· Bow a Panther Jumps over FUty Feet TOPICS OR WOMEN L__ While the Afr can hon or haer may be At Portrueh a locomotive is used in addr A System or Capt1v1ty and servitude A VOMAN S UNNY EMPER. _. """'0 competitors m strength m ag l ly the pan tron to the el~ctro motive engme IJut only Which the Victims seem to Enjoy taler has no rival hvrng. What a blessmg to a household temporarily The correspondent of the London News A gentleman of truth and candor said th s cheerful womaµ-oue wl ose sp nts are not Herr Lenz has s11cceeded m maku g a cap I was m Canada some years s nee affected by wet day,a or 1 ttlc dis appomt ital cast of the statue of Le1l n tz whwh is accon panyrng Gen Hicks expedition to the to me upper Nile country writes At Berb r we beyond the St Lawrence m November The ments or whose m lk of hu ian kmdness to be erected m the c ty of Le ps1c note for the first time the excess of the p re fam ly where I was stoppmg had hung beef Ihe Damsh polar exped ton for the ex negro race either the descendants of former agamst a pile of boa1ds or lumber to cool off does not sour m thet:unshme of pr osr errty r plorat10 1 of the eastern coast of Greenland slaves or the actual slaves of the swarthy or freeze as 1s customary A catamount Such a woman m th da1kest hour bnghtens l ttle p ece of sunshmy Many years ago I turned my restless steps is well on its way toward its destmat10n Arab merchants These Berberme blacks (the It:dian name m New England) smelled the house l ke It will probably be absent for at least two are to all appearances most happy and con the meat m the woods close by and crept out weather 'II e mag etrsm of hers m les the towa ds <.Jential Africa aiad made the JOU St. Columba elecncal brightness pf her looks and move pey from where Senegal empties itself mto years tented WI ether they aie held rn bondage m the r. ght to get a piece In pullmg down ments affe t every one Who was St C:o1umba' He was an The chi ldren go the Atlantic to tl e Nile sk1rtmg the great It should always be carefully borne m or not all alike have either laugh or song on the quarter of beef he upset the whole pile to school with a sense of somethm"' great to desert and reach ng Nubia, on my way to Ir sh priest and n onk cf the sixth mmd that m bare wires out of doors erect their hps The labor they perform rs to a of lumber wh ch came down with a fearful the Eastern coast I had with n c three na century who was v;ery anxious to spread ed for the purpose of conv1>ymg electricity European observer of the most dilatory no se and he made three tremend -ius leaps be achieved and he~ husband goe~ mto the No matter trve attenaants-two of them brothers the among the pagans o.f thfl North that there is always more 01 Jess danger to per character a chantaccompanymgthesl ghtest from the spot I saw tl:ie tracks 111 the vorld ma co11que1~r s sp1r t ow people worry h1f1 far off her presence thud Ot~na a young savage from G~boon form of Chr st amty wh1cla had already tak son or property physical exnt on So sl ght 1s the phy wal snow there was not a mark between them shmes a d he vl spers to l 1 n selr At uplands a mete lad m Ins teens and one en root m Ireland In order to carry out There can be J1ttle or no doubt that the power flXh1b1ted that four men will le s uely I did not measure the chstance myself but home I shall find .-e~ · day leavmg my mule with. the two men h s desire he left aceorduag to trad1t on h s e;:i;gs of hens wh le undergo ng the process 0f roll a bale of goods that an Engli~h wharf a man dr I a id I believe correctly The natl ve Island about the year ~65 m order to who we e p tchmg 1r y tent fo the mght I mcubatron are hr..ble to be affected by the ma1 or porter would make nothmg Qf first Jnmp was up hill thirty feet second 'i:OUNG HO~SEKEEPER~ went on with my gun the boy accompany p 1>.ach the gospel among tbe mhab1tants of They pauoe at eve1y turn of a packa~e and hor zontal to a large rock fifty four feet ing n e towards a fe n forest which I notrc the Scottish H1ghlanas Th s m1ss1on wos cholera of fowls Bartholemy has shown that smg m umson then over 1t goes agam m the third down h ll seventy two feet No yonng lady al o~ld be w 11 ng to assume eggs contam germs of the mwrobes su essful One chul'f was very favorable ed m the 1 ear d stance As I approached A leap of th~rty feet perpend cular to the VI fely resp ns b1lit1Is or obl gat ons until In Japan a patent law 1s wanted not to fact they take an h<>ur domg what an ordi it I found the fore ...t c t m .wo by a wide and ga e him the.island of I n.ow celebrat nary laborer at home V1ould acuomphsh ma branch of a t10e or a forty foot plunge after she s fu ly capable of takmg charge of a gbde and seem1' a s nall herd of the com ed as Iona or lcolmk 11 as a place on wbwh protect the mventor but the pockets of the quarter of the time and