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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1883, p. 3

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· ·-lii$\1%'¥:_ W i*ri#·S51M!WEWN'!lfi:wi& I GENERAL. ' dulness, or very likely sometimes, from both. FASBION NOTES. -'Vh:~t wi·etched associations are conne~ted He fo~md hi;i hair was le~ving him at the with the Upper Cai a di an bank ; the Com· Leather belts are worn with jerseys. C M ef .hallows hearts, even wliil~ it ages ·top·of his head, and took Ins barber to task me1.cial; the Royal Canadian, &c. What The most stylish costumes match the cos- hea,h. abeut jt: "You ~old me two,~o1;~leey ?f stuff n,emories of blasted hopes and broken-down tume. What is resignation 1 Placing God he, tw., n otirselvrn and ciur trouble,' · to i'nmro. the ,h~1r grow-.- . . ,, It ~s very and utterly ruined old men a.nd women I Ribbons are med to xcess on white stran~e it won: t gvo;v agam, said the And yet the fellows who wrought all the Should we not think that everything we Begs to announce that he. has again secilred a License and is now predresses. . modern · F igaro, "I can't understand it." mischief or profited by ,~it holrl up their do, Is done religiously if it be done well? French boots and shoes show a marked pared to furnish the public with strictly first claslb Unadulterated ".Look ~er:," said the ens tome~, "~ don't heads as' the very creme de le; creme of socieThe only sound and healthy descriptio~ of mmd drmk~1ng a-ncither bottle, but this must ty, build grand houses and stables-drive tendency to pointed toes. Th~ Japanes~ pa.r;isol continues the refuge assisting is that which teaches independence Liq~ors, ~nd respectfully invites the inhabitants of Town and Country · be the 'f ast. fast horses and thank God that they arc not ~nd self -exertion. .A Roundout, N Y., gravestone man was like other men, not like the poor be11gars of the women with a moderate income. to give him a call when they require any of the following goods, either .Poetry is the only verity-the expression directed to carve a monument with a hand who lost their all when the b:ink collapsed The loveliest shaqes of salmon, rose, corn, of a sound mind speaking after the ideal, blue, and water green are seen in the new poi1>tiug heave ward sculptured on the stone, . Medicinally or as a Beverage, viz. :and not after the apparent. China Ora.pee. but ~vhen the job was finished the iinger was The Rlch and the Poor Prue Jamaica Rum. poin·t ing the other way. The rel11tives of J oho Bull Bitters in quarts and pints. CJckades of ribbon in two contrasting col· Habits are the daughters of action, but The tronbles of the poor are many, but or· the ends of the loops cut into coxcombs, they nurse their mothers, and give birth to the deceased merely siiid: "Make another," De Kuypers Holland Giu on draught and Raspberry, Strawberry and Lemon Syrups those of the rich are not; few. Indeed, upon ·but when the gravest one man urged them to ti-. .. many bonnets. daughters after her image, more lovely an in bottles. Scotch and Irish Whiskies in bottles. .t ake that one at a discount, they got mad. the whole we rather think the lat.ter J' rple "iolets and barbs of Valenciennes prosperous. are the worse off by a great way. The Bernard's Ginger Wine on draught arid in Base & Co's. Al'l in quart and pint bottles. lac~ trim the fine Milan straw bonnet~ de· .And France is going to have her hands full worry about servants alone, is, in Jar more When a high-minded man takes pains to bottles. G . p mnness orter " " " in Anam if the Chinese army and navy are cases than may be suspected, simply terri· signed for elderly la,dies. at)ne for his injustice, his kin<lne8s of heart W. F. Lewis & Co's Year Old Rye very ·L b tt' Al ,. a.s well manned as it is claimed they are. Of ble. Many a lady, able to keep two an<J. Pretty capotes with straw crowns and shows in the best and purest light. fine. ' I a a s. e . · " cour~e Germany is blamed a ·. cl German in- three cervants, is simply at her wit's end brims c~mposed of plaitings of lace will be All the results