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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1883, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED Caledonian Mills. Formerly ltnown as the " Soper Milla.') M0'8IC AND THE DRAMA.. MiBB Bertha Behrens ill probably the youngest violinist out of Italy ecientiioi·llY educated. :Mies Anna Ei:chberll; wrote the words for Mr. Eichberg's national hymn recentl;11 sirnR; at the festival of the Boston school·child1'en. Oharles Heywood Stratton, better knoWll as Gen. Tom Thumb, died at Middleboro,' MMe., July 15, from a.poplexy, at the ago of 45. Gounod ha3 promised to co.mpose a ne~ work for the Birmingham Festival pf 1880. It is t,o be something in the nature ol a. sequel to the "Redemption." 'Of Wilkie Collins' ·'Rank'. and Riches" the Refertt says : "It is one of the most outrageously bad producti?ns ever witnessed on' the slage of a recogritzed London theatre." Minnie Palmer, in "My Sweetheart," seems to 'be having a great time in Scotland. Some of the Edinburgh 11tudents· have got into a row over her, anJ nine of them have got into prison. Zola and Busnach are working hard at a drama taken from \lie former's Jas11 no,·el. Sar11h Bernhardt-ever on the lookou~ for aometliin~ spicy-has alr?ady secured 1t for the Ambigu Theatre, Paris. Mr. Mapleson havlng said that Mr. Ab· bey's new tenor does not P.mount to much, or words to that effect, because he h&s such small legs, it is thought .that ~r. Abbey should be rebuked for trymg to impose a little-legged tenor on America-that is, if he sings with bis legs. H. · A, D' i\.rcy, . manag~r of the . Bertha PHILOSOPHICAL SOCU:TY 01' LONDON. USEFUL RECIPES. Codd & Co,. Bankers Successors to Agency of Dominion Barut, BOWMANVIT,LE, EVERY FRIDAY MORJHNG, .·-BY- grlsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot .Barley and we are now prepared to receh·e AT THE OFEICE, orders'from all our old cu.Jtomers and othen work and we guranteo to give them. who o1iomeeBlock, King st.,Bowm1&nvllle,Ont for intrust with the same entire satisfa·tioa. Oats and other grains taken in exchange foe TERJM:S: Flour. Oat Meal. &c. H. &. J. TOWNS, w7· $1.l'IO per nnnun1,or $1.00lf patft In adva.nee manville. Payment strictly in advance required from sablronbers outside of tho county. Ordl!rs to cUaoo·tinue the paper mut<t be accompa.nied 1:f. the &mount due.or the paper will not be stop~e .. Has received her new stock ot Subecrlbers are responsibleuntil full payment 1s made. M. A.JAMES, MILL 'HAS BE.EN THOR· . HIS UGHLY renovated and put in crder,u·d·r T our.own special supervision, for the purpoee ot The Tendency or 8olentldo Inquiry, Sir Henrv. Ba.rkly G, C. M. G., F. R. S., took the chair at the annual .meeting of the Victoria. · (Philosophical) institute, at 7 Adelphi Terrace, :::..ondon, in the week in June. Horiora.ry Secretary, Captam F. Petrie, F. R. S. L., read the report, by which it appeared that the Institute,founded to investigate all questions of Philosophy and Science, and mvre especially any a.llegeJ to militate against the truth of Rev elation,-ha.d nvw risen to 1,020 members, of whom about one·third were -Foreign Colonial, and American, and new .applica.tio·1s to join were constantly coming in. An increasiug ,number of lea.ding men of sc:ience harl joined its ranks, and men of Smence, .whet11er in its ranks or n'>t, co-operated in its work. During the seesion a carefol anal· ysis ha<l been undertakon by Prof~sor Stokes, F. R. S., Sir J. R. Bennett, Vice· Pres. R. S., .Professor .Be.i,le, I'. R. S., and others, of the various theories of Evolution, and it was reported that, as yet, no scientific evidence had been met with giving countena.nee to the theory that man had been evolved from a lower order in animals; and Professor Virchow had declared that there was a coniple absence of auy fos!!il type of a lower stage in t he development of 'man ; and that any positive advance in the province of l prehistoric anthropology has actua ly removed us further from proofs of such con· necti\)n,-nacnely, with the rest of the Ani£ Ba d mal kingdom. I n t h is, P ro essor · rran · e, the great palreontologist, had concurred, de· cl.aring that in none of his investigations had he found any one fqssil s. ecies develo . , · no scientific man had yet discovered a link between man and