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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1883, p. 5

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. M'r. and Mrs. John Keachi'e arriTed l 'Housekeepers sho11ld not fail to lay in Town Hall, n~xt Wednesday, tomic ~~<)me 011 'l'uesda.y night frmn their wedRY'S~ ~supply of those cheep 'Gray Cottons, <>p.:r«-" Olivette," by ihe favoiites-the ~tiug · ~our after a ·two weeks' &ibsence. f eople who <lo not believe in advertisements are being moved ~ nu1oaw1·1,sse . lling at Couch Johnston & Cryder· , Holman family. . Th1,y have t~ken up their residence iu '. by the Great Rednctions when they see our Goods. I TRINI'J'Y n Cmmca:.= the rough cast honse recently ...,. ,, ·-------.CnuRCH NoTICE.-Rev. Mr. · Bartlett, There will be 11.11 .Aun~versary Ser~ice ~ill j li>y: l\fr. W. Henry, at the heud <of Centre - -- -· - - - - - -- - will preach in the P. M. ehuroh SnndAy this church u~xt l!.iord s Day mornmg, m Street. On W'ednesdA.y afternoon a Is now in good , runnll\!j order. Call ~~ see 11.t . They furnish drinks cool, heaJt.h-g1vmg an'.d a.t 10 30 li.m.,!l l\ln. Watson in the connectiou wi~h th1:1 settlement of the messenger w-Mdespatohed to tlte re~idence :refreshing, an d eveey· person pro,nounoes 11'·hll'!r evening. present Pesto1· The subjecL for the with a request for Mr, Keachfo's presence ~DA 1l'ATI' A 6lreu1l of ar1ytbmg they ·ever PERSONAL.-The smilrug phiz Gf B~o. eveni11g will be ~'Christ K110oking a.~ the at the Fictorv for. t hwith. Ou arriving at tried. 'J'ry 1t 1 Munday, of the Port/l!'~rr>: Standard, 11- dofJr, " the c;:arving rooms 1l!ie found ne~rly a hunluminated th., d1'e:try qmetude of our SPEQ[A· L 'l'G Yov~G MEN~-.A iftt,endly drecl of his fellow· · l\'Orkmen waiting t o consanctum last Friday'afternoon. , invi.tation ia exteiided to the yo'1r~ men gratul11.te hi1n, 'But 11o further surprise TAJSTY.-The re"ten·~ improvements ou in town aud country, to Mil ·&nti make awaited him. Mr. Art'ln.ur J. Houk, Mr. W. G. Glover's, _rosidenc~ on King tho l!icquai>ntance uf Mr. Kirby, the new c11lled ti:rn mon Ito order and then read If We cannot prove to any person who will look through ou:i: street add very matemdly to Its appear- 1fi~&hicmlfbl1:1 cutter ttt l\foClung !lkus', aud the following address : ance. 'N. . has sh<Dwn excellent taste : test 1 biHikill by leaving tl!ieh: <o!'cler f r a Bownr.ANVILL!E1 June, 1883. stock that we sell very cheap, we are wii_ling to forfeit the suit of clothes. Mt. Jo1Jhn lfl!.<!lchi~. n fittimg it up. , GREEN~ value of $5.00 in Dry Goods. G"bb d 0 { \ D EAR Sni.,-At the sdlicihtio,1 of your " E 1 · 13usurnss._ - M r · . . '"'"· . · ar .' SUID!il9!ol C,:..Lr.. -Mr. 'l.l1h~. Brodie, h D · · many frieudst connected with t · e Mumm· -- . : - : :ryrone, h avmg 110l"' u<Ou th 18 d rug b 11s1ness .p;r-0 :irietnr of th1:1 E ..stem.' Hoa se, had a u l 1 ' · paralysis om "Vedn.esday ni!!h~ 'on Organ ·Md Piano ompany s . utua As usm 11 STO'J!:I' & JURY am pTe~ ~o m Galt, has.bou~i_1 t aut one of the le'."dml.( ·trdk·n ,n , 1mpply rou w1llh the very b\'ll!t &rticle. !-~21en °'Vh ti- db b , ell.slit So<iety we desire to teuder you egun usmCB"S. 1 about ·oolf, uine, llllld ·in "l'pite of the heir sincec-e re.;ard ,for your very able Paris (," rreen ·l_le"'rer failJI to give p-erf.iot ·slllttSfao- drug stores 1'1!1.· l ·q an tion, ' [Ty it. Success George. best'mtJdical 1<tteuda1t>ee he died t.he neitt nd valuwl!Jle assisti<nce, at all time'! so TALI. Bll!RIJEY- Mr. GPO. S. Shaw mo:rriimg a littlt1 af~~r -eight 1d' olock. He hoeedully and willingly i;:ranted, and bronght us 11ome Rtalks of _barley frotrn. ·a , ~~ill · lt~ buried to-da,y ·fit··~ p. m. with n.ore e~pecially do we do 80 r.fter due defield belon~ng to'IM:r. 'Vellm11.ton Bowen, · u-0.eonio houors. liberation has been 1s"iven on tbe careful Clarke l~1<t Fritlay th:\t measnre1l neMly ' '.l.h 'Th" · t L-.c:i ~0 'i'Fe"E Sunday Sdliool ·di . St. Paul's, ;;md_ efficient mfinne_r in which _you have four feet i>n heie t. is IS no .._,. ·· d fi I d t h · a late seaso;i. Church purpose h'O:laliiingi th~1r annual pie- ' i(ll9lf~ormen Y?Ur · ~t cu t an tmportan T ere lS only one way to carry vn a cash business and that ·ni-c ctn Dominion Dn.y 11tejjrpingham, the -O.ut1ea, showmg n<H only great zeal but A I·'1 n A"NJ1MIAll:..