of religion imply a life set ··t rigue is ;iaid to be at the bottom of the with that old and ever pressing question of much worn as the season advances. right with its surroundings, set right with Gooderham ~Wort's Old Bourbon Old O'Keefe & Co's.Ale on draught i~ 10 gal· Rye and Old Malt wh · k ·Jori kegs, 30 ~allon barre)~ and m hogs" whole trouble. It is difficult to see how servantg·ilism. It is like clriviµg a cart-horse New fla.nnel suits for children are made of God. If there is to be the river, here must is tlJl:s. heads. , that could be the case, but an augry woman and mustang in ·one· team. To .keep every- cheviot flannels, garnet, blue, da.rk green, be the fountain. Cockburn s Old Port Wine, very fine. O'K f & C · p · and ajealons nation requires no reason and thing in ordtr, to prevent waste, to pl'ease and gray being the favorite colors. d · p 1 Sh ee e o s. orter m 10 gallon kegs. There are struggles of the secret soul, will generally listen to no argument. the stomach and taste of the lord and a]n' emt ai~~. a e erry do do Hennessy Brandy on ;draucrht and. in Narrow ribbons of two colors are much known only to Ge>cl, tha.t mark the face with 0 bottles. A Brooklyn Sunday-school dass had just master, and above all and betore everything, used for trimming str·aw hats, ribbon loops, wrinkles and whiten the hair in the midst A cum e vv me· to maintain a lady-like q uietu<le and absolute.. and ends forming large rosettes, having suc- of manhood's strength. Sacramental Wine. .finisbecl singing, Martell's Brandy in bottles. . peacefulness-of appearance with all the 80· ceeed ed porn pons. · · I want .to be an angel, If the Lord does not gi~·e you wliat is S. Joy & Co's Native Wine. etceteras of calling anrl being called up· Jules Robin & Co's. Brandy. in bottles. And with tb.c augels stand, The summer silks which have come in swet:t, he wtll give you what is meet; he is when tl1 ,; teacher, obl;erving that ·one of the on, is a strain upon one'd nervous system large plaids o1 brilli·mt blues and reds are consulting your welfare, when he appears to Canada Vine Growers Native Wine. Sazerac~randy ~n Draught an<l. in bottles. boys ha·l not contributed his voice to swell which drives many a woman mto said to sell morn readily than any otller in forget your comfo1·t. Burgundy Port Wine. DeMulhn & Cos. Brandy on draught. permanent hopelessness, and many more the sacred refrain, said: "An,J yon want to I New York for dress skirts. The action of a man is a representative Champagne in quarts and pints. be .a n aliil'Al, too, don't you, Willie?" "No," into ruinous drink. · There are only type of his thought and wil.l, and a work of too many wives who apparently . have The greatest Parisian novelty in millinery resume<\ \Villie; "not right a way. I want everything that theit- hearts coulJ. wish, to is the use of gold and colored Parisian braids charity is a representative type of the to be a dr<>us-rider a good deal first." whom life is a burden from the bother of and faces, together with tortoise-shell pins charity within, iu the soul and mind. Annl; uf those focls who will do any· the servants and the exactness and want of of all dimensions. Thou, too, must learn, like others, that thing j.,,,. money has turned up in the shape sympathy on the pare ot the husbands. Brocades with very large figures are used the sublinie mystery of Providence goes on -0f Ca,pt<..ln l;Vebb,. tht! swimnier, who pro- They are treated as if they were simply for elegant mantles instead of Oriental cash· iu silence, and gives no explanation of itself, p0ses to take his benefit in the whirlpool housekeepers and head servants. W" meres. They are lined with liglit silks, and no answe1· tv our impatient questionine"s ! ra 1_,ids at Niagara. No doubt he will have a have heard of rvretched fel,lows,-,parvenu8 trimmed with lace chenille ha.Us, and. gilt The happiness of man arises more from his crowd. Should he get mon, than he bargain. :md humbugs, of;--who, if they sus· and jet.ornanHnts. inward than his outward condition ; and the eel for so that the same .shall be his last pected that their wives been in the Tinted nun's veilings in shades of' pale amount of good in the world cann_ ot be much switu.