FASHION NOTES superb lirench chateau of Mr W K Van · It Busted de Ball · derb1lt had been cleared of its motley t100p A ball at w hich a number of colored Colored lace mitts m all the new shades and latereHlleis belles and b~aux were chasing away the It was the best ordered the most cool on~ of Barnum s Monsters Becomes In. will be worn m the summer furlated and is Shot to Death glowmg hours with tlymg feet, came to a delicately lighted and er JQyable ball ever Pomted stomachers of lace beads or pas sudden and abrupt termmat10n recently g1\Ten m New York and for m.gmficence sementene, trim the pomtd basques of ele About 11 o clock when i;he mermnent was qu te unprecedented and creditable to host How l'ilot s Stnllmatcs \Vcrclust1111ncntn1 gant dmner dr~sses at its height a rap came at the doo which in Jlc<1t1 ntnine lhlll and hostess Rosettes ot gold braid, and smalle.r suddenly opened, and the g1gant1c figm e of A great brute 1s dead It took five of the rosettes of narrow red velvet ribbon trim a woman, w1tnout either head or mms, Entire con:lldence. Varn for burn ng tear· biggest bullets a Colt s revolver could propel the 1ncker bonnets displayed on opemng stalked m among the happy throng The ls our longrng vam Th9 other noon as the owner of a peanut to kill him and not a pennyweight of lead day music stopped,and the whole company start With our life our strife is For the future nfe is stand \HIS makmg ready to go to dmner was wasted He was a foreigner His re Coquettish dresses for young ladies are ed at the astoundmg apparit10n ins p~echless With our bliss or bane he calle l to the boy who was actmg '1.S his cord was bad 1 here is an ugly story cur made of embroidered net over the glazod horror Thea a wild yell rent the air and Pattent let us wait rent that he killed a man m llngland It 1s surface of cotton satmes that closely 1 esem headlong out of the doors and wmdows clerk Our ab1dmg fate well known that he garrotted one Henry ble silk plunged the terror stricken shriekmg Hem Y see here Or early come or late Tl e pemtent1al yeais Morgan a year n.go u ldcr the very eyes of a negroes-rollmg tumbling, clawmg and 'Yes, sir Wool Jerseys worn with plaid wool skirts ' I am gomg to dmn~r and j ou will be left crowd of onlookers Of late he has been scramblmg over each other m their mad .A.shes we may heap knockmg down c 11mneys batte11ng people have the edges cut m square tab or rn fl ght The room was cleared as speedtlj as m charge here !or an hour On 01 r l eads ana wear long scallops and braided w t h rows of For our mward ache about and m e\ ery respect behavmg atroc1 if the floor had unexpectedly opened up and Yes sir Sackcloth to n,v; ake I have unbounded confidence m you but ously His name was Pilot and he was the soutache dropved the" hole party 111rn the cellar A Gud m our despair I ve taken all the chi1nge from the till ex most able bodied elephant m Barnum · F1ench pehsses of cashmere or black Ot gentleman, whose cook was one of the Of all thmgs else berc[t B 1ley & Hutchmson s show until Jumbo toman silk designed for sp11ng wraps have dancers relates that he w 118 Just on the ceptten cents Ib1a only 1s thcie left Beyond times cunnmg theftcame along narrow plaits down the f ont and back pomt of re.mng when the gul fell mat the All ught OUI last our longed sleep Pilot came from Asia He was what 1s fiowmg sleeves a high puffed colla1 doot and, sprawlmg on the floor famted And while your honesty 1s above ques Gathered when ram furled t10n I ha\ e n.lso taken care to measure the known as the lughland elephant and was an Rows of amber beads mixed m gilt passe dead away It took him and his ,,ood wife Drenchea cold and voanpeaauts There are Just six quarts on tne am31:al of\ 1c1ous d1spos1t10n and mischievous mentene form the fronts of straw bonnets three quarters of an hour to brmg her to Bteezes sunny sort ca{fi'1ces Three years ago !re iomed The and are also used for the whole bonnet life 11gam, and m the rr 01n111g she declared table 'l brnugh the apple eroft I Greatest Show 011 Earth and at t at time Light to1 to1se shell beads are anauged 111 the vehement ly that she will never go to an 'Yes, sir These violets shall fan They shall through tl e ia n other dance as long as she ln es ' She s And wlnle I may say at the usk of fiat was regarded as the biggest bit of animated same way I ve- 1nd not m vmndun had her warnm It 1s quite prob terrng you that I would trust you with every creat10n on the .American contment Pilot Tl oy shall peep agam .Brocades with very large fignres are used was made much of and always h .. d a good dollar I have it is my duty to warn you that Blue eyed on the world fo1 ele ant mantles m·tead of the Oriental able that a white ne ghbo who\\ as annoy 0 place m the pr 1cess1ons But he wao un I have asked the pop corn man over th re cashmeres They are lined with la1ge silks, ed by tho racket made by the dwikies m They nor fail nor famt to keep an eye on you and see that ) ou do gratetul an1 dehfr,hted m ramng a row of and tnmmeil with lace chemlle balls, and their noisy fest1 V'ltie· could tell all about All their ilttle lite the largest dimensions whene\ er cpportum ' dat ghostess 1f he wanted to -Paducah not run off with the roaster Thro tgh the b1tter days ty offered It 1s believed that he was never gilt and iet ornaments (Ky) N eus '.