.R.obert Burns. PITHY PERSONALS. . Though we may have said something Interesting Items about Well-known Plaids and chess. board pattern ~oods are which might appear harsh in reference to annually take place in the Bay and D~n People. , Robert "Burns, yet we not the less admire river is a constant subject of comment 111 all the rage. Dust gray is the fashionable color for the wondrous genius of the mighty peasant Rev. Phillip9 Brooks has become very the local press ; and it is a matter of surprise bard, and only the more wishes that his sur- popular in London. that, with the facilities at command for travelling wear. Wings, crests, a.nd breasts of birds trim roundin~s had been more favorable and his learning, so comparatively few of our citi· Meissonier's wife holds a medal for her Begs to a.nnounce that he has again secured a License and is now pre. many seasiae hats. history less saddeningly mournful. Eighty· embroiuery and tapestry. zens know how to swim. In view, however, pared to furnish the public with strictly first class Unadulterated White stockings are worn only by 't>rides se·ren.~ years ago that wondrous genius of the many accidents which have occured, General Sheridan is the father offour girls, breathed his last in circumstances inexpressi· the oldest of whom is six years. the Provincial Board of Health has done a and bridesmaids. · Liquors, and respectfully invites the inhabitants of Town and Country JIViE,e and timely thing in . issuing a sheet Low .shoes, tied across the instep, are worn bly mournful. It is thus that the event is Miss Alice Stone Blackwell -is doing vig. noticed iri the newspapers of the day : ontaining a number of rules for the treat- only wrnh black stockings; to give him a call when they require any of the following goods, ·either orous work against the Mormon practice. ment of the drowned, which are so deservin~ Short pelerines with long tab-like ends in "On the 21st died at Dumfries, after a lingeviµg illness, .the celebrated Robert Burns. Matthew Arnold will come to America in of wide spread circulation that we here re- front are much worn. Medicinally or as a Beverage; viz. :His poetical compositions, distinguished Ootober on a long projected lecturing tour. print themr recommending them to the For the chamber, linen canvas slippers l'rue Jamaica Rum. equally by the force of native humor, by earnest attenti?.il ol all our readers. Admiral Hobart Pasha" c~mmander of the John Bull ~itters in.quarts and pints. the warmth.and tenderness of passion, and Turkish navy is the natural son of an Eug- Ve Kuypers Holland Gin on draught and Rule 1. Proceed at once to. emplOy means without heels are cool and pleasant. " Raspberry, S~rawberry and Lemon Syrups The shell-shaped stra_ w hat. 1µ.eets with by the ~lowing touches of a descriptive liah duke. to restore breathing.. Do not delay this in · in bottles. ·. pencil will remain ·a lasting monument of order to- procure -shelter, warmth, stimu- only a limited amount of popularity. Scotch and Irish Whiskies in bottles. Mr. Cross1 George Eliot's husband, has Bernard's Gingtir Wine on draught and in la.nts, etc. Jerseys are much worn, but only fo· the vigor and versatility of a mind guided Basa & Co's. Ale in quo.rt and pint bottles, bottles. · - Rule 2. Remove all obstructions to bredth- fatigue, shopping, and travelling costumes. only by the lights of nature and the inspira- r~covered his health, and is writing his wife's life, chiefly from "the minute and unGuinness Porter · " " " ing.-Instautly loosen or cut apart all neck Short bodices, with long points bac,, ~ion of genius. The public, to whose interrupted diary kept by her from lier W. F. Lewis & Co's Year Old Rye, very and waist l'ands; turn the P"'tient on his and front, grow more and more numerous. .i.musement he has so largdy contributed, youth. Labatt's Ale " " " fine. . will learn with regret that his extraordinary face, with the head lower than the feet ; Queen Victoria has invited the celabrated Gooderham & Wort's Old Bourbon Old O'Keefe & Co's. .Ale on draught in 10 iral· Ver)' low cut slippers, with a tie across endowments were accompanied with frail· stand astride the hips, with your face toward Ion kegs, 30 irallon