{U,<this world, there would be no great kitchen oi:: could notice the ghost of a flush terra·cotta, crushed strawberry, raspberry, mcreased but by increasing the amount of loss to~he community. Only one venture- upon their cheeks, would s~y in lordly in· corn blue, and ashes of roses will take the goodness. son.e tool less, and there will tie plenty left d1gnation, " You have been in the kitchen," place, in a measure, of the cream and white A man's moral principles, likes the dykes after that. and turn on their I eel and leave the house wools so popular for evening dresses last of Holland or the levee of tLe Mississippi, ' A society of persons are abuut to petition as if wife aod dinner were unworthy of their summer. need to be continually watched ·and A novelty in lace is the .l:'ompadour pat- strengthened. He is rulned if they are the Brussels authoritios for permission to High Mightinesses ' on the least appear· mummify :their dead. They point out that ance of the "repose of Lady Clara Vere de tern-a darned net, with a fine pearled edge iw.clermined or overthrown. -0ne a.dvantage .iM·that their plan . permits Vere" having taken its departure. The and a raised figurn in silk muslin. The de· The life of a dependent beingmustever be a people to contemplate their ancestors and idiots that thGy are ! 'i\-'hat is the conse· signs in flowers, such as fuchs1~s, lilies of thus perpetuate tilial pity and sentiment de quence? vVeary, disheartened women who the valley, and other pendent flowers, are life of f11ith, and the essential property of faith is obedience. This runs through all race. They are down on cremation, which, arc'called wives and wh0, in the midEt of very effective. Summer fans . are ennrmous and more. the relations of this life and those which thev allege, does not destroy the body, but grandeur, sigh for one word of honest symonly reduces it .to a.;hes, producing deadly pa.thy and one look of honest admiration bizarre than ever. Red is still the favorite take hold on tht eternal future. ------(o)----miasmas, and aver that wherever, a.s in and love. The one all prevailing feeling of color for both sun-sbao es and fans, espe· Heaven will ripen the experience of earth. 1 India, it has been practised on a large scale, these ma~culine autocrats' apparent Y.,,.; s- cially for the country and seaside. Bright What seemed small will be enlarged ; what it has been the .cause of fatal endemics. "We lrnvE> heen at business all day. n 1 iat scarlet, howevur, 1·s less 1·n· favor than such b'tt ·11 b e macl e pnre all d swee t i is the µse of a wife but to attend upon us? v was 1 er wi The bill Jega.liziug marriage with a de. to keep the c hildren out of the way? and to shades as fireh, copper,b:nasturtium, terrn what was hidden will be made plain; what ceased wife's si~ter, is in the fair. way of b· have everything in such apple pie order that cotta, and crus ec1 straw ~rry. was conflict will become a victory. coming law, having, for a wonder, at last even a · dllde · could not find fault, nor an Cockade bows are all·the fashion, They If a man have not found .his home in God, In the County for PURE DRUGS, DRUGGISTS' :::3UNDRIES, DY~ passed the Rou~e of Lords. We are ur:.· epicure imagine ;myt.liing better." Well, :ire up of a number of loops and hia manner~, his forms of speech, the turn of STUFl<'Q, TRUSSES, PERFUMERY, &c. able' to sea what is morally sinful in such of course they ought . to have things nioe, tapered ends of narrow velvet, satin or faille his sentences, the build (shall I say?) of all ,,_.., BINGE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF HOREHOUNDmarriages, and though it may looK heretic· and so they would if they <lealt more in 'ribbon, either monochrome or of several col- his opinions will involuntarily confess it, Proprietors al, have always faile<l to see the prohibition kisses and less in scowls~ More in kind ors, and are used for trimming dresses, man· let him brave it out how he will. the