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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1883, p. 6

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faith to bel eve m the ultimate recovery of With a tumult always g rand to witness the same to a telegrapher as 1 want you Female Halluclnatxons Verbal Etiquette his son He Vias aln e that VI as a great thev sweep down the acceleratmg ourrent or I say, would be between tha ummti R ecent circumstances [the case of Lady There is a d1stmction between certain pomt boundmg over the falls mto the ijllethmg ated F lorence Dixie] have d1reoted attention to phrases accordmg t o circumstances wh1ch Ioronto the operator said The affair was qmckly laid hold of by the caldron oclow Rismg and fallmg ~here m certam remarkable delusions to which fe w~ Wait a mrnute Harper 1 A message is males of unstable ne1 vous eqmhbrrnm are when misused become vulgarisms ~ Episode Ill the Life of a papers the police took 1t up by or with fierce contest such of the floes as tire not give a rnw, takrn from a London Jour*'l · tunate UnfO J: tun~e. out request a su bstanti 1 1 reward was of ground to ice dust sail on until caug ht near commg for Mr Hollms subJect, either through hysteria or through The terms ' ladies and gentlemen be'° He wrote, and handed to Harper this - similar disorders of the nervous system _ _ tered for mfor mat10n all asyl ums were no D e Veaux whete t hey accumulate and Y om-son- will-be-sent-to-) ou- Charcot and Bournev1llc give mstances of come rn t hemsel\ es vulgarisms when m1sap ti tied steamship· were searched 1n fact stand a'l'lhile m gum silence The on com plieo and the improper application cf the CHAPTER XXX (CONTI:\'UED ) every copse and cover mto which t he fox mg tide presses more and more t ightly up on-the- se1 en thirty-tram extraordmary self decept10ns that are fre w10ng term at the V1rong tune makes all the ' BLY FOLLIS A RACE 1.111d h is prey might hM o retreated ·vas pe on them until, "1th a roar as of April quent among hysterwal patients Dr Le diffe rence m the world t o ears p hte thus, Harper had the contents of thu message netrate l except the ' Ontario Belle thunder the ' ice pm as the natives call gentleman when he Ben was off h15 bal~nce m an mst alit schooner plymg between Toronto the J?Ort it gives way :;md there begins a new race before its nghtful owner agamst the law grand du Saulle physician to the Salpetri ere callmg a man a P ans, descnbes m Ins standard work Les shoulci be called a man or t lfe speakmg Oonfu s10u spread itself over and through of G~nesee Sodus Bay and Cobu1g towards Ontaoo and ocean agamst propriety but law and propriety Hysteriques some rema1kable cases of of a man as a man when he should be called h im He arose from his ch!ln, and stared The h ounds came w1t hm one h undred feet Sounds of calkrng irons a1e now heard go to t he wall m such cases hullucmation where females labored under t hrough the open dooi of her but there was water between them stc11ms of pitch and tar perfume the air not Harper flew to the mills Mr Hollins the belief that they had been struck or a gentlemaJ.I or the alludmg to a lady as a cried the a.nd th_e scent ' " <>~ be sharp now unpleasantlv 1here JS an openmg of office was still at the office No son no new stabbed by others e1 en after hav ng m womau when she should be alluded to as a official bawler T1am s ahnost off He T hmlly 1t muet be related that Tim doors along the dockg a brushmg up of led partner, was there to help hun and aged fi1cted blows and wounds upon themselves lady or the ·peakmg of a woman as a lady pushed Ben t lnough tho gates almost drag Branmgaii sought an mterv1ew with Thomrus gers desks and s:imple boxes Shnll as he was s10k and sore at heart busmess In one instance a young women was found when she should be properiy termed a wo nan ged him aCioss the tracks and never let go Macrae - that is to say Mr HalloV'ell - whistles of tugs cry out Here we ~re demanded !um.. He read the message and Tact and a sense of the fitness of thln!:(s. until le nad landed hun on the platform of at Charlotte, two hours afte1 their arnvl'l aJ.Id all the signs of reH vmg trade greet cried out 'The horse Harper qmck ' and by her husband lymg on the fioo1 of her room rn a famtmg fit he1 face covered with. decide t hese pomts the1e berng no fixed the Charlotte passenge1 car there and entertamed that gentleman with you come with me to Elmswoods blood On renvmg from h r swoon she rule to g o upon to determme when a man W 1t h the cousc10usness of lrn1 mg done his a c1rcumst9 n tial account of an accident Some little o.verplus of this m tei;est came stated that she had been JS a mar. or VI hen he is a gentleman and duty m a fash10n which ought to make the which had settled the whole busmess Ac £ven m to Bly Foll1ss s roo ns at 'Ihe