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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1883, p. 6

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··Afraid l"-and she laughed a httle dis- feel that he understood her, he would @Ile if for havrng made your unaided way? "\'Vhat Methodist Union. ccriantly. "Whom should I fear t" that knowledge did not make her W nee. does it matter if the eon of an old house finds BY H C DODGE The prospects of a speedy orgamc un10n of " Yourself." She would not have it all he.r own way himself poor and 1s compelled to rebwld his the various Methodist churches m Canad.a " Myself 9 oh, no 1 t do not fear myself; There had been a movement towardo the fortune with his hands ?" A is the actress Need anoutiaged woman ever remember tha~ supper room, and she had gone among the "But suppose one who 1s not the son of an are now most "1.1courag1ng. It is not yet a this dude so besets. The Faithful '1'1ger. she 18 weak ?" first, and was back again, seated among a old houee and who 1e poor, what then? Sup year smce the first formal meetmg of the B is his billinrds, bills, bouquets, She was tremblin~ with an excitement that few dowai;cers, with a pretty air of matron pose a California hoodlum, the son of a JOmt committee of the fiv., bodies mterestand bets C 1.S his A CHINESE LEGEND ed was held, and a basis of un10n agreed cheek, rngarette cane betrayed more to him than she knew existed. hood that sat on her hke a charm It was daughter of the people, what then?" In the town of Chao Ch' Eng many year and colla1 D is his drmks He took her two soft white arms m his smewy dull for them, poor thmgs, most of all for He had spoken with such 111tensity that upon; and it was hardly to be expected that on another man's dollar tender clasp, which was so peculiarly strong deaf old Lady Carbury, who could not even his face had paled; but she only looked at the movement would have advanced so ago there dwelt an old womau who had an speedily as it has. Smee this year began the only son One day Hsia, the son, went up to and gentle, and looked straight mto her eyes hear the music, though she could watch her him and smiled, E Is his eye glass and the hills to lcok for work, and a tiger English airs. F is the before he said slowlygrand daughter's flymg feet ' and, like the "You want to evade the pomt, you bad mm1sters and the laity of each of the sprang upon him and killed him free lunch that he " Phrebe, you are my wife, and I trust pleasant social bemg she was, Mrs. Carrasco boy ; you are ne eon of the people-your churches have formally discussed the When the news was brought to his mother never you " would while away a vacant half·hour by talk· beautiful ha.nds alone tell that. I never adopt10n of the basis and the maJorit1es · Aud you may trust me, dear, alwa.'ys. lD'l to her. So thP-re she sat, Lady Carbury's saw such beautiful hands as yours, except throughout were much lar11;er than was gen- she ran to the nearest mag1strnte, weepmg Even if you were dead I should never for- turban noddmg towards her flower.crowned Chve Seymour's and his are old hands now erally expected Of the six Annual Confer and wrmgmg her hands, and begged for 18 spares ences of the Canada Methodist Church five Justice G to the girl H he is en get what you have been or what he is." llerved ae their But will you t·ke me with you 9" deavors mash his hat f head, d while f the ear·trumptt ·t ~ Tbe magistrate laughed and said, "Foolish i;i:ave ma1or1t1es m favor of adoption and one He sh·vered, perhaps at the mention o me mm o communtc .. ion "I could not Phaibe " just as fiat as hi· cash I is his f h d f N h t th ht Gerald No ' death m the midst o t e surroun mgs o a ow wa.s Iff tme, oug · ·' Then I won't let you leave me, Shall I only,- London - gave a small ma3ority woman, how can the !aw be brought to bear ign o ranee, always dis played ball, or perhaps the dan~er he had run play- one was near her but the deaf dowager, no tell you somethmg, Manuel? When you agamst the basis now proposed, while at the upon a tiger?' But she tore her white hair, J is the Jewelry on him array m)( that one trump card with 1egard to Ger one could comment on any any rnsultmg spoke of gomg I grew fr'ightened You same time pretending to be almost unam· and hftmg up her vo1ee, cried, "Just1ce ! 