no one seems to a fatal shot and falling dead almost at the house So ne sens b e person nas said that mon antelope an excellent beast m the pot to establ sh himself and his compa ions It Japa.iese themselves They believe that the hurry tl em They apparently have t all hunters feet lave been repeated un rl the householil occt pat10~s fl.re m themsel es an prows ng their way along the shaded s de I lR a small place about tl ree miles Ion"' and impression patented s a token of the good tl e1r own way and their wa) is to take veracity s not quest10ned and after makmg mtellectual and mor~J exerc se of no mean crept after them Though ignorant gf the not q ite a m~le n breadth Here St Col faith of the vendor and of the a thent "lty thmgs leisurely Let rt be unders ood th... t all poss ble al1owance we must acknowledge rmportance after whfch any lady hus enough dang r the herd was s sp c ous and slow umba b 1Lt a ..,ht rch and monaste y of wh ch of the article surplus time for booll:~ and tne arts Connect Cl t is rapidly ad anc ng m tLe no apology is offered here for sla ery there 1s not a c eature hvrng whose leap ly trottmi before me enticed me for a m le he became Abbot He ma ntamed 'ery We f lly e1 dorse ~e sentiment and bless though f om my mq u11 es among tl ose m compares with 1t rigid d1sc1phne among his monks g1vmg cultivation of the oyst1ir Not lees than or more along the verge of the fern growths the improvement 1 our female colleges forced servitude I d d not meet "1th one Ihe question then comes up how s this them plenty of work of various kinds go 000 acres are sa d to be devoted to the Turnmg a corne1 I suddenly became aware who desired to return to his or her natn e s penor ty O\ er other ammals atta ned many or \\ h ch b0as a who eBomc depart of a solitary t ee g o' mg m the m ddle of The Island beca ne the great resort of ra1smg of that dehc10us c ustacean The condition of barbarism and this :i; thmk The key to the a.ho e quest on we shall find ment of do nes~ c economy all xrous for rnstruct1on and from rt busmess s also large 1hirty stea1 e1s and the glade-one tree alone It struck me at In the marriage oukfit ot the eldes <laugh speaks volumes rn favor of the kmd way m This sprmg once tl at I Lad 1 ever seen a tree JUst 1 ke it shone orth tne 1 ght of truth on all th'.1.t many sarlmg vessels are engaged m the traf which they aie generally treated Through in the e01h>.d Wife sprmg ter how nrnuy a mother has been torced to pressed down on a baso and liberated leaps land Accordmg to Bede St Col lmba lived fie before but be ng mtent upon vemsonrfor the meum n of au mterpreter I had a long ahead furthei: than any other form The the sa r fic1> of her ~wn pe1sonal easp and ;my suppei I ooked at it only long enough there thirty two years dymg on the 9th of .At a late neetmg of the Physical Soc1eiy convers tion with a couple of 'ery neatly r ason ls very s1mp e Ern1y movement of con fort m g1v ng 1p her old experirnced June 597 at the age of 77 The reputation to satisfy my surprise at seerng a smgle Mr H R Troop slowed that more ti a clad Durka men ha !mg from 6he country c ok to rel eve the young mistress of a bur plant of such grnwtl flourishrng luxuriantly of Iona a.s a place of learnmg and devotion three color sensat10ns we10 consistent w ti south of Sennar lymg between the Wh te substance must start from a base unless den of embauassm~nt a.nd trouble that moved by an outside force The coiled wire cont nued to Increase after the death of m a spot where only the harsh fern canes the theories of Maxwell and Helmholtz and and Bl ie Niles They had been captured sprmg wl en pressP.d down becomes a sohd would otherwise falf upon hllr untramed l!!ee1 ed to thuve The deer mean" htlc the founder and Ins sucueEsors who were e:xplamed ti at four p 1 na1y separate colo wher, young ma tribal war-somethmg for its entire length When let loose the first shoulders But eveq with ti rs o.dm1rable called Culders spread all over Scotland were midway between me and the tree but sensat ons m couples ~erved the theory as nstance hke a feud would be between turn Jumps from its base which 1s the se aux hary (now al ost obsolete srnce the ex J;uddvuly mstead of passmg it swerved u preachmg what they regarded as the IJUre well as tl ree Yorksluremen and Northumbrrans - an<l cond the s cond a lds ts force to the first t10ct on o slavery) there will be oppressive gospel of Jesus C.hnst Iu the 9th century the r career and passed around it at some mmor cares duties and anxiet es re 1mrmg .A contempor~ry says that two d v1s10ns of though their captors were of the same race yards distant V\ as I mad or did the plant Iona was ra\aged by the Danes and tbe the pup Is of Samte B1rbe left Pans on May they were mere lessly sold mto ser tudc 3umpmg from the thud and so m succession a sacrifice of t me an4 ease that N;beJlllStress to the last which adds its force after the ishnd is rot aga n spoken of n hist ry t 11 :really try to catch the deer ? On a sudden not be will ng at all times tlf ;>ield un he 19th cent ry when rt was agam occu 4th one for London and the other for Ger To day they repudiate all notion of return vhole cm! 1s liymg from the outside base of may m rmur ngly I saw or thought I saw ng to their own country They said Here all !