" RI WWW ... THE PRESS ASSOCIATION. LIST . OF THE PROW, E R, BOUNSALL & CO.'S . BLUNDERS. ~.............,..._,_,,,~, .._. ......,,....._,......,~....,, ....--....------~ EXUURl:SIOI\IST:'.I. ~w~a vV. FOR LADIES ONLY. McMurt.ryiss~llHltonKid Gloves seliing .. au wool ntuck . . '· . , Table ,Llu!'a. HE AV y G 0 0 D S,J.~. aazs UUJW "· - --- ' ' . Bo;ll(AN'9"11LE, FRmKY, - - -- - - ·- - -- - Auctus· .f ·3. .·-- __ ~ _:;__:,._ AFTER FIVE YEARS'. 'How rapidly time passes ! The last ie~ue of the STATESMAN completed its fifth year under ,the pre8eut m11nagement and the tweuty·ei~hlh year of' ·its 'existence. In the past five years several important and progressive changes ha"e taken place in th" STATES;\IAN, and th."! office in which it is publish ed. In March, 1879, , we :moved into t he presellt convenient premis· es, p<1ying,for sama more thari double the reutd paid for \he up-s,t air rooms vreviuu~ly occupied . This move was · -certainly a " come down " for the STATES· JllAN. bttt it h:ts tmned out a financial :gain. Iu July, 1882, we introduced steam power into our office, putting in at the same timo a new power press and il. con· £ide rable quantity ~f new type and other material. ' Up to that date the STATESMAN liad been printed at considerable in-0on· venience to ns on a power press in an(lther oil1ce. In October of the same year, , in coasequonce of th-e increased advertising patronage that was crowding our columns, we enlarged und changed the make-up of the... SraTRSMAN from four p~ges of eight columns each to eight pages six columns .each as nuw:hsued. Thie chang1> Increased the cost of ; production very materially, .though the ~ubscription price remaiPs the i:Jarne, so that th(:l benefit. has been to olir ~ubscribers, if not t~ us. We have the satisfaction, however, of publishing what is g enerally acknowledged to be one oi the best local papers in c~nada- sold at one dollar a year. We have no intention ot reducing the size, but the time may come en -tlie price w.i.U..l~a"e- to b_e iru:r ase£1. the of - · Failure and blundering has marked every step of tlrn above clique in the mat~er, of appeals against the assessment ,of this · town for 1883 . The untimely and i:rr'6,g~larly called · :6.rst meeting of the Cottrt of Revision, the droppin g of a large ·niunber of the appeals that they allege ~ere put on the list by mistake, and the dismissal of nearly all the others by the . Court, the ·final iippeal to the Judge with the mirth-provoking exposure <;,£ secret political correspondence with liis Honor, 1t11d summary d1sniissal of eYery case by ~lim with full costs , as published elsewhere, make up a list of blunders unequalld even by the famous "C·nnedy Errors." Mr.' Bounsall finds now to his disgust that he is mulcted in the costs of the appeal to the Judge; Mltl that he has been a too willing tool for a conniving 'l'ory clique. We trust this lesson will do him aood. Indeed, we he:i.r it reported that l~e ha~ already declar~d that he will have nothing further to do with' politics. Wise resolution, if true. But what excuse can be offered for a Reeve who has committed or been a party to such blundering .1 Probably W. P. will now disclaim having been a .moving spirit in this comedy of errors ; but to do so would be useless. He was the prime mover and is mainly responsible for this political