0 11 ed. K is his knowledge of f Y aid Seymour which he h~, and which speech he might make. must not leave me I have a presentiment mously m favor of the nmon Oil some eqmt JUStJCe '" unt1l the hall rang '.!.'hen he lost a n d sm. L is his legs t h a t would be at once such a losrng and such a "I have not yet congratulated you on about it" able basis The Conferences of the other his temper, and bade her begone But with churches all favored the basis by fair maior streamrng eyes and tremblmg limbs she ran a r e crooked and thin M 1a lwmnmgh 9 zard. your marriage, Mrs Carrasco," he said, I "But°ifimustgoonbusmess?' b i s mustache nine ha 1 rs Ii l trust [ am not going to leave you a stooyrng towards her "Smee n;,arriage "Get some one else to sell your mme ities. The laymen throughcut were still arouml the court-room. "Ju~tice I-my son, t o a side N is his neck- t 1 e' a widow JUSt yet," he answered lightly ; "but means sale, 1 am glad you sold well There are men out there who d'l other bus1· more favorable than the clergy. They my son '-Justice'" was still her cry, and the e oil ed shirt to hide O's his I will trust you livmg 'and that is, after all, It was the achmg heart m him that spoke, ness for you-why can you not trust them seemed to be less troubled about mere pomts magrntrate, seemg her great age and gnef, of law, order, and precedence, and more m took pity on her, and promised to have the old man, whom he will not mdorse. a better trust than if I trusted you dead " not his own mstmctive gentlemanliness with this?, p lS his pocket bool,, empty, of She put her arm half round his neek with Her fiower·hke tace seemed to harden "B£:ci~uae I ought to go, da.rlmg. When clmed to umte together for mutual aid and tiger arrested But e~en then she would not go until the course Q is his quarrel the warmest caress she had ever yet bestow- under his gaze. She did not vouchsafe him I tell you I ought to go, hard as I feel it, benefit, trustmg m each other, and to time, to remedy any practical defects which may warrant was issued. The magistrate, much when he gets a kick. ed on him a word Ill reply, only raised slowly to him you would not wish to hmder 1ne '" puzzled as to how he could do it, began to R 1s the racket that makes " Could you unagme it possible that I the cah 1 glory of her eyes ; but, oh, what a " Oh, no." Her hps were tremulous and be found m the basis as it now stands It 1.S now expected that m September next draw up the papers, and thought and him so sick S is li1s shoes conld care for Gerald Seymour still?' she world of bitter scorn lay m their depths as her e'Yes full of tears, "But then I could a G-eneral Conference of the representative thought until the persp1rat10n rolled down asked. "Why until to mght I thought I she smiled upon him with a smile that was go with you " 6 atv :h: Y ~:er p T had only grown 111different to him : now I more insultmg than a blow 1 He liteially "Wh:1t 1 Among Ch111amen and rowdies, men of the mm1sters and laymen of all these his fat cheeks. Fmall) h.,:askcd his attend· churches w1ll be held at Belleville to consu ants whwh of tnem would takt> ·he case. know I hate hun " staggeied under it before he turned hastily to scenes all unbefittm~ a lady?' is bis tailor, mate the U mon, or to at least take such Li Neng, who was a very youn;.: lawyei and left the room. " What would It matter if you were ft I l a who "Oh, no " The latent 3ustice 111 the man It was two am , and he was 111 his dress there 7" steps as may firlit be found necessary to re- and somethmg of a 3ester, stepped forwarc! _ h i m with move any legal impediments that may stand and said he would, wher.:upon the warrant rose up to make that feeble protest coat, but, notwithstandmg that, he must get Should h tell her all-tell her about that 3 woe. U IS "Yes, hate hnn, bnt I shall not show him away at once, thongh his room was prepared other woman with sloe-black eyes who loved Ill the way Some are of opm1on that as the was nnmediately ISsued, and the old woman h 1 s uncle, even that I shall only seem so mdifferent for hun here. A footman met him on the him, Should he break down the wall of title deeds of many of the churches and par went away, pays who that if he addresses me I shall tell him he stairs as he went towards the hall Gerald separation between his wife and himself, and sonages are held an Act of Parhament may The next mornmg when L1 Neng awoke, ante's b i l I. has the advantage of me " stopped hun to slip ha.If a sovereign m Ins trust to her clemency to love him still if he be required m order to co'lllim their titles and began to thmk senously about what he Y is h l s "Oh, no, Phrebe I You must not." hand ,, " proved himself disgraced' His breath came before the final steps can be safely taken had done, he was at first much frightened, vice that "Well, no, perhaps not; it would seem "Tell L~dy Hardmouth, he said, with with difficulty he longed to be true to trust Of course that mattel will receive its due but afLei breakfast he concluded' it was a makes him like actmg, and I shall be perfectly natural' Captam Seymour's compliments, that he bad her truth, and'. if she spurned hun, 'he could attention trick of his master's to get r1q_of tne old l 0 0 k so ill. don't be atra1d "-and she laughed hysteric to ietu1n to Plymouth at once on important feel stroi1aer for the dropped burden and the The Umted Methodist Church will be the woman, and a few days later he handed m wash W's his ally as she spoke