\.nd this 1s precisely the ca e n the pied by a band of monks The C 1lders b~ many where they will stay for three months THE 'lREE VIOLENTLY AGITATED Be she e er so haptly endowe-1 w th that under the care ol their professor· 11 e ob we are well cared for by our master or as panthers leap The forelegs and head a e and wh le the ferns al arnund were stand that t1 ne had n uch de enerated rn characte1 JeCt of the JO irney 1s to obtnm a practwal they termed him krnd father He shot forward from ti e should rs tl e power enviable faculty of ta mg thrngs hgl tty and and conduct and were ultimately suppress mg mot onless m the dead evenmg air its knowledge of thfl Eogl sh and German Ian clothes us and when meal time comes \\ e ful muscles of the back stra ghten the curve patien ly ever estim tn g httle m shaps a.t boughs we1GJ swayed by so ne sudden gust ed I y Dand the fi st between ~ D 1124 and guages s t under his roof and eat our fill and at of the spmal columns from the h ps while the r ful cost and ~o n ore she will still 1153 'Ihe vs t of Dr Joh1 soi to this toward the herd and swept m ti e force of i~J t we have good beddrng and shelter the great poster or muscles through the find he p s t on one pf trial an l embarrass island is well known and h s remark about At the Phys1olog cal Soc ety Berl n rt their unpulse a 1 ost to tl e grn nd I drew ment lhe e 11 ust be a regular and general Wnen we des re it he gives us money to go µiy hand across my eyes closed them !or a patr ot1sm bemg warmed up when one stands was lately stated tbat mstead of the con to the bazaar and what belongs to hun be Achille! tendon and over the longest lever metho I 11 eve ythu ~ 1£ i;b11ft 01 de1 and n the an ma! economy add the last impetus on Marathon and piety when one contem densed m lk wh ch owmg to its la1ge per moment and looked agam The tree was as neatness prevml It 1 1s m van to en301n plates the runs of Iona rs well kuow1 It centage of sugar has not kept its pla e as a longs to us We are of his family Why to a body already shoot ng ahead hke an early ris ng and llCl)llomy JDOhonless as myself m pantry and should we wish to eturn to the misery and arrow Ihe serpentme flex brhty is beaut Toward it and now close to rt the boy 1s a lonely deserted place now but full of food for uh1ldren a preparation of m lk has uncert1tude of our early I fe · Such as illustrated n the menai?erie when the cuisine f the ru stre~s be unpunctual and was r nnmg n exc ted purfiu t of the fawn sacred mterest to all who know 1ts past his lately been mported and mtroduced mto far as I I ave been able to glean is the fully keeper thrusts his stwk act oss the cage and extravagant and ser'llants are nc-.;cr slow m 'Ihe m lk s Re stretched out his hands to catch it It torr while St Colur ba '"111 always be dear the market from Sw1t:.1erland general feelmg of those m servitude They orders Felis to Jump o er rt The head and lea.rt rng that she doe not practice what she bounded b om his eager grasp Again he to those who can ad n re great energy of.Pur protected aga nst fermentat on and decom becomt! so to sp ak members of the ho ISe shoulders rise and gr~cefully curve over the teac es st1 etuhed Io1 ward and agam 1t escaped bun pose .,reat and sm~leness of aim combined pos1t10n by previous cook og Let 110 young hous keep fr desp se md us hold of ti er masters They benefit largely stwk begmnmg to descend o 1 the opposite There was another insh forward and the with great consecratedness of effort Ill spread Pariax me or ~ says the Gar le ier s (}Ii r on by the C1v1hzat10a such as t s that sur side when the fost impetus 1e given by ti e tnal act v1ty and a fArsonal execut on of next rnstan t boy and deer ' e1 e beneath tLe lllg learnmg and p ety among one s fellow icle rs a compact and charmmg plant which wuuds them The5 forn t es and affect ona hmd feet and the body air ht· gently as rt all t 1e rules mst1tute for the general we! tree And now t'hei.:_e was no mistake what me Then and not sends up numl>e1s of stems from the botto n They r arry and have children and they rose seemmg without we ght concuss on or fare of her establ ·hIDi'ent ~ ~···----I saw The tre" was convulsed w th mo until then w II we s e comfort happm~ss m plac_e J of contmually growmg pward and becon e thoroughly 1den ified witb the the d aturbance of a leaf tron leaned forward swept its thick foliage Incorrigible Boys. anj pro!]