abor· . tion. To their credit be it said the actions of this little clique has been denounced from the first by the respectable Conservatives, both in town'. and country. We ask in .c onclusion, How many Tory votes have been macle for the Conservative Association by the unskilful manipulations of Prower, Bounsall & Co. '/ of UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. The following is a· list of the member· of the Ont.ario Press Ase6ciation who will atart next Monday ni~ht on chem way ~n Quebec and the Saguenay :-Messrs G '.l'ye, of the Br~nlfoi:d. Ti1nes, Presideut of the Press Association of Canada ; E J B Pemni, Kings.t on Wh·iy, ,ex·President; W R Climie, oi Bowmanville, SecretaryTreasurer ; J B Trayes, Port Hope 'l'imes, Aasistant Secretary ; H Hough, Cobourg World.; U D Barr, Lindsay Post; Jno. CameJ'on, Torouto Globe; A Wallis, Toronto '1!/ail ; W McLean, 'l'oronto 1Yorhl; HG Gardiner, Hamilton 'l'imes; James Somerville; MP, Dundas True Bcmner; F J Chadwick, Guelph. 'Mercury ; A J Matheson, Pel'th Expo.~itor ; ·w T Preston Port Hope News ; Jolp1 Collie, Galt Be· former; P Murray, Orillia Expositoi· ; J A Davidson, Guelph Mercury; W Watt, Brantford E:xipositor ; H..Smallpiece, Montreal Journal of Commerce; M .A James, Bowmo.nville Statesman; Geo. Wilson, Port Hepe Guide; PE W Moyer, Berlin Dail11 j),iews; J Sllannlm, King~ton News; J Johnston, Ottawa Citizen ; Dr Clarke,: of Toronto, honorary member; Jno. Massie, Cowansville Observer; W H Jfloyd, Cobour(.( Senti,, el Star ; A Horton, Tor· onto World ; D Wyllie, Brookville Recorder; W W Clift~ Carleton Place Centrcil Canad,ian; J Hilliard, Wa.terloo Chranicle: J Motz. Berlin Bret,inei· Journal ; G Pacauci and .A Pacana, Windsor Prqyres; E Jacksrm, Newmarket Era; Jam es Fullerton, Strathroy Rev'iew; Jno. A Macdonald Arnprior Chrv1iicle · ,J S , . ' . . . '· Carman, Bel!ev11le. Daily Ontario ; T Bengongh, Toronto Christian Helper; Rev E H Dewai·t D D ·roronto (J/u·is. . . · " , · '. . trnn Gum·dian; J · E Davu, Machell Ad· vocate ; J J Crabbe,~. St. M:uy's .A rgtis ; EE Horton, oflicii,i~ $~eQogrzipher, of '!'oronto ; R Boyle, f.i<:tim T·imes ; R Mathison, Belleville; ,A -Henry, Ncipcinee Stantl· · ard ; A Dick, Bramptvn Banner ; Geo. Beavers, Elmira, A dvert-iser ; J W Bengough, Grip; J H Littl'e' Owen·Sound Advest-iur; R. W Shannon, Kingston News ; J J Ca-ve, Woe;dville .Advocate; W Weld, Fcirmers Advocate London ; J R Grant, Brussels Post ; J Lewis, Winnipeg Times ; °IV W Butcher, Loudon He1,ald. sc.:.Y~~·Murliry· is ~ushwer.e at 4to, W. McMurtry is selling J'nctory Cotton ai · W. Mclllut'try !11 selling at 20c · per yard. , . , , , ,, . W. MelUurtry Is selling Dress Gootls 1() per cent below coat. W . McMurtry !~soiling JUeatthetl tJllth·n at · 6o per y11.rd, ·W. Jlfo:M:urtry sells PnraS<1ls nt very low price~ l · -A.- F 0 R -JUST- F ..A.. LL_ -NEW--NEW- · '\V. MftM1utry is .sell!ngall goocls very low. C;all a,nd. see the bargains, RECEIVED Grand· Stock -O:F- SCOTCH TWHOS BLACK CASKMERES. TWO TONS -NEW-' (!b;,ap I11sm·1111ee.~lnsure in the C'..onfeder atiorr Life Assoo!atJon. It is cheaper than the Cnnadian Mutual .A.id, A .