· a (}host Story from Cheyenne. · Some Simp le Remedi es. A curiou s oase of what might be ter med No one truly realizes the extent of suffer F ormerly :mown as the " Soper Mills.") ing endured every hour of t he day , a nd of a mere optical illusion, being the resu lt , t he lives miserably sacrificed b ecause of perhaps, of a diseased condition of t he eyes, H IS M ILL H AS BEEN THOR · thoughtlessness or through i;;norance of the happened in Ch eyenne d uring t he p ast UGH LY renovated and put in or der ,under value of such simple remedies as a re almost week. In one of t h e gr eat battles fought ou_r ~wn special supervision, for the purpose of always within the reach of every person . Jn during the r e bellion a cer tain person. gr1stmg and manufacturing Oat Meal a nd Pot a recent number we · mentioned some of now <t resid ent of C heyenne - -then a l:larley, and we are now prepared to receiva the uses of salt, an art icle which is · !ways Uniou scldier-conld have shot and killed orders from a ll. our old cu.itomers and otherlJ ~or work, and we gnr antee to give them who at hand and w h ich, in case of poisoning, can t he rebel General, R obert E. Lee, L ee having mtr ust us w ith the same entire satistaetion. be a t once given as an emet ic, a t.~bl es p0on dis mounted and wit h a single orderly for a Oats and other grains tR.ken in exchange !or WITH T E ETH. WITHOU T T E ETH . ful in a tumbler of cold, 0 1-, bette l' still, companion waded through the grass almost J<'lour Oat Meal, &c. H. &, J . 1'0W NS, Bow· manville. 227. tepid water, and which wiil prorn p\ly re- 'Up to , t he Union skirmis h l in e, where he lieve t he st omach of its content~. llut ·sup· st ood for a moment wit h his h a t in h is l eft I pose, a s might sometimes h appen , even .s o hand, takin~ a survey of t he Union bat terl"ItACTl<::AL ))ENT JST , simple an ar t icle as salt was not quickly to ies, which had not yet open ed fire. The NEARLY TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. be had ? , Then tepid water probably soldier alluded to pointed his g un at' h im , NU1·9u s Oxide Gas A<l rn1n lsteretl for P ain less answer every p ur pose ; a pint ·or even a but did not fire. Lee turned and went 01)e r atlo11s . · quart should be drank, and t he palate back . One n ight fa st week, at about 8 Oi'FICE lll(JCLllNG'S BLOCI{. should be tickled with t he finger, when o'clock, this former Union soldier, desiring vomiting will quickly follow. Using the to tati:e a quiet smoke, went to the office, finger in this "?ay will oft en i11-duce,vomiting a n d, after smoking for a t ime, fell a sleep in withaut reso1·t ing to other means. h is chair. Before this, however, he ha d ' Vhen a person has swallowed strong acid, been thinking over some of t he scenes and except sulphuric acid, by mistake, as oc- incidents of the war . After sleep ing some casiona lly happens, chalk, magnesia or so<la time he was awakened by some· one who shou lll be put in wat~r and dri1,nk wi soon shook him by the arm and said, " Wakeup." as possible to neutralize the acid. Water T his, h owever, might be p ure imagination, with sulphuric aci.d generates heat and but what followed wa s not, t hough , of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Guarant eed Cure for Gouorr ho.e a and Gleet: makes the matt er worse-in that case u se cour se, a mere optical illusion. Th inking VEGETA:BLE COM POUND. Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects magnesia with oil or grease, and a.fterward that it was the gen tlem an w ho has h is from its use. Does not interfere with business in all these cases an a bundance of water oflicii in the same r oom, t he ex-soldier back· A Snre Cure for nil FEMALE WEAK· or diet. P rice $2 per box, or three boxes for $5. should be taken into the stumach to indnce ed u p t o the stove for a moment with out NESSES, I nelmli"g Leneor rbrnn, Ir· vomit ing. Warm water is used to-day more looking up at all. W hen he did so, close Written guaran tees iasued by every duly re1!11lar nnd Paln:fnl lUenstruation, ext ensively in hospitals than any ot her r em- to his side stood the figure of a large, authori,ed agent to refund the n;i.oney if three Inflammat ion a n<l Ulccrntion o f edy. Cotton dipped in warm water and powerful m an, wi L h gray hair an d beard, ' boxes fail to cure. Sent p~stage prepaid on boys.-James Parton. ~he Womb , F looding, P R O· applied to old sores and u lcers, will heal holding his hat in h is hand. Som ewh a,t as· LAFSUS U'.l'E IU, & c. r.eceipt of price. them sooner t han any ot her remedy and tonished, the ex -soldier said: "Hello ! !low 01rPlensanti to the taste, efficacious and immedinto 'D R. FELIX J,E BRUN & CO., 81 & 83 K ing· , The amount of glycerol present in p ure wi.h far greater ·certainty. Felons . and do ym1 do? " T here was no resp onse. T he in its effect. I t is a great help in pregna.ncy, a:ud re' St. East 'l"oron to, Sole Proprietors. Sold ibY Strasbur g ales was found to vary by Dr. C. ot her painful abcesses do not long resss t t he salutation was repeated with the' sa me r e- lieve:s pa.in during la.bor a.nd at regular pe1iods. a ll druggists in Canada. Amthor from 0 .08 t o 0. 3 per cent. incessa nt application of thi~ ~imple remedy. su lt. N ot feeling particularly pleased over PllYSICIA.NS lJSE IT ANn PilF.SCRlllE l' l ' FREELY. W hen threatened wit h a felon, t he fi nger .the situation, h e went t o t he door, which i t rF OR i.n, WEAKJm9S1'S of the genoratlvo organs '.!'he male residen ts of Jerusalem, upon should be held in a dish of w<i.ter, as warm was still locked as be lef t it , a nd passed · of elther sex, it is isecond to no remedy tha,t bas <yvcr arfaing in the morning. thank God they as it can be comfortably endured, an d kept down and out. Bob Ingalls, t he p oliceman been before the public ; and for 111! diseases ·Of tho G UARANTETl :-~fter fair· t ri al, with no were not b orn women. The w omen look at there t ill the pain and throbbing cease. In was sent at once t o the room. but r eturned, KIDNEYS It is the Gr eatest Remedy in the Wo,.l d. relief or cure effected, your money wil l them and (l'espon d w ith a heart y amen. · this way it can be cut short . We have reporting that no one could b e found . The ;2W"IDDNEY COM PLAINTS of Eit her Sex P RICE, $1.oo. be r efund ed. known a sprained. ankle which had b een n ext · mght the e;::-soldier repaired t o the Find G reat R eliefin I ts Use. ~===== S old by ===== =::::!.! A CA.It D. - To all who ar e suffering from the painful for weelrn, cured in an h our by let · room, hoping to see a,gain t hat whic h he by LYDI A E. Pl:NJDIA~'S BLOOD PU~IFIER ST0'.1'1.' .& .n r 1n, BOW~U.NVJIJ,LE. w11l eradicat e every ves~1go_ of Humors from tha nors and indiscretions of youth, n ervous ting a stream of water- j ust h ot enough not t his t ime was convinced was n ot h iug more· Dloocl at the same time will give tone and 1:1trength t o weakn ess. early decay, loss of manhood. 8r,c to burn-run on it for that length of t ime. D .or les · than an optical illusion, as he is n ot the syStcm. As marvellous in i·eault a as tho Com1lound. I will send a reci pe that will cure you, .FREE No remedy affords s uch prompt relief in a believer in ghost s and hobgoblins. He w n oth the Componn ~ Dlood Purillor are p re. OF CHARGE. Thia great r emedy was ?