_3er1ty thus beco n ng unga nly It beais a p ofus country and surroundings of those who own -boughs to the ground an l enveloped from A law was passed m 1880 pn'\idmg m ion of elee:antly curled tasseled and vane them my sight pursuer and pursued I vrns VI th ce1 ta n c re mstances for rncorr gible boye gated fohago ver) catcbmg to the eye and The Ettect or Sugar on the Liver Ats mset the tam tam or native drum Progress of t:he nti Vacclna.tion ln a I m dred yards a d the cry of Oton~ t e1 g sent to the Pro~ nc al Reformatory unlike any of its predecessors The othe1 is heard m the court or at the entrance f Move ent. from the midst of the tree came to me m all I he fit st aplllicat1on under this Act "as Panax (dumnosum) s of familiar habit the .very house Master an".i servants are alike The liver 1s the great blood pur fier of the the clearness of ts agony There vas tl en ma le by the rnOther of a boy m Toronto re fol age bemg crested and frmged after the holdmg their This movem.,nt of late has made rapid tertubas JUSt a.s m Spam system and rt is usually 1f not always out one st fled strangling scream and except cently aud the young reprobate will be g1 en manner of some of our rar., c ested ferns oae 1ears 11 prov nc1al towns and v llages of or ler as a pr.,hmmary to febrile dISeases p1ogresb ti roughout t~e world In adu1t1on for the ag tation of the lea-.;es where they a chance n the Reformatory for the next five the twangmg of the gmtar and ~he long Sugar s known to have an unfavorable effect to varwus works and jlysheets there are sev A new mv1s ble mk has been ntroduced close:i upon the boy there "as not a s gn years He is ten and is mcorf1g bly v 01ous s ghed remulous note of so ne Ai:ab father upon the hver mdeed its unhealthmess as era! Jvurnals published m var10us bnguages t y Dr W1demann It is made by intimate of hfe and unmanageab e so that the poor mother ed mus c ':J;he female elav"s tf really they an artwle of d et 1s often shown m tn1s \\ ay Amongst other papers m Germany the re I called out Otona No answer cam~ can do noth1 g with h m The old Jews hada lJ m1x11g l 11seed 011 1 part water of am can be called so seem to sit as high at their I am awa e that the funct ons of the l ver cently published JOuriual Der Jn pf.geqner mon a 20 parts and water 100 parts The I tried to call out agam b t my utterance more summary way of proceed ng with young dress tables as the lighter colored mistresses are only imperfectly understood but I be deals with statist cs a well as bes ent1!ic. was hke that of some w ld beast smitten at nopefuls of such an orde of arol 1teoture mixture uust be agitated each t1 ie ti e pen \\hon they serve Of ornaments they ha\e 1 eve there is no dispute about these two aspect of the quesuon and is eu ted by Dr 1s dipped mto it as a little of the 011 may once with sudden terror and its deatl wound It is worth while q uotmg from the grand plenty-s I er and gold corns be ng woven tens Now I am not contend ngthat 1t rs 0 dtmann of Lmn ch Rhen sh Prussia In I stood there chanaed from all semblance old book as it star ds If a man have a separate and fil'lat on the surface from wh ch mto th rr innumerable thmly plaited tresses t gar instead of malaua wl !Ch causes febrile thrn conn try there re two I euodicals 1f taken up by the pen a sta n would be left of a human bemg Not all the terrors of stubborn and rebellious son whwh will not Amber coral and Jasper necklaces falls n 'q1sea~es butt re questron which Iw sh dis namely The National 'Ant Comp lsory J ac upon the paper To make the writmg ap the earth together coul l have made me obey the vo10e of his father or the vo ce of rows over their when young statuesque t nctly to have cons1dered is whether the oinat on. Reporter e !'t"d by M ~ Hume take my eyes fiom the awful plant or his n other and t at when tney l:ave pc~r. all that rs needed is to dip the manu bosoms here as is t e custom o the coun free use of sugar 1s not often the cause of sucl Rothe1y of Cheltt:nhapi and pnbl shed for sci pt m water when the paper dries the my foot oft the ground I must have stood chastened him will not hearken mto them try left untrammeled bv robe or corset a bau cond1t1on of the liver that the system the 1'\11t onal Anti Compulsory Vai.; nat10n thus for half an hour for the ehadows ha l 'I hen shall b1~ father and rr other lay hold writ ng will van sh L ke the Beshareen Arabs the Berbereens is i ot able to res st t~e presence of malar a League of wh ch Mr V\ m Hume Rothery crept o t from the forest half ac oss the on h m and bnng h n o t unto tlie elders of It is but farr to say that the relations of 18 president and ne !Vacci ation E:iquirer There 1s to be held m Par s th s year from male and female wear attached to the r ~lade before h s c ty and unto the gate of his place Ana. the 1st to tl e 22nd of July