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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1883, p. 8

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1 The Co11ncil met· June 5Lh: · Ree·e in UliGs-Irhes, roaches, anti the chair. All members· present. Min· bed-btms. rats. m1CP. i;:ophers, chipmunks, uteR read and c<mfirmt>d. . cleared out by" R!>u;:h on Hate." 15c. The following petitions, communication ' ~~~~----and report& received and re~'\d, viz : A petition frvm 'fho11. Linton, Wm. Ktvell and olhers, for aid to im1:n·ove 11ide CATl!.Hmt,-A new "l'reatment < wherebv- & line between lots 28 and 2() con 8. Re· ~anent cure !8 elfcoted m from one to three . ·. · . · tr.eatments. Purticuh<1·~ and 'l'reatiRe free nn ferred to Reeve to examme side hoe and r~ce.i.1>t ot stamp. A-·, H. DIXON & SON, 3&i let job, if deemed necessary. Ing Street, West:_1 oioul_~ F'rom Wm. 'fhornton, Thos. Henderenn Wrr.n 1·nE R_i.;v. JG. 13. STE\'ENSON, B.A·. A anJ others, to cause obstructions to he re· Cr.Ear111.l4AN o~· THE L· JNDON UONFEHESCE moved otf 8th con. line oppoAite lot No. 01" Tll·~ M,.,__~01>1·"' Cnuncu o~· CANADA. 2~ R d d fil d · HAS 'l'O BAY ~- Rl':<lAf<D TO A. II. DIXON & u. e\ an tl · ~.s·s NEWTRICA'l'~t~,·i· }'OJ\ CA'l'AHJU!. A com1i1unication from 'Vright and · OAKLAND, ONTA1<10. CAN., Mnrch 17, 1883. 'Vright, to open aide line between lots 14 .llhss1·s. A.H. Dixoi·, &·Son. abd 15, in the 1st con. Clarke. Read and DE~R Srns-)'.'onrs ol' the l~th lnst'lnt to hand. filed. It seems almost too KOO<l"to be true that I am Heport of Commissioners appointed to cured ofCtJ.tao-h, b111 l know that lam, I have ~ .. ..-. had no i·et,ul'll of ihe di·e11.oe and never felt E'X.amioe the .r.l\st lUanvers and Gravel better in my life. I t11we tried l!O 1nany things RO'ads, reeommend some graveling to be for catarrh, ·11ffered so mnch and for so many · I years. rh,.t it is hard f,,,. me to rea.lize that I am done; also that Pathmascers atrtct Y at· really better. · ' tenl to cleaning ouc of ditches throughout I consider that mine wa.savery bad case; it ti T h' wa~ a!(gravo.ted 11.ncl da·onic. involvi11g the 1e owns 1P· throat a" well 11~ r he ""8'11 passage~. and I On motion of · Mr. Reed, 8t1conded by thought l wpuld rcqu"ir\' 1he three trc-·t men t!!> Mr. Stanton, Com. Oarveth Wft8 deputed but feel rnlly cure<! IJ;· r he two sent mt:. and i to examine side line between lot11 28 and a~ thnnkrul thd.t I w"" ever induced to ~em! to you. 29, con. 8, and let a job thereon, tf deemYou aro at liberty to 11·e this letter ~tating d that I hav11. been c1£rtll at ttco t1·eatrncnts. and e necessary· I shall glttdly" tl yunr remedy to sohte On motion of Mr. Stanton, seconded of my 1ri.,nds who ure ""iferers, by Mr. Renwick, Mtfasrs. J:teid 1111.d l<'ligg Yours with rnu11y thanks. were deputed · to "examine side liue bell~;v. E- B. 8TE\'ENSON. tween lots 14 and 15, in lat con., and let --- -- - jol> thereon, if dee1ned neceua.ry. ToRo:;To, .April 2l, l882. on motion of Mr. Reid, eeconded by A.H. Dixon, Esq., 30:: King St., West. Mr. Stanton, on applicati1m of Dr. Oliver DEAR Sm,-We tuk0 pk1<sute in sta.tfrW that ond 'Vm. Mil~ian, for a grimt to im!)rove our junior nartuer. " no