~i ~-~,~~~ ,!Mr:'.~-----·~#~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1111tifilti¢illfWS9fhliMkiWWi&@li!AN<#~~ ~~~~~WM\~~?lM'Jl~~ _ _ IW~ 8fiiii1~ ii!.ilin:~~.oli~OlWll~~~ ~ ~~~O~li!ii~dilft~IS~·~-~&i\!l~E~~?=~~*~IK!!l!!!~~m~·~~~a~·~ ......... ~~'~M~-~ii~ri~#i~ilil!llt!!!~~ -r~~lill£li:\liiiWI~~~~~~~~~~ ----MW.!l!Wfiiifit!~'i'wmf!#APW?WM* ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WillOi* W }e j+ g ve a receptrn 0 tc er than n ally as the The Importance to England o her lntellectual Precocity Preservation of Yeast by ColCI nnSCEL!!.ANEOUs publ c see ned to be very mueh mteiested .eimerican Colomes cha acter she of the o d na y boy is I h cl b 1 n the sub1e t n ti ddl f tb I t tl t f I t 11 d I th h f 1 t as a rea } ee1 show t Y son e experi To ti ose wl o Invest 10 real estate and · "'Y e m1 e o e e ~ l een ce ury o \\ a s ca e mo a oug t ments of Dr L ntne s that yeast may be Furmshed to Hundr.t;<ls of People-Some bu) lots on ong payments t so.ems yea ly ---~ the colon es nad dee cone to be a factor e~s He l es s nrle abed ence to school preserved and yet rctarn its tu 1 vita i t b of the Aetonisking Atoms of m01e plam that Mortga((e 1s Lots wife Too N1<ie for Real Wo1k. of imm nse n l ortauce rn the pol t al trad tlons '.11 ese r ay compel h n at one bemg h ozen'. .A pract cal confir natwi Nature Exnla1ncd 'lhe Philadelph a Teme,s lately had the world if any proof were needed it rn afl:ord school to sneak n a pecnl ar Ian uage and th s 0 1 a large scale has list been 0bt 1 1he cry abo t tl e servant girls st 11 con The C e eland M croscop cal Society re ed by the t eme1 dous str ggle b tween to pe18ecute and beat all boys who are slow b H Von Plantz A j a.me cently held their first annua re eptio l at !olhw ng sensible though not very new re F£ance a 1d Eogland for the posse s on of at lea n ng th · bnguage .At another school wyhich l ad been bad! qkudanti Y of yeastd t nues Why make all the fnss' Lots of Tlrn bo) snow grow ng up seem ti) y pac e was cons g ie m stresses began l fe as ~ervant g1r s and the a se nbly rDom of tbe Boa d ot Educa marks North .A nenca But "h1lc ot r attention 1s le may reg~rd d1shke of the na1 ly game of to him and on twn It \\as enrnently anmtdl gent c c,wd b e too n ce f or ieal wor k and t hey seek thus d rected to the immense deve opment football as the s n with which leaven severe weathe arrfva1 ddutr nbg some! ver3 why not wl en help s s aice turn 1 was oun o e comp ete1y to again an 1 show that therr natural and while the man was there who stands pos tone as le ks and book kePpers and On the who e f ozen The sol dbl k f t b strengtl has not abated round and obstructs the way f otl ers :vho ~ ch 1 ght places where they seem to care of civil zed 1 fern "hat had la.tely been tne f eads the count of cnmes l ttle for the pay so long as the work doei3 Amer10an wildeviess we must I ot forget to th s notion seems a useful protest a<'alUst to p eces h d f oe hu ytas a~ ro1 ren 0 wi h to look th boy who says Oh lookee Anotl er vwt1m to the foolish and un ot muss then hair and 8011 the r clothes cons der the equally unmense react10n of the maturely artistic bemgs who fill"' the and crusheJ t~ a c isd anc ~l~er 1 when no one b 1t himself ca 1 see the sai e authonzed nse of chloral Th s time tbe I hats so and as true of Canada as the ti ls fact upon the development o{ the re stud ea with photographs of Greek frag was tlien m xeda !~~~a~~r er .Ill~ e ~ th 1 f( at one t1me and the mq u s t ~ e per ~~ en t e ichm was a g rl of 19 and the professed sons of both sexes who aystemat cally ask States b t ti en are the young fellows ex sources of the mother country We are so ments casts etchings by the newest etcher yea.st had de 0 t d th excuse n gomnia Chloral B no v sold by cl us vely to bla ne f6r such a state of thmgs' accustomc I to ti 11k of England as a dom bits of ch na 0 entoJ rugs and' ery c nous the surface !ass~eemo~ ice Aft c cdm~~o what the obJect is after havrn(( read it off Not by a long way On the contrary they nant power m then odern world and to see old brass candlestick~ the ton and ch efly to women It is do111g lhe challenge yeast w d th f' erwar s 1 the catalog es and looked at the accompany immense harm and its sale ougl t to be very are often v ct1ms to be pit ed qu te as n icli the record of her prowess shmmg so bnl cup soon passes irnay from the keepmg of yielded ~seruse ooid r eltusud ma~n':[ and mg c owd It was on the whofo a d seem ng as fools to be condemned In the first place liantly for so many generat10ns back that any house m a ] ubbc school where Bu:i. trom t w Y g fiesu an 1 Y as h er v~ carefully hedged round 1 crowd and a careful one betokenmg a 1 vely 0 the educat on they are gettmg mdisposes we are apt ti) forgot low subord i ate her thorne lB a popular and imitated character aut sho as ~husel ~tije~eia mo~t wit What a mercy it is to learn that low heel and a,pprec at1ve rnterest in sc1en e Sa d one <YeI tleman I never expected such a tl:iem