-1scovercd by a missionary in South America. croup a s a piece of flannel wrung out in hot was not disappointed, for he saw the same pa.red a't 283 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Send a · self-addressed envelope to t he R EV. water, and wrapped around t he little suf. sight and immed iately recognized it as t he frlco ol either, $1. Six bottles fo1· $5. The Compound JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, N ew Yorlc Oily ferer's neck. Two or three thicknesses of pictu re of Gen. Lee a s he a ppeared t hat 1s sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozcnE;es, on flannel wrung out in hot wat er and spread bloody day down on the Rl-ppahannock. To receipt of price, $1 per box for either . Mrs. Pinkham RJ>ST .AND 4::0111FORT TO THE iSllFF.ERING over t he chest is an excellent t reatment in be satisfied, t he ex-soldier undert ook to freely ·answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose3cent " l~rown·s Jlo u schol·l l'nnncea" has no congest ion of t he lungs, particularly of chil- take hold of t he figure, but t here was nothing stamp. Send for pamphlet . JlfmUon th.is Paper . S ick Jloa<inche and relieve all the troubles incl. equal for relieving pain , both in ternal and ex· Q1frL YDI A E PINKtLUt'S L TVER Pn..LS cure ConstipR.dent r.o a bilious state of t he system, sncl1 as Diz· dren , and the same treatment is u seful in to take hold of. In about a minut e it dis· ternal. lt cures pain in t he Side, Ba.ck or Bohwtion., B1 11ousn0:ss and To1-pidity of t he Liver. 25 cent s. ziuess, Naus~a. Drowsiness_ , Distr~ss after eating, cle, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothae e, colic. T his is also an excellent remedy for appear ed entirely. T h is may seem incredi· Pain in the Side, &c. Wlu le. their .most remar1'·1B""S old by a U Druggist s .cu ~ L11mbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. '"It fixed pains in the joints or m uscles of the ble to some, but t here are lurn lreds of cases ablc StLcccss hua been shO"wn in curmg . w ill most surely quielrnn , the Blood and Heal, body, and for all local inflammation except on r ecor d somewha t similar to t he one above us its actinp: power is wonderful." "Brown's NUG HOME FOR SALE.--ABrick Housel.told Panacea," being acknowledged as piles, where cold water seenis. usually to oe related, which is s trictly t rue in every p a.r Cottagccontaintng six rooms, cellar. pantry the greot Pain 'Reliever. a nd of double t h e more effective. For general bathing, the t icnlar. etc.;quarter acre land, stable, woocl·shed, hard strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the temp~rature of the water should not be and soft watel', a nd other conven iences. For world should be in every family h andy for use Headache,yct Cartc1 "sLittle Liver Pills are equally lower than that of the air of t he bat)l room. further information apply to STATESMANoffice, when wanted. " a s it really is t he best remedy valuable in Constiplltion, c11ring and preventi\'lg 'I'oo Much Honesty. Bowman ville. 198' tf. F or weak eyes, the careful use of w arm in the world for Cramps in t h e Stomach, and this annoying complaint, while ~h ey 11leo correct pains and aches of all kinds," and is for sale by wat er affords great relief. If t he eyelids are a ll disorders or tho stomach, stimulate the liver A gentleman stopp' e cl his h orse at a toll all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 18.Hy. imd regulute th e bowels. Il\"Cn if they.only cured closed, and a few drops of rum or br andy or gate, and, not seeing t he &>"atek eep er, went whiskey are appl ied to t he eyelids wit h t he int o the house. Finding no one, h e begai} iloUrnrs! 