J ,1.n EvenlDK with the canacllan Babt· IN TBE EA.STERN COUNTIES. to color them; let them stand. in this for tants. two weeks to drain out tlrn water and Sketches by the St. Lawrence. The supper table was soon spread with an Pies Pnddtngs, ·Plcklea, sauces, Cakes plump them; then pour pff this vipegar and.Jellies. Among the . towns and villages on the ulled cloth, a pewter spoon for ea.ch person, and add that made by the following reCAROLINA PAT1'ER PuD1>rnG.- ceipt. In three months they will be Jit. for banks of the St. ·Lawrence, there are not and a soup plii.te for me. We sat down, ten many which, for quiet beauty, surpass the of us, about the little ·table, large enough Bea.t"up four eggs thoroughly ; add tq them use. village of Morrisburgh, pleasantly situated f(Jr only four. They sat almost spoon fash-· 'Begs to that he has again secured a Licinse and is now pre. a pint of milk and a reasonable pinch of VINEGAR POR VIRGINIA PICKLE. -One on U.e river and the Cornwall canal 25 miles ion, getting only one shoulder and arm salt. Sift a teacupful of flour and add it pound each of ginger, celery seed, horse· to the _table, A milk-can filled with pea west of the. town of Cornwall. It is a pretty pa.red to · furmsh the public with strictly first class Unadulterated .gradually to the milk and eggs, heating radish and mustard seed ; one ounce each of lightly the white. Then pour the , whole inace, nutmeg and of the long red pepper8 old town, and its growth has not been pne- soup with .bread brokeµ into it stood in the middle of the table; and after helping nominal (the present population being Liq~ors, ~nd respectfully invites the inhabitants of Town and Oou~try mixture through a fine wire strainer into the used in pickling. Put these spices into a tin in which it is to be boiled. This strain- stone jar, or jug free from grease or·a.ny- about 900), but it has some very tasteful me to a plateful they a.II beg;\n to eat from ing is imperative. The tin must be perfect- thing that will impart an unpleasant odor residences aud is surrounded by thriving the pan; each one filled his spoon, drew it to give him a call when they require any of the following goods, eithe"'r ly clean and must have a tight-fitting cover; to the vinegar; pour over them two gallons and fertile farms. The trade of Morrisburgh acros~ the edge of the pan, and then carried Medicinally or as a Beverage, yiz. :.,-, the lea~t bit of steam getting at the pudding of strong vinegar ; stir frequently, and al- twenty years ago rivalled that of Cornwall, it to his mauth. It was. a.n odd sight to see would spoil it. 'rha potful of boiling water low to stand a year before using. After but the latter town has ma.de some "booms" thooe ni!le arms so actively and irregularly Prue Jamaica R11m. John Btill Bitters in quarts and pints. in which the pudding pan is placed must pouring off the vinegar for pickles add more in the manufacturing line till its population convergmg at the pan, and then withdrawnot be tou,ched or moved until the pudding spices, and fill again for fature use, Keep is now about i, 000, and its trade even greater ing from the skirmish to re-appear at once. De Kuypers Holland Gin on draught and Raspberry, Strawb9rry and Lemo.uSyraps in bottles. · is done. It takes ju~t exactly an hour to well covered. A superior picide that repays in proportion. But the Morrisburghers seem It wa.s rather a shadowy supper, with the Scotch and Irieh Whiskies in bottles. cook. If moved or j arred, so that the pud- time and expense . of preparation, and will "onteilt with their prebent position, and light of only one small lamp. But the eat· Bernard's Ginger Wine on draught ~nd in Bass & Co's. Al<:i in quart and pint bottles. hink that when · ing was not ill~m,mnered or untidy. When r . ding can oscillii.te against the eide of the pot, keep any length of time. bottles. the soup was finished, one of the girls wiped 'fHE NEXT PERIOD OF DE1'RESSION . Guinness Porter " " " the pudding inevitably foils and comes out PICKLED LEMONS.