- 0.,U. '\V', or any pass around your bat institution~ . as the. fol~owing examples will prove : Thos; MoClung bas been insured since 1872 for S2.000 and the last five years it only cost him $2.55 JJer annum on each $1,0CO to insure, John McC!ung' insured at the same time for tho sarno amount and it only cost hiin $1,U per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he being.a little younger, We certify the above to be !.IOrrect, Thos. McClung, John MoO!ung. '.rhos. Bingham. agent. 206'tt. SILKS &SATl~S, -NEW- BOUGHT -FOR- ~wl !GOODS] Worsted Coa!ings. l]POTllCASfj) . GO TO THE . l The GRE.A:U' GERMAN INYIGORATOR is the mM:vel or the Medical World, It never fails to completely.cure· Nervous Debility, Im· potencyi Medico.I Depression. and all 'diseases ca.used rom exocascs.. 'l'hc testimony of thous ands can be had ;by writing I·'. J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent tor the United States. Price $1 p1>r boll'., Pix boxes !or $5. If your druggist does not keep the remedy, send to headquarters and get the medicine by mail. Cil·cula.rs and tostimon.iale on aoolioations. ON TIUltTY ,nAl'S' TIU.AL. .A,..._ \,,~ -F<>~. H 0 USE. CHOICE . TnE VOLTAIC BEur Co.. Marshall, M!gh .. will send Dn. DYFl'BCELEBlU'l'EDJtL11:cTRO·V ~L'UIC BELTS AND ELEC'rnIO APPLJANCF.S on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who a.:re af· ft.!cte(l with Nerv:ous Debility, Lo stVit11llty f!n<l. Manhood, and kmdred troub]ea, guaranteemg speedy 11.nd complete restorat11m flf health and manly vigor. Add1'es& as above. N. B.-No riell; ia incurred, as thirty days ttiul is ~!lowed. 11111Nft!ll!t.!~W1VMl!l'I T. Geo. Mason. coons CHEAP. Josa Jeffery. 'Tis only a fact all people should know- · t:verybody hig-h ,eYerybodv lowAll who, desirmi.: their Teeth to look white,· Brus)l with "l'eaberry' eu,ch morning and night. t:ach speck-of 'l'artet will yield to its power, Removes in.stantly all substances sour; · ne ..u .t, you'jL fibd it a very greaL tre:umre; l'ou'll prove.by its use-try it at leisure. From the results of the Junior MatricU~: " Most of tlre gent-lamen W·i!l ...hu :~o~: lations of the above Umversity published panied by ladiee. · · on Wednesday, we learn that Miss Bessie 'l'l:IE Education Department has com- · Hicks, from Uowmanville High School, mitt.ed a most serious blunder in givia$ has matriculated with high honors, liaving official license to two ~eries of Readers for taken first-class honors in Mathematics, our public schools.- Brighton Ens1g1i. French and German, and second-class in REFERRING to the amalgamation of tpe History and Geography. Such a record Port Hope G'itide and the Neu;s th e Col· i<i decidedly creditable to Miss Hicks and borne Express very aptly remarks : · "This is another illustiation of the folly of tI:yalso to tile teachers who prepared her in i11g to mimage two trffices where only one the work. could barely exist." · ·' ~ Mr. M. P. Tallmg, nf this town, is 'fHE Port Perry Ubserve1:· wittily !f11.ys, among the successful mat~iculants,' with refening to the disputed territory : " l'he· honors in History and Geography-the Mowat wing and their following biig and only subjects in whiclL.he wrolefurhonors .. baggage, nre on the march to the promised Mr. John Crawford, a furme.r pupil of land, ancl~owat lia11 given the com1'1and to go up·-aiid posS'eBs..it." · - ' our H\gh School, won the Scholarsl:iip in Mutheroatics1 and second-class honors iu THE editor of the ltfitil ·~ .deing yeo· Classicii, . · man's service for the Liberal party. We hope that the rumol.'