I The follo"tiug cases wer.e then . called ahd d~miseedibyMr. Losconibe'11 reqvest; 1 L . . C(.ri1i11h. :Le.vi 1\forri,s. Mason & Son, McGaellon .& 1'.Jo., M. Torter., R. Young, fi!.:S., Thoa:!Do\\~11ey, '['ho1 Butchinson, .John iHug·he~, ·C. L. Mnnson, iP. Murdoch, 'F. JF.. Mc.Arthur, and.Jas.iPirie. Thos. Legg wns raised f.rom . -$225 to $300. Geo. Quick·w,as .put.@n roll for:$c*OO, income J ·Ryan ·\vas put on ,as occupant of Ste;ens' hom~e, ·at ;$.240. M. :-\.s Jan1es, assessed t QO )ow . Sworn evideuce taken and caee adjourned for futnre coneideralion. Court adjourned to Thursday night. s. I . I . TO-MORROW'S . CIRCUS. I ! l'EACHERS' CONVENTlON. The letter euv THE "LANCASTER," THE BEST VALUE WATCH IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY. MAYNARD I THE JEWELER s sole agent in this I"~lity for these celebrated watches. H you want a correct time keeper procure a.~ Lancaster." ' .Another nice assortment of sliver and plated WM>e ~n all the latest designs, just anh'ed at :\fay11tt1·d. The 1:e,Palring of fine watches and jewelery a specialtl\' at l\1avnarrls. Comp.et,ition defied. Gold and Silver plating done last week in the ce>m.llrnnting . on the persont1 who took part on the programme, has c~used great eKcitement among the teachers; at. least, the Bowmanvi.le teachers. The following i:eaolu..,i~n, whid1 we have been asked to publish, will sh.ow how they regard the matter : Srn, - The ath·ntfon of the Bowmanville teache11s.1havin11. been called to I\ com~ munication of "School !farm," in lMt week's STATESMAN, they mPt \VedResday and paase<;l th<jl following resolution upan1mo'uPly :-That th\ writ~r of it deserves severe censure for tne unjust attack upon some who took part in the programme, 11nd for the disparaging remarks about the Port Ilope teachere . RTATF.~MAN, ~ubUshed 'l'hi1 w!U be visited to.morro..(Saturday) ·by Kmg, Bnrk & Co., great . . show. Ther1i will be the usual lltreet parade in tf..eiorenoon. 'rheLondonFr~ePress says of tbiis show: The greatmt :mriosities 1 h~t ~ave ·eTtir beet~ npon exhibition in Is the place to go if want 11 first class this c1~y w~~ those which w~re here yester- . . .. , . cay w1thKml(,'Burk, & Cos Great Show. T The pcrformanoes m the large tents, those of .the Do .A.Ima famiiy in their terrific Or nfoe l'r. elllt (A)afectlouary. mid ai~ flig1~ts and ariE>l, sUs].Jensions and l"lne Ai>ple1<, n.mniuu, the H1ndo 1ugg:lera, 10 n1 nu~ber, werea .,, .T·n11atoes, . r.re~erves· by Ute lb., perf~ct wondO!r, an~ the antics ~f 20 ?f the first-claRs cba1mp10n 15ymnasta m their Fanc:y IM&eotlt, Jellies, ett1. grotesque a11d liightmng tumbling is the -A. ·ftne line ofbest we have ev<>r had the pleasnr'e of wituessinJ,?, and Mr. Neal Smith with all his funny little do>!'t! and monkeys, wonders of th" world, which pleMed the ladies And boys it you. want e. line and little children, and their moeeum, in w,hich the three-headed Songstress, tlie ETTY~, electric lady, ar..d mnny other nre and beau tifu} curiosities,, are upon exhibition J119t COnlEl in an cl get 8 package or our "fa'l'1'U without t'xtra charge, and as .the a~misBEAu1·111:s." to.