Standard Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c; . so much talked of, either in the old 1'esta. words and less in selfish fault-finding. Some -tles; and bonnets, flowers are also arranged mentor in the New. Most of people would may laugh at the idea. of a lady remarking, into cockade-like cluster~ for the bodwe, ROSE GLYCEROLE -" · h A T err · ible snake. · ior any rouir ·d b onne t t nmmmg. · · not, perha,p~. care to h a,ve more t h an one a,s one did the other day, that she wished colffure, an ~ ness of the sk1'n. wife out 01 011e family, but why should those she could meet with an empty cnffin some· Colors are combined quite as · much A new snake, called the echis carinata, ,CORN EXTRACTOR-the best remedy for removing any kinCI of who think differently be hindered? where int·· which shemightquietlycreep,b ·t as materials. The following are some which is the first specimen of its race seen in f. It is queer how people will give up all the it was no laughing matter to her. Ill-assorted of the most harmonious combinations : Moss England, acd of which wo have no specimen.! corns \VITH OUT PAIN.. comforts of their own nice c0mfortable marriageq of convenience or short lived pas· green and red gold, yellow gold and orange, here, is attractio1<; crowds to the Regent's' CONDITION POWDERS-our own make. DICK'S BLOOD PURIhouses and go away to the miserable stuffy sion, combined with the selfish exactions of garnet and aurora-borealis red, dregs-of· Park, London, and dividing sensation with' · · room· and disagreeable surroundings of coun· the strong upon the weak, are every day in wine red and old blue, maroon anil old pink, Oscar Wilde in his new sheared and common FIER. HAGYARDiS CATTLE SPICE. THORLEY'S FOOD for try summer lodgings, ll'herethey are not·a bit this manner bearing fruit wnich is. bitter as prune and pale mauve, and ·with all these all sense form. It is about a foot n.ncl a half Cattle. OIL CAKE in any quantity. less liable to takE1 sick but ,agreat deal more gall and gritty as gravel. shades of gray, which are once more in great long, and the color is dingy gray. It is the so; and eve1;ything is as dreary and unpleas· favor. ' deadliest of created things, for it carries jn.. ~ ant as can 'be. By all means go for a short Parasols of broeaded .velvet, in black or its head the secret of destroying life withthe 1 time, and then come b.1ck and be thankful Wooing and Winning. dark colors, and of satin edge with mar· sudden rapidity of lightning ani theconceuall the rest of the year for your own home "Probably there is no instance," said Sir about fringe, are among the newest; but trated agony ot all poisons. The king of the Pharmaceutical Chemists. and your own bed. Arthur Helps, "in which any two lovers Ottoman silk, trimmed with laoe and jet asp~ is more dangerous than the cobra or the The Fisheries Exhibition would seem to have made love exactly in tho same .way as balls at distances, and lace ones, are very korait, for it does not turn and run like the have b'i<n a line su?cms. Qut· own space any two other lovers since the world be- much used. kin the m orninbg t he pl~in dsilkk one, or flash into concealment like the other, has ~~n freely utilir.eil and Canada makes gan." en tout cas, 1i e sma11 um re11 as, m ar but with fearless pluck gives fight, and a geq d' exhibit. It is pleasing to notice that True ! Barkis insinuated. Vivien charm· shades, with rou11h, unpolished ~andles, are pitches its eighteen inches of length aga,inst Newfoundland, which we hope to see ed Merlin. Alexander made a bonfire for popular. For full dress, satm parasols ai_:. i .c'o mer. A stroke of a stick will break some <lay soon casting in her lot with us, Thais. Bassanio soft-soldered Portia with a worked in gold t wist, and silks in Jai;>an~ -it Ill two, or a stone will smash it, but such has done her wonderful · sea resources the leaden The garrulous female in the style, are novel. ~any have. ten nbs rn- is its venomous malignity that it will chal, - -_ MANUFACTURER O F - most ample justice. The United Sta,tes, Arabian Nights told her husband stories. stead of the usual e1gb.t, but are not larger Ieng~ attack. by every device in its power, -too, comes well to the front, having a large Hippomenes had a close race for Atlanta, than they were last summer. stakmg ita Me on _th~ mere <:hanc~ of Its a.d· -·-·~versary comlllg w1thm tl;e little circl~ of i~8 amoi,mt of space allotted to her .. · After the but he played the appl~ ,r.