-Mr. Peter Wel'ry, ploosant grouud<i :Gft;tephoo Cotton Esq., · 1m,·unti~ing iirt"rest exerci~t-d in ?ur ~e· is to cut down prices. Tyroue h111:1 purcthased from the herd'<i f ""1lo h1'~ kin"dly oirantecl·tltem for the uc- half wl.ich we are h11ppy to say is Mr. w'. Wer~y. ·of Hoselandvele F1u11r1, " · d .. f b b ll 11asion. The da.y lbei~·~ holid11y it ii! ;appremate , hs an ~.arnes.t <';.a ove. we 1 Sri Iin&, a <very · l ine young D~n?,q\~1l 11 ' h<,/~ed parents a.rid ~II frill1r.ds of the echoql wish to p~1:1se~ t.))"<>U w1,h t.h1~. '.hme Piece Call and secure Rm ofthose~elllut1fli\\l'.'LCt'V· "Victor,~· sire· "Baron Surmise (lj)mport- wliM encourage beti<:h1:1Fa·~nd children by , anc\fho pe it "'.111 ever he a reminder t·> you ERS a.t S'NJT'l' & JURY'S ·bef\'.>ve th'ey are a.II ed); d'll.m, .IJulilL"&d,:' Mr. Werry's l~ir~~r- c.tJheir prl!'sence. <'f the sole w1shu:Jf your numerous friend A gone. Call a.t Ol,lC e as the. y rn,Te ·BelliOK them i.te breeder. The price realized was~Sl.foO. . : ·that the succeSJJ which crowns all noble very ohea{ ord· 1r to clean1 0aem out, Tim Crnnou1~.-King; Burk &0011 great . N:mw '.f'D1E T3ilflnE7!\'ur reade_rs ~~i·li I .au'd upright wtlrks may speeuily become American Alliell Show appeal:'ed here <ta.l!e notice that tho. ~· T_. R ~rams now i yours, assuring: you that a cont.innance of last Sat.'m!Ciay. ho show W'lS very lfoirgely r41 n 118 fo~l'.'.ws, new:~ ~nue · Gor~G W:i..-s~ ; 'Y0\1'..' prese11t d1t;nean~r combined with t)10 a~i~m patr-01~i1rnd, and >many were welt 'i!Atltsfied 1.:~cc1l, 73·20 a.w." ExJ!lress, 9 . 3 o_ a.. m. , I ple11.sant in·f luence derived irom your gemal ~ ' , . . ~ with wfl1at thtW sa.w. There waff some llix~d, ' 20 p.·m, :; i'Fn:pr_e8,.8, 7:0~ p.~~. ;1 ·eompany l'Vill always bind close to you o. 'Vhat a great satisfaction it is to know that you c:an deal ,~,~~~ "' ·"~,~ ~~~~~-~ verv· good acti ng by the D'A lm& !f.l~mily EAST-F;xpr~~.8 · ~·20 .a.m. ;.~·cnv j goo<lly number- of w~Jl-wisher"'.. We also where goods are marked in plain figures with one price and ROWM'!&NYU .LE, FRIDD&'Y,'.1fmtE 2B. and the Albic.>11 Brothers, also 1 b<y Prof. ,;[· as_ t Exp~ea;:.:,·30 ·'lli.mTi M~xe~,E .....~ p . . ' ourselves of this opportunity to ~onSmith's <1011 family. !' m. · Looa · · p,m · . le as xpr,esa 1 ·,gr-11.tulate you upon your recent no imposition. " . . ~ -ca.lls only at Eo wmanv1lle between i'3r-i a>n<:i trust that you with your l.(Ood lady .RE'.'ll:El.11\D-ER" ~h-e lacrosse. matdi, Mill-,, onto and Cobourg. · may remain· lon!l with us to enjoy a large 50 GIDNlfS. brooke,--0£ Millbrook, vs: Independ-entsdof i\ S S- INSTll!IDl])E. -.A. Meeting olf the' "Share of ha.]!!1'>iness, and proep~rity, and 0 Having on band 0veT 1>\VO.dmnd~ed Bo ma~V'~lle1.;t th~ ~ri~ ~bedAf ~#o:~ Pastors aud Sa;bbath S chool Teachers «df{. may your: future existeace be . one long f T 1 the Town will he hem in the lecture t'o<nnf oentinued.fe&st on the z, Rose Leaves of ,copies of Dr. - KendaU's <Valuable Treatise on ~_:nhio~ ._ ay, ~y n 0 tt8 so ~ 0 O· f <'f St. Paul's Wefuiesda.y evening 4th ofi !Life." · ()n the I.H orse and His illtiseases<we have Ball u.JitOuC ' e~·iyeen .P.rra . Um@ns of Bo,~mBuviJ.le . . ~tio Jnly, at 8 o'cll(')ck rfor the purpose{,)[ dis-~ :Signed · ·00 behalf of the Domtnion decided to give them away as "1'0110,ws : ront~ '&nd I We wi~l send the ST~U>\N ' to anv ad- quoilt~:iatch, Newcastle ts. ow>manvi e. , cussing the qu·e stien .of holding a Sablb.1tn:' (jl)rgan 1<nd l:'iano Company's Mutual Scho()t Insti'tmta, .,to be con<luc~ed byr tlBenelit Society. .dress from M~y 18th to .;Jan. :1,<il.S84 for See bfo.e. Alt'l'HUR J. HOOK, Pree., ilnly 00 cents and give the Horse Book . S!Uili)l}l·~JN lDE~lrH 01" .A MJNISTE11t.