{es sir 'Ille1rs is pe1fect praise Street shoes for ead) sprmg have cloth V.1th contentment rife thoroughly broken and his keepers had ' Always be honest and upright Henry Hopeful they endure and I may as well say 11ght here that I always to use the greatest cau.t1on m dealmg tops to match the color of the dress. and !SewsJ,>apers as Investments Sure of death a1 d sum ohall count the peanuts upon my return and with him One mght about a year ago he ups of patent leather lhe toes are not so Of resurrection pure Some people im:i,gme th:i,t there is a sharply pomted and the heels are moderate J,nocked down one of them "\\Ith his ttUnk 1! rom all msect tamt m that way di·cover if you have eaten any fort me m the pu bl!cation of an ordmary Now then assume a busmess air and take then caught the prostrate man and was ly low and comfortable m the English fash "tcklJ newspaper 111 de1 auythmg hke .And bowe er "e ~lose IOU draggmg him w1thm reach to pound the hie charge fa' orable cucumstances while other~ areat a 011r old sins shall riseout of bun when he was driven away Of A noticeable bonnet was worn the othf't loss to know how funds and lab'>r expended Flowe1 s with heavy head - - - - - - ...... _ _ _ _..o. late he has been more unmanageable than day by a lady at a fash10nable i(~the1 mg It m such an en~1 prise can y eld lair returns, Scarlet and stlll fed with sweet sopb1str1es "Yeu WW sec ever wa· of peacock s feathers, with a bordet of unhss rn cus\J of leadrng daily JOUinals of t:iome erect and p ed MORE AJSD l\IORE VICIOUS In a office under the Crown it was ol<l gold lace and cluster of variegated pom large cities l~oth opm ons ate materially Others pass10n eyed w Lh the flaunting pr de found necessary many years ago to employ On Tuesnay evenmghe13hattered to pieces pons d1splayw g the prevailmg hues of cnm wrong a lthough t he latter comes nea1 bemg lhat suffers no repose a staff of foreign exammers m order to a buck chimney m the elephants quarters son green and violet The lady m question correct 'I here are pe1haps no enterprises translate the documents whwh were sub On vVednesday mornmg he made a funous looked well bnt she happened to ha' e sunny where commercial success is so rare as in Let the snows descend nutted 10 support of certam charges An attack: on his fellow pachy<lerms Frank hair and a good complexion, m u1eover she connection with the country newspapers and Let a wmdmg sheet 8otttrom foot to head old German was s-eated with one of the Hyatt the supermtendent of the ln e stock was young a large proportion of those all over th s Hide that gaudy bed Commissioners reuowned for his piety and of the show said he couldn t guarantee any Heralds of fash10ns tell us that veils are contment are looked upon as a class ot With a coverrng meet courteous speech The Commw·10ncr pomt .A.h p1t1ful pure snow man his life with such a beast about 'Vh1le to be much worn agam For the sake of literary paupers or loca.l parasites which Blot out the hated show mg toa name on the l!st mquued what had the audience \\ere at the performances Pilot beauty, le t us hope that they may not cut must be allowed sufficient patronage to exISt And quench its fiery glow become of 111m The German replied, "Was kept under constant watch and he was the face ID hah es a mode of ornament with upoh Then there is another class who Our one our only friend! Oh he 1s dead and gone to hell The never trusted away from his stall when he winch we have been but too familiar of late, depend upon the hon ises of amb1t10us towns -1 lte Acadeni11 Uomm1ss10ner horror strucl, rephed My was mill humor 0n vVednesday as the day and fo1 the sake of the eye let v.s hope that or opulent poht1c1ans, and when these cease dea1 HU you must not speak of him m advanced he became more irritable than they may be of one tone tha.t 1s not black drag along m a nuserable dead and altve that way Never a mmd said the ever When he was loosened for watcung he spotted with white :>r white spotted with manner At a rule the Journals on this ONE 01 THE MOST DISTINCTIVE DRESSES ne\er a mmd then m a mys caught keeper \V1lham Newman by the bead black an arrangement rightly denounced