(ame upon her. In opening by the Pxince of. 'Vales amid the de· theo Polynesian IslandS' they win their hearts Fruit Growtng. reach. _ At most the ~ad~us _ot that circle is putations of fisher folk from all the coasts of oy beating their heads with a shillelah. ' , . .. . t:welve n~ches, but wit~m it at any pomt KING Sl'REET, BOWMANVILLE, Britain, it has been one of 'the sights of the J l:larry the Eighth and Bluebe:.rd were off, ]r~ut growm~ 1s one of _the most J?rofita· hes certam '.leatb, a~d m. th~ ~are hope of on hand a number of veJ;i.icleo (and is ~anufa.cturing a great many mot·e) of the newest great Babylon, ·but that city has now got with th 8 head of the old lvve before they · able mdustr1es ~n the Dormmo!I, and 1s year han.d or loot t~espassmg w1th111 its reach_ the Has now patterns and best fimsh , which I am offermg for sale Pt the lowest. prices consistent tired 0 f iL and turned to do honor to some- were on with the new. Newton poked down ?Y year a.ttractu1g more attention and yield- ec~us throws its body mto _a figure-of.-eig_ht with due regard to wqrkma.nshiP. and quality. The following is a list of tbe p1·mc1pal vehicles manufautured by me: thing else. the tobacco in his pipe wit.h his sweetheart's mg larger llrofits. The_ amount of grar~s coil, and, attractmg attent10n hy rubbmg 1b linger-a. warm token of affection, Tristram now ra.1>ed m Ontar1~ 1s >ery large_. I 1t loops t;ogetber, whrn:h, from. the rou11hness The regular annual meetings of the v ari- did it mostly with the harp, and was like- were stated m figures ~t would a.stomsh peo· of the scales,_ (hence the ep1t~et , can~ata), D_ouble Covered Carriages .............. . ........ .. .......................... ?$200 Upwards. OUM ecclesiastical bodies are being held dur· wise a good liar. His two Isoldes were too pie. S~1"?-e of the i:.;turns of profits i;:iven makes a rusthn!:l sound, erects,it head m ~he Single Phretons . ................ . ...... . ................. .. ..................... 100 " ing the present month. Instead of :May many for him. Bothwell was inclined to ar~ posmvely startlmg. Jl · t.hey are any centre and awaits a~tack. . N~ one havmg meetings, as they have been called in Brit- Mary, and locked her up in his castle. C?b· thmg like co_rrec:t, the wond~r is n~t, that so once encoun~ered .this ternble little creature Open Buggy........ . ... ....... ...... .. ...... .................................... 70 11 ain; t1-.ey may witll us be christened !une bett's wife caught him by the gracfl with many ar~ going into the busmess. ~he only can ever fo1get its trucule_nt a.spe~t when Top Buggy..... . ................ ... .. .. ................ . .. .......... . .......... .. . 90 ii meetings. At them a great deal of bnPmess which she used her washtub-she was never wonde! is t~at many. more don t. Democrat Wagon ....... . .................. ._.:. ................... . ..... . ........ 65 11 No arouse~; its tagerlY: aggressive an·; ~ts rest. importaht to the welfare oi the several de- known to use it after the wedding. Sam healthier f:mt c~n be raised than grapes and less co1!~, which, m c_onstan~ mot10n one Lumber Wagons........... . .. . ............................................... . .. 55 " nominations interested, is transacted. The Romilly, the famous lawyer, killed himself consumed m thei: natural stat~ as they gen- o.ver an~,he~, ah i rustlmg ommously all the Light Wagon......... .. .......................................................... 40 · very highest kind of Chri~tiani~y is seldom because his wife died; while a good many erally are, nothmg can contnbute mor~ to ~1me, b:mg it ne:-rer and ne!lrer to the ob· Express Wagon.......... ........................................................ 