-Cut the lemons in F. Lewis & Co's Year Old Rye, very heavy. Slip it out of the can on a hot dish quarters, not entirely apart, and put a tea· "1tnes they will fa.rn better than their·neigh· all our spoons on a towel she had across W. Labatt;s Ale " " " fine. her knees, and a pan of bread and milk was Ai.JrS, and serve ·with rich sauce. spoonful of salt in ea.ch one; put them where Morrisburgh, however, if!DOtentirelywith· soon dispatched as t!ie soup had been. Af· O'Keefe & Co's.Ale on draught in 10 ralT&IFJ,E,-Peel, core and stew till quite they will dry, either in the hot sun or by out manufactures. It can at least boast of ter sapper the men withdrew to chairs along Gonderham ~Wort's Old Bourbon Old 1011 kegs, 30 ~a.Hon barrels and in ho1sRye and Old Malt Whisk<lys. tender half a dozen or more apples ; sweet- the stove ; when they are so dried that they one of the best equipped flour mills in Can· thG wall, while the women resumed their heads. · en, a.nd J1avor with a little chopped lemon are black, and look good for nothing, prepare ada. As the flour is here ground under work about the little lamp on the table. Cockburn's Old Port Wine, very firie. O'Keefe & Co's. Porter in 10 gallon kegs. peel. When cooked, let them cool a little, the vinegar with clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, the new "roller process," and a.a the process Some of them sewed and knitted, one peel· Sandeman's Pale Sherry do do then pour up into a glass dish; it should he ginger-root, onion, and a little mustard itself is not as well known to the public as ed potatoes for breakfast, and the young Hennessy Brandy on draught and in barely balf filled. Now m:ake a boiled seed, and pour it boiling hot over the it should be, a brief notice of it may prove wife stropped a raz'lr with some persistence; Aloiante Wine. bottles. custard in the ordinary way, but without lemons. Keep a yea.r beiore using, when instructive. l<,ew mills have adopted the and much awkwardness. Sa.cramental Wine. When it was Martell's Brandy in bottles. flavoring; let this, also cool ; then pour on they will be found equal to the West India. new process in Canada yet, first because of ·sharp she brought forth other implements, S. Joy .& Co's Native Wine. the apples when they are quite cold. Straw- lime, They reqmre more vinegar than oth- the expense involved in the change of and then beckoned to her hueband, saying, Jules Robin & Co's. Brandy in bottlea. berry or ra~pbet:ry jam m.;y be used instead er pickles, as the lemons swell to their nat· machinery, a.nd secondly beca~se of .the in rather a commanding tone, 11 Come, Canada Vine Growers Native Wine. SazeracBrandy on Draught al!ii in bottle&, of hpples. ' · ural size. prejudice which the millf'rB have in favor of now." He slouched to the table and s~t .lforgttndy Port Wine. DeMullin ~ Co's. :Brandy on draught. LEISlJRE' . HOUR PICK:LES.-Take a jar with Lu:s-CHEuN .CA1rn.-·wash a teacupful of a system by which they have always worked down in her chair. She went at him, un. Champagne in quarts and pints. rice, and "'mmer till tender in about a pint a close lid or bung, and · half fill it with the and which, so far as they know or care, an- .buttoned his shirt, gave him a moat thor· , I a.nd a hal'i of milk ; sweeten it to taste. best and ~trongest cider viuegar ; then a.s swers their purpose as well as any new ough scrubbing with a 'coarse homespun Place a thick layer of Sultana raisins in the spice vegetables of any kind come to" hanrl, "pa.tent" arrangem~nt. This mill is run by towel, and then lathered and shaved his bottom of 11 dish, pour on them the boiled such as·small beans, cauliflowers, radish pods, tho Messrs. Gibdon, two old residents, who chin. And he took it all very quietly rice; plac.. two or three tiny btts of butter young cucun: hers, onions, etc. ; throw them seem to have no small enterprise. The too. The young woman afterward retired Groce~y, on top to prevent burning, and bake for in, taking care always thatthere is sufficient building which is three or four stories, cost to a corner of the room and performed as three-quarters of an hour. WheH quite cold, vinegar to cover them. When nearly full $10,000, while the machinery, including nearly as possible the same kind of toilet. it should. be firm; gently disengage it with add mustard seeds, bruised gfnger, shallots, some imprevements just erected, will cost Meanwhile we chatted a.bout the United a knife from the sides of the di~h. and turn whole pepper, etc., to taste. Tie down fully $20,000. The mill will\urn out States and the revival of business there. out, when, if the rice was carefully poured tightly, and place the jar in a. vessel of wat· One of the sons had passed two years work· TWO IIUND&ED BARRELS A' DAY, in.