barrels and in hogs· Ryo and Old Malt WhiskcJys. ties which rendered him useless to himself painter, Prof. von Angell of Vienna, to, visit his head, and, locking your fingers together the instep, are the favorites this summer. heads. Large collars, fi~hus, and shoulder capes and family. The last months of his short. England and make a life-.aize portrait of Oookburn'e Old Port Wine, very line. under his belly, raise the body as high as her, to be pres·mted to the German Emperor you can without lifting the forehead off the are worn with almost every toilet at the sea- life were spent in sickness and indigence, on· O'Keefe & Co's. Porter in 10 gallon kegs. the twenty.fifth anniversary of his as· Sandemau's Pale Sherry do do and his widow, with five infant children, ground, and give the body a smart jerk to side, Hennessy Brandy on draught and in sumption of the Rep;e!1CY of Pruss&. Alcfa.nte Wine. remove mucus and water from tlte mouth Black stockings are worn with dresses of and the hourly expecta.tion of a sixth, is now bottles. and windpipe. Hold the body suspe~ded any color and on all occasioas by both ladies left without any resource but what she may ' M. Ephrussi, the bridegroom of the last Sacramental Wine. Martell's Brandy in bottles. hope from the regard due to the memory of Rothschild wedding, presented each of the long enough to slowly count one, two; three, and children. tour, five, repeating the jerk more gently. It is said thi>t there will be as many posit- her husband. A subscription for the widow six bridemaids, all Rothschilds, with a 8. Joy & -Co's ~~tive Wine. Jules Hobin & Co's. B~andy in bottles. two or three t imes. ive colors worn in the ·f all· as intermediate and children of poor Burns is immediately brooch in the shape of a horAeshoe, the nails Canada Vine Growers Native Wine. SazeracBrandy on Draught antl in bottl.;., to be set ~m foot, and there is -little doubt of which were sapphires, and the brilli.ants .Huriundy Port Wine. Rt1le 3. Next plaoe the patient on his or mixed shades. ' DeMullin & Co's. Brandy on draui:hi. of its being an ample one; Actuated by" the on which represented the bride's initials. back 01. a flat suriace, inclined a little from I· ·Parasols, sunshades, and umbrellas are in re2ard which is due to the shade of such a · Champagne in quarts and pints. the feet upwards, raise and support the head a.nil shoulders on a firm cushioti' or general large and of every possible sil \ or genius, his remains were interred on MonProof of Reason tn a Dude. c1>tton material. day last, the 25th of July, with military fold ~d article of dress, placed under the Under the head of "Animal Intelligence" shoulder blades. Cleanse the mouth and ·The newest Ftench drP.sses have na.rro ;v honors a.rid every suitable respect." 8uch r nostnls, open the mouth, draw forward the skirts for the foundation, upon which are is the record of the event as given at the time. Puck recites some anecdotes throwing li~ht on the question, " Do Dudes Rea80n ?" patient's tongue, securing it there eit~er by superimposed full draperies and flounces. How Burns has been celebrated and holning it wit;h the lingers, ur by a piece of Among lace novelties are dolman visites mourned over since need not be ·said. Com- They can distinguish between brands of string or ela~tic band placed over it and of Spani~h gutpure and long fischus of Escur· paratively few have had such a wide-spread champagne by the labels on the bottles, and and enduring celebrity, and few have exer·. add up the totals on the restaurant checks ul'.l<Thr·the chin. ial lace. Rule 4. Grasp the patient's arms just Soft twill plaid silks make elegant skirts cised a deeper or more la.sting influence- which the waiters give them, One of them above the elbows, and draw t hem gently and worn under crepe de Chine or Indian it is to be feared not always for good. As living on Fifth avenue went, while under the influence of champagne, and paid its ' steadily upwards until they meet above the 'l)ashmere polonaises or basque and draper- himself says : tailor's bills, A dude was taken to a sparhead. ies. · .. What's dune we partly may compute, rinp- match and seemed to watch ·it with But no what's belln