things seemed to have come to an uni1m~ly and, under their mcogruous head dresRes, The Amrmatton Bill. FASHION NOTES end, and the children were monarchs of all the little faces shone with delight, and the The defeat of the Affi1 mat10n Bill 10 t he they surveyed until the day when Mr little t ongues chattered asthough they never Or:uige and flame colors ID vun1sh10g ef· Impenal House of Commons g rves mt1ma-· w oodstock was expected to return wou Id tn e are seen m many of the new silks e.nd Mr ·woodstock, as he tranquilly smoked t10u of as much bigotry and h umbug as fects ' We will make the most of our last hoh novelty goodd day, my babies ' declared Kitty af ter his 01ga1, and leant his elbows on the wall, could be wished, and a great deal more t han Cat s are the most fa.sh10nable a111111als at breakfast " When the Great Bear comes was ~n Jnll view of the pretty little scene it is at all pleasant to contemplate Tnere back tins evenmg we shall all have to be on The sw·1et autumnal sunsh10C< filtered down can be no doubt about Bradlaugh bemg a present aud cat head and cat paw orn 1ments worthless fellow, for whom 1t is a p1t1 poor, are 111 lllgh favor our best behavior, so let us make hay while thronl{b the heavy laden branches, btrds the sun shmes" sang, vowes rang kindly, and naughty tul thmg that anyone shoulcl con tend rn Mermns are ag11111 m fa, or and, combmed The children opened their round eyes very Kitty, unconsc1ou· of the eyes that were either one way or the other His theoret1 WHh velvet bid iau to in al cloth for dressy wide upon her was her own natural and happy cal and practical atheism is the least of his otrect costumes faults He has a great ti: eorettcal horror ' The sun is shm1Dg, said little Blossom, self .An eccentric fancy is to cut t he ends of solemnly " But you know Kitty, all the Stephen had almost forgotten poor little of m rr1age, and he fully carries out t his ribbon bows, strmgs and sashes m to hay ' O.ij made, oh, long ago '" Laura ID her bamshment until some word of horror m practice I n fact, the unsavory all long forks or notches " J at s all you know about tt 1 ' cried Kitty s-who was puttmg asiae for her her character of the man hes at t hd bottom 0 1 But then as Kitt~ i.tly, "Just wait and see 1 share of good thmgs-renu~ded him of his most of the trouble Brown and dark, almost mvmble, green "V\ f , will a great bear come this even promise He chm bed on to the wall aDd Gladstone contends, all this does not affect are favorite colo1s for sprmg wraps, when o the p rm01ple m volved The mere recogm oolen cloths mg ' c.eman:ied Mmme, who had been pon prepa1ed to drop mto the ornhard with as tion of the existence of a Div1mty such as de1 mg m silence o'er this half of Kitty's 1Jttle noise as might be L arge puff crowns and platted brims are Ep1cmus could acknowledge, or the g reat 1 apeech " I am afraid of bears ' ··Oh, Kitty, cried Rhoda, smffing the features m some o[ the most becommg sprmg " So am I - d1eadfully I' declared Miss apple scentea, " what a smell of cigars 1 est rt probate could profess to patromze will bonnets Ma1Joribaoks, laughmg and blual m g too I hope no one is commg here to take you uot be a safeguard to rd1g10n and \\ill 11ot shield a nation irom the righteous d1splea· The new w raps, perelmes, scarfs, d )!mans " But this bear does not btte , he only I away 1 sure .>f Hea\ en The most unmornl persons and v1s1tes, are all made bouffant on the top growls Kitty's face changed ' Will he growl at us ' asked fat ltttle " It 1s Mr., perhaps and Tiora, come and t he most ostentatious unbelievers hav" of tho shoulders always been t he readiest to take any num The long nurse apron front, \11th panmers Patty te look after us, she said m,. '~ bisper "But ber 01oaths, and to mak., anynuml>er of ac above it rotind the hips, 1 s a favont e style "u~,tldren, pray don t be so trouble "e won't be round 1 Let u~ all run and hide kuowledgements of a fait h t hey do not pos tor sprmg coitumes some mterrupted Dora m her plamt1ve m the summer house until th~y are gone 1 Res·, !\nd a i evereDce t hey have ne ' er fel t httle '01ce "You knoVI it is all nonsense Don t make any noISe 1 Embr01de10d costumes of blank c:i.sihmere about bears There are no bears Ill Eng She set fat little Patty down on the 11rass It was thus at the time or Cathohc Eman will be still more dressy with trnnmmgs of cipa.t1 00 What shrieks there wei e about land Kitty dear -~he turned to her friend The children began scam permg off to the the new sou tache laces with soft reproachwh Lt if they were to summer house with t he pillows and shawls the country betrJg l'rotestant 1 It was so L arge palm leaf patterns apprar m m· repea t wha.t you have said to Mr Wood with much suppressed laughter ' whe11 Jews wexe admitt ed to Parliament volved designs, covermg ~h~ entire Burface stock ? Children are always t ell1Dg tales, ans\ " Oh, make haste, make hast.e, Kitty I · Th e "country then was Christian I And of c:i.shmere broches of the finest q uaht.i. he .,m1gh t noi hk~, it cried Blossom, rn an agomzed whisper from now the same unreasonmg cry is raised that the country is t he1Bt1c a t any rate \\ hat Perhaps not, returned Kitty curtly t he summer house door One of the loveliest dresses fo1 midsummer "But are not all my efforts directed towa1d "It is Pattykms who wont let me run 1 · ever that may mean, and that the pillars of or sprmg festival we:i.r is of white veiling, domg what he will not ltke ' m another whisper "She 1s standmg on th" st ·te will be ~hakeo 1f an oath is dis closely dotted with silk btocade dot~ l thought perhaps you had changed your my shadow, and she wont get off-oh oh pensed with the s1g01tioance of which none Thp new fraises and ruches for the neck mmd, faltered the little thmg t1m1dly I o il what shall I do· ' ' even pretend to explam, and t he efficacy of * * * which ts as httle understood It was the are veiy wide and full, a.ud are nearly a yard "Why' ' Stephen Woodstocl.: to !tis Partne1 " Y ou seem not t o care so much about t he Little Patty croV1 ed and cfaped her hands, same th mg with rehgiou~ t~sts for office of lo ,g, so as to form it Jabot down the front L~dy Habberton cout111ues to wear and My dear httle Netley, Ned, g10ws posi ·comedy' as you did at first Mr Dare and while Kitty was trymg very hard to one kmd or another-always of course ac CHAPTER 111 - CONTINUED t1vely touclung m her anxiety that I shall thrnks that perhaps you wtll not care to pull her shadow from under th~ little danc companied wit 'i t he same blatant unre~son advocate her <l1v1ded dress skirt, m spite of rng outcry agamst ull opponents as the en ' Yes l ut '-there \\as now a httle gleam not misunderstand Miss MarJonbanks I go on \Hth it when Mr 'Woodstock comes mg feet, Mr Woodstock had t'ime to drop the disfavor shown 1t by the Princess of from lus perch an.d advance to Miss Mar em1es of morality, and the aspersors of the Wales of 1fu·.:;h1ef m Miss MarJ011banks velvet am afraid J understand the poor child only back Most H igh What have these people always dark e) es-' you forget that, if I were to ioo well, aud that there is trouble m store ' Oh does he ·' -Kitty drew up her whit e JPHbank s ·ide Corn flower and royal French blue, flame, ·· And he has been discussmg the 1he gal started violently at the sound )f forgotten m the midst of a ll their m sensate orange, gold yellow ox b1ood, and cardmal· teach vou how to flirt, you would ha' e it for her Why does that parntmg cad go off throat subJect \\ tth you Dora ? his voice, and a great bright blush Jeaped though ofteu no doubt, consc1enttolls shout' all t o ulllearn when -)Ulother little gulp- for days a t a stre ch, a nd leave her to fret red crop out m most of t he new fabncs ·Yes -simply "He knows how much m t ohercheeks It wascaused perhaps, by her mg ? I hat the sti ength of religion hes 10 ' we eir.e married her heart out about him, while she pre Aralnan saddle bags, resemblmg ~myrna. 111d1 v1dual con vict1011, and that the hypo I am m t erest ecl m for your sake andannoyance at being discovered rn so com t ' V\'by, can I not fttrt with }OU the11 as tends t o flirt with me and any other fellow 1 ·ugs, the loosely wcveQ Decca. and Bombay well as 110 w · who happens to turn up? Wh~ 1sn t he man and I thrnk you ltke Mr Woodstock better, promisrng a pos1twn-playmg with t he c1 1t1cal grimace ot pretended, but unreal, shawls and heavy Turkish \Haps of all kmd& ' How could auy one Jl.trt w1th-w1th his enough to stay and take care of her for I you know K itty dear Pei haps after all"- children and crowned wit h an absurd paper confornnty does moiu to destroy its power OVln wife? It would be no fun And - presume they are engaged ? I thmk I shall blushmg ~ good deal' _, you w;ll say c yes hat 1 What \\ ould Dickie Fox have said t o and pre\ ale ce than a.Dy numbc1 of opm as a1e now utilized as draprngs to low easy ' such rnuocent dn ers1on · K itty could not sault11 and any amount of outspoken and un chairs and sofas, t able co' era, and scarfs, with an arch smile- " I shall obJE>Ct of take a rnn up to town Ned, and see what when t he time comes and also for lambrequms, sofa cnshtons, and d1 sgu1sed abuse an~ blasphemy conrse to your fitrtmg with other mens Mr Angus .L>are .a about ' Did Angus suggest that possibility too·' help wondermg t1d1es These wraps are now sellmg at demanded Miss MarJoribank~ abruptly ' 'I hope I don t mtrude'-as Paul Pry Wl\ eS g1e:i.tly reduced rates and a 'Bag!lad " Ob, no, no 1 And you are not angry says, Stephen began, when he had aha\; en "Well I won't, if } ou don't flirt with the CHAPTER IV. shawl from L owell, Mass , made mto mantle Colds with me for tbmkmg 80, m" you, Kitty , I hands with Miss Ma.rJor1bank s-such a cold husbands lambregmn, table scarf, and t idy, with "Oh, that 1s quite different ' -"Indeed 1 1 M1 s Mar3onbank.s blushed for her own 10. am only a silly little thmg, of courne , but little hand she gave him I-and had m.;de The old proverb, "Feed a cold and starve frmge or braid for the edg s mcluded, 'IHll friends with th children a fever, is a m1sch1e1 ous fallacy, for with cost n o mor e than a lambrequm alone bought How' difference ab0t1t Angus Dares r eturn to 1t seemed to me that-' T iat I was begrnnm? to yield to Mr "Oh, no said Ka tty, shrnggmg her cold there 1s al\I ays fever, and the cold can ' Haven t I told you that I camwt exist 8outhlands Mr Woodstock had gone up ready made of the same Bagdad material as without ftirtmg And you know -hlush to town for a "' eek and Angus came back m Woodstock 8 fascmatwns· su~gested Kitty shoulders an<l puttmg on her D1ckte Fox not get well until the f<>ver subsides, and t he sha\\l mg 1edly m tb.e pretty half light- ' married the evenmg of the day on which Mr Wood turnmg a httle pale " Ihat J had so littl~ manner as well as she could o.t so short a t he lever will not r eadily su bside while the China crape neckerch1efa wi th bright women can lin t so much more audaciously stock had started fpr Lone.on K itty had self respect as to wish to bestow my affec notice " Anythrng 1s better t han be1Dg food supply is kept up W ar111th and abstrnen ce are · 1e best re flowers prmted on cream tmted, pa.le gm;;}, than girls .Men k:no\\ they don "mean any thought that it would be becommg on twns upon a man who take~ no to hide \>ored with ch1ld1en Tile sound of a mans es for colds, and should be applied Persian mauve, sky blue, and shump pmk thmg, you kuow, and-- ' her pa.rt to feel a h t tle agitated when the t he frank contempt he teels for me · And no vome-even a disagreeable one-is a. relief t'10d1 grounds \11th edgmgs of silk blond lace, the _ 'l..eee, ' s-a1d Stephen, gravely , "what a dog cart drove up to the deor o.nd her cousm wondf'r-- · '!he g irl checked herself Thank heaven, these little imps are all going promptly to msure favorable redults lot of thmgs a fellow has to learn who JU, ped down, lookmg very h.::.ndsome an<l ana added with an md1ffe1ent air "Yo~ home to morrow 1 Warmth keeps the pores of the skm open, patterns outlined witll silk fio~s of the color "How sorry Miss ~etlcy will be ' 'replied t hus r e 1 spent his lite m the Colomes ' Then Miss eaget He came up the steps mto the hall had bette~ wait and Judge for yourself evmg the system of the surplus se of the kerchief, are worn over evenmg dressDora ' St ephen, vravely MarJQpbanks, If I find after your lesson, holdmg out both hands cret10ns which oppress it abstmence cuts es of Indm silk muslin or Chma. crape, these She turned away and went smgrng aloud lhen he put m his plea for Laura s re off t11e supply of material winch makes dainty neck dressmgs matchmg 10 every that I cau t exist wrthout fl11tmg, I shall 10 Kitty held out one band for his two, and vanablv select marued women as my part spoke out man obstmately cheerful and com gaily mto the sunshm~ hall, but her heart l ·ase from durance v ile But Miss l\farJOrI phlei;cm, whwh would otherwise have to be case the shade of the dress over which they ners ID tne game monplace way to answer to his little was throbbmg, h er cheeks f!usbmg Miss banks coldly declared that she had nothmg ooughe<l up, thus raapmg the throat and irn are worn :rhP- corsage is cut square m the whisper of congratulation on her temporary Net ley's words had Jarred d isagieeably upon whateve1 to do with t t -that she had no tatrng t he au passag· s, if not laymg th e neck and qmte low, and the kerchiefs are K itty colored and bit h!'r hp 'If you had the farntest idea how to play release from the tortme of"i::l tephen Wood her happy mood of a few mmutes before doubt Laura richly deservea hat had be foundation for diseases ot the thioat and u~ed to veil the opemnll: thus made, g1nng She suddenly became aware-with some fallen her, and that she herself he.d been lungs, \\ h1ch are hable to endure to the an unusually dressy look to the casement or 1t, it you were not densely stupid she be stock s presence heart shaped corsage close of life gan ' you would not talk now· before we " Ball told me,' he explamed Ball snrprise and even alarm- that she had been plagued with them all quite long enougn "Come, ch1ld1en, she added with an ex The moment a person lll_.satisfied he has are m~1necl even of such a tlung You was the groom who had met him a t the sta lookm g for\\ard to Mr Woodstock s r eturn For breakfast -wear 'ery pretty and mex t\ evemng and the consciousness filled cellent reproduction of Miss Netley s man taken cold let hl.m do four t limgs ._ Vl<Ould tell me that you could never tire tion · pensive