-__ ~the Sultanas will be on the top. er over the stove until the articles are soft which is equal to the capacity of a.n old- ing in a brick-yard at Haverstraw, a.ad, enough. The disn shouid be buttered before using. style mill of ten run of stones. The mill like many of his countrymen, he had returnhas been running just a year, and, to judge ed with some heretical admiratinn. of our ........ ~~ ........ BAXED 'l'OMATOEs.-Take a deep pudding The Waif ot the Ba.ttlefl.eld. by the bread made in the village, turns out more progressive civiliza.tion. Emigration dish, and butter the inside of it well; first To-day I met a lady whose talents as a fl.our of an admirable quality. The improve· to the U mted States is energetic llly opposed put a layer of bread cruml1e, then a layer of peeled sliced tomatoes, then a small onion musician and whose remarkable beauty had ment of gdnding by the patent'prooess- by church and state, S'l in praisinu · the cut very thin ; dredl-(e on a little flour, pep· attracted my attention. She possessed that which seems to have been filched from the wonders of New York I became au emissary per and salt; now begin with bread crnmhs i:a.re type oi prettiness that is wholly South- Hun,l[arians - consists in this : that by of the devil, which increased the interest of again, tomatoes, ornons antJ. seasoning, till ern-grea..t daep blue eyes, the face perfect means of nicely adjusted steel rollers the my position, The young man kindled at the dish is full ; the top layer must be bread in every feature, hair rich in its abundance grains of wheat are reduced to flour so once, and felt impatieut at the skepticism of crumbs, with salt and pepper and a few and wonderful in its tint. This is her story: gra!lually that the cells which compose the his parents, but he showed this only by a small bits of butter over it ; put this in the Twenty yearij ago, when the tide of battle grain a1·e not broken in their separation, but faint expression of hopelessness; and the op· oven; keep it covered with a tic plate for swept over the terrible Jield of Manassas, a remain perfect with few exceptions. The position of the old people, though quite posic an hour, then remove the plate and let it baby girl was left an orphan on the battle existence of these minute cells was a revela- tive, was equally silent and considerate. I - - -· (o)--brown. It does not require too hot an ground. . During the changes of the fateful tion of the microscope ; but the essential soon relieved them by drawing their .a ttenQven. It will take at least two hours to day the home of the bJue-ey«ld girl was at nature of the wheat eell as a life-giving tion to my fly-rod, gun, and other accoutreone time directly between the fire of both atom was a demonstration of slow and long ments; and it relieved my own conscience to bake. armies. As .the first shots wbistle.d above experience. It wa· not till the rickets and abandon thus the character of an unwelcome MUTTON CU'l'LETS ANIJ TOMATOES.-'l'rim the house the pareuts started to flee for a similar diseases began to prevail so wi.d ely emissary. At an early hour in the evening from the cutlets all superfluous fat, '.l.nd dip place of refuge. A dozen yards fyom the in Europe, that the doctors began to con- the old gentlemen turned to me and said, them in an egg beaten up, and some pepper door both were shot down, and the. baby an nect such complaints with the fact that by "Well, now, we're go to 'pray tc God. In the County for PUREJ)RUGS, DRUGGISTS' t:3UNDRIES, DYE and salt; then roll them'in bread crumbs, orphan, without sister or brother, was alor:e the destruction of the wheat cells and the What'll you do ?" and let them rest for a couple of hours. lt'ry in the world. The battle raged on, dead waste of certain parts bf the grain under· the STUFFS, TRUSSES, PERFUMERY, &c. "All right, sir, IO(O ahead, and I'll listen the cutlets a nice color in plenty of butter ; and dying wel"e everywhere, but the baby popular process of grinding it, the bread to you." · ' arranl"e them in a circle on a dish, and put was unharmed. The clay wore away, and was Proprietors of BINGE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF HOREHOUNDThey all knelt here and there about the baked whole tomatoes in the centre, with just as the sun's la.st rays, half hidden in the DEPRIYED 011 ITS NITROGENOUS ELE)![ENTS room, ei.ch erect on his knees, facing the the Standard Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c. their gravy. · curling smoke, kissed the eartb good night, and incapable of sustaining healthy life. black cross on the wall;. the mother said the SHIBLEY SAUCE.