resisted. Keep the arms in this position for two 'Vhite and cream lace dresses, made shor,t, A few days after it was seconds, then turn them down and press are the correct wear for both day and even· A sp.d tragedy his life no doubt was ; much much interest. in it to be regretted ; much to be sternly seen going through the same motions with th6m gently and firmly for two seconds ing entertainments at watering places. against the sides of the chest, pressing at Anything like regularity in the arrange- condemned, but still more to be admired in another dude and imitating the affair with considerable accuracy. During this clever the ~a:ne t_ime on the breast an~ abd?men. ment of drapery or dress ornamentation the highest degree, and not a little to · be piece of mimicry, it actually hurt its (This is with the obJect .of pressmg air o~t- -ts now considered the opposite of good unfeignedly loved. We desire to stand knuckles on the other's teeth. A dude of in spirit with unfeigned reverence and ad· of the lungs.) taste, · _ Repeat these measures alternately and Can\l'aS laced shoes, foxed with yellow, miration by that mournfully sad death-bed, Madison avenue was recently deprived of high collar by its master, The grief of deliberately until a "pontaneous effort to blue or brown leather, are used for walking and while fully alive to the wide-spread in- its the poor animal was painful to witness, It breat"'e is p t rcei:--ed, immediately upen in the country, .and they are tpe best shoe jury his example has in many cases caused, and is causing still, to murmur only, " A)as refused food, and could not be tempted, which cease to 1mFate the movements of for the beach. breathing, and proceed to induce circulation The.most fashionable Parisians are wear· dear brother." One cannot but think of the even by Albert biscuit dipped in cham· ----(o) On- the collar being returned to mighrha:V'0"been." wlien contenip a.ting pagne. and warm~ . ~. . . ~ - . ing t he ~asket ~rapery o~ the hips-k nown as it manifested a lively gratitude. It is Rule 5. To excite 1 ·esp1ration. -D urmg the the Marie Antomette pamers,and· a close nar- auch a man and sud1 a close. Let it never it, be forgotten that ·J3urns was .great, not be- ~aid that the genuineness of a dude may be employment of the above methods excite the row skirt below.· cause he drank whiskey and was drunk- tested by showing it a buckwheat cairn. nostrils with snuff or smelling salts, or tickle Ornamental pins or brooches in fanciful en, but in spite of that and. other sins and The sham dude immediately faints, but the tl!e throat with a ±eather. Rub the chest and face bris.kly, and dash cold and hot designs are used to fasten the end of the shortcomings which no one condemned and true dude remains for some hours in a semi· In the County .for PURE DRUGS, DRUGGISTS' 8UNDRIES, DYE pelerine over the left shoulder, or to attach mourned over more strongly than· he himself paralyzed condition, unable to move. A water alternately upon the patient. did in ·his best momcn·ts, when his mind was dude, while walking with another down Do not be too soon discouraged. Remem- a bow or l:!ouq uet at the same point. STUFFS, TRUSSES, PERFUMERY, &c. A pretty novelty lace pin is in the form of clearest and his conscience spoke out most Broadway, came in contact with a slight ber that at any time \fithin two .hours your breeze and was thrown to the hard pave· a maudolin in old silver with strings and unmiRtakably and with se\Tereit power.s. Proprietors of BINGE'S COMPO:UND SYRUP OF HOREHOUNDefforts may be successful. ment. Its companion at once moved toRule 6. To induce circulation and warmth. frets of gold, and a pink enamel ribbon atthe Standard Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c. ----~ward the sufferer, picked it up, set it on its Woman's Sphere. -After breathing is commenced wrap the tachment studded with small diamonds. patient in warm blankets, and apply bottles· White and bloick French laces woven pre· The discussion about woman's sphere goes feet and carefully dusted off its clothes. ROSE GLYCEROLE for any roughness of the skin. of hot W<iter, bot bricks, or apything to re. cisely · like those that imitate Chantilly are bravely