-Tho~e the Secretary of tJlf the Sabbath Seh<!)dlfl Established in the interest and for the protection of people 1 J@HN B. MITCHEL, Treas., free as a. pre.1: aium. The '()peniug chapters of ou~ &0eaders'""."ho had the pleasure of an Association of Oanada. All inte'l'estedl·1 w'lt~1 Rev. Fred. W.. ~att-a, workers are invited. [. B G WEEKES V P o0f our new :story wiM · oo supplied to all acq11a~memoe 'vho pay cash for their Dry' GoC)ds. ht:· [i>ai11&1 to 1011rn .that he ·died !Tl new s:ibscri' bers. Th·is ·o.ffer ,is.1·<1)pen to Oshawa on Sunday nioht of typh<?id fever. S. S. ASSOC-4'.T!ON.-Rev. J. MeEwen, [, At the proper fame lVIe~srs. J.B. Mitchell oeveTybody. Tell yoll't' neighlwrs and He was etatioo. 1 ' 'll.nd D.Kilg11mr un··eiled a hands_?me draw· edlat~Oshawa by the las·t Gei; Sec~et:ar:iz, SahbiAth School 1 \:e-f 'friends of th ~s big offer. Confe'llenae and was a devoted ·and s\lo- soc1at10n of C111n11d&, of Toronto, has hl!lllld- . rng room · e<l~ck, worth about $20, and precessfoll <yo~ng minister· of the M. 1 E. ed us a copy. of t1he prooeed~ngs of . t~e i~ ~ented it for ~Ir. K'~ acceptar:ce. Chum\t. - He ,:l e ves a wife and .child >to 17th Convenhon of the society. Thu:1!~ Mr. Keru;h1e was taken entirely by eurmour:a >his ;loss. book. of 1_60 page~ is full of ·1sef~l wnd ~ prise and' w?s so ~veroome by this uniix. .. practical 1Dformat1on on Si.bbath Schools · pected mamfestat10n of esteem and goo:i !Piroe Pacis Green at.J. ·Higginbotham To!il'0Nl!10 ·GO'.NFERENCE.-The lfollowmg and . Sa.bbath School work. TeaohersJ will th11t \£,e found difficulty in giYing . &Sora.. e ad it with profit. The Seeretaryi, expression to his feelings. He thanke_d ? ha_ve'~e_en mad~ by the S_tatio~i - mnst .r_ I , .S n£ Sallie Bolman .i11 "Olivet te" at mg Co!11m1tt~e 1~ the h~t of stations in will send it to lll!Y address for 20c. 11is co.labo11ers in a few wel!-t:med woroa 1 ·.rown Hall, July 4th.. the W4111tby D1~tnct: Newcastle, W. A. W. · . . ·, :for their>liandsome inft, tlieir. grest kind· We are anxious that our store shall rank among the first, and BooMrnO-- WIC are .J?lea.sed t? 11088 m tile .past and-for theit good wishes iB\&IliNUM's. biggest e»~.w on ea:rt.h shows E. Pattyeen.,·rnstead of Wm. J, West ; Darliogt0:11, '.lfuompson Furrier, <instead that. o7ders !'1"e pouring m rapidly for for the t fw;_ture. Three ronsing cheers we cannot expect that standard without taking particular ill Os.Li.awa, July 12th. of .f as, W. Wilkinson; Markham, C~as. Do!llm1.on P1a·n os and Urgl\'IS, Every ' brou<rht che meeting ton. c:ose. pains to accomn1odate the public . .Mil.. Ro:sT. BEITH is in·the Old.t:ountry T. Coeking, i.J!Btead of John W. Reilii; mail brrnga ordeTS, an~ on Mondr\y orders :, ·- " . __ _ _ ___ . _ _ _ ____ ll!lfter more Clydesdales. · BIRTHS. · .Soufl'vilie, IJ· .-w. Reid, inste1<rl Of_ Th~- wer~ r~ce1ved for l2P1ano~ and 14 Organs. · .Mil. BYRON s. v AN:STG-Nd'l is.home from Pson Ferrier:· Reach W.C. WashlDo- n, Mer1t,1s. the test of che1tpness, and the i · . T- c ·t . ht th · t th . C ' · · , · 8 MJ·ru.~.... ·ar wr1j;\' , on e 7111 ms ., e ' · ' "' D ·· · 0 o, p· Win11ipeg on a short visit. M. A. omm10n r~an "-" !ano '.' s mstnunen,.,s 1·wife of Mr,fifohn Smith, of a son. MB.. R. H. Tu1tNER .afl·LMi<1s Borland FrnE.-Gn Eilunday morning abo.ut .4: possess germmenne~1t, as is plamly ma l _BY~ms......-Near ;Long !'tault ·· Darlington, o_~ the i Jl d o·""- bv tbn ife11ted by the growmg demand for tl!l. 1 t, 1,th mst., i,.ee wife or Mr. l:tobert Byers,.11., of igorre to London, E»gla.nd. th F . · B · __, '"" · 1.ason. . Q p · l St K' St t B e ire ·l'.1£\'llUe were ca . e d h , . :-Sdlie Holman and Compar.i:i·dn , ., Oliv- furious tol:lin~ . of the fire bell. Solille 0 i~~ore:h:~id bl4o;~~l;n;;~;, :;D~~i~~ 1 · f Sllil1'I!.-+lc. Cl!!-rli:e. !>n the rnthinst.. thewifc '. neap ' ·Re rice as 1 . ore, mg Tee , OWfilaUYl e. Ette ".,,.~"'the Town ll-aihl;; .next Wednesday. person had setliire t-0-an old frame .struct· & p· ,. th . t ;' <>f :Mr. l lo.os"<Bm1th, of a son. _ _ ~ ___._ _ _- -·- - - · ___.!