SPRINO.FAntnextT11'!sda.". ( STU,\RT CUMBERL.!.ND at Town Hall Parties askin1t us for bargai.ns will not be I J I d1Rappointed. Elliaon & Cu. Du. ·w. L. HEitRIMAN isLindeay's town May 4th ~nd 5th. s~e programmes, ::,e.:;,;tco;·..J------ - - - - - - - - - - -ANDphysician at a si.lary of $145 a year. M11. J. L. H ughts, of Toronto, lectured BIRTHS. FORTIFY YOUR SYSTEM Du. :M. CLINTON, of Port Perry, has n tlie Ki1 ,cleri;arten system in Osba.va CO:'llLTN-Un the U t.h in·trrn t. the wife of Mr, located iu Cartwright, bUccessor to Dr. ece11tly · against disease. 'l.'homus Conlin, north of l~ntield, of a son. - - - )o) - - - Moore, deceased. · KEEl' the doctor's practice as Jin,itecl M \VA'l'SON·- Tn Cart.wright. on the 17th instant. \ tfr'"i'?. J . W11tson of" dau1rhte1: / G>!':-E A MA "\fMOTH STOCK of Team and Cal'riage H arness at ~ FAUMERS' a·Ltention is directed to the you can by cleauiug out yuur cellars and the wife of Mr. John _ t.he le~ding druggists arc agents for the best · n ..w annouacernent uf l\1r. G. C. Haines back yards at orice DIED. Blood Purifle~s in the market. in ti.is paper. Hti is turning out some SEEDING is prugi-essiog well i11 Mani. MAl-lOon-I n C1tt·twright, on tho 13th instant, very tine work thi~ season. toba. · Farmers out t her., are la.nghing at . 1rforgcrt Mahood, agedl7 ye ars, 5 months. MEf'SltS. W. Bens<m, S'. Grandy and our colrl province. Form-In Bowmaovillc, l'n t he Hl·t instant, Eva, daughter of Mr. Jobn l!'ogi.:. aged ~ :vears. VVhlch will be solc l cheap hr cash'. Also ·wurrs, Bns. PLO W LT~ RF<, DVSTJms, Sc1100L llAOS, &c, sou, W. Gllllbway, James Jl'vley a11d J. Ln.nsAYp<Lp·Jrss·y the Sylvester Wot·ks RAnRE'.l"C- At Prince Arthur's I"mil ing, Dn Douglas left Manvers hst week for the are ex ·r.,n·i>ly bn~y 1 .iow. They deseve to · the L".rge Stock of L11;A'fH1':1< and CRYSTAL CovEn1':D 'l'RONI<S ll.nd V ALIStt:S just rPcei ved. laG h io~tn nt. oflofi .. mmation of th" bowel·. "Ox. Buw" district, Manitoba. be ~ept busy, to<>. Chule· Arthut\ second son o f M~. '!'hos. Bar· Cali and leave your orders for SI:><OLE or DOOBLE C,\RIHAG E HAHNESS, iw I Blake a specialty rett, of Bowm..n \'ille. iri the 33 year of his age. REv. S. liAltl'LETT will speak at the THp; C. M. c huir of this town expect to trantee satiafactiou. Por,r,Af{D-·Dicd aft.er 11. few hnur~ 11ln,,ss, at of this class of work and can g111 B. (), Young_ People'~ A~so~iation this go to _B1ooklin on the Qneen's Birthday her residence m McK11lop, Co1111ty of H11r011, FR!l:SH AND CHEAP.-Farmers. the OIL ~First Class . Workmen Employed. on the lllh in·t.. , Graci', relict of the late John CAKE at S'fOTr & JURY'S Medical Hal!Js just (Frid ..y) oveurng 011 the subJeCt of tem- tu assist at a g·anct concert Pollard, and for tw,,nty :1e11rs a resideut. ot the 'l'HEfawily of Mr."W.Caldwell, Oshawa, somh-eastcrn pa.rt ofD<1.rliogtou,aged 72 years. what you want to feed your stock. Try it p.,rancti. 'l'he vublic are iuvited. Cattle food 3lbs. for 2;;e, DURING 1882 the number of patents was pois1Jnf'd last week by using syrup llff S'l'AND-Nex~ Door to the FAR)!&Rs' Ho· ra:r.. issued at Ottawa was 2,135, against 1,732 tha.t had heen in an unclean vessel. - !E in 1881. The receipt fur 1882 were $60, Mtt. Cius. GILCHRIST, fishery _overseer 771. 29, agamst $5'.l,856.65 in 1881. of Port Ho/JP, was in town last week th~ FarmerR may find a great variety of choice AT present there is ouly one way for guest of Gurdon D. Fletcher, Esq. · !'