for d rty labor 0 s toil It leads them post on was m the sixteenth century com But when we each resthet1 boys \\ e nass at 00 ~]~~ ehsthg es s 1~n~ ~l egfl er el shoes are de igueur for young children th nk that they were born for so nethrng pared with what it had become m the o ght out of the savage sta.tc mto hobbledehoy ed the v ew ~lgt eset resu s tu Y cond rb Th11t ls right 0 1d10t e fash10n fools But thro~g as this is I don t th nk anybody to be t Tl b b h d eenth The London of tQ day-a city of ho d The bigger boys at pub! c schonls e~treme ld tal yeas is no llljure Y why not make t de 1gueur also for young did lmt 1t shows "hat all th s teachrng n t er is may e eeause t e e ucation four mill on mhab tants-1s twice as large as are often terribly advanced and wl en th~er ex ceorime te hsame observer made a fur ladies and old also Are then feet not as s ba<l. and m 111 olesome 1 hat may be bit p n e subm tted a t t the schools is leadrng to Peop e a10 awak 1 a t t0 1 t q~o,n ~ precious and as beautiful as othen And mg to the value of the microscope and are the fact is all the same I here is not an Par s but m S r Wa ter Raleigh · time they are not worsh1ppmg the aunflo ver they of well washed ambitio\Js n eahamc but wi hes his son to Paris-a 01ty of four hundred thousand n ore vexmg themselves with the nddle of the havm froze /e ~0 ndense coh kan we cry out agamst the Chmese 1 1 1 beg rn10g to learn someth ng of the won get a tidy b t of edueat on so that he hab1tant1-was twice as large a· Lon Ion earth evolution agnosticism and all that it for Your n k ~ so tmass teb i8pt ders of the mv1s1ble world wh ch micro may earn The Pr ncess Lou se has got back to that h 8 bread without soihng his And this act serves to measure the change kmd of th ng Lati 'erses may not be free:ung Th~s s a \ empba ure JUd e ow acopy opens to us I wrnh there were more fingers Tien mothers and sisters heaven that has taken place m the relat ve weight what con1iervat ves fondly deem them and equally goo ,;~ emg use t ~ave poky 1 ttle place wh1cl by .xtreme cour time and space to show more subiects but bless them are born aristocrats and have of the two nat ons In the reign of Henry even cricket may is s sad become too ab refe re :hexpebmen 8 tre tesy and a wonderful stretch of imagmat1on 1 ~re~ s we cannot is called the cap ta! of all the Cauadas It ~hough the memory of Agmcourt but sorbmg a pursu t but either or both are mentat on yeast ebe t r~ oltom A very h ghly magp1fymg power could an awful horror of the idea of son or brother TIU old better than precoc10 1s freethmkm11 and sac Sl b t ti.. t u ere is no reason o is to be hoped that she will not be so bored Therr a century 0 not be shown owmg to the constant tremor of th errs hemg a b ase mech amca1 Ill'SUR} D RESPECI ]OR l!NGI AND nfice on the altar of the Beautifu{' .A b pp se a stmllar rest lts voul<l be ob as rumor says she w s m former days and b ig tamed w bl top :veast ef the tables and t he msuffi iency of 1llumm souls loathe the s nell of sweat and therr f that the Becky 8ha.rps of Ca.1 adian Society oy who is tacklmg Haeckel or composmg at1on D.r 0 B Parket' howe er m one eyes turn away with disgust. from grimy rom am htary pomt of view she was dis will be mere ful and give her a rest f·ces and horuy hands They bl· sh for · d1strnctly rated as a second class )10wer mi elais m playtime 1s lomg bnnself no good Th B the m croscopes on the table I agnified an w · ~ h d th F ranee or S pam or t h e and is worse than use1 e rida.l Robes for the Burial ~hroud ess t o t h e soc ety of Cookery 1s one of the fine arts and s great obJect al out 3 000 diameter· bit not with boy that learns a trade as if he had com w en compare w1 The church of the Jmmac ilate Concep ly to be prefen ed to all the lia ntmg andi mitted the unparqonable offence and arc Empire In Elizabeth s 101gn the victory whwh he rs a member The small boys ,~ho nerfct ·a 1sfact10n tmn Baltimore was thronged with socreGy sure to make nasty remarks about h s low over the Span sh .Armada greatly raised her are the most 11rdent of hero worshippers boctry Ill tl e world M rders not a few It is p obable that non of the other m tastes and mean ideas v; hen sweet heart prest ge Durmg the eVII days ot the St arts either despise him or they allow h m to ad folks recently to witness them pt als of MuJ!l strumen attempted more tha:i 500 diam mg t me comes ro md it s the same thmg her power Ill reased rapidly though the dress them m chanB<>ne royaux and respond Mary GI'. ffith daughter of the late John A are the resu t of a bad state of culture in. eters S xty four microscopes of all sorts Wha.t take up with a mere carpenter or I fore gn pohcy of these vile and dAtesta.ble with trebles m ir olets At present a great Griffith a former leadmg merchant of that th s re pect and dr nkenness will die under the bemgnant sway of a lvanc g cookery and sJZ·~ were there rang ng from the have The bnde is a In Boston they are g011g mto the work 3 