75 exhibited at these gathermgs, rndeed, too others kill themselves because they #ill not the health and pl~asure of the population. Ject of its fury ; its el'.e, malignant even l?e· " Skeleton ............................................... . .................. ~ . ....... 50 frequently there is most sorry bickerings die. Nicholas, of Russia, wan~ed to "pop" Some t~lk .~f makmg 30 _or 40 per cen~. on yoncl ~hose of o~h~r v1:ii~rs; and then the i~· " Sulky ......................................................................... .... .. 40 between many of the brethren. Clergymen at the dinner table, but didn't like to be the capital .mvested. It is alto~ether likely conceivable rapidity of its str~k~. ~he ?ch_1s are impatient of contradiction ancl uuaccus- caught at it, so he imbedded a. ring in a that such is the f~ct. There. is no reason do~s. not .wait to stnke un_tli it 1.s '"".ithm Possessing superior facilities "for manufacturing carriages, I intend to se!l very cheap for cash or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase m~ number of sales. Would tomed to deliberative assemblieR, so that the lump of bread and handed it to her. Charle- why the whole ~iag<>ra pen~~snla at any stnkmg distanc~, but vents its _malice m .resell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. rules of ·debate are sometimes transgressed. magne's secretary was caught by a snow· rate, should not oe one large' meyard, peatedly at n?thrng, bop~ng But then, on the other hand, let it be con· storm "sparking" the emperor's daughter· at to aggravate its · antagomst mto commg sidered·at what little expense, with what midnight, and she carried him home on her Marrying Widows. to closer '.lu!l:rters~ _or more ~rohably as .a efficacy on the whole, and in how short a back, so that her. footsteps shouldn't be At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. 1~ere expression of its own uncontrollable VI· time, the business of the various de11ornina· traced. T , he empero11,heard of it and saddled · Many wise men have married widows, c10usn_ess. . . . . .A.t the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Scroll tions is carriell on by these annual parlia· him on her for the balance of her· life. l:laws. and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters and others for building, purposes. and have found them the best of wives. For A diary of its daily career finds it m the ments, an<l the contrast between political Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences in every style required, made to order. 248 · instance, Washington, Jeffe!son, and Frank· morning basking in the sun, where it revels and ecclesiastical machinery· will be rather -----~------~---lin each married a widow, the names being until aroused to sudden anger by a footfall. to the credit of the latter. Money. severally Mrs. C_ ustis, Mrs. :Skelton, and It then coils itseif up so that a man's hand Money" is very good·in its place, but it does Mrs. Read. Dr. . Johnson and the phlian- might cover it, and waits. The heedless Th~ leal'Ji{ig club in Dublin is the Kildare Street. It is one hundred. years pld, and is not do very much in helping a man either to thropist Howard each mal'l'ied widows who victim approache., disregards the rustling said to have been founded i11 consequence of make a reputation or to keep it. Some stupid were many years their senior, but they lived at his feet, and the next instant goes stag. the H~g; h:t Hon. vV. Burton Conyngham being people imagine that if they have plenty of very happy, and Johnson hever ceased to gering from the path, for he has felt the bla<;!