.: the public to escape being swindler!, and A co·: l'LE cf Port Hope youths_ enticed .,.. ' that is to be hontMtly content with em· two 0flbomg girls away from their honws " · " ·~ ploying their money in legitimate trade. and the police were sent nfter them. ,..,., - - . A . T- THE event of the season will pe Stuart Ou1t Country readers will oblige us if CumberlHnd's visit un .May 4th and l'itb, they will st<nd· postal card reports of the G1':NTLEMEN :- I have been appointen agent under thti a uspices of the Young Men's condition ot thti foll whui.t and dover Any person wanting by TWO of the principal houses in Ca:na1Ja for Pro~ress Club. Plan uf hall at Andrew's. Tim bucket -shop · business does uot the Pnrcha.se ct l·'ARM PnonuoE. I have, tt.ere· 1 - - .e...:C...SC>- M1t. J. W. THOMPSON, teacher at Max- seem tu be euded yet Circulars from an - fore, leased the premises formerly 11s; d as a weWs, and his pupils, aided by the famous other of these frauds are being received Market House and a.m preps.red to pay ·tho full can obtain it at Glee Clu b of Brookliu, gave a grand en· ,in Canijda. l\Iarket. Vaine in Ca~h for ·FARM and DAIRY tertainment last Friday uight tu a good 'Nxxr 'l'UEi'DAY at the Town Hall-Dr. l'ROllUCE. I am sure every farmer will aclmit crowd. . . . _ R. S . True, Baryton , from New Yurk aud t he advantages of a Ca.sh System , yon can then THE people m the neighborhood Mr. H. L. 'rhompsou, elocn~ionist, from trade where you please a1Jd will be able to in MEDICAJ, HALL. S,l"'ft: at least ~O Plllt ()l~N1' on your pur· Maple Grove were badly frightened last oronto. · Full 111irtlmtlnl's on A1·pltcntlo11. chases. am the first to introduce this system. MK. hEs' new advt. came in too late Give it a trial and you will be convinced it is ~ ---------------- S un?a.y n.1urniog about 3 o'cloc!· _by the ! rmgmg of th~ se~o0I bell. Was It mi endr th1~ iseue. He says he sold 72 snits the best and oniy satisfactory way of doing ed for a chanvari · ast week. He claims to be the most business. ELIABLE JlINDERS .-A choicn of pROF. T. L . D ! )YLl<~, P1 an ·· t,Organist two kinds_ Reliable Single Rea.pcr>i 11.ncl . and teachm· <lf V o"." ! M11;·ic is p1 ·epared to THEE:ecuti~eC?m~ittee o. t e oui;ity stylish cutter. New goods arriving daily, 'l'b11nkiog you for past fa\·ors and solicitioi;r: Mowers by A. Harn s, Son & Co.. Rr,.ntford. as rake n few 11101·e p11]J1h ·. 'I he he>"t of refer· Teachers Association meet3 m the Btgh New shirts in all tho new shades· Straw aa increased share of your patronage, ......-..-.. ..... ,.... .....-. .. ... -._ ...... .... . ,,, ..:_.___, .._... . . ... . cheao aA nthers not so 1 '!1liahle, U ,l iA.ble D11renM cun be ftin1i~lt~o <1·'""·' cure exerdsed School Bu1lqing here on Saturday to ar· hats- a large stock. Call ~nd see '111m. lingt.on, Clark e n.nd Pro vi ncin.1 l\rloduJ 1F 1 11:1n w it h beg- inn,.,, r ~ and r-. neGi:d ::.n ,t·1 11rio'n git-·en to Yours truly, Testimonial~. llIC!IARIJ HILT, a,;cn t Ne wadvan ced pnpil<. 'l't11t·e cl·"i"'llts or t akio~ BOWMANV'!LLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 27. rang~ for the_ eusui_ng Convention to be Y. M. P . C. -At the regular meeting of WM. BRITTAIN, castle. 2H-3m.. inst.r uctio'1s "11011ld ap~l.I' -.t. :111 ·. Doy le'~ l'ee1held m Port Hupe 111 J u!1e. the abu_ ve aoctety held m their hall Mon- · de n ce. 1 or 1 u-t ~ e it. kn . . \.n 1 l,y di1' l :·c1 ln g a few J{a1·ket Sqna.re, lin Hs to P . . 1. B()X'. ~~I . 'l\.n· 11 .:; $7. !,0 for t weh ·e A C:Il'IZE~ wln le . on ht& way_ home Sat day evening, April 23, the following reso.Bowman ville, March 8, 1883. 211.. SPRING FAIRS. lessons. 2'JO··tt OOD FA Rl\1 FOR ~ALE .--T lrnt u.~day eveumg espied so'!le tlung on the ution was adop.ted :-Moved . by Mr. Geo. -- - -- ·- - · - -----vei·y ilesirnhle f1 wm of 103 acres, hA ing sul.ewalk, _and, _ tbmkmg it was a purse, uffy, seconded by Mr. H. ·w. Fox- That Newc;i,stle, Saturd11y, 28th April. lot 17, con. 2. IJarlmgton- onc _ h..lf mi le wes t of Bowman ville, on Gravel Road, ha.,·ing t hereon BOWMANVILLE MARKE'l'8. 1 9uickly i:ncked t_ t up, but he lost no tune hie Club now arljourn out of sympathy to .Bowmanvillo, Tuesday, lRt May. A -ll necesao.ry building", gon1l 01 ,olrnrn, i<ood m ar~ppmg 1t. It was a full·gruwn toad. r. Wright and Mr. Andrew, two of our 1or any qu.~ 11 ti1 y of hardwood bush, well watered. 'l'ermA casi-. 