__~ b l · t 0 A B ·I le. EB"f! ·md 011 Organ umo vO., or e1r a~e11 s. 1 , -------· _ _ .. ~ .Dlt'\ 1)-lcLAUOHLIN retl.M'ned I.from Danre ·a~ <mgl~li?'I ' i1 llCd· 1 ' end for their n-ew illnstrated catalogno£J,I nTED NOTJ>CE. -All Persons Indebted by .PORTElt OFFERS HIS l{.ESIk-0ta -0n Tuesday, deligJ:tted. wi, t h · his: trip. stan .mg at 1 · l&flOU~ eo O lS O aCll:tg t 't ~~ · . · oook nocount will please ca.JI a'lld Mltle .l' o D~CE for l:iale. 250-tf. on Qneen f!bee.t. Re had let-thec · o nus OU ' . Blionm,--EluddenJy m Jlowruanville., on tine i their acc01mus by the twenty-third day or. this T·.Iil1 Dominion Band havo an tract for diggingia caller under it and was HORSE FoUNe,._On ' W ednesday 111gih , :~tl~ b~';,~; iTnomas Brndie, sen., hotel lk~r. : omon'llli after 1friat all accqunts will be plao:ed S "IE OR TO RENT St .engagement in Colborne on Dominion ·. · .., d I·' · f I t · k bl l ct bu oy wel'e age · a~£. 1 in pro.per·hands!f'or ,oollect1on, '.i'HOS. ROAN" ~" ' " ·ore mtendmg to £t it up for a we , mg at as "ee a ac c n~are an !le . . . BF.n'H-ln·How111 anville. on .June t8tlh. Al>e:!<- 1 '.i"REF ., · Orono. 25G·3w. and Dwdling, (two f'ltory Brick) in th1:1 Day_ an outlay .of .BJ:;200. ·T he loss ~s fulloy stolen from the_prem1ses of Mr. \V1ll1am ; . ~ndcr Bcitb ,,,,.ged 1·2 yo!"ra. The funeJ"~l wm - ---- - villa~.e ?f 0»o~o. GO<?<l atable. na· rd an·l $oft ·A ltARE treat in "Oli..!tette" · ·~ the $250, and there is no i.nsurance.. What Abraham, S.:arocro. f Ond Sbund ~Y ~e t'i~~J(~~~J{~[~ f/~~ {~:;1~fs.~ei~a~!1i°i~~:f~~! .~W LOSf'I'. -Strsyf'd from Lot 20, w~~1 ·J.0 M'i0y.~"~- ~~;{ !fi'i~'.8 ' 20G-tf. .Holm.ans at the Town Hall, on.Wednes- a pitty the fire bug can not be punished stolen property was oun Y "· r. · , .:IDth, at ~ p.m. '-.;' Con "i, ·Cla.l!ke, a ned cow with white ~----·-------------day next. _,.Clemence, near his place, just north of ~ . ~pot1'll.!fecc and whi<te spo~on bell~", eh.ortlegs 1 )U"', N , _.., THE WEA:!l.'HEU.-The present wet ti " t n ti korsehavfo." beentnrn..ed O\'"MANVJ"LLEMAR'KETS 5~·elllr~o1d,duete ,oalvesm!Je.lost,_hom·tnrn ( .,EA D L01 J!'OR SALE._ .Suits made of the best Meterial, cut by 1 18 1· 0f tb Jl I d · th h · t r llS ow ' le . b · ; B " · · up a . ! Jttle. hny 1> erson g1vmg mformation . One acre o! land on wliich is a. Frame Mr..Johnston, and made i?Y first class w~a er ~ un;p~ra e e !n Tt ..'\~ t loose and the btigey run rnto tho woode. !' ' Ieacli~H\' to,he1'1'0CO¥ery will be rnwarde~: ED· House, being r·art of Jot 17, con. 1, Darlington, w-0:&kman, at Couch J ohn&tvn, & Cryder- ~his porti,~n df Ontario. e es Accidentally Mr. A. heard that his lot'~ ' ' 0orrr.cted up-to 1 o'clock p.m. every Tftwrsday , ~ R.Aittlt, Kir·b !. 2iia-3w. ~,n l!~ront !toad, it i.1iles weat ot B~~rn»evllle. rnhabitant eannot remember Blt.¢h a property had been found in this dsstriet . B"l.J &D :McDOUGALL. l_ouus ~usy. AJ~ply to U. ll. WA'l::>ON, Gourman. 0f 311 · ·· M d J » The · · · RELIABLE BJNDERS .-A choice of t1ce, P. 0. or at S'l'.<!.TESJIIAN oJilce. 219-tf, d ownpour . r 11,inin ay an une. ' and came down on 'W ednesday mormng;. 'Flour, per 000 lb .·.... $2 75 ·· oo ·· $3<0t. · ·t ·:\\11> ,kinds Reliable Sini;:leReapers and ---------·--A ·UATCII game of lacrosse <Wafj .playe;,l in by A,, Son & Co.. JJra.utford, as }:DA Hl\1 I<'OR SALE -'.l:'he xTorth Half this .town on SatLJrday ,"between the crops m~st su.tiebdbrlom the toof fr01l'~ltent and recovered it. He ia a brother of Mr. . lFall Wheat, bus\b .··. O 05 ·. to ·. 1 '.0~ Mowern · .uut r.iro a y no one ee s 1 so Ab h s 01· Th t'- 1 · -"" . "" ·- : cheap ,,.s other£ oot so reliable. Heliablo Dar--i -' · .L~ junior "l\laple Leafs" of -Os.hew.a, and baths b di · ·h '"ecih t People m not ~enry ra Rill, near . ma. e " '"" ~ Sprmg,Vheat, per I )11Bh · 1 00. ·to.· 1 ·0ci : Jingt.on, .cia~ke ..a.nd Provinoia.l Moditl Farm o\ J,ot 19, Qon ~ D·Hlington. 95 acres clearn s. . d w ' 1s thought to be a navv1e. ·R ye per bushel. .·· , · · . . O 58 .. tG · . O'@0 'l'e·tirneniall>, RlCHARD HILL agent N.ew· cd, 8011. sandy l c mm. 'l'h~ f«rm is well fenced a Y as · e .m . a1 the" Olympics" of this place, resnltk!g , - castle. 2H-3m* !'