had for yeai-S4Jec·~ troubled with CaLurrtt. w11.s successfully curec, ide1Valks in ewtonville; Resolved,_ that by three ti·eatme .. t·· »f your remedy; 'l'ho tI _., f t t d ll r b t d f l,-, 11um 0 wen Y 0 a. s e gra.11 e or C&ttarrh was m11<:h a1C><··avated, with coittiuual dl!o_pping into the 1h· ··-<t.. am·ompau1cd by Joas said purpose. Carried. of voice, h<iwkiut{ ,..,,! -pittiug and blocking up On motion of Mr. Reid, aeconded by of the nostdls, u.11 vf "'"ich we aro pleased to l\lf' , C S ~ d 1111.1 disnppearcd ahn " ~'· immediately after the .1.r. Stan~on, om. ta.nton was < epute r0me:ly wai applied Your remedy is certainly to meet a. depnt~tion of the Hope Council a11 invali1able oue, """ w-o hope ..11 who _ may t 0 1 t a JO · b on the 'I'own l' 'te th e beeufl'ering 1ro111 t.111 · .; .1isu.1<reeable disease ,viii a_ 1ue, oµ_pos1 Rive it a tri1ll, as " " ,~,.,_ s11>lisllcd they will tlnd 8th M n. Clarke. 1t a complete snce.e~,;. On motion of Mr. Fli~g, seconded hy Yours v<~··r , ' 1ly, M r . S tan ton. c om. R enw1c..· 1. wil.e d eputed WM "01ous & Soy, w11.,1e a.le t'ianos and Organs. · t.o examtne side Jin~ between !vts 2~ and ______ '_ ' · X Adel11ide 8t.l!:t\st. 2~? con. 7, and make anr necessary re· Bucl·len'H Arntm i.nh'e.-T.h e best Sa.Ive pairs he may deem proper. , in.the worl<l tor Cut.s, lli'uises, Sores, U ··)rs. On motion of Mr. Re icrick, seconded Sa.It . Rhe11m, Fevel' .~ores, 'l'etter, Chapped by Mr. Flil(g, That an ,rri<!er be drawn on Hltuds, CllilblaiRs. c;,,, us, and all Skin Erup- the 'freasurer in favqr ~ John Buckley, tions. and Positiv .. ly c;;red I'iles. It is guran- for cedar for bridge between lots 24 and teed give perfcc1 sutisfaction, or money 25, con. 3, $12. 78. Carried. On motion of Mr. Renwick, seconded refllnded. Pl·lce i5 c""" " per box. ]'or sale by J ,' Higginbotham & .~""· by Mr. Fligg. 'fhat the Ree,·e grant hie 2 !Wiii'IHHM**Pf& ordt-r on the Treasurer in favor of John Carveth for the sum of $15 for legal opinJ~et no one now 11111it kl buy ion procured in contemplated suit- Gal· 'l'he fragrant "r .. 'hony," and trv Upon th" tee1 h i - , ·lean~ing powrr·, .braith vs. Township of Clark1:1. Carried. And gain" · · ·ko sccnL or flowers. Each member of the Council took and subsc ribed the necessary dt1claration of office prev~H to entering 011 the dµties of appeal. " · On motion of Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. Stanton, '!'hat this Com1cil do now form itself into a Court of Hevision for the year 1883, to hea.r and decide all cases of appeal legnlly coming before it . Car. On motion «f ·Mr. Reid, seconded . by Mr. Stanton, 'fhat the Assessment Roll, a& now finallz re vised, be and is hereby declared t o ~'>tl the revised Assessment Roll of th - '~wnship of Clarke for the year 1883; a · th11t tl\e Clerk is hereby instructed toptlix his certificate thereto as the law dil'et's, and that this Court do now rise imd proceed to transaction of other generaf business. Carried. The following accounts were ordered to be ' paid, viz :-W. L. Broad, part pay· ment of salary, $60 ; David Walsh, Assessor, part payment of salary, $GO : In.., ',., U.eS. digents, $48 ; AmlM!a Fuller, gravel, $3. 90; ""We get rmu · !.