-'that he is going 'to ~r. Godwin. M~cLean, also a for.mer be appointed to a position in the Marinoj pupil ot Bo~ma.nVJl!e H.' S., takes .first~ and Fishery Department', .Ottawa., is unob.as honors m Mathematics. fouuded.-Peterboto . .E:rit)»i1ier. ,,,. We cons~der it due to Mr. Ja'.11es'Millar, THE Lindsay· Wanler is afr:aid, Mr. Mathematical Master of ou,r High School, Mowat is going, to resort to the trick phlyto state Lhat at the last four examitiations ed by the Tori-08 in the Muskoka election for Matricul,..tion to ·Toronto University'.J)t~;~ ;~·' V!l. Ue&' ~he _pret~nse. of t:.iki11g te We have received m.rny gratifying '3Vi· dences of the satisfaction with snd ge11eral apprO\'al of the STATESMAN's course from thl,'! public. '.l'he circulation has increased 110 rn pidly during the ti. '1e years now yast that pre.s ent. prospects indicate that at the end of the ensuing campidizn we shall have more than double the list of 1878. When it is considered that the S·uEESM.A.N has oeen esbbliehed. nearly thirty years, and that 'we have such a limited local field in which' to work, this great increase ·is rnr· prisinfl. (![ well as pleasing. · ,· , . -""' -. Porsonally, we have mnch to be grateful for. Entering fhe business w.ith no experierice we could lnot expect to escape - all the pitfalls with ·w.J.!ich a jour nalist's eo.iirse is beset. We have no d~u~t com· ~:tt~1 n;l\ny tiy~Q!~. l?9th 9~ Jtr!!Q~IOll l\ :nd iJommlssi6i'l ; buh 'ui n:i ost mshi.nces tliey havo brnn errors of j ?dgmeut and not of the will. We hope to profit by the ex· perience we have gained. In eome caaes bv ohlioing one friend we have cfl'ended Direct from the Pottery in England, which enables us to o&r first claRS goods at the very lowesb prices. We are showing. GRANITE TEA AND TO I LET SETS!:, White aud Colored. I I CHINA TEA SETS, And a large and attractive stock ,of A FARMER SPEAKS, Mr! A11fitiu Jay, Copenhagen, Ont,. Mys he was so afiiicted with LiYer complo.int that he was ob- ligedfo give i.) p,work, The druggist at .Ayln1~r; ..indnced him to try ZorESA yr·ith;~~~h good result that after using tw.q bottles he was a):ile to resume 'J:?~.;,l~s usuat. - ..Says he got reliel~tlfe first dos~and is sa.tisfied there is no better Liver t:emedy in existMce. lie gladly allows us to us to use hie name. FANCY TABLE WARE J., I ~~oiiNs~&WJiWEll --·-··· ·,._ - -·- ·- -· , -·GR E ...A..T - · ---- ful-nine taking fitst·claea· and 0110 secI T 13 : reporte . d th at" p h. ,, \""lk' · · · n· 1g us ,, l rn.ond,dass. FoUi'teen pupils 111 all have son of West Durham fame has been ap' -OFmatrici.Uated. Any teacher might justly poi;1ted Registrar of on~ of the n.!'._w feel proud oE such a record ; indeed it IS North-west dist~icts, at which ~e Ot~awa equally creditable to . t cacher and pupils. Free Pr~ss e . xcla.1ms : ~ha;t a mce ar~at .. o.· ..,,_,_. · , cracy Sir John 1s creatmg m the terr1tor· ·-~· ies this appointment indicates !