by contment bound up by political creed have present How pleased must have been this German man of gemus to thus stand amid his tenons and emphatic whisper he added, and flung him down and when he was drn en oculist· not been commercially successful even m The Gorgeous Costumes worn thoughts, now expressed m deathless marble You vait-some day you v1ll see' mto his stall he became perfectly fur10us There 1s much variety m bonnet strmgs manJ promment instances and those whwh and to see a pageant pass far finer than any Belgiama have by the Guests. He tuggAd savaeely at the bands confinmg Cold soutache half an men wide is used ror no\\ pay their pu lishers be·t thmg smce the palmy days of Lorenzo de --~~ !us feet Re butted at the wooden uprights strings accompametl by wider black blue, 1nvanable made politics a secondary con A Brilliant Scene of Wealth and Beauty Me<l1c1 111 one of the most goraeous houses around h m He flung himself agamst the ga1net or brown velvet ribbon Or~nge s1derat1on In connect1on with newspaper The Jerusalem Artichoke of modern times mto "h1ch he has brought pubhcat10n one or two Bennetts may sprmg -New York's l.l'ltlltonalres EnJoY· As De Codolle says it 1s not an art10hoke ammals on either side Ihe keepers were and olive grP.en velvet nbbons are tied to up m each generat10n, but the rank and file the learmng, thought, and culture of all the Ing Themselves called together and it became evidmt to gether for strmgs Reel and blue stnngs a1e and bemg a North Ame1wau plant can have ages' them that an extraordmary effort must be also tied together Narrow yellow 'elvet c.t the press are not usually m over easy (Ifarper s Baom) Another effective and well carped out nothmg to do with the Holy Land The made to get the unruly brute under snbJeC ribbon is tied with wider black velvet nb circumstances, and there are fewer wealthy It is rarely the case that an entertamment costume was that of a Chinaman A ven plant 1s techmcally a sun flower (Helian tion b)n Short bridle strmgs m a cun e below retired newspaper publishers than of any is so" idely talked about and so long and so table Indian chiefs dress, fresh from the thus,) though m our clunaJe it rarely be On Wednesday mght after the perform the chm are made of bias velvet t ed m a other p1 ofess10n known m America - W inni eagerly anticipated as was tins-a ball which plams, was very effective !\. ' Daughter trays its affin1t.Y by flowermg And the or ance was over the whole force we1 e gathered small bow on which rests fiowern or hum peg Commercial dma1 y explanat10ns 1s that Jerusalem is a had even mvited a rumor so disagreeable, of the Fore~t with the skm of an ammal 'Ihe long Imes of mammoths m thelf stalls mmg buds ----~ ~ ~··--- A Flnanc1a1 Dictionary even 50 frightful, as that the Commumsts wrapped aro1md her with ferns and butter. corruption of Girasole But this seems to be under the amphitheatre were qutet The \Vealth and taste combme to produce meant to attack the house and to sack 1t flies and Jewelled lizards, was exceedmgly a wanton piece of euphemism there 1s no lanterns showed only the wavmg trun~s trmmpbs T he New York Watt St1eee N ews is res of m1llmery art, which crown many with its l!nmeasurable "ealth of Jewelry, str1km~ I hen came the eccentric costumes evidence that the Italians ever used such a and the grea.t, misshapen bulks ran'led m (a an elegant toilet Human nature like h1a por sthle for the following winch it heads buc a brae, silver and gold and obJets darts -Fire Ice Sno" and the Comet Black name for it, and the real explanation seems half circle 'I here was only one sounu m tory repeats 1t8elf, and what 1s more is a the New Pe11al Code Althoueh the new s seldom that and cream colored wa.s the Comet, "'!<1th to be that Jerusalem "as apphed m a vague the place and it came from Pilot 1he key to what has heen In all times one of code does not strictly define the different on this eventtul evemng 1t 1 such an euteitamment goes off so serenely, streaks of gold thread art1st1cally woven way hke Indian or Welsh, simply to md1 el ephant was still m a frenzy He still the cond1t10ns of well bemg among tl e degrees of theft and embezzlement the ad without accident and without a sml(le un thrnugh and an emb101dered comet oq the cate a fore1an ongm Th us an old fasluon strove to free himself and break away The daughters of Eve has been the adornment of m1mstrnt10u of the laws anu public censure tov;ard e\ent as did Mrs WK Vauder sk1rt,theha1r,w1ldandfiowmg hadst1eam ed garden plant (PMomis /rutieosa ) 1s c11lled keepers undertook to d1sc1plme him and tl:e head even tothatreprehens1ble pla1tmgof would seem to classify these crimes accord bilt s famous fancy ball rs of gold rad1atmg Mrs Cornelrns Van