~n -- ' . (G [) c·.DICENTRAL -TH::e- . l IDISH of' ICE ·CREAM . ·· We h.a ve just received a L'A~GE CONSIGN~EN-r·of CROCKERYF 5 AND I 0 CENT CIGARS ! . Direc.t from the Pottery in England, which ena.btes us to offer first clafis goods at the very lowest prices. We aire showina CIGAR Ilion is only 35c. for adults and 25c. for children, every one can go. They deserved the patronage they 1ecetved hi;re. Customers c11.n choose either of three first e1ass cutters, Ellison& Co. !\fens Sult~. all wool Tweed, to order from $12.50 up, Ellison & Co. \Ve me11n -busines· tl1is se::ison and we are bo~nd to sell Ellison & Co. SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCOS AL"'.AYS IX STOCI{ · ,r GRANITE· TEA AND' T ·O I LET SETS .. · a1 "' White and Colored. w. w. T.allBLYN. ·BOWl\U.NVILLE, FRIDAY, Jt;NE. 22. PnEss A ssocIATlON.-The coming trip of the Ontario Press Association to Mont· real, Quebec and all the points of interest on the beautiful St. La.wrence, including trip up the famous Saguenay, is expected to be one 0£ the most genuinely plessura ble excursions ever und<irtaken by the Association. '.l'he Quebec Press are doini;: all in their power to make the trip a memorable one for their Ontario breth· ren ; and juclging from the friendly spirit and whole· so.tiled heartiness manifested by the French iournalists ·on <iur trip to the North-West last year, a real treat is in store for all who participate this year, Tl1e Secret;ny expects to give full particulars in a few dayP. a SUBSCRIPTIONS PAIIJ. A BRAVE GmL.~A young woman and 13y an oversi11ht , we ·omitted to give h th d· l t t Richelieu and J,ake Navigation Co.'s Boats Oil, '1'1aat a Cougla!- Will you heed the -credit for .the following sub8criptionspa1d · erpmo berw,ere procee. mg] a ong a 11 ree m eter oro one evenmg ast week, when ·warni11g, 'l'he signal perhaps of the sure ap· from 'l'oronto' to Montreal will eall at Port Dari· at 5:30 p, m .. 3 times each week, viz.: ington for 1883, when publishing ot1r . former a; rough nounced out of an ally and about- proach of that more terrible disease Consump. li-sts, payment having been made through ed "boo!" at them. The youna lady, tion, Ask ;vourselves if you can all'ord for the Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. " sake of savmg firty cents, to run the risk and our 0 rono ~geu t ' M r · A 11 d rus, N ews with great·presence of mind, startled the do nothin,.- for It. We know from experience Dealer: .. . rouah by a stinging, rouncl-arm, back- that Shiloh's Cul'c will Cure your Cough. ·it 25!, AGENT, Jolin BeSt Geo B1 ..ham Jesse Bell 1.. ~ bl · h f 'l'hh E · never fails ·. 'l'his explain" wh;r more than a ., · o · . · ··l'nH ow m t o ace. ~e xam'm cr Million Bottle· were solct during the past year. lmap, D. C111lahan1,:ft,. Fer14us?n, Wr!l??t- p.oe11 ni>t giv 9 the lady's no.me, as it should. It relieves Croup. and W!JoopinJ' Cougn, at son Foster, 'Vm. amaby, R1ch1ud tt1ll, h;i,v~ done for i;t10 would have had aeveral- once. :f\'1others do not be '.v1tl1out 1t. For Lame James H J1 tt vV · 'V 11.1 ' 1 · . ' · Hack,S1rle ol' Uhest.u~e Sluloh's Porous Plaster :ot-Ol·' ,. a e ' m. orr1eon, ll1. ··~ 9: olft:rl! of m~rriage long hefore HH"- from J, Higg1i:).botham & Son, Wholesale and Hctaii .eod, John H.obertso~, Aaron fatms, unmarried editor~, if !ler addtess had l>eett 1·1\~e11t"~ Gal!lpe 1'3co.tt C. R. Tamblyn Geor"e · b ·I ,,. · = "'·:--~ '"'"~== -Waddell - .. 1 ' o give~. Has Peter oro i:ian.~ youuit !Ivies 'the GRii:AT (}Efil\fA:N INVIGORA'l'CJf!. lii_ ~ · , of this claBd 1 Mr. Ea-.cmime1 · the marvel of the Medical World, It never - . - · . ..'