1110U1crs ! ! Jllothe1·s ! ! ! finger, it seems t o gr eatly strengtheu eyes .A.re you disturbca. at night and brok en ofl'y~ur that .arc weak un d watery. It is of adva n- a general search, and fi-nally d iscovered tl;i.'erest by a sick chi li! suffering and erying.with gatck eeper ont in t he field at work. .A:lthe excruiatinl'? pa,in of cu tting teeth 1 If so, tage. to let a little of the v apor of t he liquor though the old man wa~ quite a distan~e Ac)le they would bc itl1nostpricclces to those who go a t once anil gel; a bot tle of MRS. WlNS· rea'Jh t he eye. It Rtimulates it and makes a suffer f m m this distressing complamt; but fortuJ, OW'S ROOTHIKG SY.H.UP. It will relieve it feel comfortable af ter t he s light, momen- way, the gentleman went into the field to nately their goounees does no t end here, and those the old man, and said : the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon who once try them will find these little pills:v0:Juit · there is no mistakfl about it. Th~re is not o tary smarting stops. If alcohol is used, it ablc in so manvways that they will not be w1lhng "You arethe tollgate keeper, I believe?" This Great Houe ehold Medicine be dilu ted w ith wa ter one-half. should mother on ea rth w h'o has evc1 · u sed it, W llO W I'! to do without them. But after all sick head "Ycs sir," the old man r eplied; turning not tell you at once t hat it will r cgula ~·' ·.ne B:art,hor n is a remedy most valuable as an · ranks amongst the leading bowels and give r est to the mother. ar ~ relief application for b ites an d stings, and a {;(lass and leaning on his hoe handle. MY STO CK COMP RISES: R .nd h ealth to the child. operating like magic. "Well, I want to go through the gate. " necessaries of Life; It is perfectly safe to u se in 11ll eases, and pleas- stopp ered bot tle of it shculd be kep t in "Ain't the gate open?" T hese famous Pills purify the BLOOD, a nd LA.DIES' KID B001'S AND SHOES. ant, l:o the taste, and i.s the prescrimion of one every house-:=-but bey ond t he rea,oh of small "Yes." most powerf\tlly, yet soothingly, act on the Jsthebnne of sc m£tny li"es that here is where '!Ve of the oldest n.nd bAst fema le physicia"s and children. , LADIES' CALF,· KID BUTTOK & LAC.E'Jlt. mRke 011r great boast. Our pills cure lt while ' ' vVell, why don't you go through? It's nurses in tho U nited States. Sold everywhere Now the best of nmedies in many c<1 ses of Stomaclt, K £dneys, 18.l-lv. my business to be the1·e." LADIES' FRENCH KtD , BUTTON & LA.CED. otg~~·~cc~.?ant\ttle Li'fer Pills arc very small and at· 25 cents a bottle. accidents are a cool h ead and a knowledge and BOiVELS, givmg ton~· energy, and vigor "Because I wanted to pay yon." -very eas y to take. One or two pills makea.dase. LADIES' K ID SHOES, BUTTON & TIE. of what should he done. o these great MAI.N SPIU.NGS Ol!' Lil!'E. 'rhey Tiley arc strictly vegetable and do not gr1re or "And you came all'the way out here to are confidently recorn mended as a never failing LADIES' GOAT & PEBBLE. BU'l'TON ~ ;i' lE purge, but by their gentle action please. al who 1' here is no immediate danger from sever· pay me fi ve cen ts?" remedy in all cases where the con-stitution, from usetheiil . I n vialsm25ceuts; five f or$1. Sold Also Mens' and Children's of the above goods· ing a superficial vem of considerable size ; "Yes, si,-," said the gentleman, proudi y whatever ca,use, has become. impaired or weakI will mail (Free) the recipe for a sjmple }ly drng~ists everywhere, or sent by mail. ened. 'rhey arc wonderfully ctncacious in all VC:?:elable Ralm will remove Tnn , F1·etikles, but not so w ith arteries. 'Vhen an artery looking t he old man in the eye. .. MEN' S L OXG BOOTS, COARSE A.N D Fn; F:. ailment s incidental to Females of all 11ges ; and 1·11111)1.e s aud Rlodclrn·, -leaving the skin soft CM'.R,TER M E DICINE CO., ·' CoulJn't you have left the money on the as a GENERAL FA.tliILY MEDICINE, are clear and bea.utifol; als o instructions for pro- is, cut the reel bloocl s11irts put in a jet at ME::-!'S LAC E B OO'l'S,IJO.