on. · There is no use ir:rtalking about Some of its observers cl.a im that on the face of t hl.l durle thus helped there was the trace store heat. : . CORN EXTRACTOR-the bes~ remedy for removing any kinCI of the uoveltles for lace dresses, They are made "use and wont," or in laying down abstract Warm the head nearly as fast as the up over inexpensive white or black satin rules aJ;>ont what 'is proper tor ·women and of an expressiuµ like that of gra.titud ~ t ocorns WITHOUT PAIN. wards its benevolent coml;>amou. lt is said body, lest convulsions should be induced, Surah. what the {everse. The womanliness of on good autho::ity that tw~ dudes near Cen· Rubbing the bod:Y with wa1·m cloths, or Birds and feathers are preferred to flowers woman must be seen in the way .she doe~ tral .Park conceived an affection for a young CONDITION POWDERS- our own make. DICK'S BLOOD PURIwith the hands, and slapping the fleshy this season for bonnet trimming, but flowers her work, not in the kind of work she HAGYARD'S CATTLE SPICE. THORLEY'S FOOD for parts may assist l to restol'e warmth and_ never go out of fashion and are always the does. What suits one age does not suit lady who, out of kindness, had occasionally FIER. noticed t11em. Happening to meet ne11-r breathing. most tasteful trimming for full dre1:1s summer another, and everything must stand .on it.s her door they engaged in a combat, each Cattle. OIL CAKE in any quantity. own reasonableness- and practicality. It If the patient can swallow with safety give bonnets, armed with a feather. '.!.'hey fought furioushim hot coffee, tea, milk or spirits. Allow Autumn dresses are alwa-ys in the hands has been found that woman can -Oo many ly and t he vang_uished dude has not since the patient to have abundance of fresh of dressmakers, the materials employed be- things in the most perfect manner, that been seem. Puck in no case ~ives his auwere formerly thought to be out of the tei:nair. ~~ · ing very good English velveteen and light .thority, and these marvelous stories must Pharmaceutical Chemists. ~1:,,-In Suffocation by Smoke or any woollen fabrics. The velvete!ln forms the inine ephern. There is nothing for it but to be taken with some grains of allowance. Poi~'rtOUS Gas, as al o in case of Hanging or short, narrow plain skirt ; the woollen fabric prove all things, and hold fast that which is Cho~ing, proceed iu ~he same way as in ill used for the tunic, polonaise, or the bouioe good, This, at any rate, ·is clear beyond all 1 question, that the most senseless :.nd most drowning, sooing th!jt no obstruc~io_n exists_ with paniers. corrupting of all things is to train women to Every out in the mouth and throat, but om1tt111g the Those large but light parasol handles, so do nothing, and not only that, but to make · ' efforts to expel water, etc., irom the lungs. useful for summer travelling, are made out them believe that it is their duty to be mere more clearly the wide-spread and most 1 alarming extent .to which gambling in bank of ·cabbage stalks grown in the fields of dolls, ornamental hric-a·bracs, withou an}' a.ad other stocks is being carried. It is simWhen a swimmer gets chilled the blood - -MA NUFACTURER O F - ceases to circ11late in the fingers, the finger Brittany. A particular kind of long-stalked possible use but to consume the fruits of the ply frightful, and win, if persisted in,. soon cabbage or collard is left in the ground to earth and to enable the men to pleasantly lead every prudent and honorable person "to IU1ils become a deadly 'white color, the lips turn blue, and should he persist in staying grow higher and hig!;ierfor two orth't'ee years, while away an idle hour. The suitable and withdraw from them altogether, just as in the water after these ·symptoms develop the leaves being carefully stripped from the the unsuitable will gradually come out by from the faro-table or the dice-box. What KING STREET, .BOWMANVILLE, he is sme to have crarhps. :So long as the stock, which, becoming very tough and practical experiment, but it is simply pre- are all those brokers doing to inci·ease the swimmer c;m .discern spots on his finger nails strc;mg, is then used for the stick of one posterous for men to elbow