sage of Jern·alem with about as little rea used a couple of well tramed elephants to the hair alluded t > l'l saci ed t exts And we mg to the amounts stolen, and somewhat as The guests on arnvmg at the white marble derbilt was 'ery charmmg as the Electric son And m France the term Je1 usalem assist them Obedient to the word and find that moralists fromapostohc tunes down follows doorway m Fifth Avenue were told to order L ght l!ire was illustrated by a curious artichol!.e is applied to a ·pec1es of gourd goad Futi and Gipsy sided up to the v1c1ous wards when preachmg agamst the vamty of Takmg upwards of $5,000 000 is called re their carn~ges at four 0 clock All around gleamrng red substance which flamed up the NatU?e Pilot and pressed agamst him on either womPn hM e especially directed their arrows orgamzat1on the ne1crhborhood a black dense mass of skirt and around the neck, side Ihe1r giant weights overcame him at the la.a1 es heads $2 500 coo Great financ1ermli The Prlxicess and Y>e Negress. figures '~a1ted to see the guests alight A IT WAS rn IMPR~SSIVE DRESS He could plunge about no more Then t he I 000 000 Fmanciermg The season of flo" ers is bemg heralded keepers crawled between the legs ot the large force of policemen kept back this crowd and the lady wore those now rare old fash On the day before the reception tendered Softenmg of the bram 900 000 Lilacs and which looked dangerous V\ hether the 10ned deep orange topazes w nch our grand her at St George s Bermuda the Prrncess elephants aud fastened a Mamla rope an by new hats and bonnets 800 000 Mismanagement great question of wealth vers s poverty mothers loved Snow is, of course n.lways Louise went out Dn a sketchmg exp ed1t1on mch and a half thick to his feet W 1th an laburnums are alrea ly 111 bloom on ladies M1stortune 700 000 wh1ch..agLtates all mmds now "as up1 er s1mulateti' by eider rlown and the frequent along the shore all alone and after a tune effort he regamed his freedom for an instant heads, and a comtnnation of wild rose and Irregulanty 600 000 ~ most m their mmds, or whether 1t was mere 1 mterpolabou of c1ystals or diamonds becommg thirsty went for a drmk t() the and the ligatures we1e snapped like coids mignonette though seen m the sheets of Breach of trust 5u0 ooo ly curiosity, one cannot say It was a pie Amongst these. impersonal dresses one to re cottage of a negro fisherman No one was But Fritz and Gipsy tramed to their work Parts and m spite of capnc1ous sunshme Defa ul tmg 400 000 The funous and cold wmds is suggestive of hedgerows turesque contrast- the cold gloomy mght semble Music was most mgemous A dre·s there but ' .iunt1e and she was busy as pressed agamst him agam 300 000 Embezzlement and gardens 1he prommence given to flow without the unnvalled light and luxury of white satrn, tnmmed with tive rows of could be 1romng a shirt for her ' ole man brute "as powerless 200 000 Peculation ers, as the sprmg se..son advances has not within black veh et like tbe mu·1c staff had her e to wear at the reception The prmcess ask 100 000 Dishonesty DESPER!l.TE STRUGGLES d1sp'laced feathers These combme toadorn As one entered the spacious hall and \\as and there musical notation the bodice cut ed for a drmk ' I se no tune to bodder 50 000 A crime led by a powdered footrran to the w1del low ar d sgua1e, was tummed with httle gettmg water fo you was the reply But he did not yield without a strugglr every variety of hat and capote from t he I se 25 000 Larceny staircase brass mustcal mstruments a music scale was fea ful busy, for Is"' bound to see the queen a He lugged agamst the two elephants with hrge Gamsborough "1th its profusion of 10 000 or nude· fluevu.g A SENSS OF \ASTNESH emb101de1ed on the bodice, the cap of red ch1le to morro\'\ But if you ll ge t me a all his weight now at one and agam at the plumes of shaded pinks greens or b rowns, overcame the gazer It was ltke Milan Cath satm was trimmed with triangles bells and clrmk I ll 1ron while you c10 so said the othe~ He tried to gore them with his tusks as the case may be down t o the very small Just LlkD Brothe:r s Pi1t, edr:i.l tins "1lderness of white marble and balls The Lady earned a Spamsh mando thirsty prmces· The offer was accepted His trunk was whmed through the a1r like bonnet of gold lace surmounted by a 'aes of 'Ve hearcl the follo wmg a tew clays smce stamed glass fhe broad s taucase, hke lm Then came Autumn with her grapes - the prmcess fimshed the slnrt and got her a flu1l His small p wgish eyes were sn.vage white ostrich tips from a 'young bloomer "'!