-TH~ THE PIC-NIC IN S.S. No· 9, CLARKE. llY CATARRH. We take grocers' .lue bills as ca.sh, &Co. Ellison (GaANDICEtnRA(l Is_the place to go if want a first class "non," OUlt AJ\fA'.l'E'JR POET. Rome merry boys and girls did meet On one bright d~y in June ; 'Twas only lp.st Friday, ThO: 'twill not be forgotte11 soon. To mention all the sports they had Would require too much rhyme; So we'll µasd them quickly by For the lack of space and time. People young and people old, · And ladies fair were there ; And gents from all tji.e cou_ntry ro11nd Partook of the sutl:iptuous fii;re. Such eating and s~ch feasting I ne'er before did see ; Nor ever saw I such pretty girls As assembled at tho t e a. Onr worlhy teacher, he was there With hi~ young and pretty brideA prettier one you never sa.w ln all the country si<le. Like the moon before the stars, Her dazzling beauty shone, As ahe walii:~d b1·fore the 1'£tot, Gayest in that gay throng. DISH of ICE CREAM I . . Or n11:e }'resh t:onfecHounry. nnnnnn~. J!Jne A11plcs, Tn111ntocij, l':mey ntscult, 1·1·ese1·vcs by tlie Jb ·· Jellies; etc. -A ftntl line ·of- 5 AND I 0 GENT 'CIGARS! And boys if you want a fine Just co+ne In and Ret ti package of our" J,1n'LE HEAUTfES. 11 -SMOKINn & CHEWING TOBACCOS ~ If you want a nico cool drink, drop in · -and get a glass o!Ginger · Ale, Lemon Soda "fNater or Lemonade. -A'r 'l'IIE- Mr. Arthur supplied good music, With a Dominion orgau fine ; The einoing was reallv splendid, And the music was" sublime. The chief events of the day, At least to all the boys, \Vere the races which were run In competiiion for the toys. The way the little fellows ran Really filled me with deli1,1ht ; And all present agr"ed with me That it was a glorious sight. The first race was for the boys Who were under thirteeo yea.rs ; And' Willie Gibson came in tirst Amidst the greatest cheers Albert Bo;ven came in nex:t, .After·Willie about a yard ; And Edgar Gorman making third, 'l'hough puft'in:.t very hard. T be next race that was called Was for the boys under iifteen ; W, Gibson again got tirstFolks think he goes by steam. Norman Allin scored a second, Followed by Tommy Long, And the· applause that 'l'om~ny got; · Was giveu loud and stl'oug. The hig event was yet to come And it was free for all, Open to girls, men and boys, Open to h.rge and small. Ernest Allin came in first, Though lte did puff and blow : Charltis Pollard made a second, Though hia running was not a. l ow, Wm. Chapple came in third, Bringing "P the rear ; And the shouts which greeted each Were deafening to the ear. To your wortl1y teacher, dear friendi.s, Your special thanks must give, Wishing htm joy and happines, .And a long lifo to live. Our trustees, too, should not forget, Unto whom their thanks are dueMr. Allin's salary should be raised A hundred dollars or two. The reason why tho ::>urgeons off the Inter· national Throat and Lung institute. 173 Ciln'Ch street, 'l'oront.o are mo.king so many wonderfrrl cures of catarrh, catarrhs.I deauess. Bronchitis, asthma and con~11mptinn are: 'l'hey have none but skilled and l>ua.lltled· medlllal men connected witb. thA insti.tute. 'l'hey adhere strictly to tb.eir specialty and they use the spiromcter invented by M. Souvicllc. ex-side suegeon of the J<'renlJh arrny, and instrncnent which conveys the medicines in tb.e rorm or cold inhalations to the parts diseased, whlch is tho only wa.y these diseases can be cured. 'l'hey are treating hundreds or patient every month, ha\·ine: twelve surgeonR engaged in their work in Ca.nads alone, Send a three.cent stamp for a copy of their Intornatiional News published monthly at 173 Clrnrnt1 Street . Toronto. 2!i>tf. GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmanville, Jnne Hth, 1881. lii5. JUDICIAL SALE! - 01"- CA'rARRH.