\RSE_AND FINE. New Yor k City. ' dnciug a'luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head each pulsation. The first thing to be done table ?" unsurpassed. . or smootbe face. Address, inclosing 3r,, ~t.amp, is to check the bleeding until the doctoa MF.N'S i <'lNE SHOES AND GAITERS. "yes,.sir, 'but I wanted you to know t hat Ucn. Vc1uleJf'~t Co. , 12 Barclay St., N. Y. comes. This can always be done by pressing I paid you." MEN'S AND L.~nrns' SLIPPEns. the t humb on the artery above the wound"You are an honest man." All the above goods sold that is, ?.etwecn the ~ound a:nd the ~1cart"Yes, sir," replied the gentleman, while Its Searching an·l n enllu;i: 1'1·01)crtles al'e Ju i own tJn·oughout the 1Yorl<I. A GE;NTLEMANw·no suffcr~d forvcar~ from or else, if the wound is small, :pressmg the a pleased expression spread over his face.. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, · f.:'ti Ner vous DEBIL.('l'Y, PRT<JMA.'l'ER E Dli:- thumb firn1 ly on the wound ; this stops -the "You woul.1 have walked three t imes as CAY. and all th e effects of youthful inrliscretiou bleed mg, and stops the flow of blood far to have p"'icl me that fi ve cents wouldn't w ill for the sake of s uffering humanity, senp tl h tl t t b l th · f "" ' Old fif/ounds, S ores and Ulce'J >free to all who need it. the recipe snd directions u·oug. ia . ar ery e. O\~ . e _pomt 0 ·1 you ?" - -(0) for making the simolc r emedy by which.b e was prcssu1e. If the wound is wh?re 1t ca,n , be " Y es, sir, I would. " it is infallible remedy. If eifectually rubbed on the neck and chest. as salt into meat. it cures "lien, Johu," Hie old man called to a cnreil, Sull'ercrs wishi11g to profit hy the a!-l- bandaged, u se.a ccmpress, wl11ch may be a SORE TIIRvNr,Diphthei.·ia,llronehitis, Cough ·n the shade, "call the doz "nd vorLiser's expericnccca,n do so b)'addrcssing m sml-11 stone, piece.of wood or other h.a rd boy tho.t lay 1 Colds, and t}Ven ASTEll\IA. For Glandular perfectconliclcnce. JOUN ll. OGDEN, b h 18 h d d w ~ w 187-ly. '12 Cedar St.. :New York. au stance; putt on t e wonn an tie a go along and watch this feller till he gets Swellings, A hscesses Piles .!fistulas _ _ - · baudage or pock et hantlkerchicf aro'.mcl t? away. Bet a hundred d ollars he steals .A.N"D R !zeumatisrn, P.rodu cep ressur e a nd ~cep t h,e stone m pos1· something 'fore he leaves the placc."-.Ar/.;ansas 'l'mveUer. And every kin(! of SKIN DISEASE, it hall t10n. so that the bkedrng cant go on. never been kown to tail. lf a person could forget that the wounded 'The ad verliser hav·ngbeen permanently oured The Pills and Ointment ar.e Manufactured ·· ....._...... _ of that, d1·ead disease, Consumption , by a sim ple was a human being and imagine that he wa~ only at 533, OXFORD STRl<::bJT, LONDON, and remedy, is anxious to make k nown to his fellow- stopping a leak in a cask, he would do it That Same Old Tragedy Again. are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout receive pr ompt a ttention. sutl'e rcrs Lhe means of cure. To all who desire .c?olly.and effectually. It is the i·esponsi· the Civilized \Yorld : with directions for using A pecnliarly rad and shocking domestic it, he w ill send a copv or t he prescription used. DE . 0 cl · t S· . fE in most every lan~ua.ge . \free 0 1 charge, with the dil·ections for prepar- b1ltty t~at unnerves us. A cool head 1s best tragedy is reported from the town of Batyn, STO-'" . ne oor wes :r.ATES }IAN o oa .@"Purchasers should look at the Label on the mg and usirigthe same,. w hich they will find a for heroic deeds, . in Hungar y. The keeper of a cro~sing on the Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 sure 4inl'e for «::oughs, Uold s, 4::ons11m1Hton, . !