-Twenty good·sized ripe Gen. Jubal Early, riding by, heard the Every cell of wheat, though visible as only pr·yers in a rapid, monotonous voice, and ROSE GLYCEROLE for any roughness of the skin. tomatoes; two bell peppers (large one~); baby's cries. He dismounted, and taking an atom under a powerful microscope, is the others replied with equal rapidity. Af. CORN EXTRACTOR-the · best remedy for removjng any kind. of two onions (many omit these and like the the little waif up, cu.red for it until he could capable qf eJi:erting a s3are in the ·power of ter this audible service th.,y still remained sauce better); scald and skin th~ tomatoes; place it under the care of his sisters. They our arm or even in casting the thoughts of kneeling for a long time while each one fin· corns WITHOUT PAIN. chop the peppers and onions (if used) very watched it through its infantile years, giv· our mind, and were these cells all destroyed ished his chaplet independently; then each fine. Then add one cup of vinegar and one· ing it an education and a world of love, and in our flour we could not live and thrive o».' oue arose and went off to bed. There were CONDITION POWDERS-our own make. DICK°'S BLOOD PURIhalf cup cif sugar, and boil two hours; then now that baby, grown to womanhood, lovely b.read-no matter how fine and white to the fourteen in the family; about half of them HAGYARD'S CATTLE SPICE. THORLEY'S FOOD for put another cup of vinegar a.nd boil one and accomplished, the pet of the wide circle eye-any more than a babe could live alone went into the next room, where there were FIER. hour-or until the mixture does not separ- of friends, who call her "Waif," is the sole on watered milk. How important, then, but twp --bedsteads. But they drew out Cattle. OIL CAKE in any quantity. ate. Then 11tir in one teaspoonful of cloves, support of theae two wom1;n, sisters of the that this matter should be thoroughly trundle-beci.s from under these, raised the one dessert 'spoonful of cinnamon and a tea- rebel General.- Wheeling Intelligencer. understood, and that people who now lid of a large chest, opened the hollow seat 11poonful of pimento. · .... - ........ - - - buy their flour from a dealer without of a bench, an.d then packed themselves PEACJ:i FRITTERS, se~ved with cream sugar, · lUohes and Bapplness. question, should learn to depreciate the old away in these receptacles. They spread a __.__._ · Pharmaceutical Chemists. are, excellent, and, may be made of canned The catalogue of wealthy men-miilion· process and demand that only which.gives buffalo robe and-some blankets on ·the floor .._ . '1fruit as well as fresh. · Ma.ke a batter. as aires·even-who have committed suicide is them value for tneir. money. That stone for me thist first night. "I ask your pardon, sir," said M. Tremfor ord.iti:i.ry fritters-of sweet milk, fl.our, a long and a melancholy one. If money grinding will pass away in time is certain, ai;id , ;~g powder-add one egg to eac~ j could have brought happiness-and _long-life, but that is no reason why our chilaren bby, "for puttiuu ;you to .sleep nere alone; and if you are afraid, we'll spread your bed J?lllt o Ilk. Peel and halve the peaches if these men might have had both rn a most should even now in the next room with the rest of the family. llE REARED IN WEAKNESS OR DISEASE. tresh, and put ~wo ~alves t? each fritter, I satisfactory manner. But it could not. as peaches shrmk m cookmg. Drop by Some of them were haunted with the fear The reason why the effects of the old system To·morrow the creatures [women] will put spoonsful in hot lard, fry - till brown, of coming starvation and prtferred death to are not more severely felt is that other up a bedstead for you in ihere; it won't be --MANUFACTURER O F - . and ser'Ve warm sprinkled with powdered what they suffered from the foundationless fooos than wheat enter largely in our diet so lonesome."