-A new 'l'rea.tment wherellV a permanent cure is effected in from one to Lhree YouNG ·men of style don't get behind treatments. ·Particulars and 'l're,atise fre11 ,on receipt or stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON, 3v7 the' times, but call on Maynard, the King Street, West, 'l'oronto. Jeweller and get one of those uice Fobs and Seals. He keeps everything n1:1w in vVITA'I' nrn REV. E. B. STEVENSON, n.A .. A Ci;ERGY)IAN OF ·1·nn: J,oN ooN CoN~'ERllNCE the Jewellery line. OF Tm·: MR·1·11ourn'I' Cnuncu 01·· CANADA, HAS 1'0 SAY IN l!EOARl> TO A. H. DIXON&. MACHINE, CAURIAGE AND PLO\'\' WORKS. SON'S NEw'l'HEA'l'Mill.S'r l·'OR CA'l'AlUUI. -For the next thirty daxs we will !!iVe 0.A.KJ~AND, ONTAll!O, CAN., March 17. 1883. . bar¥,ains as ' are Me.9s1'8. A.H. Dixon, & Son. d in carriage~. l I · deter.111inth d DEUiSrns-Yoursorthel3th!nstanttohand. ed to re nee our arge stncr m ls eIt seems almost too good to be true that I am partment. We woul!l c·\ll attention to cured of Catarrh. but I know that I am. I have our new iron-geered platform spriug carbad uo ret.urn of t.he disease and never felt h' l better in my life. I have ti·ied so many things riage ; it ts the most nEefnl ve icle mace. for catanh suffered so much and for ao many Our E1101skille11 Champiun Plou1 hi\s no 1 years. t.hat 'it is ha.rd for me to realize that I am equal, they are made from the best stock Jreally better. . 1 A 1 k J · I consider that mine was a very bad case; it and warranted to c ean. . d.rge stoc WM aggrav:i.ted and chronic. involving the no~ ready. \Ve make every kind of plowthroat aB well as the nasal passages, and I . d ll k' d f t' W d ti ougJ1 t '1 wonld require the three tro..t.ments pomt, an a m·. ,; o cas mgs. e o bt1t reel fully cured by the tw~ 8!Jnt me, and I all kinds of Mill, Engine and Machine am r.hunkful thd.t I was ever 1nauced to sentl wol'k. AH work warrnntecl. Two apto.,;;g~·11.re at liberty to uso this letter Rta.ting prenti~es wanted. MOUL UNG & DAit\!!~. tl.111.t 'r 'have bnen cwred at two t1·eatments, and _ _ --·~---I shall gla.dly recommend :vour remedy to some of my Jl'iends who are sufl'ertirs, JusT STOP AN'b Tmx1c-Don;t you Yours with many thanks, know that 0ne of the best and easiest REV. E . B. STllYENSON. way to save your hard-ea.rnPd wealth is to buy where you ca.n w:it the best goods fur 'l'OROX'l'O, April 21, 1882, the leaet money. Of courde yotl kn·>w it, .1. IL Dixon, E~q., 305 !{.fag St., )Yest. and in order tlut yon mf.\y know thl\t I DEAR Sm,- We to.ke i1leasure in stating that our junior part,ner, who had for years been know you know 1t I want to remi!ld . yon troubled with Catarrh. wa3 successfully cured that I 11.m now offe:·ing a.t ridiculously low by three treatments of yonr remHrl)'. 'l'ho prices the larg<>st and be~t selecled st1>Ck Cat1arrh was mnch aggravated, with continual dropping into the throat. l·ccompanied by loss. of Footwear of all description it has evfl' or votce, hawking and s~itting and blocl·ing up been your fortune i.o w1Lness or my foref the nostrils, all of which we. a.i·e pleased tu tune to ~ecurc. An exa1ilin11.ti1>11 uf our say disrippeared almost immediately after the reme:ly wa3 applied. Your remedy is certainly goods and a knowledge of 1>11r prices will an Invaluable one, anCl we hope all who may convince you that Wd are telli111r you only be suffering from this disu!l:reeahle disease will give it a. trial, as we are satisfied they will .find the plain unvarnished trnt.h. You a.re re· spectfnlly invi~ed to c11.ll and teRt the it a complete success. Yours very trnly, truth of our remarks. ·T runks. Valises W)f N<HtRIS & SON, W"holes1<ie Pianod and Organs. and Satchels, cheapest in . town for cash at No. 8 Adelaide ::>t. East, l:)cott's Shoe Store. We ore making the l!ne ono cent prints very attractive. );l!ison &. Co. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN would ·respectfully invite all ladies requiring -anything i n - BLA,OK SILKS I I , either for Dresses or Mantles, l l to call and examine their superb stock of rich BLACK GROS I GRAINS~ These goods are warranted to. be ail Pure Silk, an~ are admitted by all who have .seen them to be the best v~lue ever offered in Bowmanville. GOOD NEWS, GOOD NEWS I There's Bargains for all at FARMING LANDS _ AND VILLAC E PROPERTY! -IN TIIE- ~:uaz:2ULWt!»i:W&DibS Township of Darlington. --++-P ursuant to the judgment of the · Cha.noery Division of the High Court of Justice, made -in a certain action of- MAS ON . vs. lU::ASON, There will be sold by·PUBLIC AUCTION wit,h tbe approbation of'l'Hos. HODGlNS, Esq .. Q. C.. Master in ordinary of the Hupremo Uourt of Judicature for Ontario, at PHILLIPS' HOTEL, in the Village of Hampton, in rhe Township of Darlington. rn the Conoty of Durham. by "' S-rEPJTEN Cin:S'l'ERFIELD, Auctioneer.on Jlrnrybody high ,ernryhod~ low. All who, desiring- their 'l'eeth to look whire, with "l'eaberry' enob morning and night. \~hen'er yon waut an easy shave, Each speok·of Tartet will yield to lts power, As l!'OOd as Barber ever gave. ltemovcs instantly all substances sour; Just call at Pethick's Saloon, Jteallv. you'll find it a very l(reat treasure; :You'll prove by its use-t1·y it at leisure. I At morning, eve or busy noon. Ha'll cut and comb your hair with grace, To suit the contnur of your face; His sheRr~ are sharp and raizors keen, H is shop is neat and always clean, And everything, we think, you'll tinCI, 'l.'o suit the taste and please the mind. JI rush 'T is only ti fact; all people should know- THE .BARBER SHOP. Sr. MASON le SONS'. New Silks, New Mantle Trimmings, New Satins, New Muslins, New Parasols, New Laces, New Corsets, NewEmbroideries, :New Cretonnes, NewLaceCurtains, New Lace CurtainsNett, New Carpets, New Hats, New Hosiery. S. MASON & SON. 1883. I We will sa.critlce tht1 profits to ircrease the sales. Rllison & Co. Wednesaay,IBtn da1 of JulJ, 18~3 AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOUN, in 3 Parcels. the following vall1able Farm and ' Village properties: ~ PARCEL No. 1.-125 acres of Lot Number 23, i.n the Gtn Concession of the 'l'ownsh1p or Dar· hngton, in the County of Durham, on which thAre is a µ-oo<l One and a Half :>torey Brick House, with Kitchen attached. 'l'he h0115e contains 5 Bed·i·oontA, a large up stairs Sittiog· room and Dining·room at:.d Sitting-room down staits; a good Stable a,nd D1'ivipg-house with stone founr\a1ion thereunder, two F'rame Darns ' - one with swne founda1ion thereunder, ·a Granary, a.J~o a one and a hulf storev HoilseQ~>ntaining 5 Tiooms besidf.s back Kitchen. a good Soft Water "Water Lime" Cistern, and ~goocl Well of Hard Wi>ter, 110 Orchard con· to.ming 100 Fruit 'l'rees- mostiY apple. The J~ud is in a good state of cultivation, , P..ARCt:;L No. 2,-Coneists oft.he North 2Jacres of the South l of Lot Num Q,er ID, in the 4th (i;once~on of Darlington aforesaid. 'fhis piece of Land is uncultiviit.ed and unbroken,. tne 'l'imber thereon being composed o( Sort Wood, 'l'he SOil is a Sandy Loam. PARCKL No. 3.- Constst.s of part of Lot Number 17, in the 5tb Concession of the Township of Darlington, containing ,) au acre, on which tl\e>'e is erected a comfortable Frame l& Storey Rouse with Kitchen utte.ohed,alsoWoodshec',. Barn and Stables, ancl Soft and Hard ·water Pumps in the l:Jack Kitchen. and being in the Village or Hampton in the said 'l'ownship of Darlington. Parcel 1 will be · old subject to a mortgage fer $2 700 to llF.N'HY 'l'. PnrLLll'S, bearing 8 per ceiit interest, whlcl1 mortgage is over due. The above Pa.r eels of Land, Nos. 1 and 2 are situa-t.ed about 1 mile West. of the Gravel !toad ruun!ng from Dovr1n:tn-ville to Lake Scugog, and at·e 61 miles from the Town of Howman· ville, H 1~.ilcs from t.he Village of Hampton and! 3k mile~ from the Village of F]uniskillen and about 7 miles from the Bowman ville Station, on the Gra11d ·rrunk Railway. . ['he purchaser of Parcel 1 will be entitled to to possession on \he 1st day of April, 1881, but ruay enter upon the the said Land for tlrn pur· pose of plowing, after· 1st Octobe1\ 1883, and the purchaser will be ent i tl<erl t.o possession ofP_,rcel 2 on the 1st December. 