-lid m .a g·oodstate of cultivation. Good buildout shopping mrt 1e ram, an as a con. . . . . ' b , w in fa-vor of the latter in tll.ree straight go sequonce the fitlleamen stand in their First rend1t1on.of "Uhvette" m Bow- ~ 0 ats,pP.r U1me1· · · · ·· · · · 0 40 · · - · 0 4 ~ - - - --,· -· mgs, rnce orchard or choice gl'af.ted fr·1it, and . ·11e, bY H 0 l mans,, · next we d nes. d a y· ; . Peas . · · .. 0 .· to.. ·O 0 8(!) r~ : ' ·. LVEB [.1T · 'TING of good Witter. It IS beautifully games. places oountmg it he l:iours as they ro11 manv1 " ' Blne. · · · ; 0 70 . ";:'""'n on crue t s, spu 0 ns, ) abnndanc~ situated within tL·n rninuLe8 walk of tbA village, 75 REV. vV. AYERS preached his farewell slowly around 111nd·the overc:~~t oounten- Plan of Hall at Andrews. . · Bl~ckeycs. · · · · ·to.· .. : Kni.ves, :Fovks, Wato!>E<s &::0.· All krnde of o! Ham pr.on wbere t.bere are Cheese Factory,. "' ,,, B . ll { ,, Small. , ..... , , . , 0 70.·. w··.. -07.iJ , edge tool .!!l'.O?nd. 'S~t1sfactton guaoranteed. School, ChoroheY, Post-office, Stores, Blacksermon to a crowded church in , Oshalva ance of the nsrneas .111 B1ow a THE D.:.TARIO .EANK. _ From tho On- j , , Shop·opwos1t~ !Ireleven s shoe sto~e. · smith shop Gri;t mill, &c. &c. This is one ot last 1 Sabbath night. Many 11ver,e. moved round, and eve1"9one is pray mg for ,at terio Bank report published elsewhere 1'HN - ~cMUJilTRY. ' ~'. W ..kI<;;mI. 2-0Hf. the best g1 ·ai.iui;: farms in t he Township. Posto ·~~rs by his parting worde. He ha.s..a least a few days of tlry bri"ht wea& "t ·11 b tt?· t th' · t't t" I '\ Butter, per ·th. best ba.ble.. 0 15 ·· ·@- .0 1;6 1 sesst1m tn Plon~h i·fter harve8t. Apply t() 0 .....,. · ' ' l w1 e seen ··1a is ins 1 u ion 1 0 14 @ 0 Hl 1l./lf0NEY TO LOAN. -Ha¥in" been JAMES STU AllT, Cobom·g, or I. L. BROWN .asf L d ¥lb stront;: hold on the affections ef his.people Fumoug DRIVmG.-One o! the mos had a prosperous year. Its net profit>:!; Ear · f'J · · · · ·' · · · · ·· ·' '· l4o...@ · '.o J.J;·' .[)'.:fL .nppolnted aA<ent for ·b1'te H>1.lmiL·r~N PRO· on the Pl'(JtuJSe" 2.18-tf. there. He goes to Mitchell. · 'd" l th" "h t h t .1 r were lil203 711 <tf which $110 000 was' ggs, o.i;... · · · · · · · · · · ·0 ·- · · : , ·Ylf>EN'l' & LoAN Bom·ET!>.'., r am puepared to - - ..-------· --· rt 1cu ous mgs . · a as come ~ @· "' ' ' . ' ' · !,.Potatoes, per bushel. ·.··· 0 25 ···@ · .'@.30 Loan Money at the lowest r!Ltes on straight FA DM CA&D OF· THANKt:!.-DEAR S11R,~Permit notice for some time was thE> lodgmg .of u.ddAd to Rest, mak>rng that account $3.35,- : , Joans. A.11 bu·inoos Htr1etly oonl:lde·ntia;l. R. i .t::l.i'u FQ R me through yoµr valuable journa to ex- a. complaint with the PolicA Magi~t.rate 00, o~ 22} per ce-nt, upon t~1e capi~a.L ' -· - -- ' :ltU'rCHII'6JON, ;EnA1iekilleB, Ont. !53--J.. pi;esa my thanke to the Fi~e against one of onr o©ldPst town ph}stc1ans he dtrecto~s re]J0rt . a contmnous 1m- · MONlEY TO iLEND.-Loons can be ] ( ) 1)1 ACRES, being lot 28, eon, 8,, and friends generally, for~th01r~ for furious drivin.!l'.. "Ve never heard ©f rovement m the affairs of the bank, and · ·"'-~,.,...,,...~.-.~-.....,...,.....,·.,..,,... ~~ , \.,;I' Darii11gton, 011 which are'firsr. class '·' · t ryrng · t o pro tec t ~y _gard en I such a thing before.. - ,I n d eed , every en- h e ca;ref ul managemen t of th e pas t yea· t : "i\X: TAN'f"'I> rrbtained thp;; rngh th.a sH'bscJii· beT upon 'lwe'Jinij, twoexcellont good barns, stables and .....odMss m r .£J ..-A C on f ort able H ouso "'·"""r ·l!'arrn Property at an unusually low rate of other outhui l<li!Jir,s; yonn. I\' orchard 1 artd_ other prc>perty from deSstrpyded 1 courageme_ nt should he given to physioiam as firdegaiaedffotrh tke 1b· n ~titutTi<h)n thetfo.U ; .y ] ' small fam~A :i;.,. cDon- rr~nsienNt. to st.Ke . ~-,,,~... . in tere·t. !F'ixetl charges ~or Solicitor's 'fees. F. first" . cl!>a~ soil for .i;rniu' or grazing; all under 10 r~ d 239·tf. cultivai,on and m Bplendid ol'der. Situated 1 un ay i· "to d r i ve f as t · It e pu ic e 0 n. arto """'""' CUBJ!I"l'. .J1owma'llville. urmg th · e tire on my premises 0n · · WOltld of· .en b e groat Y on ence . o .· w1tili11 a h1ilf mile of village of Enfield where m'lrnmg last. AARON Biti~KL~R. i .iIJ. the interest of t'b eir patients if they a1~k ofie~~ the best secli~1ty to depositors, BOARDERS < W ANYED. --'fBe1't1 aro puBLIO NOTICE.