-1.t\>.rs frorn druggists A. W. Carveth, plank, $22.04; D. A. Rtatin~ ple»san 1 r sults from customers of Gamsby & Bro., plank, et.c., $2.05; Wm. Bilious tem per;.,mc11 ts hH viu !l used Zopesa. Batten, work on ro:id, $2.18 ; E. E. BilThose subj<-ct tn depression or low lings, .wire fence, $.54; H. W. Renwick, spirits, caused hy Indi~estion or Live r cedar, $18.60; Ed. Ball, Pathmaster, troubles will be surpriser\ how rapidly $13.44; John Miller, beef to indigent, and pleaa;111tly 1t >Let~. lt corrects the SOc.; J. Thompson, repairs to bridge, secretiou8, stren" thens digePtion. Usual- $3.50 ; J. Thompson,' buildmg culvert, ly a 10-eent saruplc convinces ooe of its $5; John Law, repairing bridges, $12.50; J.B. Trayes. advertising, $2; Dr. Ruthvalue. erford, attending in digent, $12.25 ; Jas. . ' ,. ' Wilson, repairing brid!!A, $11.44; G. Brown.repairing bridge, $9.50; G.:Brown, buildi~g bridge, $8. The following applications were made for payment for loss of sheep by do~s :Robert Ratcliffe, half value paid, $6.82; Thaddeus Brown, do.,$7.50; John Finley, do., $6. On motion the Council adjourned to meet. again on Tuesday, the 3r'1 day of July next, at 10 o'clock a.m. A colored woman dil'd in New York city who is said to have heen 115 years old. ·(;LAB.KE COUNCIL. -l We take grocers' due bills as ca.sit. &Co. Ellison J'J..u:s A~D CATARRH. l -.rill cure dy~pepsia, heart:hum, rlta.. laria, kidney disease; liver co1u4 Jlla'iut, aud other wast int: d iseasc:;. SULPHUR IRON BITTERS AND We are ma.king the line orJO centwints very attractive. Elllson & Co. ~ - -·-- - ---- -- ·- You:rn men of style don't get behind thii' times, but call on Maynard, the Jeweller aud get one of those uice Fobs and Seale. H., keeps everythio'g new in the Jewellery lino. coon NEWS' coon NEWS 1 . . S_ULPHUR ti RON ,_.B. ITTERS AND enriches tl1e lJlood and purilie,· th~ system ; cures weakncs·, lad< "1 cu<:rL;y, ~c. Try a bottk. Jus'r STol' AND 'l'HINK.-Don't you know that one of the best and easiest wa.y to save your hard-earned wealth is to wherti you c1m ~~t the best goods for the lead money. Of course you know it, and in order that yo11 may know that I know you know it I want to remi!ld you that I itm now offering at- ridic11lo1111ly low prices the h1rg!"st 1md bo~t selected stock of Footwea.r of all description it has ever been your fortune to witness or my forhme to secure. An examination uf our goods and a knowledge of <>nr prices will convince you that we are telling you only the plain unvaruhhed truth. .You arti respt>ctfully iuvi:ed to call and te~t the 1ruth of our rPmarks. Trunks. V 31i~es aild Satchels, <:11-eapest iu town for cash at tscott's Shoe Store. . & There's Bargains for all at S. MASON 8c SONS'. AND ~BITTERS b the only iro.n preparation that <loc~ 1wt color the teeth, a11<l will _ 110t cause headache or constip~tion 0 "" olh<r Iron preparations wilt. IRON a Bowman ville ' at 7.30 p.m. JonN LYLF., W. M W WR1cm·r, Secy. A. 1". & A. M.-Victoria. L ge No 37, G. R. 0,. meets in tho Sons' Hall. ·r,~n H"'ll Bulldinii:, llowmanville, on t.he laRt 'riday of .