busmess My portmanteau ism one of the torn mask But she might spurn him; and strongest Protestant chm ch 111 this Prov111ce, the warrant as if the arrest had been made. woman scold "Not so,' cneu the magistrate "You yet he was afraid , he was trembling so rooms, but I cannot wait , you can send it how could he live if his hps never agam felt 1f not m the Domm1on, and great good may rngthe beat much as be spoke that he could not fasten on to morrow to the Iolanthe" the pressure of her lips if his arms never be expected to come out of tlns concentra said you could do this, and now you shall " X IS Xel· t10n to keep Li Neng was at his wits' end, and, 111 great hrn diamond studs without her assistance, "Yes, sir, All right, sir. ' aga111 stramed her to his' heart if her fingers tion or forces and energies There is certa111on his feet Y is his yawns, for he'~ and there was an ICY dew on his forehead as M 0 chamcally Gerald put on his overcoat never al.'(ain returned the clasp of his, Oh ly an ample field for the u111ted efforts of all, trouble, begged permiss10il to impress the tired out qrute. Z is the Zigzag he walks when si\eleanton his arm and swept down the and hat, then he strode out intothemght no,hecouldnotdarethensk· ffeshud .,red: and there are certamly yet qmte as large a hunters of the district to a~sist him he· s tight broad s+aircase What if there was a scene 1 au, over the dew-wet earth, towards Lon· put her away from him and rose to his variety of churches, so01efaes and creeds m This was granted, and callmg together He hnd seen so much v10lenceand bloodshed don, strivm~ if he might through wearmess feet ' Canada as mi.y meet the wants and whims the men he went up fo the hills, where he ··I could not, dear I am very sorry , I of all those who may not feel qmte clear or spent days and mghts watchmg for the m his early days that he forgot he was on of the tlesh deaden a httle the pam at his -----·-~-~---Bnt1sh 11:round and among well bred gentle heart mnst go, and I cannot take yllu with me. comfort..ble Ill this hody as umted Who tiger men Yet it was not bodily InJury to him Don't makP. partmg from you harder dear, ever has travelled much thrnugh 011.nada,.But a month passed away, and he was fast self he feared, but somethmg far more msid try to be brave, that I may grow brave too. espec1ally m the country districts and small grow mg too lame to hunt, tor constabfos and CHAPTER VII. I shall not be gone long, and you can go towns, must have been pamed to witness detect!\ es 111 Chma are bambooed at mter· ious and deadly which he might not be able CHAPTER VI.-CONTINUED to nombat d Mr and Mr~ Carrasco were the happiest back to C11dogan Place while I am away, o- often the struggles and efforts there have vals of three and five days until they ac· "h Yet,hlet the worst hehsai 'dthro" been to keep ahve two or three separate comphsh sucessfully whau they have under· It uas the evening of the ball at the Court, 1 h dbcome," k "I e no pair m London, so somety sa1d , and , as brmg Edith or Algy to sttop with you here s ape Y ea ao ' ave on She shook her head Methodist cong1eg.at10ns, and support as takeu to do and " l:'hoobe stood m her peignoir 1n Lady mg is " society saw a good deal of them, it was well AtJa~t m oespair he went to the Oh' eng· f t th d quallfied to Judge ; for no dmnes. conversaz "I shall not have Algy, certamly; I don't many mmisters, whete tjiere was barely H ardmouth's dressmg room, decidmg as to wrong room for one. These tlnnge entailed an un hnang temple, rn the eastern ~nburbs, and, 0 There was a group o men a e oor as ione, or "at home," was complete without like h1ml " h certam last details fop the ~ enmg, w 1le, the t\\ o passed, and among these one with a " "\'Vhy not, dear-your o'wn brother' ' necessarily he:i.vy burden on the member fallmg on his knees, he wept and piayed in Jn Iler Own room, her neat handed Phyllis h d l df d n of sunny them-she so beautiful, fascrnatmg, accom· iaggar db acek an a "I don't care if he ia my own brother-I ship, and required unnecessary sacntices tur;:is Suddenly a tiger walkeJ. m, and L1Was Shakin" out the foamy folds of her ball- an 1 some h d dcrow t th an plished , h e so wea1t 1 1y, h and some, an d d e To out Neng shut his eyes, a11d waited to be eaten, as ep WI .. dress and P lacmg ready fo1 he1 1 and the cur ·, w o roppe b f ac war 1\[ voted to her Somety pette d t hem, and never hked him ,· and ! like him less of late and privations by the mimsters 80 0 · unconscious so Io pam rs arra d uncts of he1 toilet t fl t b as h dh d th ts they grew h osp1table in return an d M rs He always remmds me ot a white eel, or s1ders the wonder is that so many could be But the tiger dia not seem to notice him, r1"Shall mg a I J wear pearls 01 emeralds, aunt?' sweepmg G tramId" a mos rus th e im, a Carrasco s 1itt1e d mners were pronounced the l!zar d m Little Alice, or somethmg else