-l'lalled at's, so ofteu referred tc m money every body will fall down and worship mourn for his departed "Tetty." The first deathbite and is doomed. The echis never Lever's novels. The club i" accummodated them. They make a great mistake. :No doubt Napoleon married a widow, and as long as misses its aim. rrhe bitten man is given tew in tw~ houses, built in 1775 by Sir Henry many persons are taken notice of who, but for he continued faithful to her his progress was moments. The swift venom strikes the life Cavendish, Teller of the Bxchequer. It has their money, would not be touched with a brilliant and successful. A very curious in· instantly from his blood; his limbs become saen some remarkable episodes, a,r,.tagonisms ten foot pole. Even these, however, often stance of this is found in the history of Sir par&lyzed, his eyes dizzy, he reels as he b:t\\ing sometjrnes run very high. vV.1113n get notice not of the most satisfactory kind. William Herschel. He reached the age of walks, suddenly stops,_ clutohes at some. Gen. Mather, prother of Lord L!andaH, re· Mammon worship is pretty bad and pretty fifty as a bachelor, but then married a wid- thing, and falls. This is certainly the perceived eighty-live " pills,"' Lord Llandalf, common, but things have not yet come to ow (Mrs. Mary), with whom he lived in -a fection of deathcraft. By a flash of elecput his ' back to the door md shouted : that pass, that money answers every thing, happy condition for a third of a century. tricity a man can kill a living creature as in- begs to inform the public that he has leased a store in the Observe'f' " ~!:.ere are eighty-p vc rasc~ls here, for every and like charity cover~ either ,all or the 'l'hey had one son, Sir John Herschel, who stantly as if it had been struck. by lightning Block, where he has opened ont with a splendid assortment of man in it pledged h1mAelf to me ~o vote for greater part of both iniquities and short became also an astrouomer, and won high or, invoking the discoveries of chemists, can my brother. I denounce eighty-five of tho~e comings. It is quite true that one can distinction. Mohammed is .i,Jso on_the same dissolve and destroy life with all the terriwho hear me as scoundrels." He then threw scarcely have a more vivid idea of the low list, for at twenty-five he married the wid- ble circu!I'stances of vegetable or mineral which he offers fo1'. sale at low prices for Cash. oTJen the door and for the last time descend· opinion which God Almighty has of money, ow Kadijav, who was forty, and whose poison. But these are the results of science, eZl the stairs o[ the club. It is said that a than by lookiug at many of those to whom wealth and influence were an assistance to laboriously acquired by the co-operation of ~Farm Produ<:e taken in exchange, for which the highest market generations of human beings. The echis is fire is lit in one of the sitting rooms .every he gives most of it. Still some thing has to a needy adventurer. ----<>·-"·-·~·· master of swift ar.d silent murder of its own price will be paid. WA special line of TEA.S of excellent flavor. day in the year. There are, in fact, few be sa;id on the other side. Not a · few have A Picture tn the Heart of an Oak.· right from its 1irth, and, unaided, it per- ~Also a choice lot of SUGARS. WCOFFEE in.Cans. WCanned summer eYeni11gs in Dublin when a small fire not only money in abundance, but deserve to have it and use it well. Yes, and in A correspondent of the Watei·bury (Conn.) fects its venom, and goes out on it warpath, would be unpleasant. Goods in great variety. A Call is resp~ctfully solicited. addition they have other things that money .American, writinR from Watertown, says to give or take. lts assailants have a thous· More than.once people seeking investments can't purchase. that Mr. Benjamin Marvin, of that town, in and weapons; the echis only one. But have been warned at>ainst having anythingto svlitting a log of black oak, observed a pie· against that one, if the chance to strike do with bank shares. As things are generally m3.naged, these are about as risky as any- The Most Remarkable Carriage in the ture ou the smooth u-rain in the heart of the comes, not all the forces of nature or the world. tree. It is a landscape, or rather a clump cunning of science can prevail, thing that. can be touched. The demon of of trees, with trunk and branches and twigs ga,mbling bas got ppssessi.on of a gi·eat num· The carria j\e used by the Duke de Mont. as clearly defined as though drawn with ink ber of the officials and the money of decent pensier at the coronation