1883. The purchasers will be required to pay at the time or sale to theVendors' clolicitor. one tenth of the purchase money, and ihe balance within one calendar month thereaft6r. without interest, into Court to the Credit of' this actio11, The Yendors wlll only produce such deeds or other documents of title as.are in their posses· slon. 'l'he other cond ~tions uf sale ure the standing conditions of the ea.id Court. ]l'urther partiet1lsrs and conditions of sale can be obtained at the Law offices of Messrs. CAMEltON &; CA.SWELL. 61 .King Street East. and Messrs. Mc.nRl'HY, OSLER, HOSKIN & CH.1£ELMAN. 'l'oronto Mreet, 'l'oronto, and to 8·1·. JOHN H. HU'l'CHE80N, Darl'istel', '!'own . or Bowmanville, Vendors' l:iolicitor. Dated 5th June, 1883. ' N. McLEAN, 2b5. Chief Clerk M<1.stor's Office. SECRET SOCIETIES. A. F. &; A. M.~Jerns·.lem J,odge, No 31, G. R. C., 11:\eets monthly on the 'Vedncs<iay pre· ceding full moon in then· Ha.II, Heaver Block. Rowman ville at 7.30 p.m. JOJIN LYLR, W. M w 'VRIGII'f, Secy. A. F. & A. M.-Yictoria. Lodge No 37, G. R. o .. meets in the Sons' Hau. Town Hall Build· ing, Bowmanville. on the last Friilay of every month at 8 p.m. GD FLE'l'CIIl!lll, w·. M .. W, E. PETHICJ{. ~ecy. I. O. 0. F.-Florence Nightingale J,odge No. 66, b.depe11dent Order of IJdtbfellows, mP.ets A FARMER SPEAKS. Mr. Austin Jay, Copenhagen, Ont, . says he was so afliicted with Liver complaint that he was obliged t0 give up work. The druggi"st at Aylmer, induced him to try ZoPESA with such good rest·lt that after usiug two bottles he was alile to resu me work ae usuat Says he got ·rel.ief from the first <lose and is satisfied there is no better Li"'6r remedy in exicsta.oce. He gladly allows us to us to nae his name. MM ., CONUNDRUMS. ... ,,,, wsa;w;w - -·- ·-- - -- - - - - - - -NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS of WILLIAM BUNNEY, of the Town of tractor. Bowmanville, Con- OTICE J-; HEREBY GIVEN N thut William Bunney of the Tow.n Bowmanville,1in the Co1111ty or Durham, CJon- of u·actor and Builder, has made an assignment of bis estate and eff<icts to m e the undersigned Wllllam Cann, of the so.id 'J'own or Bowman· ville in trust for the benefit of his creditors and that a.II persons havini< claims1 against him are requested to send in such cla11ns (proved by sta.tutory declaration) gi\~ing residence and particulars or theh· claims 1md the nature o! the security if any held by them by letter pre· pa.id aildroased to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of J nly. A.D 1883. And notice ~is hereby given that after that date I will proceed to distribute the assets of tho said William Bunney roalized from the sale thereof, among the creditors en~it!OO. t:hereto, having regard only to the clnims of which notice shall have been gh·en. and I will not be liab!Q for tho asset.ii or 11.llY part thereof so distributed to any person or peroons of whose debt, or claim, I shall not tlien have notice. WILJ,J.A.M CANN, Assignee in .'!'rust, Bowmanville, by D. BUitKE S'I MPSON. his eolicit.or. Dated at Bowme.uville, .Tune ~th 1883. 256. W.BELL'S PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS ! GUELPI-I Are second t<> none in the world. 