! . .. ....... . , .... -.~·-: 1· ----·~ fails to complet.ely cure Nervous Debility. Im· ~ potency, Medical Depression. and all diReases , -IN 'THE· nouRT OF REVISION. .A. 1.:u'flON' -The Pete . rboro' E:.caminer caused from excessr,s. 'l'b~ .testimony o!. thous ot \:I · · ' · · h d t M a11ds can be · had by wntrng l!'. J, Cheney, ·· · · ~ says, a emgular mo1den' a.ppene ·v r. Toledo. Ohto, aole agent tor th<i United States. John Borland, lot 2ll, con. 3, Otonabee, Price $1 PP.r box. PiX boxes for. $5; If your . . · ThiS b ·Cotil:t il8li'i'mbh!~ it1 the Council I k A 'lk 1 h d had druggl8t does not koep tb.e remedy . .sen.ll fo P11rsuant to the Judgment ot the Chancery Cham on Mop\:: ll.)" l'l.lorolng last to ad- ast wee · m1 can new Y was. e . 11ee.dquarters and Ket the medicine' by niail. , D1viaion of. the High ~curt.of Jnstice, made j udicate upon the one hundred and eleven been placed to dry on the wood pile, and Circulars and testimonials on auulications. , -ma certarn action of21ppea.ls en~ered al?ainst the assessment for the rays of the stm were r1Jfiected from MAS 0 N vs. MAS 0 N, 41 ~ TUIJtTl' Jt,\,Ys:-rnL\.L~ 1883. W . P. ~rower; Chairman, presid- the ahi1.1inl.{ ~mface of the can and focused TnE VoLTAIO IlEJ,T co., Marshall, l'II!ch., will There will be sold byPUBJ,IC AUCTION with ~d. The other members are Messrs. John so stromgly on the dry chips that they send DR. Dn:'sCELh:BRAT.l!lD ELEC'l'RO·'VOL'l'AIC the approbation of'l'Hos. HoDGIIS. Esq .. Q. C.· d · d · B E A t l 1r MaRter in ordinary of the 8npreme Court of " Th 8 f ac t was l~covere. .111 Wesley, M. Porter, A. Younie and John to.ok ti re. ET!l'Sdays AND to LEC'l'mc l'l'LTANC~;s on Fa 01' Judicature for Ontario, at PHILLIPS' HO'l'EL, thirty men (young 01· old) who are af· -Osborne. The Mayor also occupied .a seat time to prevent stnous resu1 ts. Tlus IS a flicted with Nervous Debility, LCl stVitality and In the Village of Hampton, in the Township at· the Court a.s ex-vG:cio m.emb~r. ' warninn to farmers not to make their milk "Manhood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing' or Darlington, m the County or Durham, by\ . ~· t 0 b · ht "f th ill b speedy and complete restoration: of health and STEPHEN CIIESTERFIELD, .Auctioneer.on \ The first business was to decide on a. ca11s oo rig ' 01', I 'IY w e so manly vigor· .Address as above, N. B.-No risk w is us thkty days trial is allowed. I estimated a,, pr.o_p_ erty at its very lowest destructively on dry chips. A Pleasant.Acknowledgment.-Had sour · J ii~ · I ieash value and tht!n deducted 20 · per stomach and miserable appetite for .1 A.T 12 O'CLOCK. NOON, cent., leaving 80 per cent. as the assessed THE PRESS.-The next issue of TRF. 'TIOnthe, and grew thin every day I used in 3 Parcels. the following v~lnabfe Farm and ---)o)---value. The Conrt agreed to . take this·, WEEKLY DETlWIT FREE PRP,SS (June 30) Burdock Bl·iod Bitters with the most mar· Villuge properties: ' · will contain the opening chapters of a new vclousresnlts; feel spland. PARCEJ, No. 1.