-C. H. FARNHAM in Haiper's Jlfagazine for .August. sugar. dread of poverty. Some wrecked their and helps to make up the deficiency. It is .,. . FINK JE_LLEY.-'.fa~e two ounces of gela-1 nervous system '!Vith vicious i!1dulgence. the duty of our medical men to help to edu· Roma.nee of tile Wires. tllle and dissolve it m a quart of water ; Some got so ·oppressed with eunu1 that they cate mothers on t his important subject of KING S'l'REE'l', BOWM.A.NVILLE, put.this in a saucepan with the jui?e of two were glad of any change, though that in.· the bread of pliysical life. "Adelbert !" It would serve no purpose to describe the ~ei:;iions, a glass of pure curr~nt Jell~, the volved the cutting of. ~heir · own throats. 'Ihe moon came softly through tho trees, Has now on hand a number of vet;iicle3 (and is i;nanufacturing a great many more) of the newest. pattern!" aud best fimsh, whteh I am _offering for.sale 9.t the lowest. prices consistent JUiee of three and grated nuds ol two There is no cause for reJOicing over such oc- various machinery of the mill, but the poiJ1t and the gentle breeze that touched her fair with due regard to workmanship and qnahty. The following is a list of oranges, two whole egg~, whites of two curences, but there is this to be said at any of the process will be understood by the young face wafted thither thtl sweet odor of the principal vehicles manufactured by me: above explanation, and by saying that the eggs, a few egg shell~, and three quarters 0f rate, that happiness i8 far more equally disthe fragrant clover, and of the still more a pou,n d of sugar:. mix well and add another tributed than most of people believe, and reduction is accompHshed by putting the fragrant sty. Af3 she put her arms around Double Covered Carriages................................ . ................... $200 Upwaras. quart o~ "'.ater. Pi;it the 11aucepan on the that perhaps the imaginary sorrows of the wheat through twelve sets of rollers, the hia neck-those arms that had never known tire. st1rrmg occasionally to .nake clear ; rich are far more formidable than what first merely breakin~ the grain in two or what work was, except on that eventfol Single Phretons .................. ... .................. ; ....... . ................. 100 " when it boils, ~mt the _pan ,on the sid.e_of the might appear to be the genu_ine t~oubles . of three pieces and loosening the .outer husk, day when the cook eloped with the hired Open Buggy............... .......... ................................. .. . ..... .. . 70 " stove and let it i·emam without bo1lmg for the poor. In fact after a. cert:im pomt riches and afterwards the germs separated from the man-there came into her eves a tender, Top Buggy ........................................................................ 90 11 fifteen minutes; then remove it.and run the ·have to be looked upon as a large burden, flour portion." As the wheat passes by means loving look that told ·all too plainly ho IV Democrat Wagon ....... ,........... ...... ....................................... 65 11 jelley twice through a flannel strainer. and though most of people am always anx- of litr.le carriers from one roller b:ix to an- dearly Cleopatra Wo'.ld loved him. As she Lumber Wagons ..·. ~·············~··· · ························· · · · ·· ····· ·· · ···· 55 11 Pour into moulds and set on the ice to hard- ion's to shoulder such a load, that does not other it is reduced a degree finer, till at last spoke the name with which this paragraph Light Wago11 ......·.......................·... .···~ .................... . .......... 40.. 11 en. make the fact ditferent or the troubles aris- when it is p11<ssed through the centrifugal be~ns and gazed into his eyes with a tender Express Wago11.................................................................. 75 u bolting reels-which are a new and ingeni- yearning, lend-me-a-41.uarter-till-next-week CREAM.-For the crust, take thzee eggs, ing therefrom less genuine, Skeleton........................................................................... 50 11 ous invflntion-the flour can be brought out look, there was something that old of an one cupful of sugar, one cupful of Hour, one· Sulky........................... ... . ................................................. 