an nsect exh right arm abo-ve the elbow red or brown pure s igar to the system are as yet but 1m ed ted by Mr vVm White of I;_ondon pub THE HIDEOUS PAROXYSM OF FEAR they shall say unto the elders of h s city b1t1on 01gan zed by the Central Soc ety of leather cy lmdr cal sh~ped amulets like small pet tectly explamed by med1 al author t es l shed by the London $oc ety ~ '\he .Aboli left me My first impulse was to creep Th LS ot r son 1s stubborn and rebel rous he Agrwulture and lnsectology It will m drums conta mng scraps of parchment m 1t s known that stare 1y natte s are changed t1on of Co np 1l~ory Vacc nat <!: bf. which slowly away lest t!Je tree should perceive w 11 not obey our vo ce le rn a e:lutton elude (1) usef il msects (2) the1r prod cts m scribed with erses of the Korab or ome mto sugar by the hver and disappear m the Mr P A Taylor M P is prep dent and me but my returning senses bade me ap and a dr mkard A d all the men of his the ra" state and Ill the first transforma cabal st c words mvented by a local fak r lungs but 1t does not follow that because Mr VI m Young secretary Thee s also proach it Th11 boy rmght have fallen nto c ty shall stone him wit! stones that he t1ons (3) apparatus and mstruments usedrn These are beheved to preserve the wearer the l vet make~ sugar that we should over an nternat onal D rect.ory of lead ng anti the lair of some w Id beast 01 prey die so shalt thou put evil away from the preparation of these products (4) n from all bodily harm Happ ly whatever load l't w th tt at art cle ieady made fhat vaccmators (edited b Dr 0 dtmann of carrymg coals to New L nm h) n VI h1ch al grades of soc ety are '.lhe vegetable first d scoveredn ~ presen e among you an I all Israel shall l ear and JUr o s insects and tl e var ous processes for nay be the krndness sl own by the master m ght be like at about thirty yards d shnce I tl en be fear Th s would no doul:t imply treflt either counteractmg then ravages or for de to his bondsman slavery has fa days numb caste and the market would be glutted represented-the med al profess on among came aware ot a stealtl y motion among the met t somewhat too heroic for the namby s roymg them and (5) everythmg that n::ay ered The government of the khed ve Besides it 1s 1s tally found best to let each whon are professors of the med caltacultres thick lipped leave. re mnd ng me of some pamby swkly slobb r ng sentrmenta ism uf be ot mterest to the student of msectology rightly mfluenccd 1s determmea to shmp 1t part of the system do the work ass gned to of un vers1hes ti ole gy mcludmg w ld beast slowly gatherrng itself up from a the present day a1 d we are not JJrepareR out and th presence of English officers it if we w sh to keep it n good "ork ng prelates tie legal profess10n ucludmg long sleep a vast coil of snakes m restless to advocate its restoration But th re are now m the service of his h1gljness) m the ortler If the h er be not m good work ng Judges poht1c1an~ of various co ntnes em Mm1n1t Troubles motion Have you seen bees ha g ng f on cases wher persons become qu te s great distant provmces of the So dan will un order we rlo not find that sweets help it but ment stat st1c1ans a icl me nbers of ti " pro a bough-a great cl 1ster of bod1eo bee offenders agamst t e common weal as t they The mmltlg rots m the States are but the doubted ya d the cxtmct1on of the cmse exactly the contrary Nothmg 1s worse for fess10ns trades &c In Germany Austria b1l10us l ss than cake syruJJ honey can &c the ar stocracy take a lead ng pan n clmgmg to bee-and by str kmg the bough bad committed what society is pleased to first preludmg .,rumbles of commg confus10n Let the mand1 be disposed of and the re Tl 1s s the mo eme1 t and aq1ong the Rngl sh uo or ag tatmg the air cat smg that massed hfe call a onme and there does not seen any and possibly of not a little bloodshed R ngs volted d st 10ts brought back t~ theu alleg1 1 es aucl sweetened food generall) to beg n sulkily to disentangle each msect reason why such should not be proceeded have been encouragedandbonussed by heavy anoe a ne1v moral teach ng firmly and commonly understood though the ca se of 1 lnl ty 111 a found the nalt ieo of Lord Chfto11 assertmg ts md1v1dual r ght to move And ag't nst as er m nals Iake this case of the p otect1ve dut1AS and any number of und e sternly mculcated w 11 shed ~ new I ght s not explamed by our physiologists Countess DA Namlles !.Srr Jervo se Clark"' do y9u remember how without onfl bee widow womans boy brought up befoieJudge advantages and ]/ehold the end of 1t all thro gh these dark lands When the now Jervoise Bart Sir Gqo1ge Penross, .Bart leavrng the pens1le cluster the whole be Bovd He won t go to school won t work 'l'l ey have not share:! with their human tools turb1 lent aud e1 el confl cting trib"s are &c Recently a Medical Vacc natwn