-'Whereas my pro· are poet oilice, ctrnrob , school, store >1.nd blackThis Friday ni'>],t i would drive mere fwr.ionsly than tlley do. or m add1hon to theiproperty of the Bank . · ple!l.sant ·rooms fo~ hoarden &t 1\!h'E. )perty ha.s been over-run by to:cspassers for smith shop. 'l'1tle iudia1mliable terms easy sCHO~L C fONh(,J!:RU:r. --;- S h l 'II ~ i tfTTe think it would be creditable to the it has among its shareholders men of ·ChBlrles Uoleme.Ii.'s,1£l.ntar10 St. JIO .vears O.ll<ii my improvements f~ tlshinp; Appl~ to ,JOUN ORl\IISTON; Enfield fo~ the pu,p1ls o t e n10n · o oo ~I gwo, '" . ... h h d h t ltb · Jud' g C 0 I G ski , danl.Rged arid .destroyed. I now forbid all per· 1 further partfoulii1~. 2:iti 3* · a free ro"ram of readings recitations ! doctors of this town h t ey a orses grea wea · rnc m zow ' "IJ>!UGG Y FOR SAUE.-One of Mti- , sons. youni;'. !'Ir old. my own family excepted, - -- · - - - · . th "l'own Hall' i U1a.t could tarvel failer than the law· al- Hon. D. A. Macdonald, the Mackeys, ID [,aui;rhlin!6bcst-E'a tent ever'l'op.Baggiell. from tlshini;:, trapping. hunting or other gan:i· a-~,ood 1'.~larm fior d . I ,p "d · la ogQ?8 an soln~s, m o feth e b o&rd , w1 .1 ~n ,aEn,Y .)!art of ~ltiY property. JAME:5 L' 11 Mr Fla bairn. c 1airman : lOiWs ' · It is very doubtf,~l if there is a. the Nicholls, G. W. l!!tephens, a.nd many . Has no equal. Apply>to W. SMALE, Oeluawa : '~,~t< .. , ..,Jlil,.,. · ¥. . IJre~ide. Trustees, ~inisters, par~nts a?d , .doc.tor's horse m town that 9an go at others. : GOOD.. GE~ERAL SERVANT Tyrone, Mav:!!5, 188:!. .253-2m. 100 aoros, more or l~ss, being the South half .all frieads of educat10n are cord1a.lly m- : ,furious rate, anyway. ! ·.wanted 1111medl..tely Appl:\' to ~Rill. 1 . of Loo H <.:,.n. 1. Darlington, well known as "Vited. Doors open at 7 :30 ; concert at ,s. : lllER~'ECTION AT LAST. - Pmblic attention · ~h~o~:1;~~! ~si;';~~~~~;~s;~~~g~~:~l I s. MILME, "Dwidurn," Bowman ville. 2'>7-tf ' ~~~ '\{~:t";!~u" ~/~i,l~~~nfu~~~~~·~· i~l'~!: ~8 ~~ir~f For Pure Paris Green go to J. Higoin· ; .is directed t o a new and ·improved coal !Liniment I '-"as cnred ~f ri.'leumatisrn so severe 1 .ANTED. - A (!;.) ood General Serv- 1' J.f y,o.w~vm ~·etm-n this SJiJl. with 25 cents, o.r 'l'hero uro on 1,JJ·J ~iremises good dwelling house· ,._ S " . d , d stove "The Combination " that I co1:1ldmot rest a.t.nlg.h~ from tile severity 1 a1>t. APP~Y to ·JtIHS. LEI'l'H, Brown !11 ithree~ent starn.J!S. ~e ~·ill send _yon by mail bttl.'Ilf! stable~ und neoorsary buildmgs, 1 b h ot am"" on. · · an \\O? '. , . ! o;f the pam. '!was orippleQ.,in both l~necs, and i Street betweeni»().a,m .. and 1. o'clock. JJ.m. I post.-pa1d. as. }?egm.nrng. a beautiful Chromo go~d oioll,1..'d ccmt·uuwg excellent variety of CHORAL UN.ION CoNCERT.-All who : tim~dyrng the prmc1plt; of o. self- feeder, ru!_m_ost had g..ven np hope' The action of tile , · '. ~keot.e-0nta1nmg; I.DC> f'a~tsellf."g nrUc~es. fruit; woll Wf.ttercd: well fenced and in first FOR £ALE - - A Renew,e d Cow· ) hese goods used ID ~very hous~ m the class Btate of culliva.tion. Situated within 10 th , :h11.v.111g a round cast-iron !fire-pot by Lmtment was mat'vellous 1"1 the nA,tU~e of the 1 d d th were present aoknow e ge at e, . . , ' result and the speed with wih1ch reher was ob- 1 · ' · ' .county. a.nd the s·.Ie of w;Jnoh wlll brmg you minutes' walk of llownrnnville, a. most rlesiraChoral Union Cuncert on Wednesday meaM of which a conti_nuoM~ Jire oa.n. be tlllined I trust you will publish this, a~ I know . .an e:\<cellcnt .mi.lket, ':ery k~nd nu~,'~sed i;11, l1on0rably, 1·'.f'V!l: dollars per !1ay, bl!: loca:io fl . Terms liberal and made to . h f ti b t t kept on the consumption of fnel bemg there are mall)f martns to :I'heuma.t1sm who to it.Gwn; c.,,lf at hoc side. .l! ·MASON, -o6-l and not occupy more than half your t1m.e. smt lhe PUr<"haser, Applp to GEO. DOl:lSOK n1g t was one o ie es concer s e'V'er 1 L ' . th d" L t T might be relieved and 'perruantly cured hy this . Saitable !l'<Jr both <Be.i<es. If f<JU do not wish to J1t.. cm the p1·cini8os or 1f by Jotter to Box 210: "'iv en in this tow11 by amateurs.,t , ess t ·.:m m e or marr coo~ ii ove, J o wonderful J~iniment if only t:nown. REV, J. 