-125 acres of Lot Number 23'. Qr"A MAMMOTH STOCK of Team and Carriage Harness at -3· })!:an as their guide. "!l was that of'"· Stephen, and brilliant story by ~he popular author, · MRS. JOSEPH JOHNSON, rittsburl{h. in the Gtn Concession or the 'l'ownsh1p of Dar The first Ca~ " ~ J l E rv.. k f y· · · ' ti d p 2r.6 lmgton, in the Uounty of Durham, on which 0 m who claimed that he was assessed for a sten vuo ·e, 0 irgima, tnti e a, v thP.re is a 1wod One and a H11.lf 8torey Brick THH MAURICE l\'.IYSTEUY: 'l'he Story of a House, with Kitchen attached. 'l'he bouae .dog. It was found . that he was not asiJ. Grime. The story is of great literary -Nearly all who go to the North-west, or any contains 5 Bed-rooms, a large up ata.ira Sittingessed for a dog Appeal d1..smissed foreign point, from this district, get ticket~ roon1 and Dining·room and Sittin°-.1·oou1 ·'own _ manvilloJ. '1'11ev oell stairs; a good Sta~le and Drlvinihouse uwith Which will be solcl cheap for cash. Also 'Wn1Ps, .D11s, PwwLINEB, Dus'l"ERs, ScnooL BAGs,&eo· ' ' ' merit and is sure to please and interst all from Climie & Allen. llow A. vVilson was assessed for statute merit who read it. tickets by railway or beat to all points. at low. stone foundation thereunder, two J!'rame Barns labor; not a resident. App.e el sustained. · est possible rates. 251. -one with stone foundation the1·euoder, a L~rge Stock of I.EA'l'HER and CRYSTAL COVERlm 'l'RUNKS and Y ALISES just received. ~. "Gl1.IP-SAcK" FOR 1883.-Grip's sumGranary, also a one and a. halt storey HouscCall and leave your ordere for SINGLE or DOUBLECAltRIAGEHAHNESS, as I make a specialty · Thos. Bi.ckle; over charge on real estate. mer book of " !after" is 011 its way to the cont<1inin1t 5 Rooms besides back Kitchen, a Appeal dismissed, 'bookstores The advance paize.s shed thi>ir BowMANVIT,LE, Jnne 2, 1883. good Soft Water" Water Lime" Cistern, and ot this class ot work and can guarantee sat!sfacthm. ~ m WM FRA ·yu E D t a good Well of Hard Water, an Orchard conAlex. Kilman, over · charge. · Appeal . 'light upon ·our sanctum this week, and we .1.o · 1 · ·"'; sq·· ar ing 010 · taming 100 .Fruit Trees-mostly apple. .'l'he W First Class Workmen Employed. dismissed. have fe1t th.., weary weight of years lifted Sm.-I beg to state in connection with the land is in a good state of cultivati.on. D. Cox, a . ssessed ·u11der · value.' Appeal from· ·our shoulders since· readinrr them late trouble that has arisen between yourself PAHO&L No, 2,-Cousists of the No1·th 25acres " and wife and my~t'H, in regards to certain car· of t.he South l of Lot Number 19, in the 4th, t£:iJ" STAND-Next Door to the FAnMERS'HO'l'EL. dismissed. over. The pen of " Swiz," and the pen- pet rags, that I regr.,t exceedingly the course Concessio11 of Darlington aforesaid. This piece Oeo. Haizard aeked tp be assessed as cils of J. B. Benaoua h, Wm. Bengou0 "h that I took in regard to aame, and tender to of Land is unenlt.ivated and unbroken. the 0 " you a11 apology for any trouble and inconveni· 'J'" bcr thereon being composed of Soft \V. 00d occupant. Appeal allowed. and J. Kelly, ham combined to make ence th11t I was the- nause of submitting yon 'l'j~ SOii is a tiandy Loam. ' Albert Moyse and .E! Hambly, not of literary and artistic repast fitted to charm to. I desiroto clearyou andyour wife of any PARCEL No. s.