<ho had been that m a feudal chl.teau waR wide enough I a beaut1l 1l dress- Sp mg with her apple dunk and then revealed her mdentity an<l bloodshot He did not trumpet but a seated between her oliest sister and her for a troop of cavalry to nde up and w1~h blo·soms and a lovel) dress called Cheny Fo de Lo d honey 1 exclauned auntie strange sound ltke escap ng steam came and sweetheart durmg a drive m the country LaCB Work its gradual ascent broken by fiequent turns Ripe m which red cherries, white blossom~ when she recovered from her surp11se ole went with every struggle The ammal was On her return she accosted her mother t holS 1t might be ascended by horses Indeed a and the overhangmg bough were all real man .no, no one els~ ever weat <lat ~l11rt fa1rlv mad Ihe keepers lost no time They When Coloert, the Fiench MmISter Ma, Ma' I wont mle with s1ster--and charge of the light brigade of hobby horses 1zedm flowers and emb101dery procured new ropes two mehes and a half established the royal manufactory of lace at Mr --any more, for he kept n, huggmg agam nohow 1 m thickness They bound the fore feet Alengon he compelled all lace makers to and a kl'smg her all the time Now JUSt was made ln.ter down lls splendid extent Then came the rehg10us ordeis Mr ~----··· ~tr··---tightly and then the hmd feet Stout ropes work Ill it and this led to a revolt among see how she has 'ma·hed my new hat ' The ladies were shown mto a grand state Hurlbl.lrt of the W01ld, had an espemally Some railroad employs a female switch bedJ.oom, where a four poster hung m tapes correct and beautiful costume as a Spamsh t ender Those officials are on the right were attached to either aad ran through them, which was ended by a compromise 'My child, how can you talk so' s~ 1 d the try stood at one end-Just such a bed as one K mght of Calabava a sort of religious track-women are ahead of anythmg as blocks fastened to the bu1ldmg at opposite Some years later lihe extravagant expend1 fon d mother lt cant be poss ble t iat sees m palaces anroad, or m the prntures by Kmght 'Iempla 1 order, with long white switch tenders as ~hen they are on duty the ex,rem1ties Then forty men laid hold of ture on lace produced a sumptuary law hm your sister will allow Mr - -to t ake such Lacroix Out of this apartment opened a cloak with black satm hooa red cross on switch is ne\ er off and then they are al the lme and tugged with a will till the 1tmg the use of 1t then appeared a satmcal hbert1<>s ' Yes but 1t1s possible was the fairy like dressmg room, all nnrror pamted the arm, and a black velvet suit of the seven ways posted on thg proper time for trams great brutes legs were dragged from unde1 poem, ' La. Revolte des Passamens, m reply of the mischievous bloomer, "and, mm and he sank upon lus belly He still over "\\Ith apple blossoms and with an a la teenth century with collars and cuffs of old y oµ know which the laces are represented as revolt Ma, Ma ' I tell you srnter hkes it, too, for struggled savagely A couple of men who mg like their makers agamst this tyranny she leans up to him JUSt like brothers pig baster bath tub fit for Undme to take her pomt de Vemse ThIS was one of the most ventured witlun reach were tossed over like A \>estern colportenr was once conversmg swun rn Beyond this mom another mag str1kmg of all the dresses Capuchm Friars but rum11ng away as soon as they are reall~ does to him when he scratches it Just mflceut apartment opened where sat a and splendid Cardmals elbowed ea"h other w1tl. an Illmois ma1i on his rel\gJOUs duties nme pms and he tore down a big post sup opposed every kmd well known m that about this time "we were called off Said he "Do you attend church regularly? portmg the amphitheatre floor Next a rope httle nun wr1tmg, a r egular bonne sceur at every turn day is mtrodu<>ed mto the poem with some Irwinton (Ga ) Appeal de hon secours very pretty and her black The stage, of course aff rded the ideas Oh no I never go to church, but l allers was fastened to his feet and drawn over bis not1c) oi its nature and worth, and thus as ~--~-back and when it was fastened to a block make it a p mt to tend all the funerals robes a contrast to the gay and ghttermg for the greatest nmnber of fine dresses Mr often happens a mere sqmb, written to young grandson presentmg his cigar ~ase the keepers dragged him over on his side They be Jest as solemn and thar h1sn t no dresses which constantly arrived Hewitt our wdl known Congressman went amuse a gay circle has b come a valuable to his grandfather No, my lad, I don t Then they began 01Sc1plmmg him with hoop authority It 1s imposa1ble not to regret smoke He1egatheredMarySrnartLadyvVashl.llg as Kmg Lear wtthhismind and with his kerlect10ns "Quite nirnt , at your age it is poles ton, Mother Goose, Mary Q111te Contrary, three daughters Mr and Mrs Lau1 ence that some of the beautiful laces that once ob3ect1onable A man s busmess seriously affects lus SENTENCED ro DEATH