stmkmg blacksmith come to our tyrants was such as to cover the name of many boys leave school pass three years oc city and Mr V1v1an Neale Jumbo of Dr Layton two mches an<l a parties That would be too much of a Joke England w th shame before the world But four at theumvers1t1ea and go back as ma.sters beautiful young woman of about twenty one prnct ca ly A thousand hot sekeepers have half 1 h~1oht to the magnificent rnstru And so the mechan 0 is sent to Coventry between the t me of Cromwell and tl e tm e to the place where some of their old sci ool and for th" past two sea.sons has been a pledged themselves tog ve '5 a year to sup ~nt shown hy Dr A Y Moore There and the bank clerk with almost no brans of the elder P tt-between l6;i0 and l "50- fellows are still pup ls It is through these belle in Balt more soc ety Tl e Rev John port a school of cookery and to employ only was a so a 1mc oscope of the last century the law clerk w th no coppers '1nd the the growth of the phys cal power of Euglauu very young masters perhaps that ad A Maloney performed the maruage cere those who have cert ficates of profic10ncy exh1b ted The list of rnbJects is a long book keeper with no pro pects but of mean was so prod1g1ons as to make her rnd sput vanced speculations and tastes get mto the mony from the m~t tut1 n Tl at 1s the way to one :ind it JS p,spec1ally hard to seloot Three years ago ~hen M ss G 1ffith was set abot t 1t Ihe cost of mstruct on is from prnchery take the cake Can any body ably the foremost of c1v hzed nat10ns schools where however excellent m them any to de cribe as they are all ·o mterest "onder lll such c re mstances that boys n C nc 1mat1 she fell down a fl ght of ·tairs $10 to $20 and surely th s modest sum Now this prod g ous growth of the power selves they are rather out of ple.ce Indeed .lP&' crowd nto the cleanly but ill paid and de of Englar.d between 1600 and 17<.>0 was the very young though usually earnest in and rece ved miunes wh ch we1e cons dered could oe ra sed by everybody without d1ffi .Che first one wort! y of mention was callings and leave the haid work largely due to her commercial intercour·e his work must be a eage mde"d if he can fatal Several physicians called to see her c 1lty shown by Dr V'i B Renzer It 1s the cir pendent and the sol d fot nda.tion se\ erely alone~ w1Jih the coloa1es ~he lad planted lll .Am avoid talkmg to the elder boys about the and pronounced her case hopeless She PeopJo..are-very often w se bel11~d hand 1ulat 01 of the blood m the web of a frogs TRUTH does not It 18 a pity that there er1ca Their mtluence on the trade and problems that interest him and so forcmg afterward grew much worse fell mto a com espec 4lly Ill the matter of fire The good foot The unfortunate batrar>han was sho ld be s ch a stite of feel ng hut as manufactnr s of Enuland had bEen enormo s their mmds mto ptecocions"att1tudes The atose state and as i was thought died eat ght last October and has been rmpr son there is Jet the boys not be bordened wtth The exports to the colo01es m 1775 were advantage o! Eton boys used to e perhaps The body was preparnd f r b rial. and Jay folks iµ Pembroke had surtk mto a Sort 0£ ed ever s 1 ce bemg fed e' ery two weeks on all the blame Just look at tl e fate calico equal to the whole export trade of England 1s still tlut they came up to college abso for two days m a casket On tl e day ap easy gouJg style of domg thrngs as they a piece of beafsteak 1all Everybody k OW· that a goodly num 111cludmg the colomes m the first year of l 1tely destitute of ideas mtellects were pomtea for the funeral when the carr ag011 were quite sure that there never would be any fire worth while They cried out that ABOUT AS DIG AS A FEA l er of those who tl\ere fignred as gentle- the century wh le the growth of 10d1v1dual quite fallow and they made astomsl ii:ig pro and hearse were at the door JUSt as the a steam fire eng ne would be dreadfully ex The mual methods of ke~p ng then st ll men of the 19th ntu y are hopelessly n settlement may be estimated by that of g ess "hen they bent tlte1r fresh and t n coffin was bemg closed it was notrceCi that pensive an l that rt was quite certam that it But too many the I feltke appearance of the supposed \\ould scarcely ever be used Well they wh le beIUg exammed is to chloroform them arrear with their tallors and that their Pennsyl ama wh chm 1772 took m nearly wearied mmds to study or miect cnrara hypodermtcally a Souto landladies nay ti 1 k themselves foitunate fifty times tl e amou t of British imports boys now leave school with settled opm ons corpse beca.mo more pronot need and there have had tires of such a characte1 that the American p01son but this one was put if there are no overdue accounts But what which t consumed In 1704 But the effects uerivcd from the very latest tl mg ont f on we e slight signs of returnmg v bal ty !