Al Down m Toronto the ·1x o clock hells had ATTACJ ED 1 Y ARMllll MEJS thou~ h he is far oftene termed the one than whole d1rect o1y of the road proud and co1drng to B1 ~nmgan s fict10n Ben had I derney rnng and Ben had been regaled with akrnd happy the banler r eturned to the restau wandered about after the arrival of the For a walk fellows let us go down to of high hvmg which would have delight the Pans newspapers related the ca·e tli.e other he does not thereby lose hIS attn ;ant tram gone out upon the light house pier the wharf £a1d Parson ed Delorme s soul ouly to look at much and w thm th ree weeks two similar e\:ents bntes of a gentleman In comn on parlance, That fe1low d1dn t get his breal fast occurred m the French metr opolis All a man is al ways a nnn t o a man and never oeen blo"\\ n oft mto the "\\ater and drowned One look at the vessel as she clumsily more to taste ~aid a waiter Paid fo1 too Mr Brann1 g:m s 1magmat10n was not w hol took her berth was enough for these yot ng lhe snn set at ten mmutes past six but these cases proved to be fabricated by t he gentleman to a VI c;man he rs oc as1onally a S pose I cat for hnn then m id Ba" ly cons1steut with itself m tlns iomance gallant s ThE:ywere turn mg away m fact they have a genume twilight m , T oronto supposed v1Ct 1ms A young girl wounded man and occas1onally a gentleman but a ler Pretty bad mght for hun I reckon but iaded worn tired Thomas Macrae when Folliss s attention was called to a and at seven it was still h2ht enough for herself slightly w ith a pistol She gave the man would for oftener term a woman a wo he added A" fully dazed st1ove '"o be satisfied with the story as it sm gular lookmg couple leanng ti e schoon t he Adelon guls and Giles Barry and all pohce authonties the most mm ite details man than he would term her a lady W' hen Crazy said the waite1 was told to him and having for p eace er One lool ed like a gentleman, the their flock t o be pamdmg and, trn h t o about an 1maa mary assass n who accordmg a man makes t se of an adiect1ve m speakmg Crazy 9 asl ed Bawle1 doubtmgl) sake paid h is rnpac10us but so far legally other nught be any thmg but a gentleman tell Bly was a little scrupulous about bemg to her accot nt fired the weapon but she of a lady he al nost mvanably ca.lls woman, Macr IJ.O was gone longer than he antic1 mnocent partner a goo lly sum of money he These t wo passed close to Bly ] olliss seen with Ben I t is dreadful-a"ful-to was found to be highly hysterical and i t the term young la dy !{Ives pla"e as far as pated On !us return great was !us su~ returned toRochester and oue of them -the gentleman -fron be seen by the Adelon girls under such cir was proved that she had w1llrngly "oun 1ed possible to t he term girl although it greatly herse f In a thud case rn Dr du Saulle s depends upo 1 the amount of mt1macy exist prise not to find Ben A half dozen queries W h) and wherefore, no man will ever havmg acqmr~d some nautical lore on. his cum stances 1t !nm lD po·sessmn of the facts however k now but Macrae took tram for Suspen \ oyage addressed him Furthermore Carney had come mto the expe11ence a ) oung woman was found m a mg as to \l<hwh term is employed N ow to stylish and he found h nvelf face wit h this ques s1on Budge that same evenrng and thence Oh yes I where do vou hail from? possess en of so many detatched portions of railway carnage stabbed m the left &Ide turn to the i:eally tabooed words t1on Should he drop the mattt>r "now and trnvelled to Toronto No rnttO wle of suuh Theie was a look m the eye a somethrng Mrs Blossom s a nd other lll.d.1 <s wardllobes 'Ihe m 01d"Cnt caused great excitem nt lbut aud genteel are relagated to the show seek the futme m some distant countiy? 01 a st ep has even plausibility to support it m the air of t ins gentleman "hich exciteu that when anayed m foll mult1fo1m - um it was proved contrary to her assertions room, where t hey are 1 er) much used at ~hQuld he follow Ben~ except tins that he had determrned to play I Bl,Y He felt that here was one of the m form would be a \\holly mappropuate that she had rnfl cted the wound herself and home m each other,, company although If safet~ ad been ms only cons1derat1on oncA more tl1e game of conscious mnoccnce fortunate and gave lus p ty without woid -she "as quire Ile bird of parad ise to was a hyste1 wal subJect A house maid was considered de~idedly vulgar when met V1 ith Stylish bemg bred m the he "ould ha\ e chosen the first of these al If Ben were really dead a fter all and not ask mg look at Ihe Adelon girls would have fonnd lymg behmd a door bound gagged e lsewhe e t ematnes but Mac ae Vias uow possessed by crune b u t by accident what might not The compamon of tlus pit iable !nan w<ts danced t heir pretty httle feet off if they had and c overed with bruises She stat ed that show