001·r~cted up to 1 o'clock p .11'L. every Th.m ·sday THE farewell entertai.oment tendered most respec~e~ meinbers, 0!1 account ·of THE GRAND OPENING. Apply to CHAS. AXF'ORD, Bowman2 i~l~~l*, . BY J, &D. McDOUGALL. to Rev. J. J. R edditt, Oshawa, last week ·the sad affi1ct1on t_h_ a t has fa_lhm upon was a very pleasant affair. The Reform er themselves and fa.mihP.s. Be it further 1 Flour, per 100 It ...... $2 75 .· t o . . $3 OL The opening d8ys of Messrs . McClung A l· ' UJ,LSL:PPL YOE' Bros'. Millinery show· room on Friday eaye the $Olos of Miss Atkinson of New· R esolved- That tl}Hl ~Ju~ ~:xt~nd to those Fall Wheat, per bush. . . · 0 95 . . to . . l 00 and ~aturday last as proba,bly the most casde showed great ekill and fine cultiva- ~entlemen .and t~e1r famthes it s heartfelt SpringWheat, p er bush . 1 00 .· to .. 1 05 tio 1 ' sympathy 111 their sa<l bereavement. Ee Rye, pet' bushel. . · . . . · · . 0 58 .. to . . 0 60 :Morgan DaviR , of Bowmanvillc, Ont., tea 11uccessfnl affair of the kind ever seen in r. it further R ewlved-That a copy of these Oa:ts, per bushel. . · · · · · · 0 40 . . t<> . . 0 4;.5 merchant, has t.hiA day made an ass;gnment or Bowman ville. "Opening day " has beI. 0 . 0. F.- The Oddfellows of _!sow- resolutions be forwarded to those "entle- Peas, Blne. . . · . · . . . · . . . 0 70 . . t o .. 0 75 all his estate and effects to me. Edwarrl l!'rederA 'I' u wru·o~1 1·1r u.: t.s. ick Ontes, for the bcuefit fo his cr editors, and come an institution and in this respect manville will meet at their H::ill, :Neads' meri and also published in our locai"'press. tho said creditors are hereby notified t.o deliver " Bhckeyes, . . . . . . . 0 80 . . . to . . 0 85 A ll kirn lti of fa r m l'ruduee taken McCluni? Bros. are well a':>reast of the Block, 011 SJinday next, 29th mst., at 10 · to mo th eir account?, with vo11chers attached, ,, Small. ... .... .. . 0 70 ... to ... 0 72 on Mit. Cul\IBERLAND has not only been or befe1·e the 25t.h day or May next. Anrl in exchangefor good:;. times. The exhibition was very ex- a.m.; and march to the Primitive Methofm·t.her, to take notice that a lter said date I tensively patronized · and highly appre- dist church, where the anniversary sermon endorsed by the three great English Uni· Barley, No. 1. ........ 0 60 .. to .. t: 65 shit!! proceed to distl'ibute the said estate, hav· ,, No. 2. . . . . . . . . 0 55 ... to ... 0 60 ing regard ~ereities, Oxford, Cambridge and Durham ciated. Ladies familiar with city sight& will be preach"d by Rev. Bro. Dyke. only to claims of which I t hen have ,, No. 3. Extra ... 0 52, .. to ... 0 55 not ice, and will not be liable to any person or admit that Bowmanville on this occasion U7 n .. wmn1tville. PROJ'. G REEN wi11 play on the violin -in u·hich dist·inction he stands absoliitely ,, No. 3.. . . .. .... 0 00 ... to ... 0 50 persons of whose cl1>im I shall not then have was not behind. '.l'he display of Saturday - and cornet at the Town Hall next Tues- alone-but he has actually received moral had dne notice. evE>ning waH really very brilliant, the il- day, on which occasion Mrs. Scarff aud su]_'..port in his crusade against the shams Clover Seed · .. .. .. .. .. 7 50 . . t.o.. 8 00 Da.t.cd at Toronto, this 19th day orA wll. A. D. lumination havinu a very dazzling effQct ; Prof.Doyle will pl"Y a duet on Piano and and follie·s of Spiritualism, an d in his en· Tim0thy Seed .. .. ...... 2 00 .. .t o ... 2 25 1883. EDW ARD FREDEltICK OA'rES. and the rooms, which were crowded, from Organ, Chorus singing will l;tave accom- deavors to advance tho cause of relig ions BY JOHN MoMU~TRY. N. B.- Thore will be a meet.Ing of creditors in seven ·to ten o'clock, presented a most panimeut Df Piano and Organ together. and scientitic truth, of upwards of one the above estate. a t the oil1\le of Messrs. Perk· thousand of the most famous stat esme n, Dresaed Hogs, 'IP' 100 !ti .... fi 50 . · @ .