the ape, between fisb and frog, or between the vertebrate and invertebrate animals ; further, there was no evidence. of any one species, fossil or other, losing its peculiar characteristics to acquire rlfW' ones belong· ing to other species; for instance, however similar t.h e deg to the wolf, there was _no connecting link, and amon17 extinct species the same was the case ; there was no gradual passai<e from one to another. Moreover, the first animals that existed on the ea.rth were by no meani to · be considered as in· ferior or degraded. Among othe'r investiga· tions, one into the truth of t!J.e argument from D .sign in Nature had been carried on, and had hitherto tended to fully confirm that doctrine. The question of the Assyrian inscriptions and the recent Babylonian researches had been under the leadership of Mr. Hormuzd Rassa.m, who, on his arrival from Nineveh, had uiven a full report of the extent of his new excavations, which were of the highest inteqist. His discovery at Sej>harvaim, Gne of the first cities mentioned in Holy Writ, was most important. Pro· fessor Delitscb and others aided in the consideration of the disco\·eries and the· in.· scriptions found. Two meetings had been held to consider the qriestions raised in Mr. Herbert Spencer's Philosophy, and Lord O'Neill and others bad shown, by' a careful analysts of his arguments, that a greater at· tenticn to accuracy in statement would. ha:ve kept Mr. Spencer from arriving at t hose ha.sty conclusions which had his phi!osophy remarkable. It was announced that the results of explorations now being car· ried on in Egypt would be laid before the Institute early in the winter. The discoveries were very important, especially that of the city of ~uccoth, which, like the ..results of the survey of Palestine, was confirmatory of the Sacred Record. The quarterly Journai, which had t>een published 10r s ixteen year8, was now issued free to all Members and Associates, whether at home or abroad. Several rnterestine- speeches ha. 1iag been ma<le, the Mambers and their frien ds a<ljourned to the Museum, where refresnment~ were served. Life At Htgh Pre1111ure. The life that ~t of our business men lead in towab is one of high p ressura in h truest sense of the term, and it may reasonably be doubted whether two out of every t en of them are in good, i.e., enjoyable health. They have little time t o think about such a thing as present health. Tbey "worry through one way or a.not.her," and some of these days most of those I speak to tell me they mean to go in fur "a good spell of rest and enjoyment." Now. they are not trying po d eceive themselves when they speak thus, but thore is one thing they forget, namely, that even if they could afford the time they would hardly get their bra.ins to accommodate themselves to the long d reamt.o f-spell of rest and enjoyment. 1t'is as im· possible for a. hard-working man of business to settle his mind to rest, to order, as it is for a peraon to settle himself to sleep immediate· Jy after he has undergone a period of excite : ment, whether pleasurable or reverse. And I have known, and ho doubt the reader has known, men tu whom the annual holiday was a mere dra'( and a weariness, and who were not above confessing, if asked, that they really would not be happy until back in town Now I do not scruple to affirm that this incapability of enjoying rest is, in itself, a symptom of an unnatural con· dition ot. brain, which though medical men out of mere politeness d o not designate by the name of dise815e, is nevertheless very near akin to it. It· is not everyone who makes a fortune in business large enough for him to retire contentedly upon while still comparatively young, and there al'e very few of those who do that retire with any capacity for enjoyment beyond the chimeri· cal pleasure of money making.-OaiiBell's us rao MISS McTAVISH GOODS., W·hole Column one year ... , ····...... $59 00 :;;;! I:; fil and invites the Ladies of Bow., " Half year ........ ... . 30 00 ~=:!!' .. " Orie quarter ...·.... . 20 001"'"'-' manville and vicinity to call Half Column one year .... ·· ·· ... · · ·· 30 00 and see her Pattern 0_ " " Half year ...... · · · · · ·· .. 20 O " ·· One quarter . . ......... 12 50 _ QuR rter Column one year .... , ...... 20 OOj_ " . .. Half year .. .. . . · .. . . 12 50!