En A. Circus at a Circus. came gradually rnst not with sudden hfe wont keep situations when they a.re secured the enormous and unseemly profits they made finally to Understand that the sale of qu ry las been for ned ~n London co nposcd and horrid with a mult1tudmou motion him swears clr nks chews tobacco and 1s I ave wrung out of the general commumty the r fellowmen is everywl ere proh1b1ted The spectators at Sanger s Circus were ot both vaccmators a!nd anti vaccmators Each separate leaf was ug tatcd and hun gmlt of all the other manly vices he ees by fo1ms of law On the contrary the work the great rncehttve to strife w 11 cea~e to fluttered recently by an unusual occurrence with the obiect of g'llt~er ng reh..ble opm $ry pra tised on the street~ steals also and mg men of the States and especially the ex1s prisoners hitherto a SOlJ,,rce of wealth It was a strugg e between a lady n the se ions and stat1st1cs on l tho quest on Dr Was I bewildered by terror? Had my mniny thmgs of the like character He rs sk lied operatives are relat 'ely worse off w ll beco ne unmarketable and the excuse lect seats and a gentleman wl o rushed sud D ysdale of London lwho advocates calf senses ab'Uldoned me m my need I know corruptmg hIS younger brother and his to day than they were th rty years ago In for mternecme warfare w tn a v ew to denly upon her for the possession of a httle lymph vaccu e is pre~1dent Dr Makuna not-I ut the tree seemed to me to be alive grandmother cant manage h m If this is many cases not only relatively but abso mutual k1dnappm~ become obsolete Then girl 1ll tne lady s company The scene was bemg secretary and he a it1 vaccmators Leanmg over toward me rt seemed to be not a c:ise for lega rnterference TRUTH lutely so Cheap labor from the ol l coun tbe numerous tnues bordermg the Wh te the latest pflS~age Ill a history of h gh l fe are represented on th comm ttee by Drs pu1lmg up 1 s roots from ti e softened grot nd scarcely knows what wo rid be G ve him try has been poured nto all the centres of and Blue N1 es w 11 find there s no further Three years ago the lady sued for and ob Ho:i1.1hton and Colhnsl of London and Dr and to be movmg towa1d me A mount a chance ma I eformatory for five years mduatry g1vrng the employers always therr profit 1ri war and with general peace and tamed a decree of Jnd101al separat )Il fr;im Abrath of Sunderlandl who have wr tten amous monster w th myrmd lips rr u nblmg and if he 1s no beter at the end of that time cho ce of cheap labor wh !fl they ruled the the development of en ihz ng mfluences the her husband a man of title The court extensr el~ on thr. sul:),iect Amongst tl e together for hfe was upon me L ke one the question of stonmg may be gravely markets m all the products of their estab ploughshare will take the place of the sword ga.ve the pl mt1ff the custody of the child me l cal men who bave tlso written m Eng who desperatel~ defends h mself from im discussed I shments and could almost name the r To this end the government of 'the khe<J ve but ever s nee there has been a contmual land on the question are Drs Garth Wilk mment death I made an effort for l fe and pr ce buyrng up r1va s or comb nmg will strenuously and honestly st ve and war for the possess10n of the youthful prize mson and Pearce of Loµdon (Dr Pearce is fiied my gun at the approachmg horror To with them to keep up prices What has backed by the energet c work of the Eng Recently the lady went to tl e c rcus famous for his English stahst cs) The Holiday Season )llJ,'. d zz e euses the sound seemed la1 oft At the Germany Austria and Switzerland claim been the result Why, capital m the hand hsh now leputed to attam this end there rs attended by two female 1ervants Every body that can at all take a t ohday of a fe\\ claims to be kmg and 1f labor sa) s hope for a successful term nation of the pre end ot tho programme as she rose to leave to hai;e renounced co~pulsory vacc nat on but the shock of the ieco 1partially1ecalled me to myself and start ng back I reloaded is now gra' ely cousultmg with the lull anythmg m the way of p otest then it must sent revolt To sum up briefly the curse the husband rushed irom a nbush seized his from a sc1ent1fic sta.ndp mt Th s consum '.I.he shot had torn their way mto the soft house! old c')uncil '"hat shall be the place b" put down Of course 1t must when 1t of slavery is not the actual h lil ug of slaves daughter and was carryrng her off VI hen matron was cluefiy effe ted by the exertions body of the great thmg T e trunk as rt to be favored with their presence Sone resorts to physwal force and violence But but the misery caused by the destruction of the mother sprang on h1 n and there was a of the late Dr l'iattmger of ISt ttgart who received the wound shuddered and the ol course have no doubt abot t the matter tens of tnousands of eager