woman aside and wealth of the coun~ry? Nothing. All their Has now on hand a. number of vehicle~ (and is manufacturing 'a great many more) of the newest patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale a.t tile lowest prices consistent he knownhat his blood is in good order, of those large parasols called the Jersey rlepdve her of the opportunity of earning a work is a mere shufilingof the cards. Stocks with due rogard to workmanship and quality, 'l 'ha following is a list of 1unshades. ' .living by t elling her that this, that and the of all kinds are made simply means for a and that he is & afe and free from chills. the principal vehicles manufactured by me: other thing is no woman's work. There are huge deal every now and then in whi.:h many spheres almost entirely usurped by whate-ver one gains another loses. Now, it A Word 111 :Oen.son, Double .Covered Carriages ... .. .... .. : .... ....... ... .. ........... , .... . .......$200 Upwards. Bow Did the Handkerchief Get There 'l The sickening news is now being pub· men t hat look far more as if belonging to i· berond all contradiction that in every Single Phootons ...... .......... .......... ...... ..... ............. ......... ...... 100 11 t he weaker sex. But then, too, there is transaction of fair legitimate bueiness both The great Robert Houdin went by royal liaheci that the cholera is making great no use in settling in the abstract that man parties are benefited. Is it so in all such command to St. Cloud to giv" a show before ravages in Egypt this summer, and loss of has no business in them. L et there be a Not .i bit of it. It is simply robLouis Philippe and. his family. .In the life in conse·1u·mce · "ill probably be much fair field and no favor, or if there is to be any cases? Democrat Wagon.. ............. ........................... . ........ . .... ........ 65 bery :.inder forms of law and use and wont. coµrse of this show he borrowed s ix handker- greater than in connection with the late favor let it be given to the weak who have A decent, quiet man wishes to get a good Lumber Wagons....... ..... ..... . .................. ........................ ... . . 55 chiefs from the aadien~ Then various deadly war in that land, '.l'he disease, it is been to such an extent oppressed and investment, and buys bank stock. Before Light 'Vag on........... . .. . . ............................. .. ...................... 40 members of the audience wrote down on well known, is greatly promoted by filth wronged simply on account of their weak· he knows wh'.1.t he is about manipulators Express Wagon ... ............ ... . ... ............................................ 75 slips .of paper the names of places whither and uncleanly habits, and the Egyptians, ness, Wll have no fear of women as a have so managed, either by " bulling" or " Skeleton .......... .... ........... ....... . ... . .............. .. ........'....... ...... . 50 they would like the hankerc)lief 10 be trans- because of their sins in these respects, may general thing losing her womanliness because "bearing," or sometimes by the one someSulky ............................................... .".......... ....... ......... ..... 40 II ported, This done, the conjurer asked the suffer a terrible scourge as a punishment for her opportunities for earning an honest liveKing to choose three of these slips at rah· their disregard qf the laws of health. These lihood are multiplied. All the contrary ; times by the other, to reduce his propei·ty Possessing superlor facilities for manufacturing carriagee, I intend to sell very cheap for cash to half its original value. Where has the or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Would dom, and from t he three to select the place ignorant am! indolent people are not yet as she will thereby grow in her own self-respect sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, Ile preferred. "Come," said Louis Philippe, well informed as the more enlightened ofsome while she is under all the less temptation to other half gone?. Into the pockets of said 'Uei; us see what is ori this slip. 