\. losses me rred would ha e bought all the under the nfiuence of morphme very sue can the poo fellows do? If they tried any of tlns direct ntercaurse between England the newest German pess1m1st 01 Amer can pl ys ma waR called and after an hour or fire ext ng sh ng apparatus ten tines over other ~o/,e they would assuredly lose caste and the colomes great as they were were socialist It may h:iwever be argued that so Miss Gr lith returned to consc ousness cessf ly 'And now they meet m double qu ck t me Professor John Bolton sho\\ed some very Rad ant tl ough no very sensible beauty surpassed by the effects whwh the colomes idea.s of these sorts are like meas es and The solemn g:t hermg was turned mto one and resolve that engme hose a id ladder 8eaut1ful feat! ery crystals of gold and a would not cont nue to ram smilM ipon them wrought upon England througl the plan ta that it is better to take them early and be of JOY '.1he g rl recovere l and has smce shall be purchased~ without further delay Sugar Mr done for ever 1here 1s a ct no s fact m been n better health than ever before tongue of a whelk by pola1 zed light tha~ fro n carnage w ndows or 11 street promen t10ns ID the \Vest Indies And that s all right Im t had t been doneades The sfony stare would be immedi Speaker cried W lham Pitt one dav as I e the boy sh character which seems at first was quite well mounted sooner t would have been a great sa mg of ------~~----·-~--Ma.nklnd s Mistakes Dr George C Russiil showe 1 how -the ately put m reqmsitio and soc ally they rose to address the Ho 1se of Commons and sight to make good the opm on t at puvate bother hves and cash Wonder liow the would be sla 11 TRUTH IS sorry for them as some frivolous men hers began to laugh educat on at home is the ti ue netl od It s a m1efake to labor when you a1e not folks got msurance at all' tr1ch na co led up m the muscle of man Dr N odme h td a large nu nbe1 of sect10ns but till they get more back bone and the r at th s comnion place exordmm the great Before tl ey go mto the school life many ma fit cond tion to do so To thrnk that The poor boardmg house keepers get of the human eye that were exceed ngly Ill mothers their sisters their sweet hearts orat:>r after \\ attrng a mon ent agam une 1 little fellows of nme or so are e he nel y the more a person eats the l ealth er and their cousms and their aunts get more Sugar I m such portentot s tones that on ma! 1magmat1ve and aln ost poet cal st;cn~er I e w 11 becon e To go to bed at many a hard rub They are said to be this terestmg sensti thmgs will have to remarn as they those who sat and listened They are fon<l of books fond of nat e and mJdmght and r seat d11.ybreak and imaf'me and and that bad They steal and cheat Mr H 0 Gaylord dealt a severe blow to the C'ause of temperance I y the subJect are and the ornamentalm the world g work FELT THEJR HEARTS KNOCK AGAINST THEIR if you can Wm their confidence will tell yot Vfiat every hour ta! en from sleep is an hour bad do a good many nat ghty thlll!!"S that era be preferred to the useful and mdispens RIBS all sorts of pretty thoughts and Jan ies gamed To imag ne that 1f a hctle \\ork or can t be " ell called by too bad names The of h s microscope which wai< the oru;amsms I exe c1se is good v olent or prolonged exer hash they prepare for the poor young m~n filte1ed from tie water supply '.rhere was able La.dies you understai d? You are and were convmced w1tho t any further which he allout them m their mhncy. yourselves the greats nners m brmgmg tnen pailej that sugar rather than the 1:10 was have known a l ttle boy who liked to be on cise is better To conclude that the small ~ 1ust dreadful and the w,i,y the time hon a confused mass of all so ts of v ggld tails 'ltnd whatucallums which looked unap mto competition w th tl e other sex for the real entre of the_ solar system The the grass and to people the alleys and glades est roOI n the house is large enough to sl~ep ored cat is blame I for the d sappear pet z ng enough but a hope sprung up anew n ce easy b smeS'ses "ith clean s rro md ph losophlc histl)nan who has come too late of that mm ature forest w th far es and rn '.J:o eat as if you only had a mrnute to ancs of victuals IS very ft nny of course Bui; when It was known that they are unable to 1 gs and you thus secure that the weaker mt!Ythe world to have listened to the elo dwarfs whom he seemed actua ly to see n ficnh the meal rn or to eat without an ap there is anotl er side to all this and a very hve when the water has mfused m'lt a little go to the wall and men milliners and qnence of the greatest of modern 0rntors a kmd of vision But he went to school } e pet te or contin e atter 1t has been satisfied mportant one and f that side were looked alcohol 01 m vulgar parlance has a fly m masculrne dealers m r bbons a d femm ne will nevertheless be quite ready to admit rnstantly won the nundred yards race for n erely to sat sfy the taste To beheve that to as it ought to be 1t would be found that furbelows rile thi! roost 8a l ! (}f course the supreme importance of the West India boys under twelve and he came back