found to obJect to the Umon as have done and sat still m the doorway t an f th tira oeymour, e cap am O e t h e success o f t h e season weak and creepy" so, and m many cases for such ms1gmficant Seem!! tlus, L1 N eng plucked up courage Phoobe was askmg, as she toasted her foot man I l was ~ reasons, when such important advantages and addressed him On the fender, for tbe evenmg was chilly, oAalnlt ieh h h If h Id b The Mexwan's bonme bride was a marvel "Then you will have Edith " "Perhaps, or perhaps I may ~ f!O down to are at stake h t W S M ay "You know I have h I t roug h is 1 e e th "0 tiger, if thou didst slay that ?ld wo: h wout remem t I18er t to every one E ven Mrs H oward was at a oug a · at iour and scenet ; th t emsd rumen I l!ke that ln;tle place , Probably a more favorable time for such a man's s0n, let me bmd thee with this cord;' bea utiesi m each. Manuel is so good to me " t h t t e th f tl10 ah Jls loss to know where P h re b e h a d acqmre d h er the Lod= .,~ m Kent ' , but emer w oge erI a de en Jo "Pearls are more bride lIKe h tapering h t a · rare t11.ct and se If possess10n, h er unassume d and among the roses perhaps I may miss you consummat10n has never before occurred, and and drawrng a rope :trom bis pocket, he it may not occur agam. The great terutory threw it over the tigel s neck, and went out state y tan comp a grand dame manner, :t manner th at reacte d Jess How Ion" you be gone" Id Sult ' out con1plex1on better ' t e c aperons Id h e men \m 1us d e tacen h ed Ill "' will a s wou J ' ro\\, t c era, a ac pair "Three months at most." of the North west hdS been opened up and of the temple ~nswe1ed Lady Hardmouth thoug!.tfnlly h l 1 tl l fl tt " the on Manuel, her husband, smoothmg away Tue tiger followed, droop is bemg peopled by hardy p10neers from our mg hIS head, and trail mg hrn tail 1u the ~ ere s t u erm., uear "And if I can't wait for you so long '" ' Do you know, Phccbe, I thmk you won t anc1t ieie, ie g1r d hed b her his few remammg asperities and givrng t o own and other lands The great maJOrity ma e1na wmg, ana, ts mgms Y b d fi 1 l d "Then telegraph for me." derfully improved 9 Last year I did not b dust f 11th t onian fascinat his foreign ree 111g the na po l8h it nee · eauty rom a e res , a w , ed " And you will come? ' of them go there poor, and they ~e widely t hmk you a beauty, and rather wondered 1 ng as Cr vv hen they got to the hall of Jll9t1ce the 1 and with her ooul as false as scattered, and for years and yeats to come ho" you came to make a sensation , but now Del1I !i's ce magistrate asked, ~ of a man to She had told him· while t"'ey lived on "Instantly." leaning on tl1e arm n all the efforts of the umted churches of old ' Did you eat the old woman s son ?" "You good boy- you dear boy 1 Then I a ' Curzon_street that she was tired of gaiety you are very handsome I" whom she had sold herself Oh, how could that she should hkc to- settle down ~ shall not tease you any more If you must Canada ca1mot adequately supply the spmt The tiger nodded his head The girl laughed, well pleased shed loo!, so dpure and stamless and be so false dear domestic wife who would tead him 1:w, you must, rurd I sliall say re abotll.. ual demands thus presented It is a fitt1ng "And that remmds me, Pha>be, that you an perJure ' Why was she allowed to lure · .., ' ft " "That murderers should suffer death has time tomake every possible sacnfice at home should try t;o look your best to mght ; for men's souls out of their possesswn and then asleep when lie oame home m the eyenmgs A d h k h d t h ever been the law. Besides, t his old woman m order to meet the clearly defined Christian there is an old fnend of yours to be here to rum them? On to have known her true weary from the. city-where he would go to lf n hs e ept t er wo1 h I~ erestf°g e~ had but one son, and by k1lilng him you took who has not seen you smce you ~ Wern a and oble as he beiieved her 1 Oh that he see tiresome men and to transa,ct ted10us se m is prepara 10ns-w 1c were ew an duty thus presentec;l. fl om he1 the sole su,">port of hei~eclmmg 1" ~ h d d d b d f '.," th busmess thlli_h1LJ}id not uuderstand-a w1ie easily made, rather to her sum~ise, as C~ h d kn lears" ~ gn· · An old friena l ·who is he? ' she asked oms a deep nown lost er to ea an une or-"", a - l" ~of h is 1c.t ,,. t ers, w h o fornia and tlie CannibarrsfanO.s ---Ue-iieneved in Temperance, him as cei t~y as now who weu .,..1,1.nswer cert m b d h dconvened k Then tlie fu:agisbate stopped, ~nd the 1 Iazilv md1fferent ' yet worthy of his rnverence rather tha~ would sing to him 1f he did not wish to talk, a out t 1e same 1 ea todder-han maf mg "Fact is," said Mr Swiller, sittmg down tiger hid his face on the ground ' · commg "\\as · be a model lil all thin<>S at V"8..00l uggesfaQnJl a to 18 com ort "But," added the 3ust1ce, ' 1f now you "His qmte an acc1d ent H ec neauhiul, 3e-welled, laughmg,' an