-very month 11t 8 p.m. GD FLt:'l'CUEJ W. 111.. W. E. PETHICK. ~ccy. New Silks, New Mantle Trimmings, New Satins, Ne'v Muslins, New Parasols, Ne; w Laces, New Corsets, NewEmbroideries, Our pile nr cent prints-astonish the people. I New . Cretonnes, New Lace Curtains, Ellison Co. . . SECRET -SOCIETIES.- New Lace CurtainsNett, New Carpets,. M.- Jerusalem J,ndge, No New Hosiery. C., meets monthly 'Vcdnesday pre· N:ew Hats, ceding Cull moou in theu·"Hall. Heaver Hlock. 10 R. A. F. & A. on'th" 31, G. S. MASON & SON. SULPHUR -BITTERS~....,,.. .... _ . .] , ti RON, ... .,._.. - .. ~ AND Ladies and all sufferers from nett ralgia, l1y~tcri0l, and k111drc~l com· plaintswtll find it w!thm:t:rn c< CONUNDRUMS. I. O. O. F.-Florence Nlghtinimle J,odge No. Iedependent Order of Oddfellows, nH1ets every Wednesday in their Hall, Neads' Block, Bowmanvllle, ..t 7:30 p.m., G C .fL\INES, N, G. 'l' () JKWELJ,, Secy, E:scnn'ME:-11·.-Albert Encamp1 ent. No. 12. r. 0. O. F. meets on thH 2nd nnd 4t . .Monrlay ot every month in t.ho Oddft>llows· H\lll. Neads' Block, Bowmllnville. at 7.llO p.m. G 1'l l<'LE'l'CU· We beg to iniorm our numerous customers that we have received our RR', C. P. J K Ofm. F. Secy. Spring Stock, comprising all the Latest Styles of American, A. 0. J!'.- Court Pride of Ont.ado ' ' o. 6000 English and Canadian HARD AND SOFT FELT HATS Ancient Order or Fore~~'"'"· meets every alte· I mate Wednesday in ;,he\r Hall over Ob.qcrvcr for Men, Youths', Boys' and Children. Rlock, Dowmam·ille, at 7'.30 p.m. D DAVT3, C. R. EB WJl,J.IAMS, Secy. ~ A.O. U. W.- Ilowmanville J,odge No. !J9, Anciant Order or the United 'Vorkinen, meets on the 2nd and 4th l<'rida.y ot every mont.h over the O/Ju1·ccl' Bloclc, :Bowmanville, 11t 7.30 p.m. CHAS. KEITH, M. w. A BA.RllER, Recorder. S. 0. 1';. B. S.-Wellington Lodge No. 19, Sons of F.nglan". Hen!"vole11t Society, meets on the White Linen ReO'atta and Wollen Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Drawers, 1st and 3rd Tuesday or every month over the Ties, Scarfs, Silk Handkerchififs, HalfHose'13races,Umbrellas~ Obscn·e1· lllo4k,Bowmanville, a.t 7 30 p,n'. MA JAMBS, President. l' 'l'1um1wocr.:. Secretar,y. WHITE VESTS, etc., etc. . R. 1'. or '1'.-Excelsior Council, No. tS. Hoyal I Templar~ or Temperance. meets on the 2nd and 4th Mo11<lar or every month ovet· the Ob.-.rver Hinck, Bowmoinville, u.t 7.30 p,m. .A llAllBER, S. C. W J 111c~JURTRY. Secy. S. or 'l'.-Bowmanv11le DiviRlon No. 39' Sons of Temperance, meets every 'l'u~sday in their Hatter and Furrier, Neads' Block. Hall. Town Hall Building. at p,m, HatmY J<'ox. \V. P. 'l'HOS. Jm.-·'Rl·:Y. Secy. ~. B.-Special attention given to STAMPING in all its branches. ·-----'; Bowmanville. April 6, 1883. 2*3m. 66, 1883. SPRING! HATS! ~3. HATS! HATSI GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS!Fresh Goods t New Styles ! Low Prices ! I :M_ :M.A.-YE · R ., "' A Remarkable Fact.-It is a remarkable fact that W. A. Edgers, of Frankville, was so far gone with liver and kidney complaint that his life was despaired of, was curecl with four bottles of Burdock Blood .Bitters. At one time h ii lay a fortnight· without an operation of the bowles. 2ii6. AT THE GovERNo&'s HousE.