£a per son r\'lce1ve a fracture of_ the skull, East Hungarian R:i.ilway, near that t own, Oxford Street, London, thc;r are spurious. Agt11111a, B rond1it1s, Sm. '1'he Trade Marks of my sald Medicines are s111g up .the happened to win a few d11ys ago some hun· Parties wishing the Prescription, wm pleaso life_often depends on at once ra 1 reitistered in Otta.wa. and also at Washington. address, Rev. E. A. WILSON. 19! P enn St,, splmtered edges of the_ wound, so as to!ehevr. clreds ot fi.,rins in a lottery. The p oor fellow Williamsburp;h , N . Y. preasm:e on t he bram. .Any on e mit:,ht do who had never seen such a la rge sum of Ti m UEMEDr F O f~ CURING thi s w it h ~ blade of a p ocket kmfe, or money in his l ife, took the bank notes home BARCAl ~.S even a nii;il, :1n d thus, perh_aps, save a and amused himself in tun;.ing them over, va.luabl e h fc, if he knew th~t it was neces- forming plan upon plan for their disposal. sary a1llt had p resen ce of mmd. All at once a tra.in was si 0anallcd and he 00.LlJS, AST H MA, CROUP, MR$. KEYS' Thus all can appr eciat.c. t h e value of sn~h rushed to his post, leaving the pr~cious roll All D iseases of the Throat, L ungs and Stock of Kew Goods is now complete. She h as k nowl edge as m ay be utilized at any t un e m behind him. As ill-luck would have it his on hand. a full assortment of W ools, Ladies t he relie~ of suffe:ing and the saving of life, little daughter was playing in the room at Pulmonary Organs . Reticules·, Ottomans, 'l'ies, lfandkerch iefs. srnce_va nous a cc1d.e11ts are co~~tantly oc- the time. S t rnck by the peculiar appear-. !IY ITS ~' Al'l'Jil<'UL US.E Bracelets, Fruit Bask ets, &c., &c. curring on every side of us. \\ ithout such unce of t he notes havin" rarely if ~ver seen <JONSUlUP 'l'iON H AS :CE.EN u mrnn HOLWAY PRESE NTS AND T OYS knowled!)e n~ one is_ safe, for an ~our, an d one before, and n~t kno,~ing anything what· When other Remedies a nd Pysioia ns h ave fail- for the children in great variety. Ch!ldren's he can ~we little aid t o others m case of ever of their value, she proceeded to use ed t o ell'ect a cure. Jackets and H oods made to orde.r. A beaut iful need. . . t hetn as a plaything, anti pr t sent ly flung assortment of IANS, MINISTER'J' AND Reoommen<l.ed by PHYSIC iiO!· If a p erson is thrown ~r~m a waggon m them into the fire, where they were burneu ::-<unsr;;s. l n fact by ·everybody who has U D RJI S 'I' ill AS CA..RD ~ the street and severely m Jured, hundreds, to ashes. Just then the fath~r returned giver> ·tt·a good trial. I t never/ails to · bring relief . Call and see them, perhaps, will gather around him; a nd a l- missed the notes antllearned what h.1d be'. CANDIES IN L ARGE QUA NTITIES. though h e m ay b e ble~ding t o d eath from a come of them. In his fury he struck t he As an :EXl'EC'l 'Olt.\NT it h:<8 no Equal. · It is harmless to th e Most De1i<'n.tc child. It con· These goods will not be offered at or below W?und that could be rnstantly. c ompressed child a violent blow, which stretched her ------- - ------ - -a.ins no OPIU~M. in an11 i"onn, cost. but w ill be sold at a smalladvR.nce on cost. with the t humb and t he b lecdlllg stopped, lifel ess on t11e floor. The mother, who wa1l « Di rect.fons accompA.ny each bott.1 0. 