mcarnate ~na w 0B would t h d t f"' t winch proots of hertothoughtfulness mad~ at the round table with his friend, " Fact 1 tor my nephew met him yesterday rn town he and mockery 1 11ume. u some 1ow s e seeme o orge h h is-two beers, Tony '-there's JUSt as much will be as a son to her yqur crime shall be and told him of this ball m} our honor and , t.l:iat desire after the ball at Oakley Court , irn very appy mtemperance m eatmg as there is m drmk pardoned" 'd come. G era11 ' 11 r thThe dancmg hadb begun dwmle Queens lle sa1d h e wou. c S eymo ti I 1 I he stood ress th'lt one m~ht's gaiety had given a great t Manuel t N Canasco Y k wasdto thsail frnm t th fhe tiger looked up and nodded agam, b h t 0 h · ere wi l O"\\ enng row an pa e ips P impetus to er love of soC1ety · and seemg own o ew or , an ence o cross '.3 mg, and that's what puts me-by George, he "as unbound and went his way, at T>o~ t }OU bie~iem er ed wa~ lfsi · ~ ere 1 ed sullenly toget1er, aud she was sweeprng ttis Manuel let her have her ~ay 'with a l:ltates to Califorma This three months' that's refreshmg, isn't 1t l Cold as ice Fill and wiGt ~~ as on a ~ear : n a a~d a~inscIOus pruit !nm m shming robes and maddenmg st~h' for the "li&nished dre:.m of domestic partmg between husband and wife, who bad 'em up agam, Tony-out of p11.tience with which the mother of the dead man was an~~mou t ~ 1 gB d h 1 beauty, while he, mert, dead as a stone, was I bhss been married onlJ a twelvemonth, scarcely these total abstmence fanatics. A man can gry, for she thought the tiger snonld have 11 eh t at ebwouth mee d toer · ~wl areud teh only able to stand and watch her. He did ~ loved her madly and he possessed her met Mrs l:l.owa1d s views It was not cus- be temperate m his eatmg and lie can be been slam An ICY rea seeme sm,.,, ier, an e tk f h a r of his presence·· ' ' t th t h h h d All mght she lay hungry and sorrowful, h hts flickered and danned before her, then J no now i s e was wa e "yet the possess10n had not brnught all the omary m e socie Y m w 1c s e move , temperate m his drinkmg, and I go- light a but when she opened hn door 111 the morn g d h lf di t tll not once had her eyes rested upon him , but l delight he had fondly anticipatei She was but, if that perverse son·m law o{ heis cigar ?-m for temperance 111 all things It was she re_: t ersHe rigi Y ere;: twi ha cont· he would hke to know 1f her sunny smlles his own and he was dear to her He knew fonnd it 1mpentive, then the1e was nothmg No"\\ I hke to-thank yon, yes, I bel!eve I mg there was a dead dee1 before it sc10us e11or · e was commg o see er, o d k nt to wound him ' t b d SJ t k th b a fine fat buck, ancl she sold the flesh and lt h ' that she cared for him strove to make him more o e sai ie mus ma e e est "111 repeat-sit down with a friend and en skm and the nandsome horns for such a 1ti1 l p se ce to exam1 e how an gay remar s VI ere mea JOY a glass of beer ma quiet way Just as we mhsub er1 w d efnst ie nsh'e w 0 u ld Int 1fhthey were t the result of her ignorance happy· stu~hed him' c~ressed !um · yet some· 1 of his 8 e ore us ec 1on e h im or d d departure h m the eyes of the 1 tworld by good price that she had food for days ho~ he was cor.sc10u~ all the same that they en mg it er countenance, es society do now. It's cool, refre~hmg, mildly stunu see she born 1t well She would rise abo' e an is proximi Y· Agam a deer was broa!!ht, and then the !ant- have another with me-and does me Ihe dance was over, and he was still stand never stood soul to soul Perhaps it was the should gossip and surmise h erseIf s t rong for the occasion tiger came often, always wi1h a gift and h h h d bee I ke some pale suf S d Ph be t E t t ' mg w ere e a n, i fault of his own silent reticent nature per· o sne a ccompame ro o us on s a good I know when I have enough and- sometimes with mone;i and Jewels, so she 9 "Gcrnld Seymour coming H0w very fering statue, when she passed him leamng ha s the fault of that past that he 'could t10n to see him off, but stood discreetly once more, lony-wheu I have enough I know enough to quit. Now do I look-hello, grew rich, and was much better cared for pleasant" she answered, ma gay hght tone, on her husband's arm, playmg with her pro ne~er unveil h any eyes: or peFhaps of a aside-till they should make their adieux. 