· 7 OU ins, In ce & Co.. (3 Front R animat ed scene. There is evidently taste treet, cast. ·roronto, MR. M. D. W i LLIAMS wiU exhibit at his divines, scientists and o~hers iu Eoglan,d, Butter, per lb. best table.. O 18 . . @ .. 0 20 on Sa.turday next. tbe 28th · day of Apr il, a t and artistic skill around McClung Bros'.,· ol'.!e o"clock p.m. 2-18·iw. and everything that arrangement, group- stall on Tuesday pext the beef of one of New York, Boston, Ottawa and T oronto Lard,~ lb ... .. .. _....... 0 13 .. @ ·· 0 14 ing, blen:iing and "dressing" could do Mr. R. Mackie's Thoro'-bred Hereford have witnessed his ex traordinary demon· E ggs, 'lll'Joz: . .... ... . .. . .. 0 13 . . @; · · 01 4 was certainly done to h eigh t en the gener- cattle, the beef of which it i~ claimed is stration s in Thought R eadin1<: a nd hi~ Pota.toes, per bl1ahel.. . . : .. 0 30 . . lai ·. 0 35 al effect of the very rich goods exhibited. supc.ri.or to the best Durho1.ms. As thfa is marvelous r eproduction and exphmations Splendid openin1r fo1' an y person wishing to , _ Flowers, feathers and birds are much used something new here our citi zens should upon a purely scientific hasis. of t~"1 phego i1 1 to lhe BUTCHERIN G DTJSIKESS. An F " + l c:< l n I f' ~ I · ' . nome na of s piritualism. The Youug M.·11's established b t1 · 1ll1~ss of sixtetm yeat'; st aurlin..:, i ll's v (; fl.SS ·..J!? P.f J:'.l::l!:: ('}' o t · . lJ, e, 't; this spring in trimming, and the breadth call and see it. vdll l)e s old on eH.f\Y t en11:-1. H.F ·ason for ~cllin ~ i\IIR Ril)HARO W ES1'AWAY'>i many friends Progr ess Ci nb are sini,p11arl_y furtunato in ·.· of brim of the hats and bonnets now our., bn.d hPall b. A p p):v tn l\l. u. WILl,l A MS. Guaran teed Pure and Clean. ~~ worn give an a mple field for the mimner's will r egret to hear hat lie h:id a very b eing abl e . to introd uce Mr. C uu1herla nd llowmunv1ll<', Apr1! 2o. 1888. 2JS·tf I ROF. \V. WILLSON, T e~oher, ·-f t h<i ,-.... skill. We h aarq some ,.young ladies of severe att·ck of illness on . S 1 ruday . . At to a Bowm an ville audienc e. Dou 't mis~ P ia no fnrte, Organ auil Singing, has V ACctn· __,_ taste hummin~ th e praises of some Italian one time it was feared that fatal re ~ults this t reat. Pla.11 of h:i:11 i.t Andrew's. oics for pupil". Terms- $G an d $10 pm' qua1·ter . 248- 2w ~ lace straws a.nd lawn pie-nic hats that were would folln w. Fortunately, h~wever his To CoRRESI'oNDEN'r s .- We find it nec'Phc following iR an Abstract of the expenses particularly captivating. The doubl e costitution ovfwcamri the dif'ficulty, &ud " "~ary Io Sf\Y o nce mure t hat we can do G GS FROM MY FIRST Pl~J z g of .JAMES W . McLAUOHT,IN, :IJ:sqnirc, a candi· d1111stable h ut sporting a magnifice nt O!I· he is now 011 a fair way to r ecover. - all th e crfoicizio g wo wan t d one in these IHO UDA::-IS. P rice one rln!lu.r p r dozen. date at the last Ou tario E lection. publislrnd trich feather was considered " too sw eet Port Hope N ew s. Fair Hatch gua ra nteed. ALFRg]) HOfl HS, in complio.noe with the Statute : columnR. All we ask our corrAspnndents Bowman ville. 2!8. Amount of disburementss.... .......... .. .. $GS 25 for anythin1t." T h1·n y ou were introclpcS1'ECIAI. services are s t ill beiDg carried t o do is to send us t be news. Everythiug · - - - - - · -----------Personal expenses.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 23 00 1 . ed to t.he Italia, Tyrol, the Aurora, the on in the Q. -M. Church, in this town. tliat occurs in the neighborhood evtm t he OR SALE - THE BRICK cnrr. Total. . .. ..... ... .. .... '$91 25. \ Peek -a -boo, the Rose, the J & rsey Lily and 'l TAG·K at pre~ent occnpi"d by Mi's. Dr. .'he attendance i~ good~ although not most trivial happen . ings will in~erest snn~e Reid, on \.Vellimrton stree~ . 'l'er1113 easy. 'l'itle Bowman ville April 23. 1883. other s "too nuruerous to m ention." 