room 1s the right word. m t he nght gen of a spiteful l atmg demon He had more happen even yet? As a despoiled bird will for pressmg forward Grnspmg Bon s arm sew the Three Monks on the street with she had been brutally attacked by two place , but 1t 1s hard on unfortunate burglars " 1th blackened faces but she was teel that com eymg m itself so much 1t rm cngcs than one to wreak before he would h uger around the nest whence l er eggs or he said Carnet Du,.an Come on 1 should have met with such a fate Nice stoop to th nk of himself The heart of her young have been ravished so lYlacrae A HIGHLY HYSTERICAL WOMAN (TO BE CON'.IINUED) The action was obJectionable t o loll iss bi ds fair t o folio w m the footst eps of di8 tins man had become perverted his JUdg seemed dmwn to haunt the border land of It betrayed haste 1t was accompamed by and there appears to have been strong carded words standmg alone as an a dp:c ment went "(VIth h1ti heart sunply h s crime to he m h1dmg m some sort of an msolent look and tone THE LlMJ!: K ILN CLVB eviilence that she had con,tnved to tie her t1ve, though passe 1t still has its admirers, because they had been companions so loiig ambush waitmg and hopmg Stop ' said Bly Who is tlus? own hands and to gag and bruise herself It was no d1fh ult matt er to follow Beu And his revenires t oo they peil aps were Who is it ? unswered Hranmgan B rother Gardner on Family :Extrava. Perhaps tl1e st1angest of all occurred rn but when to mce is a dded eithe1 ' awf illy or t oo then m ce is altogether out of favor Charlotte is the port of Rochester at the sweet to thrnk of t He -was not done with v"\ ho wud it be but dhe widdy B wkler s gance M Tardieu s pr.ict10e A ) oung lady r e J oily is well enough on the lips of a mouth of the Geuesee and but se'ien nules Tim Brann !:\an ~ et son, an me a thrampm dhe wide wo1ld for s1dmg at Combevo1e "1shed t o make herself schoolboy, t o whom it now of n ght belongs distant A carnage "ould take lum thither Gen !em I has a p amful hit o news to Fom thly we have word to say h im t" bung 111m to h is d1sthracted an obJect of pubhc m terest by passmg as a -a right wluch nooned sputes, but slang almost as qmckly as the rail Re leamcd _ this ~llmeJ3ranmgan He the .Buffalo mother sprnad befo the meetm began the old man cal conspiracy which she v1ct1m of a poht1 all this 1n ten mmutes And, JU t as he v1llam and Capt 1~01ty determmed t o Tunung to Biandon Bly said It came as he motioned to Elder Touts t o put down pretended to have discovered One mght proper Js and never can be anythmg else than \ ulgar and those who delight m its use for was leavmg the station to go on tins errand make .. day of it Money happened to be mto my head the alley wmdow Nicodemus Pembroke she was found m a state of the g-reatest men the early express from tl e west came 111 and plenty The means of makmg a day of Oh yes I said Ben (for of course 1t was Scott a local membe1 of dis lodge has cross tal perturbation at the door of her apart the embelhshmen t of their speech t o all m Iun Br.l\nmgan w h1 led lum·elf mto Mac 1 t - that i;ort of day-are also to be found no other) oh } es you want youi head ed mtoCanada an will not reappeer among ment She could not talk but stated m tents and purposes mtend to be vulgar The word fellow however much muse ;ae s arms us Fut de las three nonths I ha\ e bm ex m C harl otte exammed eh ? wr tmg t hat she had btien attacked outsule There was a hu rPd consuitat10n be By noon Mr Bianrngan was m a state And qmcker thau a thought Bly shat was pectm some sch climax an dis mawnm her own house by a man '~ho had attempt it may be between men, sounds very obJec t10nable from the hps of women and some tween the two endmg lll the ordcnng of a compared'" 1th which Bens was samty 1t off aJ.Id Ben lookmg ror his veneration when a me~senger mformed me <lat he had disappeared arter fo1lm m an attempt to ed to garrote he1 at the same time st11kmg women are gn en to t he foolish conceit of ~arnage secretiveness and comprehenswn self Capt Portv howe~ er kept his head her twice with a dagf.(er Only the fatly s speakmg of e'\ier y man they may happen to 'Who is tlus ? asked Macrae wit h re and at the tune of Mr Brann igan~ to al rhe loungers about the wharf took m shoot hisself wrd an ole ho·s pistol I war not clotnmg was miured and the body of ~er ference to a man of i epulsn e aspect who collapse witnessed somethmg which excited the fun of the situation and a dozen a b1 t st11 prised He leaves a wife an two dress and her corset were found to be cut know as a dea.r fellow a charmmg fel lo'" a 'handsome fellow, a clever fel hung back but had some eudrnt purpose !us alarm heads were uncovered for the mampulat10n chill en an about fifty creditors through but at different le\ els She tned low 111 keep mg not far frnm Br anmgau What sent !um off? De same reasons Two Rochester policemen came upon the of t he doctor The title still clung t o to makeoutthattheattempt at stiangulat10n Beau aucl betle are t e1ms now no 'A fnend of mine allSwered that scene They took note of Capt Porty and hnn and he finally arose to the full c hgmt) dat am daily wo1km to brmg about anoder had cau·e 1 d umbness M Ta1d1eu re longer muse, and for beau no eq\Jnalent worthy his compamons and finally asked questions of it bywavmg h1shand and adv1 s ng them pamc-de same reasons dat explam de hun marked m her hearmg that this mfirnnty has as yet been d1sco1 er~d although the D1sm1ss him They were soundrng an honest man how all to take ' two gallons oE wh1 key and dreds ob b1 nes ta1lures-de same reasons rapidly disappeared wnen produced under beauty has replaced the belle Cant do it t\1< ouldn t be safe dat a m cnpplm de efforts of thousands of eve1 and d1sc0\ered tbat fact mstantly four otmnes of qu1nme before breakfast She soon Out of the musery it is not custom<iry for This was more thau Macrae had bargamed They even believed Capt Porty when he which the idlers thought "ould be great haid ¥1orkin men to'secm e homes of de r own cncumstances of t his lnnd m!l.naged to regwm her speech and m a children to · tyle their parents other than by for but when was it ev~ known that a man -fam ! ) extrav.gance No you caJ.I t call aveired that Tim .13ranmgan "as one of his tun short t me adrrntted that the whole nar the good old fash10ned reverential names of "1th such an obJect as Macrae s did not get men and that he was anxious to get him Bly Folhss !lad no desu e to court unneces it extravagance toolery am a better name rative had been developed out of her mner father and mothe1 P apa and mam more than he bargamed for ? It was of no aboard the On tario Belle An d these m sary trouble Brandon "\\as pullmg his for it Up to a y ar ago Brudder Scott wrus consc10nsness Ecceu· ricity m relanves is ma are now nursery names omy, but 'pa use to resist He took his place m the car nocents Ieut a ready haud m the difficult sleeve and bidd1ug him Jobbm arnun au makrn a dollar a day come out of ever strongly presumptive of self decept10n and ma tl ose unpleasant abbre' iat1ons, riage and Ins t wo compamons followed Parson had sa1 ntered away a fe\\ D n he got a ~ituashun by which he anned \\hen a female makes any statement or are now happily qmte out of date b usrness of cariym" the helpl ess fellow to tlus At Charlotte, Branmgan had a plan of ac Capt Porty s boat0 steps apd Branmgan was anxiously look Jo teen dollats per week He was poo off charges of ill treatment of any kmd The The courteous thank you has m a. t1on As to the Baffa.lo md vidual he was the mg for an openmg m the crowd that he m de houstJ an h<td debts hangm ober him Go you over there and stay M1 Ra! only 11ame left fo1 the officers and on ,he m1ght hurry Ben away , but still Folliss but heah was de ch1<nce to get eben How constant fear of assassmation especially if measure replaced the uncourteous thanks lowell I 11 find him if he s m town was 1t improved? In less dan one montll basecl on reasonable grounds is pa1t1cularly and it 1s no longer considered very fine to prmc1ple take what you can get when lmge1cd rh1s man mterested hm liable to predispose nervous or excitable make this curt curtailment Ten mmutes thereafter Tim and his com you cannot find what vou 'vant they es ' I say Jack there isu t much to go up his wife wrus rigged out w1d a twenty d ollar subiects to extraordm3.ry delus10ns of this pamon were m mtimate d1scomse "ith an corted that poor $mleless man to the stone on but somehow I connect this man with dress twelve sh1llm kids a five dollar hat kmd - Fiomtle British Medical Jouinal old acquamtance It came about, we m ust bmldm<> up the rn er Ji orestry in Cana.ia young Hollms I never saw !um more than an an opern fan He had no peace ob mm ~~~. . .+.-4~ ......--~~~ say qmte by accident Ihe day followmg at almost any hour of once I WJ5h I' could recollect him more onless he obeyed her In six weeks she be 'Ihe government of the provmce of On ' Brnnmgan is that you' were t he t he mormng Brannigan came on deck .m a distmctly Lets see this through came too high toned to wrush an iron fur de The Great r~orth West. tan o comp1ehendmg that although 120, words which startled h1m and set lum to bew1ldere:'l 1mserable cond1hon Instamly he turued u pon B ranmgan and odder folkses In t'l'IO months she wanted a thmkmg that he was not out of r each of This JSorth west territory a t Jast re 000 000 acres of pnmeva l forest still exist Said he to the captarn, who was also asked Are you sure that this 1s w1ddy better house w1d a red parlor earpet an Toronto eyes and must mmd his gomgs and helmsman of t ins noble craft ' Where wuz l:lnckler s son ? fan t he young Holl ns, of cane