1t which Lady B ard mouth detected no sneer· u:ramme, and speakmg m that coomg cadenc knowledge that a \\rong had been done her " Manuel, Manuel" -his wife's arms there's Johnson, sit down here with us, John than she had been ever by her own son. mg emphasis ·'It, will be delightful to ed tone, m whwh she had addressed him but through him; at any rate, therelthey stood, were round his neck, her tear-wet face on son ; three beers Tony-I was 3ust askrng The widow even became very fond of her meet him agam, ana t'1.l.ii:: of om last meet seventeen short months ago ,, · wedded lovers now et a art, hIS breast-" don't leave me l I am afraid, Blotter heie if I looked like a victun of wild guest, and she used to watcn anx10usly mg here, and or all that has occurred smce "I have kept three dances for you, she ' y p take me with you, Jearest-take me with dyspepsia I don't drmk much water this for him, fearmg that some day he would for then wont it, ai:ntie " ,, was saymg · I don't care 1£ 1t 1s odd and Ee was a wise and clever man-too wise you 1 ,, wea.ther , I beheve it's the worst-this time get to come But the tiger was v,,iy faith· "I suppose it will, dear, said the elder makes people talk. I shall do it all the and clever to kwk agamst the pricks of the "l should hke to take you dear " he said with me, fellows-thmg a man can fut mto f.ul, and he became very gentle and harmed lady, mnooentl~ , "He has been appomted same l don't see why I mus~ dance with 111evitable, or ever to dream of anything but holdmg her to ]um "Hea~en k~ows how hie system such weather as this believe no one, he slept on the po1ch, and lay at Captam smce you parted; aud you are mar other peoples husbands when I want to making the best of the facts that remamed it hurts me to leave you 1 I should hke to beer is the best thmg for any man, and I her feet, and m cold weather breathed on r1ed " dance with my own " And one thmg did remam-the power to take you, I will take you Mrs. Howard, know it's the best thmg for me. But ! - her hands to warm them. This went on for seven yaars, \\hen she "Oh, qmte an old married woman t vVell, Her husband 1 Good Heaven 1 And he grow better for his pam, the power to make Phcebe is commg with me , don't hurry, ha'e another before you go, here, Tony '-don't gorge myself with it ; I died, and all her relations can:e to her fun. it is time I began to don my bfavery, t~t ~e there to see and hear her 1 Had she a heart theJfu:~r~ tru.rer thant~~it~sttha~afdh~e:i~ But the mother, scandahsed, mterfered. 00 may not notice the 1 avages 0 time · -had she ever had one-had she even feel ma e a argdm wi h f0 j k , " What silly children you are both ' The don't sit around and g"t full every time , eral "\Vhile they disputed for the first seat bye, auntie, till we meet 111 the hall,' and mg enough to be ashamed' Gerald strode Phrebe he woul li~r~wdwort ~ ier e bell has rung , yon must get away at once, take a drmk, I like to-three more, Tony - of honor, the tiger walked m and stood by it she tripped away, erect and smilmg, with a out from the mrcle round him and 111to the And now that e a won er is se ·Im Manuel or you will be left Aud you sit down qmetly with a friend and en3oy a roarmg his lamentations until the walls deeper bloom on her damask cheeks. centl:e of the hall, ignorant of social usages pro,ement must begin Phoceb~-httle goose, leave off crymg and glass of beer and a bite of lunch, but I don t trembled-so did the relations That mght he ran off to the hills, and was like to gorge myself I don't eat myself She \\ould not let herself shiver, famt, or as a son of the sea, conscious only of his own She did not love him as he loved her, come home l' fail, she must be strcng, to show the man pam and md1ffereut that he could not coh· but had no one ever laushed on him affec So authority peremptorily mterposed mto a-fill these up aga.m-dyspepsia either, seen no more. The people thought he had who ms ilted her that, ii she had e~er felt a ceal it. He did not mean to make a scene, t10n that he had returned but 111part 9 Was Years afterwards that partmg was rernem and then claim to be a temperanoe man. gone forever, and went on making preparawound, its sca.1 had left her doubly C<£llous he did not ki10w that he was out of order, he no one hungerrng even then for a word from bered-the wet eyes raised to his, the Temperance m all thmgs is my mozzer· tions for the funeral, Fmally everythmg The wax·candles o,n her table were already only felt thi;t he must speak to her then and his lips, for a touch of his hand, as he would smewy hands claspmg her convulsively, and mozzo motto Thatsh me. Now I don clonk was ready, and they were about to lay her donkall I donkall myshelf a dr111kmg man- m her grave, VI hen, as the mournei;s stood lighted, sheddmg their mellow radiance on there have hungered had Phrebe been at the other the hurned partmg at the last. once more w1z me f.,llows-I like to sit down about, he came rushmg down w~tHCtiyes like th() cloudy garmen_tonher bed, on the shim"Mrs. Carrasco, I thmk ?" Ride of the world 9 He put the thought of (To BE CONTINUED) qmeshly Wish few frens and 'JOY glash beer fire, and roarmg !Jke the thunder peal They menng pearls m their open ca,ses, and on he1 His 11£-ad was bent to her, his eyes fixed San Francisco away from him; he strove -Just becaush does me good, good. But I scattered 1h fright, but he disappeared as fan and bouquet, the last selected 111 the upon her face. with it, he could not let it dommate him. +·-<·-·....