'I should like other countries, that many, if not most, of sell her honoc and her soul for bread, It is manipulators to help them to keep up fine houses, and drive "spanking pairs." The them to be found under one of the candle- the epidemic dise~es have their orizin in all very well, to say that woman had a law may say nothing to all this, but it is. sticks on the mantelpiece.' Tnat is too minute ·animal or vegetable growth, caused thousand times better did than submit robbery and fraud all the same, Though At the Shor test Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. easy for a wizard; let us try aga~n.' 'I largely by stagnant water, or dec11-ying_ ani- to dishonor, but such. a sentiment comes the whole world should say that it was Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Scroll should like the.n to be found on the dome ma! 'or vegetable, matter. Sh.ch facts are with a bad grac1; from those who would shut all right, it would yet be all wrong and all A\ the Saws, and prepare all klnds o! lumber !or carpenters and others for building purposes. of the Invali.ues! That is too far, not for evidently too little nnderstood or'remem- her up in planless, enforced idleness, and infamous. .Is life a great ~ame of grab ? I t 248 Ornamental and Plain Pickella.for fences iu every style required, made to order. th!l handkerchief, but f.or us. Ah I you bered- by great numbers of our own people, who lay their hands on this employment and would seem so. No wonder, therefore, that will, I fear, find it diflie.u lt to comply with aud many au untimely death occurs in con· that, and say it is taboo, sacred from the men acting on this conviction become the request on the 'last slip." The request sequence. Unfortunately, in maoyinstances profane touch of one half ot the race, and callous and unscrupulous to was tL!l.~ the handkerchiefs should be found those quite innocent are the unfortunate that half the one which has been most cynfoal, verb. It may be very .smart, but itaispro-the in th~x of the last orange tree on the victims, as is often the case with us in con- weighted and oppressed in the hard, and smartness of the confidence man, the sh~rp rlght~.anit f the avenue at ~t. Cloud. nection with fevers, diphtheria and the like. often unsuccessful, struggle to maintain ex· doings of the Charlatan and the 'fraud, aye, The con] urer ·expressed his readiness to It has been stated that Prince Albert came istenca in the most depressing and unfavor~ con:ply with the request, anrt the fK:ing im· to his last sickness because of. some defective able of circum~tances. Women must work even t hough the hat be of the sleekest the whole turn-out natty and speckless ~· · !i $· · mediately sent off a party of .men to keep drain or cess-pvol of which he was · not as well as weep, and woe be to the man who. and as can be. Curious ideas some people .. guard over the orange tree. 'l'he conjurer aware, and every year there are hundreds of would so crowd her into a corner that must have of what is " clean money !" But put t he hankerchiefs u'nqer a bell of thick similar instances. The inference is, tbere- she will have only the poor alternative of there is high lmperial authority for the as· __, glass, waved his wand, took up the bell, fore plain, that each man is in a measure re- starvation or dishonor. ·sertion, that even the coin which is the proauJ 'Showed a white dove in place of the sponsible for his own health, and also for ceeds of filth does not necessarily smell of han~kerchiefs. · -Then the King, ·with a · that of others which may largely deThe wife makes or mars a man, just as t he dunghill. skeptical smile, sent word to the head pend on his attention or inattention to sometimes, according to Tennyson, the man begs to inform the public that he has leased a store jri the Obse'MJM' gardener to open the box of the Ot:llllge tree duty. does the woman. "Wedded to a clown," Block , where he hits.opened ont with a splendid assortment of chosen, and to bring whatever he i:night - - - · - - - - - - - -involves the inevitable " dragging down." In Toronto there are at the present time · find there, · "Si toutdois ii y trouve quelque Jsequests of Beds... And it is the same all round. How is it some cases of dipht heria among some of the -c1l<>se," This was done, 11<nd presently there