'fha yet lar ge e11ough to cru d th e Lecture of, ou~ many read ~,~ Arc second tu"""') in th e wor-ld. 20,t:OO inAnyt hrng that 1s 10dis put~. bl... For fnrth er n a rticu lar~ apply t-n \ V , F . A J,Ll~N. st1·111 nt·1,&< '" ' "' in " "C. lJeman<l ~"great that real L eghorns were elegant. F.iat ribbons R·JO !ll uncomf .. rtably. T ese revival 8er - oflens1ve or of a pn r re na~ure we do not J,oscOMBE & LE ITH, Vendor's Solrnl1ors, HOBER'l' AH MOUU, He tur ning Oftlcer. (248·1 w.) Ai.:i>nf.. it. r eq "" "" ·1 ·wo or ' 1 ,._, l"'"!le"t l·'HcL oi; iea in the are n~rrow and in two colors lo the same vie.. ~ will be continued, i ~ II proba.bilit.y, want. Offense wt!! h" given to ~om o Bow man ville. April 2Hh, ).883. 218· tf. - - - -- -- -- - ' _ _._ . - - - - - - Do1n i u inll, wi rh c:ap;~ r:ir,v r o 1· 1ur11ing Qllt 'l"\VENU'Y ue r day. _ Jf'or puri t.v a11<t s·· ··iwfn ti!Ol.S of tone. hat. Ottoman cords and Transit of V en.us this week and next. A ll who desi re t o persons even whe u tbe grtatest car e is exOU DAN AND S PAN ISH E GG S ;·oit 'S ela,stic and light ' '. "1d 1 . lieu.11 1.iful >Ln<l perfect trimmings are some thing quite n ew. The attend "ill be cordi.a lly welcom ed . ercised , but we du rwt want' o nr corres· · flms h t hey >Lr <> u nnl'all c<l. HATCHIN (.}, Sen.I f or prices; fair hat ch 11how rooms were ornamenre!l with a rich pondents to send us matter for publication guaranteed. J , H. Pi g R C]l;, Bowm ·.oville, The rn ost. sk1llorl ln.~or,the very be~t materials display of satins and Ottoman brocades in The village of Tamw orth , Lennox Co., simply to lacerate the tender feelings of On ~. 2..l.7·2 w, H E ABOV E l\IULL HAS UN DER- that money can µl'OCl1re ,·. re a guaran te~ topurchasei-s t hH t. t hey ar<1 b11yi "A' no 8boddy. hut a all the sharl es, most a rtistically displayed is boasting of a utan 103 years of age, some one. Such is no t th e mission of t he GO:« !l; extensiye repairs a nd the proprictot· 1irt:!t cla8B lil' tiuk S.ild wholesale and retail by amid drapery and flowers, so that the but the township of Cavan is proud of an STATESMAN. Send ns the news, n w Js , TOHN H U GHES. - L ice nsed A11 ction- hereby informs the public genera.Uy that he is J . P. RICE, Bowmanv!lle. pro pa.red to do all kind8 orirrlstlng a.nd chopping general effect was in a marked d egree elderly lady, who has p~ssed the century NEWS, NEWS, snd then your letters wtll , , eer, V alnat.or and Aroitl'Bt<>r, Fire and L ife on short notice in a ·atlefactor y mu.nn er. Fa r m216. J. S. DONE Y, Tyrone. Notes a111d Accounts Collected, dazzling. The s ho w: in mantles and dol- by four years, a~d, h8:~ !tved 24 yea.rs be- appear in the p11per - n ot in the waste Insurance, er s front a di~tance ban get their grists home Money to Lf>nd. on reasonable terms. Add t ess with them, A fair share or p11tronagesohcited. mans a nd par asols was mnch admired · . yond th e Psalmists _ Itm1t. Mrs. G ibson. basket where many have dis-appeared Cartwr ight, Ont. 247. 2JHw . SAMVEL SOUCH. Other de p11 rtments are well worth m en - (mothe~ of James G1be~m) of the second. latel y from Betnesdll. and ot her places. OS'l'.-A MoM e-color.ed Collie Bitch tioning . McCluu g". llros. have an elegant eonc"ls~1011 of Cava~, w r! l be .104_year· of To begin work a.t on r.e o n Ru.leH for Fall 1883, on 16th instant in Bowmnnvil!R . Re wa rd stcck of Dress Goods, -and they have re- ag tt this m onth . ::>he 1s etill. m good ... Joi· t hefor infor mat ion or whereabouts, "\V . J . ROY, A. Dic kson's Cheap One P rice Cash cently impor t ed a very fine stock of car - h ealth , and has mn ch promise of t en 2~6-tf. 'l'yr one. Any SEWJ.N'G MA.CHINE until y ou see the Store. p ets. · years more of life, as she had t en ye1.1rs NEVT <ROYA. L A , O"CLTltY. - E ggs for H a.tching from - - -- -· - - ago. Ladies buy yonr Dres~ goods at our store . my Breeding Pens of S.S. HAMBURGl-( and J ust.on t, combining all the best quo.lities oft he THI· ; J, ,-\. HG l~S'l' I l\' CANAD A. Ladies buy your Silks at our store. l'f~R. STUAlt'r Cu .MBl!lRLANI,), the cel ebratBROWN J,1w noRNS at. $1.0u per Setting. Leave Old Iloyal.