··---donteat myshelf to death-oncesh more all suddenly as he came, and was ne' e1 seen conservatory by her husband lmnself. She " Yes Captam Se:ymour" He had been married but a year; how could roun -hke thesh temperals fa latics- oncesh agam. seated he1self 111 front of the large laceShe h~d meant, 111 pla,nmng it all out, to he leave his wife for an absence ,of perhaps The Irish Question. Then the people bmlt a shrme 111 !us honor dra-ped mirror, shakmg down over her slight shake hands with him to gush over him to months on any busmess plea 1 What would The .. Insh question,, has become a ma while I like glash of beer-Jush m qmet shoulders the dusky VI aves of her abundant ask about his absence 'and his new honor: to she thmk of him' What ,would the world troublesome one m the Umted States as well way oncesh m while, but you don't see- you and called it "The &hrme of the Faithful f1ger-," and it remains there to this day,hair congratulate him sm!le on him, be false and say' And lrow could he so sacrificf him a.s 111 England, not that Amerwans proper don' fee me gett1n' full ev'y time-- H arper'B Young P "How shall I dress it, ma'am'" asked friendly, but when the moment came she self 9 have any special mterest m the solut10n f (Talks temperance in all thmgs and undue 9 mdulgence m nothmg over tV1elve more .:_ ~ ~ tht maid softly, fingenng the brown mass. was only able to look him calmly m the face But stronger than his strength was the Ireland's local problem, but because so · Oh, JUSt as you like, White 1 Yon and answer, with bell-like distmctness, memory of brown hands strokmg his hair, of large a proportion of the Irish mtizens m glasses and succumbs ) Prehistoric Man. know much more about becomrng coiffures "Yes, Captain Seymour " lovmg eyes fo ed upon h1rn, as though they the Umted States trouble themselves more ~----~---~An mterestmg discovery, of much 11nportthan I do," answered P hrebe 'ery mdifferNow that he was here he did net know could never look enough, of a love that never about Ireland's difficulties than those of then Tg Persons Who Cannot Swim i.nce for geologrnal and archreological sci ently. what he had come to say He paused a mo· "eaned of him, never thought him unlovely adopted country. Harpe""B We~kly recently If you get mto water beyond your depth ence, has recently been made m a coal mme She was studymg the face that looked at ment st11p1dly · then conventionality came to even at his worst And how had he regard- complained that the Irishmen who have do not plunge, struggle, nor throw your hands 1 ed such devotion ' By shamefacedness and obtamed citizenship remam alien m heart aµd arms out of the water. " liea.d water' at Bully Grenay, m t 1e French department , her from the mirror-a delicate pat11c1an his aid. ~ A new gallery was bemg face, with eyes like dusky stars, a small, "May I have the pleasure of the next and by avoidance What if som,e day he and sympathy and use thou Ameucan poh m the erect posit10n, by movmg the feet up of l'as de Calais firm, scarlet mouth, and rom d cheeks, on dance with you?' he asked were met by such scant mercy' What if he tical power chiefly to promote the mterests and down, at the same tune slowly paddling pierced, when a ca' ern was broken mto each of which a cnmson spot glowed hectic _ "I am engaged." were understood and abandoned? He shud of another t·ountry, and often promote or with the hands, keepmg them under water which discovered the fossil remams of five as a stam-the flush of intense excite1n~~· "For the next then" d ere1 Yes, brought home to himself, he apprnve of revoltmg crimes to avenge thim If any person approaches to rescue you, per human bemgs 111 a fair state of preservation. "At any iate he shall not thmk I~ve "Engaged too ' recogmzed his "\\irongs but he would make own wrongs or thosA of their ancestors In serve your presence of mmd and do not a man, two women, and two children com pmed about him," she thought tnumpliant "The thnd, t he fourth then-any one ,amends their native laud. Ot course this only ap grasp him , do what ne te!Js Ytfu If any posed the grnup The man measured about ly, "and before the mght JS over, I shall duuug the mght 9" , Yet, it was hard to leave all that he had plies to a p11.rt of the class referred to, but small obJect of support be thrown to you seven feet, the women six fE!et six and six prove to him that my memory 1s as short as She scanned her programme d~lrnerate- won He hesitated, cogitated, grew irre- the proportions agamst whom such com place it under your chest or arm pits, and feet, the children four feet and rather less In addit10n, some fragments of his own" ly beforn she spoke. then answerea.solute, then determmed a'lam, and linally plamts may be well made entuely too do not struggle to raise yourself out oi the than this Satin Shod, satm rebed, "1th a tram " I regret that I am engaged for all ' made