Bequests of "worsted beds" were of fre· that some very promismg fellows at College poorer people which the city physician has was brought in an iron coffer covered with quent occurence in the Middle Ages, They never d.o any thing worth while in after life? been enquiring into. He states that in in· which be offers for sale at low prices.for Cash. rust , " Well," said the King, " here we were· reckoned ra<e "love tokens" in those . Look at their wives and you are answered. vestigating the causes for the disease he i;aTFarm Produce taken in exchange, for which the highest ma.rkat have a coffer, Are the handkerchifs in it?" days. Especially was this so when bestow· They married money or vulgarity, or a doll's ·found in the locality a stagnant pool of "Yes, sire," replied Robert Hou din, "they ed upon a child. In 1356 the Countess of face or something absurd and uncongenial, water with an offensive smell, and a total price will be paid. 'WA special line of TE.A.S of excellent flavor. havo been there a long time." "A long Northampton beriueathed to her "dear and and as they h;:id not force sufficient to drag absence of drainage in the lqcality. With time, when i.t was only a quarter of an hour t ender daugh.t er," the Countess of Arundel, the wives up, they managed surely to drag such important factors to disease it is a WAlso a choice lot of.SUGARS. ~COFFEE in Oans. WCanned since they wern given to you ?" " What, "a bed ot red worsted, embroidered," In them down. T he opposite is a lso equally mercy t hat things have not been worse, and Goods in 6reat variety. - ~A Call is respectfully solicited. sire, would be the use of magic if it coold 1409 presentation was made by Lady" U es- often seen. A comparatively dull lad be- t hat the epidemic has not spread over not perform impossible .feats ? Your Majesty pencer to her daughter Philippa of "a bed of comes an eager, energetic, pushing and sue. Queer Shoes. to Jllake shor t and easy turns; round hands -be surprised when I prove to you red worsted, with a ll the furniture apper:' cessful ma.n.. Why? He married a wife other parts of the city, and among other oj, twisted willows secure them to the feet, that the cofter and its contents . have taining thereto." In 1474 Lady Elizabeth. whose energy aud ambition have been spurs classes of people, As it is, the proper StranO'e cwtoms often rule the hour, some a.nd still further t o assure himself of safety · been in the bo:ic of the orange tree for sixty .Andrews, with "loving greetings," sent to a, in his· sides all the time. And there he is remedies are being at once applied, and probably the evil will stop there., The warn· born of~ gieat n ecessity, some of ma1·vel· t he brave-hearted ~app keeps himHelf steady years." dear friend "a bed of red worsted, wi:th all ready for any thing and actually able for ina may be well heeded by residents else- ions absur<ity. The stumpy little men 9l with a l ong staff, shod with a wheel; this '. most. His wife did it. So.me manage to where thwn in Toronto, for t.he same causes Lapland, ..vho r egard t heir black and barren wheel is about t hree inches . in diameter The King now observed that a key was the hangings." e may rise above the disastrous results of an un. may produce t he same effects, whether in country ~s "·the most heavenly land the and prevents the staff from sinking. needed to open the box, and Robert Houdin, · This fashion .of pleasant rememb.r anc. -asked him to t ake tbe key which was hung be suggestivdy considered when one is "at equal nUi.tch, but they are comparatively Egypt, in the poorer districts of thi~ city, or sun shi1es on," could never go 011-t h1 mt ing A grandee o f the t enth .century, one Count by a ribbon round the white dove'& neck. their wits' end" touching anniversary gifts few. in the home of an)' r eader of t hese Imes. A unless protectetl by immensely leD" over· · on t Ius · sub' "' they Fulk of Anjou, contrived a style of shoe It eeenis that the appliances of science and word to the wise This was a key as rusty as the' coffer which to r elative or friend. iect an j a t t h' is "hoes and huntina they must f!o, if . t pract' ~ ~ " indebted ·intended to l)icte a r)er sonal defect. It waa increased attention to sanitary arrangements season of t'h e year may b e of grea it opened, and the first thing found in the ' teal .