-'-5 " .. One quarter........ 8 001 and assortment ot Sll 1u1os e.ndunder, ft~t in!!ertion .. $0 5~ _ Each eu_bsequent inser~1on ..,.... 0 .20 From six to ten lines, first msert1on, 0 7~1- Each 8 ubsequent insertion , .._... 0 35 _ . -10 Over ten lines,ftrst in~ertion,per,~me 0 101 ..· Each 11ubsequent insertion, !I 03i STORE :-Second Door "\Vest of 1VilllAJua Butcher stun. The numlier of Jines to be reckoned bYj·-: the spa.oe occuP,ied, measured by a scale of/..=_ 15 solid Nonpareil. BATES OF ADYERTISING: 1~~ =:-:-- BONNETS, HATS, TRI ·M MINGS Spring & Summer t'OUND·CAXE.-In these days of soda real pound-cake is se1'iom to be seen, but some persons still ask for it so much that it is well to have a reliable recipe at hand. The fol· lowin~ is good at all times, but succeeds particularly well in warm weather: Twenty .o.inces of sugar ; fourteen ounces of flour ; fourteen ounces of butter; fourteen eggs, leaving out two of the ·yolks. Of course great care is needed in the preparation of the ingredients to insure success. The flour must be of fine qua.lit~ and sifted, the butter creamed, a.nd the eggs beaten separately until light as possible. In cake-making it id always desirable to have two persons en· gaged; the lightness of the yolks can not be 80 well ascertained by sight, so that it is safest to have them beaten steadily all t he time that it takes t<: make the whites stiff enough ·to stand alone. A greased paper must line the mould, the fire be nicely graduated to suit a moderate ovan, and if the ctke rises rapidly a paper must be put over the top to prevent its bro'\\ ning too much before the bottom part is done proportionately. GooD FRUIT CAKll, ·One pound of fl.our sifted; ont. pound of butter creamed; one pound of su5ar ; two pounds of raisins seeded ; two pounds of currants washed and dried ; one pound of sliced citron rind ; one wine-glassful of brandy ; one tablespoonful of rose-water. Put the fruit all together in a sifte1 , s prinkle them heavily with fl.our, and sift well, so that the fruit may not sink headly ro the bottom, If you want the cake to look black you must use brown sugar, and also brown the fl.our in a cool oven. o mo asses ; one cup or u er; one cup of cream or milk; five eggs ; one tea-spoonful of saleratus ; season with two tablespoonsful of ginger and a tea-spoonful of powdered mace. Rlke slowly but regularly. Suoa.R CAKES.-Three pounds of Jlour; two pounds of sugar ; one pound of butter (butter and la.rd mixed will do); four e1:rgs; one cup of cream to be added last if the eggs do not malt~ the dough soft enough without it. Work as little as possible a fter the soaa has been put in and the dough become smooth. Transact a general Banking Business upon the Tt'l"ms and Pr·inciples adop~ ; by the Joint Stock Banks. INTEREST ALLOWED 0 N DEP 0 SJ TS· withdrawal on demand, at the mte of FOUR per cent per annum. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Bills reoelved for collection and advances made thereon at moderate rates. DRAFTS ISSUED, payable a t all points in Canada and the United States; STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, & Q.,&c. bought and sold. MONEY LOANED on Mortgage Securitypresent rate from 6 to 7! per cent. .N 0 TICE. · posits heretofore made with t he Dominior. Bank, oan be withdrawn at any time upon de· mand and without charge, at the premises lately occupied by the Bank, now the Banking House of Codd& Co INTEREST a t the rat e of THREE per cent will be allowed so long as the money lies with he Dominion Bank. , s~8fileeoaftl8:r,_.ife::u.u"11ct!, ~1111.uuuuo.u. G and M"mber of Collei?e ot Physicians and ·IL... R.AD u ATE of Quee:Q'B College, ..B;ingston!; ~ L. POTTER, :JW.D, - - - - . Dr. A. BEl'OI, ·--=---"~- ....-R.A.DUATE OF'fHE TORON'fOUNIV~R· SlTY Physician, Surgeon, &c · .O!fice Kmg Stn;et. MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. G J, w. Jtlc£aughlln, M. B., of Phyeicians and .member of the Royal L Coll e of surg_eons Jtdrnburgh. ville. DR. ,J, ICENTIATE OF 'l'HE ROY.AL COLLEGE ofii~e: MORRIS' BLOCK King-st., Bowman· EMBER OF COLLE~E OF,PHYSICIANS and surgeons, Ontario, po~oner, etc. 74· . . Ofll.ce and Residence, Enmsk1llen. c, MIT4.JHELJ,, . M . ARRISTER SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS BJ,OCK, up'etairs, King Street, Bo'VlllanR lle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Private Moneys loaned at the lowest mtea, John Keith Galbraith, ARR I ti TE R SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. 