-Dimdas -..A."rTHE LATE HEN'l~.Y ' PEARGE. Banner. . The updersigned ·having 'purchased at ~·..;: ~ boltom· figures a large amount of tho .. TR.BR:E are now only three men in the The pioneers and e.a rly settlers of this British House of Commons who were above mentioned articles for part of Canada are fast. passing from this there when Victoria ascended the th·r one, cash, intend as 1m inducesphere of action to the ~pirit wor Id. The forty-six years ago. They are l\Ir. Gladment to offer a T1rn election tria.1 West Northtim111.1d news . of the death of Mr. Henry stone, Mr. Talbot, member for Glamorgan1 · · . - · ·uerland is \announced for Monday, 6th Pearce of the.Base Line West, Darlington, shire, and Mr. Villiers, member for WeiHe is now offering his whole stock of on Monday mght. last 'vas the cause of verhampton. Earl Grey is the only living Ang. ' ·~--~much regret among his friends and ac· on all orders accompanied by the T'irn Domi.nion xh~bition wi.Jl be held quaintances, by all of whom he was highly member of the Cabinet that was in office at that time. thi!jyear at St, John~ N.\B., and th~:rr.os respected. It seems he W:W takc.>11 SL~d 0 A 8 ::E-I. amounting to ne~rly $5000, at pects are that a very successful cxh1b1t1on denly ill on Friday mornmg last with 1883 has been a. disastrous year for the POSITIVELY NO AT'l'ENTION will. take pl~ce. · cholera rnorbus, but nothin" aedous was world. generally. The papera daily t,eem will be paid to ord" ers unless accomanticipated nntil Saturday, when a physic- with some fre11h disaster ; some fresh panied by the cash or specially fl1R. THos. WooD, of Ma~uc, father of ian was summoned, but the best treatment storm, leaving iri its tracks desolation and FOB. C.AJ!31E!C C>NLY. the latA Provincial Treasurer, and Mr. was unavailing and he gradually sank woe ; some fresh. railway accident griding arranged for . .~.F. ·wood, member for North Hastings, ntil d eath ended'his sufferings on Mon· and crushing its victims ; some terrific Boots and Shoes made to ord~r as usual, from th~ best o p:il<P.Sed awa:l'.' to the spirit world a few days day\ night. Deceased was a native of cyclone sweeping crops and dwellings in :ig<· at the ripe age of 93 yer.rs. stock and by first c]ass workmen. , .'><'. Cornwall, Engl~nd. He came to Darling- its mad fury. Truly Mother Earth is acta ing strangely.-Exeter :Reflector. Tn·l<: gross inacmirac;:ies 1111d uttrr use- ton ah~iut 41 years ago, and lived for _ Do not fail to call on him at once ancl secure bargains: lessnes' M the third volume of the Census shori t~e near Solina. He after wards 2G2:1w, Bowmanville, Aug. 2, 1883. THE Presbyterian church of Cauada STAND :-Neads' Block, next door ·e ast of L~e & EdsaJ1'5·. of Canad!>.' has been esta.hJiished beyond bought the farm on which he has lived for embraces thirty-six Presbyteries and four .question. Jfo reliance whateyer can. be the past 39 years . He was a very indus· Synods ; has within iti! bounds 800 pas· Hardware Store, King Street, Bowmanvillc. placed upon ,'hA figures which it contams. trious an~nterpria.ing man, and by the toral churches ; 114 vacanc.iea ; 700 orassiduity o imself and family amassed a -dained miniiiter11; 1,524 churcl)es; 62,208 Rn. B, B~K:i-c,:pER ha~ been commis· large amoun of property. He lrns been families ; 113, 977 communicants and a a life·long Re~ ·ormer and his sons are fol. sioned t;o labor 1 the mterest of the total t're~bytertan population of 676,165. · temperance rnove~1 . ,nt throughout . this lowing in the father's footsteps. He Emporium of Fashions lJ.?. Cloths That it is more profitable to sell certain total revenue lastyearwas$1,409,7·18, provlnco11 during the , '1l'euent year, ~rnder leaves ,, wife an four sons to moura his The ll~fll Ill . lines of Summer Goods at or below the dit'ections cf the L. act counmls of loss. Hewasiu .