caps are made of ficelle net iii hauFrnsT - 'lake a foot bath as warm as it pm work with a ficelle lace bordermg Some of h'emg with me-that you could never " Yes, Mr Woodstock is gone " returned her with an uneasy sense of shame and mor nerto her s1Sters, ' r un away now mto the house Take your dolls and all that rubbish I can be comfortably borne, lettmg the feet of these are hned with bnght surah of a be· care to look at another woman w lule I \\as Kittv ma \\ ould be mo.tter of fact vowe, tification No argument-but go 1 r emam Ill the water ten to fifteen mmutes com1Dg shade, and other" ha' e narrow black · though she blushed as she spoke his name n the room The children s bught countenances fell * * SECOND -Go t o bea m a comfortable velvet ribbon run through the openmgs m Of course I mean when you were out of "And I dare say we should all miss htm very the room, put m Stephen hastily, and then much- he is so good natured - if it \\ er e not Mr Woodstock had been expected to re Little Patty put her finger mto her mouth room and cover up well the net with a cluster of velvet loops ou one he added, with a change of tone that sent a tor Mmnte and moss and fat ltttlc Pattykms t urn to Southla.nds m time for (l!nner but, and began to cry THIRD -Eat nothlDg side Except fo1 very old persons, black ' Oh, Kitty, pleaded Rhoda, " it 1sn t sudden odd little thrill through Kitty's her e wbo have come to cheer us up · Dora havmg fimshed whatever busmess had taken FOURTH -Dunk as much cold wate1 as lace is now seldom used for brnakfast caps vems, "I should say all that, and mean 1t, Netley ~ sisters, Rhoda, Laura and Fan, and h11n t o London, he happened to come back evenmg yet I Yon said we could be happy he wants and as much herb t ea as he can Platted batiste of finest quality 1s a favorite 1f I were 1 n love with you but - the three yopnger children, had been mvited by a m uch ear her tram The house seemed until the Grnat Bear came Why need we eonvemently, m t hrne cases out of four he material for mornm ~ use, caps of t lus fabnc "\Vell -with a defiant effort to shake Qff to Southla.uaslor a week "Patty' - to the all but deserted Mr:s }.llarJoribanks had go Ill )Ct ' will b well m thuty six hou rs, but as the "Beoause I tell you t> go, said K itty, system lB sens1tn e for a w.ule after the bemg simply made 1n mob s ape with a. bit that 11ew httle sensat ion- 'cyou ought to lfttl'e"thmgshe was aarfymg on hertraCR- dr1veIHti th& village, he was told by the nan ow lace edgmg formmg a becommg 1th mcreasmg asperity, but blushmg over treatment caie should lie taken not to con of be tp.-~v'e with me as we are gomg to- to be · if you choke the pony, he II kick , Now hes butler , t he young !aches Jervis be°lTI!Ved, bo1der' ~ the ch1La s speech · And as to bears the1e 1s trac~ a new cold ma1'riied gom g to t iot cp to t he nui sery because h e were m the st ud10 with Mr "Dare The new punted sateens are very att1act""tfy':by, am you m Jove with me heara a bell that rneau bread and Jam Come To the 1>tudio Stephen duected his step·, no clependmg upon them, they may d rop 10 If a cold is neglected foc two days, it will Some of t he latest patterns are qmte ' Of cotirel· not -blushing hke a.... new along my babies t hree !" but, on lus way thither, he met a little upon you at any moment generally run i ts cou1se of about t wo weeks 1ve mdescr1bable, showmg a number of dull ' J'ven from the top of a garden wall blown rose · How ;,tup1cl men aie' That Wit h a great deal of pranc1Dg and plu ng girl ma holland frock wh11 W\!,S crymg an n spite of an;}' t1eatment the cough does t mts enltvened by a few touches of old gold is q mte d 1fferen t rng "the pony ran off up the shallow oaken' grily, and who almoiit ran mto his urms m o.clded Mr ·woodstock gravely not usually commence until a day or two The ch 1 ldren took themsel' e~ off with vis1 after the cold 1s taken thus g1vmg the cold or Japanese r ed, others show rich dark col' rEverythrng 1s 'quite different for t he stau s, fo1lowed by the laughrng ch1ldreu her, passion gnl it <eems 1h s ch cases Do ..U men Litt e Dora N etley put her hands to her ears · What is the matter ? sa1a Stephen ble reluctance Ttiey were utterly non three or four days to become fixed 111 the ore 1 gt ounds, over which are thro\\ n masses understand. that? Does that good lookmg and lool,ed piteously at M r Dare He smiled goo~ natuiedly 'And whose little girl are plussed by the sudden change that had come system , and Just here 1s the sta1 trng pomt of soft t10ted foliage cluste1 s of laurel blosover theu idol cm te who was hern last mgh t and at down at her ,.,;ery k nclly \yo~ of a multitude of chseases The secrvt1011s soms, arbut us £l.o;o,e1s, scarabel, geomet11cal M1 ·woodstock and Miss Mar3onbanks a1e checked the 1 atural functions of the figmes, aml tmy moons !t.nd crescents