'Office-Reed's Block, o:ver T. Battings store, Klng Street, Bowmanv11le. Money to lend D. BlJKKE Sll'l1rsciN, B LOSCOMBE ·" LEITB, ARRISTERS,A'l'TORNEYS, SOLICI~'ORS, Conveyancers, Notanea. &c. Office ·-:-McClnng's Buildings, King Street, Bowmanv1lle. R, RUSSELL LOBCOMBE, A. H. LEITII. B 1ver wist 1n LIS mg or next season. He intends to produce it in extrao:· dina.ry shape, All the n<lcessary oscemc Is now exhibiting her splendid new stock or effect will be carried with the company, and the · production- will be a facsimile of the English, French and American Millinery, .ori~inal performance in London. T)le c!lml'enther~, )<'lowers nnd Fancy Goocls. Her numerous friends and the ladies' of Bow- pa.ny con11iets 0f fifteen people. man ville and vicinityareconlldently invited Charlotte Cushman once told the inconto an inspection. The greatest economy consistant with quality has been solable mother of a youn~ girl who had died -made a special study.of smallpox wh!le studyi~~ for the sta:ge, for which she evmced ability, that 1f her A splendid stock of daughter had lived and reached the top of her profession, the difficulties, trials, hum ilia· tions and temptations she would have had always on hand. to e~dure were such a~ wonld make her HATSaL·~ SONNETS mother prefer for her even the death she made over in the Newest Styles. had died. · Rose Coghlan, the P?Pula.r New: ~ork ac· tress is said to be a little old-ma1d1sh, and incli~ed to be domestic and methodical-a trio of virtues not often found in a slave to the footlights. Three years aii:o she a horse and brou!;(ha.m liv her benefit. She puts so much of her salary of $225 away for that every week, so much for rent, so much for dress, so much for living, and the rest goes straight into bank. Hy no possil:>ility does she overstep any of these 11eparate ex· penditures. M 1 L -LINERY MRS. AND· ERSON -:EIY"- FA1\1;ILY MOURNING c. HARNDEN, L ·. D . . s., 0 Money to-Lonn.- Private and other funds at loweist;ru.tes of interest. . ST. JOHN B, HIJTCi UESOY, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental . Surgeons. Onta;rio. . OFFICE OV ER DICK::JON'S STORE. THINGS, THINGS, THINGS. B R L ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &c. Plate Work executed in the latest and most NO'.l'ARY PUBLIC. MONEY '.1'0 LOAN· · improved style of the Dental Art. OFFICE-OVER STATESMAN OFFICE, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT P .A.JN ROBERT .UUIOlJJt, by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, wit hout Injury to tho patient. . EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER of Marrlage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor· Particular attention paid to the regulation of noy at Law and.):lolicitor in Chancery. Money loaned on Real Est111te. Office on King street, , . CHILDREN'ii:> TEETH. JJS!ft"AL1- WORK . W .AR'R.ANTED.~ Bowmanville. H. T. PJIULlf'!!! ICENSED AU0'1'10NEER for the County of Durham, Sales promptly attended. BANKERS, . ~9_: _ .Address-Hamnton P.' O. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. JON ES .& COBBIE, K.flif.a-STREET, BoWMANVILt.:R. It. HlJTClllSO N. AUCTIONEER. CONY..EYAN· L ICENSED CER s,nd Comrossioner in B. R. Sales at· tended to prom~Y and at reason~ble rates. . · «Address..,.. 'nniskil k __ n_P_. _o _. -~---- BANKING. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS transacted. Drafts issued and colltict!om1 made throogh all Brl!.nches of the Bauk of Montreal, in Canada, United S tates and England. · Short Date, Commercial and Farmer.e' papers discounted at bank'ratea. Longer periods than three monthR at best rittes obtainable . Advances made on SaleNotes and epecial attention given to collection of 11ame. '1 OHN HUGHF.~.-Licensed Auctio_n·J eer "Valuator "'"u Arbitrator.Fire and Life ,t GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED ·TO ~emo_ved ~o Insura';,ce Notes and Accounts Collected, Money to LPnd on reasonable terms. Address ' Carr.wright, Ont. 472 ~ e~ery man who buvs his Licen·e from llKNflY SYLVESTER, Enniakillen. 