Carolma Uornaro a Gipsy and all the char Turnure were splendid as Httauenots Miss morals I for mstance a shoemaker takes existed should have become extrnct, but it A London paper t ells us that M r Errmg acters of the opera boufle, ieady to go down Townsend as the Fairy Que.;"n m Iolanthe unto himself two wives, anu the legal But then work was of no avail must be admitted that wnen we read of the ton has been rnstalled as official representa when the time came It was ele\ en o clock wore a very handsome dress, w h t e embro1d question comes up as to which he shall sup Hour after hour he took his punishment exqmsite Brussels pomt made only of one t1ve of the British Government at the befo1e the company descended to the superb ered m gold Madame Nilsson came as port and which discard, is it not tr11e that without aoign of yieldmg At length it was kind of tlax which hacl to be spun ma dark Vatican His appomtment 1s regarded m Frei ch drawmg room-a. room a la Louis Mane Stuar t as a cobbler he should stick to the last? determmed that the attempt to conquer him underground cellar as neither air nor light d1plomat1c circles as fully confirmed, and 1t The opera boufl'e, as we have sa d sent ' -Qumze- where Mrs Vanderbilt and Lady would be a failure and that the only thmg could be admitted t o it, and the "orker " Have yon anythmg extrnordmary on to be done for the safety of the people about could only touch not see, the threads, we is unde1 stood that a salary has been fixed ~1ande\;ille sat to receive ti e1r guests many representatives The Comte de Brie When certam d1fficult1es m the Cabmet They had been standmg long and Charles ~urface m the School fol' Scandal, your person by which you could be ident1 the show and the security of the public was feel that even ' The Song of t he Shut have been overcome Mr Errmgt.on s ap \>ere worn out Both were 111 V enet1an Romeo the Huguenot Count de Mole, Mar fiea ? asks an Austm doctor who was ex to kill the stubborn and mfunated brute hardly records greater cruelty to human porntment may be publicly acknowledged or Italian costumes Lally Mandeville wholly guente Ill laust and Harlequm all had aminmg Btl Colbert for a hfe msurance Genrge Arstmgstall, the prmc1pal elephant bemgs and our modern machme made laces A clergyman with a cough preached re m i.Jlack Mrs Vanderbilt m light col their copyists H1storwal cliar<1.cters hke policy Colbert thought for a good while tramer took the respons1b11lty of the dec1s find more favor m our eyes Many people cently to ..n 1rr1tated congregation at St ors "ith a Milan bonnet covered with Sir Walter Raleigh Don Carlos Christopher before he answered At last he replied ion and the execut10n of the sentence From ~re acqn11mted "ith old cater pillar pomt diamonds '.Ihe student ofcosturne will find Columbus and Chadeses I II , and IX all that he , had the reqmred pecuhauty a Colts navy revolver he fired two bullets so called from the pattern havmg some Patrwk s Dublm lhe next mornmg s 'Whai; mark 1s it ? Fe rful cramps this M la11 bonnet m Shake·peare s play of were m order Henn Deux is the most pie mto the b ast s heart aunmg cat efully at Iamt resemblance to the 6od1es of those am post brought )um the follo" mg commum ca All s Well that Enrls Well m Knights Pie ture·que of kings to copy There were no when I eat green corn short range for a vital spot 3ust behmd the mals but comparatively few have heard of t1on tonal Shakespeare It radiates hom the classical dresses no Greek l'l.oman, or Neo l1 s passmg strange when we reflect A favonte antidote for rattlesnake poison fore leg, and planted a th1rd and final s hot the modern caterp1lla1 lace whereby an m And seems to beat creation face hi e a halo and 1..q >ery becommg Mr Greek white draperies, the absence was con m Mexico is says Dr Croft m Chemicctl unde1 the left eye penetratmr the bram gemous gentleman on the Contment has m 'l:bat when oration we expect Vancler b1lt the host, wore a superb cop} of op1cn~ns 1 herewe1e some very fine kmghts N ews a strong solution of iodme m potas The long fight was ovtn and Pilot was quiet duced caterpillars to become unconscious W e get ex:pect o ation the dress of the Duke ot GuJS( the trunk in armor, especially one Mr Hoyt who srnm iodide The author has tested some cd forever lace makers Considermg the harmless pur Dr Charles Iisdall Chancellor of Chust hose long SJlk t ight· anu puffed sleeves married a daughter of Chief Justice Chase poses to which lace 1s usually applied 1t Church has written to acknowledge the of the poison itself with thts solut10n, and After the spectators of the show had gon e, bemg one of the most becomrng d1esse1:1 a his dress of chain armor of the time of Ed fiuds that a hght btown amorphous p1ec1p1 the carcass was cut up for removal Half a seems hard that any human bemg should authorship gentleman ever wore, and m thls "ase espe wa1d the Black l'rmce was 'ery much ad tate is formed, the msolub1hty ofwh1ch ex ever have lost their ln es for makrng 1t a)ld mally so As the Lalla Rookhs kmghi·, mued Mr Butler Johnstone, the owner plams the beneficial act10n of the antidote d<rzen sturay butchers, with 01g kmves yet such was actually the caso under t he What is p;Olll.