seat cha rs all aroun de room ln1t hree claimed from the hunter and trapner, lB w1thm it11 terntorJ the replacmg of its months she had to ha1 e a black silk dress large enough to give Canada half a dozen or timber supply for foture needa will ctepeud you yestherday Misther Porty? M1llmgton' commgs upo'l ihe wise pro' 1sions made now has hac '~h~~~p?l'.11 sther -Eorty he replied , Where wrus I answered the captam The effect of this question upon Braum gold bracelets a toney bonnet kid shoes more provmces as productive as any of t he t :ider conside1at10n a bill prov1dmg for tl\e Western States On its prairie auds can be an gold fillm m her teef said thrn I think it s where was y ou Misther Bran gan was the same 'l.S that of a rot nd of 1ckle' -.... Notlllll ain t Up P'"" Dat foole1y !us reaped its harvest Oe iaised better wheat and r oots than m payment of a bounty out of the public ,, h B f grapeshot upon a compan) <Jf soldiers at nondescript half Yankee, half Canadian, mgan With the police ah mt ng t at u b kf t Ith rt h t h dh husband found dat he was runnm behmd, Ilhn01s and Io"a this too year after year t eastKy for the plantmg of t rees along 1t "nothrn excep fust trip falo chap up and down the streets ' And {ea t:s d h u im as oms e Im his home was bem neglected his wife was prol::ably for 20 years without the u~e of farm boundary Imes and by the sides of roads The bounty proposed 1s uot ve1y large the · What are ye gom to be captam uv dhis what better could 1 do than to pnt you i s;W a ere im ? k d Bl f B h d t ke ou out of hat is your iame as e y o en bem goss1pped about an m despair he has manures as the experience of the old set mP~mrnm sum bemg 2:.i cen ts for each b d ti )ear Misther .Porty? a oarh f ~is sc ooner, an a Y .Bly "as gettmg his g uns m FOs1tion now picked up his feet an shd out It was the tlers of the R ed River Valley has conclus 1e tree but it 1s qmte enough to make 1t worth · Ontario Belle, same as las year misc ie dh d d natual 1esult I tell you, my frens de ly proved The what produces sounder Is she a bng-' A great cake of ice strnck the schooner s an" a ammumtwn m a.bun a nee tomfoolery of de women of dis ken try am flour than that of llh.u01s or Indiana and wlule for farmers to preserve and t1 ansplant Well now as to that I couldn t exact stramm on de chalk lme till de cord can t the s01l 1s easily tilled all over the prau1e the young saplmgs which they find m the ' No a schooner See her out there ? fore quarter and the shock sent Branmgau 'Ihe ' Ontar10 Belle was rockm!l' m the all !l.board Oh murthe1 he g roaned ly say buv if Tom Macrae Vi as here, now- stan much mo an 1t am lngh time <lat reg100 As the t ounst travels day after way of their agrict ltural operat10ns, and a Oh, ' they call me Ben sometimes ally Place On dl ry l and Is better nor somebody sots his foot down De man who day O\er these rich lands his eye becon es mode1ate annual expend1tu1e "ou d m the stieam two of her men rattlmg the bloc k s E h 1 d Bl H with a lazy pull dlus A nd how mortial cowld i t is ' Andnoug sai Y eie, you - airns $25 per week has sJmehow got de pelfectly ~ eancd with the monotony of the course of years produce iesults of immense "Its murdherm cow ld for a trip, rnn t m dh name of all dhe samts m T ronty lie turned to look for Branmgan lhe cus 1deah mto his head dat de world expects endless soo of verdure only broken at m por t ance A httle calculat10n will show ()dHln of ' w1 ddy .Bu klu s son was h dh t · him to dress his wife as if he aimed a bank m tervals by t he muddy shallow strrnms thiit 1f the highest bounty were paid m all it: C;l~ed ~~man tb e 10e fo almost all wife~ s h~ad was vlSlble Jnst above the oeck tuJn;ng the corner of the street with ra er s profits Wives of men who cant and lak es that for the most part water the cruses, a subsidy of $;:.O 000 per annum wou ld out V\ e ve got a Joker aboard too you d of the protruumg little cabm pi y h 1 f h fi regrnn But monotonous as seems the land at the e'ld of three years rep1esent 600 000 · That ? said Capt Porty 'I hats thf' he rnterest int e n.rriva o t e rst ves keep up w1d de1r house rent am cantenn young trees , or supposmg one out of every laugh Your Sides Out to hear hlm sel "\\as mdeed slight m comparison with up an down wid seal skm sacques an six scape it represents to the practical eye a six to die, half a m1lhon of g10wmg saplmgs, 9 \ast l entage of comfort and wealth Here dollar shoes vV1ves of men who have to "~~at ~oj'h~t asked Tim Brann gan craz\,;~:£ crazy chap, that winch Bens arr ~al occasioned The dodge de butcher an grocer an tailor am the sett l er can, with a very httle labor which if planted only along the roads thu ty ' A l"1nd of crazy feller t l1at come down The one I told ' cu was on board yes wmter ice of Ben 8 life was go n !