~e68thyeai:ofhisage. ?ran increase of $164,350 over the prevand Furnishings. ious year. and all points West and South-CREDIT His funeral on ~Vednesday wall! \'ery cost 1'.'ather than keep them over Royal Templars of '.l'empe. ~~~e. · i VALLFlY R.R. largely atteuded. · . until another season I announce ;;: WnE:N mannfacturing industries are de· SPEAKING of the E ast Nor. umberland pressed, when mills "shut down," and 1 1 THE sickly, sentim ntal story paper and strikers are on t, and rumors of a stagelection trla.l the Colborne E ntc · " ~e sa;ys: a There jg no fear of evidence _ l\ruagrng the wild ranger and 'ira~e story books nation of business a.re in the air, ope rat· and fo the.charMter of Mr. F.unis as a.' ho~i.or· ar<l slowly but surely y1 ·ldii1g the field to ors and laborers are the people who suffer LINE BOATS. . BY THIS STYLISH ROUS~, . . -OF~ble :nan and poiiticiall, and if.disqt.. . h~ed worthier claimants. I pritiso of the most,, Snch perlods are the times for -=- . Which goes to prove that old fogy1sm 1s 1 q 1 ,1t will be .through acts of mdiscrl ion decflnt newspapers it m:l.'" be said that workingmen to go to the country and try ettfng played out ancl that the people 1,::::) LJ whicl~ wi!,i 'in no wise effect hispei;w. al where it llas n place i·n th family, and farming. It is far better to tread uvor TOUIUSTS TICR·ETS i.t. La wren e. IUTer 1111d u. La. w rence Navlgntton Co. g . ' has been read for years by ) 'Ung as well dusty roads in search of work than to loaf standrng. . .· s old. it has clevt>loped a h al thy tone from one dram shop ~o llnother.-Hamil· ALSO AGENCY MIDLAND LOAN CO. appreciate the new departure. d a discrinnnating tast~: ·Pickering ton Tribune. l\III,. JUSTICE HAWKINS, one of the sternest and most impertnl'ablo of F~na!ish magistrates, presiding at the Ce;tral THE decision in the Mercer Escheat Men Lik"' Old Shoe"·· of all descriptions arriving d aily. _ M , who would begrudge lendi 1g five case -FORv ~ is a brilliant constitutional victory for , Criminal Court IU Lo.11dou, pnt-it tersely E, ollars to a neighbor w~o r · they · the ot.he~ day, w hon~ irt anHwer to a re· the Ontario Government. The Tories j T1 'eci tenk' ~n for years will readily ·\and · · f th How nrn.ch a man ls like old shoes ; o m ark of a juryman, l1e clcclared t.hat at ~r e Ifor insttince, both a soul may lose; ave Dl h undred dollars to a etra ger lrnve been h oping t h at t h e d eo1s10n o are the moat F<i.ncy in town, in all least seveIJty five percent of the crime in over five · . '\u;ve not known for an ho lr, Privy Council would prove the concention Both have been tanned. both are mane tight; England was due tu drink. the New 8hades. Wh?m !h~y · ' ~Id is full of wiles, and I e of. the Attorney. General incorrect; and ~~tho~~'!{~·;~(~ l~e~~~;!~~~!~ht; Ccill and Exciinfae. of the This lncke~ w · \hrough it without beinR w1tu~s 'thci h1mdmg ove~ of th~ .Merc,er And both are made to KO on feet; RefotmatGry ~ or the price of it, to tne They both meed healing, oft arc sold; 'We have a fino assortment , .Au aui;wer 'fl'nnlcd.-Oan any one ln·ing us who would oet ' '1'e of tlle ~uileles~ and · · G' · t Th t " con- And inthe time turn all to mould. N ewes t StYj 68 m · f Withboth shoes last is ftrst, with men a case of. Kidney ot· Liver Complaint that duped must. bew, etranger.