(( to be a hundr ed years cleavers and saws did the cuttmg and prmces and courtiers dukes, kmgs, queens, of the Raphael at the Museum personated Wheu 10dme cannot readily be o btamed a Reign of Terror m France when t he i;:reater hence? The Rev F Barham Zmcke an Eng tlmty stout attaches of tie show hauled tames peacocks, ph asants md opera m a beautiful dress of the age of Louis XII solution of potassrnm 10d1cle to wluch a few number of the Chant Uy lace make s were h sh clergyman and one of t he chaplams bouffe ' Mons1eu1 le Diable and Madame dead golct satin embroidered m gold gray drops of fer r1c chloude has been added can the legs and other members about as t hey gmllotmed apparently for no crime but m ordinary to the Queen has given his severec:t to 1nve ·pace for the men to were le D1able came mm groaps the scene be hat and "lute plume the Marshall Tn perhaps be used as an antidote to snake work The rmht fore leg was first cut off, that of havmg supplied a luxury to t he answer to th e quest10n m the shape of a came enchantmg lhe next move was to bulz1 of Milan But pamphlet which saj s many cunous thmgs it1s a very convenmnt t est for a l its dislocation at the shoulder bemg easily hated aristocrats - Tlte Spectato1 poison the grand room, \\Ith its wondedu ALL THIS GLOI y WAS JlU'.I lIUM!I.'< Re calculates that by that time there will ll:aloids ----··~ ~ ~··---effected Then the head "as cut off and stamed glass wmdow of tne ' Field of the and needed s upper Ascendmg agam the be a thousand millions ot Enghsh speakmg The Royal Surname Uloth ot Gold and other almost equa ly gran staircase to the t hird story a ban "Why will girls be sncll fools· One after next the l 111d leg on the rig ht side vV1Lh people Of these he reckons thn.t 800 000 the a1cl of blocks and tackle the body was No more popnlar delusion exists than m beautiful wmdo'\ s, and its extraordmary qnetrng hall was d iscovered m a la1 gc room another they go down to perclit10n and 000" ill be m the Umt ed Sta·es 64 000 000 t urned and t he other legs were severed In regard to the Queens surname People height It is a banquetmg hall of the called tl1e Gymnasmm Here t 1e walls death because they lack m maidenly m Canada 48 000 000 mAustraha IG 000 Middle Ages and 1s uuusun.lJy magmticent were lined with roses an<l the most fabulous modesty and are giddy thot g htless fools a couple of hours the work was done and gene1all) belie \ e i t to be Guelph There 000 111 South Africa and "'O 000 000 111 the m five big w aggons the enormoas pile of are some how ever, who lrno'\\ t hat m Its great extent the wondedul can mg the floral display made this mom a· redolent of Girls girls re·pect y ournelves No man Umted l\.mgdom Among these thousand medueval fire place the carvect buffets a ll nature as the lower rooms had been of art respects a woman with whom he ever at meat were carted off to the Barren ls ma1rymg Pnnce Albert efC'.>hourg Gotha mill10ns there will he thrnks be no savages, land boat with the except10n of one fore the sovereign took the surname of her hus made it a fittm g spot f01 a fancy ball He1 o sat a lady m the dress o' Ma<lame tempts to use improper liberties Cant 110 ser f~ no slaves and very few drones or Soon the grnnps began to wander to the The1m1dor of that eccentric dress of t11e vou understand that yo t young fools leg which "as obtarned for pt rposes of band Wettm wh1cn has for upwaTd of 450 Sybarites Ibey will all be able to read the Columbia Veteuna1y Ool dissection m years been the fanuly cognomen of the grand sta rc1se to see the quadulles come l re11ch Revolut10n (not qutte tie lncroya B11t no you pei s1st m b lievm,.., the lymg at d wntc and will all be mchncd to turn lege I ouse of Saxony And the Priuce ol Wales down Fast the H obby l vi se Qnadnll" l les but as eccentric) lookmg delightfully stones of ·mooth ton gued and the these advantages tu good account I hey T 1e skm ou Pilot was from I i to 2 mehes aud all the r est o her childien bea1 th at v. 111 all occupy theu own land and manage wonderfully funny The hor ses and art1fi pretty 111 an enorrno1 s I at tall ng to a Vene result to you at any rat is ltfc long sor thickness and he was qmte fat Frank m name cial outside legs of the riders who were 10 tum of 1450 and to Don Carlos E