a children can do as much work as grown peo pe1hapsthe poor board mg hou~em1stresses are t .J,\llr M Rogers whO had the next table it 18 sad b t agam TRUTH begs m fa rness sugar trade durmg the se enteenth and young barbatian mterested m the theory ple and that ti e mo1e hou s they study the mo1 e srnned agamst than s nnmg .Are i(here How ~reat the m of to 1ch (at football) curious m the art of more they learn Io imag ne that whatever no rough unmannered and most conscience <:'bnfi med h s statement by showmg the not to lay all the blame on the l ly hvered eighteenth centur es portance of the plantat10ns was to Europe bowlmg and no more capable than you or I re nedy ca sea one to feel 1mmed ately bet less boarders Is there no such ti mg as i!crnble Cyclops Qoadncorms nfestmg Lake yonn'( men who '\'\Ill rather live on red he Re ter (as alcoholic st mulants) s good for tne rur n ng off and lea mg the poor strugglmg ~ e~ which dies happy when rt is caughtm r ng· if 80 be they can work :with their m general may be Jndged of from the fact of seerng fames m a green meadow coats on than en roast beef a d all the that at tile time f the French R~vol 1t on was caught up mto the a r of the boy s sy8tem w ti out rega <l to the outer effects one m the lurch JUSt when she w11.s reckon tlie watersupply Mr Jam as He I showed some bea 1tift 1 tnmilllngs if they have to strip to the Franca drew as much wealth from the s ngle world and h s imagf,llat on was n abeyance To take off proper clothmg out of season mg on that money to pay the gas bill · Is This IS a common eno gh bE.cause you have become heated To sleep it not poss ble that the poor boardmi;: house Polyc1stma m nute shells from B rbadoes struggle 1 ke men p opl soon learn to island of San Dommgo as England drew from for a season It tlung and rather a melancholy spectacle to exposed to a direct lraught 10 any seaso1 keeper has seen better days and that the _.,ach abon t as b g as a dull p n po i t and a prefer dabblmg n margms lo s and shares Ind a or Spam from Mexwo and Peru One IS tempted to be! eve that To thmk ti at any nost um o patent med1 heartless fellows take a malicious pleasure m twe plate of 400 diatoms wh ch cost the m spools of cot on and lace decked was est mated that e\ery Engl shman em behold chemi~es to heavmg tha hammer or dnving ployed m the plantations furmshed work school causeA the loss of a good deal of cme 1s a spec fie for all the d seases flesh s makmg the iron enter her soul JJon t they tr flmg sum of $60 sit ip half the mght and burn o 1 and ga& Mi L A Wilson exh1b1ted some very tl e engrne and why not when all that tor four pairs of hands at 1ome so that gen us and that the iifmall boys who lea\ e he r to -Sa ta y Record till any hope for her trouble is out of the finely nounted crystals of s gar and sal cyhc they count fashion and regpectabil ty say early n the e ghteen I century one seventh home poets and come back barbarians have quest10n? Don t they have drunken orgies, Fluctuations In For·une acid by polar zed light obtammg some gor unammously that this is exactly what of the entire popr la.ton of Eogland were de been wasted But on the other hand if pendent upon the \Vest Ind a trade vf l they had been kept at home and enco iraged geo s effects The crystals of sugar are ought to be ?_'l 010 to Truth The marshals of Napol on Bonaparte were and b (;ak furn ture msolently offermg to ocoup ed very much such a place m those the chance are that they would ha\e blos par 1c larly ha1d to mount generally men of humble origm they ca.me pay damage though they know a mended days as the cotton a1 d iron 1 anufa t re8 somed mto mfant phenomena and iothmg ti ug s 1 ever so good as it was before Bank Shares as Investments Dr Dayton rad some beautiful fernshaped occupy m our own t1 e But this immense better Tl e awf I mfancy of Mr John up fro n the ranks The Bame may be said 1 heres many a decent aye and honest A great many people are under the m erystals of copper and a number of otber of many of the most noti>d Amencans of the developement of the West India tiade wu8 D&uart Mill is a standmg '\'\armng -001 iZill obiects of mterest among which was one press1on that 01 e of the best a rd safest ways la.st half century .Abra.ham I ncoln was a woman toiled off her feet nd cheated at set of :E asoldt s mrnrometer rulmgs on glass for them to rnvest any loose cash they may rendered possible only by the agr ultural Mag zne rail splitter Andrei\ Johnson an illiterate every t rn by bank clerks and la" students, ----------------and then ca.Heu everythmg that Thes del cate 1 nes are from 1 2 000 to ha} pen to possess is to put it mto bank developen ent of the .N ortl .A ne 10an culu tailor who was taught his letters by his etc et es ln the course of the year tl e English Chinese Shrewdness 1 151 000 of an nch apart and are cut by a shares and II e comfortably on the div1 West wife James A Garfield as a boy held the is bad when she has the presumpt10n to ask: Indies