1 the chanc~s a1:e that nq one person will g iving a bath in an adjoining room to her .tarlfor s11le by all Drnggis1 .s. OYSTERS SERVED at ALL HOURS. come to lus relief, becaJ:!se not one will kn ow second child, a,n in fant, rushed i n on hearing what should be ~one. ~n Dr. Hall's Hea!th t he d isturbance, picked up the little girl at Home a case is mentioned where a. chil d and tried to restore her to consciousness, of eight years acciden tally tapped the main Her efforts were vain - the child was dead. artery of t h e leg with the blade of a p ocket She flew to the bath i~ which she had left k nife. One member oi t he family h astened the-infant. Another shock awaited h er · the to call a physic ian , while the othet"s wept child was drowned in its bath. The cl1il:l~ bitterly as they watched th e life blood flow- Jess mot her distract ed and desperate r ushed i~g away! and not knowing what to do, t hey out of the house and hangeci'hersclf 'on the d id nothrng to check. t he fiow <;>f blood. branch of a tree. The wretched facher, W h en the d octor a rnved the child was overwhelnu.d with misfortune- his fortune Block, where he has opened ont with a splen id assortment of de.;td. . gone, his wife aud children gone- seized a P~rsons h a.ve slcwly bled t o death aft~r revolver and p ut an end to his existence. hav rng a tooth extracted, becau se t he orcl!- The artistic completeness of this tragedy nary methods. ?f chcc~mg the flow h.ave gives i t a certain :>ir of unreality, but the which he offers for sale at low prices for Cash. . proved unava1lm_g. . \ '\) e have never fa i!<;d Hungariau journals vouch for the exact " · OllE llf THE BEST ·$;1~'rl to st op t he blce<l1ug m su ch cases by shanug truth of these cletails.-St. Jcimes Gazette. ~Farm Produce taken in exchange, for whicli th o highest market down a cork so t h at one encl will enter t he ~XJ'l> price will be paid. ~A speci.al line ' of TEAS of excellent :flavor. cavity , U.!ncl t hcu having the patient close his ·__._...._. INVESTIGATORS IN USE. $ month so as to p r ess t he cork .down firmly. Educ a t ing Pigeons. ~Also a choice lot of SUGARS. ~COFFEE in Cans. @"'C~nn~d Itis a8pe,9iflc in thAcnre of a.11di$eases r-,. -Hall's Journal of lfwlth. . Ah.tnu mbetred zhjnb~ t<la~ istv.b·ou f nd aro~nd tthhe of t he Kidneys, Blndder, Prostatic PorGoods in great variety. ~A Call is respectfully solicited. \.·v r ig 1eg o cac ir JUS e ore eavmg e t ion of the Urinary Orgnns, Irritation of the Neck of the .Llladder, Burning Urine, nest, and a correspouding number stamped Gleet, Gononhea in all its st£tges.Jlfocous "\V,hat is k issing 1" asks an exchange A on the outside feather of each wing.. On Discharges, Congestion of the J1..idneys, matter of tast e. leaving the nest the young birds are placed Brick Dust Deposit, JJiabetes, Intlamma· Purple' violets anrl barbes of V nlenciennes in an open wire work loft with other y oungt ion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy of Kidneys, Acid Urine; Bloocly Urine, respectfully announces that his purchases of lace trim t he fine Milan straw bonnets de stcrs, where they can watch the olcl birds Pain In the Re 0 "ion of the Bladder, P.A.IN signed for el(lerly ladies. flying about outside. \Vbeu habituated IN THE BAClC. Urinary Calculus, Renal ·~ Some people say that there is more but- to the scenery from their open work prison Calculus, Renal Colic, Retention of Urine, Frequent Uriuation, Gravel in all cher meat cons111ned in T oronto than in any the y oung birds are allowed to go out and its forms, Inability to retain the Water city of its size on the Continent, if not in the join the flock. Ji.t thtee months they are particularly in P.ernons advanced in life. whole world. The ground 3 upon which given their first Jiy of pcrhitps an eight h of a IT IS a·.KlDNEY.INVESTIGATORthat restor~e Urine to its natural color, th,i~ assertion is based coulcl easily be given, m ile. Few are lost. on the first trial, alfor the present season are now ready for inspect ion, and will removes the a cid a nd burning and the but it is not worth while. Most people though occasiOnally R: v~fY ~gnorant one · . be found well assortod in all the leading lines. · effect of the excessive use of ~toxicatin~ also have little idea of the extent of the exfails to return. 