-Consists of part of Lot' h h suspicion that mayrest upon you or either of · · ~ge. . Allowed · , away t he . nioeqmtoes m t e ot seas')n. · you of having wrongfully taken tbem, as I be· Number 17, in the f>tb Concession of the Town· - NOREmporium of Fashions in Cloths J. Westaway, asked to be put on as Ice cream is well enough in its way, but lieve yon know nothing of them and aro per· ship of Darlington, containing ! au acre, on r 1 · t r· k' which there is erecte4 a comfortable Frame I! tenant. Dismissed. . for pleasure, combmed with instruction, ofc;,rn~~nocen improperty ta mg any re.gs Storey House with Kitchen attached,a1soWoodGIVING UP BUSINESS ! and Furnishings. Thos. Jury, not of age. Allowed. givti us the Grip-Sack. It will be out FANNY ELFORD. shec, Barn and Stables, amt Sort and Hard "" J ' b t "t t d 1 1 w1· F G M I Watel' Pumps in the Hack Kitchen, and being But prepared to give as good value in n . ennmgs name was ~u s 1 ll e early in .Ju y. Price as usua · 25 cents. tness, · · c Nl'osu. in the Village or Hampton in tho said 'l'ownship for A. E. Christie for let on Elgin St. of Darlington. John Mcollffry's assessment ,\>as raised qooEY's LADY'S 'BooK for July opens Parcell will he sold subject to amortgag-efer to $3 00. · the fifty-fourth year of the Magazine, and $2,700 to HENRY T. PrnLLIPS, bearing 8 per · FOB CASH, 's assessment was raised we can say, without exception, that it is cent interest, which mortgage is over due. Thos. Patten · t b t"f ES'l'A TE of ELJ7.A KN APP. deceased. The ·above Parcels of Land, ~os. l and 2 are As can be had In town or country. A large th e mos 1 u I an d mos t a ttract· BY THIS STYLISH HOUSE, ~·:i.20. eau tve l ' · f h R · d situated about 1 m· i le \"est of the Gravel Roa(·1 to op~ nt1.m'oer that we 11ave ever ceen of th1"s Jursuant to sect. 3, or ClJ.pt. 1U7. o t e ev1se ,, quantity bought e.t a very low price will be . -f,,_ R. Coulter asked to be put on as occup· · otafntes of Ontario, notice is hereby given that running from Bowman ville to Lake Scugog, magazine It appears in new cover, new. e.11 creditors having claims ag·tinst the state and are 6} miles from the ·.rown of Bowmandisposed of at prwea that will astonish Which goes to prove that old fo~y1sm 1& ant. A 11owed . , cl t . ·t t · fi of Eliza Knapp, late of thEl 'l'ownship of Dar- ville. lk miles from t!).e Villai;:e of Hampton and -the buyer.getting played out, and that the people The Con.rt adj urned till 7 p.m. paper an new, ype ;,!i, con ams ve pages lington. widow, deceased, who died on or about 3~· miles from the Village or Ennlsklllen and On resuming business W. Pethick com· of colored illustrat~·na· of fashious and the 13th day or March A.D., 18&1, are requested about 7 miles from the Bo'wmanville Station, "re have always e. appreciate the new departure. needle work.; thirteen pages illustrating to send per mall, prepaid, 10 James C. t:lmith, on the Grand 'l'rnnk Railway · . plained of over charge on lots on King fashions and fancy work in black and executo1·, Oshawa., on or before the 10th day or The purehaser·of Parcell will be entitled to St. Appeal dismissed in tuo cas,e s. b l July A.D.. l 883, a statement of their names and to possession on the lst day of April, 188·!, but a eat .1t1"ful atoe address, with particulars of their claims, and may enter upon the the said Land for thf> pur· ~"' " ngman, ove" ·sseseed . Re Vl·h1'te · · a cut pattern n .. D 1 · t d ' I f th" of the securities, if any, held by them, and 1 b d h ~wo ·cngravmg, exeou e express y , or 1s that after thfl day last aforese.id, .the executor pose of p 1oy,ing, after