I11~se whom you mac\e suc h pretty big eyes all "And how does the comedy progress· he I am L aura. Netley answered t he little thu no;h drnner demanded " Ho ~ does Kitty play her role g irl, stoppmg 1,e1 sobs and takmg her \\ ere alone at last 10 the sunshmy orchard body are weakened, and the10 1s little re fabrics are to be u·ed tlus season m co113u11c handkerclnef from her C;} as that she might The girl had pull~cl off her pmk and wlute s1stance to d isease, hence the hab1 · vVere thBy pretty ? asked Mistrn·s by this tune ? hty to t10u with self colored materials and g1ea.t "I thmk she 18 wonderfully clever 1· cried look up at the tallstrangei, "and everythmg mitre, !lnd was nervously tearing it up rnto rheumat ism, congest10ns that end m con t as,e aDd tact are necessary 111 combmtn'l: K itty, 11 tmg the 8aid big eyes mnocently , little bits l:lhe seemed to have some diffi sumpt1on, and t hat d sease so fatal after the two fabncs The prmted sateens ar e to rtteet Mr Woodstock's downward gaze Dora. · You have no idea. how she has been 18 the matter used for panels, tabher facings, and corsage culty m lookmg the young man m the face middle age-pneumonia "Very, I rccogn ze the expresston It is fhrtmg with Mr Lovekm Sae went so fat ' Dear me 1 Is t hat a ll 1 ' tnmmmgs h-0.rcHy as well done for me as 1t was for him, that - solemnly-" M Woodstock scolded ' I wont bear it 1 she \\ent on, stampmg But then the sJaatmg afternoon iays were When a cold becomes seated, then t he No one but the very nch or the mexper1but it !OQKS 'e1y nice mdeed her before he went away ' her foot and burstmg mto tears agam "Dora dazzlmg through the apple boughs and only safe plan is to place yourself on the ·I think you aie very rude declared " Indeed l L Mr Dare looked amused has no right to slap me, and I couldn t help a.01 oss her eyes Stephen had an excellent 'sick list, and remain m the house until enced housewife en3oys usmg tidies that will not, and there are few women who K itty, ft us'hmg, and startrng up from her " He did not appreciate the situation it if Mr Dare wa.s k1ss1n~ her hani when I opportllmty of studymg the lovely little health. is completely restored droopmg face and the dark lashed, as side have ne>t suffered pangs of grief 111 find mg easy cjla1r _ tl;J,.en ·" ' opened t h .. door, could I some delicate but useless article of this de ' I don't mean to be rude, protested 'Oh not at a ll I He t old me that, if it ' I shoulcl s:i.y not,' decided Stephen by s1d1 the two strolled slov; Jy back towa1 d scr1pt ion hangmg by one pm m undistm Bow the " Jersey· was Inveu-=ed. St ephen, gently, 'but I suppose that rt is were not for the hundred thousand pounds, suppressmg a smile ' But doves will peck the house 'May Ifimsh my cigar? he s<i1d, after a gmshable rum from the back of a chair atter onl) natural that I should be Jealous of the he would thmk twice before he t rusted his sometimes, M iss Laura I have been told ' One of the most charmmg and adm1~ed ac· the exit of a i;centleman fn end ' Tb.e tidies other fellows you talk to, especially Mr happmess m her hands Was that not an " Ihere were no do, es there at all," said p~use , and, though he did not know it hls tresses m London helped to mvent the made of macreme and of the light er fish oor d Da1 e I th11 k you hite him you kno\V · awful thmg to say of Kitty, Mr Dare? the child crossly- " only Dora and Mr vowe was very gentle and kmd Kitty felt as if it went straight to her "Jersey Her companion m mvent10n 1s the are very easy to make After makmg a. T he flush began to die out of the gul s Mr Dare looked thoughtful now Dare And now she says that I must go up face ' He has been confidmg m you then · he to my room for the rest of t he day , and it heart, tnval as the words were, and mstant- wife o! an Irish peer One day, the actr ess, cbam of proper length for the width of the I don t see how 1t can concern you 1£ I ask ed alter a pause and with yet another is our very last. d ay at Southlands, and all ly her foolish h ttle apmt rose up m rebelhon Miss H with her maid called upon my lady tidy, make alternatoi rows of thick stitches do, ' she said abrup tly bewildering smile downrnto the h t tle thmg s the others are JD the orchard with K1 tty, agamst the mftuence which this man, whom (they were great friends) and car11ed wit h and ot chams, so that spaces v; ill be l eft m she had vowed never to marry, was brg1n her a pan of tights she had JUSt bought 1.o wlnch to run ribbons, the ribbons should be "Not if we are gorng to be married?' uphfted eyes hauag a feast ' "No so long as we are marned and 'Oh, no- indeEld no 1' she said hmuJly "Oh, rndeed I With Kitty· And. whose nmg to acquire over her She executed an wear as "Rosa.hod" ID 'As You Like It of the exact width of the spaces , black vel· Miss H pulltid part of the elastic silk gbods