of tile Czar is pro respectfully announces that his purchases of And so it seems that Lord Errington has· people is liable at any moment to be treated b!lbly the most remarkal;>le specimen of the 01· photographed by the sun's rays. . The as .a shuttle-cock by the bulls anrl bears of coach builders' art in the world. It was trees form a picture about four rnches been, as our American cousins call it, "too the stock exchange. Apropos of this, the built more than a hnndrcc! years ago, and square, showing iike the open leaf of a book, previous," ·and has been obliged to leM'e story ot the Con~olidated J»111'k fizzle, comes .is constructed mainly of glass, the necessary and the same on the opposite page. Mr. ftome. He has been posing as the accredited again into notice from some of the outraged metal framing being of x·ichly chased silver. Marvin says it is a pretty good portraiture agent of the British Governmcnt. ·.to the Vashareholders suing the directors for culpa,ole The interior is fitted in blue veh·et, em- of the clump of trees which he felled, the tican, whereas he did not in any·way repre· There is no. doubt, how. negligence and positive dishonesty. That broidered with the arms of Castile and picture appearing in the heart of the largest sent the latter. ever, that to his ability is to be traced the there was such dishonesty, both in the way of Arragon ; and beneath the ha.mmercloth one. for the present Beason are now ready for inspection, and will recent Pap:>! circular to the Irish Bishops, paying dividends out of capital, and cf cover· there is a musical box, which was designed be found well assorted in all the leading lines. A" coaching club-a crowd of college ~pro· an rl ·whether l!e has been simply the agent ing up the 1ickety character of the concern, to play as the carriage went for.w ard, but of the English Romaa Catholics, or not, lns is b1yond all reasonable doubt. Surely, which is now out of order and cannot be re· fe~ors just before commencement. Having resolved to reduce his very large stock within reasonable ability is certain to be recognized in Britain thelli'if individuals engage to do a certain paired. The carriage last appeared in pubThe Women's Club, of Pittsburgh, listen- in all probability in th(; shape of an impor· bounds, he will sell large lines of goods, in various departments, at less piece o work and don' t do it, reason would lic upon the occasion of King Alphonso's ed to an "exhaustive paper oncoa!," read by say that they should be held responsible for wedding ; but it has figured at all the great one of .its members. Reporters were not tant diplomatic mission. than wholesale prices. the loss and ru~n resulting from that negli- state festivals at Madrid clurine" the last adm:tted, so that it cannot be stated whether The sixty-fourth birthday of Queen VicParties wishing to expend their money to the best advantage, will gence." How many Canadian banks 11ave three generations, and is regarded as almost in the opinion of the club, coal should be toi·ia was celebrated by eighhy;· fuembers of ~onsult their own interest by making an early call. collapEed during the last thirty years ! and a part of the regalia.-&. James' brocght up by the husband, with th9 kind· the British Charitable Society at Young's SUITS got up on short notice and warranted to fit. every one of them from either dishonesty or Gc~zetle. Hotel in Boston. ling, or separately. · " I - rt ,,,, · 1·DWi!UG.. -S&ilijiWW@IWA!Clb ·w n GE!\'!S OF THOUGHT. J.B. MARTYN - 1·" s I And Everythin.g usually kept in a First Class Grocery, Crockery and Liquor Store. Drugs & Medicines! CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS. J.HIGGINBOTHAM&SON LEADING DRUG HOUSE of --...-.-·>-.. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, GEORGE C. HAINES, I CARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I GROCERl:ES. .Naw~·sToaa. NEW coons. ;rAS. E .LLIOTT, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed, &o. e- ----+....................____ THOMAS PA'l-,ERSON (::=D--R--Y G--0--0--D--S~) I

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