20,090 Instruments now ia use. Dema.n<l so great tba' it requil·es ·1·wo of the largest li'actories in the Dominion, with capacity ror turning out TWEN· TY per da>'· l!'or purity and sweetness of tone, elastic and light touch, beautiful and perfect finisl:J,. they a.re unrivalled. 'l'he mast skilled labor, the very best materials that money can procure a.re a guarantee to pur· ch'asers tl1at they are buying no shoddy. hut a :first clais article, l:lold wholesale and retail by J. P. RICE, Bowma.nvllle. J. s. DONEY. Tyrone. "Vb.at ls the ditl'e renc.e between a tight boot a.ud an oak tree r The one makes acorns, .the other makes corns ac!Je. 'l'he Cingalese Hair Heuewer is applied with a sponge or brush. and It never fails ih its good effects on the hair. 5~ cents per bottle, 'Why a.re fowls the most productive things a. ~.A. farmer can kee·p I J3eeause for every grain they get they give a peck. Hatter and Furrier, N eads' Block. DON"D.' nm l·Y TllE HOUSE.-' Rougtl on Rat.a.' Clears out rats, mille,roa.ches, bed.bugs, ~. B.-Special attention given tq STAMPING in all its branches. flies. ants, moles, cbipmnnks, gophers. I:; c. Bowmanville. April 6, 1883. 2"5·llm. ESTA'l'E or F.LrnA KNAPP. deceased. Why s~·ould a teetotaller not have a wife Pursuant to sect. 34 of capt. 107. of the Ilevised Because he can't sup-porter, Statutes of Ontario, notice is hereby given that 'Wb.y ls it that y!}li caBnot starve in the deserti all creditors having claims ag'1inst the Btate Because or the sand ·which-is·there. of Eliza Knapp, late of the Township or Dar...C::.J..~ ..1:\J ~ _, a. name well and favorably known lington, widow, deceased. who died on or about ~------------------A BRIDE KILLED.-On Wednesday of inCingalese, the 13th day of MarchA.D., 18&"!, are IelJ11es.ted connection with a hair Itencwer that a.ccom· last week Albert Kesler and Ida Oamp- plishes even better results than is advertised, to send per mail, prepaid, 10 James C. South, executor. Oshawa, on or before the 10th ilay of bell of Norham, drove to Campbellfunl 50 cents per bottle. A.D ·. 1883, a statement of their names and Our Spring Stock ls thoroughly complete, .July and were married. On the way homo Ellison address, with pe.rticulard of t.heir claims, and & Co. of the securities, if any. held by them, and the horse became restiv e while being Parties asking u s f©r bargains will not be that after t.hi; clay lS:st aforesaid. the executor watered and the newly made wife in d1sappointecl, Ellioon & Co. may distribute the assets of the ]~state among , W 1 · N Good s. O ur Stock Wl ·11 b e Ve ry 'Why, when you are l:((>ing by train, doe3 the the ma.king an effort to get out of the buggy parties entitled thereto. having regard ' e nave commenced t o receive ew punch a hele in your ticket 1 'l'o let only to the claims or which ho shall then have' L d C l h. d · '11 b t fell . on the wee! which threw h er head- conductor you pass tb.rough. had notice. And. the said executor will not be arge -an omp ete t is season, an our prices Wl e ex remeforemost to the ~round, killing heir in·Be advised in time, and do not allow what lto.ble for the assets of the said estate to any W · d th h t t' h t l:t.' G d ly low. e inten , roug OU e season, o ouer 00 s stantly. Young Kesler was stricken with may appoar to you aa..i, sample ,back·ache m1w peroon or persons of claim or claims he shall to r un into a drsease of the Kidneys, whwh not have had.notice as aforesald. _ t · TEMPTING PRICES grief when he found that his wife was invariablv proves fatal in the end. DP. Yan Dated June 19, 1883. a very dead . Buren,s Kidney Cwre will at once ease yam· JAMES c. SMITH. We ·offer Special Bargains in Dress Goods at pain and positively prevedt these unfortunate Executor, Osbawa., .Ont. _ 12l. 2 Cents. Wide Awake nrugglsts.