. J3ottled for the Ontario trade by . am l more becoming clothes , education. m or e advanced, a greater amount of general content ment, an d , in short everything more as it ought to be than when those who are now ]'or Sde by St:itt & Jury. old were yo11ng. l'lea;;nnt all this, and we behf>ve that it is t rue as it is pleasant. No use old fellows telling the youth s of to-day t hat t hings were far better wh en ' 'they wore straps." T hey were n o such thing. And they will be a gr?at dea l better fifty y ea rs hence than they are now. D oes anybody fancy that ther e would be an y gai n if the good old times so often spoken about w ere actuo.lly to come back ? N o indeed. And the same thing is true of Canada. To hear grumblers b lk on e would fancy that everything was out of join t, t hat i n mor als and manners, in geucral, comfort a nd general intelligence Can ad ian s were "sinking down." They ar e doing n o such thing. L et those who are old and therefore inclined to look regret fu lly to the past be onl y ±air, ::tnd say if the pr esent gen erat ion is n ot far sob rirer than the last was. T o be sur e, thei·e are st ill far t oo many drinking and d runken fellows, but there a re not nearly so man y such w hen pop ulation is considered as t here wer e twen ty-five ye11rs ago. Some cry out about morals bein '( lower o.nd about more young w omen going to t he bad, Nonsense! lt is not true. T oo many girls alas, still make a bad mess of things, but there never were n icer, mo"re vir t u ous, well-behaved, high- mi nded youna women· in Cauada than there are to-day. Come, come, don't growl T ake a cheerful view of things, and at the time, let all do t heir level best to make them better . Yoi.u·s truly, Hall's Catarrh Cure notiile. H. w . HOBSON, Welland, Qat. Depots with all th e principn \ lines of r oad between the Atl antic and the Paci11 c Oceana. Its e qu ipm en t is un rivaled and magnitlccnt, bei ng com posed o f Mos t Comfor ta ble n.nd Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificent H orton Reolinine; Chair Cars, Pullbetween Chi ca go and Mi eaouri R iver Points. Two Trai ns between Chico.go a n d Il!Ii n n eapolis and St. :Pau l, vi a t h e F amo u!; s ns City. Council B lu ffs, Le a ven worth, Atchison, M in n eapolis a n d S t. Pau l. -I t conn ects in Un ion --- .. --~ ·~, ~ ~i~~sor1i5f~\~si P c ~~~;:\~ef~r'ia~·a,~ii11~J~r~:: "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. " A New a.ud D irect L h.1e, vja Seneca. and Kan !-ca.. k cc, h as recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk Ncwpol't N ewts, Chattanooga, Atla.ntn., Au gusta, N'asb villoi Louisville, r~cxington, Cinc innati, Indianapolis L afayette, 1;1.nd O ma.ha, Minneapolis and St. Paul and i n te-r ucdiate poiuto. All T h rough Pass eng91·s 1L'ravel on Exp1·es:: T raina. . 'l'ickcts for i::ale a.t a ll p 1·incipal Ticket Offices in ~~~:. as l o w as c ompetitors t h at oft'r l eas adv an- W e h a d thought that paper had b een put to the utmost uses some time a go, wheo machinery belting, car w heels, etc., had been made of it ; but n ow w e learn that in B resla u, Germany, a chimn.iy fif ty feet high has been er ected of paper pulp, chemically prepared to resist combust ion. vVhat will paper be u sed for next ? t·h &United States a n d Canada. Baggage checked throu gh .and r ates Of fare a l - Fo1· detailed infor mation, get t h el'Maps and Fold~ 1 ers of t he CRE:A1' ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At y our n e arest T ick et Offioe, 0 1· R, R . CABL~, a ddr ess E, S T. J OHN, ' Vice·lJr es. & Ccn'l i\t'g'r, Geo'l Tk t. & Pass. Agt. CHI CAC O. ·· Libri, who stole the manuscripts which L ord Ashburnham bought, w as a d isting uish ed mathemat ician aucl p rufessor . Guizot held h im in h igh esteem until he was found ou t . H e was con demned in 1850 to t en years' imprisonment for his pilferings from the national l,ibraries ; but he fled to Europ e lmfore the t rial. His wife, u nder the second empire, tried to get him rehabilitated, but the Senate njected her p etition. Some little time ago M i's, Gladstone r ea ceived a let~er from Sir Henry Ponson by, t he Queen's secretary, writ ten by her direction, advising her to urge h er hu~ban<l to ac. ccpt a peera;_ e. The Queen has of late frequently publicl y expre~s?cl her wish to v isit ors t hat he shoul d ac9ept a peerage, which, while lesseni ng hfa hbors, would ena b le him to continue P rime Miniser. He p refers t o remain in tl1e House of Commons, but r etire from office. ..----