40 II third of a/ teaspoonful of soda, and one teaan almost inpalpable white dust, each par· empty somewhat somewhere. The name she A Bashf11l Bridegroom. spoonful of cream of tartar. Beat the white ticle of which is had spoken was more to her than the last Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell ver7 cheap for cash or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to greatly increase m:y number o sales. Would AN UN:SROKEN CELL and yolks well separately; stir all together There is a young man near Sumter who cigar to an old smoker, and when she uttersell the wood parts only, or the gearings of bugg\ee ironed, quickly as possible, and bake in two pans (if was to be married on a certain night. He having life sustaining properties in itself. ed it and received no response her heart was rather small-if large use only one), the had seen and loved the girl, but was too The owner of this mill has found consid· wrenched with its fearful agony. batter three-quarters of an inch thick. For bashful to do his courting, so it had to be erable appreciation in his enterprise, and " Will you not?" · s he cries, in low, agonthe eream, take two and a half cupsful done by proxy. The day had arrived, the exports the products of his mill as far away izing tones. At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. of sweet milk, four even tablespoonstul of guests assembled, the license procured, the as Ottawa. It is to be hoped that other "Alas," said Adelbert Jones, trying to Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Seroll sugar, two tablespoonsful of flour and one parson on hand, and the bride ready, but public spirited mill owners, who are not tear himself away from so terrible a scene. At the Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber for cat'penters and others for building purposes. until it has the youthful groom did not turn up. The afraid of innovation, will follow his example " 1 can not ;" and releasing her tender hold egg. Boil this a few moments Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences in every style required, ma.de to order. 248 thickened, and flavor with vanilla or lemon. friend who had done the courting went out, soon, as they must do in the end. upon him he sank upon the ground with a When the crusj; is cold, split it i.nd put the and, after looking round, found him sitting There are three or four islands opposite dull thud. cuatanl between. This cake is much im- or lying in a horse trough. On asking him Mornsburgh which are popular a.s picnic re· " Can you not send me one short mes· provf:cl with a boil~d icinll;. 'l!hy he did not go into the house to be mar- sorts. In fact between Cornwall and Pres- aaue," she cries. . ... GMat heavens, do not drive me to suiLE)![<1N D\JMPLINGs.-Take half pound of ried, he said: "Oh, I can't go thar and cott there are fifteen or twenty romantic bread ·~ru 1·s, the juice and grnted rind of stand before them folks." " Oh, yes you looking isles whose pleasant shores and cide," he answers. "Must I tell you, the two lemon quarter of a pouud of suet, can; everybody in there is married but, our brigQ.t verdure invite the tourU.t and holiday telegraphers are all on a strike, and I can freed J1·01L.--l an4 finely chopped, a small girl. Come on." "Get her to come out; sesker. They are mucli to be preferred to not do it." 1 · An" cup of sugar, two eggij, half a pint of milk doors, and we'll marry under the shed, but the Thousand Islands from the fact that up will the strike never end?" she and a J.ttle salt. Mix anQ. beat all well to. let the old folks stay in the house." The to the. present tbey have been less overrun pleads. "Not till Jay Gould joins the Salvation 11;ether and divide into six parts. 'Boil in friend went back, got the girl and parson by travel\ers.--Ooi'. 'l'oi·onto Truth. army," he mutters between his clenched squµ,r~H of cloth or sm11ll moulds, without out without exciting suspicion, and they It Pays to Keep tJae Sabbath. teeth, and with a groan he leaps into the stoppi1111;, for one hour and a quarter, and were married. The company waited two or serve with hot liquid sauce flavored with the three hours, and on being invited to supper, . The two months which have passed since darkness ~nd disappears.