-To;ronto D ?mmwn overnmen,;. . eir pe htutional a uthority, Str John, always 'l'he that shall be tho Ja~t; and when Elootdc Bitters will not cure1 . We say they i.11 too neigh horl., , a mred them that such must be the up· '.!.' h e shoea wear out they're. mended new, Do not wllit or the chanc _e will b,e.gop.e can not a0 thousands of cMes already perma.n· Teleyrarn. · \ ., _:___ h' And when men we~routthey'remen noad, too; VV · . . · cntly cured and who itm Llaily recommending sh ~ ; and t h eJr . chagrm at aeewg im 'Ibey both are tread upon, a.ncl both W '~ille, was cured l'loct.rJc Bitters, will prove. Brights Diseases : A. Ed,gar~, of F ran. . im atter life thus at foul t, in the field in which they Will tread OU ~th~rs. nothini.: l~-h; --· havE? their ties, o.n<,'l both mcl~ne, , Diabetes. wool< Dack, or any urinary comdlain· ef L~v.er a_nd1Kidney Comp ained from b oas t. ,f him as without competitors ' rnnst Both Wlicn pohahed, in the world to P,h1u e; , l' H d 111 ts quic[dy cured. They purify the blood. reg was dtspa:red of. H e had re. \ Call a.t the Ee ipae ou&e an you w action of be 80~ thing hard to. be endured. -Cu- And both peg out-and,wo'uldJ)o'u cho08e 'l'o be a man, or be his irhof)St "'lNot Shabp<MIJ'e havo the bel!t ~tock of goods to pick from. ulato the bowels, and aot direcL!y on the dis· ten to fiftee ~days without an , r11 cured bo11rg 1rl.d. eased part;, Every bottle gua.ra.nteee. Fo:r tl!e bowels.-Burdock Blood Bitt~ · etter :\'[en· and women a.loo like New Shoes, ~d D It. zarExplloi t directions for every use are given th·e be~t and ob es pest can be obtained t Halo at o()c, a bottle by J. Hlg.8lnboth1un & Son. lnm, and he \vrites that 11e is a '- · ars with the Dia 'lOnd Dyes. For dyeing Mo86e8, DAVID DA. VUS', next door a&S~ of S·1w1·JllS1u · · · BOWMANVILLE. Ottr pile of 16 cent prints ~!ah thl' pe~jMe man then he h~a beeu for twenty ) 0:Fas11es, Eg11e-, .l Tor1" Hair, &::e. Only 10 oente. Offi·e. lililiSOll jt Oo. put. 16- t~\·n ~~Hors ; !lJl<l s~i11 for \Jo!l, i~~eude~ ·Mndriesil we have beei1 mishndetstood aµd -c<:naured for alleaed wrong.dotn~. But "' it is impossible to please everybody, and QUr future efforts will be to do our duty faithfully according to judgment, \Yhat~ " h lt v be. We shall sli:ive ' e ver t e rosn m~. . 1 however, not to lllJUre any .person 8 feel· i!Jgs without a just cause. - --~·- · · · TuE adjourned Ferri11 trial was tq -hegin at Cobourg yesterday, ~ nd, Aug. . . -"" ··ils I! the seiioOi .who wreite fo1· t~:=:ifsni~p~~:in~~~~~e~ ~~~~~%:: ~~~ hcmot'S in '.Mathematics have been success- will croJ) up durin!{ polling day. " . piM!iMWWtlJMl!\15!!!9!!!WjlMilmwm!!ii!M1Ji!!tMR 0 0 .A. L:1 OLE RING SALE .. I WOOD, ___lUMBERm. DISCOUNT Of THREE PER GENT BOOTS a SHOES B ORLAND'S. CASI-I S':f ORE. for SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! WHOLE SAJ_A E PRICES McCLELLAN & c~ TO EUROPE- ALLAN UNE. rm.a AN IT 0 TIO::KETSI -~ ~- ~ ITO BA THEECLIPSEHOUSE,lB EI NG SATISFIED Ts?. t.!r~!. ~~!T!IL I72 Suils of Clol~es Solll las!lmk! cl EAR IN c sAl E I JY-[J'Y-[:BJR.. W. A. NEApS. FANCY· CLOTHS I . IBOOJS'. AND ·SHOESf' _ IOur Nobby & Shirts · 20 DAYSI l BJ G .B ARGAJ NS · ..· STRATTT HAT s. J u·BLLYA B / w H ·}vE s