brams and mmble villages the sever tig of family ties and the st<uggle One of the servants a sturdy wrote as ea ly as 1848 ~nd late1 by Dr Ger whole tree was struck with a sudden quiver money s abund&nt with them and they ac m tellects arc askmg how l ~ comes to pass cruelt cs perpetrated n the work of capture wer ch came to the rescue of her m stre s mann P ofe sor of Me11cme m the Un ver A frnrt fell down shpp 1g from the leaves co1d ngly go to Murray Bay or Peaks that wealth accumulates and men decay People are dragged miles and miles without and the end of it w.i.s that the marauder s1ty of Le1pa c each of wlltch- gentlemen now rig d with swollen ve ns as from cavern Jslan l or Martha s V neya d or Yurrup and there will be plenty 9f trouble before wat r c lamed t>y the neck m fact the tra ls -.vas obhgeu to drop his p 1ze 01 t of h s arms ompla ned that the mt1d1cal stu ients were fcliage Then I aw a large arm slo" ly or &cme equally desirable loc;i,l ty for the the answer and solut10n are fo md Mono of the capt irers ma5 be followed by the and beat a retreat JUSt as the police managed not s fiic e 1tly tau~ht l m phys 0al scienee relatrng to medwme hence so many medr al droop an l without a sound it \>as severed heated season But what ot those who have pol es die hard but after all they must :Ile skeletons of the r captives left on the hne of to work a way to the spot ----.··--4 ._. . . . . . . ____ emp r cs On the Cotttment phy~1cal sc from the J u1ce atte1 ed bole and sank down no such superabundance of cash · Well whether they take the shape ot an nrespon route ence has been for yE:arsin ob! gatory subject noiselessly through the 1i;l stemng leaves I thank Heaven th~y need not want a hc.l day s blear stocracy a pro ected plutoc acy a Why He Married the Ba.chelor ----··~ ~ ... upon the student bu rt ha~ never been fired agam and another 'Ile fragment was because they can t go a thousand mies 11 favored hierarchy or of anythmg else winch The Effect of Alcohol A postman left twolette1s at the residence taught nor req u1red in 1r medical schoCJls powerless-dead At each d scha1ge the search of one Summer resorts the e are m lives and grows by UUJUSt privilege and abundance and at the door Muskoka chugs to its so callea. vested ngl ts t 11 these 'l'he follow ng propos1t1ons regardmg the of a Chwago m mster both of whrol con and whenever Uontmental medical anti vac ternble vegetab e with its rocks islands and lakes " 11 have becon e tran·p:i,rent and nt<>lerahle vested effects of alcohol on the human system may tamed an application for his services to pe1 cmators lave a i oppottun ty they reco n manv Even the NJp ssmg d1str ct will get wror gs be stated as fully established sc ent fie form the marr age ceremony at the same nend a stringent cou se of study n this sul time some ad enturcus explorers and fishers Ject In Apr I 1879 Dr Abra.th ot Sunder facts I I ardly know what to do he remarked land througl Col Gourley M "p pet i:lome V11!1 go to tbc upper lakes and be First -That alcohol when taken diluted to his wife I can t accommodate them char ned and nv1gorated by wl at they VI 11 troned Parliament that ~ngh~h medical stu m the form of termcntcd. or i~t lied spirits A Cheese Making Berry see and what they w ll feel 11 that quarter is rapidly absorbed w thout change earned both Let me see-Mr A l as been married dents should be ex11m ned m phys cs relat ng A cneese mak ng berry has recently been before has he not ? to med1cme and the la$er nas been recently l arry Mund we doubt not w ll e:et 1uto the blood a d with that fli.ud brought Oh yes replied his wife he lost ha adopted by the Royal College of Phy& cians son e as 1t well desei ves to do and the cl sC<>vered m In i a w rch seems to be a m contact with every structure and part of captal sub·t1t te for re11nec Pune11a as first wife six months ago Sa VI 11 undoubtedly have its patrons the huma1 body of London And B IS a bachelor· Ye but what of those wh<>se purses cn.n the natives call it s the ber y of a plant known sc1ent fically as JI itZ a 1 a coaqul s Second -That wh le c culatmg m the Yes not stand e en ti at stra n lhere are lots A Vegetarian Ban.11-uet tn London TI at settles 1t then I shall marry Mr of place· neare st 11 All along ti e shores -a sl rub wh ch rs common m the PunJab l lood ts presence retards those nolect lar Nearly al un I ed persons e nployed by B V\ hAn a man marries a second time he of L ke Ontflrio n ce cnn ement local ties and T ans Indus teu1tory and wh ch has o ato me changes by wh ch nut it1on d10 can eas ly be found wh le som w 11 prefe1 long been used by the Afghans and tegrat on and secret10n are ma ntained and uever pays the mm ster any n ore than the the Marylebone Vestryfe e enterta ned t0> Expenments tl e phenomena of l fe cont nued. law allovis but yo ug badhelors are so ne a ..,egetar1an supper recently at the plac~s inland farm I o ses or cottages rn Beloochees to c rclle n lk t mes very tool sb an l thegood ma rubbed ~ almer Uflstle Colle Iavern 8eyn our llages as the case may be The ra ways conrlucted offic ally on a far l 1 elo11g ng to Tli1d -That its presence retards the place Ma y lebone road y l)r and M s Nor v II tal e some to Owen Soi d thers to the Gove I or o Bo nbay have demonstrated ehm nation of waste matter impairs nerve I rs hands m ldlv nan Ker The rector of the I ansl and.. 8outhar pton or K ncardrne r G der ch ti e efficacy of the berry m the man facture sens b 11 ty lessens muscular exc1tab1hty and -~----~ ~~--Dr R chardson wer~ a ong those present o Sar a or other s oh places All ha e of cl eese a perfoct cura be ng pro luced and lowers thG temprat re of the body corrosive Sublimate ln Catarrh ~"h b t ,. L e o 1ec m v10v. w~s to gn e p achca. I e r pee al attract ons and we would the cl eese turm g out excel ently and B cblor de of mercurv ma solut on o {one 1llustrat1on of the econ my with wh1 h life ]!ourlh -That a part at least of tbe not be so fool sh n.s to p efer onA p ce to w th a v ew to the more extended cult va another Let the ad ocates of each p oduce tion of the sh uh an expeun ental planta amount taken s final /eh n n:tted or thrown gra n to the pmt of wate to wh ch two could be na nta necl on egetab e diet The tier s rong reasons an l ad~ertis Our t on s to be established at the Gove nn er t out of the system w h the excret ons with ounces of cher y lau1el may be added is supper cons sted ot t ee coi rses ac om J .N l\1 cken e pan ed l y brown brea ana a c p of cocoa readers w l be glad to k1 ow w at tach I as Botan cal Gardens at Saha anpore Tl e ont havmg undergone any app ec able iecommended I y D (Maryland Med cal Jou nal) rn the treat 1or ea.cl guest A ho ch p<>tch soup was to say m favor of h s or her p:Jrrt c Jar Pune1 a so cal ed from the Pers an na ne chemical change n ent of mfl.ammatory cond t10ns of the no e first si:r ed It was co posAcl of p tato s of cheese-is prepared by plac ng al out t vo locality '[ hese facts are as well estahl shed as any o nces of the hen es m a sm..11 quaut ty of m the !omam of ph~ s10logy or n thew hole and throat with profu§e m o purulent tt rn r~ carrots leeks celery grceu peas secret on Cr sts that may be present and parsley and b tter I was palatable and c.d water and allow ng it to s mmer by Crouch the author of Kathleen Mav ties de of a fire for t :vel ve hours It 1s sa d field of natural so er ce and they po nt with tenac10us mucous sl ould be re noved f om t is la med for 1t that it is n tr t ous The all the clearness and force of a mathemat cal o rneen 1 as had a benefit pe fonnance that half a p nt of the lecoct on will suffice demonatrat on to the conclus on that alcohol the surfac.,s which sl ould tl en ba spray d next d1 h was a pie mide~ ~a cot bfla s given for l mm Bal 1more He rs old a1 d to curdle fifty fi e gallons of n ilk and then followeCL 1s m no sense a food nnther furmshmg ma with an ato mzer provwed w th su table flour o ions and butte pom tubes He regards rt as a most valuaHe the sweets a f ot mess f rhubarl r ce and: terial for the trs~ues nor fuel for combustion ----··-4 ~ ._ ··--~rhe cost of tl e meal was less thaTh of the sugar The surrender of Abd el Kader to the nor generatmg either nervous or muscular dISmfectant m ozwua a d fwt breath fron pharyngeal d1sea·e He found £1 5d be ug at the rate of 3d each person } ench took place Dec 22 1847 He was 1 A little fellow gorng to a ch rch for the force t: -rt successful m h s ov.n case n abatrng an i 11pr soned at Pau and at Amboise although first time where the pews were very !ugh acute cory za and had good results rn treat the French had promised to g ve him his vas asked on com ng out what he did m There s 1101 so muc danger m ~ knowu The Hebrew philanthropist Sir Moses mg chron u nMal cata1 l - W: ~t~rn Medu;al I went mto a 1 berty but Louis :Napoleon released h n; m church when he replied Montefiore is nearly a hundred years old Rll"ew foe as a suspected one cupboard and took a seat on the shelf 1852 remo ed the rotten foliage anrl there among the dead leaves >1t1!1 l mp with Juices and piled arot nd the oots we fo nd the ,-he Botanical Vampire in the Wilds of g astly 1ehc @f ma y meals and-its last Nubia nour shment the corpse of l ttle Otona To lave removed tie leaves would have taken !fhe Narrow Escape of a Hunte·-"- lUut too long so we bur ed the body as t was E11ttua; ltlouster that Envelopccl u with 100 vamjl) ie lea~es still ling ng to rt Boy tntl at Finvn tn Us Hor -San Francisco JJJxammei dble Embiacc A TERRIBLE TREE SCIENTIFIC GOSSIP SLAVERY IN THE SOUDAN f:"a'm;;;; 0 ------···-11 I ··---- ----·--- -- ~-··---- I I _.._..=4t,. . ... _
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