-After the performance in Indianapolis, lnd., of the King, Bnrir & Co's America AUied Shows, by special invitation oft he Gover· nor, Mdlle Irene and p11rt of the members of the show were accompanied to the Governor's house by a large number of the Governor's friends, and a delegation of members of the press of this city, to a banquet, at which Mdlle Irene held the company spellbound by 11inging a beautiful song in three distinct voices, also other songs in three dift'er11nt languages, the finest we have ever heard She is very modest, and makes a very prepoBSessing appearance, perfect in form,.1md feature, and the most wonderful curiosity ever on exhibition in the world. - Ind·ianapol·is Jo1trnal. This show exhibits in .Bowmanville,--Saj;urday, June 23. A voice from the United States:- ! have suffered for the last 20 years with Dyspepsia and General Debility' and tried macly remedies but with little success until I used Burdock Blood .Bitters when re· lief was quick and permanent. A LOUGH Alpena, Michigan. U . S. 256. A sign-board can't tell everythin:i. takes an advertisement to do that. It lNTERNAllV AND EXTERNALLY; INTERNALLY it cures T AKEN Dysentery, · Cholera, Diarrh~ a, \Vby should a te<1totaller not have a wife 1 r Becan·e he ci.n't sup·po1 ter, - o···'l'he Cini.:alese Hair Renewer is applied with A_ a sponge or t>rnsli. and it never fails in ita good 4 effects on the halr. 50 cents per boLtle, decease·l. \Vhat nation produces tho most marrlages1 (LIMITED.) Fascination. Pursuant to a .J1\dgement.oi the High Court of · Justice, Chancery Division, made in .KIDNE\.' JHS·:AS£.- Pain, Irritation, Retenan a.cti.on of tiuri, Incontinence, Deposi~. Gravel, &c.,cured by · Buchupaiba.' $1. J'tlA.SON v. 1'1ASON. What .is it that a poor man has and a ·rfob man wants! Nothing. The Creditors of ELill.ABETH :v.tASON, latJJ Cinga.lese. a nMne well and favorably known· of t ho 1'ownship or ]).,,rlim;ton, in tho County in connection with a hair Renewer that accom- of Durha1J1, widow, "ho died in or abont r.he plishes e\·en better reijnJto than is·advertisecl, JHOnth Qf October. 1882. are. on or before the 50 cents per bottle. 28th <la> of June, 188:1, to Rend, by P->>t. prepaid. When le a ltttle boy like a great banker? 10 S'.l'. JOHN H. HU'l'OHESON, l~sQ., of the 'l'own or ilowmanville, Solicitor, th·:k Christian When he's a Wroth-child. and surnames. addresses and desm·iption, the 01u· Spring Stock is thoroughly complete. lull particulars of their claims, a e·'.a tement of Ellison & Co. their accounts, and the n"'ture ot tl1e securities Parties asking us for bargains will not be flf any) held by them; 01· in .ter11 MANUFACTURERS OF ult thereof, d1sa.ppoin ted. Elliaon lJ::, Co. the t-heywill be peremptorily excludid from Why, when you are ge>ing by tritin, noe3 the benefit of the ,Judgment. Eve1·y Creditor hold· r . . .· conductor punch a. hole In your ticket? 'fo ~et inl!I' any security is to produce the same before me, the undersigned Maliter in Or· .inar:r or tile you pass through. FOUR-POINTED lie advised in time, 1.ud do not allow what Supreme Uotirt, at m:v Chambers, in Osgoode may appoar to you as a samplP hack-ache now' Hall, in the Crrv o~· 'L'OHON11J, on the 3RD DAY to rnn into a rtrse1tse of the Kidneys, which o.- Slilr'l'EMl:IKK, 1883. at 11 o·c iock in the fore· im·a.ria.bly prove's fatal in the end. Dr, Van noon, be; ng t.he time appointed for adjudication the cln.i ins. Ruren,s Kidney Cure will at once ease you.