(a rnachine which has gh' en universed English ·mind r eadr.r, will ~ ive two of Ladies buy yonr E mbroiderie&at our store ·your orders early. D. M . 'l'OD, Bownrnnvil le. al sar.isfaction),with new &.od original improve' 2!6·2 W, ment8 found in no other machine. Among the his wonde rful entertainments in the T o wn Ladies b uy your Hosiery at our Rt< ·r e. PROP ~?IE1'0RS. - ----- - - --·-- - - -- m1iny imJJrn1·ements, it has a High a nd Lon ~ W. McMuRMRY has cqr sets very ch eap. H all h ere , on May 4th and 5th, nnderthe Ladies buy your Kid g loves a t o ur store. ARM FOR S ALE.- 'fhe North Half Arm, tnakinJ? it specially adapt.eel for D1·esa' Ve can etart, in c.ddit.lon lo our already of Lot 19, Con 4 Darlington. 65 acres cl ear- making an d Tailoring. n is ,. ve!'y light ru nW. M cM u RTRY has yery cheap Winaow au spice~ of the Y oung M en's P rog r ess Ladies buy your Coreets at our storo. l> l l'il:e force alm.ost noiseless, Self·Threading, ad ins tCurtains. · Club, by the d esire and under the m"ral Ladies do not fail to see ou r n e w Dress ed, Soil. sandy loam. The far m is well fencod oloA', and in a good state of cultiv11tion . Good build· able in all its parts. t.!1e simplest itnd most 100 ADDI TIONAL CANVASSERS support of F . F . M cArthur, Mayor ; Dr. goods m all the pre vailing shades. i n gs, nice orchard of choice grafted fruit, and complete Bobbin Winder ma.d e, New SelfW. M c:M URTRY is seiling 4 Button K id and want ··H·n who c<111gil'Afull time t o the McLaughlin, M.P.P.; Rev. J. Dyke, R ev. Ladies we k eep a very choice stock of abunda nce of good water. It is beautifull y Threading Shuttle, all made of 1irst quality Gloves at 50cbl! Sl ll<~.Jij. S1 ~ a.rty 1 :1 nµlor111en t a nd good within t en minutes walk of thAv1llago mater ials. In a wor d p!acin1' it head and W. H. Warriner, .Rev. ,J. Kenner, W. R . Millinery goods, and our charges are very situated sal a. r il~::> t o ~1 u...:(:cssf1 tl 1t1e n . It, d oe s of H a mpton where ther e ai·e Cheese Factory, shoulders su perior to all Ca.nadian and equal Mn. GEO. Pm:irn1x , Oshawa , is a ven not runt ror v.. h .u _r 1J11 ·· previous Climie, Esq., R. WindaLt, Eeq., J . Wesley, moderate. School, Churche8, P ost-office, " Rt.or es, Black- to the best American. oue npar.inu l ats \wen. i f you riloquist. smith shop Grist mill, &c. &c. 1~his la one ot Esq., R.R. Loscombe, l~sq., Elder Sh ep - Gmts buy yonr Dress ShirtR from us. JOHN S. DONEY, 'l'yrone. Soecial aon Sole arc \i\' Jlli ng r.o w or ~ yo q1 · t he best grazing farms In the Township. P os· Agent. W. M oMullTRY is selling Parasols a t pard. Admission 25 and 50 cents. su cceo~ hnlmost cer ca iu. G ents b uy your R egatta Shirt s from us. session to Ploni;r:n after ha1·vest. Aoply to tbe HAYl\!OND and WIIITE M,~ I · also sell cost and und er. 'l'he best of referelH;es required. Apply, (enJ AMES STl; AR'l', Cobourg, or I. L. BROWN CflINEB and the world reaowned "\ VA . L'l'U.AM closinR' P hor.o if p,i~BibleJ. to 8TONg & W:KL. . . . · . · MR. STEI'HEN Co'.l'TON has r etur ned Gents b uy y our Collars and C u:!f8 from us. "On the premises. 248-tf. WA'l'CJI. THERE is a good opemng 111 Broo klrn from Montreal, where htt r ecently took a Gents buy your Scarfs, &c. from us. LlNG'l 'ON, Nursery1 ..en, 'J'oronto,Ont. (246) We call special atteuti on to our Geaeral for a music t eacher. ONEY LOST.- On Saturday 14 th . 