{ out n0" selectm sprmg carj)\lts an orderm $30 raise his crops and avol'.i all the toil of feet apa1t, vould lme them on both sides for rapidly now , and svon it would disappear ' t d ' larobrequms W 1ves of men who couldn t clearmg the forest which is one of the a distance of 1 420 miles Contmued for on the tram this mornmg Says he lives er a) It th fif ty years the sarr:e subsidy v. o ild have m Toronto so I m gom to take !um over T l e capfam s attention \\as called for a oge er yet to be passed and raise $50 at de bank to save deu necks am troublesome features oi p10neer hfe m the led to the plantrng of 10 000 000 treeli, Branmgan pncked up his ea1s at and wa1d Shppmg a leash around l 1s tiller th lhe t<~ge ;:'~~ tind calm waters shall 1 ushm to balls an parties an havm den ex old provmces The most valuable dmtncts wmked at his friend Surely crazy men he left Branmgan to h s V1oes a nd to medi b eefn om b en s ad the wmter cf his dis pens1 ve dres·es described for de benefit of of the tern tory are water ed by the Red worth on an averaire $5 apiece all bel ong orever eyon Assm1bome Saskatchewan aJ.Id Pearce mg t o the persons who were paid for settmg runnmg about at large and con mg from t a t 10n content de public Rochester on that part1cula1 trnm, caJ.Inot Towa1ds evemng '.Iim s wits we1e cons1d De so called so01ety of cle a1ge am com Rivers and many years must elapse before them out but brmgmg m neyertl eless t<> be very numerous , and here must be the eiably shar ened posed of false hair false pr etenses d ebt the 11ch lands cau be exhausted even if the the pubhe treasury m t he form or t axes CHAPTER XXXII object of then search ' M1sther Porty, said he ' do you hap dodgmg aJ.I bruse decepshun Our rich peo ti de of 1mm1grat10n flows mto t he country supposmg these t o be reckoned at the modNew elements entered tlicn mto Mr pen to know dhe w1ddy B uckler 1n Kmg s ple am d1stmgu1shed by deir plam dress an with the same rnp1d1ty as it has poured for erate rate of 1 per cent $i)OO 000 a year or THE GORGE Branmgan s calculations Here wa~ a College Squaie ' qmet manners De smdes an dudes an several aecades of years mto the We&tern t~n times the amount of the outlay Thu~ Camey Dugan witnessed the ar11val of doclos do all de swaggerm rush on all de States Where t he prame lands end stretches is of cou se a rather summary way of cal Ne\ er hea1cl of the lady chan..,e for a -stroke of husmess Ben was The colors an monopolize de biggest sheer of de a rollmg country toward and up the slopes culatmg p1 ofits but there is cert:wily 1eoason safe cln board the vessel "\Vhat reason What 1 not dhe gr eat widdy Buckler ? the three discoverers and B en at Alderney with an astomshment which st reet You wait coulil he Brann gan give to Capt Porty Shes richer nor ole Hudger himself De man who hves fur of the Rocky M rrnntams where herds of for behevmg that m Ontario anl'I' still mor e for dehvem1g up Ben to !um? Better Much good that does you an me produced a once a smgular effect Instead anoder t en y ars will h ar suntt m drap an cattle can be raised far more profitably than m this country a movement of the kmd of re101cmg she began t o lament Give arter d e drap takes place de thousaJ.Ids of m the states t o the South , and there ha1 e suggested would be very Judicious -Amen thought Branmgan to persuade this Mr Tun \ Hallowell that Ben is utterly out of his way No but don t be Ill s1<h hast e, now this kmd of people a death m t he family idiots who now feel ashamed to admit dat been already established m that section can A ichite.ct get the reward of any preteuded misdeed - Sh e had a crazy bov an he s runned away all the bottles m the neighborhood a re they doan keep but two servant gals m de several large ranches the begmmng of a A Seed Tester or caJole the 11 oney out of !nm some way Theres a r eward on lum, l don t k no" the spe 0 dily filled to be as speedily emptied house w1ll go back t o deir cook stoves an productive mdust ry m view of the yearly auy way - send the Buffalo man home and sum cxaclly but m my opmion it s yours agam give them a returned son or daugh wash tubs an take deir proper places in de mcreasmg demand .tor ammal food for ex A correspondent m the Farm and Fii e t er and you would 1magm e, frnm the wail purceshun then-make somet ung else out of Ben her e aud mme M1sthei Porty portat1on One fine provmce has alread v side gives the followmg directious for testmg mgs and howlrngs, t hat dire cahm1ty had after The plant was too good to be lost Y ou mean mme don t you Tun been carved out of the terr1tor} and others the q uaht1es of seeds No I mane what I say,- yours and overwhelmed them " ill soon follow as the necessity anses fo1 My plan he says 1s to make a box about The gamut of Carney s cries on the pre The Newfoundland Seal Fisheries mme p10vmc1al orga111zat10n -Blackwood s Maga six