198tf. R. YOUNU, V. S., has tbe residence directly opposite the Dr1_ll D Shed formerly occupied by P . C. Himes. His office· wlll be in Mr. John McMurtry's Grocer~ Store. Hours from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to o p.m., Sundays excepted. 228-tf, NUG HOME FOR SALE. - -ABrick FOUR PER CEN'r PAID on DEPOSOottagecontaintng six rooms, eellar. pantry etc., quarter acre land, st~ble, woo!'J.·shed. hard l'l'S of' $4 and upwards, withdrawal on and soft water, and other convemences. F or fUrther information apply to STAi'ESMANoftlc!'t demand with hterest t) date. Bowmam·me. _ 918-tt.... S Saving's Department. Piano~'·'nned & P BANK, BUILDING SOCIETY AND Insurance Co. Stocks, also Bands and De· Tunec:Itor repaired can ha.Te attended to bv leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN bentures bought at t %,co.mmission either Co'S'OFtrrn&, Bowmanville. A ftrat-clas man in Montreal or Toronto · . now being In their mploy. Repaired. ' ARTIES:WISHING THEIR PIANOS BROKERAGE. MARRIAGE LI 0ENS ES W. R. CLIMJE. ISSUED "BY INSURANCE AGENTS FOR NOR'l':EIERN OF ENGLAND, capital and invested funds-$27,600.000. ISSUED BY 'l'he City of London Fire Insurance Co. ef London, England · . Capital £1,000,000, sterling, Deposited with Governm.ent at Ottawa $100l06Q. Fire Insurance of every Descriptlon effectea, OFFICE-'fown Hall Buildin!'l's,Bowmanville Lowest possible rates on all classes .pf risks. MARRIAC E LI0EN SES A. J. LOCKHART, ORONO, ONT. for investment at 6, 7 and SY.. according to ae curity offered. .A. LARGE AMOUN"'l' o~· PRiV.A.'rE FUNDS INVESTMENTS .. The coldest thing in the worl~-the k_itch~n oilcloth to your bare feet m a wmter s niaht. . The hottest thing-A raisin lying i~ am· bush in a mouthful of hot plum puddmg. ·The dullest thing-A funny newspaper. The longest thin~-Your friend's favorite story. The shortest thing-The memory of the perpetual borrower. The biggest thing-The for~une you ex· pect to make by stock Sl!eculat1on. The smallest-The fortune which you do make, · The toughes~ thing- the young wife's piecrust. · The softest thing-The conversation which passes between a duck and a deary. The highest thing- The mercury in the thermometer, about this time. · The hardest thing-The bit of bolle that you "come right down on," when eatinv chops. The ea1:1iest thing-Lying. '.the tightest thing- The marria~e. tie; that is to say, it used to be, but now it 1s the loosest. The prettiest thing-Look in the mirror, and you will see it. The brightest thing-The sun's light shot into your eye as it comes reflected from the piece of looking·glass . i n the hands of the mischievous small bO)'. The silliest thing-Thinking that wealth produces happiness. (Wouldn't yvu lili:e to be knocked silly, provided the . money came ?) The freshest thing-You know him; he is everywhere. However, he will get salted in time. The stalest thing- Common sense. The quickest thing-The fl.ea. The slowest thing-An amateur drama by . amateur performers. The heaviest thing-A long sermon on a hot Sunday afternoon. The lightest thing-A lover's vow. The thickest thing-Your tongue when coming ho1ile from the "lodge." The thinnest thing- The story you tell your wife next morning. The wettest thing-The foot of the small boy with a new pair of rubber boots. The driest thing-You have just been :reading it. -Boston Transcript. The Wise Newspaper Dian TraYel8 Wlth· . out Bis WU'e, - LEMON CrrEESE the peels of two larlle lemons pared very thin; boil them in 'a little water until they can be pierced through with a straw; beat them well in a mortar with five ounces of loaf-sugar, the yolks of six egus, and. seven ounces of fresh butter; pound and mix all together. Lay some carefully prepared pastry in pattypans; half fill with the batter. Bake so as not to let tnem g9t burned, and send to ;table when almost cold, with granulated sugar ;iifted over the tops, · · ' SALEM 0Airn.-Three pints of flour; one pint (or pound) of sugar; half a pound of butter; five eggs; one tea-spoonful of soda. 8eason with nutmeg and mace ; 'r oll ·out in half-inch thicknesses, and cut into any shape you like. A:GllfOND CHEESE CA:rrn.