- Messrs J,.Hlggin· r esults, 'l'ake It at once. Any Druggist will McGEE.&. JONES, Oshawa, n <r_3w. We Offer Special Bargains in Prints at 10 cents. have it. .r. Higginbotham & Son. Sohc1tors to the Estate. """botham & Son are always alive to their busi· What nation pr©dnees the most marriages1 ness and spare on pains to secure the bestlof Fascination. We Offer Special Bargains in Black Cashmere at 50 cen,ts. every article ln their line. 'rhey have seClJl·r ed SHILOH'S CATARRII REMEDY.a marvelWe Offer Special Bargains in All Wool Tweeds at 50 ~ts . the agency for the celebrated Dr. Klng's New lous cure for Catarrb J)iphtheria, Canker Discovery for Conaumption. The only certain mout.h, and headacke. \Yith e~ch bottle t,here ~ We Offer Special Bargains in Lace Curtains at $1.25. an ingenious nasal lnJ ector tor the more sue- · cure known for Consumption. Coughs. C"1lds. is cessf.nl treatment of these complaints without' We Offer Special Bargains in Boys' Suits, we keep all sizes. Hoarseness, Asthma., Hay Fever. Bronchitis, extra charge..J. Higginbotham&:' Son, Whole· or ·any affection of the 'l'hroa.t and L!.J,ngs. 2al~ and Retail agents. W e Offer Good All-Wool Tweed Suits to Order for $12.50. What is it that a poor man has and a rich. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottle J!ree. man wants '!: Nothing. We Offer Men's Ready-Made Tweed Suits from $6.50 up Regular size $1.00 'l'he most frightful scourge of humanity is · -~~--~---Brights' or the kidneys. Commencing with a A Minister's Bvidence.-The all pre- ' ittle pain in the back. it hul'ries th3 sufferer to ~ASH. valent malady of civilized life is Dyspep- premature grnve. Dr. Van But'en'e Kidney Uure is the only known remedy that prevents sia.. Rev. W. E. Gifford, of Bothwell, the fa.tel results, 'l'o.ke it in time. J. Higgin· We mean business this season, in fact we are bound t o sell. Conwas cured o,f dyspepsfo. and live1· complaint botham & Son, sequently we will offer Great Inducements. that rendered his life almost a burden. When is a newspaper like a delicate child 1 The cure was completed by three bottles When it appears weekly. Mrs. Robert Oxtoby, of Vroomantioo, Ont. of Burdock Blood Bittere. 256. suffererl several year· with dyspepsia, without 238-]y. Bowmanville, February 15, 188!'1. permane,1t rtilief, until a friend recommended A Remarkable Fact,-It is a remark- N.ationa.l .Eilis. JUter taking one box. she r eable fact that W. A. Edgers, of Frankvi,lle, covered h er health, and w eighed twenty-:five u nds more tho.11 before taking them. was eo far gone with liver'aud kidney com- poWhen is a little boy like a great bank!lr l plaint that lds life was despaired of, was When he's a Wroth-child. cured with four bottles of Burdock Blood . Never forget that stt your Druggist's you can .Bitters. At one time he lay a fortnight always obtain Dr. Ve.n Buren's Kidney-0ura. is the only known remedy th.a t spe!ldily i:ir without an operation o~ the bowles, 25G. Jt Jieves all Kidney Diseases, and 1f pera1stecl m will effects a permanent cure. J. HlgginbothA fine assortment of P reserves and am & Son. Latest Styles direct from the leading manufactures. SLIPPERS o f all Al<EN INTERNALLY it cures W hy Is a bla.cl;:smith tho most dissatislled of Jellies at the Grand Central. 