vet ribbon ls dim pretty to run in elaborate yawn behrnd her little hand \Vhen ha' e the fortune, v. hat does anythmg else "He only said that one day verv pleasant idea "' as that ? " Oh, yes, smoke by all means !" she re- across Lady B s beaut iful arm and said 1t forms a block on the right side, work a matter·' 'Only I Handsome Angus dropped his ·Kitty's of course All K itty's tdeas a-re · 0 h if one Cr> ld get a corsage t o fit like star m yellow and scarlet silk ' v\ ell, of course - tranquilly- " if you vo1ce "You see how uncons01ously you m pleasant 'rt was she who begged mamma plied ".And you may give a cigar too, I that I' put it 10 t hat light ' v1 te confidences Miss N etley ' And it t> so t o let us come here for a week- t hough Dora have left my ca·e JD the house ' ' Let me have them a momrnt, exclaimed Two Strange P1ay1e11ow11. ·Miss Mar3oriba.nks I' Stephen turned. "Au l Kitty went on, stung agam by good of y~u to keep me acquamted with di d not want us to-while t he Great Bear LadyB Mr \Vooclstock s rnd1fference "s r ely what go..s on while I am away 1 As Kitty s was awav Do you know '- peenng up at and. looked at her m the gravest surprise Sile drew the tights around her shoulders The peculiar attachment anunals of differ· you could never condescend to be Jealous of cousm, I am naturally anx10us as to the re the yo ung man with her rnqu 181 t 1ve eyes- 'Did I hear aright· ' Miss H pmned them to her dress, and there ent species sometimes have for each other is ' I suppose so, ' she returned defiantly qmte remarkable , smgulQr cases of this any one · sult of our h ttle plot We must all do our "v; ho the Great ~ear is· Kitty says h e is The ' W ny not 1 best to sti engthen 1t I Jrnow. we can de commg back to mght and t hat is why she " I spoke plamly ell.ough Give me a c1i;ar, at that moment was born the mspuation of kmd are bemg constantly r ecorded please I ha' e not had my afternoon s moke the Jersey we all wear and never tire of followmg from the Philadelphu. p 1 ess is ' You have too good an opimon of your pend on your loyalty, and- - ' is makmg hay now Do you know h1tn' Lady Bs broug ham was called She and aelf" A t that mternstrng moment the ~ three And why does K itty call a feast: makmg yet Those abom1Dable little"' retches have Miss H d1ove hastily to the theatrical cos among the most smgular we have read for been hangmg about me 1111 the mornmg I \verf., have, if you consiJer 1t so to ad elder g irls, awkward Rhoda, curious Laura, bay 1 some time m1t that I thmk fshould make you a bett er and pert Miss Fan, came r ushmg m from the JS ever heard of such a person Ill my cant 1magme what mamma wanted them tumer's, ordered another pair of tights as Among the most mterestmg features ot the materml could not be bought The skirt the z oological Gardens, says the Pres~, are husband than your cousm, Angus ' gar den w ith dishevelled hair, and Dora, life ' declared Step hen solemnly · The here for ' tram from Paris w,as used , not so the h Without a word, Mr ·woodstock pro and 'Really cried Miss K it ty, \Hth a toss of with a little sound of vexat10n, drew her whole subiect appears to be wrapped 111 Lacly B s mai ran it together- it t e peculiar relations "Xtstmg between t he 9 duced !us cigar case and offered it to the her out brown head, bnt the words caused hand from Mr Dares yst ery · capybara and two pretty kitt ens The capy· 11 I ll her a sttdden crnel httle pa.ID, as most " Rea.Uy, girl·, she said, with a ltttle " Oh d!l_ar _ poor Laura began to young lady, whose fing~r~ trembled some was 1tera y sewn on an d ne,erd1dcostume bara (Hydrochceius cap!fbara) 18 a curious excite so much adm1rat1 on and curos1ty as Cieature It 1 ~ the laigest of rodents, and thoughts connected with Mr Dare hai;l a plamtive protest, 'I do wish you would re sob aga;n ·I mus t go I suppose, then what as she made her choice "Trey th10k I am begmmng to feel afraid tlus symphony lu gray velvet and satm, m its habit s and characteristws very much knauk of domg JUSt theu membe:i; that you are not m the schoolroom I wish Dora ana Mr Dare were a.t Jen of bun- Angus and Dora, ' she t houg ht with the marvelously fitt)ng corsage No resembles our muskrat It hves m the water · Really, Mt·S MHJOnbanks at home I Rhoda, prny do not poke )our cho l ' woman knew how the corsage was got and burrows ID the banks of the South · vVhat 1f you were to wash youx face and " I hey shall see ' Aud- and pray why do you thmk so · chm Lama, you 'ull st~re Mr Dare out Stephen was wat chrng her with his peae into Ihere was no inght or even hmt of American uvers It is about a I demanded the girl curtly of countenance I These are my little sIBters, leave me to Hitercede for you presently ? I fastemnu No one thought. of the elastic b ".! s arge as a tratrng gray eyes ' For one thrng because I don t believe he she explamed