1car-l oad of horses . H e apea k s v ery h" 1ghly Gents buy y ou r Socks from us. Cheap Cash Rtore, which is stocked wit h only , inst. between Mr. A. Murphy's East first-class CAUTWRIGHT a nd Whitby sprin g fairs I of the treatment he r eceived at· Montreal Gents buy your G loves from us. goods, w e do a big business, and sell ' Vhltby, and, Hampton on the Ne w Road or are t o-day, Frida y. Hor,s e Exchange at P oint St . ()harles, the And Gentlem en do noL fail to see our new t he Concession Line running throui>.h 'l'aunton, as cheap a nd in large lots cheaper than m any others can afford to, as we make uo b,a.d rlebtR . Regatta Shirts, the .latest. Foui· Five aml Two One Dollar Blfls and some W . . M cM CJRTRY's Dress Goods are a p ropr ie tors of which a re Meser~. C .. M . ~. B,- Send me a card or lett er aud I will silver. E,ewa.rd ror return to F red Jlond, call on you. · marvel of cheapness. Acer & Co . .The popular manager of the Our discount so.le is no w gfJln g on. Hampton, or to Mr. Murphy. 2!7·3w. JOHN S. DONEY, W . M c M uitTRY's B lack and Coloured tir'm is Mr. J. H . K imball, who has aoonOR SALE. - On E <!sy T erms, P ossess · Cashmer es a re very cheap.. tinental re putation as an authority on " VISIT TO BOWMANVIL LE." 'l'~· 1·one. idn 1st Me.y. 'l'hat handsome Brick resi. h h orses. So t hor oug hly is Mr. Cotton satis · dence at present occupiell by Mr. S. I!'. Hill on M R. W. ALEXANDER Of W . mntpeg aa lied with Mr. Kimb~ll's me thod of con · SPECIA LIS'l'S the north side of Church Street, .Bowma n villA. b een on a v~sit t o Osha wa . ducting sale~ that h e intends forwa rding'l'itle indisput'l.ble, For further particulars ap. Mr. W . B EI'INSTALL, Osh a wa will visit anothe r car-load as soon as h e can obtain Frum the I 11tern a tional Throat and Lung ply to LOSCOMBE &, L EITH. Barristers, Institnte, :t73 Church S t., Toront9 , will Bo wmanville. --~- 2t6-tr. the Northwest this.· ph ng . · the m. Brooklin villagPTs ore - still ag ita ted T1iE P. M. church of this t o\\·n h eld a be at the Ruer,~t~·>rn, H o nse, B<>wmanville, BROWN LEG HORN EGGS._ For three days,Apr1l 80 arid May 1 and 2 . T he Hatching, from stnck prncnred from the society' m_!leting last Thursday evening, at surge<lllS w1ll have with them a supply of Leghorn Poultry · :1ard of W. Stllhl·chmidt, o ver the question of liquor licenses. W E were misinfor~1ed. Mt. John Gray which a llir ge number of th e members of S piromet e rB the in\·ention of M:. Sonvielle ~vho Is the mo8t successfu l br~e~er anil cxhib· . . ' . s " F ' itor O f Leghorns in the Donumon. 'l 'erms $1 did not ~ta.rt for Manitoba last week. the church wer e present, for th e purpo ~ e of. ~ar111, ex-A id e urgeon , of the r ench per dozen. 'l'nos. PERCY· 2W·tf. of expressing their est eem for their earn army , for t he Cllfe of Cat arrh, Catarrh al T HE las t Millhrook par ty to Manitoba est pastor, the R ev. J . Uyke. A vory Deaf11et1s, Br ouchitis, A sthma a nd Cor:- ·SEED WHEAT . -- J; have a lar!le In returning th anks to th eir numergot t.l)rough to W innipeg in six: day s. complimentt1ry r esolution \ms pa!sed re t' C It t' . 1 t · l f th quantity of the WmTF. RUSSIAN 8J.>RJNG W E had quite a sn ow storm again on questing Mr. Dyke to r emain another year ~ump 101).. . ons u a 10!i !\II( a ria 0 e Wnl!AT, perfect.JVclean, Sa.m ples ca.11 be seen ous customers for the liberal r)atronSp1romet er free. D on t fail t o see th e at the Seedsrneo's. P rice $1.20. .J A.S. LE ASK, Tuesday· 'l'r uly wi nter linger eth, &c. as their p astor . W o rds of encouragement surgeons while here, as t hey make a spec· 'l'annton. 245-3w. age they have receiveu during the NoRTHUMBEltLAND T.eacher s' Associa- and cheer we re spoken by G. Hain es,Esq., iality of dieasea of the he .. ct, throat and S 'l.'EAM THRE 8HlKG M ACHINE t ime they have had the m eet s i n Colborne May 10th a nd 11th. R e v. Jam es Carsc..dden, Mr. T homas lungs, and ar e curing t housands of caees for sale- On ea 8 y terms, apply to 'l'HOS. I . RESERVJm seat tickets for Prof. D oyle's H oa r and o thers. Mr. Dyke replied by e very y bar tha t ha ve bee n gi ven u p t o die HENDERSON, Kirbr. Ont:_ 2~0-tf. I e-.:pressing his pleasure in t heir kindness concert may be had at Mr. ·Yellow lees. by d octors in gen er al practice. Crowds