- ouDated the 25th day of May, 1883. pain and positively prevedt these unrortumate 2J3. 'l'llOMAS HODGINS. results. 'l' it at once. Any Druggist will have it··r. Higginbotham & Son, Why are fowls the most productive things n farmer can keep l Because for every grain. they get they give a peck. 'l'he most frightful scourge of humanity is NOTICE IS HEH.EBY GIVEN THAT Brights' or thekidneys. Commencing withs ti t h' h' h t b · t1 b 248. little pain in the back, it hurrie8 thll suft'erer to tween ~~. ~~~e/i1lgn~t i:s B.:k~~B t.he~ premature grave. Dr. Van Buren's Kidney 'l'own or llowmanville, nndeir the name of the Uure is the only known reme<lv that H,1NKING HOUSE o:r RUl(K & JONES, has been the fotelresults, '.l'ake. it in time. J, Higgin- this day dissolved by mutnal conRent. All both am & Son. debts owihg to the said firm are to be to ..C:V ..L~ ..c:v ~ \Vhen is a newspaper like a delicate ehltd ~ WILLIAM .T· ·JONES, at tbe office lately oc., When it appears weekly. cupied by the firm at Bowrmam·ille. a!oresaid, Mrs. Robert Oxtoby, of Vroomantion, Ont. and all claims against the snid firm a,.e to be suffered sev11ral year· with dyspepsia., without pt·esented to tho said \ :V, J .. JONES, by whom permane"t relier. a. friend recornmonded th1:1 same will be seLtled. Na.tional Pills. After ta.kinQ: one !;>ox.. she reDated at.llowrna.nvllle. May 28th, 1883. covered her health, a.nd weighed twenty-five Witness: pounds more than before taking them. ~~~f/Jl\IA.N. ~Jll\.f1}cfN-~¥RK, \Vb at is the niffcrenee between a tight boot f . . . . . We have commenced to receive New Goods Our Stock be very and an oak.tree1 Tho one makes ac0<r>iM, the · · other makes corns ache. . . . , JN Co N NEC TI_ ON WITH THE~ Large and Complete this season, and our prices will be extreme~ever forg:et that R r t yom J?rqgi;n~t 8 you c~.'? · , abo1·e notice of clissolution, we bell to in- , ly low. We intend, throughout the season, to offer Goods al":ays obt..m Dr. 'an lluien s Kidney_ eur.v. 1form the customers or the late firm and t.11e .e· public generally that we have bought out MR. J_t 1s the only know!1 remedv spe~dily 1 lu~ves a,11 K1Clney Diseases, and I( pi:r~l~ted Ill Bum.:'s interest, ann lassmmed the assets and at very TEMPTING PRICES will em:cts a permanent cure. J. Htggmboth- liabilities or the BANIONo Ho us~} 01·· iBURJ< & · · · · am & Son. Jol\ns 9.nd that the business will now be carWe Offer Special Bargains in Dress Goods at 12! Cents. Why ought women to be employed in the ricd on under the name of JONES & DOllBlE. · Post Office l Because they under·tand how to BANKERS, Bowmanville. We Offer Special Bargains in Print1:1 at 10 ce1i.ts. manage th e males. Having increased foC'.Uities for transacting we have a speedy and positive cure, for Banking Busin1:1ss, we will be able to accom· We Offer Special Bargains in Black Cashmere at 50 "!}ents. Cll-tarrh, Diphtheria, Canker month ancl Head modate the customers o! the old firm and .as W O"' S · I B arga1ns · · All Wool Tweeds at ""d C"nts. :\.che In SHILOH'S CA'£ARRH RIDMT~DY. man:r more new ones as will favor us with e uer pec1a Ill u "' A nasal Injector fret' with each t<ottle. Use It their business. w. J ·. JONES1_ e OD<'er Spec1'al Barga1'ns i'n Lace '"'urta1 ' ns. at ' G}.25. if you desire health add sweet breath. Price 253. 