-.Atlanta Constituwere introduced to the bride and groom. Presi'.lent Young issued an order forbiddmg tion. juice and grated rind of a lemon. begs to inform the public that he has leased a store in the Obsen1w, They became so indignant that all left the running of Sunday trains except those JELLIED CrrrcKEN,-Soak an ounce of carrying mail, on the Lousville, New Albany, Block, where he has opened out with a splendid assortment of without partakmg of the supper.-Savannah A Mane Trick. gelatine in a teacuptul of cold water for 1 and Chicago Railroad, · have been the most ' Shure that was a mane trick Billy O'Nale twenty minutes, squeeze it quite chy, and News. .prosperous of any in the history of the road. played on Moike O'Reilly." ~~............ melt it in a pint of clear stock, in VI hich a President Young recently telegraphed: Rum and Tobacco. l'Phat was it?" large tablespoonful of marjoram and half the which.he offers for sale at low prices for Cash. 11 Well, says Moike to Billy, yisterday, These terrible enemies often find us de· " Our June business has be.en larger than rind of a lemon have been simmered for ten ever before, and the aggreg;ate earnings the whin they was atin' their dinner comfort· ~Farm Produce taken in exchange, for, which the. highest market fenseless. Our cravir.g stomachs call for miqutes. Season to taste with salt and pep· 1 hrgest on record." While the experience der a1.<l strain the liquor; cover the bottom stimulus. Ba.d food, . badly cooked, is the of one railroad for two months is by no ably at the fut of the ladder, says he, Faith price will be paid. WA special line of TEAS of ·e.xcellent :fl.avo:r. of a rnould half an inch thick with the cause of much of this uneasiness ;i.nd longing means conclusive of the question at issue, Billy, there's a gurril passin' wid eyes as ~Also a choice lot of SUGARS. ~COFFEE in Cans. O-Canned gravy, and, when nicely set in a jelly, of the stomach. A wife who smells her .hull· yet it certainly tends to refute the position blue as your Nifo's (Moike bein' Billy's wife's Goods in great variety. WA Call is respectfully solicited. plact' upon it slices of hard boiled egg, pret; band's breath will help him much more by taken by so many ma.nai;iers tha~ a single first cousin, · nnd brought up wid her in the tily cut beetroot, and green gherkins, in or- good food than by bitter words. Pies, cakes, railroad or a portion of the railroads of the ould counthry). An' wid that says Billy, is black.' 'Black, namental shapes. Mince together a 2-lb. puddings, fries, heavy bread, strong coffee country cannot afford to cease Sunday work, says he, 'Me wife's eyes llydrophobla combated by a MadStone. Torture and Murder 01 Jews· w Russia. 1 tin df chicken, l lb. of cooked ham, atld 1;- lb. and tea, play the mischief withthestomachi and that Sunday observance is not practic- is it!' says Moike; it's ta.kin' .Jave of your \ViJliam Pyleof Delawai·e, was bitten by A painful sensation has been created by tongue ; season and press this into· a com- then it calls for some stimulus. Good beet able unlesa all railroads unite in it. '.!.'he sinses ye are. Tney're as blue as the sky a maddog on Saturday, a.nd on Sunday ".'as news which has just reaeherl St. Petersburg: I'll bet ye a dollar they're black, pact lump, and put it into the mould in such and mutton, light;, sweet bread and good Louisville, New Albany and Chicago Road above.' 1 Done !" says l\foike; 'an' wid stricken with hydrophobia. Be grew rapid-. from Ostrog. While the Jewish cemetery a.t. a manner that it leaves an inch of space vegetables, taken in moderate q.uantities, has discontinued Sunday traffic, and has says Billy. ly worse, and it was. t hou,.;ht he could not that place was beine; violated and the rnonuround every side, this space being filled with a discreet use of iemon juice, will pre- mcreased its busineso, and there is no indi- your lave I'll call round this avenin', ail live. A man named Depp possessed what 18 ments being broken, the malefactors were· with the gravy, which should not be poured vent much of t he craving for drink and to- ca· ion that its earnings for .May and June we'll sE>ttle it.' 'To·morrer aveein' 'ill suit known as a maJstone that his father brought surprised by the custodians of the place, me better,' says Billy. An pnat does the in until quite codl, so that it may jelly baoco.-Dio Lewis. ..,..................... ...... 