lne '3eard rnw if not a premature and shameful death their O\\ n political affairs will have a high tne pm], coats of +he huntmg field, the long and the l:'hcenix took a glass of champagne Come now if you have no regard for '1od Hyatt the geneMl supermtenden t of the standard ot morality and have women oc menagerie department of the show satd th t /' skirt s of the lady· on<:l the energy and together, and t'\\ o of the most extravagant and no cam for your mothers happmcss and ' Yes hrethren said a preacher from his ct pymg a far higher position than they do had Pilot lived no persons life would have elan of tlm dance 1n wh ch I uc1oyables "\\alked a nd t alk ed with my hono1 at least ha~ e some pity for yoursch es pulpit you are the passenger~ on "' tram at present The competit10n between n · ALL TW~ MOVJDI NTS OF '.I.HE CIRCUS Lauy Washmgton a d1g01fied Queens Coun and don t throw your elves away for the been safe about the show while he breathed speedmg its straight and narr ow way to t10ns will then be mtellect ual not military were laughably attempted, gave the ball se l Joked with Joan of Arc and with Mon sake of th:isc who ha\ e not a particle of res Mr Barnum was much gratified to learn of glory and I am t he conductor of that tram In short eveiyth ng will be ' lovely It is that s111 lt of fun which should ever open au sieur le l)iable and so on, the contrasts pect tor y )U or they would not treat you the beast s death tnank the Lo c' 'You run her first class to be hoped that Mr Zmcke will be found a enter amrnent After these energetic udcrs " ere endle~ I should say r emarked a st range , lookmg as th~y do Goodness g ac1ous guls don t t rue prophet There 1s l10 i eason why he Sun showers must alwaYs be counted o\ er the congregat10n 'from t he nt1mber of should not yet, we confess to a donbt had galloped off the Mother Goose Q rad Ihe supper was luxurious m the extreme make yomselves so awfu ly cheap Su ch sleepers you re hau1 ng nlle ente1ed This a' ery pretty sight, and it was long aft er aayl gh before the sort of work docsn t pay-no how among rammg beauties all the same 0 Violets-And ashes Wmdless 1s the air .And heavy with the ralll lo the very dust Our abJect seh es wo thrust Hut a as m vam For our hearts are chill With the ceaseless sense of ill Remorse doth mock our will .And hollow is our praver VANDERBILT'S FANCY BALL as all om old friends, Tom Iom the P per s Son wnh the pig m1de1 his arm which he felomously hod captured and the Grenadier, and the Old Woman ma shoe, followed each other throu~h the mazes Then the Opera Boufte Quadnlle too mixed m color to be quite as efiectn e as that which follow edit the D e deu Ul11na Quadrille All Ill purest white Ill court uresses with j;he llttle mark of the two cross~d S\\ ords hang mg on theu breasts hese mutators of Dres den chum made au tffectlv" sweep of white color m the midst ot medlq They were all very hand some and effocti ve people the dresses of white satm aPd brocade very pure and elegant the powdered w1g-hke the one worn by F1edeuck the G reat-was most becommg and the Janee "'as · tately ele gant and refined fh1s wu~ the success of the evemng !\.fter 1t came the Star Quad rille, a dauce not so otnk111g as the last, but very pretty it vvas danced by young ladie·, each adorned with a diamond star on the forehead and with wands tipped with stars The electnc light mtended to lend its rad1 ance to this q nadnlle had to be abn.ndoned as a too unc JtalD guest The ball now began to present a saturnalia of color like a picture by j\lvarez There were Cardrnals ot the Holy Roman Empire Eastern Fakirs, and officers of the Cent Garde, noblemen of every ag and count1y, and Commander Gorunge as an Arab Sheik in hi; best clothes The women were re splendent ID diamonds A Joan of Arc walked about m full ai mor an EgJ pt1an Prmcess with a gold 8phmx on her head man..tamed all the rnyal state of Queen Ha shop s ster to Rameses I Birds and 1or nets, buttcrfites and fishes mmg ed m the crowu Yellow, that deep color of beaten gold, was seen 111 profusion Miss Frnh wore the beautiful pomted ct1p of Mary of Burgundy and the long regal cloth of gold Mrs Paran Ste' ens m a red wig was mae;m cent as Queen Elizabeth Mrs P1ene Lonl laid worn a resplendent dress as a Phcenix ar1smg from its ashes Mrs Elliot] Shep ard was 'ery gorizeously arrayed a~ a Vene t1an Lad) m h1i;h pear 1 collar All the Van derb1lt ladies were splendidly and correctly dressed One of the most dl'ect1ve costumes "as that ot Richard M Hu t the architect of this beautiful house as C1mabue from the pamtmg by Giotto It was a happy thought for the early Elorentme dress ol white and gold the hood and short cape was KILLING A.N ELEPHANT .. .-··---- 0 I I I I I I ....... 0 0 a 0 ,