lst 0 eto er, l883, & .n t e du selected with care trom the leading ma.nu· b d · f p · A purchaserwillbeentitled t.opossessio.nofParcel · C;ed ·w S. Ga . teg, over assessed. Reduced $'lOO. num er; an a portrait o res10flnt r- may distribute the assets of the Estate among 2 011 the lst December, 1883, factories oftheDominion ..whlchca~not by & th b 'd 't F 1i· N h" h · the parties entit.led tbereto, having regard A, Buckler, as9essed too high on perclon- · ur, esL es 1 11 as ion ews, w 10 18 only to the claims of which he shall then have 'l'he purchasers will be required tCl pa.y at the fail to attract and please those in . al property. Dismissed. unusually good this mouth . T,he stories had notice. And the said execnto1· will not be time or sale to theVendors' l:!olicitor. one tenth sear~h ofstylish and durable are the most Fancy in town, in all are by well-known writers, favorites with l!able for the assets of the said c8tate to any of the purchase money, and the balance within BOOTS and SHOES. Peter· Hollenbeck'· name was inserted per6 on or persons or claim or claims he shall one calendar month there11ft.er,witbout interest, the New 8hades. in plal!e of vVilliams, and R _ e v-,Hinds to magtizine readers· · "Schemes," by Miss not have had notice Ill! aforesaid. · Into Court to the Credit or this action. Due atten·ion is aiven to be placed on as owner.. Emily Read ; "Hazledean Stat.ion," by Dated June 19, 1883. The Vendol's will only produce such deeds or We have a fine assortment of the vV. Sandercock's name WAS inserted in- Mrs. S. S. Tennant; "A Sprig of Sham· JAMES C. SMITH. other documents of title us aro in their, posses· Newest Styles in .k f d ll" () ro:ik," by Au,,,,usta de Bubna ; " Sunilet Executor, Osbawa, Ont. sion. t d of A . D 1c son or we mg on .,ueen sea l\lcGEE k JONES, Oshawa, · The other conditions o!sale are the standing St. Bells," by Ino Churchill, better known as Solicito1 ·s to the Estate. 256-3w, conditions of the said Court. Mra. W. Hill asked to have her· hus- Mary Edwards. It is certainly a beautiful Further particulo.rs and conditions of sale b. a nd's name substituted as owner, Dis- and interesting number, and the off~r to NOTICE TO THEl CREDITORS can be obtained at the Law offices of Messrs. · h th M · · u · cl f 4!!2 CAMEilON & C.A.SW.h:LL, 64 King Street f urms lnissed. e agazme ID a um er or ·w of WILLIAM BUNNEY, of the Ea~t. ..nd Messrs. McAR'l'HY, o SL E R. promptly and properly done. Call at the Eclipse House and you wlll F. J. Cavanach asked to be assessed w,e believe will be accepted by many laTown of Bowmanville, Con- HOSKIN & CRll:ELMAN. 'l'oronto 8treet, " Allow· dies, inasmuch as each ma11azine contains Toronto, and to 8'1'. JUHN H. HUTCHESON, --:t.-have the best 11tock of goods to pie.I\ from. as tenant f or l 10use on chur<Jh ...,t, tractor. Barrister, 'l'own of Bowm1mville. Vendors· ed if owner con~cnts. a cut. pattern such. as ladies most delight solicitor. Call one door west o~ J. B.Martyn's, lfobt. ~'iddy, assessed too low. Dis- in, which of itself is worth the price of the NO TIC E re;; HERE BY GIVEN Dated 5th June, 1883. t:l1e11p I11nn·a11ce.-Insure in the Confeder ationLife ,.