his plunge. Ee had busmess m Cab large The same thing holds good regard water , your head will not go under if you arms and u tensils of petrified wood aud of worthy of an empress sweeping the floo~ be He bowtd agam, and went back to his forma and must go back to Canada, but not, perhapo, to 'SO 111 great an follow these direct10ns; and you may keep stone, with numerous remams of mammals Jund her, priceless lace on her dimpled place, the most m1Serable man m all Eng"vVhat busmess, dear 9' asked P hrebe, extent If all Irish men crossmg the Atlan your mouth and nose above water long and fish, were brotight to hi;ht A second subterianean ch11mber enclosed shoulders and drnpmgher arms, pearls rnnnd land. E:e hacl come to see he1, had come to when he told he1. "And could I not go tic would leave Ireland behmct them and enough for assistance to aruve By cons1d her th1oat, on her wrist·, and at her ears , hate hPr, to make her feel he hated her, and with you'" help bmld up their adopted countq rather ermg these chrect1ons <'.arefully now, you the 1ema111s of oleve hnm,an bodies of large tall e1 ect, lithesome, with her queen hke lo, she smiled at h m with a suotle contempt "Well,' he said, laughmg, "part ot my th 111 fight out the battle of Iroland on will be le8s apt to lose your presence of size, several ammals, and a large number of vahead thrown back, and wild excitement that co" ed lum, that stung him as though he busmess is to sell a tract of mmmg land m Ameucan soil ib would be a blessmg all mmd should occas10n arise fov act1n!! on rious ob3ects, with some pr~c10us ·tones The wallslof the chamber exh1b1ted draw111,;srepre lowmg m her eyes and on her cheeks- had been an evil doer' Nevada, but :i;ou could not come, Phrnbe ' round The Fema.n and Dynamite organiz~ them sentmg men fightmg with g1gantw ammals. e>un Manuel Carrasco started at sight of Oh, would the horrible mght never end; "\Vhy uot? I should hke to see the t10ns m the Umted States, ostensibly to Owrng to the presence of carbomc anhydride, her, then kissed her proudly nmrmurmgthat he m1~ht get al\ ay-might get back to home where you ;i ere horn, and your fathers avenge "the wrongs of Ireland,' have be The eldest son of Beresford Hope, M P , a third and b1ger chamber, wJ11ch appeared "You shall be queen to mght ' his ship and hang about her loved old tim and mother's graves, and the scenes of your come such an unbear,1ble evil that the wrong and grandson of the last celebrated Marshal to be empty, was not searched It the dis. "lam glatl ot that, for do you kno\\ bersasshelaymdock 9 Musthestarfdthere boyhood. ' domgsoftheinshmAmerica will soon be "\i rnconnt Beresford, is about to marry an covery be genume, it is of the gri:r.l.teaL value "II horn I am to meet?' for hours and hear that hideous music and He pnt his arm rnund her, drawmg her to a canoe of nat10nal d1sc:ontent Most untor American, the daughter of Brig Gen Frost, as e,,.idence of the existence of jl'\:ehistorw ' A prmce of the blood perhaps i ' hateful laughter, and see that beautiful wo him with that gentle strength she knew so tunately these turbulent and troublesome laee of the army and now of St Louis The 1 ma.a, and it will also go far to support t~ ' "Oh, no Justa sailor, Gerald Seymom man that had betrayed him so vilely, yet we!J characters are domg great harm to the re Enghsh JOUtnals say the American belles are ancient tradition of the colossal stature of by name whom h:e loved at this moment with a mad "I should not wish you to see the scenes putat10n of many of their fellow countrymen, runnmg the English very close m the1rown our remote progemtors He drew himself up, bracmg himself as pa.ss10n for which he hated himself-loved of my boyhood," he said, gravely-' my who are peaceably ,;ihsposed and who are though to meet a foe, but he wa~ no coward her, though she was thsre, happy, rich, tr1 boyhood was not what you fancy 1t, Phrebe ' makmg excellent citizens Is there no way matrimomal market. Carrie Swain will have a new play next If the danger was there he would face it umphant, sm1lmg over his wrecked hopes ··Well, even were it not- even were it of stoppmg these offensive and daiigerous "I declare' exclaimed a slovenly writer, She will star "I wish I cou1d find a pen that would 3ust "And you do not mmd meetmg him ' and broken heart' But he would hurt her hard and rough-do you thmk me such a demonstrations of Ireland s battles bemg season by Fred Maeder. under the management of Mr. Chas. Palmer smt me " Y cu are not afraid?" yet. Through her pride he would make her poor thmg that I couId not honor you more fought on American soil? And mstantly came a ohorue. of Hartford, Con. " Try a pig·pen." 'l'HE DUDE. I OUR YOUNG FOLKS. ~ ,.... 0 AN UTTER DESPAIR. c 1 ......... ··Ill!: . . I I H; h j£ ....--- ___.. ..---........ --~ ........................ _ _ _ ·

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