'l'. W. DOBBl!l:. u· v 4' Notice to Creditors. ELIZ ABET H M S0 N, ONTARIO STEEL BARB FENCE CO. THE IMPROVED " LOCKBARB ,, Notice of Dissolution. STEEL FENCING WIRE. LEE & EDSALL, Agerits, BowmanviUe. r:: ?:! SP""r::>I""'1'..,-G- T ""r::> ADE 18831 R NEW DRY GOODS &CLOTHING. will w · Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowel Complaint; Paint er's Colic, Liver Com· Jllaint, Dyspepsia.or Indigestion, Sudden, Colds, Sore Throat, Coughs, &c. SED EXTERNALLY, it q1res~ ' . Boils, Felons, Bruises, Cuts, Durns, Scalds, Old Sores and Sprains, Swel· lings of the J oints, Toothache, Pain in the Face, .Ncura.l gia and Rheuma· ~ tismt. &c. !~r~J8~i!e~~~~~:b:~:::~::oen;n 1 U ,~;;_The PAIN- KILLER is sold by M edicine Dealers throug hou t the world 'l:'rice, 2lic. and GOc. per b ottle. Endorsed by the Ji'rench Academy orMedicine :t'or Jufla11111111tlon of the Urinary Organs, We Offer Good All-Wool Tweed Suits to Order for $12.50. Because or the sand·which-ia·there. 1 Dont neglect on the firs~ appearance of Kidney · · ' We Offer Men's Ready-Made Tweed Suits from $6.50 up ironbleY to go to your Druggist and get a bottle or Dr. Va.n Bnren's Kidney oure. I~ will immediate relief, save years or suffering and efi'ect a 'IJorma.nent cure. J. H1gginbctham & AGENT l<'OR THE Son. Why is a blacksmith tho most dissatisfied of We .mean business this season, in fact we are bound to sell, Conall mechanics '! Because he is always on tl10 sequently we will offer Great Inducements. strike tor wages. Meadow Lark Reaper Combined, DyMpepsla nnd Liver £omplalnt.- Is it not worth the small price or 75 cents to free yourself or every symptom of tbesc distressing comBowmanville, February 15, 188:1. 238-ly. .plaints, If you think 60 call at our store and get a bottle or Shiloh's Vitalizer, every has a printed guarantee on it, uso accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost yon nothing. J. Higginbotham &. Son, wolesale agents. \Vhat goes most against a farmer's grainl Don't place your order, farmers, on His reaper. · A Minister's Evidence. - The all pre- any account until yon see what I oan offer vale nt malady· of civilized life is Dyspep- you. R.H. COLLACOTT. 250-lOw. sia. Rev. W. E. Gifford, of Bothwell, was cured of dyspepsia and liver complaint Latest Styles direct from the lea:ding manufactures. SLIPPERS of all ' STOP $5000 RE'\VARD. that rendered his life almost a burden. 11 1 TH I EF. t~:,~;; :r" :~!~!-:!r:~t~.~ .. ,~~:.::r'r :,!f!~~ kinds and siz es. A nice assortment of Ladies' Misses' and The cure was complet11d by three bottles for the Curo or ou)!li8, Colde, Allthma and Consumpt.lon has slven rl&e to sput1ou8 compounds. The genuino A1hun· of Burdock Blood Bittere. 256. Childrens' BUTTON BOOTS. ·H'· Kolanl~ Cough Hal1U11m is prepared only by Jo'rflnk W. 1 : : :::::: ! RH .C 0LLAC OT . TTYRONE, Fleury H arVeSt er, We Offer ISpecial Bargains in Boys' Suits, we keep all sizes. . WE TAKE CROCERS' DUE BILLS SAME AS CASH. Aurora Mower, Comet Sulky Rake. ELLISON & CO. BOOTS & SHOES! Pi~ices l caused by' Indiscretion or Exposure. Hotel Dleu "Hospital, Paris, Treatment. Positive Cure in one to three days. Local 'l'reatment only r equired. No nauseous does of Cubebs or Copaiba. 