makmg a blushmg mtroduc will go and finrl M iss MarJortbanks " stlk material Li ttl~ by litt le L d B d ig og, and 1s covered wtth coarse hair ' Perhaps I oug i'lt to warn you that t hey M H rf d h J a Y an As it hes m the pen JD t he deer house it 1s is half so much m love as your lover ougot t10n ' Oh, dear Fan, pray do not be so , Iutercede, What 18 that ? And- and tss pe ecte t e ersey, and wore 1t contmually accompamed by the t wo kit are r aither strong 1 he said coldly to he before 11e dared to allow lnmself a hope 10ugh' - as Miss Fanny, aJed eleven I wonder who ou are 9 y b of becommg your nusband ' caught her eldest sister round the waist and B b Y ou cant e tile " So much t he better, declared K1t:t y, as qmt e thrne nonths before any one caught tens In cold weather the snu le close K itty looked up rndignantly' but she whirled her round "I am afraid I h ll Great ear, ecause you don t growl at all she l>IOceederl to hght her cigar without up to hmi, and keep as w!rm J:>y sa\\ somethm!? Ill Stephens face before h thmk you are awfully Jolly I K itty will let havmg prevrnusly cutoff the eud She found th t t fift f th Mg L lymg almost under their strange prot ector ~ ave t o send you up t o the nursery s wiath I me come dow 11 l know tr Y o Y gumeas or em rs ang :Sometimes he \\ill play wit h them -and poke which hex glance fell He waa lookmg at Blossom and Patty l some difficulty m dcmg so and Mr Wood· hc1 \I 1th tlte kmdest, gentle·t a nd mo~t ·I wish you would 1 cried Fan ·It is The chtld aprang up the stairs three steps stock gravely pomted out the om1 ss1on ~ra was among her first customers, but she them about with his nose thereupon they 1 not wear the Jersey until long aft er Litdy will mount his back and sit ser enely while com ass1onate eyes, his smile was full of ever so much JO ilier being with ::v.r 18s at a time anc l Mr vVoodstock went ou t on Upon which colormg furiously, she ex Then he will a gra'ie and wistful tenderness that startled MarJon banks than withlyou l Kitty never to the ternce and lighted a 01gar pla10ed that she a lways did it a fter C and M iss H - L ondon <Jr>riespondence he 1s unable to get them off Olticago N ews plunge mto hi~ water tank, anq water hatmg h er' d prism ' 1 a dore scolds or talks 'prunes at1 It W(l,S 111 the sunmlst corner of the wards " You-you have no right to say that, K itty 1' orchard that Kitty s feast was spread The (TO BE OONTINUED ) The Cont~~s Diseases Act of Great tabby will sprmg off t o escape the unde she stammered confusedly Dora looked annoyed. She was not strong children bad earned out gay colored shawl s sired bath lf the cats feave the pen, ., Br1tam has been virtually r epe:iled, as the · Porgy" (he is so called after ·Pori;cy' ' Haven t I' Do you thmk, if I had been and she did not hke noise Mr Dare saHI and cushion·, and had dressed themseh es m :Samuel Smiles says that there are more COIJlpulsory exa.mmat10n clause has been Bruin, the circus man) will follow them to fortunate enough to wm yom hea1t, Miss that he ouaht to "O and see his aunt and Kt tty s long gowns m honor of the banquet MarionbanT-.s, mstead of bemg m P.tely a hus en ssed th: ha ll to t he drawmg room Wbat 'tepheu could hear the mer1 y clamor of than ele' eu mtlhons of pounds sterl1Dg spent abt>ltshed This is as 1t ought to be It the bars aDd make a fµnny squeakmg noisP, band chosen for you by some one else, \lreadful not10n was tins, he pondered some v01ces and laup;ht~r through the trees as he eve1y year m t he United Kmgdom on cigars was a cruel 'Wrong, msult, and degradation beseechmg his compamons tel come back to that I could have al1owed you to ccquet what uncomfortably,ot filling t he hou·e with drew near, aud, over the low lwhen stamed and t obacco Tlunk of that ' More than to women, and had more than the appear- keep him company Sometimes the keepers will bother the kit tens I hey fiy at once to with another man as you have coquetted t hose half grow n under bred girls, those m wall that surrounded tJie 01cha.rd he could all expended m support of the poor For a.nee of g1v1ni;: encouragement to uce with me ' tolerably noisy children ? see the happy little group, with Kitty pre our numbers we m Canada can do better The cause of Ireland will ne\ er be ad the Notectmg sides of "Porgy, while he 'Mr Woodstock, I- -" lt seemetl as 1~they wee ub1qmtous 1he s1dmg a llhetfastandfoohshaffectat1onsput than this and do so e~ ery year What vanced by crime, and the v1olat1on of the will bare his Jong teeth and chatter fiercely that so many among us are poor ' 0.b, yes, you have-you know y9µ have 1' nex,t clay he c uld not get a s1tti g f~om aside, and eni oymg the fun as much as the wonder on Her agitations In the nex t cage 1s a wallaby, and while the when such vast sums are worse t han thrown h1gnest laws of mviltzat1 deolared Stephen coolly "Jf youfhacl lieen .Ki.