-Take half a pound of sweet almonds shelled, lay them in cold water, and let t hem stay so all night. Next morning pour off that water, and lay them to blanch in fresh for a few minutes as you remove the skins. Then take them out and dry them with a cloth. Beat them very fine with a little rose-water. T ake six yolks and two whites of.eggs, and whip them 1,ill very light. Add a half pound of whitewhite sugar, with .a very little powdered mace. Rub a ll well ' together.. Take one ounce of fresh butter, melt it, and add also a little grated lemon peel. Mix all of your iogredients, Put a nice rich r,aste at the bottom of your piep!Rtes, half fill them with LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S the batter, and bake. Almonds, half-pound VEGETAilLE CO:M:POUNJ2~ sugar, half-pouud; eggs, yolks, six, whites, two ; butter, ~ce · mace and lemon, A Sn~e CUl'e f'or all FEl.'tIALE WE~li.· very little each. ~ NESSEIS, Including i'ieucorrhren,-Jr'.' --~ ~~ ~~~ regular and Painful Men8trnatlou, Inflammation aucl Ulceration of WE: are delighted to know that L ondon the Womb, Floo·llng, PROgirls of the highest social p@ sit ion are mak· LAPSUS UTERI, &e, ing it fashionable to take lessons in dressr;rP!e""""t to the t...te, etl!oo.elous o.nd immediate making. May this fashion long continue I i n its ef!ec.h It is~ great hell?, in pregnancy, and i·or:ny any Q:il'l o n ~should think it lieves pain during labor and at regular i>e11ods. well to be able t o aonothing except perhaps PHYSICIANS USE IT A~D Pil:ESCRIB:B 1'1' FREELY. to <lllnce, is a mystery which nobody can ALL WEAXNESSES of tho genern.tive organs understand. It was fashionable a few ofg-FoR either sex, it ts second to no remedy t hat has ever a110 to t lessons in cookery, and even yet been before the public; and for all diseases of the that goodly fashion has not altogether be- KIDNEYS It l s tho Greatest Bemed11 in the Wo..Zd. come obsolete. Let this new one spread pv'"KIDNEY COMPJ,AINTS of Either Sex more and more widely. Let young women Flnd Great Rellefin Its Use. of the very highest rank show that they are LYDIA E. PINKllAJ\.l'S BLOOD PURIFIER not mere creature for the consumption of the will eradicate cvert vestige or Humors from the fruits of the earth. It is said that t he Blood, at t·h e same time Will give tone 8Jld strength to Queen's daughters are excellent cooks, handy the system. As marvellous In l'e8Ulto aa the Compound. @"Both the Compoun;;;:;:;d Blood l'uriller are predressmakers, and quite able to earn their own living at millinery, if such a thin~ were pared at 2S3 and 235 Western .A.venue, Lynn, Mass. of eit her, $1; Six bottles for $5. The Compound necessary. Now, all this· is sensible, and Price ts sent by mall In the form of pills, or of lozenges, Oil deserves to be imitated by high and low. receipt of price, 81 per box 'for either, Mrs. Pinkham freely Q.llewors all letters of inquiry, Enclose 3 cent I am fully prepared to atrend Funerals on the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. Caskets and BU!'ial Ca.sos i·eady on shor.t-®tice, First-class hearse on very moderate terms, Shrouds and Coffins constantly on band. Funeral cards supplied at once, Furniture Shop & Show Rooms-Bounaall'sN ew Block. All furniture Gold by me is macle by the U. C Furniture Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy slop turn\tnre anCl represent it to have been made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. Also agent for the LI-QUOR 'l'EA. for this town and vicinity. ·It is cheap and as good as can be got in the market. A valua.ble prize given with every pound, « L EV 1 MORRIS. / ~r· ~df5- ~g~ .......... ... Healthis"Wealth! stamp, Send tor pampblot, .llf·,.t-lon this fuper. WLY»U E Pnnm.u!~I'l'll:a ~ cure Constipation, Blllo.u sm a.nd Torpidity of tlio Llvera 25 cents. '"'.e;rsold b.:r Dra1.1urt11t11.... ~ au ~AN WHO 1 $ UNACQUAl -tHO WITl:J TH I!: OEOd°"R.APHV r- - ·, ,~ cdUN· TRV WI L L <::ri:; OV EXAMI N l""Q TH IS MA P Tl-f · T . · '.-!/'; .Onty 1 wo Dollars. So Do! Gentlemen oCFash ion, not so Cast. J have written these few lines .And all I have to sayThat you can find me still at home, I am not gone away, _ So all my·kind old r riends may come, And all they oung ones, too, .And get then· garments nicely made · in fashions that are new: Where old and youn~ d&ar friends, may meet .\. welcome .,.,..Aetinll. Q.v R. PE.ATE THE KEY_ JO , 'H~LTH~ FamU11 Ma,aziiu. . ROBBED the use of the great ii~:~~~~;~~lf!