\"ou1i live, and live they must - -........-·~~ ~---·· a great lengt h, and was fastened to the knee are noticibly ·tengthcning out men's lives, coffer was a parchment bearing these words: worth. ma.'llly for all supplies upon th!).. --2.gile deer. by qolden chains. At the extreme point odd, P eople who say little _ar~ alnwst always It is well known t hat old -London, from be" '.Po-day·, -June 6, 1786. This iron co.ffer, "My dear," said a fond ·wife! "when we fhis pre~ creature holds for these poor quaiut carvings or extremely fantastic r espected and get crtd1t for a ~reat d. e al ing the least has become the most healthy . holding six handkerchiefs, has been placed amid the roots of an orange tree by me, mol'e knowledge than they may actually city in Britain. And now it i s asserted that were engae-ed I always slept with your last )"ut dwellers all-possibilitie· of comfort; the devices were carefully .arranged- a reletter under my pillow." "And I," mur-. d esh serves for fooil skwa for clothin<:(, presentation of a church window, a bird, Balsam~ount of Cagliostro, to aid the ac· pos.sess. It is hard to think that one has no the average life in Britain within the last mu red her hueband, "I often went to sleep sinews for t hread, bo~ea for needles; in fact, an animal, or ··grotesque gr ouping of divers comp!is!1ment of a. magobal feat which will secret to keep but his own insignificance. ten years or so has actually increased by over Y,Our letters. " these simpleminded tolks can u tilize n.lmoat things. " be done this day sixty yea.rs before Louis It is long since tt1e wise man told us this, about two years in the case of men and The coalman s cart broke down as he Tas every part of their fiee6 fri~nd, Thia has sometimes been called "an in· Philippe of Orleans and his family." Be· and it is as true as when he first uttered the more than three in the case o.f women. '.'Andren" is the name given to tht'ae un- ventioJ. of pride, a nd placed in cont rast This will be good news to all except to those going to weigh the coal. "You needn'tfuss low. the parchment lay a packet sealed 'fith aphorism. Cagliostro's seal, which was well known to Two foob have been fighting each. other who take such a dark view of life and its to wei h that coal," said the man' wh- had gamly fee~ prot?ctors; they · are made of with the urgcney of our arctic neighbor, may h g ed it "If it's heavy en,uuh to wood, five mches m breadth, and turned up seem to lack this element of dignity and the King, and in the packet were the six with clubs. One got his head all broken up. surroundings that they are inclined to think borrowed handkerchiefs. "Ce 'tour," $ays Pity, that both ·l).ad not passed ·through the that the shorter it is the better. All h urck 0·wu the cart it weiO'hs m,,·e than a litt le in front. One of them must always· :truth evinced by the unlearned Lapp, who f coal I ever got bef~re .'m satis- 'be six feet in length, the otherlil about five; " t o noblest uses made subservient every Robert Houdin, and we can well believe it , ··same disciplin'e, f Earth would not have honor to the sanitary and scientific reform- reat ,,on t his arrangement enables the sturdy hunter act and thouuht ." "me valut de vifs applaudisaements."· ers. been appreciably poorer by the operation. Treatment of the Drowned. · ~~e ni.\mber of drowning accidents ~hich FASHION NOTES. ' J.B. MARTYN And Everything ·us-q.ally kept in a First Class _ G rocery, Crockery and Liquor Store, Drugs & Medicines! CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS. J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON LEADING DRUG HOUSE J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, day~~~:::: :s\ringing GE 0 RGE C . HAIN -ES GARRIAG~, S LEICHS, _ GUT ERS, .WM_UNS, &C., -----·---· - ---- ~~;\~~:;~:::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::: ii :: " Al 1 K" " I es R epa1re ' d T l:r'l d s 0 f V e h IC . Ga · 0- C E R J[ E IB. ____.. ______ NEW STOll N!W COOtl8 J AS_ EL:OIO':µ'T, 0 · Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed, &c· will .... d - I fi!X. ° '