1 are.$1 less than they would have been if its sly divil do but go home an black both his from Virginia in 1820. 'fhe old gentleman whom they threatened with death if they quickly, an<l preserve the shape oE the ' employees had been worked seven da.ys in wife's eyes, j-ust to win the dollar I An' that's got it from an Indian. The stone ~as ap- gave. information. Probably fearing that Power of Fictlon. meat. The dish can be made to look very each week. plied to the lacerated flesh. It remamed on they would be arrested and punished for the what I c!l.1.1 a mane trick." pretty, and, in cold weather; will keep for a Not half the persons who enjoy fiction the wound about three-quarters of an hour, outrage, they a night "r two afterward went week. · ever realize how much it has· to do with '!'he years write their record on human and extracted something like three ounces of to the houses of the caretakers, entered them Qecer Clocks, OLD VIRGINIA PICKLE.-Put all the ar· shaping public ser1timent. Not a change hearts as they do on trees, in hidden inner blood. It then dropped off suddenly like a by force, and after barbarously torturing Advertising clocks are being hung in most leech. The patient was , very much easier the inmates murdered them with blows of ticles desired for the pickle in a jar-tiny has ever tak"n place m spcial sciei;ice that circles of growth which no eye can see. of the waiting rooms of the ferry houses and afterward and there bas been no return of hammers. To some of thflir victims they cucumbers, onions, cauliflowers cut m pieces, has not been popularized beforehand in the When T. C. Hunter, of Huntingdom, Pa.. , railreadstatiousinJersey City, Brooklyn, and those violent convulsions that characteri:;ied administered narcotics before despatching. ears of youn(L corn, about an inch or two fiction of the period. It would be a nice long, etc. ~ over with ·boiling salt and question, for example, to settle whether the saw a stone too large for him to move on the New York. The clocks are ordinary ones, the older stagea of the disease. them. water, allclwmg them to remain in it for influence o± John 8tuart Mill's economics in railroad track near his home, and heard the except that at intervals of a half a minute a ----~ ----··~...~~~-----forty-eight hours. Then take out of the showing the futility of selfish legislation, or roa1· of an approaching passen~er train, he bell rings, and a piece of wire cloth about a 11 If you are naturally a veally young man, Tel-el-Kebir" is a new cloth for cossq ual'e, witli an advertisement printed foot the fiction of Dickens in awakening ' the went crazy with excitement. He succeeded water, place in a thick cloth, and expose to all the coilee,:es in the world can't make more tumes, . much resembline- albatross cloth, the sun to dry, tumiug them o"ver occasion- public sensibilities to the misery abom; however, in stopping the ·train, but with on it, drops from the upper part of the clock, only very much thicker. It comes in monoally. When thoroughly dry, place them in them, had most to do in helping on the dem· not a toot to spare. · This was three months and hangs suspended for half a miuute in than calf a man of yo11. The bootblack shines while he works, but chrome patters, and also in brocades, some a jar, covered with cold vinee;ar, to which ocratic wave now threatening New Englaud ago, He lost his mind through the act, and plain view. The clock exhibits 120 differ· of which are very gorgeous. the la2y man whines W -" e he shirks. ent adv·ertisements in an hour, has just died a raving maniac. has been added a small quantity of tumeric, herself,-Boston Transcript. HOUSEHOLD RECIPES. <:s.owa J.B. MARTYN anno_u~ce And Everything rusually kept in a First Class Crockery and Liquor Store. ---- ·----- Drugs & Medicines! CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS. J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON LEADING DRUG HOUSE I J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, GEO-RGE fi." HAINES, ___ .................. ~-- CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, ·&O., I I All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I . ,~ waw~sroaa. waw coons. J AS_ ELLIOTT:1 GROCERIES. ----.. ---- Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Feed, &o. ~ _____