1nfall1ble, Hygienic, Curative, Preventive. Price $1.50, including Bulb Syringe. Sold by all Druggists, or sent free by mall, secut·cly sealed, on receipt of price, Descriptive Treatise f ree on applieation. AMERICAN AGENCY "66" MEDICINE CO.. Detroit. Mich. Windsor, Ont. CONSUMP'l'!ON CURED.- An old physican retired from practice, having had placed in his hands py an l!:ast Indir missionafy the formult of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption. Broncaitis, Catarrh Asthma a11da.ll throat and lung a!fections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous d\lbility and all nervous eomplaJnts. after havihg teste.d it~ wonderful curative powers in tl1e>usands of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his sutt'ering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to reliev lmman suffering. I will send free of cq.rr;ce, to all who desire It this receipt in German, Fran· ce or English, with full directions tor preparing and using. Send by mail by a.ddressinir wit.e stamp, naming this pap;lr. W. A. NOYES. 149 Powers Block. Roohe1ter, N, Y. The reason why the 8urgeons off the Inter- tect yourself from 1mpoeltioD. examine tho bottle and ice na.tiona.1 Throat and Lung inatitute, 173 Chuch f~~,!~n,~~~lg t X~s~ 'of;~:~~~t1~ru.fg~:~fr~g~~il~~Ololin 1 bothr article. \Ve also offer a rewnrd street, 'l'oronto are making so manY. wonderfl'\ i:ol<t Is oft'orcd for cures or catarrh, catarrhal dearness. Bronchi- or tto,ooo to tho pra oprietor oC any remedy Hhowln.r.t half M tis, a.sthma.1md consumpti<m are: They have m~nr teRtlmoJttab of lft'huln· cnrea or AethmR. and Lunir d lscuos ln tho samo length of time . For sale by all ro. none but skilled and bualifleu medical men ·pectable Dragglt1t1 and Country Dealers . r ..1,.,.. 1 o and ao connected with the institute. '!' hey adhere l&t'dl!':l&H, 1&2. ':& pe.·doa. t o 41.. lus. GANONCA lJltOS., s\rictly to their specialty_and they use the et·. St. 8'f'pbe·1 JI. B., Wba1Hale ..4.palt. for t:aaado. spirometer invented by M. Souvielle, ex-side sue~eon of the French army, and Instrument o .lDVERTJl!;ERl!l.- Lowest Rates for adwluch conveys the medicines in the form ot vertising in 977 ;:ootl newspapers sent free. cold inhalations to the parts diseased. which Addres· GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., IO Spruce is the only wa.y these diseases ca.n be cured. They are treating hundreds or patient every Bt.· N.Y. month, having twelve surgeons engaged in EMALE DEPRAVITY."-·'Belle of their work in C!lnads alone, Send a three-cent stamp tor a oopy of their International Nows the South," 250, eaeh · "Pride & Passip_ublished monthl7 at 173 Church Street on,'" 15c. For the110 "racr'1 works address J. Torollto. 2!5- tr. s. Lemar, Cbicaro, Ill·· U. s. 2iiiHw" ,l:ln1man &: Co., 1mle proprletors, Augnstn, Mo.tne. To pro- T Very Lo-vv? Call and See us? Exa-.ninc S-tylcs ? S--. _ F ~.:a:. :S:J:C:K:S SIGN OF THE "BIG BOOT." Tyrone, March 6th, 1883. 211-4m.

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