253. kinds and s i zes. A nice assortment of Ladies' Misses' and all mechanics ? Becau~e be is alwaye on the Dysentery, Cholera, Diarrhrea, . Another lot of those choice Parasols, strike for wages. · Ci·amp·and Pain in the Stomach, Bowel Childrens' BUTTON BOOTS. Dont neglect on the first appearance of Kidney just to hand at S. Mason &; Son. Complaint, Painter's Colic, Liver Comtroubles to go to vour Druggist and get a. bottle Try the Balls Corled Spring Elastic of Dr. Van Bnron's Kidney cure. It will ii;ive plaint, Dyspepsia. or Indigestion, Sud· immediate relief, save years of suffering and Section Corset, at S. Mason &;; Son, den Colds, Sore T hroat, Coug h s, &c. effeot a permanent cure. J. H1gginbctl!am &. A colored woman died in New York Son. SED EXTERKALLY, it cures vVJ1y ought wo.moo to be employed tn the city who is said to h~ve been 115 years old. Post Office I Because they under~tand how to lloils, Felons, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Prices Very Lo'W' ! Call and See. us! manage the males. t:;ATAltRllOt'TJIEULA.DDlllt.- ·STINOINGir· S calds, Old Sores and Sprains, SwelExal'lline Styles! ritatlon, infta.mmation1 all Kidney &nd Urinary Answer This 4l1rnst1on,- Why do so many lings of the Joints, Toothache, Pain Compla.im.s, cured by 'Buchupaiba.." $1. oeople we see a round us, eeeru to prefer to in the Face, l'\ euralgia and Rheuma· suffer anC. be made miseracle by Indigestion, - Nearly all who go to the'No:r'th·weet, or any Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Com· :ism, &c'./. . . ·;,,·.·~ · ._ , , . ,..foreign point, from this distrlot, get tickets ing up or tbe Food Yellow Skin, when for 75c, from C!imie & Allen. Bowmanville, 'fhev eell we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed tickets by rallw&y or boat to all points, at low-. to cure them. J.H!gginbotham & Son, Whole· l'AI N- KILLER is sold by est possible ra.tee, 251, 1 Bale and Retail a.gents. . Medic ine Dealers throughout the world. Onr pile of 10 cent prints astonish the peop~e What goe11 moit against a. farmer's arain~ \'.-rice, 23C. and p er b ottle. Ellls011 &; Co. lTl"ro11e, Much 6th, 1883. His reaper, evel'y "Vednesday in their Hall. Neads' Block, Bowmanville, at 7:30 p,m .. G ID' HAI.SES, N, G. 'l' C Jli:WELL. Secy. ENCAMP~rn:-n'.-Albert :Encampment, No. 12. I. O. 0, F. meets on the 2nd a.nd ·Mrh Monday of every month in the Odrlfl'llows· Hall. Neads' Block, BOWlllliUVille. at 7.30 p.m. G _LJ FLE'J'Cli· ER, c. P. J K Otm, F. Secy. .A. 0. F.- Court Pride of Ontario No. 000 Andent Order or Forester·, meets every i.ltto· l foate Wednesday in their Ha.II over Oi>seriier in1orm our numerous c11.s tomers that we have received our Block, JJnwmanville, at 7.30 p.m. D DAVI~. C. We beg ll.. EB WIT,r.IAMS, Secy. Spring Stock, comprising all the Latest Styles of A w1foan, A.O. U. W.-Bowmanville Lodge No. !J9, .. English and Canadian HARD AND SOFT FELT HA~'3Anciant Order of the United ' Vorkmen. meets on the 2nd and 4th Jfcirlay of every mon\h over for Men, You ths', Boys' and Children. 1h e 8bscrver Dlock, Dow man ville, ut 7.30 p.m. CHAS. KEITH, M.W. A BAlUlER, necorder. S 0. E. B. S.- Wellington LQdgc No.19, Sona o r B ngl1tn'l Benevolent ~ociety, meets on tho 1st. and ard Tuesday or ~very month over t..he Ob,,erver Block,Bowma.nvllle, at 7 30 p,m. MA JAMES, President. p TREBILCOCK. Secretary. It. 'J'. of '1'.- 1<.:xcelsior Council, No. i8, Hoyal White Linen Regatta and Wollen Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Drawers, Templara of 'J 'emperance, meets on t.he 2nd and ith Monday of every mon1h over the Obse1"vtr Ties, Scarfs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Half Hose Braces, Umbrellas, Jllook, Bowman ville, at 7.30 p,m. A BARBER, S. U. W J MoMunTRY. 8ecy. WHITE VESTS, etc., etc. S. of T . -Bowmanv11le Division No. 39 Sons of Temperance, meets every 'J.'uP.sday in their Hall. 'l'own Hall Btiilding, at 7.30 p.m. H.a:HRY J<'ox, W. P. 'l'Hos. JEl'F.REY. Secv. SPRING! HATS! 1883. HATS! to HATS! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! Fresh Goods ! New Styles ! Low Prices ! JM:. -YE R:Y Notice to Creditors. S-r::::>RI""""-r-G T -r::::> AD :EJ .. 18831 ·NEW DRY GOODS &CLOTHING. ·WE TAKE C'ROCERS' DUE BILLS SAME AS ELLISON & CO. &SHOES! T U ~;~1~1 -VV.:e:. :S:ICH:S SICN OF THE "BIG BOOT." aoc. '