'l'he distitnce is doubled on drink. -port of dead meat going on from t his city. t he secoud trial, given a few days latei;, and Having resolved to reduce his very large st ock within reasonable Price $ J, or. Six Bottle s for $5.~< 'l'hoso who cannot obtnin a bottle of this 'l'o a very large extent t he North West is so until <'ach youn.g bitd has flown from all boup.ds, he will sell large lines of goods, in various departments, at less m edicine from t heir druggist may send U:3 ouc supplied with butcher meat from b ntario, the intermediate ~tations ap to ono hunCl.rcd d ollar D.nd w e will send i t to thP.m. ~ Sel)d tor Ci.rcuJar. Sold by ..U Druggists. · ~ and the most of the business centre~ in miles. .All t hose doing the e ven hundred than wholesale prices. Toronto. I t 'takes four or five hundred are considered good birds, <1-ncl t he zin(} tag > .JOHNSTON & I Parties wishing to expend their money to the best advantage, will .Ali!!lliiltS'l'BUllG, Ont· .,.( DE'l'll01'1', l;llolij cattle sometimes to make up a, aingle con· 1is replaced by a b,rass tag, tha birds re-num· e ir own interest by making an eaTly call. ~ Ag~nts tor ths U; s. and Cima<la. """=-·signmen t . This alone. might show t he ex- b ered and the numbers entered in the stock 0onsult th, SUITS got up on short notice and warranted to fit. · ·.t ent .of the business, · book,' 1'R ENTISTRY 1 I _ J.M. BR I M:AC OMBE, DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S c-u :El.. E: . · C~C Science and :Religion~ . W ould you ex pect to' find among the Red lBdians of Newbrasks a conflict bet ween sci· ence an d religion? One of Gen. G rant's Quak ers (Thos. C. Batty) r eported oii-Oially in 1873 that he was a vict im t o such a conflict . .ffe ha d a promising schocil of t went ytwo Indian children in a tent near Fort Sill. All was going well, when a few of the pupils were taken sick, and some l n dians from a neighboring tribe · pointed a finger a t the amiable Quaker and said: ' ·He is Bad Medicine ; it ie h e who is making the chil· d ren sick." It broke up the school. T hat was in the w ild W eet ; but I can match the incident in my own experience. When I was 23 y ears of age I h ad a little school in Philadelphia of about t went y-two boys, a nd one morning, after many months of. internal anguish, I began the school by saymg t h ese words : "Heret ofore this · school has b een opened by reading a few verses of t he· Bible and a shor t p rayer. Hereafter t he prayer will be omitted." In· six mont hs it broke up t he sch ool ; ~other eauses conspired, , .b ut this was the direct and controlling cau se. I macl'l no explanation ei t her t hen or af~er ward. I did not say, as I migh t have said: "I have come to thi.nk p rayer an immoral practice, injurious, impious." I simpl y refrained trom doing an act which I clearly saw was wrong for me to do. I was Bad Medi· cine. 1\1y d ear fittle school came to an end, as it ough t;for t he parents, believing as the_ y did , were amply justified i n removinR the!!' Caledonian Mills. T will ;1~r £~ . · ~~9.~ ~ II CURE SICK ----·- ------ S HEAD FI N E ~oats Shoos~ CH E Liver, PIMPLES. I . ERRORS OF YOUTH. Holloway's Ointment, CMEAP FOR CASH. ORDERED VVORK T o CO NSUMPT IVE S' I REPAIRING GALLAND SEE THE GREAT DAVJD DAVIS. I CONSU,MPTION, COUGHS NEW GOODS - --oO->- -- TO BE HAD IN D r y Goods! FOR CASH A'l1 T. BATTING'S CLOSING SALE. G OCE Ji ~NaWtJSTOll. ' NIW coons. &. ·"9 ~ -:N~X~C~ ~~* ~ BUCH U~ N'.'EY be~~m~ ;ub~tB:2se=Fa}?. :E. ':£;.,_ Groceries, Crockery , Glassware, Flour, Feed, & c. 1 C J T HOMAS PA'l.,ERSON (::D--~--Y G--0-0--D--S~) w· co.tr l ,. I