\ssocia.tion. It ischea.pertha.nthe Canadian Mutual Aid, A. O. U. W, or any pass around your hat instl~ution. as the.. following 155. examples will prove: Thoe. McClung bas Bowmanvllle, June Hth, 1881, been insured since 1872 for $2,000 and the last .live years it only cost him $2,55 'ver annum on each $1.0CO to insure, John McClung insured e.t the same I irno for the same amount and It only cost him $1,71 per annum on each $1,000 to Insure, he being a little younger. ·we certify Dates of Ocean ·and J,ake Steamers 1V/iite t.he above to be correct., '!'hos. McClung, Johr. Star Line from New York to Liverpool : 206tf. / BRIT'l'ANJ~ ........ ... ..... ... .. . .. . .... June 14th. McClung, Thos. Bingham, a.gent. BAL'l'IC. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .· .. .· " 16th. . U1011s11mls Sny So.-Mr. 'l'. W, Atkins, Gir· CELTIC ... .............. ....... ... :. .... " 21st. a.rd, Kan,, writes: I neYerfiiesitate to recom· GEUMANIC ............. , . ... ..... .... .. " :JO'th. mend your 1£lectric Bitters to my customers, _ _ ,,,, _ _ they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sel· ' National Linc from New York to London lers. Electric Bittera are the purest and best and LiYerpool direct: medicine known and will positively cure Ki~-. Egypt to Liverpool ......... ,.......... June !Ith. ney and Liver complaints, Puriry ihe blood England .... .. .... .... .....· 2Gth. &nd regulate :the bowels. No famtly can afford France to J,ondon . ,, ....... ... , . .. .. .. ,, 13th. to be without them. '!'hey will save hundreds -- ~r.-c.C dollars in doctor's bills every year. Sold at Steamer N01·seman leaves Port Hope every :t1fty cents a bottle by J, Higginbotham & Son. lawrul day at !l o'clock, you want' a nice cool drink, drop in -and get a glass orGinger Ale, . Lemon Soda Water or Lemonade. -A1"filEIt CHINA TEA SETS~ · And a large and attractive stock of FANC_ Y TABLE WARE lj Intending purchasers will do well to call.. Q RAND CENTRAL. SAILING! JOHNS&JEWElL QTHE STAR HOUSE LEADS THEM ALL]]) WHY? _ T. YELLOWLEES, JUDICIAL SALE! $30,000 I c l FARMING LANDS AND VI LLAC E PROPERTY! Township Darhngton --+.i.-- er !:~e~~o :i~~~e!~o;,o:f~te~1t1hat'~~efir~~ ~~~~n~{· ~~: !~rf I~~~ ~~~~f::st;h:;:r~~= incurr~d, We an esa ayIBt~ a a1 of J ulv' 188 3',~· 1883a HARNES ' sI ~A.Y'S z· W. H. MAY, Bowmanville. a NOT GOING NORTH~WEST THEECLIPSEHOUSE,. ° Notice to Creditors. BOOTS & SHOES 72 Suits of Clot~es Solo lastweeH I I M · · large &Yarie~ StocK of New Goons!, F 1;l~~~!ipt~n~r2i~ .Our Nob Ties !.8 ! Shirts ORDERED WORK: RE PAl'i ING !,STRA~HATS. King Street, Bowmanv1lle. missed. . · W. J{.,lly asked his name to be su bst'itnted for his wife's:'"J:>ismissed. J. l\fullon, asked to be assessed as ten· ant. nismissed. ¥ Mr. L . Cornish's-0ase WdS next called, the appeal bein0 " the firet on Mr. Bonnsall's list. Speciti9ation-assessed too low. Mr. R. Loscombe staled that Mr. Cornish's name and several others were on the list by mistake and it was not the wish of those for whom he was acting, th~t said cases should nor 1 1'18 owii. wi's"' 11 n be prosecuted. He would not have anything .to do with any cases where tl::e ao.. peal was against th1> assessmeut as being too low. Their object was to have put II f ' L' on t h e V oter a Jst a names 0 perso!!ls justly entitled to YOte. Magazine. "' H · n·tt h · G ENTLEMEN.i our · op 01 era ave be<in of great value t o me. i was laid up with typhoid fever for over two months <l Id ]' f ·1 I t · d an cou get no re ie untl rie your Hop Bitters. To those suffering with debTt · f bl h lth I 11 Y or any one Ill ee e ea · ·c ordially recommend them. J. 0. STOE_ '-rZEL, 983 Fulton st. Chicago. The I ce Cream season has opened at the Grand Central. Ice cream every day. Linen Towels at. 5~. All goods very cheap for cash at l\fcMur~ry's. TRY Murdoch Bros' C!