m ches deep Fill m four m ches of good Capt Porty was one of your easy gomg sent occasion nee l not be t raversed It A letter from S t John s, NeV1foundland zme CHAPTER XX.XI SOI! on this lay a thm piece of muslm JUSt 1mpers1stent men R ather than q uarrel he was not melodious to the ear, nor ~vas says Newfoundland is now preparmg for enough to fit the box and make it mcely THE FIRS'l: ARRIVAL would g n e up a pomt any day So Tim had there anv harmony m 1t to satisfy the her great unde1 takmg- the seal fishery lernl on the sOll On this muslm put one Gas tor Nothing mmd About twenty steamers VI ith average cre'l'I s In this chapter much ground~nd some his wa) Scientific prophets have foretold that a hundred seeds of the kmd y ou wish to test E olliss "ear1ed of her do re rni after a of two hundred men annually leave the We must now bke a look at ' The A1 water must be covered with few words Cov..r them with an ot her piece of mushn w hile and put an end to 1t thus principal ports of t he island to engage m day will come when the residual produce First it must be related buefiy that Ben derney Ihe q iest10n 1s Mrs Dugan what this m dustry which thus gives employment resultmg from c 1st 1 llmg coal will be eu and an mch of earth When done V1ater Here were three young gentlemen whom was the subJ ect of many good humored with slightly warm water and set away m a the a1e we t o do "1th !nm ' t o abo~t six thousand men In S t Johns valuable as to r educe the pnce of gas t o a warm place 'Ihe sprout ng process can be comments ou the Chai lotte tram and that the Toronto young ladies kue'l'I as mere nothrng That goo l time nas not It a J ourself as ll be takm him home at this season thousands of men from the this tic! etless and penmless travelle1 went Anucable l uad the Horat i, and un to his father M1Sthe1 Fully answered outports throng the streets and collect m arrned it must be confessed hnt f we may much facilitated by placmg the box on the to his JOUrney send r ght royally H)s con der nume1ous other aobi quels and whom stove da ly afte1 the fire 1s nearly out so Carney crowds around the ottice doors of the sever beheve the confident as::i,ert1ons of a gentle that the stove is JUSt warm enough to heat fus10n became less however as h e stepped we know as Bly Folltss U-ermame Pa1son h s meself as ll do nothmg of the sort man at Chester there is already m exist ence al supplymg merchants some aie waitmg upon the platform which 1 s at once ra lw ay and Jack Brandon Discoursmg t hey were the bottom of the box Ot herwise the box st ation and st eamboat lanc hng at Charlotte accordmg to their custom of thmgs m the ma am prompt ly spoke the young man to he signerl others have been signed an appliance which goes a long way to\\ ards can be set on bricks that are heated daily Bly had a v1s1on of an olei gentleman fulfillmg these predict10ns He clauns to and others agam are loolnng for berths Tl1e place was strange to him but t here '1 as heavens ancl th ugs m ti e eartn occasion puslnng over him with tears of gratitude The captams of the vessels have the ex know a peculiar description of oven for for the purpose After four or five clays lift ally ment10nmg e\ en gals at least qn et off the top rhrt and its covermg of cloth and poss1bl) havmg hysterics H e was not lhc talk was drawmg near to the ex The makmg coke w )uch without the help of a carefully elusive rights of g1vmg 'the berths Preseutly a litt le knot of 1dle1s ra1!Joad Count the seQds t hat have H nd of that sort of thmg He had Ins chimney enables those who use i t to lugh caphm cl oses his crew and brmgs t hem to men an cl sailo1 s gathered around l un ha1 stwn pomt lts last r efnge was the nn sprouted and i f only fifty of each sot t have plan the1 ofore and was conung to an an dn ve steam engmes with 01 t any expense the office of the m erchan t w te e ea ch man Now Ben had an unm1sta.kablc Canadian ust al I) early opemng of spnng P iel mg If °'er for fuel Every ton of coal consumed m t he sprouted procure new seed signs vVhen the men have s1g11ed air - his speech be" rayed !um also An d up the new bmccula.1 l:>iauclon l evelled 1t nouncement gradual y Wrnely and yet seventy five are sp1out ed and the sprouts foohs hly le airanged the final step of Ben s oven v1elds coke worth 7s and tar and they 1ece1ve notes foi theu crop as the r as if to lead him on the name of Tornnto towards the !al e a ll look v1go10us the seed VI 111 do very well There s a schooner commg m l e ex restoration to his home And by the way outtit is techn ca.Hy ber ned 'I:his outfi t ammoma worth is m add1t10n to 14 000 Of cou se the g cater the per cent of those was spoken m his heaung as it may be hov; nearly the wi se and the foolish m us usually worth about $12 or $15 is to be paid feet of gas If therefore ay the I ondon cla med'" ith an amount