'VERY D E . ' 8 ·l R,A BL E HOME- gi·a.ep your rortune, kindly <i·h<>w t,his ~lip w a Bowm1mv1lle, Out, 2 6-tf. 5 "' · wa.s bestowed on Prof Doyle for , be ha11 only from Mannmg & . Noswurt iy. E. WEN\VAR1\ Prince WilliMn, N. ll. ;STEAD FO:a. SA.Lll'..-A Brick CottB:l\'0 friend, m8:le or female, tb&t needs a helpinu; , - - - - - 1.J~atse. . . . · ' C 3 11 · d ee it with.six roams and .Pa,ntr,y.; j;(ood Barn with hand. 'l'his may be your last chanc"· Don't 11 l11s tflic1en~ ser" l'Jces as mstrnotor. Mrs. . .an s · . SbUoh'sConsiunptlonC)Hre.-Tilis is blyond Sta~ ,nµdemeath :; one and a half acres of an delay. A. W. KIN!'EY, Yarmouth, N, S. . iil\ C Soarff was also publicly thanked for i SLR,- We have been· usmg one of your question the most successful C1mgh Medicine Orehmrd ;_all liinds o<l SmaUfruit; ,Eight {1-cres services as pia_ nist.. We cannot i:tive aa i, Combi~1ation Uoo~ Stoves f?r ov:er 12 wt ee~ . : rsctev e.rse"osl< I.fa.Cfe \u"~'il 0 se<.:s inll;::a, raianb,ly c _u ~~ 0 ft s~~~;~J~~~t~~ef~r.~u:!~lmp!~~c~~:X.~ A. ClTUE GIJA.UA.l\TEIED. The nnilerslg1ied offer to rent the following _ 11 n v 0~ 0 0 " 1 10 ... " 1 0 t f k f d h It llllS g1von UB sattsfa.et1on Ill chltia.. MAG N ET I MED I IN E Pl'C'PCl'tics. viz:-Tlrnt excellent ll:'razlng farm extend e notice t IS wee or wan o Ii l mon tiJS, ' while its wandertul sucoe.; in tbe cure applyto WM. ADAMS, J3owillanv1lle. 25i-2w. being Jot 22, con, 2. Darlington, containing 200 .s pace. It is 11.1mbject for regret that the ~very WB(f. It is a good baker and the orCorummption is without a p!lrallel i'l the --T · RESPASS TI ' CE AClUiS, on w.t.ich are good buildings, o~ch· patronage was not larger. tire has ll6<Ver been out. hi~t~~~!n~~tJc~~1ea g~l~~~t~~~ n.~~~ !~~fc°;e~~ . · . I ~IQN -;-7 E -7T , _, I , .,__ a ,~. ~~DI~---· ·. I. ar~'1s~~~;~.~~,5~~(k'l~t~rain farms in the county "FIRST" AOA[N FOR BOWMANVILLE..MRS. ~CHAS. HOWART~, other medicine can stand. If you a cough ' _,JI~> . be,in,g lot ¥0, Broken :Front, Darlington, con· 1 0f 1 h h d th .,43 Young St Toronto weeamesUy ask you to try it. Price 10 cents, .t, LL PERSONS FOU.NJ> 'rRESPASS· ~· lZo acres. good buildings, good soil, Quite frequent Y ate we ave a e '" ., · 50 cents a.nd $1.00. If your Lungs are sore.Che.s t H.. ING atterthia date on lllY premises, South goo1! loc1.1.J1ty, altog"ther a very deeirnble farm. pleasure of apprising 0111'.' reader~ of the SoNs OF ENOLAND,-The members of or Back, Larue, use 8hilok's Poroae Plaster. .r. ot this town, known a~ the 'fh'LATS," will be ~MOE ., . ·.,· MARK... Also fl'um 10,000 to 20,000 good Cedar Posts highly satiefttetory results, 11nd in some Wellington Lodge Sons of England, will Higginbotham &. Son, Wholesale and Retail prosecuted according to .'H{ ~ for 13tdo. l! ' or full pa..-ticnlars apply on the h l>· WILLIA.MS. r'IBRAIN &NERVEfnno\ ni:~mi ses to .J. \ ville, \'.. HAHNDEN, (Ir n.. HARN· . h h as crowned attend divime ·&ervice next Sonday morn- o.ii:ent.a. Bowmanville, June 21,M lsS3. 156·3w. oR,;ll vu .JA.FTE DEN, llowman P. o, Zo:Hf, -0ases brilliant success, w tc -the efforts of our Bowman ville onog ing in the B. C. church in this town when nnoklen·a Arntoa Sah'c.-Tbe best Salve BRAIN .AND NERVE l"OOD. - - -- - - · people at College, &e. And it is now our the Worthy Put President, Rev. Bro. In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, J<'or Oltl :met i:oung. Hale unll J,'emalc. P<.