\y because she was playmif whh her babies themsehes must be const1tut1onal and her remedies" i ll cats go rn a.nd out, they do not attempt to away ou tobacco and whisky It is a shame my sw<1ethea1't and behaved so to any othe1 babteSi W hen he tned to snatch a (ew She.had hung Patty 11 fat httle neck with be of the same character We hope that be at all friendly They conhne then fellow, I should have forbidden it moments of whispered talk, such as only a daisy chams and crowned her yellow cur ls t o see, as can always be m this city wretch t he Irish N at1onal League of the U mted allegiance to the more ugly capybara ' Forbidden it 1 - Kitty's eyes began to few weeks ago Kitty had beeh wdlmg w1t)l one of the fantastic paper caps out of cd little mites of seven or eight smokmg States will see to it that their recently ....- .. . · - -- not make 1t as cnmmal to sell tobacco flash ,._ You seem tn have a very strange enough to grant, she had always one of the cracker bonbons, whose sharp rep, o rts Why formed society works only along those Imes At R 1eds' 1lle, N C , Frank Apple, bemg to children as to sell whiskey 1 not10n of a lover s nghts ' she cn e:i, them m her arms, and would talk nothmg had but now saluted Stephen's ears Kitty and stamps out all those dyna1mters whose attacked by four negro robbers, killed two of hotly but the most msufferable nursery non- herself had on a pmk and white mitre, T he drese1 est silk wraps dolman v1s1tes aim seems to be to hve as much and as them outright and eertously IDJUred the " :Strange or not, I should carry it out, I sense Blossom a little mght cap; Fan was a Jockey, and mantles of rich Ottoman sdk, plam or long as possible on the earnmgs of the seJ other two, Some people will mamtain that. as3ure you," Certamly the old sentimental ordei;. of lthoda,aNormandy peasant,Muu11e adunce, brocaded vant girls of the United States this 1s a pnmmel·log1cal rnc1dent. " If you could ' The suppressioD of Spring, "I would I advise vou not to give me Said Wmter to Summer 'lis qmte cleartome any cause to disapprove of vour conduct Tltat the seasons a1 e badly adJusted, The season called Spung you must surely agree wnen ' the people begtn to come and wake Is one with which all art: disgusted us all up, for, though I am not yom sweet "Her va111ty s something immense and her heart, I am at least' the man you are go1Dg to marry, and I all.all not be slow 10 assert wiles .A: {l want on ilece1tful and fickle mg my au:thot'ity: ' · The faifuler who trusts to the creature's false Kitty s fury was a:bsolutely too great for smiles w1:>rds For a moment her impulse was to Will lind himself soon m a pickle turn and ruS'h out of the l'Oum, but she ' That she lS a blot upon Natures fair plan controlled herself, and merely said, cold Is 'tact ·md the worln ought to know i t, ly,' Besides i t lS sh<> \\ho mfticts upou man ' You do not know yet that you are the That ternble bore tile :Spring poet man I am gom~ to mairy Pray don't 'partw1 ' Your head is Qtute level sweet Summer re pate events,' as Mr Malaprop says " plied I Miss Spnng has gone wrong I am thmkmg, ' On the other hand, I don t know yet Just Aee how slie sta>!gct'!l trom side to side that I am not the man you are gomg to mar No doubt rn the wo~ld shes been drmkmg ry It has been tacitly understood bet\\ een · She steals weatl1er from me · and eteals us, you know, that the money is too good to weather from~ ou sacrifice , and until you have actually said And thats how she picks up her hvmg I am i<nown to be ve1 y warm hearted, ti~ true, 'No' to me, I consider myself iust11ied m looking after my futme wife and p10tectmg But cannot be always forgivmg our JOIDt honor I thollght you went on a · To'tll!nk how that wicked young creatut,e is httle outrageously with poor young Lovekm praised mght I am sure '-with a smileWhen her temper can never be trusted And: w.hen mountains of song in her honor are ' that, now you have heard my opmioo raised on the matter, you \\ill be a better girl m When she ought to be-yes sir-be bu'sted future Miss MarJi>ribr,nks bmst mto a sudden Said;Wmter rhere need be no quarrel or fight, passion of tears which would not be kept Let yon and me closely caress her Anntb m we ca.n squeeze the hfe out of hex back any longe1 " It is shameful-yes, shameful of you," QU TA she sobbed, · to talk to ll)O so 1 If-if my And, a1lrntly sm ely, suppiess her mother-does not obiect -how dare you step · When " prmg is put c lecentll nut of the "&Y up- to teach me? We tw >will no morn be derided, At that moment Miss Netley came softly 'I hen 1 ' 1 1 take Mi, ch and ) 011 shall take May And w April be fo.rll dividerl ' IDto the room m her dove colored gown, and Kttty run away to hide her tear stamed ti KJ'rTY'S ..FATE." .... .. .. 0 ;:1i1~~:; di;!~~r:d P:t1:1~n~h~~o:d s:~~~~ asg~oast o