~fi~~~ ·prolonged, happmess andhealthrestored by GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which positively and pormantiy ~ures lil).PO· tency (caused by excesses of any kind) Semmal Weakness, aud all diseasos that follow as a sequence of Self·.A.buse. as loss of memory, uni· versa! lassitude, pain in the back, dimness of viJ!ion premature· old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or ocnsumption and a premature gravo. Send for cirnulars with testin10nials free by mail. The INYIGOltA TO.Et ls sold at $1 per box or six boxes for $5. by a.ff druggists, or wilibe sent free by mail, securely sealed on receipt cf ptice, by addressing J . ]'. CHENEY, Druggist, 178 Summit St .. 'l'oledo, Ohio, sole .Agents or the United States. For sale by s·roTT & JURY, Bowman ville. Lo.rd Rosebery is to have the treedom of the city of Edinburgh, in recognition of the interest he evinced in Scottish affairs. Hotel olerk- "There is a newspaper man who has been stopping with us during the week, and has just called for his bill, If we are liberal ,with him perhaps he will give us good notice," . Landlord- "A capital idea. Tell him there will be no charl?e." Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Clerk- '~Yee, sir. ·I' Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- · . Landlord (calling clerk bacJr.)-"Anybody ingoff gradually without weakening the with him!" syst em, all the impurities and foul . Clerk-"Yes, sir; his wife .." humors of the secretions; at the sam.e Landlord-"All right; charge her double time Correcting. Acidity of the rates. "-Bosten TTanscript. Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, H e adaches, Dizzine96, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness Bi, marck also seems drawing near the of the S.1tin, Dropsy, Dimness of close of his career. He will have no snccesVision, ,Ja-:indice, Salt Rheum, sor in the masterfol autocracy he has exer· Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of cised. He.has done his work, and now with the Hen.rt, !'i el'vousness, and Genhis succesRor will come a favorable and raclical change. 01'al D ebility; all these and many other ~imi1n,r Complaints yielil to the hnpr·v influence of B!l1lDOCX: . In order to marry the governess of his ELCOD Bl'I'TERS. children, with whom he fell in love aftes ' becoming ·"' widower, the Prince Alexander ~.. ~m:.1rcm1 & CO., Proprietors. Toronto. Wittgenstein renounced his hereditary titler _ _ _...,...,......,.....,,,,..,.,,.,~!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!..,.,..~ .- and will be known for the future simply as Curious what an amount of vitality there Count Von Stachenburg. i~ i,n the poor Count de Chambord. In all The Countess ot Aylesford, .whom the new likelihood, however, the end by another Duke of Marlborough at present dishonors l b week wi 1 ave come. with his affections, is a Welsh woma,n, Mar;r had little lamb daughter of Col. Peer~ Williams, and inIta fleas were snowy white, herits from her fath er, who was the best And every would move amateur r1"der in England,· a skillful and dar- . The fleas time werethat surelamb to bite. - New York Journal. ing horsemanship. It is said that in North JSrazil there are no professional dr eBsmakers for all ladies or women, the very finest included ·can both shape and sew all their owri gnrments. When a. man in the country brings his wife a two dollar dress be ha.a not to pay $10 in order to get it made. We would like to see the day when the same thin'( could bll said of Canada. · Things would be altogether brighte~ and becter under such a system, There would be fewer bankrupts and fewer megrims. It is simpl'y cr1tel for any mother to brin{( up her daughters to do nothing, however much their wealth and however certain it may be to remain in the family. Nu, girls. .Be independent. Be able to help yourselves. If you never need to work .so much the better for you. But who either will or can certify you that need w ill never come? Plenty of half.starving middle-aged women had youths of luxury and idleness, and now there they are unable to help them. selves however great the need. Put to your hands by all means. Is that channel .tunnel going to be set about ? or is it to be burked ? It would seem as if matters hung in .the balance doubtfully. The strip of silver sea is not to be abolished, at so say six to four just now, but in a year or two it may be four to six you 4-uow, and that will make all the difference· Dr. Holland's monument, justed .erecterl over his grave at Springfield, Mass., has a bronze bas-relief po ,rtrait in bronze, and t he inscription, "To d evote life to truth." ' DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TR& E MENT, a guarnteed specific.of Hysteria, Dizzln· ess, Convulsion, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or to bacoo; Wakefulness, Men ta! Depression, Softenin!'I' of the Brian, r .e sultlng in Insanity and leading to misery. decay and death, Premature Old .Age. Barrenness' Loss of power in either aex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhrea, caused by over-exer tion of the brain, t>elf-abuse t!r over·indulgence, One box will cure recen t cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. On" dollar a box, or six boxes for five.dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any, case. With each order received by us ror six: boxes, accompanied with five dollars we wlll send...the purchaser our written guaran· tee to refund the money if the trea.tmen t does not effect a cure. Guarantee issued only by STOTT & JURY, sole agents tor Bowmanville, Ont , ; JOHN C. WES'l' & CO., Sole Proprie· tors, T01·on_to, Ont. .$ 1000 FORFEIT ! Having the utmost confidence in its superior· ity over all others, and after thoneands of tests sf the most complicated and severest cases ·we could find, we feel j ustitled in offering to forfe· it one thousand d<Jllars for any case of coughs, colds, sore throat. influenza, hoarsene~s. consumption in its early stages. whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, except Asthma, for which we only claim relief, that we can't cure with W est's Cough Syrup, when taken according to direction. Sample bottle 26 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Gen· uine wrappers only in blue, Sold ·by a ll drug· gists, or send by expres on 1 ·eceipt of price JOHN s. WES'l' & Co., 81 & 83 King St. East. Toronto, Olit. Sold by S'l'OTT & JURY. by the sll.ortest route, a.nd ca.rr_yjng pa.ssen«ere, wt thout change of cars, betw ceu Chicago and Kansas City , Council Bluffs, Leavenworth, Atchison. Minneapolis and S t. F a u l. It conn ects in Union g~~ ~ft~t\?~~~~~~~;~~i~~ %h00 t~!~i iidY~~ w:!t 0 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND &P!Cl~IC R' mcut is unr ivaled and mag nitlccnt, being composed o f Moat Com for table and B '3autiful Da:v Coaches, Magnificen t Horton R ecliuing Chair Ca1·s, ? ullm~u's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cai·e, and tlie Eest Line of Dining Cal's in tho World. T h1·ee T1··ains be tw een Cliicago a nd MiR~ouri River Points. Two Trains b etw e c!l Chicago and Minneapolis nud St. .Paul. "C'ia the Famoug Ph~P~~1':~~t~a~utJ1etK~11\?~~f1)~11bec8e~~~~aft~e:~1~ "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." $500 REWARD! . We w ill pay the above r eward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache lndegestia.n, Constipation or Constiv~es we cannot cure with West's Vegetable HvP.r Pills when .the direct\onsare strictly complied with. 'l'hey ·are pm·ely Vegctablo, and never fail to give·sstisfacti9n. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes contalning 25 Pills, 25 cents, For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeit8 and imitations. 'l'he genuine manufactm·ed only JOHN C. WETT & Co. "Tho Pill Makers," 81 & 83 King St. East, Toronto, Ont, Free trial pack· a'1;e sent by mail prepaid on receipt. of a 3 cent stamp. For Sale by STOTT & JURY. a era of the CREAT ROCK ISLA~IO ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket omce, or address R.R. OABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vice-Pres. & Gen'I 'M'g:'r, tafg~· detailed information, get the C mccs in Baggage c h ecked through and 1'0.tes of fare always as low as competitors t hat offer fess tidvan- th~.g.~~~~o~t~~~~ ~~l}!a~i:J.!~al T~cket. Tra.1na. Norfollc,Nawport News, Chatt,anooga, Atl3.llta, Au ... gusta. Nashville_ t Louisville, Lexingt on, Ciucinna.ti, Il.ldianapolis a.n u L afay ette, 1:1.11d Oma.ha, : .rinucn.p·olis a nd St. :Paul and i nterrnediate poiutB. Al.l Through P asscuge1·s r!'tavel on Fa.s t Ex;;1·ee:..: A New and Direct Line. via SenOOa and Knnka· kee,has recently been oponcd between Richmond. M~p>e-ind Fold.· Gcn'l Tkl. & Plt.Ss. Ast. OHICAQO,

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