diamond planmg tool whose feed i regu dends There never was a greater delusion rhe ~ice of ga nbl ng has such a strong rems of a mule to tow a canal boat Jay for ~hat she has toiled for and by w h1oh even DID NOT RAISE A SINGLE DAYS DINN.EI when she gets 1tshe is but very poo ly Jila1d'>' lateu by a m crometer screw an l although Of al the plans for mvest ng money that of but the American colon es fed them w bile hold upon the Ch neae that the)" will play Gould commenced as a cow boy in Columb a We !in short have great sympa~hy with a it s as yet mpossible to see the fines Imes bank shares is about the most risky and i.P for money despite the best efforts of the County New York and when 1 e first came they devoted all the r energ es to magmfy great number of lodgmg house keepers the end will be found the most unsat1stdC the} are believed to be there ng beyond precedent the lucrat ve commerce pollce to suppress. the gam s F very t me to the metropohs 1t was to sell a patent There are bad ones no doubt among them, 1J Allen Y Moore had on exh1b1t1on tory It is a great deal worse than puttmg of an arrest lB !rlll>do Ill the Chmese qua.vter for mouse trap James R Keene drove a milk England 80 important did this com nme microscopes with a vaned ass01 t ner t the needful mto any smgle md1v1dual s merce become m its effects upon Er glish v olat on of the gambling law and a con "aggon m Sacramento Ruh s Hatch com but not nearly to such an extent as is some t mes said Let them bear their fa1 share of subJects the most mterestmg of which busmegs of ordmary busmess capacity and v ct1on follows the accused and the r moncod his career by sellmg Garden :;a s askmg him to take the management for somety that it rarned the cornmerc al class te friends watch the case closely to ascertam D Appleton kept a country grocery store of the blame but don t for pity s 1iake let was somethmg Ike an equality with the great them get it all for that they don t dese~e T.HE J LOOD 0.11 A QONGO SN"AKE these bank sl ares are regularly made the what endence tho o:fllccrs secured 11.nd m Henry Villard was a ten dollar a week re subjects of gamblmg by those who thmk landed propriE>tors gave support to the pol what manner an entrance mto tne gambling porter H B Claflin was a Vermont school -'1 oronto '1 ruth so s a ned that the bloplasm of the cor they know a thing or two and are deter t cal doctrmea of the Whigs ar d durrng the place was effected This they do for the teacher the parents of Charles 0 Connor w,i.scles 1s colored a bnlhant gree r "h le ti e m ned to make money at the expense of long ancl 1 eneficent m mstry of Sir Robert purpose of guardrng m the future agamst were very poor Irish people Peter Cooper Died of Surprise pert] aery is red This process was first the r easy gomg and less expert neighbors Walpole qu te transformed the ge1 era! tone surpriae by the pohce Recently a case was was a hatters apprentice and Wm H Van At one of the hotels the other day a drum usea by Dr Moore Another beautiful shde while the usual managers are ne ther better of English pol t1cal thol ght Through such d silllssed agamst gamblers who were tr ed derbilt durmg all his early hfe a poor sho ed the fruct1fication of ferns busmess men than mne tenths of all em a complicated network of circums ances d d m one of the pohce courts because the farmer on Staten Island Every locality m mer went to settle his weekly bill which he D B 0 Parker had on hrs table a num ployed on the r own account norm any way England between the days of Cromwell and officers had fa led to disoover the implements this country has its rich and famous men thought amounted to seven dollars and a. her of preparat ons showmg the ba tena rn nearly ~o cautions Then if the thmg go the days of Pitt acqmre commercial and used m the game uf chance-an md spen who commenced hfe without any advantage half 1heclerk told him it was only seven dollars consu 1 pt on and other d1~a~es and a spec1 to the bad the shareholders are responsible mar1t1me supremacy Ill the woild But for sable hnk m the cha.m of endence to se m the way of parentage or fortune .Am t your rates seven dollars and a men of the charmmg httle vermm the Sar to the depositors for dot ble their shares the American colomes no such r~sult could cure a conv1Ct1on The Chmese havmg ob half per week~ asked the drummer eopet a Homm1· which imbeds itself m the while 1fthey hand their money over to any ha\1'0 been wrought But for them England tamed knowledge of th1e pomt m their Immense Forest Growths They are sk n and causes what ig kno\\n rn c rcles man engaged m busmess m whose capacity could not have dictated the glor OU8 t1eaty favor at once set themselves to devise is stated that there are no less than Don t you itdvert1se your rates to be sev wl re 1t. flourishes as the itch The bac1ll they have confidence 1f they lose the de of 1763 or have become the mistress of tlte means to have the evidence put out of the 40iit 000 squa1e miles of almost unbroken m erculoris or cons impt10n l ave a peon posit they lose no more Let any poor fel seas-Jolll!FISKE n Har1ers MaqamHM way when oflicera enter the premues In forests in :North Carolma.