MON E Y TO LEND. - Loan s can be n selling h igh er and love for him, and stated that he would a re visiting t h em in every tow n and city, F ARM produce h as bee. obtained through the snbscriber npon B usiness combin ed, heg to in timat e th at r e main so long as the congregation were in Bowmanville than Osh awa this spring. AR proof of our wonderfol cures, we l!'arrn P rooerty at a n unusually low ra te of th ey have a large and well selected s tock as una nimou s and h earty iri t h e Lord's would r efer you t o Mrs. Spike, H ar row- interest. Fixed charges for Solicicor·s feos. F. Every Corsot is warranted so.tis· . T HE ladies of th e Presby te rian church , fa.otory t o its woarer in e '\·e r y way, mith P. 0 .· near h ear, Consum ption ; CUBIT'r . Bowma.nville. 239-tf. of fi rst class G roc(;lriee in a ll its b ra n ch es work. By agr eeme nt wit h the qu arterly A Oshawa, g ive a m aple sugar social to-n ight. or the money wiil bn refunded by boa rd of the church , Mr. Dyke intend s H. Milne, KimrstoLJ , Asthma,· Mr.Deh which will b e sold a t lowest rates. the person from whom it was bought. MON E Y .- l'ersons aving money to A 8 E1' of harrows was. s t olen from Mr· goin~ to England this summer for t l'ln or 1 1 i.ovest can obtain 5 per cent, payable half- We could also SJ\Y ~h at our MEAT DE- n!fi.d :!~1~~~~ 1i~~l;~~;~:~J~ b J,,f~~;~,~~~~~d~f 1rs1~;a~~ Jackson 's black smith shop, Oshawa, last twelve weeks, fo r the benetit of his h ealth . Bo.u cbenille, Ottawa. Cata r r h ; E li Caver· u1e ·' mo~t comfo r la hle a 1~< l p ur('i::cL llttlng- <;.w ·o"t ever ly, A lymer, Ont ., <Jonsumption, J. D. yearly, mo~tuudoubted security- by applying ' P ARTMENT is al ways well stocked week. maae. " 2!1-4w. Be will probably . leave· on t he 31st of A r mstrong, T oronto, C a ta rr h a 1 D ea I ness; to J . B. IrAIRBAIItN. with t he best quality, which will M R. J. Polt1'ER'B y~rnn g s'tallion , "Hor- M ay. li'OH. 8AI.1 E BY Geo. Agar, N ew E dinb urgh, Bronchitis HOUSE AND L OT FOR SALE I N be sold at old pr ic;,s an d n ot ace" will travel in Belle ville district this a nd Lun g Disease ; and thousan ds of j ust SOLINA.- .A. good fro.me dwellmg aud ad vanced as has beeu . season. . SccJng ia believ ing. nea.d the testlmonia.I in su ch wonderful '- cures wh ich we could t wo acres of land on which nr oasmall orchard, I hurr ently repo1·ted, R .Ev. J . Hoc:G !ilf Taranto, will soon the pamplet on DI'. \ 'nu Ruren ·s :Kl<Ju(w uure refer to. For partic11lars wri te to 173 small fruits, etc.- excellent soil, in t.he vill· A'e retire from prc!l.chinl1: o n account of ill then b1~y a bottle Rf!d relieve yonrsel~ of all Chu rch street , Tor unto , or 13 Phillip's of Solina, 7. miles from Bowma.uville; 2 Hooing for a continuance of past favors. those <.11s tresslng .pains. Your Dr ngg1s t cau from Hampton. J~or terms and full particulars h ealth. . t ell you all al:lo11~ if.. J . Higginbotham & Sou Square, Montreal. 11pply t o ' Vl\L Wl!:RRY, Solina. 21G -4w. Bowman ville, April 19, 1883. 21 7·3w. BOWM ANVJL LE. .wtUJ·· .;PURI FY YOUR BLOOD. l HARNESS! STOTT & . JU RY, I ~A.Y'S ·r. l W. H. MAY, Bowmanvi1le. READY CASH! ---v.n--___ ~ Important Notice. TO FARMERS OF WEST DUi?HAM! _ __ ' I"' A. DIX 0N'S CATARRH REMEDY STOTT &JURY'S --. ·-~ ·¢ba¢~n~di~n:$tiilB~llH..n - 1 SALT in Barrel, SALT in Bag and t.'· AL T PLASTER and WATERLIME. I Bulk. _ _ R G NOTICE TO CREDITORS. w 00l St 80N ES . LEWIS QUICK, Highest Price Paid Stoves &Tinware SEED BARLEY. Business Chance. 500 BUS HELS J. & D. McDOUGALL. New Advertisements. P I ___ E 0 VV. B ELL'S F PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS I G1J E LPH, I H Souch Mill T L SALESMEN WANTED! JDON'T :BUY! Local and Otherwise. P Fonthi Il Nurseries! MORtt!S, STO N E& WELLINGTON, F M F BALt'S YourSpecialAttention is Directed Below. I YOUNG, CAWKER & Co. , ' A Grocery and Butcher ETS I I m iles C~uch, John sta n&GrJaermanJ