\nned Frul.t, they Lave all kinds,. put up by the best p'ackers. " ·we are Convincing the ~ubllc that no com· petltor ca.n undersell us. .Mlison & Co. w. that William Bunney of the 'l'own or Bowmanville,!in the County or Durham, Con· tractor ·and Builder, has made an assi~nment of his·estate a net effects io me the undersignee William Cann, of the said '!'own ot Bowmanville in trust for tbe benefit of his creditors and that all p©1·sons having claimsf against him are requested to send in such c aims (proved by- statutory declaration) giving residence and particulars ·of their claims and the nature of the security it any held by them by letter pre· paid addressed to the undersigned· on 01· before the 23rd day of Jnly · .A..D 188J. .And notice lis hereby given that after that date I will proceed to distribute the assets of tho said William Bunney realized from the sale thereof, among the creditors entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice she.II have been given, and I will not be liabl"l for the assets or liny part thereof so dist.ributed to any person or persons of whose debt, or claim, I shall not then have notice. WILLIAM CANN, Assip:nee in '!'rust, Dowmanville, by D. BURKE SJMPSON. bis 8ollclt.or. Dated at Bowmanville, June 20th 1883,· 256. 21>5, N. McLEAN, Chief Clerk Mastcr'd Offl.cc. W· H· IVE S· W. BELL'S PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS I P GTJELPH J. HELLYAR. w. H. PIPER, Are second to none in the world, f.!O,OO· instruments now in use. Deman<l so great that it reQ uires · r wo or the largest l!'acoories in the Dominion, with capacity for turning out '!'WEN· ·rY per day . . Jfor purity and sweetness of tone, elastic and light touch, beautiful and pel'fect finish tbey are u11rivalled. 'l'he most skllled labor.the very best materials O RENT .~'l'hat commodious rest· JtESIDJ;Nt;l:f:--1Velll11gton Strt,~t, Bow· .that money can procure are a guarantee to pur· dence on Liberty Street, known as the mnnvJlle, where samples PtllY lte 8.e w· chasers that they are buying no sh.oddy. but a Manse of St. P11ul's Church. Api>lY to MR, first class article, Sold wholesale and retail b,v 'l'HUS. ·PA'!'E'Rl:SON., 'l'rcasllOOr; MR. J, McIt tarmer& wanting Plows or nakes will a~nd 11 pose Qard l wl!L d.eld.¥e11 theDl at their res· MUR'l'RY, 8ccreta.r.yoer Hoal'll..oC Managers. J.P. RICE, Bewmanvllle. idences. 251.. 21>1-tf, J, S, DONEY, Tyrone. . 2tG. AGENT FOR THE ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organist and teacher ot Vocal l\lusic Is prep1ned to Champion Single·Plow take a few rnore pupils. 'l'he best of refer· and Port Perry Gang Plow, ence can be fu1·nishect Great care exercised · with beginners. and special at~ention given to Sullty HorseRakeadvanced pnpile. 'l'}\ose desirous or ~aldng warrantedto, he the best, Instructions shonld apply e.t :Mr. Doyle s reeidence, or make it known by. directing a few ".:.. ...._ lines to P, O. Box 49. Terms $7.50 fo1· twelve Horse Hoes, Reapers lessons. 239·tf and other Implronents. T