-pme chestnut en dollars and a half mquired the drum ~ liar ~rm from which they get their name low who has little busmess capacity Jl st for Ma1 bbis way they have been very successful oak maple beech and h ckory timber m bac llus 111 Latm meanm? a stick or cane try to th nk how bank shares are bemg for w1thm a few weeb Sergeant Birdsall their nnest growth W thm the next ten and tl ese look something like knobbed made du.,ks aad drake of every day- how ltevtvlng a Word and his men have raided a l!uge number of years it 1s estimated that the t mber alone cane· lhey are mvanably present 1 the at any time they may go up like rockets The word splendiferous is berng re gambling and lottery places m everv one m North ()arolma will exceed m value 'Qloo<l and sahva of consuix pt ves and come down Ike st icks without the ..-1ved It '\'las formerly a word m good of wh ch they found a number of Oh nese the present total valu11tion of all the pro M 0 N): Vorce among many other Ill shareholders proper know ng anythrng about usage meanmg from its derivatwn splen who appear to be as mnocent as a number of perty m the State mcludmg land The te sung things showed a p geo l post fil n it and they will think t~ ice before they dor bearmg but of late years has been Sunda.y school children Y Mterday Officer lilt&te e;rows nmeteen varieties of oa.k and used n the s ege of Paris These di,l cate embark in such an unhealthy mvestment rarely heard except from the hps of gushmg Travers while ase1stmg to raid a lottery its p111e forests arE> of the heaviest New films cqntamrng whole newspapers 1mcro Every day bank shares are bemg put m as school girls who apply it md scnmmately shop 111 Ja,ckson Street m which we e two rai I oads are now in co11rsc of constrnct1on scop c n tbe r letters were sent by carrier collateral secur t es to th s bank and that to sun sets and chocolate drops The argu Ohmamen but no eT deuce of a lottery m and this will open up the whole region to pig ons when twas 1mposs b e to get m or with ten per cent of margin A shght dip meuts advanced for the rev val of the word sight, ace dentally overturned a small wood the northern and ·stern timber markets ou' of the besteged c ty dnrmg the Franc I) with the nab hty of the speculator to keep m its correct sign ficance are that 1t is a en b nch and as it strn·k the floor the top Prus a war V\ hen these were received the margm and the whole deposit s thrown picturesque and expressive adJect1ve that flew off d1sclosrng a sha low drawer m Candor they v. ere throwL upon a screen by means on the mark.et and down go tlie shares of rt is formed m accordance with phliolog1cal which had been stored lottery tickets of au oxy hydrogen m croEcope a.ud .:ver e the bank perhaps a.ll round In short a laws and that t has been used by the best Chmese mk and brushes lhe top of the Housemaid- It does my heart good to read by the multit:ude man to day may thmk he has $10 000 and wuters ot Engl sh All of which are splen bench was so arranged tl a,t 1t could be ra.1sed see you and the baby together Its a It is 1mposs ble to enu nerate all tl ere to morrow he may have only $8 000 and diferous reasons for restorrns: it to our die the ev11ence thrown mto the drawer the p ett{' p ctuie Sure and le s the 1ma.ge of mru ma subjects as they "ere all equally next week perhaps not that and all because t10na11es -DetrOtt Ohaff, top replaced and faste11ted by a spr ng lock you 11 te estmg but tl e exch bit of l ev J 11bez s mply the market has been beared or Fond Mothe - But they all sa.y that he n such a manner that no one would sus lial l demands especutl notice .A 1 ttle am bulled as the case may be by the gam p ct that it could be raised The officers looks like his father Mary Housema1 1- Bless you soul mum he s n al cal ed the hydra was sl own m water bler· who make then· hvmg out of the The Prmcess leu1se has had hei troubles then v sited a number of other lottery shops with other organ sms on which 1t prnys groen ones .A celebrated bank magnate smce they ente ed upon her career as the an~ go,mbl ng places and fo nd m each a not half good lookmg enough fo1 that Life Bot! k nds the vondis 01 g een and the has h11d it down as an axiom that people wife ot the Canadian Governor General bencl fitte<l p n the manner descr bed fusca o bro ;vn were exhb1ted Tl ey look who don t know should rest satisfied with Sl e has been bored by tl e vulgar pretent1ou S&,rt Fraru;uco Gall 1 .A sermon at a rev1v 1 serv ce at Roms so what hke a cuttlefish as they have a mortgages and not meddle with bank soc ety of Ottawa half killed by stupid dr v v lle Pa sent Jesse Wilhelm to an nsane n n ber of ten tac es or arms set around tl e sh11.res Spoken as a perfect Dame! and if 10µ; - ren lered desperate by tl: e dr nl en Queer Effects of a Lightning Bolt