>I~T PERRY pleasing task to place on record another H . J.Nott, wiilpreac'1asermon suitable Salt Rheum, F~ver Sores, Tetter. Chapped Pos1tiveJycureij1'<erYousnesm all itsstai;res I ' 1 11 stholastic triumph-this .time in the Art to the occasion. The brethren will meet Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup· WmAK MEMORY, Loss oF BRAIN PowE.R, SEX· ' if"t r .... . , f tl t A th I d h L d R t 10 ' l ' k d UAL PUOS'l'R.ATION, NIGIIT 8Wl·:ATS, SPimMA. ___ .,,. _ _ t epartment . t e c ose o 16 erm a in t e o go oom a . o c ?C an tions, and PositivAly c:~res PileB; It is guran. y 'l'ORRHoa. LEuCOHRllU-lA, BAHHENNESS. ::lEMI· the Ontario Ladies College, Whitby, on m rch in procession to the church. lb if! teed g!Ye perfect (iatlsfactlon, or money NAL WKAKNE!:!S, AYD GENERAL Loss o~' Pow· The abo ve work~ are running full blast to T d l M. · MC Cl ung, the intention · ~1R, Jaded IT r epairs Nervous Waste. Rejuvenate'> wiLli 01~clers. Somo very largoa orders tss Al' 10e of t h' 1s L od ge t o a tten d refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by AGENT J<'OR THE tne Intellect, Strengthens tne Eoteeb· keep have np hcon rec, ·ived lately, including hand· ues ay ast, d,aughter of Mr. Thos. McClung, was .s'ervice on the first8unday in July of each J, Higginbotham & Son. ;.,,1 Brain aud Hes tores Surprising and some Gray Mo;mment for the 'J'aylor Estii.te, awarded Frn~T PmzE in Oil Painting. year. The Lod!!e bein"' yolmg, the memVigor to the Exhausted Gener!Jitive Organs Cartwl'lgtu ; <Mi ct a Gray Monument for Mr J " bnt several ap- A voice from the United States:-I havo either sex. Jril"With each for twelve Fl'eehuru,Cartwnght. WE J>;MPLOY NO AGENTS. over nineteen competitors. M iss M .·c- bership is not lal"l!e yet, w LarkReaperOombined, in packages, accompanied with order five dollars, we and are soll!ug.'1',omb Stones, Monnmenta, eto.'. Clung now lea.ves College, and we umte plica.tions are coming in and the member- suffered for the last 20 years with Dys·· will send our Written guarntee to refund the at lo\ler prices in consequence. Our cmtu· "· d ID · . warml"' t sbtp · wil · l rnorease · t Ot .th e pepsia. and . G eneral D e b"l" · d money if Cheapest the treatment effect a getperson the comml~sion tllemse~vC!>. will ·I" Wit 'er many f rten J COD&ra · wh en the ob" Jee~ l 1ty ' and t r1e QW8r, It is the and does Ilest not Medicine incure. the ruers pa.y any wbo mterids crectmg a lt monuulatiug her on returnmg home v1~tor Order becomes bet_ter. know~ to Engh&h- "mady remedies bnt with little success unmarket. «Fiill particulare in our pamphlet/ 11~0.,nt :_o tb.o_ m;mor; of a departed frieud_ to in her favorite field of study. We believe men. The Order is mcreasmg very rap- til I used Burdock Blood Bitters when rewhich we desire to mail free to any address. '" 11 te ..rn °1 iK.e me personally before placmg l · t i·s her 1'ntent1"011 to 'g1've leseo11° 1°11 i'dly and lodr1es are be1'1ig for'""ed 1 ·n must l" f · k d t Muck's Huirnctlc Medicine is sold by Drug· th t.!r_onlei·:.b I ll' 1 ~.'l.rantee first class wor_.~ at 1e was qmc an permanen . . gist at 50 cts. par box, or Gboxes for ~2.50, orl 1oweot J>OS·t 1o ,puces. l painting. . of the towns and cities of the Dominion. A LOUGH Alpena, Michigan. U. S. 256. Don't place your order, farmers, on will be mailed1 tree o~ postage, on receipt of t' '\. f th H I f ·1 the money by addressing, · · «Nothing i;o simple and perfect for colorany account until you see what I can offer MA.CK'il HAGNETICMEDICINE t:O., MamaLE "~ . THE old avor1tee, e o man am1 y, appear in "Olivette" at the Tow11 Hall, Ing as the Diam'ond Dyes, For carpet rags, We are extending the tailoring dept. Ellison you. R.H. COLLACOTT. 2o(}.10w. · .1V111dsor Oat·· Canada I 251-tf, ~-JH-'T!" t>t<RY. July 4th. Plau of Hall at " Big 20." better and cheaper than any other dye·stutf~. &-. Co. · 111 ---~ Ju , STOT1i··. DoN'T . fail to eee R ·U ·rHtRSTY 7 '1,1 \·we d nesd ey, · "Ol 1 lV the lfo'imans next ette " · " Prrie Gl'een pure and cheap at oinbotham & Son, J. Rig- Surprise and Presentation. THE. CREAT CHEAP ONE CoNGIR·"AG,~TION ~>ccnpied ___ ________ P AR!fS I 0 ,. · · LADIES, he ¢ ¢ l\.g. - au · $'tat1sman ·a p RICE ,.c;;?rna ONLY 0 C CAS will f l . .. ' . .. Local and Qthe'.Dwise: Q cm- A. DICKSON'S c IM FOB ·n /k tff '; 111 1 H 0 1 '°. 1 0 sr SALE. New Adwer tisements.. 1 0 T , , A 0 Sale. w · Y 0 UR F 0 RTUNE ! 8 0 co'v A. FAR ·rC:l TO RENT, 0 80 NO . c c rur NF.( i°t RHco LLAC OTT T R O N E, Fleury Harvester, y,_. MAl't'.'»BR E WORKS l A UrOra M Comet Sulky Rake. 9 ,, - W S HAW >

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