of mterest \\h ch h eard ..!most any m nute on that dock that sprout t he bet ter Oh yes said Ben Toronto to be it nay he difficult for dwclle1s by the ai e allied - a most as close tog~ther as the out of the procee .b of the 'oyage the n·k G/ol e the first two products are sold t e s ublime and the rKhculous which are se llsmore than l ay for the slack coal prrnesea or m agr c ultm al reg10us to uncle1 bemg unde1takcn by the merchant Ihe sure I thmk Tom said '" e In ed m 'Io parated by that one cele bra t ed step Ihe Saxe Cobourgfannl~ says the London ~tand mei have each an rndn idual m terest m lrom which they '\\ ere drn en as well as for Jonto Mrs Dugan said Folliss, yon are then success as they arc not en11aged for lab01 w ea1 and tear and mterest on the '1 ruth have been rema1k.ably fortunate m You mist I no" thell that d'"elleis on This mte1 ested Gapt I'or t) The ca1J The manufacturer then matrimomal alliances smce .Leopold tam had not a bad he..rt l e could eHn do the Gre~t L1kes look f,r the first vessel as the b est pe1 ,on m this company to do tlus the voyage with a fixed pay bit each )Jan c..p1tal s1 nk m plant a chantable act and not asl anv one to say th e dem en of the country loo! s for the office for Mi Hollins Come now don t receives an eqt al snare of the seal taken consequently gets 14 000 feet of gas for aft erward Kmg of the Belgians was lucky ' ti an!. you Capt Poi ty there'ore of fi st robm It is t he ~1gn of comrng snm s top to ry abo 1t 1t Go and !{et your best the merchant b i ymg the se~l at current nothmg from every ton of coal subJected to enough to be elevated fiom quahcl po>erty fe1 eel to take Beu °'er t he Jal e The mer A n l althot gh old vYmter sometimes ra ment on and w e will put yo l on +he prwes The mC'rch!l.u+ rece1ves two tl11rds the p10cess and this he can use mstead of t o t he pos1t10n of husband ot the l .x 1 cess It is certamly a Cnarlotte with £..,O 000 pet mr um It was ot the seal and nays the captam 10 c n ts per fie! to generate steam ' Ontario Belle was to sail that ~ cry swoops c own upou ti cm with Jack Frost t am with a hles·mg An when M1sthe1 .I! ully? and gives them an additional mp or two seal The max mum uatch of seal 1s about bold claun to pt t forward but 1t may per entirely throt gh the manceuvres of this qfternoon lh1s very e\ enmg - the seven o clock 40 000 for a steamer of 4;:i0 tons and 3;:i0 haps be Justified b) the present prwc~ of sagac10us personage that the marriage of Secondly a gap m our narrntive must be the l<ikc people laug h hm1 to ·corn ke ammonm an{l tar lf however ti ese Pu ice Albei t \~1th tl e Q ieen was brought You will men The fishery begms on the 10th of "O This yea1 m the v10lent gales of Febru t ram - t he se1en somethmg filled i: p by th 1 eturu of 1£phraim Hollms s o er- a ll steamers makmg ovens con e rnto geneial use the market about and another alliance with the fan ily to his home Cast do"n d sappomted ar y the ice I ad broken 11 Erie and had i eaoh M1llmgton at eleven or twelve - t he Ma1ch aud 1 g11e\ ed at the heart not only by the loss of gone crashmg and g rmdrng past the crazy very best tune there won t be such a two trips and some three - by t he end of >al ie of st ch products w 11 assuredly fall is 11 contemplation as there are rumors heavily m proportron to the immense that m process of t me P rmce A lbeit v hls sou but l.Jy ti e vileness and rngrnt1tude whar es of \ Vaterloo .13 ollov; mg it "as a commot10n as t here would be m the day April en! ancement of supply and rn that case tor ek\est son of the Pr uce of Wales ,v1ll of another he yet 1ose far a \c, e any httle long p10ces0 10n of frost bowlders from t'it tune ~----Sunday is very largely a workm<> day the pnce fetched "ould not cover the cost of be advised to select as his wife the Prmcess cut1c1sm of all humamty H e was not the Clair and H m on pourmg mto the Niagara About five o clock that afternoon Har per like the rest of the " eel. , m Bohemia but material s and labor Clementme of Saxe Oobourg daughter of man to sour agamst the whole v. or1d becau·e and rollrn g on with impetuous haste as if the Kmg and Queen of the Belgians 'Ihe of 01 e soirow or of th e d1°covery of one bad eage1 to taste the sa t of ocean s before final had occaR1on to go to t he telegraph office at an earnest movement to make the first day By the way has 1t !"ccurred to anyone Princess is no" only 13 years old, and the d1ssolut1ons p erhaps to meet t heir coupms M1llrngtou As h e stood com ersmg with of the week a day,J>f r est h rus been started man th1t Adam was Number One ? the operator the click was heard which is there ~ young Prmce six years older A nd as for Beu, Ephraun Hcllms had the bergs from the still farther North DOCTOR BEN. F or·i v T 9 ----- ........... '"°

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