asylum The mihrnter said tl at all mem mouth a d they are mcessantly n mot10n s ngle ladies and stupid. unbus ness hke men orgies of those who were thougl t to be gen How He Loved Her and seemed possessed of almo~t mfimte w th al ttle money wh ch they cant maim tlemen and now nea.rl:y roasted alive m her The fierce I ghtnmg and thunder st01m of bera of the Reformed and Luthern Churches It was a httle boy who was asked by his cvere con lemned to eternal pumshment elashmty as they stretch out after theu to fructity by their own exert ons would only Island home to say no th ng of threats about Thursday mght playe 1 strange fieaks m prey and the body of the an nal is now as take the hmt it would be all !he better for throwmg he and her ht sband sky high m the ies1dence of Mrs C \V J ennrngs of Wilhelms mother and SJSter bad d1ed".ln that mot! er tl e other day the 9Jd old quest10n Ho\\ much do yo love me· shm as a shoe strmg and now as ro md as a all concerned Mortgages may yield lower order to r ght the wrong of Ireland There Greeneville The bolt struck on the roof faith A.1 d ti e answer was cheiry It is all stomach and ca 1 ve just mterest but they are safer e~ery way and 1s not a r ght thin! ng mo,n or woman m makm a bole lsrge enough for a man to It is always n order to keep at the neoes Oh I love you so much mamma as as well wrong side out as ngl t If one of it s a poor look out whe!l. an mvestor CanaCla aye or on th s Continent who 1s not crawl through shattering eon:e of the oak s1ty for havmg good cookery and of tnc thearms be cnt off rt will grow to Joe a per sthmk he has a valuable and permanont heart ly s01ry for all these unpleasant mis rafters and shak ng up the chimney so that equal and antecedent necessity for i.rood much tl at I don t feel well 1t makes me feet co nplets hydra and it mc eases by representative of so much ca.ah to haps o,nd who does not most smcerely wish it will need exteos1 ve repaHs From the at cooks Bad cookery let it be said for the s ck buddmg Dodg ng round 1 ke a drop of find some fine morn ng that rt las that henceforth her sOJOUm m this western t o it ma.de its wa.y down between the pla.s. hundre Ith t me 1s at the bottom of nme Actors and Elep1!ants wate on a l ot stove was a little son ethmg been turned nto a mere 121ece of waste pa world may be a3 p easant and as tree from termg and clapboards without dlsturbrng a tenths of the dyspepsia gomg and of fully When a tragedian of the old school ·tar which dodged the waviog arms w th the t pe or somethmg worse Bank i:g m"'y be any mi hap as she could possibly des re lath until It reached tl e s nk p pe when it 01 e half 01 all the dr nkenness If womeu most alac11ty b t the hydra s elast city has all very well safe honorable and all that b rst through the clapboard! near the ground could only cook their household s food pro r ng ma country to :vn complamed of play Nearly all tie German carp placed m the It followed the water p pe under ground until perly what a d1tfe1ence there would be mg to qt arter houses a sympath zmg friend probably by this tune been too much !or rt but as thmgs go mveetmg m bank shares and it 1s no more Thrn m c scope was 1s abo 1t the riskiest busmess The man po11ds and lakes of Lafayette county Mo it reached the mam m the street and shat Dear good housewn es of every iank try lamented tl at M1 Irv ng should happen to Irvmg I ex quite a favorite from the first because st who knows that he does not keep his last yea died dur ni.r the wrnter Tins was tered it The occupants 0£ the room direct t and keep try ng at t till you succeed he there at the same ti ne 111 star against was alive and many we10 the spec ilat ons weatl:c"r eye always open had better give probably O\\ mg; to the fact that the own ly under theroohvhere the first entrauce was .tlusba.nds and sons a10 curious an1!Dals ula me l tt e tragedian hazadad as to whether it enJoyed itself or the whole thmg a wide berth till as the e1s 01 thept>nds failed to cut air holes m the made were unaware that the bolt lfa(f struck rheir hearts are to be reached through him anywhere but who can star aga.mst 12 not At any rate the v s1tors enjoyed look banker atoresa1d may p,hrase rt he is a ice the house until the ram which entered their stomachs sure And good cookery is pt:uformmg elephants - ( kambe s Journal at t end it Elbowed no symptoms of strange Il;tle better up to snuff Ma,ny a man who thmks himself a person through the hole admomshed them that econom cal Why one half of all the food fnght It is to be hoped that the Micro t.,:j ··...,_ _ __ The taste for mahogany red terra cotta, of note 1s not so far out of the way He may somethmg was wrong -New London (Oomi ) purchased is allowed to run to waste through seop1C'al Soo1ety can be prevailed upon to Red m all shades will be much worn this same stupid bungling in the kitchen and br1ok colored glons 18 on the wane DU/!/ be a natural or a flat 4 NIGHT ~~ \VONDER I Jr I r d dt/ d cl t 1 Yi:s e: c 0 ·------·- - -- I